Example #1
// WhittedIntegrator [ surface integrator ] Method Definitions
Spectrum WhittedIntegrator::Li(const Scene *scene,
        const Renderer *renderer, const RayDifferential &ray,
        const Intersection &isect, const Sample *sample, RNG &rng,
        MemoryArena &arena) const {
    Spectrum L(0.);
    // Compute emitted and reflected light at ray intersection point

    // Evaluate BSDF at hit point
    BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, arena); // return BSDF of the material of the hit primitive

    // Initialize common variables for Whitted integrator
    const pbrt::Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
    const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
    Vector wo = -ray.d;

    // Compute emitted light at the intersection point. The emiited light exists if 
	// the intersection occured at an area light source; otherwise, it is zero. 

    L += isect.Le(wo);

    // Add contribution of each light source
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); ++i) {

        Vector wi;
        float pdf;
        VisibilityTester visibility;

        Spectrum Li = scene->lights[i]->Sample_L(p, isect.rayEpsilon,
            LightSample(rng), ray.time, &wi, &pdf, &visibility);

		// if light is a delta light, then "reflection" direction wi is set to the light direction with pdf =1

        if (Li.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.f) continue;

        Spectrum f = bsdf->f(wo, wi); 
		// compute the fraction of light to be reflected from wi to wo.
		// ONLY non-delta BXDF, e.g. Lambertian (diffuse reflection)  contributes to f here.  

        if (!f.IsBlack() && visibility.Unoccluded(scene)) 
			// bsdf indicates that some of the incident
			// light from direction wi is in fact scattered to the direction wo

            L += f * Li * AbsDot(wi, n) *
                 visibility.Transmittance(scene, renderer,
                                          sample, rng, arena) / pdf;

	// consider the specular reflection and the specular transmission;
	// you can get this component only when the light sources are NOT delta distribution.
	 // there's no possible way that the peaks of the two delta distributions (the glass 
     // and the point light) match.  it is not possible 
     // to get a highlight of a point light source in a mirror.

    if (ray.depth + 1 < maxDepth) {
        // Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
        L += SpecularReflect(ray, bsdf, rng, isect, renderer, scene, sample,
        L += SpecularTransmit(ray, bsdf, rng, isect, renderer, scene, sample,
    return L;
Example #2
int RandomWalk(const Scene &scene, RayDifferential ray, Sampler &sampler,
               MemoryArena &arena, Spectrum beta, Float pdf, int maxDepth,
               TransportMode mode, Vertex *path) {
    if (maxDepth == 0) return 0;
    int bounces = 0;
    // Declare variables for forward and reverse probability densities
    Float pdfFwd = pdf, pdfRev = 0;
    while (true) {
        // Attempt to create the next subpath vertex in _path_
        MediumInteraction mi;

        VLOG(2) << "Random walk. Bounces " << bounces << ", beta " << beta <<
            ", pdfFwd " << pdfFwd << ", pdfRev " << pdfRev;
        // Trace a ray and sample the medium, if any
        SurfaceInteraction isect;
        bool foundIntersection = scene.Intersect(ray, &isect);
        if (ray.medium) beta *= ray.medium->Sample(ray, sampler, arena, &mi);
        if (beta.IsBlack()) break;
        Vertex &vertex = path[bounces], &prev = path[bounces - 1];
        if (mi.IsValid()) {
            // Record medium interaction in _path_ and compute forward density
            vertex = Vertex::CreateMedium(mi, beta, pdfFwd, prev);
            if (++bounces >= maxDepth) break;

            // Sample direction and compute reverse density at preceding vertex
            Vector3f wi;
            pdfFwd = pdfRev = mi.phase->Sample_p(-ray.d, &wi, sampler.Get2D());
            ray = mi.SpawnRay(wi);
        } else {
            // Handle surface interaction for path generation
            if (!foundIntersection) {
                // Capture escaped rays when tracing from the camera
                if (mode == TransportMode::Radiance) {
                    vertex = Vertex::CreateLight(EndpointInteraction(ray), beta,

            // Compute scattering functions for _mode_ and skip over medium
            // boundaries
            isect.ComputeScatteringFunctions(ray, arena, true, mode);
            if (!isect.bsdf) {
                ray = isect.SpawnRay(ray.d);

            // Initialize _vertex_ with surface intersection information
            vertex = Vertex::CreateSurface(isect, beta, pdfFwd, prev);
            if (++bounces >= maxDepth) break;

            // Sample BSDF at current vertex and compute reverse probability
            Vector3f wi, wo = isect.wo;
            BxDFType type;
            Spectrum f = isect.bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, sampler.Get2D(), &pdfFwd,
                                              BSDF_ALL, &type);
            VLOG(2) << "Random walk sampled dir " << wi << " f: " << f <<
                ", pdfFwd: " << pdfFwd;
            if (f.IsBlack() || pdfFwd == 0.f) break;
            beta *= f * AbsDot(wi, isect.shading.n) / pdfFwd;
            VLOG(2) << "Random walk beta now " << beta;
            pdfRev = isect.bsdf->Pdf(wi, wo, BSDF_ALL);
            if (type & BSDF_SPECULAR) {
                vertex.delta = true;
                pdfRev = pdfFwd = 0;
            beta *= CorrectShadingNormal(isect, wo, wi, mode);
            VLOG(2) << "Random walk beta after shading normal correction " << beta;
            ray = isect.SpawnRay(wi);

        // Compute reverse area density at preceding vertex
        prev.pdfRev = vertex.ConvertDensity(pdfRev, prev);
    return bounces;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    Options opt;

    // number of monte carlo estimates
    //const int estimates = 1;
    const int estimates = 100000000;

    // radiance of uniform environment map
    const double environmentRadiance = 1.0;

    fprintf(stderr, "outgoing radiance from a surface viewed\n"
        "straight on with uniform lighting\n\n"
        "    uniform incoming radiance = %.3f\n"
        "    monte carlo samples = %d\n\n\n",
        environmentRadiance, estimates);

    CreateBSDFFunc BSDFFuncArray[] = {
//CO        createLambertian,
//CO        createOrenNayar0,
//CO        createOrenNayar20,
//CO        createFresnelBlend0,
//CO        createFresnelBlend30,
//CO        createPlastic,
//CO        createSubstrate,

    const char* BSDFFuncDescripArray[] = {
        "Blinn (exponent 0)",
        "Blinn (exponent 0.5)",
        "Blinn (exponent 2)",
        "Blinn (exponent 30 and 0)",
        "Anisotropic (exponent 0, 0)",
        "Anisotropic (exponent 10, 10)",
        "Anisotropic (exponent 30, 30)",
//CO        "Lambertian",
//CO        "Oren Nayar (sigma 0)",
//CO        "Oren Nayar (sigma 20)",
//CO        "FresnelBlend (Blinn exponent 0)",
//CO        "FresnelBlend (Blinn exponent 30)",
//CO        "Plastic",
//CO        "Substrate",

    GenSampleFunc SampleFuncArray[] = {
//CO        Gen_UniformHemisphere,

    const char* SampleFuncDescripArray[] = {
        "BSDF Importance Sampling",
        "Cos Hemisphere",
//CO        "Uniform Hemisphere",

    int numModels = sizeof(BSDFFuncArray) / sizeof(BSDFFuncArray[0]);
    int numModelsDescrip = sizeof(BSDFFuncDescripArray) /
    int numGenerators = sizeof(SampleFuncArray) / sizeof(SampleFuncArray[0]);
    int numGeneratorsDescrip = sizeof(SampleFuncDescripArray) /

    if (numModels != numModelsDescrip) {
        fprintf(stderr, "BSDFFuncArray and BSDFFuncDescripArray out of sync!\n");

    if (numGenerators != numGeneratorsDescrip) {
        fprintf(stderr, "SampleFuncArray and SampleFuncDescripArray out of sync!\n");

    // for each bsdf model
    for (int model = 0; model < numModels; model++) {

        BSDF* bsdf;

        // create BSDF which requires creating a Shape, casting a Ray
        // that hits the shape to get a DifferentialGeometry object,
        // and passing the DifferentialGeometry object into the BSDF
            Transform t = RotateX(-90);
            bool reverseOrientation = false;
            ParamSet p;

            Reference<Shape> disk = new Disk(new Transform(t), new Transform(Inverse(t)),
                                             reverseOrientation, 0., 1., 0, 360.);
            if (!disk) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Could not load disk plugin\n"
                    "  make sure the PBRT_SEARCHPATH environment variable is set\n");

            Point origin(0.1, 1, 0);  // offset slightly so we don't hit center of disk
            Vector direction(0, -1, 0);
            float tHit, rayEps;
            Ray r(origin, direction, 1e-3, INFINITY);
            DifferentialGeometry* dg = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, DifferentialGeometry)();
            disk->Intersect(r, &tHit, &rayEps, dg);

            bsdf = BSDF_ALLOC(arena, BSDF)(*dg, dg->nn);

        // facing directly at normal
        Vector woL = Normalize(Vector(0, 0, 1));
        Vector wo = bsdf->LocalToWorld(woL);
        const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;

        // for each method of generating samples over the hemisphere
        for (int gen = 0; gen < numGenerators; gen++) {
            double redSum = 0.0;

            const int numHistoBins = 10;
            double histogram[numHistoBins][numHistoBins];
            for (int i = 0; i < numHistoBins; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < numHistoBins; j++) {
                    histogram[i][j] = 0;
            int badSamples = 0;
            int outsideSamples = 0;

            int warningTarget = 1;
            for (int sample = 0; sample < estimates; sample++) {
                Vector wi;
                float pdf;
                Spectrum f;

                // sample hemisphere around bsdf, wo is fixed
                (SampleFuncArray[gen])(bsdf, wo, & wi, & pdf, & f);

                double redF = spectrumRedValue(f);

                // add hemisphere sample to histogram
                Vector wiL = bsdf->WorldToLocal(wi);
                float x = Clamp(wiL.x, -1.f, 1.f);
                float y = Clamp(wiL.y, -1.f, 1.f);
                float wiPhi = (atan2(y, x) + M_PI) / (2.0 * M_PI);
                float wiCosTheta = wiL.z;
                bool validSample = (wiCosTheta > 1e-7);
                if (wiPhi < -0.0001 || wiPhi > 1.0001 || wiCosTheta > 1.0001) {
                    // wiCosTheta can be less than 0
                    fprintf(stderr, "bad wi! %.3f %.3f %.3f, (%.3f %.3f)\n",
                        wiL[0], wiL[1], wiL[2], wiPhi, wiCosTheta);
                } else if (validSample) {
                    int histoPhi      = (int) (wiPhi * numHistoBins);
                    int histoCosTheta = (int) (wiCosTheta * numHistoBins);
                    histogram[histoCosTheta][histoPhi] += 1.0 / pdf;

                if (!validSample) {
                } else if (pdf == 0.f || isnan(pdf) || redF < 0 || isnan(redF)) {
                    if (badSamples == warningTarget) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "warning %d, bad sample %d! "
                            "pdf: %.3f, redF: %.3f\n",
                            warningTarget, sample, pdf, redF);
                        warningTarget *= 10;
                } else {
                    // outgoing radiance estimate =
                    //   bsdf * incomingRadiance * cos(wi) / pdf
                    redSum += redF * environmentRadiance * AbsDot(wi, n) / pdf;
            int goodSamples = estimates - badSamples;

            // print results
            fprintf(stderr, "*** BRDF: '%s', Samples: '%s'\n\n"
                "wi histogram showing the relative weight in each bin\n"
                "  all entries should be close to 2pi = %.5f:\n"
                "  (%d bad samples, %d outside samples)\n\n"
                "                          cos(theta) bins\n",
                BSDFFuncDescripArray[model], SampleFuncDescripArray[gen],
                M_PI * 2.0, badSamples, outsideSamples);
            double totalSum = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < numHistoBins; i++) {
                fprintf(stderr, "  phi bin %02d:", i);
                for (int j = 0; j < numHistoBins; j++) {
                    fprintf(stderr, " %5.2f", histogram[i][j] *
                        numHistoBins * numHistoBins / goodSamples);
                    totalSum += histogram[i][j];
                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "\n  final average :  %.5f (error %.5f)\n\n"
                "  radiance = %.5f\n\n",
                totalSum / goodSamples, totalSum / goodSamples - M_PI * 2.0,
                redSum / goodSamples);

    return 0;
Example #4
// WhittedIntegrator Method Definitions
Spectrum WhittedIntegrator::Li(const Scene *scene,
		const RayDifferential &ray, const Sample *sample,
		float *alpha) const {
	Intersection isect;
	Spectrum L(0.);
	bool hitSomething;
	// Search for ray-primitive intersection
	hitSomething = scene->Intersect(ray, &isect);
	if (!hitSomething) {
		// Handle ray with no intersection
		if (alpha) *alpha = 0.;
		for (u_int i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); ++i)
			L += scene->lights[i]->Le(ray);
		if (alpha && !L.Black()) *alpha = 1.;
		return L;
	else {
		// Initialize _alpha_ for ray hit
		if (alpha) *alpha = 1.;
		// Compute emitted and reflected light at ray intersection point
		// Evaluate BSDF at hit point
		BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray);
		// Initialize common variables for Whitted integrator
		const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
		const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
		Vector wo = -ray.d;
		// Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
		L += isect.Le(wo);
		// Add contribution of each light source
		Vector wi;
		for (u_int i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); ++i) {
			VisibilityTester visibility;
			Spectrum Li = scene->lights[i]->Sample_L(p, &wi, &visibility);
			if (Li.Black()) continue;
			Spectrum f = bsdf->f(wo, wi);
			if (!f.Black() && visibility.Unoccluded(scene))
				L += f * Li * AbsDot(wi, n) * visibility.Transmittance(scene);
		if (rayDepth++ < maxDepth) {
			// Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
			Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi,
			if (!f.Black() && AbsDot(wi, n) > 0.f) {
				// Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular reflection
				RayDifferential rd(p, wi);
				rd.hasDifferentials = true;
				rd.rx.o = p + isect.dg.dpdx;
				rd.ry.o = p + isect.dg.dpdy;
				// Compute differential reflected directions
				Normal dndx = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudx +
					bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdx;
				Normal dndy = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudy +
					bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdy;
				Vector dwodx = -ray.rx.d - wo, dwody = -ray.ry.d - wo;
				float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, n) + Dot(wo, dndx);
				float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, n) + Dot(wo, dndy);
				rd.rx.d = wi -
				          dwodx + 2 * Vector(Dot(wo, n) * dndx +
						  dDNdx * n);
				rd.ry.d = wi -
				          dwody + 2 * Vector(Dot(wo, n) * dndy +
						  dDNdy * n);
				L += scene->Li(rd, sample) * f * AbsDot(wi, n);
			f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi,
			if (!f.Black() && AbsDot(wi, n) > 0.f) {
				// Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular transmission
				RayDifferential rd(p, wi);
				rd.hasDifferentials = true;
				rd.rx.o = p + isect.dg.dpdx;
				rd.ry.o = p + isect.dg.dpdy;
				float eta = bsdf->eta;
				Vector w = -wo;
				if (Dot(wo, n) < 0) eta = 1.f / eta;
				Normal dndx = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudx + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdx;
				Normal dndy = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudy + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdy;
				Vector dwodx = -ray.rx.d - wo, dwody = -ray.ry.d - wo;
				float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, n) + Dot(wo, dndx);
				float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, n) + Dot(wo, dndy);
				float mu = eta * Dot(w, n) - Dot(wi, n);
				float dmudx = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdx;
				float dmudy = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdy;
				rd.rx.d = wi + eta * dwodx - Vector(mu * dndx + dmudx * n);
				rd.ry.d = wi + eta * dwody - Vector(mu * dndy + dmudy * n);
				L += scene->Li(rd, sample) * f * AbsDot(wi, n);
	return L;
Example #5
void PhotonShootingTask::Run() {
    // Declare local variables for _PhotonShootingTask_
    MemoryArena arena;
    RNG rng(31 * taskNum);
    vector<Photon> localDirectPhotons, localIndirectPhotons, localCausticPhotons;
    vector<RadiancePhoton> localRadiancePhotons;
    uint32_t totalPaths = 0;
    bool causticDone = (integrator->nCausticPhotonsWanted == 0);
    bool indirectDone = (integrator->nIndirectPhotonsWanted == 0);
    PermutedHalton halton(6, rng);
    vector<Spectrum> localRpReflectances, localRpTransmittances;
    while (true) {
        // Follow photon paths for a block of samples
        const uint32_t blockSize = 4096;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < blockSize; ++i) {
            float u[6];
            halton.Sample(++totalPaths, u);
            // Choose light to shoot photon from
            float lightPdf;
            int lightNum = lightDistribution->SampleDiscrete(u[0], &lightPdf);
            const Light *light = scene->lights[lightNum];

            // Generate _photonRay_ from light source and initialize _alpha_
            RayDifferential photonRay;
            float pdf;
            LightSample ls(u[1], u[2], u[3]);
            Normal Nl;
            Spectrum Le = light->Sample_L(scene, ls, u[4], u[5],
                                          time, &photonRay, &Nl, &pdf);
            if (pdf == 0.f || Le.IsBlack()) continue;
            Spectrum alpha = (AbsDot(Nl, photonRay.d) * Le) / (pdf * lightPdf);
            if (!alpha.IsBlack()) {
                // Follow photon path through scene and record intersections
                PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_STARTED_RAY_PATH(&photonRay, &alpha);
                bool specularPath = true;
                Intersection photonIsect;
                int nIntersections = 0;
                while (scene->Intersect(photonRay, &photonIsect)) {
                    // Handle photon/surface intersection
                    alpha *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, photonRay, NULL, rng, arena);
                    BSDF *photonBSDF = photonIsect.GetBSDF(photonRay, arena);
                    BxDFType specularType = BxDFType(BSDF_REFLECTION |
                                            BSDF_TRANSMISSION | BSDF_SPECULAR);
                    bool hasNonSpecular = (photonBSDF->NumComponents() >
                    Vector wo = -photonRay.d;
                    if (hasNonSpecular) {
                        // Deposit photon at surface
                        Photon photon(photonIsect.dg.p, alpha, wo);
                        bool depositedPhoton = false;
                        if (specularPath && nIntersections > 1) {
                            if (!causticDone) {
                                PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_DEPOSITED_CAUSTIC_PHOTON(&photonIsect.dg, &alpha, &wo);
                                depositedPhoton = true;
                        else {
                            // Deposit either direct or indirect photon
                            // stop depositing direct photons once indirectDone is true; don't
                            // want to waste memory storing too many if we're going a long time
                            // trying to get enough caustic photons desposited.
                            if (nIntersections == 1 && !indirectDone && integrator->finalGather) {
                                PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_DEPOSITED_DIRECT_PHOTON(&photonIsect.dg, &alpha, &wo);
                                depositedPhoton = true;
                            else if (nIntersections > 1 && !indirectDone) {
                                PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_DEPOSITED_INDIRECT_PHOTON(&photonIsect.dg, &alpha, &wo);
                                depositedPhoton = true;

                        // Possibly create radiance photon at photon intersection point
                        if (depositedPhoton && integrator->finalGather &&
                                rng.RandomFloat() < .125f) {
                            Normal n = photonIsect.dg.nn;
                            n = Faceforward(n, -photonRay.d);
                            localRadiancePhotons.push_back(RadiancePhoton(photonIsect.dg.p, n));
                            Spectrum rho_r = photonBSDF->rho(rng, BSDF_ALL_REFLECTION);
                            Spectrum rho_t = photonBSDF->rho(rng, BSDF_ALL_TRANSMISSION);
                    if (nIntersections >= integrator->maxPhotonDepth) break;

                    // Sample new photon ray direction
                    Vector wi;
                    float pdf;
                    BxDFType flags;
                    Spectrum fr = photonBSDF->Sample_f(wo, &wi, BSDFSample(rng),
                                                       &pdf, BSDF_ALL, &flags);
                    if (fr.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.f) break;
                    Spectrum anew = alpha * fr *
                        AbsDot(wi, photonBSDF->dgShading.nn) / pdf;

                    // Possibly terminate photon path with Russian roulette
                    float continueProb = min(1.f, anew.y() / alpha.y());
                    if (rng.RandomFloat() > continueProb)
                    alpha = anew / continueProb;
                    specularPath &= ((flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0);
                    if (indirectDone && !specularPath) break;
                    photonRay = RayDifferential(photonIsect.dg.p, wi, photonRay,
                PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_FINISHED_RAY_PATH(&photonRay, &alpha);

        // Merge local photon data with data in _PhotonIntegrator_
        { MutexLock lock(mutex);

        // Give up if we're not storing enough photons
        if (abortTasks)
        if (nshot > 500000 &&
                                      causticPhotons.size(), blockSize) ||
                                      indirectPhotons.size(), blockSize))) {
            Error("Unable to store enough photons.  Giving up.\n");
            causticPhotons.erase(causticPhotons.begin(), causticPhotons.end());
            indirectPhotons.erase(indirectPhotons.begin(), indirectPhotons.end());
            radiancePhotons.erase(radiancePhotons.begin(), radiancePhotons.end());
            abortTasks = true;
        progress.Update(localIndirectPhotons.size() + localCausticPhotons.size());
        nshot += blockSize;

        // Merge indirect photons into shared array
        if (!indirectDone) {
            integrator->nIndirectPaths += blockSize;
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localIndirectPhotons.size(); ++i)
            if (indirectPhotons.size() >= integrator->nIndirectPhotonsWanted)
                indirectDone = true;
            nDirectPaths += blockSize;
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localDirectPhotons.size(); ++i)

        // Merge direct, caustic, and radiance photons into shared array
        if (!causticDone) {
            integrator->nCausticPaths += blockSize;
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localCausticPhotons.size(); ++i)
            localCausticPhotons.erase(localCausticPhotons.begin(), localCausticPhotons.end());
            if (causticPhotons.size() >= integrator->nCausticPhotonsWanted)
                causticDone = true;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localRadiancePhotons.size(); ++i)
        localRadiancePhotons.erase(localRadiancePhotons.begin(), localRadiancePhotons.end());
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localRpReflectances.size(); ++i)
        localRpReflectances.erase(localRpReflectances.begin(), localRpReflectances.end());
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localRpTransmittances.size(); ++i)
        localRpTransmittances.erase(localRpTransmittances.begin(), localRpTransmittances.end());

        // Exit task if enough photons have been found
        if (indirectDone && causticDone)
Example #6
// PathIntegrator Method Definitions
Spectrum PathIntegrator::Li(const RayDifferential &r, const Scene &scene,
                            Sampler &sampler, MemoryArena &arena,
                            int depth) const {
    ProfilePhase p(Prof::SamplerIntegratorLi);
    Spectrum L(0.f), beta(1.f);
    RayDifferential ray(r);
    bool specularBounce = false;
    for (int bounces = 0;; ++bounces) {
        // Find next path vertex and accumulate contribution

        // Intersect _ray_ with scene and store intersection in _isect_
        SurfaceInteraction isect;
        bool foundIntersection = scene.Intersect(ray, &isect);

        // Possibly add emitted light at intersection
        if (bounces == 0 || specularBounce) {
            // Add emitted light at path vertex or from the environment
            if (foundIntersection)
                L += beta * isect.Le(-ray.d);
                for (const auto &light : scene.lights)
                    L += beta * light->Le(ray);

        // Terminate path if ray escaped or _maxDepth_ was reached
        if (!foundIntersection || bounces >= maxDepth) break;

        // Compute scattering functions and skip over medium boundaries
        isect.ComputeScatteringFunctions(ray, arena, true);
        if (!isect.bsdf) {
            ray = isect.SpawnRay(ray.d);

        // Sample illumination from lights to find path contribution
        L += beta * UniformSampleOneLight(isect, scene, arena, sampler);

        // Sample BSDF to get new path direction
        Vector3f wo = -ray.d, wi;
        Float pdf;
        BxDFType flags;
        Spectrum f = isect.bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, sampler.Get2D(), &pdf,
                                          BSDF_ALL, &flags);
        if (f.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.f) break;
        beta *= f * AbsDot(wi, isect.shading.n) / pdf;
        Assert(std::isinf(beta.y()) == false);
        specularBounce = (flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0;
        ray = isect.SpawnRay(wi);

        // Account for subsurface scattering, if applicable
        if (isect.bssrdf && (flags & BSDF_TRANSMISSION)) {
            // Importance sample the BSSRDF
            SurfaceInteraction pi;
            Spectrum S = isect.bssrdf->Sample_S(
                scene, sampler.Get1D(), sampler.Get2D(), arena, &pi, &pdf);
#ifndef NDEBUG
            Assert(std::isinf(beta.y()) == false);
            if (S.IsBlack() || pdf == 0) break;
            beta *= S / pdf;

            // Account for the direct subsurface scattering component
            L += beta * UniformSampleOneLight(pi, scene, arena, sampler);

            // Account for the indirect subsurface scattering component
            Spectrum f = pi.bsdf->Sample_f(pi.wo, &wi, sampler.Get2D(), &pdf,
                                           BSDF_ALL, &flags);
            if (f.IsBlack() || pdf == 0) break;
            beta *= f * AbsDot(wi, pi.shading.n) / pdf;
#ifndef NDEBUG
            Assert(std::isinf(beta.y()) == false);
            specularBounce = (flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0;
            ray = pi.SpawnRay(wi);

        // Possibly terminate the path with Russian roulette
        if (bounces > 3) {
            Float continueProbability = std::min((Float).95, beta.y());
            if (sampler.Get1D() > continueProbability) break;
            beta /= continueProbability;
            Assert(std::isinf(beta.y()) == false);
    return L;
Spectrum DirectLighting::Li(const Scene *scene,
		const RayDifferential &ray, const Sample *sample,
		float *alpha) const {
	Intersection isect;
	Spectrum L(0.);
	if (scene->Intersect(ray, &isect)) {
		if (alpha) *alpha = 1.;
		// Evaluate BSDF at hit point
		BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray);
		Vector wo = -ray.d;
		const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
		const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
		// Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
		L += isect.Le(wo);
		// Compute direct lighting for _DirectLighting_ integrator
		if (scene->lights.size() > 0) {
			// Apply direct lighting strategy
			switch (strategy) {
					L += UniformSampleAllLights(scene, p, n, wo, bsdf,
						sample, lightSampleOffset, bsdfSampleOffset,
					L += UniformSampleOneLight(scene, p, n, wo, bsdf,
						sample, lightSampleOffset[0], lightNumOffset,
						bsdfSampleOffset[0], bsdfComponentOffset[0]);
					L += WeightedSampleOneLight(scene, p, n, wo, bsdf,
						sample, lightSampleOffset[0], lightNumOffset,
						bsdfSampleOffset[0], bsdfComponentOffset[0], avgY,
						avgYsample, cdf, overallAvgY);
		if (rayDepth++ < maxDepth) {
			Vector wi;
			// Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
			Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi,
			if (!f.Black()) {
				// Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular reflection
				RayDifferential rd(p, wi);
				rd.hasDifferentials = true;
				rd.rx.o = p + isect.dg.dpdx;
				rd.ry.o = p + isect.dg.dpdy;
				// Compute differential reflected directions
				Normal dndx = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudx +
					bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdx;
				Normal dndy = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudy +
					bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdy;
				Vector dwodx = -ray.rx.d - wo, dwody = -ray.ry.d - wo;
				float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, n) + Dot(wo, dndx);
				float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, n) + Dot(wo, dndy);
				rd.rx.d = wi -
				          dwodx + 2 * Vector(Dot(wo, n) * dndx +
						  dDNdx * n);
				rd.ry.d = wi -
				          dwody + 2 * Vector(Dot(wo, n) * dndy +
						  dDNdy * n);
				L += scene->Li(rd, sample) * f * AbsDot(wi, n);
			f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi,
			if (!f.Black()) {
				// Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular transmission
				RayDifferential rd(p, wi);
				rd.hasDifferentials = true;
				rd.rx.o = p + isect.dg.dpdx;
				rd.ry.o = p + isect.dg.dpdy;
				float eta = bsdf->eta;
				Vector w = -wo;
				if (Dot(wo, n) < 0) eta = 1.f / eta;
				Normal dndx = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudx + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdx;
				Normal dndy = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudy + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdy;
				Vector dwodx = -ray.rx.d - wo, dwody = -ray.ry.d - wo;
				float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, n) + Dot(wo, dndx);
				float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, n) + Dot(wo, dndy);
				float mu = eta * Dot(w, n) - Dot(wi, n);
				float dmudx = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdx;
				float dmudy = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdy;
				rd.rx.d = wi + eta * dwodx - Vector(mu * dndx + dmudx * n);
				rd.ry.d = wi + eta * dwody - Vector(mu * dndy + dmudy * n);
				L += scene->Li(rd, sample) * f * AbsDot(wi, n);
	else {
		// Handle ray with no intersection
		if (alpha) *alpha = 0.;
		for (u_int i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); ++i)
			L += scene->lights[i]->Le(ray);
		if (alpha && !L.Black()) *alpha = 1.;
		return L;
	return L;
Example #8
Spectrum IGIIntegrator::Li(const Scene &scene, const Renderer *renderer,
        const RayDifferential &ray, const Intersection &isect,
        const Sample *sample, RNG &rng, MemoryArena &arena) const {
    Spectrum L(0.);
    Vector wo = -ray.d;
    // Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
    L += isect.Le(wo);

    // Evaluate BSDF at hit point
    BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, arena);
    const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
    const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
    L += UniformSampleAllLights(scene, renderer, arena, p, n,
                    wo, isect.rayEpsilon, ray.time, bsdf, sample, rng,
                    lightSampleOffsets, bsdfSampleOffsets);
    // Compute indirect illumination with virtual lights
    uint32_t lSet = min(uint32_t(sample->oneD[vlSetOffset][0] * nLightSets),
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < virtualLights[lSet].size(); ++i) {
        const VirtualLight &vl = virtualLights[lSet][i];
        // Compute virtual light's tentative contribution _Llight_
        float d2 = DistanceSquared(p, vl.p);
        Vector wi = Normalize(vl.p - p);
        float G = AbsDot(wi, n) * AbsDot(wi, vl.n) / d2;
        G = min(G, gLimit);
        Spectrum f = bsdf->f(wo, wi);
        if (G == 0.f || f.IsBlack()) continue;
        Spectrum Llight = f * G * vl.pathContrib / nLightPaths;
        RayDifferential connectRay(p, wi, ray, isect.rayEpsilon,
                                   sqrtf(d2) * (1.f - vl.rayEpsilon));
        Llight *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, connectRay, NULL, rng, arena);

        // Possibly skip virtual light shadow ray with Russian roulette
        if (Llight.y() < rrThreshold) {
            float continueProbability = .1f;
            if (rng.RandomFloat() > continueProbability)
            Llight /= continueProbability;

        // Add contribution from _VirtualLight_ _vl_
        if (!scene.IntersectP(connectRay))
            L += Llight;
    if (ray.depth < maxSpecularDepth) {
        // Do bias compensation for bounding geometry term
        int nSamples = (ray.depth == 0) ? nGatherSamples : 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i) {
            Vector wi;
            float pdf;
            BSDFSample bsdfSample = (ray.depth == 0) ?
                BSDFSample(sample, gatherSampleOffset, i) : BSDFSample(rng);
            Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, bsdfSample,
                                        &pdf, BxDFType(BSDF_ALL & ~BSDF_SPECULAR));
            if (!f.IsBlack() && pdf > 0.f) {
                // Trace ray for bias compensation gather sample
                float maxDist = sqrtf(AbsDot(wi, n) / gLimit);
                RayDifferential gatherRay(p, wi, ray, isect.rayEpsilon, maxDist);
                Intersection gatherIsect;
                Spectrum Li = renderer->Li(scene, gatherRay, sample, rng, arena,
                if (Li.IsBlack()) continue;

                // Add bias compensation ray contribution to radiance sum
                float Ggather = AbsDot(wi, n) * AbsDot(-wi, gatherIsect.dg.nn) /
                    DistanceSquared(p, gatherIsect.dg.p);
                if (Ggather - gLimit > 0.f && !isinf(Ggather)) {
                    float gs = (Ggather - gLimit) / Ggather;
                    L += f * Li * (AbsDot(wi, n) * gs / (nSamples * pdf));
    if (ray.depth + 1 < maxSpecularDepth) {
        Vector wi;
        // Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
        L += SpecularReflect(ray, bsdf, rng, isect, renderer, scene, sample,
        L += SpecularTransmit(ray, bsdf, rng, isect, renderer, scene, sample,
    return L;
Example #9
void IGIIntegrator::Preprocess(const Scene &scene, const Camera *camera,
                               const Renderer *renderer) {
    if (scene.lights.size() == 0) return;
    MemoryArena arena;
    RNG rng;
    // Compute samples for emitted rays from lights
    vector<float> lightNum(nLightPaths * nLightSets);
    vector<float> lightSampPos(2 * nLightPaths * nLightSets, 0.f);
    vector<float> lightSampComp(nLightPaths * nLightSets, 0.f);
    vector<float> lightSampDir(2 * nLightPaths * nLightSets, 0.f);
    LDShuffleScrambled1D(nLightPaths, nLightSets, &lightNum[0], rng);
    LDShuffleScrambled2D(nLightPaths, nLightSets, &lightSampPos[0], rng);
    LDShuffleScrambled1D(nLightPaths, nLightSets, &lightSampComp[0], rng);
    LDShuffleScrambled2D(nLightPaths, nLightSets, &lightSampDir[0], rng);

    // Precompute information for light sampling densities
    Distribution1D *lightDistribution = ComputeLightSamplingCDF(scene);
    for (uint32_t s = 0; s < nLightSets; ++s) {
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nLightPaths; ++i) {
            // Follow path _i_ from light to create virtual lights
            int sampOffset = s*nLightPaths + i;

            // Choose light source to trace virtual light path from
            float lightPdf;
            int ln = lightDistribution->SampleDiscrete(lightNum[sampOffset],
            Light *light = scene.lights[ln];

            // Sample ray leaving light source for virtual light path
            LightSample ls(lightSampPos[2*sampOffset], lightSampPos[2*sampOffset+1],
            LightInfo2 li = light->Sample_L(scene, ls, lightSampDir[2*sampOffset],
            RayDifferential ray(li.ray);
            Spectrum alpha(li.L);

            if (li.pdf == 0.f || alpha.IsBlack()) continue;
            alpha /= li.pdf * lightPdf;
            Intersection isect;
            auto optIsect = scene.Intersect(ray);
            while (optIsect && !alpha.IsBlack()) {
                // Create virtual light and sample new ray for path
                alpha *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, RayDifferential(ray), NULL,
                                                 rng, arena);
                Vector wo = -ray.d;
                BSDF *bsdf = optIsect->GetBSDF(ray, arena);

                // Create virtual light at ray intersection point
                Spectrum contrib = alpha * bsdf->rho(wo, rng) / M_PI;
                virtualLights[s].push_back(VirtualLight(optIsect->dg.p, optIsect->dg.nn, contrib,

                // Sample new ray direction and update weight for virtual light path
                Vector wi;
                float pdf;
                BSDFSample bsdfSample(rng);
                Spectrum fr = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, bsdfSample, &pdf);
                if (fr.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.f)
                Spectrum contribScale = fr * AbsDot(wi, bsdf->dgShading.nn) / pdf;

                // Possibly terminate virtual light path with Russian roulette
                float rrProb = min(1.f, contribScale.y());
                if (rng.RandomFloat() > rrProb)
                alpha *= contribScale / rrProb;
                ray = RayDifferential(optIsect->dg.p, wi, ray, optIsect->rayEpsilon);
                optIsect = scene.Intersect(ray);
    delete lightDistribution;
Example #10
bool Curve::recursiveIntersect(const Ray &ray, Float *tHit,
                               SurfaceInteraction *isect, const Point3f cp[4],
                               const Transform &rayToObject, Float u0, Float u1,
                               int depth) const {
    // Try to cull curve segment versus ray

    // Compute bounding box of curve segment, _curveBounds_
    Bounds3f curveBounds =
        Union(Bounds3f(cp[0], cp[1]), Bounds3f(cp[2], cp[3]));
    Float maxWidth = std::max(Lerp(u0, common->width[0], common->width[1]),
                              Lerp(u1, common->width[0], common->width[1]));
    curveBounds = Expand(curveBounds, 0.5 * maxWidth);

    // Compute bounding box of ray, _rayBounds_
    Float rayLength = ray.d.Length();
    Float zMax = rayLength * ray.tMax;
    Bounds3f rayBounds(Point3f(0, 0, 0), Point3f(0, 0, zMax));
    if (Overlaps(curveBounds, rayBounds) == false) return false;
    if (depth > 0) {
        // Split curve segment into sub-segments and test for intersection
        Float uMid = 0.5f * (u0 + u1);
        Point3f cpSplit[7];
        SubdivideBezier(cp, cpSplit);
        return (recursiveIntersect(ray, tHit, isect, &cpSplit[0], rayToObject,
                                   u0, uMid, depth - 1) ||
                recursiveIntersect(ray, tHit, isect, &cpSplit[3], rayToObject,
                                   uMid, u1, depth - 1));
    } else {
        // Intersect ray with curve segment

        // Test ray against segment endpoint boundaries

        // Test sample point against tangent perpendicular at curve start
        Float edge =
            (cp[1].y - cp[0].y) * -cp[0].y + cp[0].x * (cp[0].x - cp[1].x);
        if (edge < 0) return false;

        // Test sample point against tangent perpendicular at curve end
        edge = (cp[2].y - cp[3].y) * -cp[3].y + cp[3].x * (cp[3].x - cp[2].x);
        if (edge < 0) return false;

        // Compute line $w$ that gives minimum distance to sample point
        Vector2f segmentDirection = Point2f(cp[3]) - Point2f(cp[0]);
        Float denom = segmentDirection.LengthSquared();
        if (denom == 0) return false;
        Float w = Dot(-Vector2f(cp[0]), segmentDirection) / denom;

        // Compute $u$ coordinate of curve intersection point and _hitWidth_
        Float u = Clamp(Lerp(w, u0, u1), u0, u1);
        Float hitWidth = Lerp(u, common->width[0], common->width[1]);
        Normal3f nHit;
        if (common->type == CurveType::Ribbon) {
            // Scale _hitWidth_ based on ribbon orientation
            Float sin0 = std::sin((1 - u) * common->normalAngle) *
            Float sin1 =
                std::sin(u * common->normalAngle) * common->invSinNormalAngle;
            nHit = sin0 * common->n[0] + sin1 * common->n[1];
            hitWidth *= AbsDot(nHit, ray.d) / rayLength;

        // Test intersection point against curve width
        Vector3f dpcdw;
        Point3f pc = EvalBezier(cp, Clamp(w, 0, 1), &dpcdw);
        Float ptCurveDist2 = pc.x * pc.x + pc.y * pc.y;
        if (ptCurveDist2 > hitWidth * hitWidth * .25) return false;
        if (pc.z < 0 || pc.z > zMax) return false;

        // Compute $v$ coordinate of curve intersection point
        Float ptCurveDist = std::sqrt(ptCurveDist2);
        Float edgeFunc = dpcdw.x * -pc.y + pc.x * dpcdw.y;
        Float v = (edgeFunc > 0) ? 0.5f + ptCurveDist / hitWidth
                                 : 0.5f - ptCurveDist / hitWidth;

        // Compute hit _t_ and partial derivatives for curve intersection
        if (tHit != nullptr) {
            // FIXME: this tHit isn't quite right for ribbons...
            *tHit = pc.z / rayLength;
            // Compute error bounds for curve intersection
            Vector3f pError(2 * hitWidth, 2 * hitWidth, 2 * hitWidth);

            // Compute $\dpdu$ and $\dpdv$ for curve intersection
            Vector3f dpdu, dpdv;
            EvalBezier(common->cpObj, u, &dpdu);
            if (common->type == CurveType::Ribbon)
                dpdv = Normalize(Cross(nHit, dpdu)) * hitWidth;
            else {
                // Compute curve $\dpdv$ for flat and cylinder curves
                Vector3f dpduPlane = (Inverse(rayToObject))(dpdu);
                Vector3f dpdvPlane =
                    Normalize(Vector3f(-dpduPlane.y, dpduPlane.x, 0)) *
                if (common->type == CurveType::Cylinder) {
                    // Rotate _dpdvPlane_ to give cylindrical appearance
                    Float theta = Lerp(v, -90., 90.);
                    Transform rot = Rotate(-theta, dpduPlane);
                    dpdvPlane = rot(dpdvPlane);
                dpdv = rayToObject(dpdvPlane);
            *isect = (*ObjectToWorld)(SurfaceInteraction(
                ray(pc.z), pError, Point2f(u, v), -ray.d, dpdu, dpdv,
                Normal3f(0, 0, 0), Normal3f(0, 0, 0), ray.time, this));
        return true;
Example #11
Spectrum ConnectBDPT(const Scene &scene, Vertex *lightVertices,
                     Vertex *cameraVertices, int s, int t,
                     const Distribution1D &lightDistr, const Camera &camera,
                     Sampler &sampler, Point2f *pRaster, Float *misWeightPtr) {
    Spectrum L(0.f);
    // Ignore invalid connections related to infinite area lights
    if (t > 1 && s != 0 && cameraVertices[t - 1].type == VertexType::Light)
        return Spectrum(0.f);

    // Perform connection and write contribution to _L_
    Vertex sampled;
    if (s == 0) {
        // Interpret the camera subpath as a complete path
        const Vertex &pt = cameraVertices[t - 1];
        if (pt.IsLight()) L = pt.Le(scene, cameraVertices[t - 2]) * pt.beta;
    } else if (t == 1) {
        // Sample a point on the camera and connect it to the light subpath
        const Vertex &qs = lightVertices[s - 1];
        if (qs.IsConnectible()) {
            VisibilityTester vis;
            Vector3f wi;
            Float pdf;
            Spectrum Wi = camera.Sample_Wi(qs.GetInteraction(), sampler.Get2D(),
                                           &wi, &pdf, pRaster, &vis);
            if (pdf > 0 && !Wi.IsBlack()) {
                // Initialize dynamically sampled vertex and _L_ for $t=1$ case
                sampled = Vertex::CreateCamera(&camera, vis.P1(), Wi / pdf);
                L = qs.beta * qs.f(sampled) * vis.Tr(scene, sampler) *
                if (qs.IsOnSurface()) L *= AbsDot(wi, qs.ns());
    } else if (s == 1) {
        // Sample a point on a light and connect it to the camera subpath
        const Vertex &pt = cameraVertices[t - 1];
        if (pt.IsConnectible()) {
            Float lightPdf;
            VisibilityTester vis;
            Vector3f wi;
            Float pdf;
            int lightNum =
                lightDistr.SampleDiscrete(sampler.Get1D(), &lightPdf);
            const std::shared_ptr<Light> &light = scene.lights[lightNum];
            Spectrum lightWeight = light->Sample_Li(
                pt.GetInteraction(), sampler.Get2D(), &wi, &pdf, &vis);
            if (pdf > 0 && !lightWeight.IsBlack()) {
                EndpointInteraction ei(vis.P1(), light.get());
                sampled =
                    Vertex::CreateLight(ei, lightWeight / (pdf * lightPdf), 0);
                sampled.pdfFwd = sampled.PdfLightOrigin(scene, pt, lightDistr);
                L = pt.beta * pt.f(sampled) * vis.Tr(scene, sampler) *
                if (pt.IsOnSurface()) L *= AbsDot(wi, pt.ns());
    } else {
        // Handle all other bidirectional connection cases
        const Vertex &qs = lightVertices[s - 1], &pt = cameraVertices[t - 1];
        if (qs.IsConnectible() && pt.IsConnectible()) {
            L = qs.beta * qs.f(pt) * pt.f(qs) * pt.beta;
            if (!L.IsBlack()) L *= G(scene, sampler, qs, pt);

    // Compute MIS weight for connection strategy
    Float misWeight =
        L.IsBlack() ? 0.f : MISWeight(scene, lightVertices, cameraVertices,
                                      sampled, s, t, lightDistr);
    L *= misWeight;
    if (misWeightPtr) *misWeightPtr = misWeight;
    return L;
Example #12
bool Shade(Path* path, Geometry *geometry, BVHAccel *bvh, const RayHit& rayHit) {

	uint tracedShadowRayCount;

	if (rayHit.index == 0xffffffffu) {
		return false;

	// Something was hit
	unsigned int currentTriangleIndex = rayHit.index;
	RGB triInterpCol = geometry->triangles[currentTriangleIndex].InterpolateColor(
			geometry->vertColors, rayHit.b1, rayHit.b2);
	Normal shadeN = geometry->triangles[currentTriangleIndex].InterpolateNormal(
			geometry->vertNormals, rayHit.b1, rayHit.b2);

	// Calculate next step

	// Check if I have to stop
	if (path->depth >= MAX_PATH_DEPTH) {
		// Too depth, terminate the path
		return false;
	} else if (path->depth > 2) {

		// Russian Rulette, maximize cos
		const float p = min(1.f, triInterpCol.filter() * AbsDot(shadeN, path->pathRay.d));

		if (p > getFloatRNG(&path->seed))
			path->throughput /= p;
		else {
			// Terminate the path
			return false;

	// Build the shadow ray

	// Check if it is a light source
	float RdotShadeN = Dot(path->pathRay.d, shadeN);
	if (geometry->IsLight(currentTriangleIndex)) {
		// Check if we are on the right side of the light source
		if ((path->depth == 1) && (RdotShadeN < 0.f))
			path->radiance += triInterpCol * path->throughput;

		// Terminate the path
		return false;

	if (RdotShadeN > 0.f) {
		// Flip shade  normal
		shadeN = -shadeN;
	} else
		RdotShadeN = -RdotShadeN;

	path->throughput *= RdotShadeN * triInterpCol;

	// Trace shadow rays
	const Point hitPoint = path->pathRay(rayHit.t);

	tracedShadowRayCount = 0;
	const float lightStrategyPdf = static_cast<float> (SHADOWRAY)
			/ static_cast<float> (geometry->nLights);

	float lightPdf[SHADOWRAY];
	RGB lightColor[SHADOWRAY];
	Ray shadowRay[SHADOWRAY];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SHADOWRAY; ++i) {
		// Select the light to sample
		const unsigned int currentLightIndex = geometry->SampleLights(getFloatRNG(&path->seed));
		//	const TriangleLight &light = scene->lights[currentLightIndex];

		// Select a point on the surface
		lightColor[tracedShadowRayCount] = Sample_L(currentLightIndex, geometry, hitPoint, shadeN,
				getFloatRNG(&path->seed), getFloatRNG(&path->seed),
				&lightPdf[tracedShadowRayCount], &shadowRay[tracedShadowRayCount]);

		// Scale light pdf for ONE_UNIFORM strategy
		lightPdf[tracedShadowRayCount] *= lightStrategyPdf;

		// Using 0.1 instead of 0.0 to cut down fireflies
		if (lightPdf[tracedShadowRayCount] > 0.1f)

	RayHit* rh = new RayHit[tracedShadowRayCount];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tracedShadowRayCount; ++i)
		Intersect(shadowRay[i],  rh[i], bvh->bvhTree, geometry->triangles, geometry->vertices);

	if ((tracedShadowRayCount > 0)) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tracedShadowRayCount; ++i) {
			const RayHit *shadowRayHit = &rh[i];
			if (shadowRayHit->index == 0xffffffffu) {
				// Nothing was hit, light is visible
				path->radiance += path->throughput * lightColor[i] / lightPdf[i];

	// Build the next vertex path ray

	// Calculate exit direction

	float r1 = 2.f * M_PI * getFloatRNG(&path->seed);
	float r2 = getFloatRNG(&path->seed);
	float r2s = sqrt(r2);
	const Vector w(shadeN);

	Vector u;
	if (fabsf(shadeN.x) > .1f) {
		const Vector a(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
		u = Cross(a, w);
	} else {
		const Vector a(1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
		u = Cross(a, w);
	u = Normalize(u);

	Vector v = Cross(w, u);

	Vector newDir = u * (cosf(r1) * r2s) + v * (sinf(r1) * r2s) + w * sqrtf(1.f - r2);
	newDir = Normalize(newDir);

	path->pathRay.o = hitPoint;
	path->pathRay.d = newDir;

	return true;
Spectrum PhotonIntegrator::Li(const Scene *scene,
		const RayDifferential &ray, const Sample *sample,
		float *alpha) const {
	// Compute reflected radiance with photon map
	Spectrum L(0.);
	Intersection isect;
	if (scene->Intersect(ray, &isect)) {
		if (alpha) *alpha = 1.;
		Vector wo = -ray.d;
		// Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
		L += isect.Le(wo);
		// Evaluate BSDF at hit point
		BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray);
		const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
		const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
		// Compute direct lighting for photon map integrator
		if (directWithPhotons)
			L += LPhoton(directMap, nDirectPaths, nLookup,
				bsdf, isect, wo, maxDistSquared);
			L += UniformSampleAllLights(scene, p, n,
				wo, bsdf, sample,
				lightSampleOffset, bsdfSampleOffset,
		// Compute indirect lighting for photon map integrator
		L += LPhoton(causticMap, nCausticPaths, nLookup, bsdf,
			isect, wo, maxDistSquared);
		if (finalGather) {
			// Do one-bounce final gather for photon map
			Spectrum Li(0.);
			for (int i = 0; i < gatherSamples; ++i) {
				// Sample random direction for final gather ray
				Vector wi;
				float u1 = sample->twoD[gatherSampleOffset][2*i];
				float u2 = sample->twoD[gatherSampleOffset][2*i+1];
				float u3 = sample->oneD[gatherComponentOffset][i];
				float pdf;
				Spectrum fr = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, u1, u2, u3,
					&pdf, BxDFType(BSDF_ALL & (~BSDF_SPECULAR)));
				if (fr.Black() || pdf == 0.f) continue;
				RayDifferential bounceRay(p, wi);
				static StatsCounter gatherRays("Photon Map", // NOBOOK
					"Final gather rays traced"); // NOBOOK
				++gatherRays; // NOBOOK
				Intersection gatherIsect;
				if (scene->Intersect(bounceRay, &gatherIsect)) {
					// Compute exitant radiance at final gather intersection
					BSDF *gatherBSDF = gatherIsect.GetBSDF(bounceRay);
					Vector bounceWo = -bounceRay.d;
					Spectrum Lindir =
						LPhoton(directMap, nDirectPaths, nLookup,
							gatherBSDF, gatherIsect, bounceWo, maxDistSquared) +
						LPhoton(indirectMap, nIndirectPaths, nLookup,
							gatherBSDF, gatherIsect, bounceWo, maxDistSquared) +
						LPhoton(causticMap, nCausticPaths, nLookup,
							gatherBSDF, gatherIsect, bounceWo, maxDistSquared);
					Lindir *= scene->Transmittance(bounceRay);
					Li += fr * Lindir * AbsDot(wi, n) / pdf;
			L += Li / float(gatherSamples);
			L += LPhoton(indirectMap, nIndirectPaths, nLookup,
				bsdf, isect, wo, maxDistSquared);
		if (specularDepth++ < maxSpecularDepth) {
			Vector wi;
			// Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
			Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi,
			if (!f.Black()) {
				// Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular reflection
				RayDifferential rd(p, wi);
				rd.hasDifferentials = true;
				rd.rx.o = p + isect.dg.dpdx;
				rd.ry.o = p + isect.dg.dpdy;
				// Compute differential reflected directions
				Normal dndx = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudx +
					bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdx;
				Normal dndy = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudy +
					bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdy;
				Vector dwodx = -ray.rx.d - wo, dwody = -ray.ry.d - wo;
				float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, n) + Dot(wo, dndx);
				float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, n) + Dot(wo, dndy);
				rd.rx.d = wi -
				          dwodx + 2 * Vector(Dot(wo, n) * dndx +
						  dDNdx * n);
				rd.ry.d = wi -
				          dwody + 2 * Vector(Dot(wo, n) * dndy +
						  dDNdy * n);
				L += scene->Li(rd, sample) * f * AbsDot(wi, n);
			f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi,
			if (!f.Black()) {
				// Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular transmission
				RayDifferential rd(p, wi);
				rd.hasDifferentials = true;
				rd.rx.o = p + isect.dg.dpdx;
				rd.ry.o = p + isect.dg.dpdy;
				float eta = bsdf->eta;
				Vector w = -wo;
				if (Dot(wo, n) < 0) eta = 1.f / eta;
				Normal dndx = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudx + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdx;
				Normal dndy = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudy + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdy;
				Vector dwodx = -ray.rx.d - wo, dwody = -ray.ry.d - wo;
				float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, n) + Dot(wo, dndx);
				float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, n) + Dot(wo, dndy);
				float mu = eta * Dot(w, n) - Dot(wi, n);
				float dmudx = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdx;
				float dmudy = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdy;
				rd.rx.d = wi + eta * dwodx - Vector(mu * dndx + dmudx * n);
				rd.ry.d = wi + eta * dwody - Vector(mu * dndy + dmudy * n);
				L += scene->Li(rd, sample) * f * AbsDot(wi, n);
	else {
		// Handle ray with no intersection
		if (alpha) *alpha = 0.;
		for (u_int i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); ++i)
			L += scene->lights[i]->Le(ray);
		if (alpha && !L.Black()) *alpha = 1.;
		return L;
	return L;
void PhotonIntegrator::Preprocess(const Scene *scene) {
	if (scene->lights.size() == 0) return;
	ProgressReporter progress(nCausticPhotons+nDirectPhotons+ // NOBOOK
		nIndirectPhotons, "Shooting photons"); // NOBOOK
	vector<Photon> causticPhotons;
	vector<Photon> directPhotons;
	vector<Photon> indirectPhotons;
	causticPhotons.reserve(nCausticPhotons); // NOBOOK
	directPhotons.reserve(nDirectPhotons); // NOBOOK
	indirectPhotons.reserve(nIndirectPhotons); // NOBOOK
	// Initialize photon shooting statistics
	static StatsCounter nshot("Photon Map",
		"Number of photons shot from lights");
	bool causticDone = (nCausticPhotons == 0);
	bool directDone = (nDirectPhotons == 0);
	bool indirectDone = (nIndirectPhotons == 0);
	while (!causticDone || !directDone || !indirectDone) {
		// Give up if we're not storing enough photons
		if (nshot > 500000 &&
						  nshot) ||
						  nshot) ||
						  nshot))) {
			Error("Unable to store enough photons.  Giving up.\n");
		// Trace a photon path and store contribution
		// Choose 4D sample values for photon
		float u[4];
		u[0] = (float)RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 2);
		u[1] = (float)RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 3);
		u[2] = (float)RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 5);
		u[3] = (float)RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 7);
		// Choose light to shoot photon from
		int nLights = int(scene->lights.size());
		int lightNum =
			min(Floor2Int(nLights * (float)RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 11)),
		Light *light = scene->lights[lightNum];
		float lightPdf = 1.f / nLights;
		// Generate _photonRay_ from light source and initialize _alpha_
		RayDifferential photonRay;
		float pdf;
		Spectrum alpha =
			light->Sample_L(scene, u[0], u[1], u[2], u[3],
				&photonRay, &pdf);
		if (pdf == 0.f || alpha.Black()) continue;
		alpha /= pdf * lightPdf;
		if (!alpha.Black()) {
			// Follow photon path through scene and record intersections
			bool specularPath = false;
			Intersection photonIsect;
			int nIntersections = 0;
			while (scene->Intersect(photonRay, &photonIsect)) {
				// Handle photon/surface intersection
				alpha *= scene->Transmittance(photonRay);
				Vector wo = -photonRay.d;
				BSDF *photonBSDF = photonIsect.GetBSDF(photonRay);
				BxDFType specularType = BxDFType(BSDF_REFLECTION |
				bool hasNonSpecular = (photonBSDF->NumComponents() >
				if (hasNonSpecular) {
					// Deposit photon at surface
					Photon photon(photonIsect.dg.p, alpha, wo);
					if (nIntersections == 1) {
						// Process direct lighting photon intersection
						if (!directDone) {
							if (directPhotons.size() == nDirectPhotons) {
								directDone = true;
								nDirectPaths = (int)nshot;
								directMap =
									new KdTree<Photon,
							progress.Update(); // NOBOOK
					else if (specularPath) {
						// Process caustic photon intersection
						if (!causticDone) {
							if (causticPhotons.size() == nCausticPhotons) {
								causticDone = true;
								nCausticPaths = (int)nshot;
								causticMap =
									new KdTree<Photon,
					else {
						// Process indirect lighting photon intersection
						if (!indirectDone) {
							if (indirectPhotons.size() == nIndirectPhotons) {
								indirectDone = true;
								nIndirectPaths = (int)nshot;
								indirectMap =
									new KdTree<Photon,
				// Sample new photon ray direction
				Vector wi;
				float pdf;
				BxDFType flags;
				// Get random numbers for sampling outgoing photon direction
				float u1, u2, u3;
				if (nIntersections == 1) {
					u1 = (float)RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 13);
					u2 = (float)RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 17);
					u3 = (float)RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 19);
				else {
					u1 = RandomFloat();
					u2 = RandomFloat();
					u3 = RandomFloat();
				Spectrum fr = photonBSDF->Sample_f(wo, &wi, u1, u2, u3,
					&pdf, BSDF_ALL, &flags);
				if (fr.Black() || pdf == 0.f)
				specularPath = (nIntersections == 1 || specularPath) &&
					((flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0);
				alpha *= fr * AbsDot(wi, photonBSDF->dgShading.nn) / pdf;
				photonRay = RayDifferential(photonIsect.dg.p, wi);
				// Possibly terminate photon path
				if (nIntersections > 3) {
					float continueProbability = .5f;
					if (RandomFloat() > continueProbability)
					alpha /= continueProbability;
	progress.Done(); // NOBOOK
Example #15
// return the radiance of a specific direction
// note : there are one factor makes the method biased.
//		there is a limitation on the number of vertexes in the path
Spectrum PathTracing::Li( const Ray& ray , const PixelSample& ps ) const
	Spectrum	L = 0.0f;
	Spectrum	throughput = 1.0f;

	int			bounces = 0;
	Ray	r = ray;
		Intersection inter;

		// get the intersection between the ray and the scene
		// if it's a light , accumulate the radiance and break
		if( false == scene.GetIntersect( r , &inter ) )
			if( bounces == 0 )
				return scene.Le( r );

		if( bounces == 0 ) L+=inter.Le(-r.m_Dir);

		// make sure there is intersected primitive
		Sort_Assert( inter.primitive != 0 );

		// evaluate the light
		Bsdf*			bsdf = inter.primitive->GetMaterial()->GetBsdf(&inter);
		float			light_pdf = 0.0f;
		LightSample		light_sample = (bounces==0)?ps.light_sample[0]:LightSample(true);
		BsdfSample		bsdf_sample = (bounces==0)?ps.bsdf_sample[0]:BsdfSample(true);
		const Light*	light = scene.SampleLight( light_sample.t , &light_pdf );
		if( light_pdf > 0.0f )
			L += throughput * EvaluateDirect(	r  , scene , light , inter , light_sample , 
												bsdf_sample , BXDF_TYPE(BXDF_ALL) ) / light_pdf;

		// sample the next direction using bsdf
		float		path_pdf;
		Vector		wi;
		BXDF_TYPE	bxdf_type;
		Spectrum f;
		BsdfSample	_bsdf_sample = (bounces==0)?ps.bsdf_sample[1]:BsdfSample(true);
		f = bsdf->sample_f( -r.m_Dir , wi , _bsdf_sample , &path_pdf , BXDF_ALL , &bxdf_type );
		if( f.IsBlack() || path_pdf == 0.0f )

		// update path weight
		throughput *= f * AbsDot( wi , inter.normal ) / path_pdf;

		if( throughput.GetIntensity() == 0.0f )
		if( bounces > 4 )
			float continueProperbility = min( 0.5f , throughput.GetIntensity() );
			if( sort_canonical() > continueProperbility )
			throughput /= continueProperbility;

		r.m_Ori = inter.intersect;
		r.m_Dir = wi;
		r.m_fMin = 0.001f;


		// note :	the following code makes the method biased
		//			'path_per_pixel' could be set very large to reduce the side-effect.
		if( bounces >= max_recursive_depth )

	return L;
Example #16
// main program
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { 

	Spectrum blanc(1.0);
	FresnelOne myFresnel;
	IsotropicBeckmann myD(1.0);
	//Blinn myD(0.5);

	Microfacetpp myBRDF(blanc, &myFresnel, &myD, &myMSHAC);

	Spectrum integral(0.0);

	float theta_o = M_PI / 2.2f;
	float phi_o = 0.f;

	Vector w_o(cosf(phi_o) * sinf(theta_o), sinf(phi_o) * sinf(theta_o), cosf(theta_o));
	Vector w_i(0.0,0.0,1.0);
	Vector w_g(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
	//float myG = myMSHAC.G(w_o,w_i,Normalize(w_o + w_i));

	//float lambda(myD.Lambda(w_o));

	float deltaPhi = 0.01, deltaTheta = 0.01;

	/*RNG myRNG;
	const int n(300);
	const int nSamplers(n*n);
	float samples[nSamplers*2];*/

	/*for (int i(0); i < n; i++) {
		float u1 = (float)i / (float)n;
		for (int j(0); j < n; j++) {
			float u2 = (float)j / (float)n;
			samples[i * n + j * 2] = u1;
			samples[i * n + j * 2 + 1] = u2;

	/*for (int i(0); i < nSamplers * 2; i++) {
		samples[i] = myRNG.RandomFloat();

	for (float phi = 0.0; phi <= 2 * M_PI; phi += deltaPhi) {
		for (float theta = 0.0; theta <= M_PI / 2.0; theta += deltaTheta) {

			w_i.x = cos(phi) * sin(theta);
			w_i.y = sin(phi) * sin(theta);
			w_i.z = cos(theta);

			integral += myBRDF.f(w_o, w_i) * AbsDot(w_g,w_i) * deltaPhi * deltaTheta * sin(theta);
			//integral += myD.D(w_i) * AbsDot(w_g, w_i) * deltaPhi * deltaTheta * sin(theta);
	integral = Spectrum(1.0) - integral;

	//Spectrum retour = myBRDF.rho(w_o,nSamplers, samples);
    /*Options options;
    vector<string> filenames;
    // Process command-line arguments
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
        if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--ncores")) options.nCores = atoi(argv[++i]);
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--outfile")) options.imageFile = argv[++i];
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--quick")) options.quickRender = true;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--quiet")) options.quiet = true;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--verbose")) options.verbose = true;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) {
            printf("usage: pbrt [--ncores n] [--outfile filename] [--quick] [--quiet] "
                   "[--verbose] [--help] <filename.pbrt> ...\n");
            return 0;
        else filenames.push_back(argv[i]);

    // Print welcome banner
    if (!options.quiet) {
        printf("pbrt version %s of %s at %s [Detected %d core(s)]\n",
               PBRT_VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__, NumSystemCores());
        printf("Copyright (c)1998-2014 Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys.\n");
        printf("The source code to pbrt (but *not* the book contents) is covered by the BSD License.\n");
        printf("See the file LICENSE.txt for the conditions of the license.\n");
    // Process scene description
    if (filenames.size() == 0) {
        // Parse scene from standard input
    } else {
        // Parse scene from input files
        for (u_int i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++)
            if (!ParseFile(filenames[i]))
                Error("Couldn't open scene file \"%s\"", filenames[i].c_str());
    return 0;
Example #17
void HashGridLookup::ReHash(float currentPhotonRadius2) {
void HashGridLookup::ReHash(float /*currentPhotonRadius*/) {

	const unsigned int hitPointsCount = engine->hitPointTotal;
	const BBox &hpBBox = hitPointsbbox;

	// Calculate the size of the grid cell
#if defined USE_SPPMPA || defined USE_PPMPA
	float maxPhotonRadius2 = currentPhotonRadius2;
	float maxPhotonRadius2 = 0.f;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hitPointsCount; ++i) {
		HitPointStaticInfo *ihp = &workerHitPointsInfo[i];
		HitPoint *hp = &workerHitPoints[i];

		if (ihp->type == SURFACE)
		maxPhotonRadius2 = Max(maxPhotonRadius2, hp->accumPhotonRadius2);

	const float cellSize = sqrtf(maxPhotonRadius2) * 2.f;
	//std::cerr << "Hash grid cell size: " << cellSize << std::endl;
	invCellSize = 1.f / cellSize;

	// TODO: add a tunable parameter for hashgrid size
	//hashGridSize = hitPointsCount;
	if (!hashGrid) {
		hashGrid = new std::list<uint>*[hashGridSize];

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hashGridSize; ++i)
			hashGrid[i] = NULL;
	} else {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hashGridSize; ++i) {
			delete hashGrid[i];
			hashGrid[i] = NULL;

	//std::cerr << "Building hit points hash grid:" << std::endl;
	//std::cerr << "  0k/" << hitPointsCount / 1000 << "k" << std::endl;
	//unsigned int maxPathCount = 0;
//	double lastPrintTime = WallClockTime();
	unsigned long long entryCount = 0;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hitPointsCount; ++i) {

//		if (WallClockTime() - lastPrintTime > 2.0) {
//			std::cerr << "  " << i / 1000 << "k/" << hitPointsCount / 1000 << "k" << std::endl;
//			lastPrintTime = WallClockTime();
//		}

		//HitPointInfo *hp = engine->GetHitPointInfo(i);
		HitPointStaticInfo *hp = &workerHitPointsInfo[i];

		if (hp->type == SURFACE) {

#if defined USE_SPPMPA || defined USE_PPMPA

			const float photonRadius = sqrtf(currentPhotonRadius2);

			HitPoint *hpp = &workerHitPoints[i];
			const float photonRadius = sqrtf(hpp->accumPhotonRadius2);

			const Vector rad(photonRadius, photonRadius, photonRadius);
			const Vector bMin = ((hp->position - rad) - hpBBox.pMin) * invCellSize;
			const Vector bMax = ((hp->position + rad) - hpBBox.pMin) * invCellSize;

			for (int iz = abs(int(bMin.z)); iz <= abs(int(bMax.z)); iz++) {
				for (int iy = abs(int(bMin.y)); iy <= abs(int(bMax.y)); iy++) {
					for (int ix = abs(int(bMin.x)); ix <= abs(int(bMax.x)); ix++) {

						int hv = Hash(ix, iy, iz);

						//if (hv == engine->hitPointTotal - 1)

						if (hashGrid[hv] == NULL)
							hashGrid[hv] = new std::list<uint>();

//						std::list<unsigned int>* hps = hashGrid[hv];
//						if (hps) {
//							std::list<unsigned int>::iterator iter = hps->begin();
//							while (iter != hps->end()) {
//								if (*iter == i) {
//									printf("found");
//									exit(0);
//								}
//							}
//						}


						/*// hashGrid[hv]->size() is very slow to execute
						 if (hashGrid[hv]->size() > maxPathCount)
						 maxPathCount = hashGrid[hv]->size();*/

	hashGridEntryCount = entryCount;

	//std::cerr << "Max. hit points in a single hash grid entry: " << maxPathCount << std::endl;
//	std::cerr << "Total hash grid entry: " << entryCount << std::endl;
//	std::cerr << "Avg. hit points in a single hash grid entry: " << entryCount
//			/ hashGridSize << std::endl;

	//printf("Sizeof %d\n", sizeof(HitPoint*));

	// HashGrid debug code
	/*for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hashGridSize; ++i) {
	 if (hashGrid[i]) {
	 if (hashGrid[i]->size() > 10) {
	 std::cerr << "HashGrid[" << i << "].size() = " <<hashGrid[i]->size() << std::endl;

#if defined USE_SPPM || defined USE_PPM
void HashGridLookup::AddFlux(PointerFreeScene *ss, const float /*alpha*/, const Point &hitPoint,
		const Normal &shadeN, const Vector wi, const Spectrum photonFlux,
		float /*currentPhotonRadius2*/) {
void HashGridLookup::AddFlux(PointerFreeScene *ss, const float /*alpha*/, const Point &hitPoint,
		const Normal &shadeN, const Vector wi, const Spectrum photonFlux,
		float currentPhotonRadius2) {

	// Look for eye path hit points near the current hit point
	Vector hh = (hitPoint - hitPointsbbox.pMin) * invCellSize;
	const int ix = abs(int(hh.x));
	const int iy = abs(int(hh.y));
	const int iz = abs(int(hh.z));

	//	std::list<uint> *hps = hashGrid[Hash(ix, iy, iz, hashGridSize)];
	//	if (hps) {
	//		std::list<uint>::iterator iter = hps->begin();
	//		while (iter != hps->end()) {
	//			HitPoint *hp = &hitPoints[*iter++];

	uint gridEntry = Hash(ix, iy, iz);
	std::list<unsigned int>* hps = hashGrid[gridEntry];

	if (hps) {
		std::list<unsigned int>::iterator iter = hps->begin();
		while (iter != hps->end()) {

			HitPointStaticInfo *hp = &workerHitPointsInfo[*iter];
			HitPoint *ihp = &workerHitPoints[*iter++];

//			Vector v = hp->position - hitPoint;

#if defined USE_SPPM || defined USE_PPM
			//if ((Dot(hp->normal, shadeN) > 0.5f) && (Dot(v, v) <= ihp->accumPhotonRadius2)) {

			const float dist2 = DistanceSquared(hp->position, hitPoint);
			if ((dist2 > ihp->accumPhotonRadius2))

			const float dot = Dot(hp->normal, wi);
			if (dot <= 0.0001f)

			const float dist2 = DistanceSquared(hp->position, hitPoint);
			if ((dist2 > currentPhotonRadius2))

			const float dot = Dot(hp->normal, wi);
			if (dot <= 0.0001f)

			//const float g = (hp->accumPhotonCount * alpha + alpha)
			//		/ (hp->accumPhotonCount * alpha + 1.f);

			//hp->photonRadius2 *= g;
			__sync_fetch_and_add(&ihp->accumPhotonCount, 1);

			Spectrum f;

			POINTERFREESCENE::Material *hitPointMat = &ss->materials[hp->materialSS];

			switch (hitPointMat->type) {

			case MAT_MATTE:
				ss->Matte_f(&hitPointMat->param.matte, hp->wo, wi, shadeN, f);

				ss->MatteMirror_f(&hitPointMat->param.matteMirror, hp->wo, wi, shadeN, f);

				ss->MatteMetal_f(&hitPointMat->param.matteMetal, hp->wo, wi, shadeN, f);

			case MAT_ALLOY:
				ss->Alloy_f(&hitPointMat->param.alloy, hp->wo, wi, shadeN, f);


			//f = hp->material->f(hp->wo, wi, shadeN);

			Spectrum flux = photonFlux * AbsDot(shadeN, wi) * hp->throughput * f;
			//if ((*iter-1) == 200) printf("%f\n", photonFlux.g);

#pragma omp critical

				ihp->accumReflectedFlux = (ihp->accumReflectedFlux + flux) /** g*/;
			//				hp->accumReflectedFlux.r += flux.r;
			//				hp->accumReflectedFlux.r += flux.r;
			//				hp->accumReflectedFlux.r += flux.r;

			//printf("%f\n", f.r);


Example #18
Spectrum PathIntegrator::Li(const RayDifferential &r, const Scene &scene,
                            Sampler &sampler, MemoryArena &arena,
                            int depth) const {
    ProfilePhase p(Prof::SamplerIntegratorLi);
    Spectrum L(0.f), beta(1.f);
    RayDifferential ray(r);
    bool specularBounce = false;
    int bounces;
    for (bounces = 0;; ++bounces) {
        // Find next path vertex and accumulate contribution
        VLOG(2) << "Path tracer bounce " << bounces << ", current L = " << L <<
            ", beta = " << beta;

        // Intersect _ray_ with scene and store intersection in _isect_
        SurfaceInteraction isect;
        bool foundIntersection = scene.Intersect(ray, &isect);

        // Possibly add emitted light at intersection
        if (bounces == 0 || specularBounce) {
            // Add emitted light at path vertex or from the environment
            if (foundIntersection) {
                L += beta * isect.Le(-ray.d);
                VLOG(2) << "Added Le -> L = " << L;
            } else {
                for (const auto &light : scene.infiniteLights)
                    L += beta * light->Le(ray);
                VLOG(2) << "Added infinite area lights -> L = " << L;

        // Terminate path if ray escaped or _maxDepth_ was reached
        if (!foundIntersection || bounces >= maxDepth) break;

        // Compute scattering functions and skip over medium boundaries
        isect.ComputeScatteringFunctions(ray, arena, true);
        if (!isect.bsdf) {
            VLOG(2) << "Skipping intersection due to null bsdf";
            ray = isect.SpawnRay(ray.d);

        const Distribution1D *distrib = lightDistribution->Lookup(isect.p);

        // Sample illumination from lights to find path contribution.
        // (But skip this for perfectly specular BSDFs.)
        if (isect.bsdf->NumComponents(BxDFType(BSDF_ALL & ~BSDF_SPECULAR)) >
            0) {
            Spectrum Ld =
                beta * UniformSampleOneLight(isect, scene, arena, sampler, false,
            VLOG(2) << "Sampled direct lighting Ld = " << Ld;
            if (Ld.IsBlack()) ++zeroRadiancePaths;
            CHECK_GE(Ld.y(), 0.f);
            L += Ld;

        // Sample BSDF to get new path direction
        Vector3f wo = -ray.d, wi;
        Float pdf;
        BxDFType flags;
        Spectrum f = isect.bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, sampler.Get2D(), &pdf,
                                          BSDF_ALL, &flags);
        VLOG(2) << "Sampled BSDF, f = " << f << ", pdf = " << pdf;
        if (f.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.f) break;
        beta *= f * AbsDot(wi, isect.shading.n) / pdf;
        VLOG(2) << "Updated beta = " << beta;
        CHECK_GE(beta.y(), 0.f);
        specularBounce = (flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0;
        ray = isect.SpawnRay(wi);

        // Account for subsurface scattering, if applicable
        if (isect.bssrdf && (flags & BSDF_TRANSMISSION)) {
            // Importance sample the BSSRDF
            SurfaceInteraction pi;
            Spectrum S = isect.bssrdf->Sample_S(
                scene, sampler.Get1D(), sampler.Get2D(), arena, &pi, &pdf);
            if (S.IsBlack() || pdf == 0) break;
            beta *= S / pdf;

            // Account for the direct subsurface scattering component
            L += beta * UniformSampleOneLight(pi, scene, arena, sampler, false,

            // Account for the indirect subsurface scattering component
            Spectrum f = pi.bsdf->Sample_f(pi.wo, &wi, sampler.Get2D(), &pdf,
                                           BSDF_ALL, &flags);
            if (f.IsBlack() || pdf == 0) break;
            beta *= f * AbsDot(wi, pi.shading.n) / pdf;
            specularBounce = (flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0;
            ray = pi.SpawnRay(wi);

        // Possibly terminate the path with Russian roulette
        if (beta.y() < rrThreshold && bounces > 3) {
            Float q = std::max((Float).05, 1 - beta.MaxComponentValue());
            VLOG(2) << "RR termination probability q = " << q;
            if (sampler.Get1D() < q) break;
            beta /= 1 - q;
            VLOG(2) << "After RR survival, beta = " << beta;
    ReportValue(pathLength, bounces);
    return L;
Example #19
Spectrum PathIntegrator::Li(const Scene *scene, const Renderer *renderer,
        const RayDifferential &r, const Intersection &isect,
        const Sample *sample, RNG &rng, MemoryArena &arena) const {
    // Declare common path integration variables
    Spectrum pathThroughput = 1., L = 0.;
    RayDifferential ray(r);
    bool specularBounce = false;
    Intersection localIsect;
    const Intersection *isectp = &isect;
    for (int bounces = 0; ; ++bounces) {
        // Possibly add emitted light at path vertex
        if (bounces == 0 || specularBounce)
            L += pathThroughput * isectp->Le(-ray.d);

        // Sample illumination from lights to find path contribution
        BSDF *bsdf = isectp->GetBSDF(ray, arena);
        const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
        const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
        Vector wo = -ray.d;
        if (bounces < SAMPLE_DEPTH)
            L += pathThroughput *
                 UniformSampleOneLight(scene, renderer, arena, p, n, wo,
                     isectp->rayEpsilon, ray.time, bsdf, sample, rng,
                     lightNumOffset[bounces], &lightSampleOffsets[bounces],
            L += pathThroughput *
                 UniformSampleOneLight(scene, renderer, arena, p, n, wo,
                     isectp->rayEpsilon, ray.time, bsdf, sample, rng);

        // Sample BSDF to get new path direction

        // Get _outgoingBSDFSample_ for sampling new path direction
        BSDFSample outgoingBSDFSample;
        if (bounces < SAMPLE_DEPTH)
            outgoingBSDFSample = BSDFSample(sample, pathSampleOffsets[bounces], 0);
            outgoingBSDFSample = BSDFSample(rng);
        Vector wi;
        float pdf;
        BxDFType flags;
        Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, outgoingBSDFSample, &pdf,
                                    BSDF_ALL, &flags);
        if (f.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.)
        specularBounce = (flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0;
        pathThroughput *= f * AbsDot(wi, n) / pdf;
        ray = RayDifferential(p, wi, ray, isectp->rayEpsilon);

        // Possibly terminate the path
        if (bounces > 3) {
            float continueProbability = min(.5f, pathThroughput.y());
            if (rng.RandomFloat() > continueProbability)
            pathThroughput /= continueProbability;
        if (bounces == maxDepth)

        // Find next vertex of path
        if (!scene->Intersect(ray, &localIsect)) {
            if (specularBounce)
                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); ++i)
                   L += pathThroughput * scene->lights[i]->Le(ray);
        if (bounces > 1)
            pathThroughput *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, ray, NULL, rng, arena);
        isectp = &localIsect;
    return L;
Example #20
Spectrum EstimateDirect(const Interaction &it, const Point2f &uScattering,
                        const Light &light, const Point2f &uLight,
                        const Scene &scene, Sampler &sampler,
                        MemoryArena &arena, bool handleMedia, bool specular) {
    BxDFType bsdfFlags =
        specular ? BSDF_ALL : BxDFType(BSDF_ALL & ~BSDF_SPECULAR);
    Spectrum Ld(0.f);
    // Sample light source with multiple importance sampling
    Vector3f wi;
    Float lightPdf = 0, scatteringPdf = 0;
    VisibilityTester visibility;
    Spectrum Li = light.Sample_Li(it, uLight, &wi, &lightPdf, &visibility);
    if (lightPdf > 0 && !Li.IsBlack()) {
        // Compute BSDF or phase function's value for light sample
        Spectrum f;
        if (it.IsSurfaceInteraction()) {
            // Evaluate BSDF for light sampling strategy
            const SurfaceInteraction &isect = (const SurfaceInteraction &)it;
            f = isect.bsdf->f(isect.wo, wi, bsdfFlags) *
                AbsDot(wi, isect.shading.n);
            scatteringPdf = isect.bsdf->Pdf(isect.wo, wi, bsdfFlags);
        } else {
            // Evaluate phase function for light sampling strategy
            const MediumInteraction &mi = (const MediumInteraction &)it;
            Float p = mi.phase->p(mi.wo, wi);
            f = Spectrum(p);
            scatteringPdf = p;
        if (!f.IsBlack()) {
            // Compute effect of visibility for light source sample
            if (handleMedia)
                Li *= visibility.Tr(scene, sampler);
            else if (!visibility.Unoccluded(scene))
                Li = Spectrum(0.f);

            // Add light's contribution to reflected radiance
            if (!Li.IsBlack()) {
                if (IsDeltaLight(light.flags))
                    Ld += f * Li / lightPdf;
                else {
                    Float weight =
                        PowerHeuristic(1, lightPdf, 1, scatteringPdf);
                    Ld += f * Li * weight / lightPdf;

    // Sample BSDF with multiple importance sampling
    if (!IsDeltaLight(light.flags)) {
        Spectrum f;
        bool sampledSpecular = false;
        if (it.IsSurfaceInteraction()) {
            // Sample scattered direction for surface interactions
            BxDFType sampledType;
            const SurfaceInteraction &isect = (const SurfaceInteraction &)it;
            f = isect.bsdf->Sample_f(isect.wo, &wi, uScattering, &scatteringPdf,
                                     bsdfFlags, &sampledType);
            f *= AbsDot(wi, isect.shading.n);
            sampledSpecular = sampledType & BSDF_SPECULAR;
        } else {
            // Sample scattered direction for medium interactions
            const MediumInteraction &mi = (const MediumInteraction &)it;
            Float p = mi.phase->Sample_p(mi.wo, &wi, uScattering);
            f = Spectrum(p);
            scatteringPdf = p;
        if (!f.IsBlack() && scatteringPdf > 0) {
            // Account for light contributions along sampled direction _wi_
            Float weight = 1;
            if (!sampledSpecular) {
                lightPdf = light.Pdf_Li(it, wi);
                if (lightPdf == 0) return Ld;
                weight = PowerHeuristic(1, scatteringPdf, 1, lightPdf);

            // Find intersection and compute transmittance
            SurfaceInteraction lightIsect;
            Ray ray = it.SpawnRay(wi);
            Spectrum Tr(1.f);
            bool foundSurfaceInteraction =
                handleMedia ? scene.IntersectTr(ray, sampler, &lightIsect, &Tr)
                            : scene.Intersect(ray, &lightIsect);

            // Add light contribution from material sampling
            Spectrum Li(0.f);
            if (foundSurfaceInteraction) {
                if (lightIsect.primitive->GetAreaLight() == &light)
                    Li = lightIsect.Le(-wi);
            } else
                Li = light.Le(ray);
            if (!Li.IsBlack()) Ld += f * Li * Tr * weight / scatteringPdf;
    return Ld;
void DipoleSubsurfaceIntegrator::Preprocess(const Scene *scene,
        const Camera *camera, const Renderer *renderer) {
    if (scene->lights.size() == 0) return;
    vector<SurfacePoint> pts;
    // Get _SurfacePoint_s for translucent objects in scene
    if (filename != "") {
        // Initialize _SurfacePoint_s from file
        vector<float> fpts;
        if (ReadFloatFile(filename.c_str(), &fpts)) {
            if ((fpts.size() % 8) != 0)
                Error("Excess values (%d) in points file \"%s\"", int(fpts.size() % 8),
            for (u_int i = 0; i < fpts.size(); i += 8)
                pts.push_back(SurfacePoint(Point(fpts[i], fpts[i+1], fpts[i+2]),
                                           Normal(fpts[i+3], fpts[i+4], fpts[i+5]),
                                           fpts[i+6], fpts[i+7]));
    if (pts.size() == 0) {
        Point pCamera = camera->CameraToWorld(camera->shutterOpen,
                                              Point(0, 0, 0));
        FindPoissonPointDistribution(pCamera, camera->shutterOpen,
                                     minSampleDist, scene, &pts);

    // Compute irradiance values at sample points
    RNG rng;
    MemoryArena arena;
    ProgressReporter progress(pts.size(), "Computing Irradiances");
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pts.size(); ++i) {
        SurfacePoint &sp = pts[i];
        Spectrum E(0.f);
        for (uint32_t j = 0; j < scene->lights.size(); ++j) {
            // Add irradiance from light at point
            const Light *light = scene->lights[j];
            Spectrum Elight = 0.f;
            int nSamples = RoundUpPow2(light->nSamples);
            uint32_t scramble[2] = { rng.RandomUInt(), rng.RandomUInt() };
            uint32_t compScramble = rng.RandomUInt();
            for (int s = 0; s < nSamples; ++s) {
                float lpos[2];
                Sample02(s, scramble, lpos);
                float lcomp = VanDerCorput(s, compScramble);
                LightSample ls(lpos[0], lpos[1], lcomp);
                Vector wi;
                float lightPdf;
                VisibilityTester visibility;
                Spectrum Li = light->Sample_L(sp.p, sp.rayEpsilon,
                    ls, camera->shutterOpen, &wi, &lightPdf, &visibility);
                if (Dot(wi, sp.n) <= 0.) continue;
                if (Li.IsBlack() || lightPdf == 0.f) continue;
                Li *= visibility.Transmittance(scene, renderer, NULL, rng, arena);
                if (visibility.Unoccluded(scene))
                    Elight += Li * AbsDot(wi, sp.n) / lightPdf;
            E += Elight / nSamples;
        irradiancePoints.push_back(IrradiancePoint(sp, E));

    // Create octree of clustered irradiance samples
    octree = octreeArena.Alloc<SubsurfaceOctreeNode>();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < irradiancePoints.size(); ++i)
        octreeBounds = Union(octreeBounds, irradiancePoints[i].p);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < irradiancePoints.size(); ++i)
        octree->Insert(octreeBounds, &irradiancePoints[i], octreeArena);
Example #22
Spectrum IGIIntegrator::Li(const Scene *scene,
		const RayDifferential &ray, const Sample *sample,
		   float *alpha) const {
	Spectrum L(0.);
	Intersection isect;
	if (scene->Intersect(ray, &isect)) {
		if (alpha) *alpha = 1.;
		Vector wo = -ray.d;
		// Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
		L += isect.Le(wo);
		// Evaluate BSDF at hit point
		BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray);
		const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
		const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
		L += UniformSampleAllLights(scene, p, n,
					    wo, bsdf, sample,
					    lightSampleOffset, bsdfSampleOffset,
		// Compute indirect illumination with virtual lights
		u_int lSet = min(u_int(sample->oneD[vlSetOffset][0] * nLightSets),
		for (u_int i = 0; i < virtualLights[lSet].size(); ++i) {
			const VirtualLight &vl = virtualLights[lSet][i];
			// Add contribution from _VirtualLight_ _vl_
			// Ignore light if it's too close to current point
			float d2 = DistanceSquared(p, vl.p);
			//if (d2 < .8 * minDist2) continue;
			float distScale = SmoothStep(.8 * minDist2, 1.2 * minDist2, d2);
			// Compute virtual light's tentative contribution _Llight_
			Vector wi = Normalize(vl.p - p);
			Spectrum f = distScale * bsdf->f(wo, wi);
			if (f.Black()) continue;
			float G = AbsDot(wi, n) * AbsDot(wi, vl.n) / d2;
			Spectrum Llight = indirectScale * f * G * vl.Le /
			Llight *= scene->Transmittance(Ray(p, vl.p - p));
			// Possibly skip shadow ray with Russian roulette
			if (Llight.y() < rrThreshold) {
				float continueProbability = .1f;
				if (RandomFloat() > continueProbability)
				Llight /= continueProbability;
			static StatsCounter vlsr("IGI Integrator", "Shadow Rays to Virtual Lights"); //NOBOOK
			++vlsr; //NOBOOK
			if (!scene->IntersectP(Ray(p, vl.p - p, RAY_EPSILON,
					1.f - RAY_EPSILON)))
				L += Llight;
		// Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
		if (specularDepth++ < maxSpecularDepth) {
			Vector wi;
			// Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
			Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi,
			if (!f.Black()) {
				// Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular reflection
				RayDifferential rd(p, wi);
				rd.hasDifferentials = true;
				rd.rx.o = p + isect.dg.dpdx;
				rd.ry.o = p + isect.dg.dpdy;
				// Compute differential reflected directions
				Normal dndx = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudx +
					bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdx;
				Normal dndy = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudy +
					bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdy;
				Vector dwodx = -ray.rx.d - wo, dwody = -ray.ry.d - wo;
				float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, n) + Dot(wo, dndx);
				float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, n) + Dot(wo, dndy);
				rd.rx.d = wi -
					dwodx + 2 * Vector(Dot(wo, n) * dndx +
						 dDNdx * n);
				rd.ry.d = wi -
					dwody + 2 * Vector(Dot(wo, n) * dndy +
						 dDNdy * n);
				L += scene->Li(rd, sample) * f * AbsDot(wi, n);
			f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi,
			if (!f.Black()) {
				// Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular transmission
				RayDifferential rd(p, wi);
				rd.hasDifferentials = true;
				rd.rx.o = p + isect.dg.dpdx;
				rd.ry.o = p + isect.dg.dpdy;

				float eta = bsdf->eta;
				Vector w = -wo;
				if (Dot(wo, n) < 0) eta = 1.f / eta;

				Normal dndx = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudx + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdx;
				Normal dndy = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudy + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdy;

				Vector dwodx = -ray.rx.d - wo, dwody = -ray.ry.d - wo;
				float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, n) + Dot(wo, dndx);
				float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, n) + Dot(wo, dndy);

				float mu = eta * Dot(w, n) - Dot(wi, n);
				float dmudx = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdx;
				float dmudy = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdy;

				rd.rx.d = wi + eta * dwodx - Vector(mu * dndx + dmudx * n);
				rd.ry.d = wi + eta * dwody - Vector(mu * dndy + dmudy * n);
				L += scene->Li(rd, sample) * f * AbsDot(wi, n);
	else {
		// Handle ray with no intersection
		if (alpha) *alpha = 0.;
		for (u_int i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); ++i)
			L += scene->lights[i]->Le(ray);
		if (alpha && !L.Black()) *alpha = 1.;
		return L;
	return L;
Example #23
Spectrum MetropolisRenderer::Lbidir(const Scene *scene,
        const PathVertex *cameraPath, int cameraPathLength,
        const PathVertex *lightPath, int lightPathLength,
        MemoryArena &arena, const vector<LightingSample> &samples,
        RNG &rng, float time, const Distribution1D *lightDistribution,
        const RayDifferential &eRay, const Spectrum &eAlpha) const {
    Spectrum L = 0.;
    bool previousSpecular = true, allSpecular = true;
    // Compute number of specular vertices for each path length
    int nVerts = cameraPathLength + lightPathLength + 2;
    int *nSpecularVertices = ALLOCA(int, nVerts);
    memset(nSpecularVertices, 0, nVerts * sizeof(int));
    for (int i = 0; i < cameraPathLength; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < lightPathLength; ++j)
            if (cameraPath[i].specularBounce || lightPath[j].specularBounce)
    for (int i = 0; i < cameraPathLength; ++i) {
        // Initialize basic variables for camera path vertex
        const PathVertex &vc = cameraPath[i];
        const Point &pc = vc.bsdf->dgShading.p;
        const Normal &nc = vc.bsdf->dgShading.nn;

        // Compute reflected light at camera path vertex

        // Add emitted light from vertex if appropriate
        if (previousSpecular && (directLighting == NULL || !allSpecular))
            L += vc.alpha * vc.isect.Le(vc.wPrev);

        // Compute direct illumination for Metropolis path vertex
        Spectrum Ld(0.f);
        if (directLighting == NULL || !allSpecular) {
            // Choose light and call _EstimateDirect()_ for Metropolis vertex
            const LightingSample &ls = samples[i];
            float lightPdf;
            uint32_t lightNum = lightDistribution->SampleDiscrete(ls.lightNum,
            const Light *light = scene->lights[lightNum];
            Ld = vc.alpha *
                 EstimateDirect(scene, this, arena, light, pc, nc, vc.wPrev,
                                vc.isect.rayEpsilon, time, vc.bsdf, rng, NULL,
                                ls.lightSample, ls.bsdfSample,
                                BxDFType(BSDF_ALL & ~BSDF_SPECULAR)) / lightPdf;
        previousSpecular = vc.specularBounce;
        allSpecular &= previousSpecular;
        L += Ld / (i + 1 - nSpecularVertices[i+1]);
        if (!vc.specularBounce) {
            // Loop over light path vertices and connect to camera vertex
            for (int j = 0; j < lightPathLength; ++j) {
                const PathVertex &vl = lightPath[j];
                const Point &pl = vl.bsdf->dgShading.p;
                const Normal &nl = vl.bsdf->dgShading.nn;
                if (!vl.specularBounce) {
                    // Compute contribution between camera and light vertices
                    Vector w = Normalize(pl - pc);
                    Spectrum fc = vc.bsdf->f(vc.wPrev, w) * (1 + vc.nSpecularComponents);
                    Spectrum fl = vl.bsdf->f(-w, vl.wPrev) * (1 + vl.nSpecularComponents);
                    if (fc.IsBlack() || fl.IsBlack()) continue;
                    Ray r(pc, pl - pc, 1e-3f, .999f, time);
                    if (!scene->IntersectP(r)) {
                        // Compute weight for bidirectional path, _pathWt_
                        float pathWt = 1.f / (i + j + 2 - nSpecularVertices[i+j+2]);
                        float G = AbsDot(nc, w) * AbsDot(nl, w) / DistanceSquared(pl, pc);
                        L += (vc.alpha * fc * G * fl * vl.alpha) * pathWt;
    // Add contribution of escaped ray, if any
    if (!eAlpha.IsBlack() && previousSpecular &&
        (directLighting == NULL || !allSpecular))
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); ++i)
           L += eAlpha * scene->lights[i]->Le(eRay);
    return L;
Example #24
void IGIIntegrator::Preprocess(const Scene *scene) {
	if (scene->lights.size() == 0) return;
	// Compute samples for emitted rays from lights
	float *lightNum = new float[nLightPaths * nLightSets];
	float *lightSamp0 = new float[2 * nLightPaths *	nLightSets];
	float *lightSamp1 = new float[2 * nLightPaths * nLightSets];
	LDShuffleScrambled1D(nLightPaths, nLightSets, lightNum);
	LDShuffleScrambled2D(nLightPaths, nLightSets, lightSamp0);
	LDShuffleScrambled2D(nLightPaths, nLightSets, lightSamp1);
	// Precompute information for light sampling densities
	int nLights = int(scene->lights.size());
	float *lightPower = (float *)alloca(nLights * sizeof(float));
	float *lightCDF = (float *)alloca((nLights+1) * sizeof(float));
	for (int i = 0; i < nLights; ++i)
		lightPower[i] = scene->lights[i]->Power(scene).y();
	float totalPower;
	ComputeStep1dCDF(lightPower, nLights, &totalPower, lightCDF);
	for (u_int s = 0; s < nLightSets; ++s) {
		for (u_int i = 0; i < nLightPaths; ++i) {
			// Follow path _i_ from light to create virtual lights
			int sampOffset = s*nLightPaths + i;
			// Choose light source to trace path from
			float lightPdf;
			int lNum = Floor2Int(SampleStep1d(lightPower, lightCDF,
				totalPower, nLights, lightNum[sampOffset], &lightPdf) * nLights);
//			fprintf(stderr, "samp %f -> num %d\n", lightNum[sampOffset], lNum);
			Light *light = scene->lights[lNum];
			// Sample ray leaving light source
			RayDifferential ray;
			float pdf;
			Spectrum alpha =
				light->Sample_L(scene, lightSamp0[2*sampOffset],
						&ray, &pdf);
			if (pdf == 0.f || alpha.Black()) continue;
			alpha /= pdf * lightPdf;
//			fprintf(stderr, "initial alpha %f, light # %d\n", alpha.y(), lNum);
			Intersection isect;
			int nIntersections = 0;
			while (scene->Intersect(ray, &isect) && !alpha.Black()) {
				alpha *= scene->Transmittance(ray);
				Vector wo = -ray.d;
				BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray);
				// Create virtual light at ray intersection point
				static StatsCounter vls("IGI Integrator", "Virtual Lights Created"); //NOBOOK
				++vls; //NOBOOK
				Spectrum Le = alpha * bsdf->rho(wo) / M_PI;
//				fprintf(stderr, "\tmade light with le y %f\n", Le.y());
				virtualLights[s].push_back(VirtualLight(isect.dg.p, isect.dg.nn, Le));
				// Sample new ray direction and update weight
				Vector wi;
				float pdf;
				BxDFType flags;
				Spectrum fr = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, RandomFloat(),
								 RandomFloat(), RandomFloat(),
								 &pdf, BSDF_ALL, &flags);
				if (fr.Black() || pdf == 0.f)
				Spectrum anew = alpha * fr * AbsDot(wi, bsdf->dgShading.nn) / pdf;
				float r = anew.y() / alpha.y();
//				fprintf(stderr, "\tr = %f\n", r);
				if (RandomFloat() > r)
				alpha = anew / r;
//				fprintf(stderr, "\tnew alpha %f\n", alpha.y());
				ray = RayDifferential(isect.dg.p, wi);
	delete[] lightNum; // NOBOOK
	delete[] lightSamp0; // NOBOOK
	delete[] lightSamp1; // NOBOOK
Example #25
Spectrum PhotonIntegrator::Li(const Scene *scene, const Renderer *renderer,
        const RayDifferential &ray, const Intersection &isect,
        const Sample *sample, RNG &rng, MemoryArena &arena) const {
    Spectrum L(0.);
    Vector wo = -ray.d;
    // Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
    L += isect.Le(wo);

    // Evaluate BSDF at hit point
    BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, arena);
    const PbrtPoint &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
    const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
    L += UniformSampleAllLights(scene, renderer, arena, p, n,
        wo, isect.rayEpsilon, ray.time, bsdf, sample, rng,
        lightSampleOffsets, bsdfSampleOffsets);
    // Compute caustic lighting for photon map integrator
    ClosePhoton *lookupBuf = arena.Alloc<ClosePhoton>(nLookup);
    L += LPhoton(causticMap, nCausticPaths, nLookup, lookupBuf, bsdf,
                 rng, isect, wo, maxDistSquared);

    // Compute indirect lighting for photon map integrator
    if (finalGather && indirectMap != NULL) {
    #if 1
        // Do one-bounce final gather for photon map
        BxDFType nonSpecular = BxDFType(BSDF_REFLECTION |
        if (bsdf->NumComponents(nonSpecular) > 0) {
            // Find indirect photons around point for importance sampling
            const uint32_t nIndirSamplePhotons = 50;
            PhotonProcess proc(nIndirSamplePhotons,
            float searchDist2 = maxDistSquared;
            while (proc.nFound < nIndirSamplePhotons) {
                float md2 = searchDist2;
                proc.nFound = 0;
                indirectMap->Lookup(p, proc, md2);
                searchDist2 *= 2.f;

            // Copy photon directions to local array
            Vector *photonDirs = arena.Alloc<Vector>(nIndirSamplePhotons);
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nIndirSamplePhotons; ++i)
                photonDirs[i] = proc.photons[i].photon->wi;

            // Use BSDF to do final gathering
            Spectrum Li = 0.;
            for (int i = 0; i < gatherSamples; ++i) {
                // Sample random direction from BSDF for final gather ray
                Vector wi;
                float pdf;
                BSDFSample bsdfSample(sample, bsdfGatherSampleOffsets, i);
                Spectrum fr = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, bsdfSample,
                                             &pdf, BxDFType(BSDF_ALL & ~BSDF_SPECULAR));
                if (fr.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.f) continue;
                Assert(pdf >= 0.f);

                // Trace BSDF final gather ray and accumulate radiance
                RayDifferential bounceRay(p, wi, ray, isect.rayEpsilon);
                Intersection gatherIsect;
                if (scene->Intersect(bounceRay, &gatherIsect)) {
                    // Compute exitant radiance _Lindir_ using radiance photons
                    Spectrum Lindir = 0.f;
                    Normal nGather = gatherIsect.dg.nn;
                    nGather = Faceforward(nGather, -bounceRay.d);
                    RadiancePhotonProcess proc(nGather);
                    float md2 = INFINITY;
                    radianceMap->Lookup(gatherIsect.dg.p, proc, md2);
                    if (proc.photon != NULL)
                        Lindir = proc.photon->Lo;
                    Lindir *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, bounceRay, NULL, rng, arena);

                    // Compute MIS weight for BSDF-sampled gather ray

                    // Compute PDF for photon-sampling of direction _wi_
                    float photonPdf = 0.f;
                    float conePdf = UniformConePdf(cosGatherAngle);
                    for (uint32_t j = 0; j < nIndirSamplePhotons; ++j)
                        if (Dot(photonDirs[j], wi) > .999f * cosGatherAngle)
                            photonPdf += conePdf;
                    photonPdf /= nIndirSamplePhotons;
                    float wt = PowerHeuristic(gatherSamples, pdf, gatherSamples, photonPdf);
                    Li += fr * Lindir * (AbsDot(wi, n) * wt / pdf);
            L += Li / gatherSamples;

            // Use nearby photons to do final gathering
            Li = 0.;
            for (int i = 0; i < gatherSamples; ++i) {
                // Sample random direction using photons for final gather ray
                BSDFSample gatherSample(sample, indirGatherSampleOffsets, i);
                int photonNum = min((int)nIndirSamplePhotons - 1,
                    Floor2Int(gatherSample.uComponent * nIndirSamplePhotons));

                // Sample gather ray direction from _photonNum_
                Vector vx, vy;
                CoordinateSystem(photonDirs[photonNum], &vx, &vy);
                Vector wi = UniformSampleCone(gatherSample.uDir[0], gatherSample.uDir[1],
                                              cosGatherAngle, vx, vy, photonDirs[photonNum]);

                // Trace photon-sampled final gather ray and accumulate radiance
                Spectrum fr = bsdf->f(wo, wi);
                if (fr.IsBlack()) continue;
                RayDifferential bounceRay(p, wi, ray, isect.rayEpsilon);
                Intersection gatherIsect;
                if (scene->Intersect(bounceRay, &gatherIsect)) {
                    // Compute exitant radiance _Lindir_ using radiance photons
                    Spectrum Lindir = 0.f;
                    Normal nGather = gatherIsect.dg.nn;
                    nGather = Faceforward(nGather, -bounceRay.d);
                    RadiancePhotonProcess proc(nGather);
                    float md2 = INFINITY;
                    radianceMap->Lookup(gatherIsect.dg.p, proc, md2);
                    if (proc.photon != NULL)
                        Lindir = proc.photon->Lo;
                    Lindir *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, bounceRay, NULL, rng, arena);

                    // Compute PDF for photon-sampling of direction _wi_
                    float photonPdf = 0.f;
                    float conePdf = UniformConePdf(cosGatherAngle);
                    for (uint32_t j = 0; j < nIndirSamplePhotons; ++j)
                        if (Dot(photonDirs[j], wi) > .999f * cosGatherAngle)
                            photonPdf += conePdf;
                    photonPdf /= nIndirSamplePhotons;

                    // Compute MIS weight for photon-sampled gather ray
                    float bsdfPdf = bsdf->Pdf(wo, wi);
                    float wt = PowerHeuristic(gatherSamples, photonPdf, gatherSamples, bsdfPdf);
                    Li += fr * Lindir * AbsDot(wi, n) * wt / photonPdf;
            L += Li / gatherSamples;
        // for debugging / examples: use the photon map directly
        Normal nn = Faceforward(n, -ray.d);
        RadiancePhotonProcess proc(nn);
        float md2 = INFINITY;
        radianceMap->Lookup(p, proc, md2);
        if (proc.photon)
            L += proc.photon->Lo;
        L += LPhoton(indirectMap, nIndirectPaths, nLookup, lookupBuf,
                     bsdf, rng, isect, wo, maxDistSquared);
    if (ray.depth+1 < maxSpecularDepth) {
        Vector wi;
        // Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
        L += SpecularReflect(ray, bsdf, rng, isect, renderer, scene, sample,
        L += SpecularTransmit(ray, bsdf, rng, isect, renderer, scene, sample,
    return L;
void ExPhotonIntegrator::Preprocess(const Scene *scene) {
	if (scene->lights.size() == 0) return;
	ProgressReporter progress(nCausticPhotons+ // NOBOOK
		nIndirectPhotons, "Shooting photons"); // NOBOOK
	vector<Photon> causticPhotons;
	vector<Photon> indirectPhotons;
	vector<Photon> directPhotons;
	vector<RadiancePhoton> radiancePhotons;
	causticPhotons.reserve(nCausticPhotons); // NOBOOK
	indirectPhotons.reserve(nIndirectPhotons); // NOBOOK
	// Initialize photon shooting statistics
	static StatsCounter nshot("Photon Map",
		"Number of photons shot from lights");
	bool causticDone = (nCausticPhotons == 0);
	bool indirectDone = (nIndirectPhotons == 0);

	// Compute light power CDF for photon shooting
	int nLights = int(scene->lights.size());
	float *lightPower = (float *)alloca(nLights * sizeof(float));
	float *lightCDF = (float *)alloca((nLights+1) * sizeof(float));
	for (int i = 0; i < nLights; ++i)
		lightPower[i] = scene->lights[i]->Power(scene).y();
	float totalPower;
	ComputeStep1dCDF(lightPower, nLights, &totalPower, lightCDF);
	// Declare radiance photon reflectance arrays
	vector<Spectrum> rpReflectances, rpTransmittances;

	while (!causticDone || !indirectDone) {
		// Give up if we're not storing enough photons
		if (nshot > 500000 &&
						  nshot) ||
						  nshot))) {
			Error("Unable to store enough photons.  Giving up.\n");
		// Trace a photon path and store contribution
		// Choose 4D sample values for photon
		float u[4];
		u[0] = RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 2);
		u[1] = RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 3);
		u[2] = RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 5);
		u[3] = RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 7);

		// Choose light to shoot photon from
		float lightPdf;
		float uln = RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 11);
		int lightNum = Floor2Int(SampleStep1d(lightPower, lightCDF,
				totalPower, nLights, uln, &lightPdf) * nLights);
		lightNum = min(lightNum, nLights-1);
		const Light *light = scene->lights[lightNum];
		// Generate _photonRay_ from light source and initialize _alpha_
		RayDifferential photonRay;
		float pdf;
		Spectrum alpha = light->Sample_L(scene, u[0], u[1], u[2], u[3],
			&photonRay, &pdf);
		if (pdf == 0.f || alpha.Black()) continue;
		alpha /= pdf * lightPdf;

		if (!alpha.Black()) {
			// Follow photon path through scene and record intersections
			bool specularPath = false;
			Intersection photonIsect;
			int nIntersections = 0;
			while (scene->Intersect(photonRay, &photonIsect)) {
				// Handle photon/surface intersection
				alpha *= scene->Transmittance(photonRay);
				Vector wo = -photonRay.d;
				BSDF *photonBSDF = photonIsect.GetBSDF(photonRay);
				BxDFType specularType = BxDFType(BSDF_REFLECTION |
				bool hasNonSpecular = (photonBSDF->NumComponents() >
				if (hasNonSpecular) {
					// Deposit photon at surface
					Photon photon(photonIsect.dg.p, alpha, wo);
					if (nIntersections == 1) {
						// Deposit direct photon
					else {
						// Deposit either caustic or indirect photon
						if (specularPath) {
							// Process caustic photon intersection
							if (!causticDone) {
								if (causticPhotons.size() == nCausticPhotons) {
									causticDone = true;
									nCausticPaths = (int)nshot;
									causticMap = new KdTree<Photon, PhotonProcess>(causticPhotons);
						else {
							// Process indirect lighting photon intersection
							if (!indirectDone) {
								if (indirectPhotons.size() == nIndirectPhotons) {
									indirectDone = true;
									nIndirectPaths = (int)nshot;
									indirectMap = new KdTree<Photon, PhotonProcess>(indirectPhotons);
					if (finalGather && RandomFloat() < .125f) {
						// Store data for radiance photon
						static StatsCounter rp("Photon Map", "Radiance photons created"); // NOBOOK
						++rp; // NOBOOK
						Normal n = photonIsect.dg.nn;
						if (Dot(n, photonRay.d) > 0.f) n = -n;
						radiancePhotons.push_back(RadiancePhoton(photonIsect.dg.p, n));
						Spectrum rho_r = photonBSDF->rho(BSDF_ALL_REFLECTION);
						Spectrum rho_t = photonBSDF->rho(BSDF_ALL_TRANSMISSION);
				// Sample new photon ray direction
				Vector wi;
				float pdf;
				BxDFType flags;
				// Get random numbers for sampling outgoing photon direction
				float u1, u2, u3;
				if (nIntersections == 1) {
					u1 = RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 13);
					u2 = RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 17);
					u3 = RadicalInverse((int)nshot+1, 19);
				else {
					u1 = RandomFloat();
					u2 = RandomFloat();
					u3 = RandomFloat();

				// Compute new photon weight and possibly terminate with RR
				Spectrum fr = photonBSDF->Sample_f(wo, &wi, u1, u2, u3,
				                                   &pdf, BSDF_ALL, &flags);
				if (fr.Black() || pdf == 0.f)
				Spectrum anew = alpha * fr *
					AbsDot(wi, photonBSDF->dgShading.nn) / pdf;
				float continueProb = min(1.f, anew.y() / alpha.y());
				if (RandomFloat() > continueProb || nIntersections > 10)
				alpha = anew / continueProb;
				specularPath = (nIntersections == 1 || specularPath) &&
					((flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0);
				photonRay = RayDifferential(photonIsect.dg.p, wi);

	progress.Done(); // NOBOOK

	// Precompute radiance at a subset of the photons
	KdTree<Photon, PhotonProcess> directMap(directPhotons);
	int nDirectPaths = nshot;
	if (finalGather) {
		ProgressReporter p2(radiancePhotons.size(), "Computing photon radiances"); // NOBOOK
		for (u_int i = 0; i < radiancePhotons.size(); ++i) {
			// Compute radiance for radiance photon _i_
			RadiancePhoton &rp = radiancePhotons[i];
			const Spectrum &rho_r = rpReflectances[i];
			const Spectrum &rho_t = rpTransmittances[i];
			Spectrum E;
			Point p = rp.p;
			Normal n = rp.n;
			if (!rho_r.Black()) {
				E = estimateE(&directMap,  nDirectPaths,   p, n) +
					estimateE(indirectMap, nIndirectPaths, p, n) +
					estimateE(causticMap,  nCausticPaths,  p, n);
				rp.Lo += E * INV_PI * rho_r;
			if (!rho_t.Black()) {
				E = estimateE(&directMap,  nDirectPaths,   p, -n) +
					estimateE(indirectMap, nIndirectPaths, p, -n) +
					estimateE(causticMap,  nCausticPaths,  p, -n);
				rp.Lo += E * INV_PI * rho_t;
			p2.Update(); // NOBOOK
		radianceMap = new KdTree<RadiancePhoton,
		p2.Done(); // NOBOOK
Example #27
Spectrum ConnectBDPT(
    const Scene &scene, Vertex *lightVertices, Vertex *cameraVertices, int s,
    int t, const Distribution1D &lightDistr,
    const std::unordered_map<const Light *, size_t> &lightToIndex,
    const Camera &camera, Sampler &sampler, Point2f *pRaster,
    Float *misWeightPtr) {
    Spectrum L(0.f);
    // Ignore invalid connections related to infinite area lights
    if (t > 1 && s != 0 && cameraVertices[t - 1].type == VertexType::Light)
        return Spectrum(0.f);

    // Perform connection and write contribution to _L_
    Vertex sampled;
    if (s == 0) {
        // Interpret the camera subpath as a complete path
        const Vertex &pt = cameraVertices[t - 1];
        if (pt.IsLight()) L = pt.Le(scene, cameraVertices[t - 2]) * pt.beta;
    } else if (t == 1) {
        // Sample a point on the camera and connect it to the light subpath
        const Vertex &qs = lightVertices[s - 1];
        if (qs.IsConnectible()) {
            VisibilityTester vis;
            Vector3f wi;
            Float pdf;
            Spectrum Wi = camera.Sample_Wi(qs.GetInteraction(), sampler.Get2D(),
                                           &wi, &pdf, pRaster, &vis);
            if (pdf > 0 && !Wi.IsBlack()) {
                // Initialize dynamically sampled vertex and _L_ for $t=1$ case
                sampled = Vertex::CreateCamera(&camera, vis.P1(), Wi / pdf);
                L = qs.beta * qs.f(sampled, TransportMode::Importance) * sampled.beta;
                if (qs.IsOnSurface()) L *= AbsDot(wi, qs.ns());
                // Only check visibility after we know that the path would
                // make a non-zero contribution.
                if (!L.IsBlack()) L *= vis.Tr(scene, sampler);
    } else if (s == 1) {
        // Sample a point on a light and connect it to the camera subpath
        const Vertex &pt = cameraVertices[t - 1];
        if (pt.IsConnectible()) {
            Float lightPdf;
            VisibilityTester vis;
            Vector3f wi;
            Float pdf;
            int lightNum =
                lightDistr.SampleDiscrete(sampler.Get1D(), &lightPdf);
            const std::shared_ptr<Light> &light = scene.lights[lightNum];
            Spectrum lightWeight = light->Sample_Li(
                pt.GetInteraction(), sampler.Get2D(), &wi, &pdf, &vis);
            if (pdf > 0 && !lightWeight.IsBlack()) {
                EndpointInteraction ei(vis.P1(), light.get());
                sampled =
                    Vertex::CreateLight(ei, lightWeight / (pdf * lightPdf), 0);
                sampled.pdfFwd =
                    sampled.PdfLightOrigin(scene, pt, lightDistr, lightToIndex);
                L = pt.beta * pt.f(sampled, TransportMode::Radiance) * sampled.beta;
                if (pt.IsOnSurface()) L *= AbsDot(wi, pt.ns());
                // Only check visibility if the path would carry radiance.
                if (!L.IsBlack()) L *= vis.Tr(scene, sampler);
    } else {
        // Handle all other bidirectional connection cases
        const Vertex &qs = lightVertices[s - 1], &pt = cameraVertices[t - 1];
        if (qs.IsConnectible() && pt.IsConnectible()) {
            L = qs.beta * qs.f(pt, TransportMode::Importance) * pt.f(qs, TransportMode::Radiance) * pt.beta;
            VLOG(2) << "General connect s: " << s << ", t: " << t <<
                " qs: " << qs << ", pt: " << pt << ", qs.f(pt): " << qs.f(pt, TransportMode::Importance) <<
                ", pt.f(qs): " << pt.f(qs, TransportMode::Radiance) << ", G: " << G(scene, sampler, qs, pt) <<
                ", dist^2: " << DistanceSquared(qs.p(), pt.p());
            if (!L.IsBlack()) L *= G(scene, sampler, qs, pt);

    if (L.IsBlack()) ++zeroRadiancePaths;
    ReportValue(pathLength, s + t - 2);

    // Compute MIS weight for connection strategy
    Float misWeight =
        L.IsBlack() ? 0.f : MISWeight(scene, lightVertices, cameraVertices,
                                      sampled, s, t, lightDistr, lightToIndex);
    VLOG(2) << "MIS weight for (s,t) = (" << s << ", " << t << ") connection: "
            << misWeight;
    L *= misWeight;
    if (misWeightPtr) *misWeightPtr = misWeight;
    return L;
Spectrum ExPhotonIntegrator::Li(const Scene *scene,
		const RayDifferential &ray, const Sample *sample,
		float *alpha) const {
	// Compute reflected radiance with photon map
	Spectrum L(0.);
	Intersection isect;
	if (scene->Intersect(ray, &isect)) {
		if (alpha) *alpha = 1.;
		Vector wo = -ray.d;
		// Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
		L += isect.Le(wo);
		// Evaluate BSDF at hit point
		BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray);
		const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
		const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
		L += UniformSampleAllLights(scene, p, n,
			wo, bsdf, sample,
			lightSampleOffset, bsdfSampleOffset,

		// Compute indirect lighting for photon map integrator
		L += LPhoton(causticMap, nCausticPaths, nLookup, bsdf,
			isect, wo, maxDistSquared);
		if (finalGather) {
#if 1
			// Do one-bounce final gather for photon map
			BxDFType nonSpecular = BxDFType(BSDF_REFLECTION |
			if (bsdf->NumComponents(nonSpecular) > 0) {
				// Find indirect photons around point for importance sampling
				u_int nIndirSamplePhotons = 50;
				PhotonProcess proc(nIndirSamplePhotons, p);
				proc.photons = (ClosePhoton *)alloca(nIndirSamplePhotons *
				float searchDist2 = maxDistSquared;
				while (proc.foundPhotons < nIndirSamplePhotons) {
					float md2 = searchDist2;
					proc.foundPhotons = 0;
					indirectMap->Lookup(p, proc, md2);
					searchDist2 *= 2.f;
				// Copy photon directions to local array
				Vector *photonDirs = (Vector *)alloca(nIndirSamplePhotons *
				for (u_int i = 0; i < nIndirSamplePhotons; ++i)
					photonDirs[i] = proc.photons[i].photon->wi;
				// Use BSDF to do final gathering
				Spectrum Li = 0.;
				static StatsCounter gatherRays("Photon Map", // NOBOOK
					"Final gather rays traced"); // NOBOOK
				for (int i = 0; i < gatherSamples; ++i) {
					// Sample random direction from BSDF for final gather ray
					Vector wi;
					float u1 = sample->twoD[gatherSampleOffset[0]][2*i];
					float u2 = sample->twoD[gatherSampleOffset[0]][2*i+1];
					float u3 = sample->oneD[gatherComponentOffset[0]][i];
					float pdf;
					Spectrum fr = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, u1, u2, u3,
						&pdf, BxDFType(BSDF_ALL & (~BSDF_SPECULAR)));
					if (fr.Black() || pdf == 0.f) continue;
					// Trace BSDF final gather ray and accumulate radiance
					RayDifferential bounceRay(p, wi);
					++gatherRays; // NOBOOK
					Intersection gatherIsect;
					if (scene->Intersect(bounceRay, &gatherIsect)) {
						// Compute exitant radiance using precomputed irradiance
						Spectrum Lindir = 0.f;
						Normal n = gatherIsect.dg.nn;
						if (Dot(n, bounceRay.d) > 0) n = -n;
						RadiancePhotonProcess proc(gatherIsect.dg.p, n);
						float md2 = INFINITY;
						radianceMap->Lookup(gatherIsect.dg.p, proc, md2);
						if (proc.photon)
							Lindir = proc.photon->Lo;
						Lindir *= scene->Transmittance(bounceRay);
						// Compute MIS weight for BSDF-sampled gather ray
						// Compute PDF for photon-sampling of direction _wi_
						float photonPdf = 0.f;
						float conePdf = UniformConePdf(cosGatherAngle);
						for (u_int j = 0; j < nIndirSamplePhotons; ++j)
							if (Dot(photonDirs[j], wi) > .999f * cosGatherAngle)
								photonPdf += conePdf;
						photonPdf /= nIndirSamplePhotons;
						float wt = PowerHeuristic(gatherSamples, pdf,
							gatherSamples, photonPdf);
						Li += fr * Lindir * AbsDot(wi, n) * wt / pdf;
				L += Li / gatherSamples;
				// Use nearby photons to do final gathering
				Li = 0.;
				for (int i = 0; i < gatherSamples; ++i) {
					// Sample random direction using photons for final gather ray
					float u1 = sample->oneD[gatherComponentOffset[1]][i];
					float u2 = sample->twoD[gatherSampleOffset[1]][2*i];
					float u3 = sample->twoD[gatherSampleOffset[1]][2*i+1];
					int photonNum = min((int)nIndirSamplePhotons - 1,
						Floor2Int(u1 * nIndirSamplePhotons));
					// Sample gather ray direction from _photonNum_
					Vector vx, vy;
					CoordinateSystem(photonDirs[photonNum], &vx, &vy);
					Vector wi = UniformSampleCone(u2, u3, cosGatherAngle, vx, vy,
					// Trace photon-sampled final gather ray and accumulate radiance
					Spectrum fr = bsdf->f(wo, wi);
					if (fr.Black()) continue;
					// Compute PDF for photon-sampling of direction _wi_
					float photonPdf = 0.f;
					float conePdf = UniformConePdf(cosGatherAngle);
					for (u_int j = 0; j < nIndirSamplePhotons; ++j)
						if (Dot(photonDirs[j], wi) > .999f * cosGatherAngle)
							photonPdf += conePdf;
					photonPdf /= nIndirSamplePhotons;
					RayDifferential bounceRay(p, wi);
					++gatherRays; // NOBOOK
					Intersection gatherIsect;
					if (scene->Intersect(bounceRay, &gatherIsect)) {
						// Compute exitant radiance using precomputed irradiance
						Spectrum Lindir = 0.f;
						Normal n = gatherIsect.dg.nn;
						if (Dot(n, bounceRay.d) > 0) n = -n;
						RadiancePhotonProcess proc(gatherIsect.dg.p, n);
						float md2 = INFINITY;
						radianceMap->Lookup(gatherIsect.dg.p, proc, md2);
						if (proc.photon)
							Lindir = proc.photon->Lo;
						Lindir *= scene->Transmittance(bounceRay);
						// Compute MIS weight for photon-sampled gather ray
						float bsdfPdf = bsdf->Pdf(wo, wi);
						float wt = PowerHeuristic(gatherSamples, photonPdf,
								gatherSamples, bsdfPdf);
						Li += fr * Lindir * AbsDot(wi, n) * wt / photonPdf;
				L += Li / gatherSamples;
// look at radiance map directly..
Normal nn = n;
if (Dot(nn, ray.d) > 0.) nn = -n;
RadiancePhotonProcess proc(p, nn);
float md2 = INFINITY;
radianceMap->Lookup(p, proc, md2);
if (proc.photon)
	L += proc.photon->Lo;

		else {
		    L += LPhoton(indirectMap, nIndirectPaths, nLookup,
				 bsdf, isect, wo, maxDistSquared);
		if (specularDepth++ < maxSpecularDepth) {
			Vector wi;
			// Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
			Spectrum f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi,
			if (!f.Black()) {
				// Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular reflection
				RayDifferential rd(p, wi);
				rd.hasDifferentials = true;
				rd.rx.o = p + isect.dg.dpdx;
				rd.ry.o = p + isect.dg.dpdy;
				// Compute differential reflected directions
				Normal dndx = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudx +
					bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdx;
				Normal dndy = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudy +
					bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdy;
				Vector dwodx = -ray.rx.d - wo, dwody = -ray.ry.d - wo;
				float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, n) + Dot(wo, dndx);
				float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, n) + Dot(wo, dndy);
				rd.rx.d = wi -
				          dwodx + 2 * Vector(Dot(wo, n) * dndx +
						  dDNdx * n);
				rd.ry.d = wi -
				          dwody + 2 * Vector(Dot(wo, n) * dndy +
						  dDNdy * n);
				L += scene->Li(rd, sample) * f * AbsDot(wi, n);
			f = bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi,
			if (!f.Black()) {
				// Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular transmission
				RayDifferential rd(p, wi);
				rd.hasDifferentials = true;
				rd.rx.o = p + isect.dg.dpdx;
				rd.ry.o = p + isect.dg.dpdy;

				float eta = bsdf->eta;
				Vector w = -wo;
				if (Dot(wo, n) < 0) eta = 1.f / eta;

				Normal dndx = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudx + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdx;
				Normal dndy = bsdf->dgShading.dndu * bsdf->dgShading.dudy + bsdf->dgShading.dndv * bsdf->dgShading.dvdy;

				Vector dwodx = -ray.rx.d - wo, dwody = -ray.ry.d - wo;
				float dDNdx = Dot(dwodx, n) + Dot(wo, dndx);
				float dDNdy = Dot(dwody, n) + Dot(wo, dndy);

				float mu = eta * Dot(w, n) - Dot(wi, n);
				float dmudx = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdx;
				float dmudy = (eta - (eta*eta*Dot(w,n))/Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdy;

				rd.rx.d = wi + eta * dwodx - Vector(mu * dndx + dmudx * n);
				rd.ry.d = wi + eta * dwody - Vector(mu * dndy + dmudy * n);
				L += scene->Li(rd, sample) * f * AbsDot(wi, n);
	else {
		// Handle ray with no intersection
		if (alpha) *alpha = 0.;
		for (u_int i = 0; i < scene->lights.size(); ++i)
			L += scene->lights[i]->Le(ray);
		if (alpha && !L.Black()) *alpha = 1.;
		return L;
	return L;
Example #29
float BidirIntegrator::G(const BidirVertex &v0, const BidirVertex &v1) {
	Vector w = Normalize(v1.p - v0.p);
	return AbsDot(v0.ng, w) * AbsDot(v1.ng, -w) /
		DistanceSquared(v0.p, v1.p);
Example #30
void HashGridLookup::AddFlux(HitPointRadianceFlux *workerHitPoints, PointerFreeScene *ss, const float alpha, const Point &hitPoint,
    const Normal &shadeN, const Vector wi, const Spectrum photonFlux,
    float currentPhotonRadius2) {

  // Look for eye path hit points near the current hit point
  Vector hh = (hitPoint - hitPointsbbox.pMin) * invCellSize;
  const int ix = abs(int(hh.x));
  const int iy = abs(int(hh.y));
  const int iz = abs(int(hh.z));

  //  std::list<uint> *hps = hashGrid[Hash(ix, iy, iz, hashGridSize)];
  //  if (hps) {
  //    std::list<uint>::iterator iter = hps->begin();
  //    while (iter != hps->end()) {
  //      HitPoint *hp = &hitPoints[*iter++];

  uint gridEntry = Hash(ix, iy, iz);
  std::list<unsigned int>* hps = hashGrid[gridEntry];
  if (hps) {
    std::list<unsigned int>::iterator iter = hps->begin();
    while (iter != hps->end()) {
      HitPointPositionInfo *hp = engine->GetHitPointInfo(*iter);

      HitPointRadianceFlux *ihp = &workerHitPoints[*iter++];

      //Vector v = hp->position - hitPoint;

#if defined USE_SPPM || defined USE_PPM
      //if ((Dot(hp->normal, shadeN) > 0.5f) && (Dot(v, v) <= ihp->accumPhotonRadius2)) {

      const float dist2 = DistanceSquared(hp->position, hitPoint);
      if ((dist2 > ihp->accumPhotonRadius2))

      const float dot = Dot(hp->normal, wi);
      if (dot <= 0.0001f)


      const float dist2 = DistanceSquared(hp->position, hitPoint);
      if ((dist2 > currentPhotonRadius2))

      const float dot = Dot(hp->normal, wi);
      if (dot <= 0.0001f)


      //const float g = (hp->accumPhotonCount * alpha + alpha)
      //    / (hp->accumPhotonCount * alpha + 1.f);

      //hp->photonRadius2 *= g;
      __sync_fetch_and_add(&ihp->accumPhotonCount, 1);

      Spectrum f;

      POINTERFREESCENE::Material *hitPointMat = &ss->materials[hp->materialSS];

      switch (hitPointMat->type) {

      case MAT_MATTE:
        ss->Matte_f(&hitPointMat->param.matte, hp->wo, wi, shadeN, f);

        ss->MatteMirror_f(&hitPointMat->param.matteMirror, hp->wo, wi, shadeN, f);

      case MAT_MATTEMETAL:
        ss->MatteMetal_f(&hitPointMat->param.matteMetal, hp->wo, wi, shadeN, f);

      case MAT_ALLOY:
        ss->Alloy_f(&hitPointMat->param.alloy, hp->wo, wi, shadeN, f);


      //f = hp->material->f(hp->wo, wi, shadeN);

      Spectrum flux = photonFlux * AbsDot(shadeN, wi) * hp->throughput * f;
      //if ((*iter-1) == 200) printf("%f\n", photonFlux.g);

#pragma omp critical

        ihp->accumReflectedFlux = (ihp->accumReflectedFlux + flux) /** g*/;
      //        hp->accumReflectedFlux.r += flux.r;
      //        hp->accumReflectedFlux.r += flux.r;
      //        hp->accumReflectedFlux.r += flux.r;

      //printf("%f\n", f.r);

