Example #1
static int
dump_domains(int argc, char** argv)
	DomainList::Iterator iterator = sDomains.GetIterator();
	while (net_domain_private* domain = iterator.Next()) {
		kprintf("domain: %p, %s, %d\n", domain, domain->name, domain->family);
		kprintf("  module:         %p\n", domain->module);
		kprintf("  address_module: %p\n", domain->address_module);

		if (!domain->routes.IsEmpty())
			kprintf("  routes:\n");
		RouteList::Iterator routeIterator = domain->routes.GetIterator();
		while (net_route_private* route = routeIterator.Next()) {
			kprintf("    %p: dest %s, mask %s, gw %s, flags %" B_PRIx32 ", "
				"address %p\n", route, AddressString(domain, route->destination
					? route->destination : NULL).Data(),
				AddressString(domain, route->mask ? route->mask : NULL).Data(),
				AddressString(domain, route->gateway
					? route->gateway : NULL).Data(),
				route->flags, route->interface_address);

		if (!domain->route_infos.IsEmpty())
			kprintf("  route infos:\n");
		RouteInfoList::Iterator infoIterator = domain->route_infos.GetIterator();
		while (net_route_info* info = infoIterator.Next()) {
			kprintf("    %p\n", info);

	return 0;
Example #2
remove_route(struct net_domain* _domain, const struct net_route* removeRoute)
	struct net_domain_private* domain = (net_domain_private*)_domain;

	TRACE("remove route from domain %s: dest %s, mask %s, gw %s, flags %lx\n",
		AddressString(domain, removeRoute->destination
			? removeRoute->destination : NULL).Data(),
		AddressString(domain, removeRoute->mask
			? removeRoute->mask : NULL).Data(),
		AddressString(domain, removeRoute->gateway
			? removeRoute->gateway : NULL).Data(),

	RecursiveLocker locker(domain->lock);

	net_route_private* route = find_route(domain, removeRoute);
	if (route == NULL)


	put_route_internal(domain, route);

	return B_OK;
Example #3
UsageEnvironment& operator<<(UsageEnvironment& s, const Groupsock& g) {
  UsageEnvironment& s1 = s << timestampString() << " Groupsock("
			   << g.socketNum() << ": "
			   << AddressString(g.groupAddress()).val()
			   << ", " << g.port() << ", ";
  if (g.isSSM()) {
    return s1 << "SSM source: "
	      <<  AddressString(g.sourceFilterAddress()).val() << ")";
  } else {
    return s1 << (unsigned)(g.ttl()) << ")";
Example #4
static net_route_private*
find_route(net_domain* _domain, const sockaddr* address)
	net_domain_private* domain = (net_domain_private*)_domain;

	// find last matching route

	RouteList::Iterator iterator = domain->routes.GetIterator();
	net_route_private* candidate = NULL;

	TRACE("test address %s for routes...\n",
		AddressString(domain, address).Data());

	// TODO: alternate equal default routes

	while (iterator.HasNext()) {
		net_route_private* route = iterator.Next();

		if (route->mask) {
			sockaddr maskedAddress;
			domain->address_module->mask_address(address, route->mask,
			if (!domain->address_module->equal_addresses(&maskedAddress,
		} else if (!domain->address_module->equal_addresses(address,

		// neglect routes that point to devices that have no link
		if ((route->interface_address->interface->device->flags & IFF_LINK)
				== 0) {
			if (candidate == NULL) {
				TRACE("  found candidate: %s, flags %lx\n", AddressString(
					domain, route->destination).Data(), route->flags);
				candidate = route;

		TRACE("  found route: %s, flags %lx\n",
			AddressString(domain, route->destination).Data(), route->flags);

		return route;

	return candidate;
Example #5
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    // Begin by setting up our usage environment:
    TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();
    UsageEnvironment* env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler);

    // Create a 'groupsock' for the input multicast group,port:
    char const* sessionAddressStr = "";
    struct in_addr sessionAddress;
    sessionAddress.s_addr = our_inet_addr(sessionAddressStr);

    const Port port(9875);
    const unsigned char ttl = 0; // we're only reading from this mcast group

    Groupsock inputGroupsock(*env, sessionAddress, port, ttl);

    // Start reading and printing incoming packets
    // (Because this is the only thing we do, we can just do this
    // synchronously, in a loop, so we don't need to set up an asynchronous
    // event handler like we do in most of the other test programs.)
    unsigned packetSize;
    struct sockaddr_in fromAddress;
    while (inputGroupsock.handleRead(packet, maxPacketSize,
                                     packetSize, fromAddress)) {
        printf("\n[packet from %s (%d bytes)]\n", AddressString(fromAddress).val(), packetSize);

        // Ignore the first 8 bytes (SAP header).
        if (packetSize < 8) {
            *env << "Ignoring short packet from " << AddressString(fromAddress).val() << "%s!\n";

        // convert "application/sdp\0" -> "application/sdp\0x20"
        // or all other nonprintable characters to blank, except new line
        unsigned idx = 8;
        while (idx < packetSize) {
            if (packet[idx] < 0x20 && packet[idx] != '\n') packet[idx] = 0x20;

        packet[packetSize] = '\0'; // just in case
        printf("%s", (char*)(packet+8));

    return 0; // only to prevent compiler warning
Example #6
Boolean Groupsock::handleRead(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned bufferMaxSize,
			      unsigned& bytesRead,
			      struct sockaddr_in& fromAddressAndPort) {
  // Read data from the socket, and relay it across any attached tunnels
  //##### later make this code more general - independent of tunnels

  bytesRead = 0;

  int maxBytesToRead = bufferMaxSize - TunnelEncapsulationTrailerMaxSize;
  int numBytes = readSocket(env(), socketNum(),
			    buffer, maxBytesToRead, fromAddressAndPort);
  if (numBytes < 0) {
    if (DebugLevel >= 0) { // this is a fatal error
      UsageEnvironment::MsgString msg = strDup(env().getResultMsg());
      env().setResultMsg("Groupsock read failed: ", msg);
      delete[] (char*)msg;
    return False;

  // If we're a SSM group, make sure the source address matches:
  if (isSSM()
      && fromAddressAndPort.sin_addr.s_addr != sourceFilterAddress().s_addr) {
    return True;

  // We'll handle this data.
  // Also write it (with the encapsulation trailer) to each member,
  // unless the packet was originally sent by us to begin with.
  bytesRead = numBytes;

  int numMembers = 0;
  if (!wasLoopedBackFromUs(env(), fromAddressAndPort)) {
    numMembers =
      outputToAllMembersExcept(NULL, ttl(),
			       buffer, bytesRead,
    if (numMembers > 0) {
  if (DebugLevel >= 3) {
    env() << *this << ": read " << bytesRead << " bytes from " << AddressString(fromAddressAndPort).val() << ", port " << ntohs(fromAddressAndPort.sin_port);
    if (numMembers > 0) {
      env() << "; relayed to " << numMembers << " members";
    env() << "\n";

  return True;
Example #7
invalidate_routes(InterfaceAddress* address)
	net_domain_private* domain = (net_domain_private*)address->domain;

		AddressString(domain, address->local).Data());

	RecursiveLocker locker(domain->lock);

	RouteList::Iterator iterator = domain->routes.GetIterator();
	while (iterator.HasNext()) {
		net_route* route = iterator.Next();

		if (route->interface_address == address)
			remove_route(domain, route);
Example #8
void GenericMediaServer::incomingConnectionHandlerOnSocket(int serverSocket) {
  struct sockaddr_in clientAddr;
  SOCKLEN_T clientAddrLen = sizeof clientAddr;
  int clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&clientAddr, &clientAddrLen);
  if (clientSocket < 0) {
    int err = envir().getErrno();
    if (err != EWOULDBLOCK) {
      envir().setResultErrMsg("accept() failed: ");
  ignoreSigPipeOnSocket(clientSocket); // so that clients on the same host that are killed don't also kill us
  increaseSendBufferTo(envir(), clientSocket, 50*1024);

#ifdef DEBUG
  envir() << "accept()ed connection from " << AddressString(clientAddr).val() << "\n";

  // Create a new object for handling this connection:
  (void)createNewClientConnection(clientSocket, clientAddr);
Example #9
update_interface_address(InterfaceAddress* interfaceAddress, int32 option,
	const sockaddr* oldAddress, const sockaddr* newAddress)
	TRACE("%s(address %p, option %" B_PRId32 ", oldAddress %s, newAddress "
		"%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, interfaceAddress, option,
		AddressString(interfaceAddress->domain, oldAddress).Data(),
		AddressString(interfaceAddress->domain, newAddress).Data());

	MutexLocker locker(sHashLock);

	// set logical interface address
	sockaddr** _address = interfaceAddress->AddressFor(option);
	if (_address == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;

	Interface* interface = (Interface*)interfaceAddress->interface;


	if (option == SIOCDIFADDR) {
		// Remove address, and release its reference (causing our caller to
		// delete it)


		return B_OK;

	if (interfaceAddress->LocalIsDefined())

	// Copy new address over
	status_t status = InterfaceAddress::Set(_address, newAddress);
	if (status == B_OK) {
		sockaddr* address = *_address;

		if (option == SIOCSIFADDR || option == SIOCSIFNETMASK) {
			// Reset netmask and broadcast addresses to defaults
			net_domain* domain = interfaceAddress->domain;
			sockaddr* defaultNetmask = NULL;
			const sockaddr* netmask = NULL;
			if (option == SIOCSIFADDR) {
				defaultNetmask = InterfaceAddress::Prepare(
					&interfaceAddress->mask, address->sa_len);
			} else
				netmask = newAddress;

			// Reset the broadcast address if the address family has
			// such
			sockaddr* defaultBroadcast = NULL;
			if ((domain->address_module->flags
				defaultBroadcast = InterfaceAddress::Prepare(
					&interfaceAddress->destination, address->sa_len);
			} else
				InterfaceAddress::Set(&interfaceAddress->destination, NULL);

				defaultBroadcast, interfaceAddress->local, netmask);


	if (interfaceAddress->LocalIsDefined())
	return status;
Example #10
add_route(struct net_domain* _domain, const struct net_route* newRoute)
	struct net_domain_private* domain = (net_domain_private*)_domain;

	TRACE("add route to domain %s: dest %s, mask %s, gw %s, flags %lx\n",
		AddressString(domain, newRoute->destination
			? newRoute->destination : NULL).Data(),
		AddressString(domain, newRoute->mask ? newRoute->mask : NULL).Data(),
		AddressString(domain, newRoute->gateway
			? newRoute->gateway : NULL).Data(),

	if (domain == NULL || newRoute == NULL
		|| newRoute->interface_address == NULL
		|| ((newRoute->flags & RTF_HOST) != 0 && newRoute->mask != NULL)
		|| ((newRoute->flags & RTF_DEFAULT) == 0
			&& newRoute->destination == NULL)
		|| ((newRoute->flags & RTF_GATEWAY) != 0 && newRoute->gateway == NULL)
		|| !domain->address_module->check_mask(newRoute->mask))
		return B_BAD_VALUE;

	RecursiveLocker _(domain->lock);

	net_route_private* route = find_route(domain, newRoute);
	if (route != NULL)
		return B_FILE_EXISTS;

	route = new (std::nothrow) net_route_private;
	if (route == NULL)
		return B_NO_MEMORY;

	if (domain->address_module->copy_address(newRoute->destination,
			&route->destination, (newRoute->flags & RTF_DEFAULT) != 0,
			newRoute->mask) != B_OK
		|| domain->address_module->copy_address(newRoute->mask, &route->mask,
			(newRoute->flags & RTF_DEFAULT) != 0, NULL) != B_OK
		|| domain->address_module->copy_address(newRoute->gateway,
			&route->gateway, false, NULL) != B_OK) {
		delete route;
		return B_NO_MEMORY;

	route->flags = newRoute->flags;
	route->interface_address = newRoute->interface_address;
	route->mtu = 0;
	route->ref_count = 1;

	// Insert the route sorted by completeness of its mask

	RouteList::Iterator iterator = domain->routes.GetIterator();
	net_route_private* before = NULL;

	while ((before = iterator.Next()) != NULL) {
		// if the before mask is less specific than the one of the route,
		// we can insert it before that route.
		if (domain->address_module->first_mask_bit(before->mask)
				> domain->address_module->first_mask_bit(route->mask))

		if ((route->flags & RTF_DEFAULT) != 0
			&& (before->flags & RTF_DEFAULT) != 0) {
			// both routes are equal - let the link speed decide the
			// order
			if (before->interface_address->interface->device->link_speed
					< route->interface_address->interface->device->link_speed)

	domain->routes.Insert(before, route);

	return B_OK;
Example #11
SIPClient::SIPClient(UsageEnvironment& env,
		     unsigned char desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat,
		     char const* mimeSubtype,
		     int verbosityLevel, char const* applicationName)
  : Medium(env),
    fT1(500000 /* 500 ms */),
    fVerbosityLevel(verbosityLevel), fCSeq(0),
    fUserAgentHeaderStr(NULL), fUserAgentHeaderStrLen(0),
    fURL(NULL), fURLSize(0),
    fToTagStr(NULL), fToTagStrSize(0),
    fUserName(NULL), fUserNameSize(0),
    fInviteSDPDescription(NULL), fInviteSDPDescriptionReturned(NULL),
    fInviteCmd(NULL), fInviteCmdSize(0) {
  if (mimeSubtype == NULL) mimeSubtype = "";
  fMIMESubtype = strDup(mimeSubtype);
  fMIMESubtypeSize = strlen(fMIMESubtype);

  if (applicationName == NULL) applicationName = "";
  fApplicationName = strDup(applicationName);
  fApplicationNameSize = strlen(fApplicationName);

  struct in_addr ourAddress;
  ourAddress.s_addr = ourIPAddress(env); // hack
  fOurAddressStr = strDup(AddressString(ourAddress).val());
  fOurAddressStrSize = strlen(fOurAddressStr);

  fOurSocket = new Groupsock(env, ourAddress, 0, 255);
  if (fOurSocket == NULL) {
    env << "ERROR: Failed to create socket for addr "
	<< fOurAddressStr << ": "
	<< env.getResultMsg() << "\n";

  // Now, find out our source port number.  Hack: Do this by first trying to
  // send a 0-length packet, so that the "getSourcePort()" call will work.
  fOurSocket->output(envir(), (unsigned char*)"", 0);
  Port srcPort(0);
  getSourcePort(env, fOurSocket->socketNum(), srcPort);
  if (srcPort.num() != 0) {
    fOurPortNum = ntohs(srcPort.num());
  } else {
    // No luck.  Try again using a default port number:
    fOurPortNum = 5060;
    delete fOurSocket;
    fOurSocket = new Groupsock(env, ourAddress, fOurPortNum, 255);
    if (fOurSocket == NULL) {
      env << "ERROR: Failed to create socket for addr "
	  << fOurAddressStr << ", port "
	  << fOurPortNum << ": "
	  << env.getResultMsg() << "\n";

  // Set the "User-Agent:" header to use in each request:
  char const* const libName = "LIVE555 Streaming Media v";
  char const* const libVersionStr = LIVEMEDIA_LIBRARY_VERSION_STRING;
  char const* libPrefix; char const* libSuffix;
  if (applicationName == NULL || applicationName[0] == '\0') {
    applicationName = libPrefix = libSuffix = "";
  } else {
    libPrefix = " (";
    libSuffix = ")";
  unsigned userAgentNameSize
    = fApplicationNameSize + strlen(libPrefix) + strlen(libName) + strlen(libVersionStr) + strlen(libSuffix) + 1;
  char* userAgentName = new char[userAgentNameSize];
  sprintf(userAgentName, "%s%s%s%s%s",
	  applicationName, libPrefix, libName, libVersionStr, libSuffix);
  delete[] userAgentName;

Example #12
void RTCPInstance
::processIncomingReport(unsigned packetSize, struct sockaddr_in const& fromAddress,
			int tcpSocketNum, unsigned char tcpStreamChannelId) {
  do {
    Boolean callByeHandler = False;
    unsigned char* pkt = fInBuf;

#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "[%p]saw incoming RTCP packet (from ", this);
    if (tcpSocketNum < 0) {
      // Note that "fromAddress" is valid only if we're receiving over UDP (not over TCP):
      fprintf(stderr, "address %s, port %d", AddressString(fromAddress).val(), ntohs(fromAddress.sin_port));
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "TCP socket #%d, stream channel id %d", tcpSocketNum, tcpStreamChannelId);
    fprintf(stderr, ")\n");
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < packetSize; ++i) {
      if (i%4 == 0) fprintf(stderr, " ");
      fprintf(stderr, "%02x", pkt[i]);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    int totPacketSize = IP_UDP_HDR_SIZE + packetSize;

    // Check the RTCP packet for validity:
    // It must at least contain a header (4 bytes), and this header
    // must be version=2, with no padding bit, and a payload type of
    // SR (200) or RR (201):
    if (packetSize < 4) break;
    unsigned rtcpHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt);
    if ((rtcpHdr & 0xE0FE0000) != (0x80000000 | (RTCP_PT_SR<<16))) {
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "rejected bad RTCP packet: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);

    // Process each of the individual RTCP 'subpackets' in (what may be)
    // a compound RTCP packet.
    int typeOfPacket = PACKET_UNKNOWN_TYPE;
    unsigned reportSenderSSRC = 0;
    Boolean packetOK = False;
    while (1) {
      unsigned rc = (rtcpHdr>>24)&0x1F;
      unsigned pt = (rtcpHdr>>16)&0xFF;
      unsigned length = 4*(rtcpHdr&0xFFFF); // doesn't count hdr
      ADVANCE(4); // skip over the header
      if (length > packetSize) break;

      // Assume that each RTCP subpacket begins with a 4-byte SSRC:
      if (length < 4) break; length -= 4;
      reportSenderSSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);

      Boolean subPacketOK = False;
      switch (pt) {
        case RTCP_PT_SR: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "SR\n");
	  if (length < 20) break; length -= 20;

	  // Extract the NTP timestamp, and note this:
	  unsigned NTPmsw = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
	  unsigned NTPlsw = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
	  unsigned rtpTimestamp = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
	  if (fSource != NULL) {
	    RTPReceptionStatsDB& receptionStats
	      = fSource->receptionStatsDB();
					  NTPmsw, NTPlsw, rtpTimestamp);
	  ADVANCE(8); // skip over packet count, octet count

	  // If a 'SR handler' was set, call it now:
	  if (fSRHandlerTask != NULL) (*fSRHandlerTask)(fSRHandlerClientData);

	  // The rest of the SR is handled like a RR (so, no "break;" here)
        case RTCP_PT_RR: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "RR\n");
	  unsigned reportBlocksSize = rc*(6*4);
	  if (length < reportBlocksSize) break;
	  length -= reportBlocksSize;

          if (fSink != NULL) {
	    // Use this information to update stats about our transmissions:
            RTPTransmissionStatsDB& transmissionStats = fSink->transmissionStatsDB();
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < rc; ++i) {
              unsigned senderSSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
              // We care only about reports about our own transmission, not others'
              if (senderSSRC == fSink->SSRC()) {
                unsigned lossStats = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                unsigned highestReceived = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                unsigned jitter = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                unsigned timeLastSR = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                unsigned timeSinceLastSR = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                transmissionStats.noteIncomingRR(reportSenderSSRC, fromAddress,
						 highestReceived, jitter,
						 timeLastSR, timeSinceLastSR);
              } else {
          } else {

	  if (pt == RTCP_PT_RR) { // i.e., we didn't fall through from 'SR'
	    // If a 'RR handler' was set, call it now:

	    // Specific RR handler:
	    if (fSpecificRRHandlerTable != NULL) {
	      netAddressBits fromAddr;
	      portNumBits fromPortNum;
	      if (tcpSocketNum < 0) {
		// Normal case: We read the RTCP packet over UDP
		fromAddr = fromAddress.sin_addr.s_addr;
		fromPortNum = ntohs(fromAddress.sin_port);
	      } else {
		// Special case: We read the RTCP packet over TCP (interleaved)
		// Hack: Use the TCP socket and channel id to look up the handler
		fromAddr = tcpSocketNum;
		fromPortNum = tcpStreamChannelId;
	      Port fromPort(fromPortNum);
	      RRHandlerRecord* rrHandler
		= (RRHandlerRecord*)(fSpecificRRHandlerTable->Lookup(fromAddr, (~0), fromPort));
	      if (rrHandler != NULL) {
		if (rrHandler->rrHandlerTask != NULL) {

	    // General RR handler:
	    if (fRRHandlerTask != NULL) (*fRRHandlerTask)(fRRHandlerClientData);

	  subPacketOK = True;
	  typeOfPacket = PACKET_RTCP_REPORT;
        case RTCP_PT_BYE: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "BYE\n");
	  // If a 'BYE handler' was set, arrange for it to be called at the end of this routine.
	  // (Note: We don't call it immediately, in case it happens to cause "this" to be deleted.)
	  if (fByeHandlerTask != NULL
	      && (!fByeHandleActiveParticipantsOnly
		  || (fSource != NULL
		      && fSource->receptionStatsDB().lookup(reportSenderSSRC) != NULL)
		  || (fSink != NULL
		      && fSink->transmissionStatsDB().lookup(reportSenderSSRC) != NULL))) {
	    callByeHandler = True;

	  // We should really check for & handle >1 SSRCs being present #####

	  subPacketOK = True;
	  typeOfPacket = PACKET_BYE;
	// Other RTCP packet types that we don't yet handle:
        case RTCP_PT_SDES: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  // 'Handle' SDES packets only in debugging code, by printing out the 'SDES items':
	  fprintf(stderr, "SDES\n");

	  // Process each 'chunk':
	  Boolean chunkOK = False;
	  ADVANCE(-4); length += 4; // hack so that we see the first SSRC/CSRC again
	  while (length >= 8) { // A valid chunk must be at least 8 bytes long
	    chunkOK = False; // until we learn otherwise

	    u_int32_t SSRC_CSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4); length -= 4;
	    fprintf(stderr, "\tSSRC/CSRC: 0x%08x\n", SSRC_CSRC);

	    // Process each 'SDES item' in the chunk:
	    u_int8_t itemType = *pkt; ADVANCE(1); --length;
	    while (itemType != 0) {
	      unsigned itemLen = *pkt; ADVANCE(1); --length;
	      // Make sure "itemLen" allows for at least 1 zero byte at the end of the chunk:
	      if (itemLen + 1 > length || pkt[itemLen] != 0) break;

	      fprintf(stderr, "\t\t%s:%s\n",
		      itemType == 1 ? "CNAME" :
		      itemType == 2 ? "NAME" :
		      itemType == 3 ? "EMAIL" :
		      itemType == 4 ? "PHONE" :
		      itemType == 5 ? "LOC" :
		      itemType == 6 ? "TOOL" :
		      itemType == 7 ? "NOTE" :
		      itemType == 8 ? "PRIV" :
		      itemType < 8 ? (char*)pkt // hack, because we know it's '\0'-terminated
		      : "???"/* don't try to print out PRIV or unknown items */);
	      ADVANCE(itemLen); length -= itemLen;

	      itemType = *pkt; ADVANCE(1); --length;
	    if (itemType != 0) break; // bad 'SDES item'

	    // Thus, itemType == 0.  This zero 'type' marks the end of the list of SDES items.
	    // Skip over remaining zero padding bytes, so that this chunk ends on a 4-byte boundary:
	    while (length%4 > 0 && *pkt == 0) { ADVANCE(1); --length; }
	    if (length%4 > 0) break; // Bad (non-zero) padding byte

	    chunkOK = True;
	  if (!chunkOK || length > 0) break; // bad chunk, or not enough bytes for the last chunk
	  subPacketOK = True;
        case RTCP_PT_APP: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "APP(unhandled)\n");
	  subPacketOK = True;
        case RTCP_PT_RTPFB: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "RTPFB(unhandled)\n");
	  subPacketOK = True;
        case RTCP_PT_PSFB: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "PSFB(unhandled)\n");
	  // Temporary code to show "Receiver Estimated Maximum Bitrate" (REMB) feedback reports:
	  if (length >= 12 && pkt[4] == 'R' && pkt[5] == 'E' && pkt[6] == 'M' && pkt[7] == 'B') {
	    u_int8_t exp = pkt[9]>>2;
	    u_int32_t mantissa = ((pkt[9]&0x03)<<16)|(pkt[10]<<8)|pkt[11];
	    double remb = (double)mantissa;
	    while (exp > 0) {
	      remb *= 2.0;
	      exp /= 2;
	    fprintf(stderr, "\tReceiver Estimated Max Bitrate (REMB): %g bps\n", remb);
	  subPacketOK = True;
        case RTCP_PT_XR: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "XR(unhandled)\n");
	  subPacketOK = True;
        case RTCP_PT_AVB: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "AVB(unhandled)\n");
	  subPacketOK = True;
        case RTCP_PT_RSI: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "RSI(unhandled)\n");
	  subPacketOK = True;
        case RTCP_PT_TOKEN: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "TOKEN(unhandled)\n");
	  subPacketOK = True;
        case RTCP_PT_IDMS: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "IDMS(unhandled)\n");
	  subPacketOK = True;
        default: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "UNKNOWN TYPE(0x%x)\n", pt);
	  subPacketOK = True;
      if (!subPacketOK) break;

      // need to check for (& handle) SSRC collision! #####

#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "validated RTCP subpacket: rc:%d, pt:%d, bytes remaining:%d, report sender SSRC:0x%08x\n", rc, pt, length, reportSenderSSRC);

      // Skip over any remaining bytes in this subpacket:

      // Check whether another RTCP 'subpacket' follows:
      if (packetSize == 0) {
	packetOK = True;
      } else if (packetSize < 4) {
#ifdef DEBUG
	fprintf(stderr, "extraneous %d bytes at end of RTCP packet!\n", packetSize);
      rtcpHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt);
      if ((rtcpHdr & 0xC0000000) != 0x80000000) {
#ifdef DEBUG
	fprintf(stderr, "bad RTCP subpacket: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);

    if (!packetOK) {
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "rejected bad RTCP subpacket: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);
    } else {
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "validated entire RTCP packet\n");

    onReceive(typeOfPacket, totPacketSize, reportSenderSSRC);

    // Finally, if we need to call a "BYE" handler, do so now (in case it causes "this" to get deleted):
    if (callByeHandler && fByeHandlerTask != NULL/*sanity check*/) {
      TaskFunc* byeHandler = fByeHandlerTask;
      fByeHandlerTask = NULL; // because we call the handler only once, by default
  } while (0);
Example #13
void RTCPInstance
::processIncomingReport(unsigned packetSize, struct sockaddr_in const& fromAddress) {
  do {
    Boolean callByeHandler = False;
    int tcpReadStreamSocketNum = fRTCPInterface.nextTCPReadStreamSocketNum();
    unsigned char tcpReadStreamChannelId = fRTCPInterface.nextTCPReadStreamChannelId();
    unsigned char* pkt = fInBuf;

#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "[%p]saw incoming RTCP packet", this);
    if (tcpReadStreamSocketNum < 0) {
      // Note that "fromAddress" is valid only if we're receiving over UDP (not over TCP):
      fprintf(stderr, " (from address %s, port %d)", AddressString(fromAddress).val(), ntohs(fromAddress.sin_port));
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < packetSize; ++i) {
      if (i%4 == 0) fprintf(stderr, " ");
      fprintf(stderr, "%02x", pkt[i]);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    int totPacketSize = IP_UDP_HDR_SIZE + packetSize;

    // Check the RTCP packet for validity:
    // It must at least contain a header (4 bytes), and this header
    // must be version=2, with no padding bit, and a payload type of
    // SR (200) or RR (201):
    if (packetSize < 4) break;
    unsigned rtcpHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt);
    if ((rtcpHdr & 0xE0FE0000) != (0x80000000 | (RTCP_PT_SR<<16))) {
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "rejected bad RTCP packet: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);

    // Process each of the individual RTCP 'subpackets' in (what may be)
    // a compound RTCP packet.
    int typeOfPacket = PACKET_UNKNOWN_TYPE;
    unsigned reportSenderSSRC = 0;
    Boolean packetOK = False;
    while (1) {
      unsigned rc = (rtcpHdr>>24)&0x1F;
      unsigned pt = (rtcpHdr>>16)&0xFF;
      unsigned length = 4*(rtcpHdr&0xFFFF); // doesn't count hdr
      ADVANCE(4); // skip over the header
      if (length > packetSize) break;

      // Assume that each RTCP subpacket begins with a 4-byte SSRC:
      if (length < 4) break; length -= 4;
      reportSenderSSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);

      Boolean subPacketOK = False;
      switch (pt) {
        case RTCP_PT_SR: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "SR\n");
	  if (length < 20) break; length -= 20;

	  // Extract the NTP timestamp, and note this:
	  unsigned NTPmsw = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
	  unsigned NTPlsw = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
	  unsigned rtpTimestamp = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
	  if (fSource != NULL) {
	    RTPReceptionStatsDB& receptionStats
	      = fSource->receptionStatsDB();
					  NTPmsw, NTPlsw, rtpTimestamp);
	  ADVANCE(8); // skip over packet count, octet count

	  // If a 'SR handler' was set, call it now:
	  if (fSRHandlerTask != NULL) (*fSRHandlerTask)(fSRHandlerClientData);

	  // The rest of the SR is handled like a RR (so, no "break;" here)
        case RTCP_PT_RR: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "RR\n");
	  unsigned reportBlocksSize = rc*(6*4);
	  if (length < reportBlocksSize) break;
	  length -= reportBlocksSize;

          if (fSink != NULL) {
	    // Use this information to update stats about our transmissions:
            RTPTransmissionStatsDB& transmissionStats = fSink->transmissionStatsDB();
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < rc; ++i) {
              unsigned senderSSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
              // We care only about reports about our own transmission, not others'
              if (senderSSRC == fSink->SSRC()) {
                unsigned lossStats = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                unsigned highestReceived = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                unsigned jitter = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                unsigned timeLastSR = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                unsigned timeSinceLastSR = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                transmissionStats.noteIncomingRR(reportSenderSSRC, fromAddress,
						 highestReceived, jitter,
						 timeLastSR, timeSinceLastSR);
              } else {
          } else {

	  if (pt == RTCP_PT_RR) { // i.e., we didn't fall through from 'SR'
	    // If a 'RR handler' was set, call it now:

	    // Specific RR handler:
	    if (fSpecificRRHandlerTable != NULL) {
	      netAddressBits fromAddr;
	      portNumBits fromPortNum;
	      if (tcpReadStreamSocketNum < 0) {
		// Normal case: We read the RTCP packet over UDP
		fromAddr = fromAddress.sin_addr.s_addr;
		fromPortNum = ntohs(fromAddress.sin_port);
	      } else {
		// Special case: We read the RTCP packet over TCP (interleaved)
		// Hack: Use the TCP socket and channel id to look up the handler
		fromAddr = tcpReadStreamSocketNum;
		fromPortNum = tcpReadStreamChannelId;
	      Port fromPort(fromPortNum);
	      RRHandlerRecord* rrHandler
		= (RRHandlerRecord*)(fSpecificRRHandlerTable->Lookup(fromAddr, (~0), fromPort));
	      if (rrHandler != NULL) {
		if (rrHandler->rrHandlerTask != NULL) {

	    // General RR handler:
	    if (fRRHandlerTask != NULL) (*fRRHandlerTask)(fRRHandlerClientData);

	  subPacketOK = True;
	  typeOfPacket = PACKET_RTCP_REPORT;
        case RTCP_PT_BYE: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "BYE\n");
	  // If a 'BYE handler' was set, arrange for it to be called at the end of this routine.
	  // (Note: We don't call it immediately, in case it happens to cause "this" to be deleted.)
	  if (fByeHandlerTask != NULL
	      && (!fByeHandleActiveParticipantsOnly
		  || (fSource != NULL
		      && fSource->receptionStatsDB().lookup(reportSenderSSRC) != NULL)
		  || (fSink != NULL
		      && fSink->transmissionStatsDB().lookup(reportSenderSSRC) != NULL))) {
	    callByeHandler = True;

	  // We should really check for & handle >1 SSRCs being present #####

	  subPacketOK = True;
	  typeOfPacket = PACKET_BYE;
	// Later handle SDES, APP, and compound RTCP packets #####
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "UNSUPPORTED TYPE(0x%x)\n", pt);
	  subPacketOK = True;
      if (!subPacketOK) break;

      // need to check for (& handle) SSRC collision! #####

#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "validated RTCP subpacket (type %d): %d, %d, %d, 0x%08x\n", typeOfPacket, rc, pt, length, reportSenderSSRC);

      // Skip over any remaining bytes in this subpacket:

      // Check whether another RTCP 'subpacket' follows:
      if (packetSize == 0) {
	packetOK = True;
      } else if (packetSize < 4) {
#ifdef DEBUG
	fprintf(stderr, "extraneous %d bytes at end of RTCP packet!\n", packetSize);
      rtcpHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt);
      if ((rtcpHdr & 0xC0000000) != 0x80000000) {
#ifdef DEBUG
	fprintf(stderr, "bad RTCP subpacket: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);

    if (!packetOK) {
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "rejected bad RTCP subpacket: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);
    } else {
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "validated entire RTCP packet\n");

    onReceive(typeOfPacket, totPacketSize, reportSenderSSRC);

    // Finally, if we need to call a "BYE" handler, do so now (in case it causes "this" to get deleted):
    if (callByeHandler && fByeHandlerTask != NULL/*sanity check*/) {
      TaskFunc* byeHandler = fByeHandlerTask;
      fByeHandlerTask = NULL; // because we call the handler only once, by default
  } while (0);
Example #14
netAddressBits ourIPAddress(UsageEnvironment& env) {
  static netAddressBits ourAddress = 0;
  int sock = -1;
  struct in_addr testAddr;

  if (ReceivingInterfaceAddr != INADDR_ANY) {
    // Hack: If we were told to receive on a specific interface address, then 
    // define this to be our ip address:
    ourAddress = ReceivingInterfaceAddr;

  if (ourAddress == 0) {
    // We need to find our source address
    struct sockaddr_in fromAddr;
    fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;

    // Get our address by sending a (0-TTL) multicast packet,
    // receiving it, and looking at the source address used.
    // (This is kinda bogus, but it provides the best guarantee
    // that other nodes will think our address is the same as we do.)
    do {
      loopbackWorks = 0; // until we learn otherwise

      testAddr.s_addr = our_inet_addr(""); // arbitrary
      Port testPort(15947); // ditto

      sock = setupDatagramSocket(env, testPort);
      if (sock < 0) break;

      if (!socketJoinGroup(env, sock, testAddr.s_addr)) break;

      unsigned char testString[] = "hostIdTest";
      unsigned testStringLength = sizeof testString;

      if (!writeSocket(env, sock, testAddr, testPort.num(), 0,
		       testString, testStringLength)) break;

      // Block until the socket is readable (with a 5-second timeout):
      fd_set rd_set;
      FD_SET((unsigned)sock, &rd_set);
      const unsigned numFds = sock+1;
      struct timeval timeout;
      timeout.tv_sec = 5;
      timeout.tv_usec = 0;
      int result = select(numFds, &rd_set, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
      if (result <= 0) break;

      unsigned char readBuffer[20];
      int bytesRead = readSocket(env, sock,
				 readBuffer, sizeof readBuffer,
      if (bytesRead != (int)testStringLength
	  || strncmp((char*)readBuffer, (char*)testString, testStringLength) != 0) {

      // We use this packet's source address, if it's good:
      loopbackWorks = !badAddressForUs(fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr);
    } while (0);

    if (sock >= 0) {
      socketLeaveGroup(env, sock, testAddr.s_addr);

    if (!loopbackWorks) do {
      // We couldn't find our address using multicast loopback,
      // so try instead to look it up directly - by first getting our host name, and then resolving this host name
      char hostname[100];
      hostname[0] = '\0';
      int result = gethostname(hostname, sizeof hostname);
      if (result != 0 || hostname[0] == '\0') {
	env.setResultErrMsg("initial gethostname() failed");

      // Try to resolve "hostname" to an IP address:
      NetAddressList addresses(hostname);
      NetAddressList::Iterator iter(addresses);
      NetAddress const* address;

      // Take the first address that's not bad:
      netAddressBits addr = 0;
      while ((address = iter.nextAddress()) != NULL) {
	netAddressBits a = *(netAddressBits*)(address->data());
	if (!badAddressForUs(a)) {
	  addr = a;

      // Assign the address that we found to "fromAddr" (as if the 'loopback' method had worked), to simplify the code below: 
      fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = addr;
    } while (0);

    // Make sure we have a good address:
    netAddressBits from = fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr;
    if (badAddressForUs(from)) {
      char tmp[100];
      sprintf(tmp, "This computer has an invalid IP address: %s", AddressString(from).val());
      from = 0;

    ourAddress = from;

    // Use our newly-discovered IP address, and the current time,
    // to initialize the random number generator's seed:
    struct timeval timeNow;
    gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
    unsigned seed = ourAddress^timeNow.tv_sec^timeNow.tv_usec;
  return ourAddress;
Example #15
tcp_receive_data(net_buffer* buffer)
	TRACE(("TCP: Received buffer %p\n", buffer));

	if (buffer->interface_address == NULL
		|| buffer->interface_address->domain == NULL)
		return B_ERROR;

	net_domain* domain = buffer->interface_address->domain;
	net_address_module_info* addressModule = domain->address_module;

	NetBufferHeaderReader<tcp_header> bufferHeader(buffer);
	if (bufferHeader.Status() < B_OK)
		return bufferHeader.Status();

	tcp_header& header = bufferHeader.Data();

	uint16 headerLength = header.HeaderLength();
	if (headerLength < sizeof(tcp_header))
		return B_BAD_DATA;

	if (Checksum::PseudoHeader(addressModule, gBufferModule, buffer,
			IPPROTO_TCP) != 0)
		return B_BAD_DATA;

	addressModule->set_port(buffer->source, header.source_port);
	addressModule->set_port(buffer->destination, header.destination_port);

	TRACE(("  Looking for: peer %s, local %s\n",
		AddressString(domain, buffer->source, true).Data(),
		AddressString(domain, buffer->destination, true).Data()));

	tcp_segment_header segment(header.flags);
	segment.sequence = header.Sequence();
	segment.acknowledge = header.Acknowledge();
	segment.advertised_window = header.AdvertisedWindow();
	segment.urgent_offset = header.UrgentOffset();
	process_options(segment, buffer, headerLength - sizeof(tcp_header));

		// we no longer need to keep the header around

	EndpointManager* endpointManager = endpoint_manager_for(domain);
	if (endpointManager == NULL) {
		TRACE(("  No endpoint manager!\n"));
		return B_ERROR;

	int32 segmentAction = DROP;

	TCPEndpoint* endpoint = endpointManager->FindConnection(
		buffer->destination, buffer->source);
	if (endpoint != NULL) {
		segmentAction = endpoint->SegmentReceived(segment, buffer);
	} else if ((segment.flags & TCP_FLAG_RESET) == 0)
		segmentAction = DROP | RESET;

	if ((segmentAction & RESET) != 0) {
		// send reset
		endpointManager->ReplyWithReset(segment, buffer);
	if ((segmentAction & DROP) != 0)

	return B_OK;
Example #16
void RTCPInstance::incomingReportHandler1() {
  do {
    Boolean callByeHandler = False;
    int tcpReadStreamSocketNum = fRTCPInterface.nextTCPReadStreamSocketNum();
    unsigned char tcpReadStreamChannelId = fRTCPInterface.nextTCPReadStreamChannelId();
    unsigned packetSize = 0;
    unsigned numBytesRead;
    struct sockaddr_in fromAddress;
    Boolean packetReadWasIncomplete;
    if (fNumBytesAlreadyRead >= maxRTCPPacketSize) {
      envir() << "RTCPInstance error: Hit limit when reading incoming packet over TCP. Increase \"maxRTCPPacketSize\"\n";
    Boolean readResult
      = fRTCPInterface.handleRead(&fInBuf[fNumBytesAlreadyRead], maxRTCPPacketSize - fNumBytesAlreadyRead,
				  numBytesRead, fromAddress, packetReadWasIncomplete);
    if (packetReadWasIncomplete) {
      fNumBytesAlreadyRead += numBytesRead;
      return; // more reads are needed to get the entire packet
    } else { // normal case: We've read the entire packet 
      packetSize = fNumBytesAlreadyRead + numBytesRead;
      fNumBytesAlreadyRead = 0; // for next time
    if (!readResult) break;

    // Ignore the packet if it was looped-back from ourself:
    Boolean packetWasFromOurHost = False;
    if (RTCPgs()->wasLoopedBackFromUs(envir(), fromAddress)) {
      packetWasFromOurHost = True;
      // However, we still want to handle incoming RTCP packets from
      // *other processes* on the same machine.  To distinguish this
      // case from a true loop-back, check whether we've just sent a
      // packet of the same size.  (This check isn't perfect, but it seems
      // to be the best we can do.)
      if (fHaveJustSentPacket && fLastPacketSentSize == packetSize) {
	// This is a true loop-back:
	fHaveJustSentPacket = False;
	break; // ignore this packet

    unsigned char* pkt = fInBuf;
    if (fIsSSMSource && !packetWasFromOurHost) {
      // This packet is assumed to have been received via unicast (because we're a SSM source, and SSM receivers send back RTCP "RR"
      // packets via unicast).  'Reflect' the packet by resending it to the multicast group, so that any other receivers can also
      // get to see it.

      // NOTE: Denial-of-service attacks are possible here.
      // Users of this software may wish to add their own,
      // application-specific mechanism for 'authenticating' the
      // validity of this packet before reflecting it.

      // NOTE: The test for "!packetWasFromOurHost" means that we won't reflect RTCP packets that come from other processes on
      // the same host as us.  The reason for this is that the 'packet size' test above is not 100% reliable; some packets
      // that were truly looped back from us might not be detected as such, and this might lead to infinite forwarding/receiving
      // of some packets.  To avoid this possibility, we only reflect RTCP packets that we know for sure originated elsewhere.
      // (Note, though, that if we ever re-enable the code in "Groupsock::multicastSendOnly()", then we could remove the test for
      // "!packetWasFromOurHost".)
      fRTCPInterface.sendPacket(pkt, packetSize);
      fHaveJustSentPacket = True;
      fLastPacketSentSize = packetSize;

#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "[%p]saw incoming RTCP packet", this);
    if (tcpReadStreamSocketNum < 0) {
      // Note that "fromAddress" is valid only if we're receiving over UDP (not over TCP):
      fprintf(stderr, " (from address %s, port %d)", AddressString(fromAddress).val(), ntohs(fromAddress.sin_port));
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < packetSize; ++i) {
      if (i%4 == 0) fprintf(stderr, " ");
      fprintf(stderr, "%02x", pkt[i]);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    int totPacketSize = IP_UDP_HDR_SIZE + packetSize;

    // Check the RTCP packet for validity:
    // It must at least contain a header (4 bytes), and this header
    // must be version=2, with no padding bit, and a payload type of
    // SR (200) or RR (201):
    if (packetSize < 4) break;
    unsigned rtcpHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt);
    if ((rtcpHdr & 0xE0FE0000) != (0x80000000 | (RTCP_PT_SR<<16))) {
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "rejected bad RTCP packet: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);

    // Process each of the individual RTCP 'subpackets' in (what may be)
    // a compound RTCP packet.
    int typeOfPacket = PACKET_UNKNOWN_TYPE;
    unsigned reportSenderSSRC = 0;
    Boolean packetOK = False;
    while (1) {
      unsigned rc = (rtcpHdr>>24)&0x1F;
      unsigned pt = (rtcpHdr>>16)&0xFF;
      unsigned length = 4*(rtcpHdr&0xFFFF); // doesn't count hdr
      ADVANCE(4); // skip over the header
      if (length > packetSize) break;

      // Assume that each RTCP subpacket begins with a 4-byte SSRC:
      if (length < 4) break; length -= 4;
      reportSenderSSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);

      Boolean subPacketOK = False;
      switch (pt) {
        case RTCP_PT_SR: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "SR\n");
	  if (length < 20) break; length -= 20;

	  // Extract the NTP timestamp, and note this:
	  unsigned NTPmsw = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
	  unsigned NTPlsw = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
	  unsigned rtpTimestamp = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
	  if (fSource != NULL) {
	    RTPReceptionStatsDB& receptionStats
	      = fSource->receptionStatsDB();
					  NTPmsw, NTPlsw, rtpTimestamp);
	  ADVANCE(8); // skip over packet count, octet count

	  // If a 'SR handler' was set, call it now:
	  if (fSRHandlerTask != NULL) (*fSRHandlerTask)(fSRHandlerClientData);

	  // The rest of the SR is handled like a RR (so, no "break;" here)
        case RTCP_PT_RR: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "RR\n");
	  unsigned reportBlocksSize = rc*(6*4);
	  if (length < reportBlocksSize) break;
	  length -= reportBlocksSize;

          if (fSink != NULL) {
	    // Use this information to update stats about our transmissions:
            RTPTransmissionStatsDB& transmissionStats = fSink->transmissionStatsDB();
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < rc; ++i) {
              unsigned senderSSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
              // We care only about reports about our own transmission, not others'
              if (senderSSRC == fSink->SSRC()) {
                unsigned lossStats = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                unsigned highestReceived = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                unsigned jitter = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                unsigned timeLastSR = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                unsigned timeSinceLastSR = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
                transmissionStats.noteIncomingRR(reportSenderSSRC, fromAddress,
						 highestReceived, jitter,
						 timeLastSR, timeSinceLastSR);
              } else {
          } else {

	  if (pt == RTCP_PT_RR) { // i.e., we didn't fall through from 'SR'
	    // If a 'RR handler' was set, call it now:

	    // Specific RR handler:
	    if (fSpecificRRHandlerTable != NULL) {
	      netAddressBits fromAddr;
	      portNumBits fromPortNum;
	      if (tcpReadStreamSocketNum < 0) {
		// Normal case: We read the RTCP packet over UDP
		fromAddr = fromAddress.sin_addr.s_addr;
		fromPortNum = ntohs(fromAddress.sin_port);
	      } else {
		// Special case: We read the RTCP packet over TCP (interleaved)
		// Hack: Use the TCP socket and channel id to look up the handler
		fromAddr = tcpReadStreamSocketNum;
		fromPortNum = tcpReadStreamChannelId;
	      Port fromPort(fromPortNum);
	      RRHandlerRecord* rrHandler
		= (RRHandlerRecord*)(fSpecificRRHandlerTable->Lookup(fromAddr, (~0), fromPort));
	      if (rrHandler != NULL) {
		if (rrHandler->rrHandlerTask != NULL) {

	    // General RR handler:
	    if (fRRHandlerTask != NULL) (*fRRHandlerTask)(fRRHandlerClientData);

	  subPacketOK = True;
	  typeOfPacket = PACKET_RTCP_REPORT;
        case RTCP_PT_BYE: {
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "BYE\n");
	  // If a 'BYE handler' was set, arrange for it to be called at the end of this routine.
	  // (Note: We don't call it immediately, in case it happens to cause "this" to be deleted.)
	  if (fByeHandlerTask != NULL
	      && (!fByeHandleActiveParticipantsOnly
		  || (fSource != NULL
		      && fSource->receptionStatsDB().lookup(reportSenderSSRC) != NULL)
		  || (fSink != NULL
		      && fSink->transmissionStatsDB().lookup(reportSenderSSRC) != NULL))) {
	    callByeHandler = True;

	  // We should really check for & handle >1 SSRCs being present #####

	  subPacketOK = True;
	  typeOfPacket = PACKET_BYE;
	// Later handle SDES, APP, and compound RTCP packets #####
#ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "UNSUPPORTED TYPE(0x%x)\n", pt);
	  subPacketOK = True;
      if (!subPacketOK) break;

      // need to check for (& handle) SSRC collision! #####

#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "validated RTCP subpacket (type %d): %d, %d, %d, 0x%08x\n", typeOfPacket, rc, pt, length, reportSenderSSRC);

      // Skip over any remaining bytes in this subpacket:

      // Check whether another RTCP 'subpacket' follows:
      if (packetSize == 0) {
	packetOK = True;
      } else if (packetSize < 4) {
#ifdef DEBUG
	fprintf(stderr, "extraneous %d bytes at end of RTCP packet!\n", packetSize);
      rtcpHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt);
      if ((rtcpHdr & 0xC0000000) != 0x80000000) {
#ifdef DEBUG
	fprintf(stderr, "bad RTCP subpacket: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);

    if (!packetOK) {
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "rejected bad RTCP subpacket: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);
    } else {
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "validated entire RTCP packet\n");

    onReceive(typeOfPacket, totPacketSize, reportSenderSSRC);

    // Finally, if we need to call a "BYE" handler, do so now (in case it causes "this" to get deleted):
    if (callByeHandler && fByeHandlerTask != NULL/*sanity check*/) {
      TaskFunc* byeHandler = fByeHandlerTask;
      fByeHandlerTask = NULL; // because we call the handler only once, by default
  } while (0);