/* goodG2B() uses the GoodSource with the BadSink */
static void goodG2B()
    wchar_t * data;
    wchar_t * &dataRef = data;
    wchar_t * dataBuffer = (wchar_t *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(wchar_t));
    wmemset(dataBuffer, L'A', 100-1);
    dataBuffer[100-1] = L'\0';
    /* FIX: Set data pointer to the allocated memory buffer */
    data = dataBuffer;
        wchar_t * data = dataRef;
            wchar_t dest[100];
            wmemset(dest, L'C', 100-1); /* fill with 'C's */
            dest[100-1] = L'\0'; /* null terminate */
            /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possibly copy from a memory location located before the source buffer */
            memmove(dest, data, 100*sizeof(wchar_t));
            /* Ensure null termination */
            dest[100-1] = L'\0';
void bad()
    long * data;
    data = NULL; /* Initialize data */
            /* FLAW: data is allocated on the stack and deallocated in the BadSink */
            long * dataBuffer = (long *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(long));
                size_t i;
                for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    dataBuffer[i] = 5L;
            data = dataBuffer;
    /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possibly deallocating memory allocated on the stack */
    delete [] data;
/* goodG2B1() - use goodsource and badsink by changing the first STATIC_CONST_FIVE==5 to STATIC_CONST_FIVE!=5 */
static void goodG2B1()
    wchar_t * data;
    data = NULL;
        /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */
        printLine("Benign, fixed string");
        /* FIX: Use memory allocated on the stack with ALLOCA */
        data = (wchar_t *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(wchar_t));
        /* Initialize and make use of data */
        wcscpy(data, L"A String");
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: No deallocation */
        ; /* empty statement needed for some flow variants */
/* goodG2B1() - use goodsource and badsink by changing the first STATIC_CONST_TRUE to STATIC_CONST_FALSE */
static void goodG2B1()
    int64_t * data;
    data = NULL;
        /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */
        printLine("Benign, fixed string");
        /* FIX: Use memory allocated on the stack with ALLOCA */
        data = (int64_t *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(int64_t));
        /* Initialize and make use of data */
        data[0] = 5LL;
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: No deallocation */
        ; /* empty statement needed for some flow variants */
/* goodG2B() - use goodsource and badsink by changing the conditions on the while statements */
static void goodG2B()
    char * data;
    char * dataBuffer = (char *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(char));
    memset(dataBuffer, 'A', 100-1);
    dataBuffer[100-1] = '\0';
        /* FIX: Set data pointer to the allocated memory buffer */
        data = dataBuffer;
        char dest[100];
        memset(dest, 'C', 100-1); /* fill with 'C's */
        dest[100-1] = '\0'; /* null terminate */
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possibly copy from a memory location located before the source buffer */
        memmove(dest, data, 100*sizeof(char));
        /* Ensure null termination */
        dest[100-1] = '\0';
void CWE590_Free_Memory_Not_on_Heap__free_long_alloca_11_bad()
    long * data;
    data = NULL; /* Initialize data */
            /* FLAW: data is allocated on the stack and deallocated in the BadSink */
            long * dataBuffer = (long *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(long));
                size_t i;
                for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    dataBuffer[i] = 5L;
            data = dataBuffer;
    /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possibly deallocating memory allocated on the stack */
void bad()
    int * data;
    data = NULL; /* Initialize data */
            /* FLAW: data is allocated on the stack and deallocated in the BadSink */
            int * dataBuffer = (int *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(int));
                size_t i;
                for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    dataBuffer[i] = 5;
            data = dataBuffer;
    /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possibly deallocating memory allocated on the stack */
    delete [] data;
/* good1() uses if(globalReturnsFalse()) instead of if(globalReturnsTrue()) */
static void good1()
        /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */
        printLine("Benign, fixed string");
            twoIntsStruct data;
            twoIntsStruct * pointer = (twoIntsStruct *)ALLOCA(sizeof(twoIntsStruct));
            data.intOne = 1;
            data.intTwo = 2;
            *pointer = data; /* FIX: Assign a value to the thing pointed to by pointer */
                twoIntsStruct data = *pointer;
/* goodG2B() uses the GoodSource with the BadSink */
static void goodG2B()
    wchar_t * data;
    wchar_t * dataBuffer = (wchar_t *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(wchar_t));
    wmemset(dataBuffer, L'A', 100-1);
    dataBuffer[100-1] = L'\0';
    /* FIX: Set data pointer to the allocated memory buffer */
    data = dataBuffer;
        wchar_t * dataCopy = data;
        wchar_t * data = dataCopy;
            wchar_t source[100];
            wmemset(source, L'C', 100-1); /* fill with 'C's */
            source[100-1] = L'\0'; /* null terminate */
            /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possibly copying data to memory before the destination buffer */
            wcsncpy(data, source, 100-1);
            /* Ensure the destination buffer is null terminated */
            data[100-1] = L'\0';
/* goodG2B1() - use goodsource and badsink by changing the staticReturnsTrue() to staticReturnsFalse() */
static void goodG2B1()
    char * data;
    char * dataBuffer = (char *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(char));
    data = dataBuffer;
        /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */
        printLine("Benign, fixed string");
        /* FIX: Initialize data as a small buffer that as small or smaller than the small buffer used in the sink */
        memset(data, 'A', 50-1); /* fill with 'A's */
        data[50-1] = '\0'; /* null terminate */
        char dest[50] = "";
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possible buffer overflow if data is larger than sizeof(dest)-strlen(dest)*/
        strcat(dest, data);
/* goodG2B2() - use goodsource and badsink by reversing the blocks in the first if */
static void goodG2B2()
    TwoIntsClass * data;
    data = reinterpret_cast<TwoIntsClass *>(ALLOCA(10*sizeof(TwoIntsClass)));
        /* FIX: Completely initialize data */
        for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
            data[i].intOne = i;
            data[i].intTwo = i;
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Use data without initializing it */
        for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
/* goodG2B() - use goodsource and badsink by reversing the blocks on the goto statement */
static void goodG2B()
    wchar_t * data;
    wchar_t * dataBuffer = (wchar_t *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(wchar_t));
    data = dataBuffer;
    goto source;
    /* FIX: Initialize data as a small buffer that as small or smaller than the small buffer used in the sink */
    wmemset(data, L'A', 50-1); /* fill with L'A's */
    data[50-1] = L'\0'; /* null terminate */
        wchar_t dest[50] = L"";
        size_t i, dataLen;
        dataLen = wcslen(data);
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possible buffer overflow if data is larger than dest */
        for (i = 0; i < dataLen; i++)
            dest[i] = data[i];
        dest[50-1] = L'\0'; /* Ensure the destination buffer is null terminated */
void CWE121_Stack_Based_Buffer_Overflow__CWE806_wchar_t_alloca_loop_18_bad()
    wchar_t * data;
    wchar_t * dataBuffer = (wchar_t *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(wchar_t));
    data = dataBuffer;
    goto source;
    /* FLAW: Initialize data as a large buffer that is larger than the small buffer used in the sink */
    wmemset(data, L'A', 100-1); /* fill with L'A's */
    data[100-1] = L'\0'; /* null terminate */
        wchar_t dest[50] = L"";
        size_t i, dataLen;
        dataLen = wcslen(data);
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possible buffer overflow if data is larger than dest */
        for (i = 0; i < dataLen; i++)
            dest[i] = data[i];
        dest[50-1] = L'\0'; /* Ensure the destination buffer is null terminated */
void CWE127_Buffer_Underread__char_alloca_ncpy_17_bad()
    int i;
    char * data;
    char * dataBuffer = (char *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(char));
    memset(dataBuffer, 'A', 100-1);
    dataBuffer[100-1] = '\0';
    for(i = 0; i < 1; i++)
        /* FLAW: Set data pointer to before the allocated memory buffer */
        data = dataBuffer - 8;
        char dest[100];
        memset(dest, 'C', 100-1); /* fill with 'C's */
        dest[100-1] = '\0'; /* null terminate */
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possibly copy from a memory location located before the source buffer */
        strncpy(dest, data, strlen(dest));
        /* Ensure null termination */
        dest[100-1] = '\0';
void bad()
    int64_t * data;
    list<int64_t *> dataList;
    data = NULL; /* Initialize data */
        /* FLAW: data is allocated on the stack and deallocated in the BadSink */
        int64_t * dataBuffer = (int64_t *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(int64_t));
            size_t i;
            for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                dataBuffer[i] = 5LL;
        data = dataBuffer;
    /* Put data in a list */
void bad()
    TwoIntsClass * data;
    data = reinterpret_cast<TwoIntsClass *>(ALLOCA(10*sizeof(TwoIntsClass)));
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Partially initialize data */
        for(int i=0; i<(10/2); i++)
            data[i].intOne = i;
            data[i].intTwo = i;
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Use data without initializing it */
        for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
void bad()
    int64_t * data;
    vector<int64_t *> dataVector;
    data = NULL; /* Initialize data */
        /* FLAW: data is allocated on the stack and deallocated in the BadSink */
        int64_t * dataBuffer = (int64_t *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(int64_t));
            size_t i;
            for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                dataBuffer[i] = 5LL;
        data = dataBuffer;
    /* Put data in a vector */
    dataVector.insert(dataVector.end(), 1, data);
    dataVector.insert(dataVector.end(), 1, data);
    dataVector.insert(dataVector.end(), 1, data);
void CWE124_Buffer_Underwrite__char_alloca_memmove_31_bad()
    char * data;
    char * dataBuffer = (char *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(char));
    memset(dataBuffer, 'A', 100-1);
    dataBuffer[100-1] = '\0';
    /* FLAW: Set data pointer to before the allocated memory buffer */
    data = dataBuffer - 8;
        char * dataCopy = data;
        char * data = dataCopy;
            char source[100];
            memset(source, 'C', 100-1); /* fill with 'C's */
            source[100-1] = '\0'; /* null terminate */
            /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possibly copying data to memory before the destination buffer */
            memmove(data, source, 100*sizeof(char));
            /* Ensure the destination buffer is null terminated */
            data[100-1] = '\0';
/* goodG2B1() - use goodsource and badsink by changing the first GLOBAL_CONST_TRUE to GLOBAL_CONST_FALSE */
static void goodG2B1()
    char * data;
    data = NULL;
        /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */
        printLine("Benign, fixed string");
        /* FIX: Use memory allocated on the stack with ALLOCA */
        data = (char *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(char));
        /* Initialize and make use of data */
        strcpy(data, "A String");
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: No deallocation */
        ; /* empty statement needed for some flow variants */
/* goodG2B() uses the GoodSource with the BadSink */
static void goodG2B()
    char * data;
    char * dataBuffer = (char *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(char));
    memset(dataBuffer, 'A', 100-1);
    dataBuffer[100-1] = '\0';
    /* FIX: Set data pointer to the allocated memory buffer */
    data = dataBuffer;
        char * dataCopy = data;
        char * data = dataCopy;
            char source[100];
            memset(source, 'C', 100-1); /* fill with 'C's */
            source[100-1] = '\0'; /* null terminate */
            /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possibly copying data to memory before the destination buffer */
            memmove(data, source, 100*sizeof(char));
            /* Ensure the destination buffer is null terminated */
            data[100-1] = '\0';
/* good1() uses if(staticFalse) instead of if(staticTrue) */
static void good1()
        /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */
        printLine("Benign, fixed string");
            int * data;
            int * * pointer = (int * *)ALLOCA(sizeof(int *));
            /* initialize both the pointer and the data pointed to */
            data = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
            *data = 5;
            *pointer = data; /* FIX: Assign a value to the thing pointed to by pointer */
                int * data = *pointer;
/* goodG2B1() - use goodsource and badsink by changing the globalReturnsTrue() to globalReturnsFalse() */
static void goodG2B1()
    wchar_t * data;
    wchar_t * dataBuffer = (wchar_t *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(wchar_t));
    data = dataBuffer;
        /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */
        printLine("Benign, fixed string");
        /* FIX: Initialize data as a small buffer that as small or smaller than the small buffer used in the sink */
        wmemset(data, L'A', 50-1); /* fill with L'A's */
        data[50-1] = L'\0'; /* null terminate */
        wchar_t dest[50] = L"";
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possible buffer overflow if data is larger than dest */
        wcscpy(dest, data);
void bad()
    char * data;
    data = NULL; /* Initialize data */
    case 6:
        /* FLAW: data is allocated on the stack and deallocated in the BadSink */
        char * dataBuffer = (char *)ALLOCA(sizeof(char));
        *dataBuffer = 'A';
        data = dataBuffer;
        /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */
        printLine("Benign, fixed string");
    /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possibly deallocating memory allocated on the stack */
    delete data;
Example #24
int _dFactorCholesky (dReal *A, int n, void *tmpbuf/*[n]*/)
  dAASSERT (n > 0 && A);
  bool failure = false;
  const int nskip = dPAD (n);
  dReal *recip = tmpbuf ? (dReal *)tmpbuf : (dReal*) ALLOCA (n * sizeof(dReal));
  dReal *aa = A;
  for (int i=0; i<n; aa+=nskip, ++i) {
    dReal *cc = aa;
      const dReal *bb = A;
      for (int j=0; j<i; bb+=nskip, ++cc, ++j) {
        dReal sum = *cc;
        const dReal *a = aa, *b = bb, *bend = bb + j;
        for (; b != bend; ++a, ++b) {
          sum -= (*a)*(*b);
        *cc = sum * recip[j];
      dReal sum = *cc;
      dReal *a = aa, *aend = aa + i;
      for (; a != aend; ++a) {
        sum -= (*a)*(*a);
      if (sum <= REAL(0.0)) {
        failure = true;
      dReal sumsqrt = dSqrt(sum);
      *cc = sumsqrt;
      recip[i] = dRecip (sumsqrt);
  return failure ? 0 : 1;
/* goodG2B1() - use goodsource and badsink by changing the GLOBAL_CONST_TRUE to GLOBAL_CONST_FALSE */
static void goodG2B1()
    char * data;
    char * dataBuffer = (char *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(char));
    data = dataBuffer;
        /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */
        printLine("Benign, fixed string");
        /* FIX: Initialize data as a small buffer that as small or smaller than the small buffer used in the sink */
        memset(data, 'A', 50-1); /* fill with 'A's */
        data[50-1] = '\0'; /* null terminate */
        char dest[50] = "";
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possible buffer overflow if data is larger than dest */
        strncpy(dest, data, strlen(data));
        dest[50-1] = '\0'; /* Ensure the destination buffer is null terminated */
void bad()
    twoIntsStruct * data;
    data = NULL; /* Initialize data */
            /* FLAW: data is allocated on the stack and deallocated in the BadSink */
            twoIntsStruct * dataBuffer = (twoIntsStruct *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(twoIntsStruct));
                size_t i;
                for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    dataBuffer[i].intOne = 1;
                    dataBuffer[i].intTwo = 1;
            data = dataBuffer;
    /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possibly deallocating memory allocated on the stack */
    delete [] data;
Example #27
int altlog_write_w3c_header(void)
    time_t now;
    struct tm *tm;
    struct tm gmt;
    char *alloca_line;
    size_t line_size;

    if ((now = time(NULL)) == (time_t) -1 ||
        (tm = localtime(&now)) == NULL ||
        tm->tm_mon > 11 || tm->tm_mon < 0) {
        return -1;
    gmt = *gmtime(&now);
    line_size = sizeof "#Date: 001975-04-13 12:34:56\n";   /* be year-999999 compliant :) */
    if ((alloca_line = ALLOCA(line_size)) == NULL) {
        return -1;

    altlog_write("#Software: Pure-FTPd " VERSION "\n");
    altlog_write("#Version: 1.0\n");

    if (!SNCHECK(snprintf(alloca_line, line_size,
                          "#Date: %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",
                          gmt.tm_year + 1900, gmt.tm_mon + 1, gmt.tm_mday,
                          gmt.tm_hour, gmt.tm_min, gmt.tm_sec),
                          line_size)) {

    altlog_write("#Fields: date time c-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem sc-status cs-username sc-bytes\n");


    return 0;
void bad()
    TwoIntsClass * data;
    data = NULL; /* Initialize data */
            /* FLAW: data is allocated on the stack and deallocated in the BadSink */
            TwoIntsClass * dataBuffer = (TwoIntsClass *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(TwoIntsClass));
                size_t i;
                for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    dataBuffer[i].intOne = 1;
                    dataBuffer[i].intTwo = 1;
            data = dataBuffer;
    /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possibly deallocating memory allocated on the stack */
    delete [] data;
/* goodG2B2() - use goodsource and badsink by reversing the blocks in the if statement */
static void goodG2B2()
    char * data;
    char * dataBuffer = (char *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(char));
    data = dataBuffer;
        /* FIX: Initialize data as a small buffer that as small or smaller than the small buffer used in the sink */
        memset(data, 'A', 50-1); /* fill with 'A's */
        data[50-1] = '\0'; /* null terminate */
        char dest[50] = "";
        size_t i, dataLen;
        dataLen = strlen(data);
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possible buffer overflow if data is larger than dest */
        for (i = 0; i < dataLen; i++)
            dest[i] = data[i];
        dest[50-1] = '\0'; /* Ensure the destination buffer is null terminated */
void CWE121_Stack_Based_Buffer_Overflow__CWE806_char_alloca_loop_02_bad()
    char * data;
    char * dataBuffer = (char *)ALLOCA(100*sizeof(char));
    data = dataBuffer;
        /* FLAW: Initialize data as a large buffer that is larger than the small buffer used in the sink */
        memset(data, 'A', 100-1); /* fill with 'A's */
        data[100-1] = '\0'; /* null terminate */
        char dest[50] = "";
        size_t i, dataLen;
        dataLen = strlen(data);
        /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Possible buffer overflow if data is larger than dest */
        for (i = 0; i < dataLen; i++)
            dest[i] = data[i];
        dest[50-1] = '\0'; /* Ensure the destination buffer is null terminated */