Example #1
int airpcap_setchannel(struct tx80211 *in_tx, int channel)
	struct airpcap_data *apcap = in_tx->extra;

	if (AirpcapSetDeviceChannel(apcap->ad, (unsigned int)channel) != 1) {
		return TX80211_ENOCHANSET;

	return TX80211_ENOERR;
Example #2
int cygwin_set_chan(int chan)
	// Make sure a valid channel is given
	if (chan <= 0)
		return -1;

	if(!AirpcapSetDeviceChannel(airpcap_handle, chan))
		printf("Error setting the channel to %d: %s\n", chan, AirpcapGetLastError(airpcap_handle));
		return -1;

	return 0;
Example #3
int main()
	pcap_t *winpcap_adapter;
	u_int32_t inum, i, j;
	char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
	u_int32_t freq_chan;
	PAirpcapHandle airpcap_handle;
	pcap_if_t *alldevs, *d;
	PPI_PACKET_HEADER *radio_header;
	u_int32_t tchannel = 1;
	AirpcapChannelInfo tchaninfo;

	// Get the device list
	if(pcap_findalldevs(&alldevs, errbuf) == -1)
		fprintf(stderr,"Error in pcap_findalldevs_ex: %s\n", errbuf);
		return -1;

	// Make sure that the device list is valid
	if(alldevs == NULL)
		printf("No interfaces found! Make sure the winpcap software is installed and your adapter is properly plugged in.\n");
		return -1;
	// Print the list and ask for a selection
	for(d = alldevs, i = 0; d; d=d->next)
		printf("%d. %s\n    ", ++i, d->name);
		if (d->description)
			printf(" (%s)\n", d->description);
			printf(" (No description available)\n");
		printf("\nNo interfaces found! Make sure WinPcap is installed.\n");
		return -1;
	printf("Enter the interface number (1-%d):",i);
	scanf("%d", &inum);
	// Check if the user specified a valid adapter
	if(inum < 1 || inum > i)
		printf("\nInterface number out of range.\n");
		return -1;
	// Jump to the selected adapter
	for(d = alldevs, i = 0; i < inum-1 ;d = d->next, i++);
	// Ask for a channel to listen to
	printf("Enter the channel or frequency:",i);
	scanf("%d", &freq_chan);
	// Check if the user specified a valid channel
	if(freq_chan < 1 || freq_chan > 8000)
		printf("\nChannel or frequency out of range.\n");
		return -1;
	// Open the adapter with WinPcap
	if((winpcap_adapter = pcap_open_live(d->name,			// name of the device
		65536,												// portion of the packet to capture. 
															// 65536 grants that the whole packet will be captured on all the MACs.
		1,													// promiscuous mode (nonzero means promiscuous)
		1000,												// read timeout, in ms
		errbuf												// error buffer
		)) == NULL)
		printf("Error opening adapter with winpcap (%s)\n", errbuf);
		return -1;

	// We don't need the device list any more, free it

	// Get the airpcap handle so we can change wireless-specific settings
	airpcap_handle = (PAirpcapHandle)pcap_get_airpcap_handle(winpcap_adapter);

	if(airpcap_handle == NULL)
		printf("This adapter doesn't have wireless extensions. Quitting\n");
		return -1;

	// Configure the AirPcap adapter

	// Set the channel.
	// If the user provides a value below 500, we assume it's a channel number, otherwise we assume it's a frequency.
	if(freq_chan < 500)
		if(!AirpcapSetDeviceChannel(airpcap_handle, freq_chan))
			printf("Error setting the channel: %s\n", AirpcapGetLastError(airpcap_handle));
			return -1;
		memset(&tchaninfo, 0, sizeof(tchaninfo));
		tchaninfo.Frequency = freq_chan;

		if(!AirpcapSetDeviceChannelEx(airpcap_handle, tchaninfo))
			printf("Error setting the channel: %s\n", AirpcapGetLastError(airpcap_handle));
			return -1;

	// First, we transmit the packet without PPI information.
	// Not using the PPI header makes packet crafting process simpler, because we just
	// but we don't provide the packet data in a buffer. However, we don't have
	// control on the tx rate: the packets will always go out at 1 Mbps.

	// Set the link layer to bare 802.11
	if(!AirpcapSetLinkType(airpcap_handle, AIRPCAP_LT_802_11))
		printf("Error setting the link layer: %s\n", AirpcapGetLastError(airpcap_handle));
		return -1;

	// Initialize the Tx packet with an increasing value
	for(i = 0; i < TX_PACKET_LEN; i++)
		TxPacket[i] = i & 0xff;

	// Now transmit the packet the specified number of times
	for(i = 0; i < N_TX_REPETITIONS; i++)
		if(pcap_sendpacket(winpcap_adapter, TxPacket, (TX_PACKET_LEN)) != 0)
			printf("Error sending the packet: %s\n", pcap_geterr(winpcap_adapter));
			return -1;

	// Notify the user that all went well
	printf("Successfully sent the raw 802.11 packet %u times.\n", N_TX_REPETITIONS);

	// Second, we transmit the packet with PPI information.
	// This allows us to specify the tx rate. We repeat the transmission for all the 
	// rates specified in the TestTxRatesToTest array

	for(j = 0; j < sizeof(TestTxRatesToTest) / sizeof(TestTxRatesToTest[0]); j++)
		// Set the link layer to 802.11 + PPI
		if(!AirpcapSetLinkType(airpcap_handle, AIRPCAP_LT_802_11_PLUS_PPI))
			printf("Error setting the link layer: %s\n", AirpcapGetLastError(airpcap_handle));
			return -1;

		// Create the PPI header
		radio_header = (PPI_PACKET_HEADER*)TxPacket;
		radio_header->PphDlt = 105;								// 802.11
		radio_header->PphLength = sizeof(PPI_PACKET_HEADER);	// header len: 32 bytes
		radio_header->PfhType = PPI_PFHTYPE_80211COMMON;		// Common header is the first header
		radio_header->PfhLength = PPI_PFHTYPE_80211COMMON_SIZE;	// Common header size is 20
		radio_header->Rate = (UCHAR)(TestTxRatesToTest[j] * 2);	// Frame rate
		radio_header->DbmAntSignal = 0;							// Currently not supported

		// Initialize the Tx packet buffer with the transmission rate.
		for(i = sizeof(PPI_PACKET_HEADER); i < TX_PACKET_LEN + sizeof(PPI_PACKET_HEADER); i++)
			TxPacket[i] = (UCHAR)TestTxRatesToTest[j];

		// Now transmit the packet the specified number of times
		for(i = 0; i < N_TX_REPETITIONS; i++)
				TX_PACKET_LEN + sizeof(PPI_PACKET_HEADER)) != 0)
				printf("Error sending the packet: %s\n", pcap_geterr(winpcap_adapter));
				return -1;

		// Notify the user that all went well
		printf("Successfully sent the PPI 802.11 packet %u times at %u Mbps.\n", N_TX_REPETITIONS, (u_int32_t)TestTxRatesToTest[j]);


	// Close the libpcap handler. Note that We don't need to close the AirPcap handler, because 
	// pcap_close takes care of it.
	return 0;
Example #4
//						getAirPcapAdapter
// Lists the adapters and asks the user to select and adapter and a
// frequency.
// Returns - Handle to the selected adapter with the channel already 
//			 set and PPI selected.
PAirpcapHandle getAirPcapAdapter()
	PAirpcapHandle Ad;
	UINT freq_chan = 8;
	UINT i, Inum, range;
	AirpcapDeviceDescription *AllDevs, *TmpDev;
	AirpcapChannelInfo tchaninfo;

	// Get the device list
	if(!AirpcapGetDeviceList(&AllDevs, Ebuf))
		printf("Unable to retrieve the device list: %s\n", Ebuf);
		return NULL;

	// Make sure that the device list is valid
	if(AllDevs == NULL)
		printf("No interfaces found! Make sure the airpcap software is installed and your adapter is properly plugged in.\n");
		return NULL;

	// Print the list
	for(TmpDev = AllDevs, i = 0; TmpDev; TmpDev = TmpDev->next)
		printf("%d. ", ++i);
		// If the adapter is a Tx adapter, say so.
		if (isTxAdapter(TmpDev->Name))
			printf("Tx - ");

		// Print adapter name and description
		printf("%s", TmpDev->Name);
			printf(" (%s)\n", TmpDev->Description);
			printf(" (No description available)\n");

	// Store the range of valid adapters for future use.
	range = i;

	// If there are no valid adapters
	if(range == 0)
		printf("\nNo interfaces found! Make sure the airpcap software is installed and your adapter is properly plugged in.\n");
		return NULL;

	// Loop because the user may have selected an invalid adapter.
	while (1)
		// Ask for the user to select an adapter.
		printf("Enter the adapter number (1-%d): ",range);
		flushall();         /* kill any characters left in buffer */
		scanf("%d", &Inum);
		// Check if the user specified a valid adapter
		if(Inum < 1 || Inum > range)
			printf("Error: Invalid adapter selection.\n\n");

		// Jump to the selected adapter
		for(TmpDev = AllDevs, i = 0; i < Inum-1 ;TmpDev = TmpDev->next, i++);

		// Make sure the adapter is a Tx capable one.
		if (!isTxAdapter(TmpDev->Name))
			printf("Error: The selected adapter does not support transmission.\n\n");

	// Loop, as the user may specify an invalid channel.
	while (1)
		// Ask for a channel to listen to
		printf("Enter the channel or frequency: ",i);
		scanf("%d", &freq_chan);
		// Check if the user specified a valid channel
		if(freq_chan < 1 || freq_chan > 8000)
			printf("\nChannel or frequency out of range.\n");
			return NULL;

		// Make sure the user picked a valid Tx channel.
		if (!isTxFrequencySupported(TmpDev->Name, freq_chan))
			printf("\nThe selected frequency does not support transmission.\nPlease select from the list of supported channels below:\n\n");
			// Print the list of channels the adapter supports Tx on.

	// Open the adapter
	Ad = AirpcapOpen(TmpDev->Name, Ebuf);
		printf("Error opening the adapter: %s\n", Ebuf);
		return NULL;

	// We don't need the device list any more, free it

	// Set the link layer to 802.11 plus PPI headers
	if(!AirpcapSetLinkType(Ad, AIRPCAP_LT_802_11_PLUS_PPI))
		printf("Error setting the link layer: %s\n", AirpcapGetLastError(Ad));
		return NULL;

	// Set the channel.
	// If the user provides a value below 500, we assume it's a channel number, otherwise we assume it's a frequency.
	if(freq_chan < 500)
		if(!AirpcapSetDeviceChannel(Ad, freq_chan))
			printf("Error setting the channel: %s\n", AirpcapGetLastError(Ad));
			return NULL;
		memset(&tchaninfo, sizeof(tchaninfo), 0);
		tchaninfo.Frequency = freq_chan;

		if(!AirpcapSetDeviceChannelEx(Ad, tchaninfo))
			printf("Error setting the channel: %s\n", AirpcapGetLastError(Ad));
			return NULL;

	return Ad;