Example #1
 * Move or resize overlay surface on video display.
 * This function is used to move or resize an overlay surface on the screen.
 * Ususally the overlay is moved by the user and thus, by a move or resize
 * event.
static int DirectXUpdateOverlay(vout_display_t *vd, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE2 surface)
    vout_display_sys_t *sys = vd->sys;

    RECT src = sys->rect_src_clipped;
    RECT dst = sys->rect_dest_clipped;

    if (sys->use_wallpaper) {
        src.left   = vd->source.i_x_offset;
        src.top    = vd->source.i_y_offset;
        src.right  = vd->source.i_x_offset + vd->source.i_visible_width;
        src.bottom = vd->source.i_y_offset + vd->source.i_visible_height;
        AlignRect(&src, sys->i_align_src_boundary, sys->i_align_src_size);

        vout_display_cfg_t cfg = *vd->cfg;
        cfg.display.width  = sys->rect_display.right;
        cfg.display.height = sys->rect_display.bottom;

        vout_display_place_t place;
        vout_display_PlacePicture(&place, &vd->source, &cfg, true);

        dst.left   = sys->rect_display.left + place.x;
        dst.top    = sys->rect_display.top  + place.y;
        dst.right  = dst.left + place.width;
        dst.bottom = dst.top  + place.height;
        AlignRect(&dst, sys->i_align_dest_boundary, sys->i_align_dest_size);

    if (!surface) {
        if (!sys->pool)
            return VLC_EGENERIC;
        surface = sys->resource.p_sys->front_surface;

    /* The new window dimensions should already have been computed by the
     * caller of this function */

    /* Position and show the overlay */
    DDOVERLAYFX ddofx;
    ZeroMemory(&ddofx, sizeof(ddofx));
    ddofx.dwSize = sizeof(ddofx);
    ddofx.dckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceLowValue = sys->i_colorkey;
    ddofx.dckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceHighValue = sys->i_colorkey;

    HRESULT hr = IDirectDrawSurface2_UpdateOverlay(surface,
                 &src, sys->display, &dst,
                 DDOVER_SHOW | DDOVER_KEYDESTOVERRIDE, &ddofx);
    sys->restore_overlay = hr != DD_OK;

    if (hr != DD_OK) {
        msg_Warn(vd, "DirectDrawUpdateOverlay cannot move/resize overlay");
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Example #2
 * UpdateRects: update clipping rectangles
 * This function is called when the window position or size are changed, and
 * its job is to update the source and destination RECTs used to display the
 * picture.
void UpdateRects(vout_display_t *vd,
                 const vout_display_cfg_t *cfg,
                 const video_format_t *source,
                 bool is_forced)
    vout_display_sys_t *sys = vd->sys;
#define rect_src sys->rect_src
#define rect_src_clipped sys->rect_src_clipped
#define rect_dest sys->rect_dest
#define rect_dest_clipped sys->rect_dest_clipped

    RECT  rect;
    POINT point;

    /* */
    if (!cfg)
        cfg = vd->cfg;
    if (!source)
        source = &vd->source;

    /* Retrieve the window size */
    GetClientRect(sys->hwnd, &rect);

    /* Retrieve the window position */
    point.x = point.y = 0;
    ClientToScreen(sys->hwnd, &point);

    /* If nothing changed, we can return */
    bool has_moved;
    bool is_resized;
    EventThreadUpdateWindowPosition(sys->event, &has_moved, &is_resized,
                                    point.x, point.y,
                                    rect.right, rect.bottom);
    if (is_resized)
        vout_display_SendEventDisplaySize(vd, rect.right, rect.bottom, cfg->is_fullscreen);
    if (!is_forced && !has_moved && !is_resized )

    /* Update the window position and size */
    vout_display_cfg_t place_cfg = *cfg;
    place_cfg.display.width  = rect.right;
    place_cfg.display.height = rect.bottom;

    vout_display_place_t place;
    vout_display_PlacePicture(&place, source, &place_cfg, false);

    EventThreadUpdateSourceAndPlace(sys->event, source, &place);

    if (sys->hvideownd)
        SetWindowPos(sys->hvideownd, 0,
                     place.x, place.y, place.width, place.height,

    /* Destination image position and dimensions */
#if defined(MODULE_NAME_IS_direct3d) || defined(MODULE_NAME_IS_direct2d)
    rect_dest.left   = 0;
    rect_dest.right  = place.width;
    rect_dest.top    = 0;
    rect_dest.bottom = place.height;
    rect_dest.left = point.x + place.x;
    rect_dest.right = rect_dest.left + place.width;
    rect_dest.top = point.y + place.y;
    rect_dest.bottom = rect_dest.top + place.height;

#ifdef MODULE_NAME_IS_directdraw
    /* Apply overlay hardware constraints */
    if (sys->use_overlay)
        AlignRect(&rect_dest, sys->i_align_dest_boundary, sys->i_align_dest_size);


#if defined(MODULE_NAME_IS_directdraw)
    /* UpdateOverlay directdraw function doesn't automatically clip to the
     * display size so we need to do it otherwise it will fail */

    /* Clip the destination window */
    if (!IntersectRect(&rect_dest_clipped, &rect_dest,
                       &sys->rect_display)) {
        goto exit;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    msg_Dbg(vd, "DirectXUpdateRects image_dst_clipped coords:"
            " %li,%li,%li,%li",
            rect_dest_clipped.left, rect_dest_clipped.top,
            rect_dest_clipped.right, rect_dest_clipped.bottom);


    /* AFAIK, there are no clipping constraints in Direct3D, OpenGL and GDI */
    rect_dest_clipped = rect_dest;


    /* the 2 following lines are to fix a bug when clicking on the desktop */
    if ((rect_dest_clipped.right - rect_dest_clipped.left) == 0 ||
            (rect_dest_clipped.bottom - rect_dest_clipped.top) == 0) {
        goto exit;

    /* src image dimensions */
    rect_src.left   = 0;
    rect_src.top    = 0;
    rect_src.right  = source->i_width;
    rect_src.bottom = source->i_height;

    /* Clip the source image */
    rect_src_clipped.left = source->i_x_offset +
                            (rect_dest_clipped.left - rect_dest.left) *
                            source->i_visible_width / (rect_dest.right - rect_dest.left);
    rect_src_clipped.right = source->i_x_offset +
                             source->i_visible_width -
                             (rect_dest.right - rect_dest_clipped.right) *
                             source->i_visible_width / (rect_dest.right - rect_dest.left);
    rect_src_clipped.top = source->i_y_offset +
                           (rect_dest_clipped.top - rect_dest.top) *
                           source->i_visible_height / (rect_dest.bottom - rect_dest.top);
    rect_src_clipped.bottom = source->i_y_offset +
                              source->i_visible_height -
                              (rect_dest.bottom - rect_dest_clipped.bottom) *
                              source->i_visible_height / (rect_dest.bottom - rect_dest.top);

#ifdef MODULE_NAME_IS_directdraw
    /* Apply overlay hardware constraints */
    if (sys->use_overlay)
        AlignRect(&rect_src_clipped, sys->i_align_src_boundary, sys->i_align_src_size);
#elif defined(MODULE_NAME_IS_direct3d) || defined(MODULE_NAME_IS_direct2d)
    /* Needed at least with YUV content */
    rect_src_clipped.left &= ~1;
    rect_src_clipped.right &= ~1;
    rect_src_clipped.top &= ~1;
    rect_src_clipped.bottom &= ~1;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    msg_Dbg(vd, "DirectXUpdateRects image_src_clipped"
            " coords: %li,%li,%li,%li",
            rect_src_clipped.left, rect_src_clipped.top,
            rect_src_clipped.right, rect_src_clipped.bottom);

#ifdef MODULE_NAME_IS_directdraw
    /* The destination coordinates need to be relative to the current
     * directdraw primary surface (display) */
    rect_dest_clipped.left -= sys->rect_display.left;
    rect_dest_clipped.right -= sys->rect_display.left;
    rect_dest_clipped.top -= sys->rect_display.top;
    rect_dest_clipped.bottom -= sys->rect_display.top;

    CommonChangeThumbnailClip(vd, true);

    /* Signal the change in size/position */
    sys->changes |= DX_POSITION_CHANGE;

#undef rect_src
#undef rect_src_clipped
#undef rect_dest
#undef rect_dest_clipped
Example #3
void iDialog::Center()
	iRect rect = AlignRect(GetDlgMetrics(), m_pMgr->Metrics(), AlignCenter);