Example #1
/* Create pop menu for pcb texts */
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::createPopUpMenuForTexts( TEXTE_PCB* Text, wxMenu* menu )
    wxMenu*  sub_menu_Text;
    int      flags = Text->GetFlags();

    wxString msg = Text->GetSelectMenuText();

    sub_menu_Text = new wxMenu;

    AddMenuItem( menu, sub_menu_Text, -1, msg, KiBitmap( add_text_xpm ) );

    if( !flags )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MOVE_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Text, ID_POPUP_PCB_MOVE_TEXTEPCB_REQUEST,
                     msg, KiBitmap( move_text_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Rotate" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ROTATE_ITEM );
    AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Text, ID_POPUP_PCB_ROTATE_TEXTEPCB, msg, KiBitmap( rotate_ccw_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT_ITEM );
    AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Text, ID_POPUP_PCB_EDIT_TEXTEPCB, msg, KiBitmap( edit_text_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Text, ID_POPUP_PCB_RESET_TEXT_SIZE,
                 _( "Reset Size" ), KiBitmap( reset_text_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
    AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Text, ID_POPUP_PCB_DELETE_TEXTEPCB, msg, KiBitmap( delete_text_xpm ) );
void AddMenusForBlock( wxMenu* PopMenu, LIB_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
    wxString msg;
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_CANCEL_EDITING, _( "Cancel Block" ),
                 KiBitmap( cancel_xpm ) );

    if( frame->GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetCommand() == BLOCK_MOVE )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_ZOOM_BLOCK,
                     _( "Zoom Block (drag middle mouse)" ),
                     KiBitmap( zoom_area_xpm ) );


    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_PLACE_BLOCK, _( "Place Block" ), KiBitmap( checked_ok_xpm ) );

    if( frame->GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetCommand() == BLOCK_MOVE )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SELECT_ITEMS_BLOCK, _( "Select Items" ),
                     KiBitmap( green_xpm ) );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_COPY_BLOCK, _( "Copy Block" ), KiBitmap( copyblock_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Mirror Block ||" ), g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MIRROR_Y );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_MIRROR_Y_BLOCK, msg,
                     KiBitmap( mirror_h_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Mirror Block --" ), g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MIRROR_X );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_MIRROR_X_BLOCK, msg,
                     KiBitmap( mirror_v_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Rotate Block CCW" ), g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ROTATE );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_ROTATE_BLOCK, msg,
                     KiBitmap( rotate_ccw_xpm ) );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_DELETE_BLOCK, _( "Delete Block" ), KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );
Example #3
/* Create the wxMenuitem list for editing texts on footprints
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::createPopUpMenuForFpTexts( TEXTE_MODULE* FpText, wxMenu* menu )
    wxMenu*  sub_menu_Fp_text;
    int      flags = FpText->GetFlags();

    wxString msg = FpText->GetSelectMenuText();

    sub_menu_Fp_text = new wxMenu;

    AddMenuItem( menu, sub_menu_Fp_text, -1, msg, KiBitmap( footprint_text_xpm ) );

    if( !flags )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move Text" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MOVE_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Fp_text, ID_POPUP_PCB_MOVE_TEXTMODULE_REQUEST,
                     msg, KiBitmap( move_field_xpm ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _("Move Text Exactly" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_MOVE_ITEM_EXACT );
        AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Fp_text, ID_POPUP_PCB_MOVE_EXACT,
                     msg, KiBitmap( move_text_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Rotate Text" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ROTATE_ITEM );
    AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Fp_text, ID_POPUP_PCB_ROTATE_TEXTMODULE,
                 msg, KiBitmap( rotate_field_xpm ) );

    if( !flags )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Text" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Fp_text, ID_POPUP_PCB_EDIT_TEXTMODULE,
                     msg, KiBitmap( edit_text_xpm ) );
        AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Fp_text, ID_POPUP_PCB_RESET_TEXT_SIZE,
                     _( "Reset Size" ), KiBitmap( reset_text_xpm ) );

    // Graphic texts can be deleted only if are not currently edited.
    if( !flags && FpText->GetType() == TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_DIVERS )
        AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Fp_text, ID_POPUP_PCB_DELETE_TEXTMODULE,
                     _( "Delete Text" ), KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );

    if( !flags )
        MODULE* module = (MODULE*) FpText->GetParent();

        if( module )
            createPopUpMenuForFootprints( module, menu );
void AddMenusForComponentField( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_FIELD* Field )
    wxString msg, name;

    if( !Field->GetFlags() )
        switch( Field->GetId() )
        case REFERENCE: name = _( "Move Reference" ); break;
        case VALUE:     name = _( "Move Value" ); break;
        case FOOTPRINT: name = _( "Move Footprint Field" ); break;
        default:        name = _( "Move Field" ); break;

        msg = AddHotkeyName( name, s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                HK_MOVE_COMPONENT_OR_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_MOVE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_text_xpm ) );

    switch( Field->GetId() )
    case REFERENCE: name = _( "Rotate Reference" ); break;
    case VALUE:     name = _( "Rotate Value" ); break;
    case FOOTPRINT: name = _( "Rotate Footprint Field" ); break;
    default:        name = _( "Rotate Field" ); break;

    msg = AddHotkeyName( name, s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ROTATE );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE, msg, KiBitmap( rotate_field_xpm ) );

    // Ref, value and footprint have specific hotkeys. Show the specific hotkey:
    hotkey_id_commnand id;
    switch( Field->GetId() )
    case REFERENCE:
        name = _( "Edit Reference" );
    case VALUE:
        name = _( "Edit Value" );
    case FOOTPRINT:
        name = _( "Edit Footprint Field" );
        id = HK_EDIT;
        name = _( "Edit Field" );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( name, s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, id );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_EDIT_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( edit_text_xpm ) );
Example #5
void prepareEditMenu( wxMenu* aParentMenu )
    wxString text;

    // Undo
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Undo" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_UNDO );

    AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, wxID_UNDO, text, HELP_UNDO, KiBitmap( undo_xpm ) );

    // Redo
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Redo" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_REDO );

    AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, wxID_REDO, text, HELP_REDO, KiBitmap( redo_xpm ) );

    // Delete
    AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_SCHEMATIC_DELETE_ITEM_BUTT,
                 _( "&Delete" ), HELP_DELETE_ITEMS,
                 KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );

    // Find
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Find" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_FIND_ITEM );
    AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_FIND_ITEMS, text, HELP_FIND, KiBitmap( find_xpm ) );

    // Find/Replace
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Find and Re&place" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_FIND_REPLACE );
    AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, wxID_REPLACE, text, HELP_REPLACE,
                 KiBitmap( find_replace_xpm ) );

    // Import footprint association .cmp file which can be created by Pcbnew:
    AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_BACKANNO_ITEMS,
                 _( "Import Footprint Association File" ),
                 KiBitmap( import_footprint_names_xpm ) );

    // Update field values
    AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_UPDATE_FIELDS,
                 _( "Update Field Values" ),
                 _( "Sets symbol fields to original library values" ),
                 KiBitmap( update_fields_xpm ) );

    // Edit components to symbols library links (change LIB_ID values)
                 _( "Edit Symbol Library Links" ),
                 _( "Edit schematic symbol's symbol library links" ),
                 KiBitmap( edit_cmp_symb_links_xpm ) );
Example #6
void prepareViewMenu( wxMenu* aParentMenu )
    wxString text;

     * Important Note for ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT commands from menubar:
     * we cannot add hotkey shortcut here, because the hotkey HK_ZOOM_IN and HK_ZOOM_OUT
     * events(default = WXK_F1 and WXK_F2) are *NOT* equivalent to this menu command:
     * zoom in and out from hotkeys are equivalent to the pop up menu zoom
     * From here, zooming is made around the screen center
     * From hotkeys, zooming is made around the mouse cursor position
     * (obviously not possible from the toolbar or menubar command)
     * in others words HK_ZOOM_IN and HK_ZOOM_OUT *are NOT* accelerators
     * for Zoom in and Zoom out sub menus
     * using in AddHotkeyName call the option "false" (not a shortcut)

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom &In" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ZOOM_IN, IS_ACCELERATOR );  // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_ZOOM_IN, text, HELP_ZOOM_IN, KiBitmap( zoom_in_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom &Out" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ZOOM_OUT, IS_ACCELERATOR );  // add accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_ZOOM_OUT, text, HELP_ZOOM_OUT, KiBitmap( zoom_out_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Fit on Screen" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_AUTO );

    AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_ZOOM_PAGE, text, HELP_ZOOM_FIT, KiBitmap( zoom_fit_in_page_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Redraw" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_REDRAW );

    AddMenuItem( aParentMenu, ID_ZOOM_REDRAW, text, HELP_ZOOM_REDRAW, KiBitmap( zoom_redraw_xpm ) );


    AddMenuItem( aParentMenu,
                 _( "Show &Hierarchical Navigator" ),
                 _( "Navigate hierarchical sheets" ),
                 KiBitmap( hierarchy_nav_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Leave Sheet" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_LEAVE_SHEET );

    AddMenuItem( aParentMenu,
                 _( "Leave Sheet" ),
                 KiBitmap( leave_sheet_xpm ) );
Example #7
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::addJunctionMenuEntries( wxMenu* aMenu, SCH_JUNCTION* aJunction )
    wxString msg;
    SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Junction" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
    AddMenuItem( aMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE, msg, KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );

    if( !aJunction->IsNew() )
        if( m_collectedItems.IsDraggableJunction() )
            AddMenuItem( aMenu, ID_SCH_DRAG_ITEM, _( "Drag Junction" ), KiBitmap( move_xpm ) );

        if( screen->GetWire( aJunction->GetPosition(), EXCLUDE_END_POINTS_T ) )
            AddMenuItem( aMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_BREAK_WIRE, _( "Break Wire" ),
                         KiBitmap( break_line_xpm ) );

    if( screen->GetWireOrBus( aJunction->GetPosition() ) )
        AddMenuItem( aMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_NODE, _( "Delete Node" ),
                     KiBitmap( delete_node_xpm ) );
        AddMenuItem( aMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_CONNECTION, _( "Delete Connection" ),
                     KiBitmap( delete_connection_xpm ) );
/* Create pop menu for pads
 * also update Netclass selection
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::createPopUpMenuForFpPads( D_PAD* Pad, wxMenu* menu )
    wxMenu* sub_menu_Pad;
    int     flags = Pad->GetFlags();

    if( flags )     // Currently in edit, no others commands possible

    if( GetBoard()->GetCurrentNetClassName() != Pad->GetNetClassName() )
        GetBoard()->SetCurrentNetClass( Pad->GetNetClassName() );

    wxString msg = Pad->GetSelectMenuText();

    sub_menu_Pad = new wxMenu;
    AddMenuItem( menu, sub_menu_Pad, -1, msg, KiBitmap( pad_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Pad, ID_POPUP_PCB_MOVE_PAD_REQUEST, _( "Move" ),
                 KiBitmap( move_pad_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Pad, ID_POPUP_PCB_DRAG_PAD_REQUEST, _( "Drag" ),
                 KiBitmap( drag_pad_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT_ITEM );
    AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Pad, ID_POPUP_PCB_EDIT_PAD, msg, KiBitmap( options_pad_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Pad, ID_POPUP_PCB_IMPORT_PAD_SETTINGS,
                 _( "Copy Current Settings to this Pad" ),
                 KiBitmap( options_new_pad_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Pad, ID_POPUP_PCB_EXPORT_PAD_SETTINGS,
                 _( "Copy this Pad Settings to Current Settings" ),
                 KiBitmap( export_options_pad_xpm ) );

                 _( "Edit All Pads" ),
                 _( "Copy this pad's settings to all pads in this footprint (or similar footprints)" ),
                 KiBitmap( global_options_pad_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( sub_menu_Pad, ID_POPUP_PCB_DELETE_PAD, _( "Delete" ), KiBitmap( delete_pad_xpm ) );

    if( m_mainToolBar->GetToolToggled( ID_TOOLBARH_PCB_MODE_TRACKS ) )
        menu->Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOROUTE_PAD, _( "Automatically Route Pad" ) );
        menu->Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOROUTE_NET, _( "Automatically Route Net" ) );

    MODULE* module = (MODULE*) Pad->GetParent();

    if( module )
        createPopUpMenuForFootprints( module, menu );
void AddMenusForBlock( wxMenu* PopMenu, LIB_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
    wxString msg;
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_CANCEL_EDITING, _( "Cancel Block" ),
                 KiBitmap( cancel_xpm ) );

    if( frame->GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetCommand() == BLOCK_MOVE )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_ZOOM_BLOCK,
                     _( "Zoom Block" ),
                     KiBitmap( zoom_area_xpm ) );


    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_PLACE_BLOCK, _( "Place Block" ), KiBitmap( checked_ok_xpm ) );

    if( frame->GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetCommand() == BLOCK_MOVE )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SELECT_ITEMS_BLOCK, _( "Select Items" ),
                     KiBitmap( green_xpm ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Cut Block" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT_CUT );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_CUT_BLOCK, msg, KiBitmap( cut_xpm ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Copy Block" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT_COPY );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_COPY_BLOCK, msg,
                     KiBitmap( copy_xpm ) );

        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_DUPLICATE_BLOCK, _( "Duplicate Block" ),
                     KiBitmap( duplicate_xpm ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Mirror Block Around Horizontal(X) Axis" ), g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MIRROR_X );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_MIRROR_X_BLOCK, msg,
                     KiBitmap( mirror_v_xpm ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Mirror Block Around Vertical(Y) Axis" ), g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MIRROR_Y );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_MIRROR_Y_BLOCK, msg,
                     KiBitmap( mirror_h_xpm ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Rotate Counterclockwise" ), g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ROTATE );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_ROTATE_BLOCK, msg,
                     KiBitmap( rotate_ccw_xpm ) );

        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_DELETE_BLOCK, _( "Delete Block" ),
                     KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );
Example #10
void AddMenusForBlock( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
    wxString msg;

    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_CANCEL_CURRENT_COMMAND, _( "Cancel Block" ),
                 KiBitmap( cancel_xpm ) );


    if( frame->GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetCommand() == BLOCK_MOVE )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_ZOOM_BLOCK, _( "Window Zoom" ), KiBitmap( zoom_area_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_PLACE_BLOCK, _( "Place Block" ), KiBitmap( checked_ok_xpm ) );

    // After a block move (that is also a block selection) one can reselect
    // a block function.
    if( frame->GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetCommand() == BLOCK_MOVE )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Save Block" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_SAVE_BLOCK );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, wxID_COPY, msg, KiBitmap( copy_button_xpm ) );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_COPY_BLOCK, _( "Copy Block" ), KiBitmap( copyblock_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Drag Block" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_MOVEBLOCK_TO_DRAGBLOCK );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_DRAG_BLOCK, msg, KiBitmap( move_xpm ) );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_DELETE_BLOCK, _( "Delete Block" ), KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Mirror Block ||" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_MIRROR_Y );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_MIRROR_Y, msg, KiBitmap( mirror_h_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Mirror Block --" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_MIRROR_X );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_MIRROR_X, msg, KiBitmap( mirror_v_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Rotate Block CCW" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ROTATE );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE, msg, KiBitmap( rotate_ccw_xpm ) );

#if 0
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
        AddMenuItem( menu_other_block_commands, ID_GEN_COPY_BLOCK_TO_CLIPBOARD,
                     _( "Copy to Clipboard" ), KiBitmap( copy_button_xpm ) );
// Add menu items for pin edition
void AddMenusForPin( wxMenu* PopMenu, LIB_PIN* Pin, LIB_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
    bool selected    = Pin->IsSelected();
    bool not_in_move = !Pin->IsMoving();
    wxString msg;

    if( not_in_move )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move Pin " ), g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr,
                                 HK_LIBEDIT_MOVE_GRAPHIC_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_MOVE_ITEM_REQUEST, msg, KiBitmap( move_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Pin " ), g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT);
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_LIBEDIT_EDIT_PIN, msg, KiBitmap( edit_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Rotate Pin " ), g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ROTATE );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_LIBEDIT_ROTATE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( rotate_pin_xpm ) );

    if( not_in_move )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Pin " ), g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_LIBEDIT_DELETE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( delete_pin_xpm ) );

    wxMenu* global_pin_change = new wxMenu;
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, global_pin_change,
                 _( "Global" ), KiBitmap( pin_to_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( global_pin_change,
                 selected ? _( "Pin Size to selected pins" ) :
                 _( "Pin Size to Others" ), KiBitmap( pin_size_to_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( global_pin_change,
                 selected ? _( "Pin Name Size to selected pin" ) :
                 _( "Pin Name Size to Others" ), KiBitmap( pin_name_to_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( global_pin_change,
                 selected ? _( "Pin Num Size to selected pin" ) :
                 _( "Pin Num Size to Others" ), KiBitmap( pin_number_to_xpm ) );
void AddMenusForComponent( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_COMPONENT* Component )
    if( Component->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )
        wxASSERT( 0 );

    wxString       msg;
    LIB_ALIAS*     libEntry;

    libEntry = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibraryEntry( Component->GetLibName() );

    if( !Component->GetFlags() )
        msg.Printf( _( "Move Component %s" ),
                    GetChars( Component->GetField( REFERENCE )->GetText() ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( msg, s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MOVE_COMPONENT_OR_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_MOVE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Drag Component" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DRAG );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_DRAG_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_xpm ) );

    wxMenu* orientmenu = new wxMenu;
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Rotate +" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ROTATE );
    AddMenuItem( orientmenu, ID_SCH_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE, msg,
                 KiBitmap( rotate_ccw_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( orientmenu, ID_SCH_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE, _( "Rotate -" ),
                 KiBitmap( rotate_cw_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Mirror --" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MIRROR_X_COMPONENT );
    AddMenuItem( orientmenu, ID_SCH_MIRROR_X, msg, KiBitmap( mirror_v_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Mirror ||" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MIRROR_Y_COMPONENT );
    AddMenuItem( orientmenu, ID_SCH_MIRROR_Y, msg, KiBitmap( mirror_h_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Normal" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ORIENT_NORMAL_COMPONENT );
    AddMenuItem( orientmenu, ID_SCH_ORIENT_NORMAL, msg, KiBitmap( normal_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, orientmenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_GENERIC_ORIENT_CMP,
                 _( "Orient Component" ), KiBitmap( orient_xpm ) );

    AddMenusForEditComponent( PopMenu, Component );

    if( !Component->GetFlags() )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Copy Component" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_COPY_COMPONENT_OR_LABEL );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_COPY_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( copy_button_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Component" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_CMP, msg, KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );

    if( libEntry && !libEntry->GetDocFileName().IsEmpty() )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DISPLAYDOC_CMP, _( "Doc" ), KiBitmap( datasheet_xpm ) );
void AddMenusForBusEntry( wxMenu* aPopMenu, SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE* aBusEntry )
    wxString msg;
    if( !aBusEntry->GetFlags() )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move Bus Entry" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                                      HK_MOVE_COMPONENT_OR_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_SCH_MOVE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_xpm ) );

    if( aBusEntry->GetBusEntryShape() == '\\' )
        AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_ENTRY_SELECT_SLASH,
                     _( "Set Bus Entry Shape /" ), KiBitmap( change_entry_orient_xpm ) );
                     _( "Set Bus Entry Shape \\" ), KiBitmap( change_entry_orient_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Bus Entry" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
    AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE, msg, KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );
Example #14
void AddMenusForHierchicalSheet( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_SHEET* Sheet )
    wxString msg;

    if( !Sheet->GetFlags() )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_ENTER_SHEET, _( "Enter Sheet" ),
                     KiBitmap( enter_sheet_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move Sheet" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_MOVE_COMPONENT_OR_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_MOVE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_sheet_xpm ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Drag Sheet" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DRAG );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_DRAG_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_sheet_xpm ) );

        wxMenu* orientmenu = new wxMenu;
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Rotate Sheet CW" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ROTATE );
        AddMenuItem( orientmenu, ID_SCH_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE, msg, KiBitmap( rotate_cw_xpm ) );

        AddMenuItem( orientmenu, ID_SCH_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE, _( "Rotate Sheet CCW" ),
                     KiBitmap( rotate_ccw_xpm ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Mirror --" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MIRROR_X );
        AddMenuItem( orientmenu, ID_SCH_MIRROR_X, msg, KiBitmap( mirror_v_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Mirror ||" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MIRROR_Y );
        AddMenuItem( orientmenu, ID_SCH_MIRROR_Y, msg, KiBitmap( mirror_h_xpm ) );

        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, orientmenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_GENERIC_ORIENT_CMP,
                     _( "Orient Sheet" ), KiBitmap( orient_xpm ) );

    if( Sheet->GetFlags() )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_END_SHEET, _( "Place Sheet" ), KiBitmap( checked_ok_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Sheet" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_EDIT_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( edit_sheet_xpm ) );

        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_RESIZE_SHEET, _( "Resize Sheet" ),
                     KiBitmap( resize_sheet_xpm ) );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_IMPORT_HLABEL_TO_SHEETPIN, _( "Import Sheet Pins" ),
                     KiBitmap( import_hierarchical_label_xpm ) );

        if( Sheet->HasUndefinedPins() )  // Sheet has pin labels, and can be cleaned
            AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_CLEANUP_SHEET, _( "Cleanup Sheet Pins" ),
                         KiBitmap( options_pinsheet_xpm ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Sheet" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE, msg, KiBitmap( delete_sheet_xpm ) );
void AddMenusForHierchicalSheet( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_SHEET* Sheet )
    wxString msg;

    if( !Sheet->GetFlags() )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_ENTER_SHEET, _( "Enter Sheet" ),
                     KiBitmap( enter_sheet_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move Sheet" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_MOVE_COMPONENT_OR_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_MOVE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_sheet_xpm ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Drag Sheet" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DRAG );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_DRAG_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_sheet_xpm ) );

    if( Sheet->GetFlags() )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_END_SHEET, _( "Place Sheet" ), KiBitmap( checked_ok_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Sheet" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_EDIT_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( edit_sheet_xpm ) );

        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_RESIZE_SHEET, _( "Resize Sheet" ),
                     KiBitmap( resize_sheet_xpm ) );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_IMPORT_GLABEL, _( "Import Sheet Pins" ),
                     KiBitmap( import_hierarchical_label_xpm ) );

        if( Sheet->HasUndefinedPins() )  // Sheet has pin labels, and can be cleaned
            AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_CLEANUP_SHEET, _( "Cleanup Sheet Pins" ),
                         KiBitmap( options_pinsheet_xpm ) );

        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Sheet" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE, msg, KiBitmap( delete_sheet_xpm ) );
Example #16
void AddMenusForLabel( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_LABEL* Label )
    wxMenu*  menu_change_type = new wxMenu;
    wxString msg;

    if( !Label->GetFlags() )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move Label" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_MOVE_COMPONENT_OR_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_MOVE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_text_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Drag Label" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DRAG );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_DRAG_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_text_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Copy Label" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_COPY_COMPONENT_OR_LABEL );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_COPY_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( copy_button_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Rotate Label" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ROTATE );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE, msg, KiBitmap( rotate_ccw_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Label" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_EDIT_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( edit_text_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Label" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE, msg, KiBitmap( delete_text_xpm ) );

    // add menu change type text (to label, glabel, text):
    AddMenuItem( menu_change_type, ID_POPUP_SCH_CHANGE_TYPE_TEXT_TO_HLABEL,
                 _( "Change to Hierarchical Label" ), KiBitmap( label2glabel_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( menu_change_type, ID_POPUP_SCH_CHANGE_TYPE_TEXT_TO_COMMENT,
                 _( "Change to Text" ), KiBitmap( label2text_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( menu_change_type, ID_POPUP_SCH_CHANGE_TYPE_TEXT_TO_GLABEL,
                 _( "Change to Global Label" ), KiBitmap( label2glabel_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, menu_change_type, ID_POPUP_SCH_CHANGE_TYPE_TEXT,
                 _( "Change Type" ), KiBitmap( gl_change_xpm ) );
Example #17
void AddMenusForBitmap( wxMenu* aPopMenu, SCH_BITMAP * aBitmap )
    wxString msg;

    if( aBitmap->GetFlags() == 0 )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move Image" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_MOVE_COMPONENT_OR_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_SCH_MOVE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Rotate Image" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ROTATE );
    AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_SCH_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE, msg, KiBitmap( rotate_ccw_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Mirror --" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                         HK_MIRROR_X );
    AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_SCH_MIRROR_X, msg, KiBitmap( mirror_v_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Mirror ||" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                         HK_MIRROR_Y );
    AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_SCH_MIRROR_Y, msg, KiBitmap( mirror_h_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Image" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT );
    AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_SCH_EDIT_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( image_xpm ) );

    if( aBitmap->GetFlags() == 0 )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Image" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
        AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE, msg, KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );
Example #18
void AddMenusForText( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_TEXT* Text )
    wxString msg;
    wxMenu*  menu_change_type = new wxMenu;

    if( !Text->GetFlags() )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move Text" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_MOVE_COMPONENT_OR_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_MOVE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_text_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Copy Text" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_COPY_COMPONENT_OR_LABEL );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_COPY_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( copy_button_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Rotate Text" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ROTATE );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE, msg, KiBitmap( rotate_ccw_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Text" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_EDIT_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( edit_text_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Text" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE, msg, KiBitmap( delete_text_xpm ) );

    /* add menu change type text (to label, glabel, text),
     * but only if this is a single line text
    if( Text->GetText().Find( wxT( "\n" ) ) ==  wxNOT_FOUND )
        AddMenuItem( menu_change_type, ID_POPUP_SCH_CHANGE_TYPE_TEXT_TO_LABEL,
                     _( "Change to Label" ), KiBitmap( label2text_xpm ) );
        AddMenuItem( menu_change_type, ID_POPUP_SCH_CHANGE_TYPE_TEXT_TO_HLABEL,
                     _( "Change to Hierarchical Label" ), KiBitmap( label2glabel_xpm ) );
        AddMenuItem( menu_change_type, ID_POPUP_SCH_CHANGE_TYPE_TEXT_TO_GLABEL,
                     _( "Change to Global Label" ), KiBitmap( label2glabel_xpm ) );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, menu_change_type, ID_POPUP_SCH_CHANGE_TYPE_TEXT,
                     _( "Change Type" ), KiBitmap( gl_change_xpm ) );
// Reload the Layers

    // Tray to fix a minimum width fot the BitmapComboBox
    int minwidth = 80;

    wxClientDC dc( GetParent() );   // The DC for "this" is not always initialized

    const int BM_SIZE = 14;

    LSET show = LSET::AllLayersMask() & ~m_layerMaskDisable;
    LSET activated = getEnabledLayers() & ~m_layerMaskDisable;
    wxString layerstatus;

    for( LSEQ seq = show.UIOrder();  seq;  ++seq )
        LAYER_ID   layerid = *seq;

        if( !m_showNotEnabledBrdlayers && !activated[layerid] )
        else if( !activated[layerid] )
            layerstatus = wxT( " " ) + _( "(not activated)" );

        wxBitmap   layerbmp( BM_SIZE, BM_SIZE );
        SetBitmapLayer( layerbmp, layerid );

        wxString layername = GetLayerName( layerid ) + layerstatus;

        if( m_layerhotkeys && m_hotkeys )
            int id = layer2hotkey_id( layerid );

            if( id != -1 )
                layername = AddHotkeyName( layername, m_hotkeys, id, IS_COMMENT );

        Append( layername, layerbmp, (void*)(intptr_t) layerid );

        int w, h;
        dc.GetTextExtent ( layername, &w, &h );
        minwidth = std::max( minwidth, w );

    minwidth += BM_SIZE + 35;    // Take in account the bitmap size and margins
    SetMinSize( wxSize( minwidth, -1 ) );
Example #20
void AddMenusForBus( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_LINE* Bus, SCH_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
    wxPoint     pos = frame->GetCrossHairPosition();
    wxString    msg;

    if( Bus == NULL )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Begin Bus" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_BEGIN_BUS );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_BEGIN_BUS, msg, KiBitmap( add_bus_xpm ) );

    bool    is_new = Bus->IsNew();
    if( is_new )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Bus End" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_END_CURR_LINEWIREBUS );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_END_LINE, msg, KiBitmap( checked_ok_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Bus" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE, msg, KiBitmap( delete_bus_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_BREAK_WIRE, _( "Break Bus" ), KiBitmap( break_bus_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Add Junction" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ADD_JUNCTION );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_JUNCTION, msg, KiBitmap( add_junction_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Add Label" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ADD_LABEL );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_LABEL, msg, KiBitmap( add_line_label_xpm ) );

    // Add global label command only if the cursor is over one end of the bus.
    if( Bus->IsEndPoint( pos ) )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_GLABEL, _( "Add Global Label" ),
                     KiBitmap( add_glabel_xpm ) );
Example #21
void AddMenusForSheetPin( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_SHEET_PIN* PinSheet )
    wxString msg;

    if( !PinSheet->GetFlags() )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move Sheet Pin" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                             HK_MOVE_COMPONENT_OR_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_MOVE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_EDIT_ITEM, _( "Edit Sheet Pin" ), KiBitmap( edit_xpm ) );

    if( !PinSheet->GetFlags() )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE, _( "Delete Sheet Pin" ),
                     KiBitmap( delete_pinsheet_xpm ) );
// Reload the Layers

    static DECLARE_LAYERS_ORDER_LIST( layertranscode );
    static DECLARE_LAYERS_HOTKEY( layerhk );

    // Tray to fix a minimum width fot the BitmapComboBox
    int minwidth = 80, h;
    wxClientDC dc( GetParent() );   // The DC for "this" is not always initialized

    #define BM_SIZE 14
    for( LAYER_NUM i = FIRST_LAYER; i < NB_LAYERS; ++i )
        wxBitmap   layerbmp( BM_SIZE, BM_SIZE );
        wxString   layername;
        LAYER_NUM  layerid = i;

        if( m_layerorder )
            layerid = layertranscode[i];

        if( ! IsLayerEnabled( layerid ) )

        if( ( m_layerMaskDisable & GetLayerMask( layerid ) ) )

        SetBitmapLayer( layerbmp, layerid );

        layername = GetLayerName( layerid );

        if( m_layerhotkeys && m_hotkeys != NULL )
            layername = AddHotkeyName( layername, m_hotkeys,
                                       layerhk[layerid], IS_COMMENT );

        Append( layername, layerbmp, (void*)(intptr_t) layerid );
        int w;
        dc.GetTextExtent ( layername, &w, &h );
        minwidth = std::max( minwidth, w );

    minwidth += BM_SIZE + 35;    // Take in account the bitmap size and margins
    SetMinSize( wxSize( minwidth, -1 ) );
Example #23
void AddMenusForWire( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_LINE* Wire, SCH_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
    SCH_SCREEN* screen = frame->GetScreen();
    wxPoint     pos    = frame->GetCrossHairPosition();
    wxString    msg;

    if( Wire == NULL )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Begin Wire" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_BEGIN_WIRE );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_BEGIN_WIRE, msg, KiBitmap( add_line_xpm ) );

    bool is_new = Wire->IsNew();
    if( is_new )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Wire End" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_END_CURR_LINEWIREBUS );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_END_LINE, msg, KiBitmap( checked_ok_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Drag Wire" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DRAG );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_DRAG_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_track_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Wire" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE, msg, KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_NODE, _( "Delete Node" ),
                 KiBitmap( delete_node_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_CONNECTION, _( "Delete Connection" ),
                 KiBitmap( delete_connection_xpm ) );

    SCH_LINE* line = screen->GetWireOrBus( frame->GetCrossHairPosition() );

    if( line && !line->IsEndPoint( frame->GetCrossHairPosition() ) )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_BREAK_WIRE, _( "Break Wire" ),
                     KiBitmap( break_line_xpm ) );


    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Add Junction" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ADD_JUNCTION );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_JUNCTION, msg, KiBitmap( add_junction_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Add Label" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ADD_LABEL );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_LABEL, msg, KiBitmap( add_line_label_xpm ) );

    // Add global label command only if the cursor is over one end of the wire.
    if( Wire->IsEndPoint( pos ) )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_GLABEL, _( "Add Global Label" ),
                     KiBitmap( add_glabel_xpm ) );
/* Create the wxMenuitem list for footprint editing
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::createPopUpMenuForFootprints( MODULE* aModule, wxMenu* menu )
    wxMenu*  sub_menu_footprint;
    int      flags = aModule->GetFlags();
    wxString msg;

    sub_menu_footprint = new wxMenu;

    msg = aModule->GetSelectMenuText();
    AddMenuItem( menu, sub_menu_footprint, -1, msg, KiBitmap( module_xpm ) );

    if( !flags )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MOVE_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( sub_menu_footprint, ID_POPUP_PCB_MOVE_MODULE_REQUEST,
                     msg, KiBitmap( move_module_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Drag" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DRAG_ITEM  );
        AddMenuItem( sub_menu_footprint, ID_POPUP_PCB_DRAG_MODULE_REQUEST,
                     msg, KiBitmap( drag_module_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Rotate +" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ROTATE_ITEM );
                 msg, KiBitmap( rotate_module_pos_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( sub_menu_footprint, ID_POPUP_PCB_ROTATE_MODULE_CLOCKWISE,
                 _( "Rotate -" ), KiBitmap( rotate_module_neg_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Flip" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_FLIP_ITEM );
    AddMenuItem( sub_menu_footprint, ID_POPUP_PCB_CHANGE_SIDE_MODULE,
                 msg, KiBitmap( invert_module_xpm ) );

    if( !flags )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Parameters" ),
                             g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT_ITEM );
        AddMenuItem( sub_menu_footprint, ID_POPUP_PCB_EDIT_MODULE_PRMS, msg,
                     KiBitmap( edit_module_xpm ) );
        AddMenuItem( sub_menu_footprint, ID_POPUP_PCB_EDIT_MODULE_WITH_MODEDIT,
                     _( "Edit with Module Editor" ),
                     KiBitmap( module_editor_xpm ) );
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Module" ),
                             g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
        AddMenuItem( sub_menu_footprint, ID_POPUP_PCB_DELETE_MODULE,
                     msg, KiBitmap( delete_module_xpm ) );
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
    wxString    text;
    wxMenuBar*  menuBar = GetMenuBar();

    wxFileHistory&  fhist = Kiface().GetFileHistory();

    if( !menuBar )
        menuBar = new wxMenuBar();

    // Delete all existing menus so they can be rebuilt.
    // This allows language changes of the menu text on the fly.

    while( menuBar->GetMenuCount() )
        delete menuBar->Remove( 0 );

    // Recreate all menus:

    // Create File Menu
    wxMenu* filesMenu = new wxMenu;

    if( Kiface().IsSingle() )   // not when under a project mgr
        AddMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_NEW_BOARD,
                _( "&New Board" ),
                _( "Clear current board and initialize a new one" ),
                KiBitmap( new_pcb_xpm ) );

        text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Open Board" ), m_hotkeysDescrList, HK_LOAD_BOARD );
        AddMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_LOAD_FILE, text,
                _( "Delete current board and load new board" ),
                KiBitmap( open_brd_file_xpm ) );

    // Load Recent submenu
    static wxMenu* openRecentMenu;

    // Add this menu to list menu managed by m_fileHistory
    // (the file history will be updated when adding/removing files in history
    if( openRecentMenu )
        fhist.RemoveMenu( openRecentMenu );

    openRecentMenu = new wxMenu();

    fhist.UseMenu( openRecentMenu );

    if( Kiface().IsSingle() )      // not when under a project mgr
        AddMenuItem( filesMenu, openRecentMenu,
                     -1, _( "Open &Recent" ),
                     _( "Open a recent opened board" ),
                     KiBitmap( open_project_xpm ) );
        AddMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_APPEND_FILE,
                     _( "&Append Board" ),
                     _( "Append another Pcbnew board to the current loaded board. Available only when Pcbnew runs in stand alone mode" ),
                     KiBitmap( import_xpm ) );


        AddMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_IMPORT_NON_KICAD_BOARD,
                _( "Import Non Kicad Board File" ),
                _( "Load a non KiCad board file and convert it to a .kicad_pcb file" ),
                KiBitmap( import_brd_file_xpm ) );


    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Save" ), m_hotkeysDescrList, HK_SAVE_BOARD );
    AddMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_SAVE_BOARD, text,
                 _( "Save current board" ),
                 KiBitmap( save_xpm ) );

    // Save as menu:
    // under a project mgr we do not want to modify the board filename
    // to keep consistency with the project mgr which expects files names same as prj name
    // for main files
    // when not under a project mgr, we are free to change filenames, cwd ...
    if( Kiface().IsSingle() )      // not when under a project mgr (pcbnew is run as stand alone)
        text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Sa&ve As..." ), m_hotkeysDescrList, HK_SAVE_BOARD_AS );
        AddMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_SAVE_BOARD_AS, text,
                     _( "Save the current board as..." ),
                     KiBitmap( save_as_xpm ) );
    // under a project mgr, we can save a copy of the board,
    // but do not change the current board file name
        text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Sa&ve Copy As..." ), m_hotkeysDescrList, HK_SAVE_BOARD_AS );
        AddMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_COPY_BOARD_AS, text,
                     _( "Save a copy of the current board as..." ),
                     KiBitmap( save_as_xpm ) );


    AddMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_MENU_READ_BOARD_BACKUP_FILE,
                 _( "Revert to Las&t" ),
                 _( "Clear board and get previous backup version of board" ),
                 KiBitmap( revert_pcbnew_xpm ) );

            _( "Resc&ue" ),
            _( "Clear board and get last rescue file automatically saved by Pcbnew" ),
            KiBitmap( rescue_pcbnew_xpm ) );

    //----- Fabrication Outputs submenu -----------------------------------------
    wxMenu* fabricationOutputsMenu = new wxMenu;
    AddMenuItem( fabricationOutputsMenu, ID_PCB_GEN_POS_MODULES_FILE,
                 _( "Footprint &Position (.pos) File" ),
                 _( "Generate footprint position file for pick and place" ),
                 KiBitmap( post_compo_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( fabricationOutputsMenu, ID_PCB_GEN_DRILL_FILE,
                 _( "&Drill (.drl) File" ),
                 _( "Generate excellon2 drill file" ),
                 KiBitmap( post_drill_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( fabricationOutputsMenu, ID_GEN_EXPORT_FILE_MODULE_REPORT,
                 _( "&Footprint (.rpt) Report" ),
                 _( "Create a report of all footprints on the current board" ),
                 KiBitmap( tools_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( fabricationOutputsMenu, ID_PCB_GEN_D356_FILE,
            _( "IPC-D-356 Netlist File" ),
            _( "Generate IPC-D-356 netlist file" ),
            KiBitmap( netlist_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( fabricationOutputsMenu, ID_PCB_GEN_BOM_FILE_FROM_BOARD,
                 _( "&BOM File" ),
                 _( "Create a bill of materials from schematic" ),
                 KiBitmap( bom_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( filesMenu, fabricationOutputsMenu,
                 -1, _( "&Fabrication Outputs" ),
                 _( "Generate files for fabrication" ),
                 KiBitmap( fabrication_xpm ) );

    //----- Import submenu ------------------------------------------------------
    wxMenu* submenuImport = new wxMenu();

    AddMenuItem( submenuImport, ID_GEN_IMPORT_SPECCTRA_SESSION,
                 _( "&Specctra Session" ),
                 _( "Import a routed \"Specctra Session\" (*.ses) file" ),
                 KiBitmap( import_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( submenuImport, ID_GEN_IMPORT_DXF_FILE,
                 _( "&DXF File" ),
                 _( "Import a 2D Drawing DXF file to Pcbnew on the Drawings layer" ),
                 KiBitmap( import_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( filesMenu, submenuImport,
                 ID_GEN_IMPORT_FILE, _( "&Import" ),
                 _( "Import files" ), KiBitmap( import_xpm ) );

    //----- Export submenu ------------------------------------------------------
    wxMenu* submenuexport = new wxMenu();

    AddMenuItem( submenuexport, ID_GEN_EXPORT_SPECCTRA,
                 _( "&Specctra DSN" ),
                 _( "Export the current board to a \"Specctra DSN\" file" ),
                 KiBitmap( export_dsn_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( submenuexport, ID_GEN_EXPORT_FILE_GENCADFORMAT,
                 _( "&GenCAD" ), _( "Export GenCAD format" ),
                 KiBitmap( export_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( submenuexport, ID_GEN_EXPORT_FILE_VRML,
                 _( "&VRML" ),
                 _( "Export a VRML board representation" ),
                 KiBitmap( three_d_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( submenuexport, ID_GEN_EXPORT_FILE_IDF3,
                 _( "I&DFv3" ), _( "IDFv3 board and component export" ),
                 KiBitmap( export_idf_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( submenuexport, ID_PCB_GEN_CMP_FILE,
                 _( "&Component (.cmp) File" ),
                 _( "Export component file (*.cmp) for Eeschema footprint field back-annotation" ),
                 KiBitmap( create_cmp_file_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( filesMenu, submenuexport,
                 ID_GEN_EXPORT_FILE, _( "E&xport" ),
                 _( "Export board" ), KiBitmap( export_xpm ) );


    AddMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_SHEET_SET,
                 _( "Page s&ettings" ),
                 _( "Page settings for paper size and texts" ),
                 KiBitmap( sheetset_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( filesMenu, wxID_PRINT,
                 _( "&Print" ), _( "Print board" ),
                 KiBitmap( print_button_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_GEN_PLOT_SVG,
                 _( "Export SV&G" ),
                 _( "Export a board file in Scalable Vector Graphics format" ),
                 KiBitmap( plot_svg_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_GEN_PLOT,
                 _( "P&lot" ),
                 _( "Plot board in HPGL, PostScript or Gerber RS-274X format)" ),
                 KiBitmap( plot_xpm ) );


    //----- archive submenu -----------------------------------------------------
    wxMenu* submenuarchive = new wxMenu();

    AddMenuItem( submenuarchive, ID_MENU_ARCHIVE_MODULES_IN_LIBRARY,
                 _( "&Archive Footprints in a Project Library" ),
                 _( "Archive footprints in an existing library in footprint Lib table"
                    "(do not remove other footprints in this lib)" ),
                 KiBitmap( library_update_xpm ) );

                 _( "&Create Library and Archive Footprints" ),
                 _( "Archive all footprints in a new library\n"
                    "(if this library already exists, it will be deleted)" ),
                 KiBitmap( library_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( filesMenu, submenuarchive,
                 _( "Arc&hive Footprints" ),
                 _( "Archive or add footprints in a library file" ),
                 KiBitmap( library_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( filesMenu, wxID_EXIT, _( "&Close" ), _( "Close Pcbnew" ), KiBitmap( exit_xpm ) );

    //----- Edit menu -----------------------------------------------------------
    wxMenu* editMenu = new wxMenu;

    text  = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Undo" ), g_Pcbnew_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_UNDO );
    AddMenuItem( editMenu, wxID_UNDO, text, HELP_UNDO, KiBitmap( undo_xpm ) );

    text  = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Redo" ), g_Pcbnew_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_REDO );
    AddMenuItem( editMenu, wxID_REDO, text, HELP_REDO, KiBitmap( redo_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( editMenu, ID_PCB_DELETE_ITEM_BUTT,
                 _( "&Delete" ), _( "Delete items" ),
                 KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );


    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Find" ), g_Pcbnew_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_FIND_ITEM );
    AddMenuItem( editMenu, ID_FIND_ITEMS, text, HELP_FIND , KiBitmap( find_xpm ) );


    AddMenuItem( editMenu, ID_PCB_GLOBAL_DELETE,
                 _( "&Global Deletions" ),
                 _( "Delete tracks, footprints, texts... on board" ),
                 KiBitmap( general_deletions_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( editMenu, ID_MENU_PCB_CLEAN,
                 _( "&Cleanup Tracks and Vias" ),
                 _( "Clean stubs, vias, delete break points, or unconnected tracks to pads and vias" ),
                 KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( editMenu, ID_MENU_PCB_SWAP_LAYERS,
                 _( "&Swap Layers" ),
                 _( "Swap tracks on copper layers or drawings on other layers" ),
                 KiBitmap( swap_layer_xpm ) );

                 _( "Set Footp&rint Field Sizes" ),
                 _( "Set text size and width of footprint fields." ),
                 KiBitmap( reset_text_xpm ) );

    //----- View menu -----------------------------------------------------------
    wxMenu* viewMenu = new wxMenu;

    /* Important Note for ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT commands from menubar:
     * we cannot add hotkey info here, because the hotkey HK_ZOOM_IN and HK_ZOOM_OUT
     * events(default = WXK_F1 and WXK_F2) are *NOT* equivalent to this menu command:
     * zoom in and out from hotkeys are equivalent to the pop up menu zoom
     * From here, zooming is made around the screen center
     * From hotkeys, zooming is made around the mouse cursor position
     * (obviously not possible from the toolbar or menubar command)
     * in other words HK_ZOOM_IN and HK_ZOOM_OUT *are NOT* accelerators
     * for Zoom in and Zoom out sub menus
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom &In" ), g_Pcbnew_Editor_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ZOOM_IN, IS_ACCELERATOR );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_IN, text, HELP_ZOOM_IN, KiBitmap( zoom_in_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom &Out" ), g_Pcbnew_Editor_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ZOOM_OUT, IS_ACCELERATOR );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_OUT, text, HELP_ZOOM_OUT, KiBitmap( zoom_out_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Fit on Screen" ), g_Pcbnew_Editor_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ZOOM_AUTO  );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_PAGE, text, HELP_ZOOM_FIT,
                 KiBitmap( zoom_fit_in_page_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Redraw" ), g_Pcbnew_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_REDRAW );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_REDRAW, text,
                 HELP_ZOOM_REDRAW, KiBitmap( zoom_redraw_xpm ) );


    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&3D Viewer" ), g_Pcbnew_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_3D_VIEWER );

    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_MENU_PCB_SHOW_3D_FRAME, text, _( "Show board in 3D viewer" ),
                 KiBitmap( three_d_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_MENU_LIST_NETS,
                 _( "&List Nets" ), _( "View a list of nets with names and id's" ),
                 KiBitmap( list_nets_xpm ) );


    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Switch Canvas to Legacy" ), g_Pcbnew_Editor_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_CANVAS_LEGACY );

    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_MENU_CANVAS_LEGACY,
                 text, _( "Switch the canvas implementation to Legacy" ),
                 KiBitmap( tools_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Switch Canvas to Open&GL" ), g_Pcbnew_Editor_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_CANVAS_OPENGL );

    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_MENU_CANVAS_OPENGL,
                 text, _( "Switch the canvas implementation to OpenGL" ),
                 KiBitmap( tools_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Switch Canvas to &Cairo" ), g_Pcbnew_Editor_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_CANVAS_CAIRO );

    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_MENU_CANVAS_CAIRO,
                 text, _( "Switch the canvas implementation to Cairo" ),
                 KiBitmap( tools_xpm ) );

    //----- Place Menu ----------------------------------------------------------
    wxMenu* placeMenu = new wxMenu;

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Footprint" ), g_Pcbnew_Editor_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_MODULE );
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_PCB_MODULE_BUTT, text,
                 _( "Add footprints" ), KiBitmap( module_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Track" ), g_Pcbnew_Editor_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_NEW_TRACK, IS_ACCELERATOR );
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_TRACK_BUTT, text,
                 _( "Add tracks and vias" ), KiBitmap( add_tracks_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_PCB_ZONES_BUTT,
                 _( "&Zone" ), _( "Add filled zones" ), KiBitmap( add_zone_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_PCB_KEEPOUT_AREA_BUTT,
                 _( "&Keepout Area" ), _( "Add keepout areas" ), KiBitmap( add_keepout_area_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_PCB_ADD_TEXT_BUTT,
                 _( "Te&xt" ), _( "Add text on copper layers or graphic text" ),
                 KiBitmap( add_text_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_PCB_ARC_BUTT,
                 _( "&Arc" ), _( "Add graphic arc" ),KiBitmap( add_arc_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_PCB_CIRCLE_BUTT,
                 _( "&Circle" ), _( "Add graphic circle" ),
                 KiBitmap( add_circle_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_PCB_ADD_LINE_BUTT,
                 _( "&Line or Polygon" ),
                 _( "Add graphic line or polygon" ),
                 KiBitmap( add_dashed_line_xpm ) );


    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_PCB_DIMENSION_BUTT,
                 _( "&Dimension" ), _( "Add dimension" ),
                 KiBitmap( add_dimension_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_PCB_MIRE_BUTT,
                 _( "La&yer alignment target" ), _( "Add layer alignment target" ),
                 KiBitmap( add_mires_xpm ) );


    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_PCB_PLACE_OFFSET_COORD_BUTT,
                 _( "Drill and &Place Offset" ),
                 _( "Place the origin point for drill and place files" ),
                 KiBitmap( pcb_offset_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_PCB_PLACE_GRID_COORD_BUTT,
                 _( "&Grid Origin" ),
                 _( "Set the origin point for the grid" ),
                 KiBitmap( grid_select_axis_xpm ) );

    wxMenu* routeMenu = new wxMenu;

    AddMenuItem( routeMenu, ID_TRACK_BUTT,
                 _( "&Single Track" ),
                 _( "Interactively route a single track" ),
                 KiBitmap( add_tracks_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( routeMenu, ID_DIFF_PAIR_BUTT,
                 _( "&Differential Pair" ),
                 _( "Interactively route a differential pair" ),
                 KiBitmap( ps_diff_pair_xpm ) );


    AddMenuItem( routeMenu, ID_TUNE_SINGLE_TRACK_LEN_BUTT,
                 _( "&Tune Track Length" ),
                 _( "Tune length of a single track" ),
                 KiBitmap( ps_tune_length_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( routeMenu, ID_TUNE_DIFF_PAIR_LEN_BUTT,
                 _( "Tune Differential Pair &Length" ),
                 _( "Tune length of a differential pair" ),
                 KiBitmap( ps_diff_pair_tune_length_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( routeMenu, ID_TUNE_DIFF_PAIR_SKEW_BUTT,
                 _( "Tune Differential Pair &Skew/Phase" ),
                 _( "Tune skew/phase of a differential pair" ),
                 KiBitmap( ps_diff_pair_tune_phase_xpm ) );

/* Fixme: add icons & missing menu entries!

    AddMenuItem( routeMenu, ID_MENU_MITER_TRACES,
                 _( "Miter traces..." ),
                 _( "Miter trace corners with arcs" ),
                 KiBitmap( grid_select_axis_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( routeMenu, ID_MENU_ADD_TEARDROPS,
                 _( "Teardrops..." ),
                 _( "Add teardrops to pads/vias" ),
                 KiBitmap( grid_select_axis_xpm ) );

    //----- Preferences and configuration menu------------------------------------
    wxMenu* configmenu = new wxMenu;

    AddMenuItem( configmenu, ID_PCB_LIB_WIZARD,
                _( "&Footprint Libraries Wizard" ), _( "Add footprint libraries with wizard" ),
                KiBitmap( wizard_add_fplib_small_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( configmenu, ID_PCB_LIB_TABLE_EDIT,
                _( "Footprint Li&braries Manager" ), _( "Configure footprint libraries" ),
                KiBitmap( library_table_xpm ) );

    // Path configuration edit dialog.
    AddMenuItem( configmenu,
                 _( "Configure Pa&ths" ),
                 _( "Edit path configuration environment variables" ),
                 KiBitmap( editor_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( configmenu, ID_PCB_3DSHAPELIB_WIZARD,
                 _( "&3D Shapes Libraries Downloader" ),
                 _( "Download from Github the 3D shape libraries with wizard" ),
                 KiBitmap( wizard_add_fplib_small_xpm ) );

    // Colors and Visibility are also handled by the layers manager toolbar
                 m_show_layer_manager_tools ?
                 _( "Hide La&yers Manager" ) : _("Show La&yers Manager" ),
                 KiBitmap( layers_manager_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( configmenu, ID_MENU_PCB_SHOW_HIDE_MUWAVE_TOOLBAR,
                 m_show_microwave_tools ?
                 _( "Hide Microwa&ve Toolbar" ): _( "Show Microwave Toolbar" ),
                 KiBitmap( mw_toolbar_xpm ) );

    // General
#ifdef __WXMAC__
    configmenu->Append( wxID_PREFERENCES );
    AddMenuItem( configmenu, wxID_PREFERENCES,
                 _( "&General" ), _( "Select general options for Pcbnew" ),
                 KiBitmap( preference_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( configmenu, ID_PCB_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_SETUP,
                 _( "&Display" ),
                 _( "Select how items (pads, tracks texts ... ) are displayed" ),
                 KiBitmap( display_options_xpm ) );

                 _( "&Interactive Routing" ),
                 _( "Configure the interactive router." ),
                 KiBitmap( add_tracks_xpm ) ); // fixme: icon

    //--- dimensions submenu ------------------------------------------------------
    wxMenu* dimensionsMenu = new wxMenu;

    AddMenuItem( dimensionsMenu, ID_PCB_USER_GRID_SETUP,
                 _( "G&rid" ),_( "Adjust user grid dimensions" ),
                 KiBitmap( grid_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( dimensionsMenu, ID_PCB_DRAWINGS_WIDTHS_SETUP,
                 _( "Te&xts and Drawings" ),
                 _( "Adjust dimensions for texts and drawings" ),
                 KiBitmap( options_text_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( dimensionsMenu, ID_PCB_PAD_SETUP,
                 _( "&Pads" ),  _( "Adjust default pad characteristics" ),
                 KiBitmap( pad_dimensions_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( dimensionsMenu, ID_PCB_MASK_CLEARANCE,
                 _( "Pads &Mask Clearance" ),
                 _( "Adjust the global clearance between pads and the solder resist mask" ),
                 KiBitmap( pads_mask_layers_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( dimensionsMenu, ID_MENU_DIFF_PAIR_DIMENSIONS,
                 _( "&Differential Pairs" ),
                 _( "Define the global gap/width for differential pairs." ),
                 KiBitmap( ps_diff_pair_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( dimensionsMenu, ID_CONFIG_SAVE,
                 _( "&Save" ), _( "Save dimension preferences" ),
                 KiBitmap( save_xpm ) );

    // Language submenu
    Pgm().AddMenuLanguageList( configmenu );

    // Hotkey submenu
    AddHotkeyConfigMenu( configmenu );


    AddMenuItem( configmenu, ID_CONFIG_SAVE,
                 _( "&Save Preferences" ),
                 _( "Save application preferences" ),
                 KiBitmap( save_setup_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( configmenu, ID_CONFIG_READ,
                 _( "Load Prefe&rences" ),
                 _( "Load application preferences" ),
                 KiBitmap( read_setup_xpm ) );

    //----- Tools menu ----------------------------------------------------------
    wxMenu* toolsMenu = new wxMenu;

    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu,
                 _( "Update PCB from Schematics" ),
                 _( "Updates the PCB design with the current schematic (forward annotation)." ),
                 KiBitmap( libedit_xpm ) );

    toolsMenu->AppendSeparator( );

    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu, ID_GET_NETLIST,
                 _( "&Netlist" ),
                 _( "Read the netlist and update board connectivity" ),
                 KiBitmap( netlist_xpm ) );

                 _( "&Layer Pair" ), _( "Change the active layer pair" ),
                 KiBitmap( select_layer_pair_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu, ID_DRC_CONTROL,
                 _( "&DRC" ),
                 _( "Perform design rules check" ), KiBitmap( erc_xpm ) );

                 _( "&FreeRoute" ),
                 _( "Fast access to the web based FreeROUTE advanced router" ),
                 KiBitmap( web_support_xpm ) );

                 _( "&Scripting Console" ),
                 _( "Show/Hide the Python scripting console" ),
                 KiBitmap( py_script_xpm ) );

    wxMenu* designRulesMenu = new wxMenu;

    AddMenuItem( designRulesMenu, ID_MENU_PCB_SHOW_DESIGN_RULES_DIALOG,
                 _( "&Design Rules" ),
                 _( "Open the design rules editor" ), KiBitmap( hammer_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( designRulesMenu, ID_PCB_LAYERS_SETUP,
                 _( "&Layers Setup" ),  _( "Enable and set layer properties" ),
                 KiBitmap( copper_layers_setup_xpm ) );

    wxMenu* helpMenu = new wxMenu;

    AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_HELP,
                 _( "Pcbnew &Manual" ),
                 _( "Open the Pcbnew Manual" ),
                 KiBitmap( online_help_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_INDEX,
                 _( "&Getting Started in KiCad" ),
                 _( "Open the \"Getting Started in KiCad\" guide for beginners" ),
                 KiBitmap( help_xpm ) );

                 _( "&List Hotkeys" ),
                 _( "Displays the current hotkeys list and corresponding commands" ),
                 KiBitmap( hotkeys_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_ABOUT,
                 _( "&About KiCad" ),
                 _( "Display the KiCad About dialog" ),
                 KiBitmap( info_xpm ) );

    // Append all menus to the menuBar
    menuBar->Append( filesMenu, _( "&File" ) );
    menuBar->Append( editMenu, _( "&Edit" ) );
    menuBar->Append( viewMenu, _( "&View" ) );
    menuBar->Append( placeMenu, _( "&Place" ) );
    menuBar->Append( routeMenu, _( "Ro&ute" ) );
    menuBar->Append( configmenu, _( "P&references" ) );
    menuBar->Append( dimensionsMenu, _( "D&imensions" ) );
    menuBar->Append( toolsMenu, _( "&Tools" ) );
    menuBar->Append( designRulesMenu, _( "&Design Rules" ) );
    menuBar->Append( helpMenu, _( "&Help" ) );


    // Associate the menu bar with the frame, if no previous menubar
    if( GetMenuBar() == NULL )
        SetMenuBar( menuBar );
Example #26
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
    // Create and try to get the current menubar
    wxString   text;
    wxMenuBar* menuBar = GetMenuBar();

    if( !menuBar )
        menuBar = new wxMenuBar();

    // Delete all existing menus so they can be rebuilt.
    // This allows language changes of the menu text on the fly.

    while( menuBar->GetMenuCount() )
        delete menuBar->Remove( 0 );

    // Recreate all menus:

    // Menu File:
    wxMenu* fileMenu = new wxMenu;

    if( Kiface().IsSingle() )   // not when under a project mgr
        AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                     _( "&New Schematic Project" ),
                     _( "Clear current schematic hierarchy and start a new schematic root sheet" ),
                     KiBitmap( new_sch_xpm ) );

        text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Open Schematic Project" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_LOAD_SCH );
        AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                     ID_LOAD_PROJECT, text,
                     _( "Open an existing schematic hierarchy" ),
                     KiBitmap( open_document_xpm ) );

    // @todo: static probably not OK in multiple open projects.
    // Open Recent submenu
    static wxMenu* openRecentMenu;

    // Add this menu to list menu managed by m_fileHistory
    // (the file history will be updated when adding/removing files in history
    if( openRecentMenu )
        Kiface().GetFileHistory().RemoveMenu( openRecentMenu );

    openRecentMenu = new wxMenu();

    Kiface().GetFileHistory().UseMenu( openRecentMenu );
    Kiface().GetFileHistory().AddFilesToMenu( openRecentMenu );

    if( Kiface().IsSingle() )   // not when under a project mgr
        AddMenuItem( fileMenu, openRecentMenu,
                     wxID_ANY, _( "Open &Recent" ),
                     _( "Open a recent opened schematic project" ),
                     KiBitmap( open_project_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                 ID_APPEND_PROJECT, _( "App&end Schematic Sheet" ),
                 _( "Append schematic sheet to current project" ),
                 KiBitmap( open_document_xpm ) );


    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Save Schematic Project" ),
                          g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_SAVE_SCH );
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                 ID_SAVE_PROJECT, text,
                 _( "Save all sheets in schematic project" ),
                 KiBitmap( save_project_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                 _( "Save &Current Sheet Only" ),
                 _( "Save only current schematic sheet" ),
                 KiBitmap( save_xpm ) );

    if( Kiface().IsSingle() )   // not when under a project mgr
        AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                     _( "Save C&urrent Sheet As" ),
                     _( "Save current schematic sheet as..." ),
                     KiBitmap( save_as_xpm ) );


    AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                 _( "Pa&ge Settings" ),
                 _( "Setting for sheet size and frame references" ),
                 KiBitmap( sheetset_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                 _( "Pri&nt" ),
                 _( "Print schematic sheet" ),
                 KiBitmap( print_button_xpm ) );

    // Plot submenu
    wxMenu* choice_plot_fmt = new wxMenu;
    AddMenuItem( choice_plot_fmt, ID_GEN_PLOT_SCHEMATIC,
                 _( "&Plot" ),
                 _( "Plot schematic sheet in PostScript, PDF, SVG, DXF or HPGL format" ),
                 KiBitmap( plot_xpm ) );

    // Plot to Clipboard
    AddMenuItem( choice_plot_fmt, ID_GEN_COPY_SHEET_TO_CLIPBOARD,
                 _( "Plot to C&lipboard" ),
                 _( "Export drawings to clipboard" ),
                 KiBitmap( copy_button_xpm ) );

    // Plot
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, choice_plot_fmt,
                 ID_GEN_PLOT, _( "&Plot" ),
                 _( "Plot schematic sheet in HPGL, PostScript or SVG format" ),
                 KiBitmap( plot_xpm ) );

    // Separator

    // Quit
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
                 _( "&Close" ),
                 _( "Close Eeschema" ),
                 KiBitmap( exit_xpm ) );

    // Menu Edit:
    wxMenu* editMenu = new wxMenu;

    // Undo
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Undo" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_UNDO );

    AddMenuItem( editMenu, wxID_UNDO, text, HELP_UNDO, KiBitmap( undo_xpm ) );

    // Redo
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Redo" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_REDO );

    AddMenuItem( editMenu, wxID_REDO, text, HELP_REDO, KiBitmap( redo_xpm ) );

    // Delete
                 _( "&Delete" ), HELP_DELETE_ITEMS,
                 KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );

    // Find
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Find" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_FIND_ITEM );
    AddMenuItem( editMenu, ID_FIND_ITEMS, text, HELP_FIND, KiBitmap( find_xpm ) );

    // Find/Replace
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Find and Re&place" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_FIND_REPLACE );
    AddMenuItem( editMenu, wxID_REPLACE, text, HELP_REPLACE,
                 KiBitmap( find_replace_xpm ) );

    // Import footprint association from the CvPcb cmp file:
    AddMenuItem( editMenu, ID_BACKANNO_ITEMS,
                 _( "Import Footprint Selection" ),
                 KiBitmap( import_footprint_names_xpm ) );

    // Menu View:
    wxMenu* viewMenu = new wxMenu;

     * Important Note for ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT commands from menubar:
     * we cannot add hotkey shortcut here, because the hotkey HK_ZOOM_IN and HK_ZOOM_OUT
     * events(default = WXK_F1 and WXK_F2) are *NOT* equivalent to this menu command:
     * zoom in and out from hotkeys are equivalent to the pop up menu zoom
     * From here, zooming is made around the screen center
     * From hotkeys, zooming is made around the mouse cursor position
     * (obviously not possible from the toolbar or menubar command)
     * in others words HK_ZOOM_IN and HK_ZOOM_OUT *are NOT* accelerators
     * for Zoom in and Zoom out sub menus
     * using in AddHotkeyName call the option "false" (not a shortcut)

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom &In" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ZOOM_IN, IS_ACCELERATOR );  // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_IN, text, HELP_ZOOM_IN, KiBitmap( zoom_in_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom &Out" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ZOOM_OUT, IS_ACCELERATOR );  // add accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_OUT, text, HELP_ZOOM_OUT, KiBitmap( zoom_out_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Fit on Screen" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_AUTO );

    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_PAGE, text, HELP_ZOOM_FIT, KiBitmap( zoom_fit_in_page_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Redraw" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_REDRAW );

    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_REDRAW, text, HELP_ZOOM_REDRAW, KiBitmap( zoom_redraw_xpm ) );


    AddMenuItem( viewMenu,
                 _( "Show &Hierarchical Navigator" ),
                 _( "Navigate hierarchical sheets" ),
                 KiBitmap( hierarchy_nav_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Leave Sheet" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_LEAVE_SHEET );

    AddMenuItem( viewMenu,
                 _( "Leave Sheet" ),
                 KiBitmap( leave_sheet_xpm ) );

    // Menu place:
    wxMenu* placeMenu = new wxMenu;

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Component" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_NEW_COMPONENT, IS_ACCELERATOR );    // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_SCH_PLACE_COMPONENT, text,
                 KiBitmap( add_component_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Power Port" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_NEW_POWER, IS_ACCELERATOR );    // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_PLACE_POWER_BUTT, text,
                 KiBitmap( add_power_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Wire" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_BEGIN_WIRE, IS_ACCELERATOR );    // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_WIRE_BUTT, text,
                 KiBitmap( add_line_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Bus" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_BEGIN_BUS, IS_ACCELERATOR );    // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_BUS_BUTT, text,
                 KiBitmap( add_bus_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Wire to Bus &Entry" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_WIRE_ENTRY, IS_ACCELERATOR );    // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_WIRETOBUS_ENTRY_BUTT, text,
                 KiBitmap( add_line2bus_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Bus &to Bus Entry" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_BUS_ENTRY, IS_ACCELERATOR );    // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_BUSTOBUS_ENTRY_BUTT, text,
                 KiBitmap( add_bus2bus_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&No Connect Flag" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_NOCONN_FLAG, IS_ACCELERATOR );    // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_NOCONN_BUTT, text, HELP_PLACE_NC_FLAG, KiBitmap( noconn_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Junction" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_JUNCTION, IS_ACCELERATOR );    // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_JUNCTION_BUTT, text,
                 KiBitmap( add_junction_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Label" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_LABEL, IS_ACCELERATOR );    // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_LABEL_BUTT, text,
                 KiBitmap( add_line_label_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Gl&obal Label" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_GLABEL, IS_ACCELERATOR );    // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_GLABEL_BUTT, text,
                 KiBitmap( add_glabel_xpm ) );


    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Hierarchical Label" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_HLABEL, IS_ACCELERATOR );          // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_HIERLABEL_BUTT,
                 text, HELP_PLACE_HIER_LABEL,
                 KiBitmap( add_hierarchical_label_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Hierarchical &Sheet" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_HIER_SHEET, IS_ACCELERATOR );    // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_SHEET_SYMBOL_BUTT, text,
                 KiBitmap( add_hierarchical_subsheet_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( placeMenu,
                 _( "I&mport Hierarchical Label" ),
                 KiBitmap( import_hierarchical_label_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( placeMenu,
                 _( "Hierarchical Pi&n to Sheet" ),
                 KiBitmap( add_hierar_pin_xpm ) );


    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Graphic Pol&yline" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_GRAPHIC_POLYLINE, IS_ACCELERATOR );    // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_LINE_COMMENT_BUTT, text,
                 KiBitmap( add_dashed_line_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Graphic Text" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr,
                          HK_ADD_GRAPHIC_TEXT, IS_ACCELERATOR );    // add an accelerator, not a shortcut
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_TEXT_COMMENT_BUTT, text,
                 KiBitmap( add_text_xpm ) );

    // Graphic image
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_ADD_IMAGE_BUTT, _( "&Image" ),
                 KiBitmap( image_xpm ) );

    // Menu Preferences:
    wxMenu* preferencesMenu = new wxMenu;

    // Library
    AddMenuItem( preferencesMenu,
                 _( "Component &Libraries" ),
                 _( "Configure component libraries and paths" ),
                 KiBitmap( library_xpm ) );

    // Options (Preferences on WXMAC)

#ifdef __WXMAC__
    preferencesMenu->Append( wxID_PREFERENCES );
    AddMenuItem( preferencesMenu,
                 _( "Schematic Editor &Options" ),
                 _( "Set Eeschema preferences" ),
                 KiBitmap( preference_xpm ) );
#endif // __WXMAC__

    // Language submenu
    Pgm().AddMenuLanguageList( preferencesMenu );

    // Import/export
    wxMenu* importExportSubmenu = new wxMenu();

    AddMenuItem( importExportSubmenu,
                 _( "&Save Preferences" ),
                 _( "Save application preferences" ),
                 wxNullBitmap );

    AddMenuItem( importExportSubmenu,
                 _( "Load Prefe&rences" ),
                 _( "Load application preferences" ),
                 wxNullBitmap );

    AddMenuItem( importExportSubmenu,
                 _( "E&xport Hotkeys" ),
                 _( "Create a hotkey configuration file to export the current hotkeys" ),
                 wxNullBitmap );

    AddMenuItem( importExportSubmenu,
                 _( "&Import Hotkeys" ),
                 _( "Load an existing hotkey configuration file" ),
                 wxNullBitmap );

    AddMenuItem( preferencesMenu, importExportSubmenu,
                 _( "&Import and export" ),
                 _( "Import and export settings" ),
                 KiBitmap( save_setup_xpm ) );

    // Menu Tools:
    wxMenu* toolsMenu = new wxMenu;

    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu,
                 _( "Library &Editor" ), HELP_RUN_LIB_EDITOR,
                 KiBitmap( libedit_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu,
                 _( "Library &Browser" ),  HELP_RUN_LIB_VIEWER,
                 KiBitmap( library_browse_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu,
                 _( "&Rescue Old Components" ),
                 _( "Find old components in the project and rename/rescue them" ),
                 KiBitmap( copycomponent_xpm ) );


    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu,
                 _( "&Annotate Schematic" ), HELP_ANNOTATE,
                 KiBitmap( annotate_xpm ) );

    // ERC
    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu,
                 _( "Electrical Rules &Checker" ),
                 _( "Perform electrical rules check" ),
                 KiBitmap( erc_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu,
                 _( "Generate &Netlist File" ),
                 _( "Generate the component netlist file" ),
                 KiBitmap( netlist_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu,
                 _( "Generate Bill of &Materials" ),
                 KiBitmap( bom_xpm ) );


    // Run CvPcb
    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu,
                 _( "A&ssign Component Footprint" ),
                 _( "Run CvPcb" ),
                 KiBitmap( cvpcb_xpm ) );

    // Run Pcbnew
    AddMenuItem( toolsMenu,
                 _( "&Layout Printed Circuit Board" ),
                 _( "Run Pcbnew" ),
                 KiBitmap( pcbnew_xpm ) );

    // Help Menu:
    wxMenu* helpMenu = new wxMenu;

    // Version info
    AddHelpVersionInfoMenuEntry( helpMenu );

    AddMenuItem( helpMenu,
                 _( "Eeschema &Manual" ),
                 _( "Open Eeschema Manual" ),
                 KiBitmap( online_help_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( helpMenu,
                 _( "&Getting Started in KiCad" ),
                 _( "Open \"Getting Started in KiCad\" guide for beginners" ),
                 KiBitmap( help_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( helpMenu,
                 _( "&About KiCad" ),
                 _( "About KiCad" ),
                 KiBitmap( info_xpm ) );

    // Create the menubar and append all submenus
    menuBar->Append( fileMenu, _( "&File" ) );
    menuBar->Append( editMenu, _( "&Edit" ) );
    menuBar->Append( viewMenu, _( "&View" ) );
    menuBar->Append( placeMenu, _( "&Place" ) );
    menuBar->Append( preferencesMenu, _( "P&references" ) );
    menuBar->Append( toolsMenu, _( "&Tools" ) );
    menuBar->Append( helpMenu, _( "&Help" ) );


    // Associate the menu bar with the frame, if no previous menubar
    if( GetMenuBar() == NULL )
        SetMenuBar( menuBar );
/* Create  the main Horizontal Toolbar for the schematic editor
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateHToolbar()
    if( m_mainToolBar != NULL )

    wxString msg;
    m_mainToolBar = new wxAuiToolBar( this, ID_H_TOOLBAR, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                                      wxAUI_TB_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxAUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT );

    // Set up toolbar
    if( Kiface().IsSingle() )   // not when under a project mgr
        // These 2 menus have meaning only outside a project, i.e. not under a project manager:
        m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_NEW_PROJECT, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( new_sch_xpm ),
                                _( "New schematic project" ) );

        m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LOAD_PROJECT, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( open_document_xpm ),
                                _( "Open schematic project" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_SAVE_PROJECT, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( save_project_xpm ),
                            _( "Save schematic project" ) );


    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_SHEET_SET, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( sheetset_xpm ),
                            _( "Page settings" ) );


    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( wxID_PRINT, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( print_button_xpm ),
                            _( "Print schematic" ) );


    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( wxID_CUT, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( cut_button_xpm ),
                            _( "Cut selected item" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( wxID_COPY, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( copy_button_xpm ),
                            _( "Copy selected item" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( wxID_PASTE, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( paste_xpm ),
                            _( "Paste" ) );


    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_UNDO, g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_UNDO, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( wxID_UNDO, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( undo_xpm ), msg );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_REDO, g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_REDO, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( wxID_REDO, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( redo_xpm ), msg );


    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_FIND, g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_FIND_ITEM, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_FIND_ITEMS, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( find_xpm ), msg );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( wxID_REPLACE, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( find_replace_xpm ),
                            wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL, _( "Find and replace text" ),
                            HELP_REPLACE, NULL );


    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_ZOOM_IN, g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_IN, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_IN, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( zoom_in_xpm ), msg );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_ZOOM_OUT, g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_OUT, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_OUT, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( zoom_out_xpm ), msg );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_ZOOM_REDRAW, g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_REDRAW, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( zoom_redraw_xpm ), msg );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_ZOOM_FIT, g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_AUTO, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_PAGE, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( zoom_fit_in_page_xpm ), msg );


    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_HIERARCHY, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( hierarchy_nav_xpm ),
                            _( "Navigate schematic hierarchy" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_POPUP_SCH_LEAVE_SHEET, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( leave_sheet_xpm ),
                            _( "Leave sheet" ) );


    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_RUN_LIBRARY, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( libedit_xpm ),
                            HELP_RUN_LIB_EDITOR );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_TO_LIBVIEW, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( library_browse_xpm ),
                            HELP_RUN_LIB_VIEWER );


    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_GET_ANNOTATE, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( annotate_xpm ),
                            HELP_ANNOTATE );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_GET_ERC, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( erc_xpm ),
                            _( "Perform electrical rules check" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_GET_NETLIST, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( netlist_xpm ),
                            _( "Generate netlist" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_GET_TOOLS, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( bom_xpm ),
                            HELP_GENERATE_BOM );


    // The user must have footprints before he can assign them.  So put this before CvPcb.

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_RUN_PCB_MODULE_EDITOR, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( module_editor_xpm ),
                            _( "Footprint Editor" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_RUN_CVPCB, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( cvpcb_xpm ),
                            _( "Run CvPcb to associate components and footprints" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_RUN_PCB, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( pcbnew_xpm ),
                            _( "Run Pcbnew to layout printed circuit board" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_BACKANNO_ITEMS, wxEmptyString,
                            KiBitmap( import_footprint_names_xpm ),
                            HELP_IMPORT_FOOTPRINTS );

    // after adding the tools to the toolbar, must call Realize() to reflect the changes
void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
    // Create and try to get the current menubar
    wxMenuBar* menuBar = GetMenuBar();

    if( !menuBar )
        menuBar = new wxMenuBar();

    // Delete all existing menus so they can be rebuilt.
    // This allows language changes of the menu text on the fly.

    while( menuBar->GetMenuCount() )
        delete menuBar->Remove( 0 );

    // Recreate all menus:
    wxString text;

    // Menu File:
    wxMenu* fileMenu = new wxMenu;

    // Active library selection
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, ID_MODEDIT_SELECT_CURRENT_LIB, _("Set Acti&ve Library"),
                           _( "Select active library" ),
                           KiBitmap( open_library_xpm ) );

    // New module
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, ID_MODEDIT_NEW_MODULE,
                 _( "&New Footprint" ), _( "Create new footprint" ),
                 KiBitmap( new_footprint_xpm ) );

    // Open submenu
    wxMenu* openSubmenu = new wxMenu;

    // from File
    AddMenuItem( openSubmenu, ID_MODEDIT_IMPORT_PART,
                 _( "&Import Footprint From File" ),
                 _( "Import footprint from an existing file" ),
                 KiBitmap( import_module_xpm ) );

    // from Library
    AddMenuItem( openSubmenu, ID_MODEDIT_LOAD_MODULE,
                 _( "Load Footprint From Current Li&brary" ),
                 _( "Open a footprint from library" ),
                 KiBitmap( module_xpm ) );

    // from current Board
    AddMenuItem( openSubmenu, ID_MODEDIT_LOAD_MODULE_FROM_BOARD,
                 _( "Load Footprint From &Current Board" ),
                 _( "Load a footprint from the current board" ),
                 KiBitmap( load_module_board_xpm ) );

    /* Append openSubmenu to fileMenu */
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, openSubmenu, -1,
                 _( "&Load Footprint" ),
                 _( "Load footprint" ),
                 KiBitmap( open_document_xpm ) );

    // Save the currently loaded legacy library as an s-expression library.
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, ID_MODEDIT_SAVE_LIBRARY_AS,
                 _( "Save &Current Library As..." ),
                 _( "Save entire current library under a new name." ),
                 KiBitmap( copy_library_xpm ) );

    // Save module
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Save Footprint in Active Library" ),
                          m_hotkeysDescrList, HK_SAVE_MODULE );

    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, ID_MODEDIT_SAVE_LIBMODULE, text,
                 _( "Save footprint in active library" ),
                 KiBitmap( save_library_xpm ) );

    // Save module in new lib
                 _( "S&ave Footprint in New Library" ),
                 _( "Create a new library and save current footprint into it" ),
                 KiBitmap( new_library_xpm ) );

    // Export module
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, ID_MODEDIT_EXPORT_PART,
                 _( "&Export Footprint" ),
                 _( "Save currently loaded footprint into file" ),
                 KiBitmap( export_module_xpm ) );

    // Import DXF File
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, ID_GEN_IMPORT_DXF_FILE,
                 _( "&Import DXF File" ),
                 _( "Import a 2D Drawing DXF file to Pcbnew on the Drawings layer" ),
                 KiBitmap( import_xpm ) );


    // Print
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, wxID_PRINT,
                 _( "&Print" ),
                 _( "Print current footprint" ),
                 KiBitmap( plot_xpm ) );

    // Separator

    // Close editor
    AddMenuItem( fileMenu, wxID_EXIT,
                 _( "Cl&ose" ),
                 _( "Close footprint editor" ),
                 KiBitmap( exit_xpm ) );

    //----- Edit menu ------------------
    wxMenu* editMenu = new wxMenu;

    // Undo
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Undo" ), m_hotkeysDescrList, HK_UNDO );
    AddMenuItem( editMenu, wxID_UNDO,
                 text, _( "Undo last action" ),
                 KiBitmap( undo_xpm ) );

    // Redo
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Redo" ), m_hotkeysDescrList, HK_REDO );
    AddMenuItem( editMenu, wxID_REDO,
                 text, _( "Redo last action" ),
                 KiBitmap( redo_xpm ) );

    // Delete items
    AddMenuItem( editMenu, ID_MODEDIT_DELETE_TOOL,
                 _( "&Delete" ), _( "Delete objects with eraser" ),
                 KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );

    // Separator

    // Properties
                 _( "Edit &Properties" ),
                 _( "Edit footprint properties" ),
                 KiBitmap( module_options_xpm ) );

    // Dimensions submenu
    wxMenu* dimensions_Submenu = new wxMenu;

    // User grid size
    AddMenuItem( dimensions_Submenu, ID_PCB_USER_GRID_SETUP,
                 _( "&User Grid Size" ), _( "Adjust user grid" ),
                 KiBitmap( grid_xpm ) );

    // Sizes and Widths
    AddMenuItem( dimensions_Submenu, ID_PCB_DRAWINGS_WIDTHS_SETUP,
                 _( "&Size and Width" ),
                 _( "Adjust width for texts and drawings" ),
                 KiBitmap( options_text_xpm ) );

    // Pad settings
    AddMenuItem( dimensions_Submenu, ID_MODEDIT_PAD_SETTINGS,
                 _( "&Pad Setting" ), _( "Edit settings for new pads" ),
                 KiBitmap( pad_dimensions_xpm ) );

    //--------- View menu ----------------
    wxMenu* viewMenu = new wxMenu;

    /* Important Note for ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT commands from menubar:
     * we cannot add hotkey info here, because the hotkey HK_ZOOM_IN and HK_ZOOM_OUT
     * events(default = WXK_F1 and WXK_F2) are *NOT* equivalent to this menu command:
     * zoom in and out from hotkeys are equivalent to the pop up menu zoom
     * From here, zooming is made around the screen center
     * From hotkeys, zooming is made around the mouse cursor position
     * (obviously not possible from the toolbar or menubar command)
     * in other words HK_ZOOM_IN and HK_ZOOM_OUT *are NOT* accelerators
     * for Zoom in and Zoom out sub menus
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom &In" ), m_hotkeysDescrList,
                          HK_ZOOM_IN, IS_ACCELERATOR );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_IN, text, HELP_ZOOM_IN, KiBitmap( zoom_in_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom &Out" ), m_hotkeysDescrList,
                          HK_ZOOM_OUT, IS_ACCELERATOR );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_OUT, text, HELP_ZOOM_OUT, KiBitmap( zoom_out_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Fit on Screen" ), m_hotkeysDescrList,
                          HK_ZOOM_AUTO  );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_PAGE, text, HELP_ZOOM_FIT,
                 KiBitmap( zoom_fit_in_page_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Redraw" ), m_hotkeysDescrList, HK_ZOOM_REDRAW );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_REDRAW, text,
                 HELP_ZOOM_REDRAW, KiBitmap( zoom_redraw_xpm ) );


    // 3D view
    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&3D Viewer" ), m_hotkeysDescrList, HK_3D_VIEWER );
    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_MENU_PCB_SHOW_3D_FRAME, text, _( "Show footprint in 3D viewer" ),
                 KiBitmap( three_d_xpm ) );

    // Add canvas selection

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Switch Canvas to Default" ), m_hotkeysDescrList,
                          HK_CANVAS_DEFAULT );

    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_MENU_CANVAS_DEFAULT,
                 text, _( "Switch the canvas implementation to default" ),
                 KiBitmap( tools_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Switch Canvas to Open&GL" ), m_hotkeysDescrList,
                          HK_CANVAS_OPENGL );

    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_MENU_CANVAS_OPENGL,
                 text, _( "Switch the canvas implementation to OpenGL" ),
                 KiBitmap( tools_xpm ) );

    text = AddHotkeyName( _( "Switch Canvas to &Cairo" ), m_hotkeysDescrList,
                          HK_CANVAS_CAIRO );

    AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_MENU_CANVAS_CAIRO,
                 text, _( "Switch the canvas implementation to Cairo" ),
                 KiBitmap( tools_xpm ) );

    //-------- Place menu --------------------
    wxMenu* placeMenu = new wxMenu;

    // Pad
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_MODEDIT_PAD_TOOL,
                 _( "&Pad" ), _( "Add pad" ),
                 KiBitmap( pad_xpm ) );


    // Circle
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_MODEDIT_CIRCLE_TOOL,
                 _( "&Circle" ), _( "Add graphic circle" ),
                 KiBitmap( add_circle_xpm ) );

    // Line or Polygon
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_MODEDIT_LINE_TOOL,
                 _( "&Line or Polygon" ),
                 _( "Add graphic line or polygon" ),
                 KiBitmap( add_polygon_xpm ) );

    // Arc
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_MODEDIT_ARC_TOOL,
                 _( "&Arc" ), _( "Add graphic arc" ),
                 KiBitmap( add_arc_xpm ) );

    // Text
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_MODEDIT_TEXT_TOOL,
                 _( "&Text" ), _( "Add graphic text" ),
                 KiBitmap( add_text_xpm ) );


    // Anchor
    AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_MODEDIT_ANCHOR_TOOL,
                 _( "A&nchor" ),
                 _( "Place footprint reference anchor" ),
                 KiBitmap( anchor_xpm ) );

    //----- Preferences menu -----------------
    wxMenu* prefs_menu = new wxMenu;

    AddMenuItem( prefs_menu, ID_PCB_LIB_WIZARD,
                _( "&Footprint Libraries Wizard" ), _( "Add footprint libraries with wizard" ),
                KiBitmap( wizard_add_fplib_small_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( prefs_menu, ID_PCB_LIB_TABLE_EDIT,
                _( "Footprint Li&braries Manager" ), _( "Configure footprint libraries" ),
                KiBitmap( library_table_xpm ) );

    // Path configuration edit dialog.
    AddMenuItem( prefs_menu,
                 _( "Configure Pa&ths" ),
                 _( "Edit path configuration environment variables" ),
                 KiBitmap( editor_xpm ) );

    // Settings
    AddMenuItem( prefs_menu, wxID_PREFERENCES,
                 _( "&Settings" ), _( "Change the footprint editor settings." ),
                 KiBitmap( preference_xpm ) );

    // Language submenu
    Pgm().AddMenuLanguageList( prefs_menu );

    // Hotkey submenu
    AddHotkeyConfigMenu( prefs_menu );

    //----- Help menu --------------------
    wxMenu* helpMenu = new wxMenu;

    // Version info
    AddHelpVersionInfoMenuEntry( helpMenu );

    // Contents
    AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_HELP,
                 _( "Pcbnew &Manual" ),
                 _( "Open the Pcbnew Manual" ),
                 KiBitmap( online_help_xpm ) );

    AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_INDEX,
                 _( "&Getting Started in KiCad" ),
                 _( "Open the \"Getting Started in KiCad\" guide for beginners" ),
                 KiBitmap( help_xpm ) );

    // About Pcbnew
    AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_ABOUT,
                 _( "&About KiCad" ),
                 _( "About KiCad" ),
                 KiBitmap( info_xpm ) );

    // Append menus to the menubar
    menuBar->Append( fileMenu, _( "&File" ) );
    menuBar->Append( editMenu, _( "&Edit" ) );
    menuBar->Append( viewMenu, _( "&View" ) );
    menuBar->Append( placeMenu, _( "&Place" ) );
    menuBar->Append( prefs_menu, _( "P&references" ) );
    menuBar->Append( dimensions_Submenu, _( "Di&mensions" ) );
    menuBar->Append( helpMenu, _( "&Help" ) );


    // Associate the menu bar with the frame, if no previous menubar
    if( GetMenuBar() == NULL )
        SetMenuBar( menuBar );
Example #29
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateHToolbar()
    wxString msg;

    // Create the toolbar if not exists
    if( m_mainToolBar != NULL )

    m_mainToolBar = new wxAuiToolBar( this, ID_H_TOOLBAR, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                                      wxAUI_TB_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxAUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT );

    // Set up toolbar
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_SAVE_CURRENT_LIB, wxEmptyString,
                            KiBitmap( save_library_xpm ),
                            _( "Save current library to disk" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_SELECT_CURRENT_LIB, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( library_xpm ),
                            _( "Select working library" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_DELETE_PART, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( delete_xpm ),
                            _( "Delete component in current library" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_TO_LIBVIEW, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( library_browse_xpm ),
                            HELP_RUN_LIB_VIEWER );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_NEW_PART, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( new_component_xpm ),
                            _( "Create a new component" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_SELECT_PART, wxEmptyString,
                            KiBitmap( import_cmp_from_lib_xpm ),
                            _( "Load component to edit from the current library" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_NEW_PART_FROM_EXISTING, wxEmptyString,
                            KiBitmap( copycomponent_xpm ),
                            _( "Create a new component from the current one" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_SAVE_CURRENT_PART, wxEmptyString,
                         KiBitmap( save_part_in_mem_xpm ),
                            _( "Update current component in current library" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ImportPartId, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( import_xpm ),
                            _( "Import component" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ExportPartId, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( export_xpm ),
                            _( "Export component" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( CreateNewLibAndSavePartId, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( new_library_xpm ),
                            _( "Save current component to new library" ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Undo last command" ), g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_UNDO, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( wxID_UNDO, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( undo_xpm ), msg );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Redo the last command" ), g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_REDO,
                         IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( wxID_REDO, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( redo_xpm ), msg );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_GET_FRAME_EDIT_PART, wxEmptyString,
                            KiBitmap( part_properties_xpm ), _( "Edit component properties" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_GET_FRAME_EDIT_FIELDS, wxEmptyString,
                            KiBitmap( add_text_xpm ),
                            _( "Add and remove fields and edit field properties" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_CHECK_PART, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( erc_xpm ),
                            _( "Test for duplicate and off grid pins" ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_ZOOM_IN, g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_IN, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_IN, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( zoom_in_xpm ), msg );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_ZOOM_OUT, g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_OUT, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_OUT, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( zoom_out_xpm ), msg );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_ZOOM_REDRAW, g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_REDRAW, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( zoom_redraw_xpm ), msg );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_ZOOM_FIT, g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_AUTO, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_PAGE, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( zoom_fit_in_page_xpm ), msg );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( morgan1_xpm ),
                            _( "Show as \"De Morgan\" normal part" ), wxITEM_CHECK );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( morgan2_xpm ),
                            _( "Show as \"De Morgan\" convert part" ), wxITEM_CHECK );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_VIEW_DOC, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( datasheet_xpm ),
                            _( "Show the associated datasheet or document" ) );

    m_partSelectBox = new wxComboBox( m_mainToolBar,
                                      wxSize( LISTBOX_WIDTH, -1 ),
                                      0, NULL, wxCB_READONLY );
    m_mainToolBar->AddControl( m_partSelectBox );

    m_aliasSelectBox = new wxComboBox( m_mainToolBar,
                                       wxSize( LISTBOX_WIDTH, -1 ),
                                       0, NULL, wxCB_READONLY );
    m_mainToolBar->AddControl( m_aliasSelectBox );

    msg = _( "Edit pins per part or body style (Use carefully!)" );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_EDIT_PIN_BY_PIN, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( pin2pin_xpm ),
                            msg, wxITEM_CHECK );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_EDIT_PIN_BY_TABLE, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( pin_table_xpm ),
                            _( "Show pin table" ) );

    // after adding the buttons to the toolbar, must call Realize() to reflect the changes
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateHToolbar()
    wxString msg;

    if( m_mainToolBar )
        m_mainToolBar = new wxAuiToolBar( this, ID_H_TOOLBAR, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                                          KICAD_AUI_TB_STYLE | wxAUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT );

    // Set up toolbar
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_NEW_LIBRARY, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( new_library_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Create a new library" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_ADD_LIBRARY, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( add_library_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Add an existing library" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_SAVE_ALL_LIBS, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( save_library_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Save all libraries" ) );

    KiScaledSeparator( m_mainToolBar, this );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_NEW_PART, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( new_component_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Create new symbol" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_SAVE_PART, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( save_part_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Save current symbol" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_IMPORT_PART, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( import_part_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Import symbol" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_EXPORT_PART, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( export_part_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Export symbol" ) );

    KiScaledSeparator( m_mainToolBar, this );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( wxID_PASTE, wxEmptyString, KiScaledBitmap( paste_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Paste" ) );

    KiScaledSeparator( m_mainToolBar, this );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_UNDO, g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_UNDO, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( wxID_UNDO, wxEmptyString, KiScaledBitmap( undo_xpm, this ), msg );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_REDO, g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_REDO, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( wxID_REDO, wxEmptyString, KiScaledBitmap( redo_xpm, this ), msg );

    KiScaledSeparator( m_mainToolBar, this );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_GET_FRAME_EDIT_PART, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( part_properties_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Edit symbol properties" ) );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_GET_FRAME_EDIT_FIELDS, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( text_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Edit field properties" ) );

    KiScaledSeparator( m_mainToolBar, this );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_CHECK_PART, wxEmptyString, KiScaledBitmap( erc_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Check duplicate and off grid pins" ) );

    KiScaledSeparator( m_mainToolBar, this );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_ZOOM_REDRAW, g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_REDRAW, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( zoom_redraw_xpm, this ), msg );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_ZOOM_IN, g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_IN, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_IN, wxEmptyString, KiScaledBitmap( zoom_in_xpm, this ), msg );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( HELP_ZOOM_OUT, g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZOOM_OUT, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_OUT, wxEmptyString, KiScaledBitmap( zoom_out_xpm, this ), msg );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Zoom to fit symbol" ), g_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr,
                         HK_ZOOM_AUTO, IS_COMMENT );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_PAGE, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( zoom_fit_in_page_xpm, this ), msg );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_ZOOM_SELECTION, wxEmptyString, KiScaledBitmap( zoom_area_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Zoom to selection" ), wxITEM_CHECK );

    KiScaledSeparator( m_mainToolBar, this );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_DE_MORGAN_NORMAL_BUTT, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( morgan1_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Show as \"De Morgan\" normal symbol" ), wxITEM_CHECK );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_DE_MORGAN_CONVERT_BUTT, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( morgan2_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Show as \"De Morgan\" convert symbol" ), wxITEM_CHECK );

    KiScaledSeparator( m_mainToolBar, this );

    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_VIEW_DOC, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( datasheet_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Show associated datasheet or document" ) );

    KiScaledSeparator( m_mainToolBar, this );

    m_partSelectBox = new wxComboBox( m_mainToolBar,
                                      wxSize( LISTBOX_WIDTH, -1 ),
                                      0, nullptr, wxCB_READONLY );
    m_mainToolBar->AddControl( m_partSelectBox );

    m_aliasSelectBox = new wxComboBox( m_mainToolBar,
                                       wxSize( LISTBOX_WIDTH, -1 ),
                                       0, nullptr, wxCB_READONLY );
    m_mainToolBar->AddControl( m_aliasSelectBox );

    KiScaledSeparator( m_mainToolBar, this );
    msg = _( "Synchronized pin edit mode\n"
             "Synchronized pin edit mode propagates to other units all pin changes except pin number modification.\n"
             "Enabled by default for multiunit parts with interchangeable units." );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_SYNC_PIN_EDIT, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( pin2pin_xpm, this ), msg, wxITEM_CHECK );
    m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_LIBEDIT_EDIT_PIN_BY_TABLE, wxEmptyString,
                            KiScaledBitmap( pin_table_xpm, this ),
                            _( "Show pin table" ) );

    // after adding the buttons to the toolbar, must call Realize() to reflect the changes