Example #1
AcpiDsAutoSerializeMethod (
    ACPI_STATUS             Status;
    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState;

    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR (DsAutoSerializeMethod, Node);

        "Method auto-serialization parse [%4.4s] %p\n",
        AcpiUtGetNodeName (Node), Node));

    /* Create/Init a root op for the method parse tree */

    Op = AcpiPsAllocOp (AML_METHOD_OP, ObjDesc->Method.AmlStart);
    if (!Op)
        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);

    AcpiPsSetName (Op, Node->Name.Integer);
    Op->Common.Node = Node;

    /* Create and initialize a new walk state */

    WalkState = AcpiDsCreateWalkState (Node->OwnerId, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (!WalkState)
        AcpiPsFreeOp (Op);
        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);

    Status = AcpiDsInitAmlWalk (WalkState, Op, Node,
        ObjDesc->Method.AmlStart, ObjDesc->Method.AmlLength, NULL, 0);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        AcpiDsDeleteWalkState (WalkState);
        AcpiPsFreeOp (Op);
        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);

    WalkState->DescendingCallback = AcpiDsDetectNamedOpcodes;

    /* Parse the method, scan for creation of named objects */

    Status = AcpiPsParseAml (WalkState);

    AcpiPsDeleteParseTree (Op);
    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);
Example #2
AcpiPsDeleteParseTree (
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *SubtreeRoot)
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Op = SubtreeRoot;
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Next = NULL;
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Parent = NULL;

    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR (PsDeleteParseTree, SubtreeRoot);

    /* Visit all nodes in the subtree */

    while (Op)
        /* Check if we are not ascending */

        if (Op != Parent)
            /* Look for an argument or child of the current op */

            Next = AcpiPsGetArg (Op, 0);
            if (Next)
                /* Still going downward in tree (Op is not completed yet) */

                Op = Next;

        /* No more children, this Op is complete. */

        Next = Op->Common.Next;
        Parent = Op->Common.Parent;

        AcpiPsFreeOp (Op);

        /* If we are back to the starting point, the walk is complete. */

        if (Op == SubtreeRoot)

        if (Next)
            Op = Next;
            Op = Parent;

Example #3
AcpiNsOneCompleteParse (
    UINT32                  PassNumber,
    ACPI_TABLE_DESC         *TableDesc)
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *ParseRoot;
    ACPI_STATUS             Status;
    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState;

    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("NsOneCompleteParse");

    /* Create and init a Root Node */

    ParseRoot = AcpiPsCreateScopeOp ();
    if (!ParseRoot)
        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);

    /* Create and initialize a new walk state */

    WalkState = AcpiDsCreateWalkState (TABLE_ID_DSDT,
                                    NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (!WalkState)
        AcpiPsFreeOp (ParseRoot);
        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);

    Status = AcpiDsInitAmlWalk (WalkState, ParseRoot, NULL, TableDesc->AmlStart,
                    TableDesc->AmlLength, NULL, NULL, PassNumber);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        AcpiDsDeleteWalkState (WalkState);
        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);

    /* Parse the AML */

    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_PARSE, "*PARSE* pass %d parse\n", PassNumber));
    Status = AcpiPsParseAml (WalkState);

    AcpiPsDeleteParseTree (ParseRoot);
    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);
Example #4
AcpiPsCreateOp (
    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState,
    UINT8                   *AmlOpStart,
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       **NewOp)
    ACPI_STATUS             Status = AE_OK;
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Op;
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *NamedOp = NULL;
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *ParentScope;
    UINT8                   ArgumentCount;
    const ACPI_OPCODE_INFO  *OpInfo;

    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR (PsCreateOp, WalkState);

    Status = AcpiPsGetAmlOpcode (WalkState);
    if (Status == AE_CTRL_PARSE_CONTINUE)

    /* Create Op structure and append to parent's argument list */

    WalkState->OpInfo = AcpiPsGetOpcodeInfo (WalkState->Opcode);
    Op = AcpiPsAllocOp (WalkState->Opcode);
    if (!Op)
        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);

    if (WalkState->OpInfo->Flags & AML_NAMED)
        Status = AcpiPsBuildNamedOp (WalkState, AmlOpStart, Op, &NamedOp);
        AcpiPsFreeOp (Op);
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);

        *NewOp = NamedOp;
        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);

    /* Not a named opcode, just allocate Op and append to parent */

    if (WalkState->OpInfo->Flags & AML_CREATE)
         * Backup to beginning of CreateXXXfield declaration
         * BodyLength is unknown until we parse the body
        Op->Named.Data = AmlOpStart;
        Op->Named.Length = 0;

    if (WalkState->Opcode == AML_BANK_FIELD_OP)
         * Backup to beginning of BankField declaration
         * BodyLength is unknown until we parse the body
        Op->Named.Data = AmlOpStart;
        Op->Named.Length = 0;

    ParentScope = AcpiPsGetParentScope (&(WalkState->ParserState));
    AcpiPsAppendArg (ParentScope, Op);

    if (ParentScope)
        OpInfo = AcpiPsGetOpcodeInfo (ParentScope->Common.AmlOpcode);
        if (OpInfo->Flags & AML_HAS_TARGET)
            ArgumentCount = AcpiPsGetArgumentCount (OpInfo->Type);
            if (ParentScope->Common.ArgListLength > ArgumentCount)
                Op->Common.Flags |= ACPI_PARSEOP_TARGET;
        else if (ParentScope->Common.AmlOpcode == AML_INCREMENT_OP)
            Op->Common.Flags |= ACPI_PARSEOP_TARGET;

    if (WalkState->DescendingCallback != NULL)
         * Find the object. This will either insert the object into
         * the namespace or simply look it up
        WalkState->Op = *NewOp = Op;

        Status = WalkState->DescendingCallback (WalkState, &Op);
        Status = AcpiPsNextParseState (WalkState, Op, Status);
        if (Status == AE_CTRL_PENDING)
            Status = AE_CTRL_PARSE_PENDING;

    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);
Example #5
AcpiNsOneCompleteParse (
    ACPI_NATIVE_UINT        PassNumber,
    ACPI_NATIVE_UINT        TableIndex,
    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *StartNode)
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *ParseRoot;
    ACPI_STATUS             Status;
    ACPI_NATIVE_UINT        AmlLength;
    UINT8                   *AmlStart;
    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState;
    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       *Table;
    ACPI_OWNER_ID           OwnerId;

    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (NsOneCompleteParse);

    Status = AcpiTbGetOwnerId (TableIndex, &OwnerId);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);

    /* Create and init a Root Node */

    ParseRoot = AcpiPsCreateScopeOp ();
    if (!ParseRoot)
        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);

    /* Create and initialize a new walk state */

    WalkState = AcpiDsCreateWalkState (OwnerId, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (!WalkState)
        AcpiPsFreeOp (ParseRoot);
        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);

    Status = AcpiGetTableByIndex (TableIndex, &Table);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        AcpiDsDeleteWalkState (WalkState);
        AcpiPsFreeOp (ParseRoot);
        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);

    /* Table must consist of at least a complete header */

    if (Table->Length < sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER))
        Status = AE_BAD_HEADER;
        AmlStart = (UINT8 *) Table + sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER);
        AmlLength = Table->Length - sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER);
        Status = AcpiDsInitAmlWalk (WalkState, ParseRoot, NULL,
                    AmlStart, (UINT32) AmlLength, NULL, (UINT8) PassNumber);

    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        AcpiDsDeleteWalkState (WalkState);
        goto Cleanup;

    /* StartNode is the default location to load the table  */

    if (StartNode && StartNode != AcpiGbl_RootNode)
        Status = AcpiDsScopeStackPush (StartNode, ACPI_TYPE_METHOD, WalkState);
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            AcpiDsDeleteWalkState (WalkState);
            goto Cleanup;

    /* Parse the AML */

    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_PARSE, "*PARSE* pass %d parse\n", (UINT32) PassNumber));
    Status = AcpiPsParseAml (WalkState);

    AcpiPsDeleteParseTree (ParseRoot);
    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);
Example #6
AcpiNsOneCompleteParse (
    UINT32                  PassNumber,
    UINT32                  TableIndex,
    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *StartNode)
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *ParseRoot;
    ACPI_STATUS             Status;
    UINT32                  AmlLength;
    UINT8                   *AmlStart;
    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState;
    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       *Table;
    ACPI_OWNER_ID           OwnerId;

    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (NsOneCompleteParse);

    Status = AcpiGetTableByIndex (TableIndex, &Table);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);

    /* Table must consist of at least a complete header */

    if (Table->Length < sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER))
        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_BAD_HEADER);

    AmlStart = (UINT8 *) Table + sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER);
    AmlLength = Table->Length - sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER);

    Status = AcpiTbGetOwnerId (TableIndex, &OwnerId);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);

    /* Create and init a Root Node */

    ParseRoot = AcpiPsCreateScopeOp (AmlStart);
    if (!ParseRoot)
        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);

    /* Create and initialize a new walk state */

    WalkState = AcpiDsCreateWalkState (OwnerId, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (!WalkState)
        AcpiPsFreeOp (ParseRoot);
        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);

    Status = AcpiDsInitAmlWalk (WalkState, ParseRoot, NULL,
        AmlStart, AmlLength, NULL, (UINT8) PassNumber);
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        AcpiDsDeleteWalkState (WalkState);
        goto Cleanup;

    /* Found OSDT table, enable the namespace override feature */

    if (ACPI_COMPARE_NAME(Table->Signature, ACPI_SIG_OSDT) &&
        PassNumber == ACPI_IMODE_LOAD_PASS1)
        WalkState->NamespaceOverride = TRUE;

    /* StartNode is the default location to load the table  */

    if (StartNode && StartNode != AcpiGbl_RootNode)
        Status = AcpiDsScopeStackPush (
            StartNode, ACPI_TYPE_METHOD, WalkState);
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            AcpiDsDeleteWalkState (WalkState);
            goto Cleanup;

    /* Parse the AML */

        "*PARSE* pass %u parse\n", PassNumber));
    AcpiExEnterInterpreter ();
    Status = AcpiPsParseAml (WalkState);
    AcpiExExitInterpreter ();

    AcpiPsDeleteParseTree (ParseRoot);
    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);
Example #7
AcpiPsCreateOp (
    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState,
    UINT8                   *AmlOpStart,
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       **NewOp)
    ACPI_STATUS             Status = AE_OK;
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Op;
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *NamedOp = NULL;
    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *ParentScope;
    UINT8                   ArgumentCount;
    const ACPI_OPCODE_INFO  *OpInfo;

    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR (PsCreateOp, WalkState);

    Status = AcpiPsGetAmlOpcode (WalkState);
    if (Status == AE_CTRL_PARSE_CONTINUE)
    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);

    /* Create Op structure and append to parent's argument list */

    WalkState->OpInfo = AcpiPsGetOpcodeInfo (WalkState->Opcode);
    Op = AcpiPsAllocOp (WalkState->Opcode, AmlOpStart);
    if (!Op)
        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);

    if (WalkState->OpInfo->Flags & AML_NAMED)
        Status = AcpiPsBuildNamedOp (WalkState, AmlOpStart, Op, &NamedOp);
        AcpiPsFreeOp (Op);

        if (AcpiGbl_DisasmFlag && WalkState->Opcode == AML_EXTERNAL_OP &&
            Status == AE_NOT_FOUND)
             * If parsing of AML_EXTERNAL_OP's name path fails, then skip
             * past this opcode and keep parsing. This is a much better
             * alternative than to abort the entire disassembler. At this
             * point, the ParserState is at the end of the namepath of the
             * external declaration opcode. Setting WalkState->Aml to
             * WalkState->ParserState.Aml + 2 moves increments the
             * WalkState->Aml past the object type and the paramcount of the
             * external opcode.
            WalkState->Aml = WalkState->ParserState.Aml + 2;
            WalkState->ParserState.Aml = WalkState->Aml;
        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
            return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);

        *NewOp = NamedOp;
        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);

    /* Not a named opcode, just allocate Op and append to parent */

    if (WalkState->OpInfo->Flags & AML_CREATE)
         * Backup to beginning of CreateXXXfield declaration
         * BodyLength is unknown until we parse the body
        Op->Named.Data = AmlOpStart;
        Op->Named.Length = 0;

    if (WalkState->Opcode == AML_BANK_FIELD_OP)
         * Backup to beginning of BankField declaration
         * BodyLength is unknown until we parse the body
        Op->Named.Data = AmlOpStart;
        Op->Named.Length = 0;

    ParentScope = AcpiPsGetParentScope (&(WalkState->ParserState));
    AcpiPsAppendArg (ParentScope, Op);

    if (ParentScope)
        OpInfo = AcpiPsGetOpcodeInfo (ParentScope->Common.AmlOpcode);
        if (OpInfo->Flags & AML_HAS_TARGET)
            ArgumentCount = AcpiPsGetArgumentCount (OpInfo->Type);
            if (ParentScope->Common.ArgListLength > ArgumentCount)
                Op->Common.Flags |= ACPI_PARSEOP_TARGET;

         * Special case for both Increment() and Decrement(), where
         * the lone argument is both a source and a target.
        else if ((ParentScope->Common.AmlOpcode == AML_INCREMENT_OP) ||
                (ParentScope->Common.AmlOpcode == AML_DECREMENT_OP))
            Op->Common.Flags |= ACPI_PARSEOP_TARGET;

    if (WalkState->DescendingCallback != NULL)
         * Find the object. This will either insert the object into
         * the namespace or simply look it up
        WalkState->Op = *NewOp = Op;

        Status = WalkState->DescendingCallback (WalkState, &Op);
        Status = AcpiPsNextParseState (WalkState, Op, Status);
        if (Status == AE_CTRL_PENDING)
            Status = AE_CTRL_PARSE_PENDING;

    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);