Example #1
bool Context::RequireSDL(unsigned int sdlFlags)
    // Always increment, the caller must match with ReleaseSDL(), regardless of
    // what happens.

    // Need to call SDL_Init() at least once before SDL_InitSubsystem()
    if (sdlInitCounter == 1)
        ATOMIC_LOGDEBUG("Initialising SDL");
        if (SDL_Init(0) != 0)
            ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("Failed to initialise SDL: %s", SDL_GetError());
            return false;

    Uint32 remainingFlags = sdlFlags & ~SDL_WasInit(0);
    if (remainingFlags != 0)
        if (SDL_InitSubSystem(remainingFlags) != 0)
            ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("Failed to initialise SDL subsystem: %s", SDL_GetError());
            return false;

    return true;
int LicenseSystem::ParseResponse(const String& response, LicenseParse& parse)

    ATOMIC_LOGINFOF("%s", response.CString());

    if (response.StartsWith("AC_ACTIVATIONSEXCEEDED"))
        return 1;

    if (response.StartsWith("AC_IDNOTACTIVATED"))
        return 4;

    if (response.StartsWith("AC_FAILED"))
        return 2;

    if (!response.StartsWith("WINDOWS"))
        ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("Error Parsing Server Response %s", response.CString());
        return 3;

    String codes = response;
    codes.Replace("\n", "");
    codes.Replace("\r", "");

    Vector<String> cvector = codes.Split(' ');

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < cvector.Size(); i++)
        Vector<String> feature = cvector[i].Split('=');
        if (feature.Size() != 2)

        if (feature[0] == "WINDOWS")
            parse.licenseWindows_ = !feature[1].StartsWith("0");
        else if (feature[0] == "MAC")
            parse.licenseMac_ = !feature[1].StartsWith("0");
        else if (feature[0] == "ANDROID")
            parse.licenseAndroid_ = !feature[1].StartsWith("0");
        else if (feature[0] == "IOS")
            parse.licenseIOS_ = !feature[1].StartsWith("0");
        else if (feature[0] == "HTML5")
            parse.licenseHTML5_ = !feature[1].StartsWith("0");
        else if (feature[0] == "THREED")
            parse.licenseModule3D_ = !feature[1].StartsWith("0");


    return 0;

    bool AEEditorPrefs::SavePreferences(JSONValue& prefs)
        FileSystem* fileSystem = GetSubsystem<FileSystem>();
        String path = GetPreferencesPath();

        SharedPtr<File> file(new File(context_, path, FILE_WRITE));
        SharedPtr<JSONFile> jsonFile(new JSONFile(context_));

        jsonFile->GetRoot() = prefs;

        if (!file->IsOpen())
            ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("Unable to open Atomic Editor preferences for writing: %s", path.CString());
            return false;

        jsonFile->Save(*file, "   ");

        return true;
void PlatformAndroid::RefreshAndroidTargets()
    if (refreshAndroidTargetsProcess_.NotNull())

    ToolPrefs* prefs = GetSubsystem<ToolEnvironment>()->GetToolPrefs();
    FileSystem* fileSystem = GetSubsystem<FileSystem>();

    String androidSDKPath = prefs->GetAndroidSDKPath();

    if (!fileSystem->DirExists(androidSDKPath))
        ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("The Android SDK path %s does not exist", androidSDKPath.CString());

    SubprocessSystem* subs = GetSubsystem<SubprocessSystem>();

    String androidCommand = GetAndroidCommand();

    Vector<String> args;

    refreshAndroidTargetsProcess_ = subs->Launch(androidCommand, args);

    if (refreshAndroidTargetsProcess_.NotNull())

        SubscribeToEvent(refreshAndroidTargetsProcess_, E_SUBPROCESSCOMPLETE, ATOMIC_HANDLER(PlatformAndroid, HandleRefreshAndroidTargetsEvent));
        SubscribeToEvent(refreshAndroidTargetsProcess_, E_SUBPROCESSOUTPUT, ATOMIC_HANDLER(PlatformAndroid, HandleRefreshAndroidTargetsEvent));


VertexDeclaration::VertexDeclaration(Graphics* graphics, ShaderVariation* vertexShader, VertexBuffer** vertexBuffers) :
    PODVector<D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC> elementDescs;
    unsigned prevBufferDescs = 0;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS; ++i)
        if (!vertexBuffers[i])

        const PODVector<VertexElement>& srcElements = vertexBuffers[i]->GetElements();
        bool isExisting = false;

        for (unsigned j = 0; j < srcElements.Size(); ++j)
            const VertexElement& srcElement = srcElements[j];
            const char* semanticName = ShaderVariation::elementSemanticNames[srcElement.semantic_];

            // Override existing element if necessary
            for (unsigned k = 0; k < prevBufferDescs; ++k)
                if (elementDescs[k].SemanticName == semanticName && elementDescs[k].SemanticIndex == srcElement.index_)
                    isExisting = true;
                    elementDescs[k].InputSlot = i;
                    elementDescs[k].AlignedByteOffset = srcElement.offset_;
                    elementDescs[k].InputSlotClass = srcElement.perInstance_ ? D3D11_INPUT_PER_INSTANCE_DATA : D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA;
                    elementDescs[k].InstanceDataStepRate = srcElement.perInstance_ ? 1 : 0;

            if (isExisting)

            D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC newDesc;
            newDesc.SemanticName = semanticName;
            newDesc.SemanticIndex = srcElement.index_;
            newDesc.Format = d3dElementFormats[srcElement.type_];
            newDesc.InputSlot = (UINT)i;
            newDesc.AlignedByteOffset = srcElement.offset_;
            newDesc.InputSlotClass = srcElement.perInstance_ ? D3D11_INPUT_PER_INSTANCE_DATA : D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA;
            newDesc.InstanceDataStepRate = srcElement.perInstance_ ? 1 : 0;

        prevBufferDescs = elementDescs.Size();

    if (elementDescs.Empty())

    const PODVector<unsigned char>& byteCode = vertexShader->GetByteCode();

    HRESULT hr = graphics->GetImpl()->GetDevice()->CreateInputLayout(&elementDescs[0], (UINT)elementDescs.Size(), &byteCode[0],
        byteCode.Size(), (ID3D11InputLayout**)&inputLayout_);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("Failed to create input layout for shader %s due to missing vertex element(s) (HRESULT %x)",
            vertexShader->GetFullName().CString(), (unsigned)hr);
void LicenseSystem::HandleVerification(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)

    CurlRequest* request = (CurlRequest*) (eventData[CurlComplete::P_CURLREQUEST].GetPtr());

    bool licenseError = false;
    bool resetLicense = false;

    if (serverVerification_.NotNull())
        assert(request == serverVerification_);

        if (serverVerification_->GetError().Length())
            ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("Unable to verify with server: %s", serverVerification_->GetError().CString());
            LicenseParse parse;
            int code = ParseResponse(serverVerification_->GetResponse(), parse);

            if (code == 4)
                // not activated
                resetLicense = true;
                licenseError = true;
            else if (code == 2)
                // something is wrong with the key
                resetLicense = true;
                licenseError = true;

            else if (code == 3)
                // something is wrong on the activation server
                licenseError = true;
            else if (code == 1)
                // exceeded code, should not happen here as we aren't activating
                resetLicense = true;
                licenseError = true;
            else if (code == 0)
                // we should raise an error if there is a mismatch between local and server keys
                // when the local says there are more enabled than server?
                // otherwise, they could be being added

                bool mismatch = false;

                if (parse.licenseWindows_ != licenseWindows_)
                    mismatch = true;

                if (parse.licenseMac_ != licenseMac_)
                    mismatch = true;

                if (parse.licenseWindows_ != licenseWindows_)
                    mismatch = true;

                if (parse.licenseAndroid_ != licenseAndroid_)
                    mismatch = true;

                if (parse.licenseIOS_ != licenseIOS_)
                    mismatch = true;

                if (parse.licenseHTML5_ != licenseHTML5_)
                    mismatch = true;

                if (parse.licenseModule3D_ != licenseModule3D_)
                    mismatch = true;

                if (mismatch)
                    ATOMIC_LOGERROR("License Mismatch, reseting");
                    licenseWindows_ = parse.licenseWindows_;
                    licenseMac_ = parse.licenseMac_;
                    licenseAndroid_ = parse.licenseAndroid_;
                    licenseIOS_= parse.licenseIOS_;
                    licenseHTML5_= parse.licenseHTML5_;
                    licenseModule3D_= parse.licenseModule3D_;





        serverVerification_ = 0;

    if (resetLicense)

    if (licenseError)
        ATOMIC_LOGINFO("There was an issue with the atomic-cli activation.  Please reactivate or contact [email protected] if this problem persists");

Example #7
bool File::OpenInternal(const String& fileName, FileMode mode, bool fromPackage)

    compressed_ = false;
    readSyncNeeded_ = false;
    writeSyncNeeded_ = false;

    FileSystem* fileSystem = GetSubsystem<FileSystem>();
    if (fileSystem && !fileSystem->CheckAccess(GetPath(fileName)))
        ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("Access denied to %s", fileName.CString());
        return false;

    if (fileName.Empty())
        ATOMIC_LOGERROR("Could not open file with empty name");
        return false;

#ifdef __ANDROID__
    if (ATOMIC_IS_ASSET(fileName))
        if (mode != FILE_READ)
            ATOMIC_LOGERROR("Only read mode is supported for Android asset files");
            return false;

        assetHandle_ = SDL_RWFromFile(ATOMIC_ASSET(fileName), "rb");
        if (!assetHandle_)
            ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("Could not open Android asset file %s", fileName.CString());
            return false;
            fileName_ = fileName;
            mode_ = mode;
            position_ = 0;
            if (!fromPackage)
                size_ = SDL_RWsize(assetHandle_);
                offset_ = 0;
            checksum_ = 0;
            return true;

#ifdef _WIN32
    handle_ = _wfopen(GetWideNativePath(fileName).CString(), openMode[mode]);
    handle_ = fopen(GetNativePath(fileName).CString(), openMode[mode]);

    // If file did not exist in readwrite mode, retry with write-update mode
    if (mode == FILE_READWRITE && !handle_)
#ifdef _WIN32
        handle_ = _wfopen(GetWideNativePath(fileName).CString(), openMode[mode + 1]);
        handle_ = fopen(GetNativePath(fileName).CString(), openMode[mode + 1]);

    if (!handle_)
        ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("Could not open file %s", fileName.CString());
        return false;

    if (!fromPackage)
        fseek((FILE*)handle_, 0, SEEK_END);
        long size = ftell((FILE*)handle_);
        fseek((FILE*)handle_, 0, SEEK_SET);
        if (size > M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
            ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("Could not open file %s which is larger than 4GB", fileName.CString());
            size_ = 0;
            return false;
        size_ = (unsigned)size;
        offset_ = 0;

    fileName_ = fileName;
    mode_ = mode;
    position_ = 0;
    checksum_ = 0;

    return true;