U8* LLVFile::readFile(LLVFS *vfs, LLPrivateMemoryPool* poolp, const LLUUID &uuid, LLAssetType::EType type, S32* bytes_read)
	U8 *data;
	LLVFile file(vfs, uuid, type, LLVFile::READ);
	S32 file_size = file.getSize();
	if (file_size == 0)
		// File is empty.
		data = NULL;
		data = (U8*)ALLOCATE_MEM(poolp, file_size);
		file.read(data, file_size);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */ 
		if (file.getLastBytesRead() != (S32)file_size)
			FREE_MEM(poolp, data);
			data = NULL;
			file_size = 0;
	if (bytes_read)
		*bytes_read = file_size;
	return data;
// virtual
U8* LLImageBase::allocateData(S32 size)
	LLMemType mt1(mMemType);
	if (size < 0)
		size = mWidth * mHeight * mComponents;
		if (size <= 0)
			llerrs << llformat("LLImageBase::allocateData called with bad dimensions: %dx%dx%d",mWidth,mHeight,(S32)mComponents) << llendl;
	else if (size <= 0 || (size > 4096*4096*16 && !mAllowOverSize))
		llerrs << "LLImageBase::allocateData: bad size: " << size << llendl;
	if (!mData || size != mDataSize)
		deleteData(); // virtual
		mBadBufferAllocation = false ;
		mData = (U8*)ALLOCATE_MEM(sPrivatePoolp, size);
		if (!mData)
			llwarns << "allocate image data: " << size << llendl;
			size = 0 ;
			mWidth = mHeight = 0 ;
			mBadBufferAllocation = true ;
		mDataSize = size;

	return mData;
Example #3
// virtual
U8* LLImageBase::allocateData(S32 size)
	if (size < 0)
		size = mWidth * mHeight * mComponents;
		if (size <= 0)
			LL_WARNS() << llformat("LLImageBase::allocateData called with bad dimensions: %dx%dx%d",mWidth,mHeight,(S32)mComponents) << LL_ENDL;
			return NULL;
	//make this function thread-safe.
	static const U32 MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 * 4096 * 16 ; //256 MB
	if (size < 1 || size > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) 
		LL_INFOS() << "width: " << mWidth << " height: " << mHeight << " components: " << mComponents << LL_ENDL ;
			LL_INFOS() << "Oversize: " << size << LL_ENDL ;
			LL_WARNS() << "LLImageBase::allocateData: bad size: " << size << LL_ENDL;
			return NULL;
	if (!mData || size != mDataSize)
		deleteData(); // virtual
		mBadBufferAllocation = false ;
		mData = (U8*)ALLOCATE_MEM(sPrivatePoolp, size);
		if (!mData)
			LL_WARNS() << "Failed to allocate image data, size: " << size <<  " width: " << mWidth << " height: " << mHeight << LL_ENDL;
			size = 0 ;
			mWidth = mHeight = 0 ;
			mBadBufferAllocation = true ;
		mDataSize = size;

	return mData;
Example #4
// virtual
U8* LLImageBase::allocateData(S32 size)
	LLMemType mt1(mMemType);
	if (size < 0)
		size = mWidth * mHeight * mComponents;
		if (size <= 0)
			llerrs << llformat("LLImageBase::allocateData called with bad dimensions: %dx%dx%d",mWidth,mHeight,(S32)mComponents) << llendl;
	//make this function thread-safe.
	static const U32 MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 * 4096 * 16 ; //256 MB
	if (size < 1 || size > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) 
		llinfos << "width: " << mWidth << " height: " << mHeight << " components: " << mComponents << llendl ;
			llinfos << "Oversize: " << size << llendl ;
			llerrs << "LLImageBase::allocateData: bad size: " << size << llendl;
	if (!mData || size != mDataSize)
		deleteData(); // virtual
		mBadBufferAllocation = false ;
		mData = (U8*)ALLOCATE_MEM(sPrivatePoolp, size);
		if (!mData)
			llwarns << "Failed to allocate image data size [" << size << "]" << llendl;
			size = 0 ;
			mWidth = mHeight = 0 ;
			mBadBufferAllocation = true ;
		mDataSize = size;

	return mData;
Example #5
// virtual
U8* LLImageBase::reallocateData(S32 size)
	LLMemType mt1(mMemType);
	U8 *new_datap = (U8*)ALLOCATE_MEM(sPrivatePoolp, size);
	if (!new_datap)
		llwarns << "Out of memory in LLImageBase::reallocateData" << llendl;
		return 0;
	if (mData)
		S32 bytes = llmin(mDataSize, size);
		memcpy(new_datap, mData, bytes);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
		FREE_MEM(sPrivatePoolp, mData) ;
	mData = new_datap;
	mDataSize = size;
	return mData;
Example #6
// virtual
U8* LLImageBase::reallocateData(S32 size)
	U8 *new_datap = (U8*)ALLOCATE_MEM(sPrivatePoolp, size);
	if (!new_datap)
		LL_WARNS() << "Out of memory in LLImageBase::reallocateData, size: " << size << LL_ENDL;
		return 0;
	if (mData)
		S32 bytes = llmin(mDataSize, size);
		memcpy(new_datap, mData, bytes);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
		FREE_MEM(sPrivatePoolp, mData) ;
	mData = new_datap;
	mDataSize = size;
	return mData;