Example #1
* Get an actionscript class with the given namespace and class name
* in the format: package (may be NULL), ClassName
AS3_Val get_class2(const char * as_namespace_path, const char * as_class_path)
  AS3_Val as_namespace;
  AS3_Val as_class;
  AS3_Val ret;

  /* TODO might want to store classes in a table to save loading again */

  if (as_namespace_path)
    as_namespace = AS3_String(as_namespace_path);
    as_namespace = AS3_Undefined();

  as_class = AS3_String(as_class_path);

  ret = AS3_NSGet(as_namespace, as_class);

  /* TODO check for failure getting class */


  return ret;
Example #2
* Get an actionscript class with the given namespace and class name
* in the format: package::ClassName
AS3_Val get_class(const char * as_namespaceclass_path)
  /* TODO: Merge with get_class2()? */

  AS3_Val as_namespace;
  AS3_Val as_class;
  AS3_Val ret;
  char * class_ptr = NULL;

  /* TODO might want to store classes in a table to save loading again */

  class_ptr = strstr(as_namespaceclass_path, "::");

  if (class_ptr > as_namespaceclass_path)
    as_namespace = AS3_StringN(
        as_namespaceclass_path, (class_ptr - as_namespaceclass_path) / sizeof(char)
    as_class = AS3_String(class_ptr + 2);
    as_namespace = AS3_Undefined();
    as_class = AS3_String(as_namespaceclass_path);

  ret = AS3_NSGet(as_namespace, as_class);

  /* TODO check for failure getting class */


  return ret;
Example #3
int release_callback(lua_State * L)
  SPAM(("release_callback() : begin"));

  LuaFunctionCallbackData ** pUserdata = (LuaFunctionCallbackData **)luaL_checkudata(
  if (pUserdata == NULL)
    SPAM(("release_callback() : bad userdata"));
    return 0;

  LuaFunctionCallbackData * pCallback = *pUserdata;
  if (pCallback == NULL)
    SPAM(("release_callback() : bad callback"));
    return 0;

  if (pCallback->L != NULL)
    if (pCallback->as3Function != AS3_Undefined())
      SPAM(("release_callback() : before release"));
      SPAM(("release_callback() : after release"));
      pCallback->as3Function = AS3_Undefined();

    pCallback->L = NULL;

  *pUserdata = NULL;

  SPAM(("release_callback() : end"));

  return 0;
Example #4
* Given an ActionScript object, push it onto the Lua stack as a Lua native
* type if a primitive class (String, Number, Boolean, int, null).
* If object is not convertible to native Lua value, do not push anything
* (and return 0).
* WARNING: It important that this function does not touch
*          non-primitive values (like Arrays). If this will be changed,
*          optional primitive autoconversion logic will break.
int push_as3_to_lua_stack_if_convertible(lua_State * L, AS3_Val val)
  LCALL(L, stack);

#ifdef DO_SPAM
  SPAM(("push_as3_to_lua_stack_if_convertible(): begin: value, type"));
          getQualifiedClassName_method, NULL, AS3_Array("AS3ValType", val)
#endif /* DO_SPAM */

  if (AS3_InstanceOf(val, Number_class))
    lua_pushnumber(L, AS3_NumberValue(val));
  else if (AS3_InstanceOf(val, int_class))
    lua_pushinteger(L, AS3_IntValue(val));
  else if (AS3_InstanceOf(val, String_class))
    size_t length = 0;
    AS3_Malloced_Str str = get_string_bytes(val, &length);
    lua_pushlstring(L, str, length);
  else if (AS3_InstanceOf(val, Boolean_class))
    lua_pushboolean(L, AS3_IntValue(val));
  else if (val == AS3_Undefined())
  else if (is_null(val))
    SPAM(("push_as3_to_lua_stack_if_convertible(): not convertible"));
    LRETURN(L, stack, 0);

  SPAM(("push_as3_to_lua_stack_if_convertible(): end"));

  LRETURN(L, stack, 1);
static AS3_Val initparam(void* self, AS3_Val args) {
	AS3_Val	tmp = AS3_Undefined();
    int il, len;

    for (il=0; il < sizeof(models)/sizeof(LAYER); ++il) {
        tmp = AS3_Get(args, AS3_Int(2*il));
        len = AS3_IntValue(AS3_GetS(tmp, "length"));
        models[il].w = (float*) malloc(len);
        AS3_ByteArray_readBytes(models[il].w, tmp, len);

        tmp = AS3_Get(args, AS3_Int(2*il+1));
        len = AS3_IntValue(AS3_GetS(tmp, "length"));
        models[il].b = (float*) malloc(len);
        AS3_ByteArray_readBytes(models[il].b, tmp, len);
    data = (float*) malloc(BUF_SIZE);
    o = (float*) malloc(BUF_SIZE);
	return AS3_Int(0);
Example #6
AS3_Val call(void* thiz, AS3_Val args)
	AS3_Val is;
	AS3_Val os;
	uint8_t* bufIn;
	uint8_t* bufOut;

	int i = 0;
	int j = 0;
	uint32_t color;
	uint32_t* bufDst;

	int w = 0;
	int h = 0;
	int len;
	int type;

		uint16_t w;
		uint16_t h;
	} size;

	AS3_ArrayValue(args, "AS3ValType,IntType,IntType,AS3ValType", &is, &len, &type, &os);

		bufIn = malloc(len);

		AS3_ByteArray_readBytes(bufIn, is, len);
		bufOut = WebPDecodeRGB(bufIn, len, &w, &h);

		if(!bufOut || w <= 0 || h <= 0)

		bufDst = (uint32_t*)malloc(w * h * 4);

		len = w * h * 3;
		while(i < len)
			color = *(uint32_t*)(bufOut + i);
			color = (color << 8) | 0x000000FF;

			bufDst[j++] = color;
			i += 3;


		size.w = w;
		size.h = h;

		AS3_ByteArray_writeBytes(os, &size, sizeof(size));
		AS3_ByteArray_writeBytes(os, bufDst, w * h * 4);


	return AS3_Undefined();
Example #7
File: error.c Project: Glideh/jfrec
void errorToFlash(const char* message)
	AS3_Val trace = AS3_NSGetS(NULL, "trace");
	AS3_Val params = AS3_Array("StrType", message);
	AS3_Release(AS3_Call(trace, AS3_Undefined(), params));
Example #8
* Function used as a callback for all Lua functions passed through
* get_as3_value_from_lua_stack()
AS3_Val as3_lua_callback(void * data, AS3_Val args)
  /* WARNING: Panic alert! Use L*_FN checkers here! */

  SPAM(("as3_lua_callback(): begin"));

  AS3_Val res;
  LuaFunctionCallbackData * func_data = (LuaFunctionCallbackData *) data;
  int nargs = 0;
  int status = 0;
  int results_base = 0;
  lua_State * L = func_data->L;
  if (L == NULL)
    /* TODO: Should we crash here?
    fatal_error("state expired"); / * Does not return * /
    sztrace("as3_lua_callback: state expired");
    return AS3_Undefined();

  { /* A new scope for LCALL to work (C89 conformance) */
    LCALL(L, stack);

    /* TODO: Cache that with lua_ref, it is faster */

    /* TODO: Assert we have a table here */

    lua_rawgeti(L, -1, func_data->ref); /* push stored function */

    if (lua_istable(L, -1) == 0) /* Probably nil */
      lua_pop(L, 1); /* Pop bad callback table */
      LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 0, fatal_error);

      fatal_error("function callback not found"); /* Does not return */

    lua_rawgeti(L, -1, AS3LUA_CBFNINDEX); /* push stored callback function */

 #ifdef DO_SPAM
    SPAM(("as3_lua_callback(): AS3 arguments"));
    AS3_Val a = AS3_CallS("join", args, AS3_Undefined());
#endif /* DO_SPAM */

    /* TODO: Assert we have Lua function (or other callable object) on the top of the stack */

    LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 2 + 1, fatal_error);

    nargs = push_as3_array_to_lua_stack(L, args); /* push arguments */

#ifdef DO_SPAM
    /* TODO: Remove */
    lua_pushcfunction(L, as3_trace);
    dump_lua_stack(L, LBASE(L, stack) + 2 + 1);
    lua_pushliteral(L, "ARGUMENTS");
    lua_pushnumber(L, nargs);
    lua_call(L, 3, 0);
#endif /* DO_SPAM */

    LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 2 + 1 + nargs, fatal_error);

    results_base = LBASE(L, stack) + 2;
    status = do_pcall_with_traceback(L, nargs, LUA_MULTRET);
    if (status != 0)
      const char * msg = NULL;

      LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 2 + 1, fatal_error); /* Tables and error message */
      lua_remove(L, -2); /* Remove AS3LUA_CALLBACKS table */
      lua_remove(L, -2); /* Remove holder table */
      LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 1, fatal_error); /* Only error message */

      /* Error message is on stack */
      /* NOTE: It is not necessary string! If we want to preserve its type, see lua_DoString. */

      if (lua_tostring(L, -1) == NULL)
        lua_pop(L, 1);
        lua_pushliteral(L, "(non-string)");

      LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 1, fatal_error);

      lua_pushliteral(L, "Error in Lua callback:\n");
      lua_insert(L, -2);

      LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 2, fatal_error);

      lua_concat(L, 2);

      LCHECK_FN(L, stack, 1, fatal_error);

      sztrace((char *)lua_tostring(L, -1));

      /* TODO: ?! */
      /* lua_error(L); */

      msg = lua_tostring(L, -1);
      lua_pop(L, 1);

      fatal_error(msg); / * Does not return * /

    /* Process results */

#ifdef DO_SPAM
    /* TODO: Remove */
    lua_pushcfunction(L, as3_trace);
    lua_pushliteral(L, "STACK");
    dump_lua_stack(L, results_base);
    lua_call(L, 2, 0);
#endif /* DO_SPAM */

    res = create_as3_value_from_lua_stack(L, results_base + 1, LTOP(L, stack), TRUE);

#ifdef DO_SPAM
    SPAM(("as3_lua_callback() result type"));
    AS3_Trace(AS3_Call(getQualifiedClassName_method, NULL, AS3_Array("AS3ValType", res)));
#endif /* DO_SPAM */

    lua_settop(L, LBASE(L, stack)); /* Cleanup results and two holder tables */

    SPAM(("as3_lua_callback(): end"));

    return res;

  /* Unreachable */
static AS3_Val prediction(void* self, AS3_Val args) {
	AS3_Val	in_arr = AS3_Undefined(), out_arr = AS3_Array(0);
	float *tmp, d, e;
	int i,j,k,l, n,x,y, newx,newy, il, dx,dy;

	AS3_ArrayValue( args, "AS3ValType", &in_arr );

	for(i=0; i < 1024; ++i)
    	data[i] = AS3_IntValue(AS3_Get(in_arr, AS3_Int(4*i+1))) /255.0;
    n = 1;
    x = 32;
    y = 32;
    #define DATA(l,j,i) data[((l)*y + (j))*x + (i)]
    #define O(k,dy,dx) o[((k)*newy + (dy))*newx + (dx)]
    #define W(k,l,j,i) pL->w[(((k)*n + (l))*pL->y + (j))*pL->x + (i)]
    for (il=0; il < nl; ++il) {
        pL = L+il;
        newx = x+1-pL->x;
        newy = y+1-pL->y;

        for (dx=0; dx < newx; ++dx)
        for (dy=0; dy < newy; ++dy)
        for (k=0; k < pL->n; ++k) {
            d = pL->b[k];
            for (l=0; l < n; ++l)
            for(j=0; j < pL->y; ++j)
            for(i=0; i < pL->x; ++i)
                d += DATA(l,j+dy,i+dx)*W(k,l,j,i);
            O(k,dy,dx) = d;

        if(pL->maxpool) {
            for (k=0; k < pL->n; ++k)
            for (dx=0; dx < newx; dx+=2)
            for (dy=0; dy < newy; dy+=2) {
                e=O(k,dy,dx+1); if(e>d) d=e;
                e=O(k,dy+1,dx); if(e>d) d=e;
                e=O(k,dy+1,dx+1); if(e>d) d=e;
            newx /= 2;
            newy /= 2;

        for (dx=0; dx < newx; ++dx)
        for (dy=0; dy < newy; ++dy) {
            e = 0;
            for (k=0; k < pL->n; ++k) {
                d = O(k,dy,dx);
                if(pL->nonlin==1) d=1.0/(1.0 + exp(-d));
                else if(pL->nonlin==2) d=tanh(d);
                else if(pL->nonlin==3) { d=exp(d); e += d; }
                O(k,dy,dx) = d;
            if(pL->nonlin==3 && e)
            for (k=0; k < pL->n; ++k)
                O(k,dy,dx) /= e;
        tmp = data;
        data = o;
        o = tmp;
        x = newx;
        y = newy;
        n = pL->n;

	for(i=0; i < n*x*y; ++i)
        AS3_Set(out_arr, AS3_Int(i), AS3_Number(data[i]));

	return out_arr;