BOOL CTemplateWizardDialog::OnInitDialog() { TEMPLATE_WIZARD_DIALOG::OnInitDialog(); // Set the icon for this dialog. HICON hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_WWHIZ); SetIcon(hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon SetIcon(hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon CRect dlgClient; GetClientRect(dlgClient); ClientToScreen(dlgClient); CRect rectClient; GetDlgItem(IDC_TW_HTML)->GetWindowRect(rectClient); rectClient.OffsetRect(-dlgClient.left,; GetDlgItem(IDC_TW_HTML)->DestroyWindow(); m_wndBrowser.SetWindowPos(NULL, rectClient.left,, rectClient.Width(), rectClient.Height(), SWP_NOZORDER); // Resizing stuff. AddSzControl(*GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL), mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl(*GetDlgItem(IDC_TW_PREVIOUS), mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl(*GetDlgItem(IDC_TW_NEXT), mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl(m_wndBrowser, mdResize, mdResize); Render(); return FALSE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
BOOL CCallStackDlg::OnInitDialog() { cdxCDynamicBarDlg::OnInitDialog(); AddSzControl(m_list, mdResize, mdResize); m_list.InsertColumn(0, _T("Function"), LVCFMT_LEFT, 300); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
BOOL CVariablesBar::OnInitDialog() { cdxCDynamicBarDlg::OnInitDialog(); m_grid.CreateGrid(this, IDC_VB_GRID); AddSzControl(m_grid, mdResize, mdResize); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
void CDebuggerView::OnInitialUpdate() { cdxCDynamicFormView::OnInitialUpdate(); static bool firstTime = true; if (firstTime) { theApp.GetMainFrame()->Init(); CWnd* tempWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_DB_EDITOR); CRect editorRect; tempWnd->GetWindowRect(editorRect); CRect dialogRect; GetClientRect(dialogRect); ClientToScreen(dialogRect); editorRect.OffsetRect(-dialogRect.TopLeft()); m_editor.Create(GetSafeHwnd(), editorRect); //jj m_localsGrid.CreateGrid(this, IDC_DB_LOCALS); //jj m_localsGrid.Init(); //jj m_watchGrid.CreateGrid(this, IDC_DB_WATCH); //jj m_watchGrid.Init(); //jj m_watchGrid.BuildWatch("Locals"); /////////// theApp.GetMainFrame()->GetWatchBar().GetGrid().BuildWatch("Locals"); //jj AddSzControl(m_localsGrid, 100, 0, 100, 50); //jj AddSzControl(m_watchGrid, 100, 50, 100, 100); //jj AddSzControl(IDC_DB_LOCALSSTATIC, 100, 0, 100, 0); //jj AddSzControl(IDC_DB_WATCHSTATIC, 100, 50, 100, 50); // AddSzControl(m_actionList, 0, 0, 0, 50); // AddSzControl(m_generatedActionList, 0, 50, 0, 100); AddSzControl(m_editor.GetWindowHandle(), mdResize, mdResize); // AddSzControl(m_actionGrid->GetSafeHwnd(), mdResize, mdResize); // m_actionList.SetExtendedStyle(m_actionList.GetExtendedStyle() | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); // m_actionList.InsertColumn(0, "Actions", LVCFMT_LEFT, 200); // m_generatedActionList.SetExtendedStyle(m_generatedActionList.GetExtendedStyle() | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); // m_generatedActionList.InsertColumn(0, "Generated Actions", LVCFMT_LEFT, 200); firstTime = false; // m_gridActive = true; // ::ShowWindow(m_editor.GetWindowHandle(), SW_HIDE); tempWnd->DestroyWindow(); m_editor.SendEditor(SCI_SETFOCUS, 1); } }
void cdxCDynamicControlsManager::DoInitWindow(CWnd & rWnd, Freedom fd, bool bSizeIcon, const CSize * pBaseClientSize) { ASSERT(m_pWnd == NULL); // you MUST NOT call this function twice ! ASSERT(::IsWindow(rWnd.m_hWnd)); // rWnd MUST already exist !! m_pWnd = &rWnd; m_Freedom = fd; // // get current's window size // CRect rect; m_pWnd->GetWindowRect(&rect); CRect rectClient; m_pWnd->GetClientRect(&rectClient); if(!pBaseClientSize) { = rectClient.Width(); = rectClient.Height(); = rect.Width(); = rect.Height(); } else { ASSERT((pBaseClientSize->cx > 0) && (pBaseClientSize->cy > 0)); m_szClientRelative = *pBaseClientSize; = + (rect.Width() - rectClient.Width()); = + (rect.Height() - rectClient.Height()); } = 0; = 0; // // set up icon if wanted // if(bSizeIcon) { VERIFY( m_pWndSizeIcon = new cdxCSizeIconCtrl ); VERIFY( m_pWndSizeIcon->Create(m_pWnd,m_idSizeIcon) ); // creates my control; id is SIZE_CONTROL_ID AddSzControl(*m_pWndSizeIcon,mdRepos,mdRepos); m_pWndSizeIcon->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); // finally - show it } }
void cdxCDynamicWnd::AllControls(const SBYTES & bytes, bool bOverwrite, bool bReposNow) { if(!IsWindow()) { ASSERT(false); return; } Position pos; UINT nCnt = 0; for(HWND hwnd = ::GetWindow(m_pWnd->m_hWnd,GW_CHILD); hwnd; hwnd = ::GetNextWindow(hwnd,GW_HWNDNEXT)) { if(bOverwrite || !m_Map.Lookup(hwnd,pos)) if(AddSzControl(hwnd,bytes,false)) ++nCnt; } if(nCnt && bReposNow) Layout(); }
BOOL CTimeEv::OnInitDialog() { cdxCSizingDialog::OnInitDialog(); RestoreWindowPosition(_T("Main\\TimeWindow")); AddSzControl( m_wndScrollTime, mdResize, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndListArenaCl, mdNone, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndListRoomCl, mdNone, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndCmbArena, mdNone, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndCmbRoom, mdNone, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndCmbOrigNew, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndSpinTime, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndEditTime, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndCheckRaster, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndCheckSpike, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndPlay, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndClear, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndPlaySpeed, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndSpinPlaySpeed, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndSetEEGGains, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndVideo, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndSetTime, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndEditSetTime, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndMax, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndTakePict, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndOK, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndCancel, mdRepos, mdRepos); AddSzControl( m_wndListScale, mdRepos, mdResize); AddSzControl( m_wndListSpikeCl, mdRepos, mdRepos); m_wndCheckSpike.SetCheck(0); m_wndCheckRaster.SetCheck(1); m_wndCmbOrigNew.AddString(TEXT("Your new cl.")); m_wndCmbOrigNew.AddString(TEXT("Original cl.")); m_wndCmbArena.AddString(TEXT("points")); m_wndCmbArena.AddString(TEXT("circles")); m_wndCmbArena.AddString(TEXT("vectors")); m_wndCmbRoom.AddString(TEXT("points")); m_wndCmbRoom.AddString(TEXT("circles")); m_wndCmbRoom.AddString(TEXT("vectors")); m_wndCmbArena.SetCurSel(0); m_wndCmbRoom.SetCurSel(0); mPrepareFlag = 0; m_HCross = AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_CROSS); GetClientRect(m_MainRect); m_videoRect = m_MainRect; m_videoRect.left += 11; m_videoRect.bottom -= 15; //45 = m_videoRect.bottom - 130; m_videoRect.right = m_videoRect.left + 130; m_videoRect.left += 1; += 1; m_videoRect.right -= 1; m_videoRect.bottom -= 1; return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
void cdxCDynamicWnd::DoInitWindow(CWnd & rWnd, const CSize & szInitial) { ASSERT(::IsWindow(rWnd.m_hWnd) && &&; // ensure the window exists ... m_iDisabled = 0; m_pWnd = &rWnd; m_szInitial = szInitial; m_szMin = szInitial; /* * this window will flicker somewhat deadly if you do not have the * WS_CLIPCHILDREN style set for you window. * You may like to use the following line anywhere * to apply it: CWnd::ModifyStyle(0,WS_CLIPCHILDREN); */ #ifdef _DEBUG if(!(rWnd.GetStyle() & WS_CLIPCHILDREN) && !(m_nFlags & flSWPCopyBits)) { TRACE(_T("***\n" "*** cdxCDynamicWnd class note: If your window flickers too much, add the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style to it\n" "*** or try to set the flSWPCopyBits flags !!!\n" "***\n")); } #endif // // now, if a DYNAMIC MAP is been defined, // we start working with it // const __dynEntry *pEntry,*pLast = NULL; UINT nInitCnt = GetCtrlCount(); if(pLast = __getDynMap(pLast)) { HWND hwnd; SBYTES bytes; for(pEntry = pLast; pEntry->type != __end; ++pEntry) { if((pEntry->id != DYNAMIC_MAP_DEFAULT_ID) && !( hwnd = ::GetDlgItem(m_pWnd->m_hWnd,pEntry->id) )) { TRACE(_T("*** NOTE[cdxCDynamicWnd::DoInitWindow()]: Dynamic map initialization: There's no control with the id 0x%lx !\n"),pEntry->id); continue; } switch(pEntry->type) { case __bytes: bytes[X1] = pEntry->b1; bytes[Y1] = pEntry->b2; bytes[X2] = pEntry->b3; bytes[Y2] = pEntry->b4; break; case __modes: _translate((Mode)pEntry->b1,bytes[X1],bytes[X2]); _translate((Mode)pEntry->b2,bytes[Y1],bytes[Y2]); break; default: ASSERT(false); // never come here !!!!! break; } if(pEntry->id == DYNAMIC_MAP_DEFAULT_ID) AllControls(bytes,false,false); else AddSzControl(hwnd,bytes,M_szNull,false); } } // // handle creation flags // if(m_nFlags & flSizeIcon) { m_pSizeIcon = WNEW cdxCSizeIconCtrl; VERIFY( m_pSizeIcon->Create(m_pWnd) ); AddSzControl(m_pSizeIcon->m_hWnd,BotRight,M_szNull,false); m_pSizeIcon->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } m_bIsAntiFlickering = false; m_nMyTimerID = DEFAULT_TIMER_ID; m_dwClassStyle = ::GetClassLong(*m_pWnd,GCL_STYLE) & (CS_VREDRAW|CS_HREDRAW); OnInitialized(); if(nInitCnt < GetCtrlCount()) Layout(); }