static int cloudflare_modify_connection(request_rec *r)
    conn_rec *c = r->connection;
    cloudflare_config_t *config = (cloudflare_config_t *)
        ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config, &cloudflare_module);

    cloudflare_conn_t *conn;
    apr_sockaddr_t temp_sa_buff;
    apr_sockaddr_t *temp_sa = &temp_sa_buff;
    apr_sockaddr_t *temp_sa;
    apr_status_t rv;
    char *remote = (char *) apr_table_get(r->headers_in, config->header_name);
    char *proxy_ips = NULL;
    char *parse_remote;
    char *eos;
    unsigned char *addrbyte;
    void *internal = NULL;

    apr_pool_userdata_get((void*)&conn, "mod_cloudflare-conn", c->pool);

    if (conn) {
        if (remote && (strcmp(remote, conn->prior_remote) == 0)) {
            /* TODO: Recycle r-> overrides from previous request
            goto ditto_request_rec;
        else {
            /* TODO: Revert connection from previous request
            c->client_addr = conn->orig_addr;
            c->client_ip = (char *) conn->orig_ip;

    if (!remote) {
        if (config->deny_all) {
            return 403;
        return OK;

    remote = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, remote);

    memcpy(&temp_sa, c->client_addr, sizeof(temp_sa));
    temp_sa->pool = r->pool;
    temp_sa = c->client_addr;

    while (remote) {

        /* verify c->client_addr is trusted if there is a trusted proxy list
        if (config->proxymatch_ip) {
            int i;
            cloudflare_proxymatch_t *match;
            match = (cloudflare_proxymatch_t *)config->proxymatch_ip->elts;
            for (i = 0; i < config->proxymatch_ip->nelts; ++i) {
                if (apr_ipsubnet_test(match[i].ip, c->client_addr)) {
                    internal = match[i].internal;
            if (i && i >= config->proxymatch_ip->nelts) {
                if (config->deny_all) {
                    return 403;
                } else {

        if ((parse_remote = strrchr(remote, ',')) == NULL) {
            parse_remote = remote;
            remote = NULL;
        else {
            *(parse_remote++) = '\0';

        while (*parse_remote == ' ')

        eos = parse_remote + strlen(parse_remote) - 1;
        while (eos >= parse_remote && *eos == ' ')
            *(eos--) = '\0';

        if (eos < parse_remote) {
            if (remote)
                *(remote + strlen(remote)) = ',';
                remote = parse_remote;

        /* Decode client_addr - sucks; apr_sockaddr_vars_set isn't 'public' */
        if (inet_pton(AF_INET, parse_remote,
                      &temp_sa_buff->sa.sin.sin_addr) > 0) {
            apr_sockaddr_vars_set(temp_sa, APR_INET, temp_sa.port);
        else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, parse_remote,
                           &temp_sa->sa.sin6.sin6_addr) > 0) {
            apr_sockaddr_vars_set(temp_sa, APR_INET6, temp_sa.port);
        else {
            rv = apr_get_netos_error();
        /* We map as IPv4 rather than IPv6 for equivilant host names
         * or IPV4OVERIPV6
        rv = apr_sockaddr_info_get(&temp_sa,  parse_remote,
                                   APR_UNSPEC, temp_sa->port,
                                   APR_IPV4_ADDR_OK, r->pool);
        if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG,  rv, r,
                          "RemoteIP: Header %s value of %s cannot be parsed "
                          "as a client IP",
                          config->header_name, parse_remote);
            if (remote)
                *(remote + strlen(remote)) = ',';
                remote = parse_remote;

        addrbyte = (unsigned char *) &temp_sa->sa.sin.sin_addr;

        /* For intranet (Internal proxies) ignore all restrictions below */
        if (!internal
              && ((temp_sa->family == APR_INET
                   /* For internet (non-Internal proxies) deny all
                    * RFC3330 designated local/private subnets:
                      && (addrbyte[0] == 10
                       || addrbyte[0] == 127
                       || (addrbyte[0] == 169 && addrbyte[1] == 254)
                       || (addrbyte[0] == 172 && (addrbyte[1] & 0xf0) == 16)
                       || (addrbyte[0] == 192 && addrbyte[1] == 168)))
               || (temp_sa->family == APR_INET6
                   /* For internet (non-Internal proxies) we translated
                    * IPv4-over-IPv6-mapped addresses as IPv4, above.
                    * Accept only Global Unicast 2000::/3 defined by RFC4291
                      && ((temp_sa->sa.sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr[0] & 0xe0) != 0x20))
        )) {
            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG,  rv, r,
                          "RemoteIP: Header %s value of %s appears to be "
                          "a private IP or nonsensical.  Ignored",
                          config->header_name, parse_remote);
            if (remote)
                *(remote + strlen(remote)) = ',';
                remote = parse_remote;

        if (!conn) {
            conn = (cloudflare_conn_t *) apr_palloc(c->pool, sizeof(*conn));
            apr_pool_userdata_set(conn, "mod_cloudflare-conn", NULL, c->pool);
            conn->orig_addr = c->client_addr;
            conn->orig_ip = c->client_ip;

        /* Set client_ip string */
        if (!internal) {
            if (proxy_ips)
                proxy_ips = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, proxy_ips, ", ",
                                        c->client_ip, NULL);
                proxy_ips = c->client_ip;

        c->client_addr = temp_sa;
        apr_sockaddr_ip_get(&c->client_ip, c->client_addr);

    /* Nothing happened? */
    if (!conn || (c->client_addr == conn->orig_addr))
        return OK;

    /* Fixups here, remote becomes the new Via header value, etc
     * In the heavy operations above we used request scope, to limit
     * conn pool memory growth on keepalives, so here we must scope
     * the final results to the connection pool lifetime.
     * To limit memory growth, we keep recycling the same buffer
     * for the final apr_sockaddr_t in the remoteip conn rec.
    c->client_ip = apr_pstrdup(c->pool, c->client_ip);
    conn->proxied_ip = c->client_ip;
    r->useragent_ip = c->client_ip;
    r->useragent_addr = c->client_addr;
    memcpy(&conn->proxied_addr, &temp_sa, sizeof(temp_sa));
    conn->proxied_addr.pool = c->pool;
    // Causing an error with mod_authz_host
    // c->client_addr = &conn->proxied_addr;

    if (remote)
        remote = apr_pstrdup(c->pool, remote);
    conn->proxied_remote = remote;
    conn->prior_remote = apr_pstrdup(c->pool, apr_table_get(r->headers_in,
    if (proxy_ips)
        proxy_ips = apr_pstrdup(c->pool, proxy_ips);
    conn->proxy_ips = proxy_ips;

    /* Unset remote_host string DNS lookups */
    c->remote_host = NULL;
    c->remote_logname = NULL;


    // Why do we unset the headers here?
    //if (conn->proxied_remote) {
    //    apr_table_setn(r->headers_in, config->header_name, conn->proxied_remote);
    //} else {
    //    apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, config->header_name);
    // }

    if (conn->proxy_ips) {
        apr_table_setn(r->notes, "cloudflare-proxy-ip-list", conn->proxy_ips);
        if (config->proxies_header_name)
            apr_table_setn(r->headers_in, config->proxies_header_name,

    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO|APLOG_NOERRNO, 0, r,
                      ? "Using %s as client's IP by proxies %s"
                      : "Using %s as client's IP by internal proxies",
                  conn->proxied_ip, conn->proxy_ips);
    return OK;

static const command_rec cloudflare_cmds[] =
    AP_INIT_TAKE1("CloudFlareRemoteIPHeader", header_name_set, NULL, RSRC_CONF,
                  "Specifies a request header to trust as the client IP, "
                  "Overrides the default of CF-Connecting-IP"),
    AP_INIT_ITERATE("CloudFlareRemoteIPTrustedProxy", proxies_set, 0, RSRC_CONF,
                    "Specifies one or more proxies which are trusted "
                    "to present IP headers. Overrides the defaults."),
    AP_INIT_NO_ARGS("DenyAllButCloudFlare", deny_all_set, NULL, RSRC_CONF,
                    "Return a 403 status to all requests which do not originate from " 
                    "a CloudFlareRemoteIPTrustedProxy."),
    { NULL }

static void register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p)
    // We need to run very early so as to not trip up mod_security. 
    // Hence, this little trick, as mod_security runs at APR_HOOK_REALLY_FIRST.
    ap_hook_post_read_request(cloudflare_modify_connection, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_REALLY_FIRST - 10);
Example #2
	return (NULL);
#endif /* DEBUG */

static const command_rec ipp_cmds[] =
	AP_INIT_TAKE1("ipp-conformance", ipp_conformance, NULL, ACCESS_CONF,
		"IPP protocol conformance (loose/strict)"),
	AP_INIT_TAKE2("ipp-operation", ipp_operation, NULL, ACCESS_CONF,
		"IPP protocol operations to enable/disable)"),
	AP_INIT_TAKE1("ipp-default-user", ipp_default_user, NULL, ACCESS_CONF,
		"default user for various operations"),
	AP_INIT_TAKE1("ipp-default-service", ipp_default_svc, NULL, ACCESS_CONF,
		"default service for various operations"),
#ifdef DEBUG
	AP_INIT_NO_ARGS("ipp-module-hang", ipp_module_hang, NULL, ACCESS_CONF,
		"hang the module until we can attach a debugger (no args)"),
	{ NULL }

#ifdef APACHE2
static const char *
ipp_method(const request_rec *r)
	return ("ipp");

static unsigned short
ipp_port(const request_rec *r)
Example #3
		"DomainTreeCache", domaintree_init_cache, NULL, RSRC_CONF,
		"DomainTree server-wide host to directory cache; specify how many cache entries to allow (default: 0 = turned off)"
		"DomainTreeIgnore", domaintree_init_ignore, NULL, RSRC_CONF,
		"DomainTree ignored hosts; uses the same matching alogrithm like DomainTreeAlias"
		"DomainTreeForbid", domaintree_init_forbid, NULL, RSRC_CONF,
		"DomanTree forbidden hosts; uses the same matching algorithm like DomainTreeAlias"
		"DomainTreeSuexec", domaintree_init_suexec, NULL, ACCESS_CONF,
		"DomainTree user home directory; enable suexec hook for domain based user-dir hosting in this directory"
	{ NULL }

/* }}} */
/* {{{ Module Administrativa */

module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA domaintree_module = {
	NULL,					/* create per-dir */
	NULL,					/* merge  per-dir */
	domaintree_create_srv,	/* create per-server */
	domaintree_merge_srv,	/* merge  per-server */
	domaintree_commands,	/* config commands */