  // Entity@load(String name) ThisClass_
  static void mthdc_load(SkInvokedMethod * scope_p, SkInstance ** result_pp)
    if (result_pp) // Do nothing if result not desired
      // Determine class of object to load
      SkClass * class_p = &((SkMetaClass *)scope_p->get_topmost_scope())->get_class_info();
      UClass * uclass_p = SkUEClassBindingHelper::get_ue_class_from_sk_class(class_p);
      SK_ASSERTX(uclass_p, a_cstr_format("Cannot load entity '%s' as the UE4 equivalent of class type '%s' is not known to SkookumScript.", scope_p->get_arg<SkString>(SkArg_1).as_cstr(), class_p->get_name_cstr_dbg()));

      // Load object
      UObject * obj_p = nullptr;
      if (uclass_p)
        obj_p = StaticLoadObject(uclass_p, SkUEClassBindingHelper::get_world(), *AStringToFString(scope_p->get_arg<SkString>(SkArg_1)));

      *result_pp = obj_p ? SkUEEntity::new_instance(obj_p, uclass_p, class_p) : SkBrain::ms_nil_p;
  // Entity@load(String name) ThisClass_
  static void mthdc_load(SkInvokedMethod * scope_p, SkInstance ** result_pp)
    // Load it regardless if a result is desired

    // Determine class of object to load
    SkClass * sk_class_p = ((SkMetaClass *)scope_p->get_topmost_scope())->get_class_info();
    UClass * ue_class_p = SkUEClassBindingHelper::get_ue_class_from_sk_class(sk_class_p);
    SK_ASSERTX(ue_class_p, a_cstr_format("Cannot load entity '%s' as the UE4 equivalent of class type '%s' is not known to SkookumScript. Maybe it is the class of a Blueprint that is not loaded yet?", scope_p->get_arg<SkString>(SkArg_1).as_cstr(), sk_class_p->get_name_cstr_dbg()));

    // Load object
    UObject * obj_p = nullptr;
    if (ue_class_p)
      obj_p = StaticLoadObject(ue_class_p, SkUEClassBindingHelper::get_world(), *AStringToFString(scope_p->get_arg<SkString>(SkArg_1)));

    // Set result if desired
    if (result_pp)
      *result_pp = obj_p ? SkUEEntity::new_instance(obj_p, ue_class_p, sk_class_p) : SkBrain::ms_nil_p;
uint32_t SkUEBlueprintInterface::get_sk_value_string(void * const result_p, SkInstance * value_p)
  *((UStrProperty::TCppType *)result_p) = AStringToFString(value_p->as<SkString>());
  return sizeof(UStrProperty::TCppType);