Example #1
static void ASE_KeyTFACE_LIST( const char *token ) {
    aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();

    if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_TFACE" ) ) {
        int a, b, c;

        ASE_GetToken( qfalse );

        ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
        a = atoi( s_token );
        ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
        c = atoi( s_token );
        ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
        b = atoi( s_token );

        pMesh->tfaces[pMesh->currentFace][0] = a;
        pMesh->tfaces[pMesh->currentFace][1] = b;
        pMesh->tfaces[pMesh->currentFace][2] = c;

        Error( "Unknown token '%s' in MESH_TFACE", token );
Example #2
static void ASE_KeyMESH_VERTEX_LIST( const char *token ) {
    aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();

    if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_VERTEX" ) ) {
        ASE_GetToken( qfalse );     // skip number

        ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
        pMesh->vertexes[pMesh->currentVertex].y = atof( s_token );

        ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
        pMesh->vertexes[pMesh->currentVertex].x = -atof( s_token );

        ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
        pMesh->vertexes[pMesh->currentVertex].z = atof( s_token );


        if ( pMesh->currentVertex > pMesh->numVertexes ) {
            Error( "pMesh->currentVertex >= pMesh->numVertexes" );
        Error( "Unknown token '%s' while parsing MESH_VERTEX_LIST", token );
Example #3
static void ASE_KeyMESH_ANIMATION( const char *token )
	aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();

	// loads a single animation frame
	if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH" ) )
		VERBOSE( ( "...found MESH\n" ) );
		assert( pMesh->faces == 0 );
		assert( pMesh->vertexes == 0 );
		assert( pMesh->tvertexes == 0 );
		memset( pMesh, 0, sizeof( *pMesh ) );

		ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH );

		if ( ++ase.objects[ase.currentObject].anim.currentFrame == MAX_ASE_ANIMATION_FRAMES )
			Error( "Too many animation frames" );
		Error( "Unknown token '%s' while parsing MESH_ANIMATION", token );
Example #4
static void ASE_KeyMESH_TVERTLIST( const char *token )
	aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();

	if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_TVERT" ) )
		char u[80], v[80], w[80];

		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );

		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
		strcpy( u, s_token );

		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
		strcpy( v, s_token );

		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );
		strcpy( w, s_token );

		pMesh->tvertexes[pMesh->currentVertex].s = atof( u );
		pMesh->tvertexes[pMesh->currentVertex].t = 1.0f - atof( v );


		if ( pMesh->currentVertex > pMesh->numTVertexes )
			Error( "pMesh->currentVertex > pMesh->numTVertexes" );
		Error( "Unknown token '%s' while parsing MESH_TVERTLIST" );
Example #5
static void ASE_KeyMESH_FACE_LIST( const char *token )
	aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();

	if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_FACE" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( false );	// skip face number

		// we are flipping the order here to change the front/back facing
		// from 3DS to our standard (clockwise facing out)
		ASE_GetToken( false );	// skip label
		ASE_GetToken( false );	// first vertex
		pMesh->faces[ase.currentFace].vertexNum[0] = atoi( ase.token );
		ASE_GetToken( false );	// skip label
		ASE_GetToken( false );	// second vertex
		pMesh->faces[ase.currentFace].vertexNum[2] = atoi( ase.token );

		ASE_GetToken( false );	// skip label
		ASE_GetToken( false );	// third vertex
		pMesh->faces[ase.currentFace].vertexNum[1] = atoi( ase.token );

		ASE_GetToken( true );

		// we could parse material id and smoothing groups here
		if ( ( p = strstr( ase.token, "*MESH_MTLID" ) ) != 0 )
			p += strlen( "*MESH_MTLID" ) + 1;
			mtlID = atoi( p );
			common->Error( "No *MESH_MTLID found for face!" );

		common->Error( "Unknown token '%s' while parsing MESH_FACE_LIST", token );
Example #6
static void ASE_KeyMESH_FACE_LIST( const char *token )
	aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();

	if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_FACE" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );	// skip face number

		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );	// skip label
		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );	// first vertex
		pMesh->faces[pMesh->currentFace][0] = atoi( s_token );

		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );	// skip label
		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );	// second vertex
		pMesh->faces[pMesh->currentFace][2] = atoi( s_token );

		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );	// skip label
		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );	// third vertex
		pMesh->faces[pMesh->currentFace][1] = atoi( s_token );

		ASE_GetToken( qtrue );

		if ( ( p = strstr( s_token, "*MESH_MTLID" ) ) != 0 )
			p += strlen( "*MESH_MTLID" ) + 1;
			mtlID = atoi( p );
			Error( "No *MESH_MTLID found for face!" );

		Error( "Unknown token '%s' while parsing MESH_FACE_LIST", token );
Example #7
static void ASE_KeyMESH( const char *token )
	aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();
	if( !strcmp( token, "*TIMEVALUE" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		pMesh->timeValue = atoi( ase.token );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....timevalue: %d\n", pMesh->timeValue ) );
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMVERTEX" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		pMesh->numVertexes = atoi( ase.token );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....num vertexes: %d\n", pMesh->numVertexes ) );
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMTVERTEX" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		pMesh->numTVertexes = atoi( ase.token );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....num tvertexes: %d\n", pMesh->numTVertexes ) );
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMCVERTEX" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		pMesh->numCVertexes = atoi( ase.token );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....num cvertexes: %d\n", pMesh->numCVertexes ) );
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMFACES" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		pMesh->numFaces = atoi( ase.token );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....num faces: %d\n", pMesh->numFaces ) );
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMTVFACES" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		pMesh->numTVFaces = atoi( ase.token );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....num tvfaces: %d\n", pMesh->numTVFaces ) );
		if( pMesh->numTVFaces != pMesh->numFaces )
			common->Error( "MESH_NUMTVFACES != MESH_NUMFACES" );
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMCVFACES" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		pMesh->numCVFaces = atoi( ase.token );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....num cvfaces: %d\n", pMesh->numCVFaces ) );
		if( pMesh->numTVFaces != pMesh->numFaces )
			common->Error( "MESH_NUMCVFACES != MESH_NUMFACES" );
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_VERTEX_LIST" ) )
		pMesh->vertexes = ( idVec3 * ) Mem_Alloc( sizeof( idVec3 ) * pMesh->numVertexes );
		ase.currentVertex = 0;
		VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_VERTEX_LIST\n" ) );
		ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH_VERTEX_LIST );
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_TVERTLIST" ) )
		ase.currentVertex = 0;
		pMesh->tvertexes = ( idVec2 * ) Mem_Alloc( sizeof( idVec2 ) * pMesh->numTVertexes );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_TVERTLIST\n" ) );
		ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH_TVERTLIST );
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_CVERTLIST" ) )
		ase.currentVertex = 0;
		pMesh->cvertexes = ( idVec3 * ) Mem_Alloc( sizeof( idVec3 ) * pMesh->numCVertexes );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_CVERTLIST\n" ) );
		ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH_CVERTLIST );
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_FACE_LIST" ) )
		pMesh->faces = ( aseFace_t * ) Mem_Alloc( sizeof( aseFace_t ) * pMesh->numFaces );
		ase.currentFace = 0;
		VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_FACE_LIST\n" ) );
		ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH_FACE_LIST );
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_TFACELIST" ) )
		if( !pMesh->faces )
			common->Error( "*MESH_TFACELIST before *MESH_FACE_LIST" );
		ase.currentFace = 0;
		VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_TFACE_LIST\n" ) );
		ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyTFACE_LIST );
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_CFACELIST" ) )
		if( !pMesh->faces )
			common->Error( "*MESH_CFACELIST before *MESH_FACE_LIST" );
		ase.currentFace = 0;
		VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_CFACE_LIST\n" ) );
		ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyCFACE_LIST );
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NORMALS" ) )
		if( !pMesh->faces )
			common->DWarning( "*MESH_NORMALS before *MESH_FACE_LIST" );
		ase.currentFace = 0;
		VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_NORMALS\n" ) );
		ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH_NORMALS );
Example #8
static void ASE_KeyMESH_NORMALS( const char *token )
	aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();
	aseFace_t	*f;
	idVec3		n;
	pMesh->normalsParsed = true;
	f = &pMesh->faces[ase.currentFace];
	if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_FACENORMAL" ) )
		int	num;
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		num = atoi( ase.token );
		if( num >= pMesh->numFaces || num < 0 )
			common->Error( "MESH_NORMALS face index out of range: %i", num );
		if( num != ase.currentFace )
			common->Error( "MESH_NORMALS face index != currentFace" );
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		n[0] = atof( ase.token );
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		n[1] = atof( ase.token );
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		n[2] = atof( ase.token );
		f->faceNormal[0] = n[0] * pMesh->transform[0][0] + n[1] * pMesh->transform[1][0] + n[2] * pMesh->transform[2][0];
		f->faceNormal[1] = n[0] * pMesh->transform[0][1] + n[1] * pMesh->transform[1][1] + n[2] * pMesh->transform[2][1];
		f->faceNormal[2] = n[0] * pMesh->transform[0][2] + n[1] * pMesh->transform[1][2] + n[2] * pMesh->transform[2][2];
	else if( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL" ) )
		int	num;
		int	v;
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		num = atoi( ase.token );
		if( num >= pMesh->numVertexes || num < 0 )
			common->Error( "MESH_NORMALS vertex index out of range: %i", num );
		f = &pMesh->faces[ase.currentFace - 1];
		for( v = 0; v < 3; v++ )
			if( num == f->vertexNum[v] )
		if( v == 3 )
			common->Error( "MESH_NORMALS vertex index doesn't match face" );
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		n[0] = atof( ase.token );
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		n[1] = atof( ase.token );
		ASE_GetToken( false );
		n[2] = atof( ase.token );
		f->vertexNormals[v][0] = n[0] * pMesh->transform[0][0] + n[1] * pMesh->transform[1][0] + n[2] * pMesh->transform[2][0];
		f->vertexNormals[v][1] = n[0] * pMesh->transform[0][1] + n[1] * pMesh->transform[1][1] + n[2] * pMesh->transform[2][1];
		f->vertexNormals[v][2] = n[0] * pMesh->transform[0][2] + n[1] * pMesh->transform[1][2] + n[2] * pMesh->transform[2][2];
Example #9
static void ASE_KeyMESH( const char *token )
	aseMesh_t *pMesh = ASE_GetCurrentMesh();

	if ( !strcmp( token, "*TIMEVALUE" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );

		pMesh->timeValue = atoi( s_token );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....timevalue: %d\n", pMesh->timeValue ) );
	else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMVERTEX" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );

		pMesh->numVertexes = atoi( s_token );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....TIMEVALUE: %d\n", pMesh->timeValue ) );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....num vertexes: %d\n", pMesh->numVertexes ) );
	else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMFACES" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );

		pMesh->numFaces = atoi( s_token );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....num faces: %d\n", pMesh->numFaces ) );
	else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMTVFACES" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );

		if ( atoi( s_token ) != pMesh->numFaces )
	else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NUMTVERTEX" ) )
		ASE_GetToken( qfalse );

		pMesh->numTVertexes = atoi( s_token );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....num tvertexes: %d\n", pMesh->numTVertexes ) );
	else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_VERTEX_LIST" ) )
		pMesh->vertexes = calloc( sizeof( aseVertex_t ) * pMesh->numVertexes, 1 );
		pMesh->currentVertex = 0;
		VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_VERTEX_LIST\n" ) );
		ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH_VERTEX_LIST );
	else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_TVERTLIST" ) )
		pMesh->currentVertex = 0;
		pMesh->tvertexes = calloc( sizeof( aseTVertex_t ) * pMesh->numTVertexes, 1 );
		VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_TVERTLIST\n" ) );
		ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH_TVERTLIST );
	else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_FACE_LIST" ) )
		pMesh->faces = calloc( sizeof( aseFace_t ) * pMesh->numFaces, 1 );
		pMesh->currentFace = 0;
		VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_FACE_LIST\n" ) );
		ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyMESH_FACE_LIST );
	else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_TFACELIST" ) )
		pMesh->tfaces = calloc( sizeof( aseFace_t ) * pMesh->numFaces, 1 );
		pMesh->currentFace = 0;
		VERBOSE( ( ".....parsing MESH_TFACE_LIST\n" ) );
		ASE_ParseBracedBlock( ASE_KeyTFACE_LIST );
	else if ( !strcmp( token, "*MESH_NORMALS" ) )
		ASE_ParseBracedBlock( 0 );