Example #1
// Go check a Flash event queue for events SDL should be aware of!
void FLASH_PumpEvents(_THIS)
	// Event Vars
	AS3_Val mouseEvent, mouseEvents, mousePosition, keyboardEvent, keyboardEvents;
	int buttonState, rawKeyboardEvent, scanCode, keyState;
	SDL_keysym keysym;
	mousePosition = AS3_CallS( "pumpMousePosition", FLASH_EVENT_MANAGER_OBJECT, FLASH_EMPTY_PARAMS );
	mouseEvents = AS3_CallS( "pumpMouseEvents", FLASH_EVENT_MANAGER_OBJECT, FLASH_EMPTY_PARAMS );
	keyboardEvents = AS3_CallS( "pumpKeyEvents", FLASH_EVENT_MANAGER_OBJECT, FLASH_EMPTY_PARAMS );
	// Mouse Position
	if (mousePosition) {
		AS3_ObjectValue( mousePosition, "x:IntType, y:IntType", &FLASH_mouseX, &FLASH_mouseY );	
		SDL_PrivateMouseMotion( 0, 0, FLASH_mouseX, FLASH_mouseY );
	// Mouse Click Events
	while( AS3_IntValue(AS3_GetS(mouseEvents, "size")) > 0 ) {
		mouseEvent = AS3_CallS( "dequeue", mouseEvents, FLASH_EMPTY_PARAMS );
		buttonState = AS3_IntValue( mouseEvent )? SDL_PRESSED: SDL_RELEASED;
		SDL_PrivateMouseButton(buttonState, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT, FLASH_mouseX, FLASH_mouseY);
	// Keyboard Events
	while( AS3_IntValue(AS3_GetS(keyboardEvents, "size")) > 0 ) {
		keyboardEvent = AS3_CallS( "dequeue", keyboardEvents, FLASH_EMPTY_PARAMS );
		rawKeyboardEvent = AS3_IntValue( keyboardEvent );
		scanCode = rawKeyboardEvent & 0xFF;		// Packed event format: 9th bit for press/release, lower 8 bits for scan code
		keyState = rawKeyboardEvent >> 8;
		SDL_PrivateKeyboard(keyState, TranslateKey(scanCode, &keysym));
Example #2
* Function used as a callback for all Lua functions passed through
* get_as3_value_from_lua_stack()
AS3_Val as3_lua_callback(void * data, AS3_Val args)
  /* WARNING: Panic alert! Use L*_FN checkers here! */

  SPAM(("as3_lua_callback(): begin"));

  AS3_Val res;
  LuaFunctionCallbackData * func_data = (LuaFunctionCallbackData *) data;
  int nargs = 0;
  int status = 0;
  int results_base = 0;
  lua_State * L = func_data->L;
  if (L == NULL)
    /* TODO: Should we crash here?
    fatal_error("state expired"); / * Does not return * /
    sztrace("as3_lua_callback: state expired");
    return AS3_Undefined();

  { /* A new scope for LCALL to work (C89 conformance) */
    LCALL(L, stack);

    /* TODO: Cache that with lua_ref, it is faster */

    /* TODO: Assert we have a table here */

    lua_rawgeti(L, -1, func_data->ref); /* push stored function */

    if (lua_istable(L, -1) == 0) /* Probably nil */
      lua_pop(L, 1); /* Pop bad callback table */
      LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 0, fatal_error);

      fatal_error("function callback not found"); /* Does not return */

    lua_rawgeti(L, -1, AS3LUA_CBFNINDEX); /* push stored callback function */

 #ifdef DO_SPAM
    SPAM(("as3_lua_callback(): AS3 arguments"));
    AS3_Val a = AS3_CallS("join", args, AS3_Undefined());
#endif /* DO_SPAM */

    /* TODO: Assert we have Lua function (or other callable object) on the top of the stack */

    LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 2 + 1, fatal_error);

    nargs = push_as3_array_to_lua_stack(L, args); /* push arguments */

#ifdef DO_SPAM
    /* TODO: Remove */
    lua_pushcfunction(L, as3_trace);
    dump_lua_stack(L, LBASE(L, stack) + 2 + 1);
    lua_pushliteral(L, "ARGUMENTS");
    lua_pushnumber(L, nargs);
    lua_call(L, 3, 0);
#endif /* DO_SPAM */

    LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 2 + 1 + nargs, fatal_error);

    results_base = LBASE(L, stack) + 2;
    status = do_pcall_with_traceback(L, nargs, LUA_MULTRET);
    if (status != 0)
      const char * msg = NULL;

      LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 2 + 1, fatal_error); /* Tables and error message */
      lua_remove(L, -2); /* Remove AS3LUA_CALLBACKS table */
      lua_remove(L, -2); /* Remove holder table */
      LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 1, fatal_error); /* Only error message */

      /* Error message is on stack */
      /* NOTE: It is not necessary string! If we want to preserve its type, see lua_DoString. */

      if (lua_tostring(L, -1) == NULL)
        lua_pop(L, 1);
        lua_pushliteral(L, "(non-string)");

      LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 1, fatal_error);

      lua_pushliteral(L, "Error in Lua callback:\n");
      lua_insert(L, -2);

      LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 2, fatal_error);

      lua_concat(L, 2);

      LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 1, fatal_error);

      sztrace((char *)lua_tostring(L, -1));

      /* TODO: ?! */
      /* lua_error(L); */

      msg = lua_tostring(L, -1);
      lua_pop(L, 1);

      fatal_error(msg); / * Does not return * /

    /* Process results */

#ifdef DO_SPAM
    /* TODO: Remove */
    lua_pushcfunction(L, as3_trace);
    lua_pushliteral(L, "STACK");
    dump_lua_stack(L, results_base);
    lua_call(L, 2, 0);
#endif /* DO_SPAM */

    res = create_as3_value_from_lua_stack(L, results_base + 1, LTOP(L, stack), TRUE);

#ifdef DO_SPAM
    SPAM(("as3_lua_callback() result type"));
    AS3_Trace(AS3_Call(getQualifiedClassName_method, NULL, AS3_Array("AS3ValType", res)));
#endif /* DO_SPAM */

    lua_settop(L, LBASE(L, stack)); /* Cleanup results and two holder tables */

    SPAM(("as3_lua_callback(): end"));

    return res;

  /* Unreachable */