Example #1
Decoder::Write(const char* aBuffer, uint32_t aCount)
  PROFILER_LABEL("ImageDecoder", "Write");

  // We're strict about decoder errors
                    "Not allowed to make more decoder calls after error!");

  // If a data error occured, just ignore future data
  if (HasDataError())

  if (IsSizeDecode() && HasSize()) {
    // More data came in since we found the size. We have nothing to do here.

  // Pass the data along to the implementation
  WriteInternal(aBuffer, aCount);

  // If we're a synchronous decoder and we need a new frame to proceed, let's
  // create one and call it again.
  while (mSynchronous && NeedsNewFrame() && !HasDataError()) {
    nsresult rv = AllocateFrame();

    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
      // Tell the decoder to use the data it saved when it asked for a new frame.
      WriteInternal(nullptr, 0);
Example #2
HRESULT CDecMSDKMVC::DeliverOutput(MVCBuffer * pBaseView, MVCBuffer * pExtraView)
  mfxStatus sts = MFX_ERR_NONE;

  ASSERT(pBaseView->surface.Info.FrameId.ViewId == 0 && pExtraView->surface.Info.FrameId.ViewId > 0);
  ASSERT(pBaseView->surface.Data.FrameOrder == pExtraView->surface.Data.FrameOrder);

  // Sync base view
  do {
    sts = MFXVideoCORE_SyncOperation(m_mfxSession, pBaseView->sync, 1000);
  } while (sts == MFX_WRN_IN_EXECUTION);
  pBaseView->sync = nullptr;

  // Sync extra view
  do {
    sts = MFXVideoCORE_SyncOperation(m_mfxSession, pExtraView->sync, 1000);
  } while (sts == MFX_WRN_IN_EXECUTION);
  pExtraView->sync = nullptr;

  LAVFrame *pFrame = nullptr;

  pFrame->width  = pBaseView->surface.Info.CropW;
  pFrame->height = pBaseView->surface.Info.CropH;

  pFrame->data[0]   = pBaseView->surface.Data.Y;
  pFrame->data[1]   = pBaseView->surface.Data.UV;
  pFrame->stereo[0] = pExtraView->surface.Data.Y;
  pFrame->stereo[1] = pExtraView->surface.Data.UV;
  pFrame->data[2]   = (uint8_t *)pBaseView;
  pFrame->data[3]   = (uint8_t *)pExtraView;
  pFrame->stride[0] = pBaseView->surface.Data.PitchLow;
  pFrame->stride[1] = pBaseView->surface.Data.PitchLow;

  pFrame->format = LAVPixFmt_NV12;
  pFrame->bpp    = 8;
  pFrame->flags |= LAV_FRAME_FLAG_MVC;

  if (!(pBaseView->surface.Data.DataFlag & MFX_FRAMEDATA_ORIGINAL_TIMESTAMP))
    pBaseView->surface.Data.TimeStamp = MFX_TIMESTAMP_UNKNOWN;

  if (pBaseView->surface.Data.TimeStamp != MFX_TIMESTAMP_UNKNOWN) {
    pFrame->rtStart = pBaseView->surface.Data.TimeStamp;
    pFrame->rtStart -= TIMESTAMP_OFFSET;
  else {
    pFrame->rtStart = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;

  int64_t num = (int64_t)pBaseView->surface.Info.AspectRatioW * pFrame->width;
  int64_t den = (int64_t)pBaseView->surface.Info.AspectRatioH * pFrame->height;
  av_reduce(&pFrame->aspect_ratio.num, &pFrame->aspect_ratio.den, num, den, INT_MAX);

  pFrame->destruct = msdk_buffer_destruct;
  pFrame->priv_data = this;

  GetOffsetSideData(pFrame, pBaseView->surface.Data.TimeStamp);

  return Deliver(pFrame);
Example #3
Decoder::Write(const char* aBuffer, uint32_t aCount, DecodeStrategy aStrategy)
  PROFILER_LABEL("ImageDecoder", "Write",

  MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread() || aStrategy == DecodeStrategy::ASYNC);

  // We're strict about decoder errors
             "Not allowed to make more decoder calls after error!");

  // Begin recording telemetry data.
  TimeStamp start = TimeStamp::Now();

  // Keep track of the total number of bytes written.
  mBytesDecoded += aCount;

  // If we're flushing data, clear the flag.
  if (aBuffer == nullptr && aCount == 0) {
    MOZ_ASSERT(mNeedsToFlushData, "Flushing when we don't need to");
    mNeedsToFlushData = false;

  // If a data error occured, just ignore future data.
  if (HasDataError())

  if (IsSizeDecode() && HasSize()) {
    // More data came in since we found the size. We have nothing to do here.

  // Pass the data along to the implementation
  WriteInternal(aBuffer, aCount, aStrategy);

  // If we're a synchronous decoder and we need a new frame to proceed, let's
  // create one and call it again.
  if (aStrategy == DecodeStrategy::SYNC) {
    while (NeedsNewFrame() && !HasDataError()) {
      nsresult rv = AllocateFrame();

      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
        // Use the data we saved when we asked for a new frame.
        WriteInternal(nullptr, 0, aStrategy);

      mNeedsToFlushData = false;

  // Finish telemetry.
  mDecodeTime += (TimeStamp::Now() - start);
Example #4
nsGIFDecoder2::BeginImageFrame(uint16_t aDepth)

  gfx::SurfaceFormat format;
  if (mGIFStruct.is_transparent) {
    format = gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8;
  } else {
    format = gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8;

  nsIntRect frameRect(mGIFStruct.x_offset, mGIFStruct.y_offset,
                      mGIFStruct.width, mGIFStruct.height);

  // Use correct format, RGB for first frame, PAL for following frames
  // and include transparency to allow for optimization of opaque images
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;
  if (mGIFStruct.images_decoded) {
    // Image data is stored with original depth and palette.
    rv = AllocateFrame(mGIFStruct.images_decoded, GetSize(),
                       frameRect, format, aDepth);
  } else {
    if (!nsIntRect(nsIntPoint(), GetSize()).IsEqualEdges(frameRect)) {
      // We need padding on the first frame, which means that we don't draw into
      // part of the image at all. Report that as transparency.

    // Regardless of depth of input, the first frame is decoded into 24bit RGB.
    rv = AllocateFrame(mGIFStruct.images_decoded, GetSize(),
                       frameRect, format);

  mCurrentFrameIndex = mGIFStruct.images_decoded;

  return rv;
Example #5
nsJPEGDecoder::WriteInternal(const char* aBuffer, uint32_t aCount)
  mSegment = (const JOCTET*)aBuffer;
  mSegmentLen = aCount;

  MOZ_ASSERT(!HasError(), "Shouldn't call WriteInternal after error!");

  // Return here if there is a fatal error within libjpeg.
  nsresult error_code;
  // This cast to nsresult makes sense because setjmp() returns whatever we
  // passed to longjmp(), which was actually an nsresult.
  if ((error_code = (nsresult)setjmp(mErr.setjmp_buffer)) != NS_OK) {
    if (error_code == NS_ERROR_FAILURE) {
      // Error due to corrupt stream - return NS_OK and consume silently
      // so that ImageLib doesn't throw away a partial image load
      MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
             ("} (setjmp returned NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"));
    } else {
      // Error due to reasons external to the stream (probably out of
      // memory) - let ImageLib attempt to clean up, even though
      // mozilla is seconds away from falling flat on its face.
      mState = JPEG_ERROR;
      MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
             ("} (setjmp returned an error)"));

  MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
         ("[this=%p] nsJPEGDecoder::Write -- processing JPEG data\n", this));

  switch (mState) {
    case JPEG_HEADER: {
      LOG_SCOPE(GetJPEGLog(), "nsJPEGDecoder::Write -- entering JPEG_HEADER"
                " case");

      // Step 3: read file parameters with jpeg_read_header()
      if (jpeg_read_header(&mInfo, TRUE) == JPEG_SUSPENDED) {
        MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
               ("} (JPEG_SUSPENDED)"));
        return; // I/O suspension

      // If we have a sample size specified for -moz-sample-size, use it.
      if (mSampleSize > 0) {
        mInfo.scale_num = 1;
        mInfo.scale_denom = mSampleSize;

      // Used to set up image size so arrays can be allocated

      // Post our size to the superclass
      PostSize(mInfo.output_width, mInfo.output_height,
      if (HasError()) {
        // Setting the size led to an error.
        mState = JPEG_ERROR;

      // If we're doing a metadata decode, we're done.
      if (IsMetadataDecode()) {

      // We're doing a full decode.
      if (mCMSMode != eCMSMode_Off &&
          (mInProfile = GetICCProfile(mInfo)) != nullptr) {
        uint32_t profileSpace = qcms_profile_get_color_space(mInProfile);
        bool mismatch = false;

#ifdef DEBUG_tor
      fprintf(stderr, "JPEG profileSpace: 0x%08X\n", profileSpace);
      switch (mInfo.jpeg_color_space) {
        case JCS_GRAYSCALE:
          if (profileSpace == icSigRgbData) {
            mInfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
          } else if (profileSpace != icSigGrayData) {
            mismatch = true;
        case JCS_RGB:
          if (profileSpace != icSigRgbData) {
            mismatch =  true;
        case JCS_YCbCr:
          if (profileSpace == icSigRgbData) {
            mInfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
          } else {
            // qcms doesn't support ycbcr
            mismatch = true;
        case JCS_CMYK:
        case JCS_YCCK:
            // qcms doesn't support cmyk
            mismatch = true;
          mState = JPEG_ERROR;
          MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
                 ("} (unknown colorpsace (1))"));

      if (!mismatch) {
        qcms_data_type type;
        switch (mInfo.out_color_space) {
          case JCS_GRAYSCALE:
            type = QCMS_DATA_GRAY_8;
          case JCS_RGB:
            type = QCMS_DATA_RGB_8;
            mState = JPEG_ERROR;
            MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
                   ("} (unknown colorpsace (2))"));
#if 0
        // We don't currently support CMYK profiles. The following
        // code dealt with lcms types. Add something like this
        // back when we gain support for CMYK.

        // Adobe Photoshop writes YCCK/CMYK files with inverted data
        if (mInfo.out_color_space == JCS_CMYK) {
          type |= FLAVOR_SH(mInfo.saw_Adobe_marker ? 1 : 0);

        if (gfxPlatform::GetCMSOutputProfile()) {

          // Calculate rendering intent.
          int intent = gfxPlatform::GetRenderingIntent();
          if (intent == -1) {
            intent = qcms_profile_get_rendering_intent(mInProfile);

          // Create the color management transform.
          mTransform = qcms_transform_create(mInProfile,
      } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_tor
        fprintf(stderr, "ICM profile colorspace mismatch\n");

    if (!mTransform) {
      switch (mInfo.jpeg_color_space) {
        case JCS_GRAYSCALE:
        case JCS_RGB:
        case JCS_YCbCr:
          // if we're not color managing we can decode directly to
          if (mCMSMode != eCMSMode_All) {
              mInfo.out_color_space = MOZ_JCS_EXT_NATIVE_ENDIAN_XRGB;
              mInfo.out_color_components = 4;
          } else {
              mInfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
        case JCS_CMYK:
        case JCS_YCCK:
          // libjpeg can convert from YCCK to CMYK, but not to RGB
          mInfo.out_color_space = JCS_CMYK;
          mState = JPEG_ERROR;
          MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
                 ("} (unknown colorpsace (3))"));

    // Don't allocate a giant and superfluous memory buffer
    // when not doing a progressive decode.
    mInfo.buffered_image = mDecodeStyle == PROGRESSIVE &&

    MOZ_ASSERT(!mImageData, "Already have a buffer allocated?");
    nsIntSize targetSize = mDownscaler ? mDownscaler->TargetSize() : GetSize();
    nsresult rv = AllocateFrame(0, targetSize,
                                nsIntRect(nsIntPoint(), targetSize),
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      mState = JPEG_ERROR;
      MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
             ("} (could not initialize image frame)"));

    MOZ_ASSERT(mImageData, "Should have a buffer now");

    if (mDownscaler) {
      nsresult rv = mDownscaler->BeginFrame(GetSize(),
                                            /* aHasAlpha = */ false);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
        mState = JPEG_ERROR;

    MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
           ("        JPEGDecoderAccounting: nsJPEGDecoder::"
            "Write -- created image frame with %ux%u pixels",
            mInfo.output_width, mInfo.output_height));


    LOG_SCOPE(GetJPEGLog(), "nsJPEGDecoder::Write -- entering"
                            " JPEG_START_DECOMPRESS case");
    // Step 4: set parameters for decompression

    // FIXME -- Should reset dct_method and dither mode
    // for final pass of progressive JPEG

    mInfo.dct_method =  JDCT_ISLOW;
    mInfo.dither_mode = JDITHER_FS;
    mInfo.do_fancy_upsampling = TRUE;
    mInfo.enable_2pass_quant = FALSE;
    mInfo.do_block_smoothing = TRUE;

    // Step 5: Start decompressor
    if (jpeg_start_decompress(&mInfo) == FALSE) {
      MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
             ("} (I/O suspension after jpeg_start_decompress())"));
      return; // I/O suspension

    // If this is a progressive JPEG ...
    mState = mInfo.buffered_image ?

      LOG_SCOPE(GetJPEGLog(), "nsJPEGDecoder::Write -- "
                              "JPEG_DECOMPRESS_SEQUENTIAL case");

      bool suspend;

      if (suspend) {
        MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
               ("} (I/O suspension after OutputScanlines() - SEQUENTIAL)"));
        return; // I/O suspension

      // If we've completed image output ...
      NS_ASSERTION(mInfo.output_scanline == mInfo.output_height,
                   "We didn't process all of the data!");
      mState = JPEG_DONE;

                "nsJPEGDecoder::Write -- JPEG_DECOMPRESS_PROGRESSIVE case");

      int status;
      do {
        status = jpeg_consume_input(&mInfo);
      } while ((status != JPEG_SUSPENDED) &&
               (status != JPEG_REACHED_EOI));

      for (;;) {
        if (mInfo.output_scanline == 0) {
          int scan = mInfo.input_scan_number;

          // if we haven't displayed anything yet (output_scan_number==0)
          // and we have enough data for a complete scan, force output
          // of the last full scan
          if ((mInfo.output_scan_number == 0) &&
              (scan > 1) &&
              (status != JPEG_REACHED_EOI))

          if (!jpeg_start_output(&mInfo, scan)) {
            MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
                   ("} (I/O suspension after jpeg_start_output() -"
                    " PROGRESSIVE)"));
            return; // I/O suspension

        if (mInfo.output_scanline == 0xffffff) {
          mInfo.output_scanline = 0;

        bool suspend;

        if (suspend) {
          if (mInfo.output_scanline == 0) {
            // didn't manage to read any lines - flag so we don't call
            // jpeg_start_output() multiple times for the same scan
            mInfo.output_scanline = 0xffffff;
          MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
                 ("} (I/O suspension after OutputScanlines() - PROGRESSIVE)"));
          return; // I/O suspension

        if (mInfo.output_scanline == mInfo.output_height) {
          if (!jpeg_finish_output(&mInfo)) {
            MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
                   ("} (I/O suspension after jpeg_finish_output() -"
                    " PROGRESSIVE)"));
            return; // I/O suspension

          if (jpeg_input_complete(&mInfo) &&
              (mInfo.input_scan_number == mInfo.output_scan_number))

          mInfo.output_scanline = 0;
          if (mDownscaler) {

      mState = JPEG_DONE;

  case JPEG_DONE: {
    LOG_SCOPE(GetJPEGLog(), "nsJPEGDecoder::ProcessData -- entering"
                            " JPEG_DONE case");

    // Step 7: Finish decompression

    if (jpeg_finish_decompress(&mInfo) == FALSE) {
      MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
             ("} (I/O suspension after jpeg_finish_decompress() - DONE)"));
      return; // I/O suspension


    // we're done dude
    MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
           ("[this=%p] nsJPEGDecoder::ProcessData -- entering"
            " JPEG_SINK_NON_JPEG_TRAILER case\n", this));


  case JPEG_ERROR:
               "Should always return immediately after error and not re-enter "

  MOZ_LOG(GetJPEGDecoderAccountingLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
         ("} (end of function)"));
Example #6
STDMETHODIMP CDecWMV9::ProcessOutput()
  HRESULT hr = S_OK;
  DWORD dwStatus = 0;

  BYTE *pBuffer = GetBuffer(m_pRawBufferSize);
  CMediaBuffer *pOutBuffer = new CMediaBuffer(pBuffer, m_pRawBufferSize, true);

  DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER OutputBufferStructs[1];
  memset(&OutputBufferStructs[0], 0, sizeof(DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER));
  OutputBufferStructs[0].pBuffer  = pOutBuffer;

  hr = m_pDMO->ProcessOutput(0, 1, OutputBufferStructs, &dwStatus);
  if (FAILED(hr)) {
    DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 10, L"-> ProcessOutput failed with hr: %x", hr));
    return S_FALSE;
  if (hr == S_FALSE) {
    return S_FALSE;

  LAVFrame *pFrame = NULL;

  videoFormatTypeHandler(mtOut, &pBMI);
  pFrame->width     = pBMI->biWidth;
  pFrame->height    = pBMI->biHeight;
  pFrame->format    = m_OutPixFmt;
  pFrame->key_frame = (OutputBufferStructs[0].dwStatus & DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFERF_SYNCPOINT);

  AVRational display_aspect_ratio;
  int64_t num = (int64_t)m_StreamAR.num * pBMI->biWidth;
  int64_t den = (int64_t)m_StreamAR.den * pBMI->biHeight;
  av_reduce(&display_aspect_ratio.num, &display_aspect_ratio.den, num, den, 1 << 30);

  BYTE contentType = 0;
  DWORD dwPropSize = 1;
  pOutBuffer->GetProperty(WM_SampleExtensionGUID_ContentType, &contentType, &dwPropSize);
  pFrame->interlaced = !!(contentType & WM_CT_INTERLACED);
  pFrame->repeat     = !!(contentType & WM_CT_REPEAT_FIRST_FIELD);

  LAVDeintFieldOrder fo = m_pSettings->GetDeintFieldOrder();
  pFrame->tff           = (fo == DeintFieldOrder_Auto) ? !!(contentType & WM_CT_TOP_FIELD_FIRST) : (fo == DeintFieldOrder_TopFieldFirst);

  if (pFrame->interlaced && !m_bInterlaced)
    m_bInterlaced = TRUE;

  pFrame->interlaced = (pFrame->interlaced || (m_bInterlaced && m_pSettings->GetDeinterlacingMode() == DeintMode_Aggressive) || m_pSettings->GetDeinterlacingMode() == DeintMode_Force) && !(m_pSettings->GetDeinterlacingMode() == DeintMode_Disable);

  if (m_bManualReorder) {
    if (!m_timestampQueue.empty()) {
      pFrame->rtStart = m_timestampQueue.front();
      if (OutputBufferStructs[0].dwStatus & DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFERF_TIMELENGTH) {
        pFrame->rtStop = pFrame->rtStart + OutputBufferStructs[0].rtTimelength;
  } else {
    if (OutputBufferStructs[0].dwStatus & DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFERF_TIME) {
      pFrame->rtStart = OutputBufferStructs[0].rtTimestamp;
      if (OutputBufferStructs[0].dwStatus & DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFERF_TIMELENGTH) {
        pFrame->rtStop = pFrame->rtStart + OutputBufferStructs[0].rtTimelength;

  // Check alignment
  // If not properly aligned, we need to make the data aligned.
  int alignment = (m_OutPixFmt == LAVPixFmt_NV12) ? 16 : 32;
  if ((pFrame->width % alignment) != 0) {
    size_t ySize = pFrame->width * pFrame->height;
    memcpy_plane(pFrame->data[0], pBuffer, pFrame->width, pFrame->stride[0], pFrame->height);
    if (m_OutPixFmt == LAVPixFmt_NV12) {
      memcpy_plane(pFrame->data[1], pBuffer+ySize, pFrame->width, pFrame->stride[1], pFrame->height / 2);
    } else if (m_OutPixFmt == LAVPixFmt_YUV420) {
      size_t uvSize = ySize / 4;
      memcpy_plane(pFrame->data[2], pBuffer+ySize, pFrame->width / 2, pFrame->stride[2], pFrame->height / 2);
      memcpy_plane(pFrame->data[1], pBuffer+ySize+uvSize, pFrame->width / 2, pFrame->stride[1], pFrame->height / 2);
  } else {
    if (m_OutPixFmt == LAVPixFmt_NV12) {
      pFrame->data[0] = pBuffer;
      pFrame->data[1] = pBuffer + pFrame->width * pFrame->height;
      pFrame->stride[0] = pFrame->stride[1] = pFrame->width;
    } else if (m_OutPixFmt == LAVPixFmt_YUV420) {
      pFrame->data[0] = pBuffer;
      pFrame->data[2] = pBuffer + pFrame->width * pFrame->height;
      pFrame->data[1] = pFrame->data[2] + (pFrame->width / 2) * (pFrame->height / 2);
      pFrame->stride[0] = pFrame->width;
      pFrame->stride[1] = pFrame->stride[2] = pFrame->width / 2;
    pFrame->destruct = wmv9_buffer_destruct;
    pFrame->priv_data = this;


  if (OutputBufferStructs[0].dwStatus & DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFERF_INCOMPLETE)
    return ProcessOutput();
  return hr;
Example #7
  HRESULT hr = S_OK;
  DWORD dwStatus = 0;

  MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO outputInfo = {0};
  m_pMFT->GetOutputStreamInfo(0, &outputInfo);

  IMFMediaBuffer *pMFBuffer = nullptr;

  MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER OutputBuffer = {0};
  if (!(outputInfo.dwFlags & MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_PROVIDES_SAMPLES)) {
    pMFBuffer = GetBuffer(outputInfo.cbSize);
    if (!pMFBuffer) { DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 10, L"Unable to allocate media buffere")); return E_FAIL; }
    IMFSample *pSampleOut = nullptr;
    hr = MF.CreateSample(&pSampleOut);
    if (FAILED(hr)) { DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 10, L"Unable to allocate MF sample, hr: 0x%x", hr)); ReleaseBuffer(pMFBuffer); return E_FAIL; }
    OutputBuffer.pSample = pSampleOut;
  hr = m_pMFT->ProcessOutput(0, 1, &OutputBuffer, &dwStatus);

  // We don't process events, just release them

  // handle stream format changes
    hr = SelectOutputType();
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
      DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 10, L"-> Failed to handle stream change, hr: %x", hr));
      return E_FAIL;
    // try again with the new type, it should work now!
    return ProcessOutput();
  // the MFT generated no output, discard the sample and return
    return S_FALSE;
  // unknown error condition
  if (FAILED(hr)) {
    DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 10, L"-> ProcessOutput failed with hr: %x", hr));
    return E_FAIL;

  LAVFrame *pFrame = nullptr;

  IMFMediaType *pMTOut = nullptr;
  m_pMFT->GetOutputCurrentType(0, &pMTOut);

  MFGetAttributeSize(pMTOut, MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, (UINT32 *)&pFrame->width, (UINT32 *)&pFrame->height);
  pFrame->format = m_OutPixFmt;

  AVRational pixel_aspect_ratio = {1, 1};
  MFGetAttributeRatio(pMTOut, MF_MT_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO, (UINT32*)&pixel_aspect_ratio.num, (UINT32*)&pixel_aspect_ratio.den);

  AVRational display_aspect_ratio = {0, 0};
  av_reduce(&display_aspect_ratio.num, &display_aspect_ratio.den, (int64_t)pixel_aspect_ratio.num * pFrame->width, (int64_t)pixel_aspect_ratio.den * pFrame->height, INT_MAX);
  pFrame->aspect_ratio = display_aspect_ratio;

  pFrame->interlaced = MFGetAttributeUINT32(OutputBuffer.pSample, MFSampleExtension_Interlaced,       FALSE);
  pFrame->repeat     = MFGetAttributeUINT32(OutputBuffer.pSample, MFSampleExtension_RepeatFirstField, FALSE);

  LAVDeintFieldOrder fo = m_pSettings->GetDeintFieldOrder();
  pFrame->tff = (fo == DeintFieldOrder_Auto) ? !MFGetAttributeUINT32(OutputBuffer.pSample, MFSampleExtension_BottomFieldFirst, FALSE) : (fo == DeintFieldOrder_TopFieldFirst);

  if (pFrame->interlaced && !m_bInterlaced)
    m_bInterlaced = TRUE;

  pFrame->interlaced = (pFrame->interlaced || (m_bInterlaced && m_pSettings->GetDeinterlacingMode() == DeintMode_Aggressive) || m_pSettings->GetDeinterlacingMode() == DeintMode_Force) && !(m_pSettings->GetDeinterlacingMode() == DeintMode_Disable);

  pFrame->ext_format.VideoPrimaries         = MFGetAttributeUINT32(pMTOut, MF_MT_VIDEO_PRIMARIES,     MFVideoPrimaries_Unknown);
  pFrame->ext_format.VideoTransferFunction  = MFGetAttributeUINT32(pMTOut, MF_MT_TRANSFER_FUNCTION,   MFVideoTransFunc_Unknown);
  pFrame->ext_format.VideoTransferMatrix    = MFGetAttributeUINT32(pMTOut, MF_MT_YUV_MATRIX,          MFVideoTransferMatrix_Unknown);
  pFrame->ext_format.VideoChromaSubsampling = MFGetAttributeUINT32(pMTOut, MF_MT_VIDEO_CHROMA_SITING, MFVideoChromaSubsampling_Unknown);
  pFrame->ext_format.NominalRange           = MFGetAttributeUINT32(pMTOut, MF_MT_VIDEO_NOMINAL_RANGE, MFNominalRange_Unknown);

  // HACK: don't flag range=limited if its the only value set, since its also the implied default, this helps to avoid a reconnect
  // The MFT always sets this value, even if the bitstream says nothing about it, causing a reconnect on every vc1/wmv3 file
  if (pFrame->ext_format.value == 0x2000)
    pFrame->ext_format.value = 0;

  // Timestamps
  if (m_bManualReorder) {
    if (!m_timestampQueue.empty()) {
      pFrame->rtStart = m_timestampQueue.front();
      LONGLONG llDuration = 0;
      hr = OutputBuffer.pSample->GetSampleDuration(&llDuration);
      if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && llDuration > 0) {
        pFrame->rtStop = pFrame->rtStart + llDuration;
  } else {
    LONGLONG llTimestamp = 0;
    hr = OutputBuffer.pSample->GetSampleTime(&llTimestamp);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
      pFrame->rtStart = llTimestamp;
      LONGLONG llDuration = 0;
      hr = OutputBuffer.pSample->GetSampleDuration(&llDuration);
      if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && llDuration > 0) {
        pFrame->rtStop = pFrame->rtStart + llDuration;


  // Lock memory in the buffer
  BYTE *pBuffer = nullptr;
  pMFBuffer->Lock(&pBuffer, NULL, NULL);

  // Check alignment
  // If not properly aligned, we need to make the data aligned.
  int alignment = (m_OutPixFmt == LAVPixFmt_NV12) ? 16 : 32;
  if ((pFrame->width % alignment) != 0) {
    hr = AllocLAVFrameBuffers(pFrame);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
      return hr;
    size_t ySize = pFrame->width * pFrame->height;
    memcpy_plane(pFrame->data[0], pBuffer, pFrame->width, pFrame->stride[0], pFrame->height);
    if (m_OutPixFmt == LAVPixFmt_NV12) {
      memcpy_plane(pFrame->data[1], pBuffer + ySize, pFrame->width, pFrame->stride[1], pFrame->height / 2);
    } else if (m_OutPixFmt == LAVPixFmt_YUV420) {
      size_t uvSize = ySize / 4;
      memcpy_plane(pFrame->data[2], pBuffer + ySize, pFrame->width / 2, pFrame->stride[2], pFrame->height / 2);
      memcpy_plane(pFrame->data[1], pBuffer + ySize + uvSize, pFrame->width / 2, pFrame->stride[1], pFrame->height / 2);
  } else {
    if (m_OutPixFmt == LAVPixFmt_NV12) {
      pFrame->data[0] = pBuffer;
      pFrame->data[1] = pBuffer + pFrame->width * pFrame->height;
      pFrame->stride[0] = pFrame->stride[1] = pFrame->width;
    } else if (m_OutPixFmt == LAVPixFmt_YUV420) {
      pFrame->data[0] = pBuffer;
      pFrame->data[2] = pBuffer + pFrame->width * pFrame->height;
      pFrame->data[1] = pFrame->data[2] + (pFrame->width / 2) * (pFrame->height / 2);
      pFrame->stride[0] = pFrame->width;
      pFrame->stride[1] = pFrame->stride[2] = pFrame->width / 2;
    pFrame->data[3] = (BYTE *)pMFBuffer;
    pFrame->destruct = wmv9_buffer_destruct;
    pFrame->priv_data = this;


  if (OutputBuffer.dwStatus == MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_INCOMPLETE)
    return ProcessOutput();
  return hr;
nsJPEGDecoder::ReadJPEGData(const char* aData, size_t aLength)
  mSegment = reinterpret_cast<const JOCTET*>(aData);
  mSegmentLen = aLength;

  // Return here if there is a fatal error within libjpeg.
  nsresult error_code;
  // This cast to nsresult makes sense because setjmp() returns whatever we
  // passed to longjmp(), which was actually an nsresult.
  if ((error_code = static_cast<nsresult>(setjmp(mErr.setjmp_buffer))) != NS_OK) {
    if (error_code == NS_ERROR_FAILURE) {
      // Error due to corrupt data. Make sure that we don't feed any more data
      // to libjpeg-turbo.
      MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
             ("} (setjmp returned NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"));
    } else {
      // Error for another reason. (Possibly OOM.)
      mState = JPEG_ERROR;
      MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
             ("} (setjmp returned an error)"));

    return Transition::TerminateFailure();

  MOZ_LOG(sJPEGLog, LogLevel::Debug,
         ("[this=%p] nsJPEGDecoder::Write -- processing JPEG data\n", this));

  switch (mState) {
    case JPEG_HEADER: {
      LOG_SCOPE((mozilla::LogModule*)sJPEGLog, "nsJPEGDecoder::Write -- entering JPEG_HEADER"
                " case");

      // Step 3: read file parameters with jpeg_read_header()
      if (jpeg_read_header(&mInfo, TRUE) == JPEG_SUSPENDED) {
        MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
               ("} (JPEG_SUSPENDED)"));
        return Transition::ContinueUnbuffered(State::JPEG_DATA); // I/O suspension

      // Post our size to the superclass
      PostSize(mInfo.image_width, mInfo.image_height,
      if (HasError()) {
        // Setting the size led to an error.
        mState = JPEG_ERROR;
        return Transition::TerminateFailure();

      // If we're doing a metadata decode, we're done.
      if (IsMetadataDecode()) {
        return Transition::TerminateSuccess();

      // We're doing a full decode.
      if (mCMSMode != eCMSMode_Off &&
          (mInProfile = GetICCProfile(mInfo)) != nullptr) {
        uint32_t profileSpace = qcms_profile_get_color_space(mInProfile);
        bool mismatch = false;

#ifdef DEBUG_tor
      fprintf(stderr, "JPEG profileSpace: 0x%08X\n", profileSpace);
      switch (mInfo.jpeg_color_space) {
        case JCS_GRAYSCALE:
          if (profileSpace == icSigRgbData) {
            mInfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
          } else if (profileSpace != icSigGrayData) {
            mismatch = true;
        case JCS_RGB:
          if (profileSpace != icSigRgbData) {
            mismatch =  true;
        case JCS_YCbCr:
          if (profileSpace == icSigRgbData) {
            mInfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
          } else {
            // qcms doesn't support ycbcr
            mismatch = true;
        case JCS_CMYK:
        case JCS_YCCK:
            // qcms doesn't support cmyk
            mismatch = true;
          mState = JPEG_ERROR;
          MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
                 ("} (unknown colorpsace (1))"));
          return Transition::TerminateFailure();

      if (!mismatch) {
        qcms_data_type type;
        switch (mInfo.out_color_space) {
          case JCS_GRAYSCALE:
            type = QCMS_DATA_GRAY_8;
          case JCS_RGB:
            type = QCMS_DATA_RGB_8;
            mState = JPEG_ERROR;
            MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
                   ("} (unknown colorpsace (2))"));
            return Transition::TerminateFailure();
#if 0
        // We don't currently support CMYK profiles. The following
        // code dealt with lcms types. Add something like this
        // back when we gain support for CMYK.

        // Adobe Photoshop writes YCCK/CMYK files with inverted data
        if (mInfo.out_color_space == JCS_CMYK) {
          type |= FLAVOR_SH(mInfo.saw_Adobe_marker ? 1 : 0);

        if (gfxPlatform::GetCMSOutputProfile()) {

          // Calculate rendering intent.
          int intent = gfxPlatform::GetRenderingIntent();
          if (intent == -1) {
            intent = qcms_profile_get_rendering_intent(mInProfile);

          // Create the color management transform.
          mTransform = qcms_transform_create(mInProfile,
      } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_tor
        fprintf(stderr, "ICM profile colorspace mismatch\n");

    if (!mTransform) {
      switch (mInfo.jpeg_color_space) {
        case JCS_GRAYSCALE:
        case JCS_RGB:
        case JCS_YCbCr:
          // if we're not color managing we can decode directly to
          if (mCMSMode != eCMSMode_All) {
              mInfo.out_color_space = MOZ_JCS_EXT_NATIVE_ENDIAN_XRGB;
              mInfo.out_color_components = 4;
          } else {
              mInfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
        case JCS_CMYK:
        case JCS_YCCK:
          // libjpeg can convert from YCCK to CMYK, but not to RGB
          mInfo.out_color_space = JCS_CMYK;
          mState = JPEG_ERROR;
          MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
                 ("} (unknown colorpsace (3))"));
          return Transition::TerminateFailure();

    // Don't allocate a giant and superfluous memory buffer
    // when not doing a progressive decode.
    mInfo.buffered_image = mDecodeStyle == PROGRESSIVE &&

    /* Used to set up image size so arrays can be allocated */

    MOZ_ASSERT(!mImageData, "Already have a buffer allocated?");
    nsresult rv = AllocateFrame(/* aFrameNum = */ 0, OutputSize(),
                                FullOutputFrame(), SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      mState = JPEG_ERROR;
      MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
             ("} (could not initialize image frame)"));
      return Transition::TerminateFailure();

    MOZ_ASSERT(mImageData, "Should have a buffer now");

    if (mDownscaler) {
      nsresult rv = mDownscaler->BeginFrame(Size(), Nothing(),
                                            /* aHasAlpha = */ false);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
        mState = JPEG_ERROR;
        return Transition::TerminateFailure();

    MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
           ("        JPEGDecoderAccounting: nsJPEGDecoder::"
            "Write -- created image frame with %ux%u pixels",
            mInfo.image_width, mInfo.image_height));

    MOZ_FALLTHROUGH; // to start decompressing.

    LOG_SCOPE((mozilla::LogModule*)sJPEGLog, "nsJPEGDecoder::Write -- entering"
                            " JPEG_START_DECOMPRESS case");
    // Step 4: set parameters for decompression

    // FIXME -- Should reset dct_method and dither mode
    // for final pass of progressive JPEG

    mInfo.dct_method =  JDCT_ISLOW;
    mInfo.dither_mode = JDITHER_FS;
    mInfo.do_fancy_upsampling = TRUE;
    mInfo.enable_2pass_quant = FALSE;
    mInfo.do_block_smoothing = TRUE;

    // Step 5: Start decompressor
    if (jpeg_start_decompress(&mInfo) == FALSE) {
      MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
             ("} (I/O suspension after jpeg_start_decompress())"));
      return Transition::ContinueUnbuffered(State::JPEG_DATA); // I/O suspension

    // If this is a progressive JPEG ...
    mState = mInfo.buffered_image ?
    MOZ_FALLTHROUGH; // to decompress sequential JPEG.

      LOG_SCOPE((mozilla::LogModule*)sJPEGLog, "nsJPEGDecoder::Write -- "
                              "JPEG_DECOMPRESS_SEQUENTIAL case");

      bool suspend;

      if (suspend) {
        MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
               ("} (I/O suspension after OutputScanlines() - SEQUENTIAL)"));
        return Transition::ContinueUnbuffered(State::JPEG_DATA); // I/O suspension

      // If we've completed image output ...
      NS_ASSERTION(mInfo.output_scanline == mInfo.output_height,
                   "We didn't process all of the data!");
      mState = JPEG_DONE;
    MOZ_FALLTHROUGH; // to decompress progressive JPEG.

                "nsJPEGDecoder::Write -- JPEG_DECOMPRESS_PROGRESSIVE case");

      int status;
      do {
        status = jpeg_consume_input(&mInfo);
      } while ((status != JPEG_SUSPENDED) &&
               (status != JPEG_REACHED_EOI));

      for (;;) {
        if (mInfo.output_scanline == 0) {
          int scan = mInfo.input_scan_number;

          // if we haven't displayed anything yet (output_scan_number==0)
          // and we have enough data for a complete scan, force output
          // of the last full scan
          if ((mInfo.output_scan_number == 0) &&
              (scan > 1) &&
              (status != JPEG_REACHED_EOI))

          if (!jpeg_start_output(&mInfo, scan)) {
            MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
                   ("} (I/O suspension after jpeg_start_output() -"
                    " PROGRESSIVE)"));
            return Transition::ContinueUnbuffered(State::JPEG_DATA); // I/O suspension

        if (mInfo.output_scanline == 0xffffff) {
          mInfo.output_scanline = 0;

        bool suspend;

        if (suspend) {
          if (mInfo.output_scanline == 0) {
            // didn't manage to read any lines - flag so we don't call
            // jpeg_start_output() multiple times for the same scan
            mInfo.output_scanline = 0xffffff;
          MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
                 ("} (I/O suspension after OutputScanlines() - PROGRESSIVE)"));
          return Transition::ContinueUnbuffered(State::JPEG_DATA); // I/O suspension

        if (mInfo.output_scanline == mInfo.output_height) {
          if (!jpeg_finish_output(&mInfo)) {
            MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
                   ("} (I/O suspension after jpeg_finish_output() -"
                    " PROGRESSIVE)"));
            return Transition::ContinueUnbuffered(State::JPEG_DATA); // I/O suspension

          if (jpeg_input_complete(&mInfo) &&
              (mInfo.input_scan_number == mInfo.output_scan_number))

          mInfo.output_scanline = 0;
          if (mDownscaler) {

      mState = JPEG_DONE;
    MOZ_FALLTHROUGH; // to finish decompressing.

  case JPEG_DONE: {
    LOG_SCOPE((mozilla::LogModule*)sJPEGLog, "nsJPEGDecoder::ProcessData -- entering"
                            " JPEG_DONE case");

    // Step 7: Finish decompression

    if (jpeg_finish_decompress(&mInfo) == FALSE) {
      MOZ_LOG(sJPEGDecoderAccountingLog, LogLevel::Debug,
             ("} (I/O suspension after jpeg_finish_decompress() - DONE)"));
      return Transition::ContinueUnbuffered(State::JPEG_DATA); // I/O suspension

    // Make sure we don't feed any more data to libjpeg-turbo.

    // We're done.
    return Transition::TerminateSuccess();
    MOZ_LOG(sJPEGLog, LogLevel::Debug,
           ("[this=%p] nsJPEGDecoder::ProcessData -- entering"
            " JPEG_SINK_NON_JPEG_TRAILER case\n", this));

    MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Should stop getting data after entering state "

    return Transition::TerminateSuccess();

  case JPEG_ERROR:
    MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Should stop getting data after entering state "

    return Transition::TerminateFailure();

  MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Escaped the JPEG decoder state machine");
  return Transition::TerminateFailure();
Example #9
STDMETHODIMP CDecAvcodec::Decode(const BYTE *buffer, int buflen, REFERENCE_TIME rtStartIn, REFERENCE_TIME rtStopIn, BOOL bSyncPoint, BOOL bDiscontinuity)
  int     got_picture = 0;
  int     used_bytes  = 0;
  BOOL    bParserFrame = FALSE;
  BOOL    bFlush = (buffer == NULL);
  BOOL    bEndOfSequence = FALSE;

  AVPacket avpkt;

  if (m_pAVCtx->active_thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME) {
    if (!m_bFFReordering) {
      m_tcThreadBuffer[m_CurrentThread].rtStart = rtStartIn;
      m_tcThreadBuffer[m_CurrentThread].rtStop  = rtStopIn;

    m_CurrentThread = (m_CurrentThread + 1) % m_pAVCtx->thread_count;
  } else if (m_bBFrameDelay) {
    m_tcBFrameDelay[m_nBFramePos].rtStart = rtStartIn;
    m_tcBFrameDelay[m_nBFramePos].rtStop = rtStopIn;
    m_nBFramePos = !m_nBFramePos;

  uint8_t *pDataBuffer = NULL;
  if (!bFlush && buflen > 0) {
    if (!m_bInputPadded && (!(m_pAVCtx->active_thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME) || m_pParser)) {
      // Copy bitstream into temporary buffer to ensure overread protection
      // Verify buffer size
      if (buflen > m_nFFBufferSize) {
        m_nFFBufferSize	= buflen;
        m_pFFBuffer = (BYTE *)av_realloc_f(m_pFFBuffer, m_nFFBufferSize + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE, 1);
        if (!m_pFFBuffer) {
          m_nFFBufferSize = 0;
          return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
      memcpy(m_pFFBuffer, buffer, buflen);
      memset(m_pFFBuffer+buflen, 0, FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
      pDataBuffer = m_pFFBuffer;
    } else {
      pDataBuffer = (uint8_t *)buffer;

    if (m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) {
      BOOL bRecovered = m_h264RandomAccess.searchRecoveryPoint(pDataBuffer, buflen);
      if (!bRecovered) {
        return S_OK;
    } else if (m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_VP8 && m_bWaitingForKeyFrame) {
      if (!(pDataBuffer[0] & 1)) {
        DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 10, L"::Decode(): Found VP8 key-frame, resuming decoding"));
        m_bWaitingForKeyFrame = FALSE;
      } else {
        return S_OK;

  while (buflen > 0 || bFlush) {
    REFERENCE_TIME rtStart = rtStartIn, rtStop = rtStopIn;

    if (!bFlush) {
      avpkt.data = pDataBuffer;
      avpkt.size = buflen;
      avpkt.pts = rtStartIn;
      if (rtStartIn != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && rtStopIn != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
        avpkt.duration = (int)(rtStopIn - rtStartIn);
        avpkt.duration = 0;
      avpkt.flags = AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;

      if (m_bHasPalette) {
        m_bHasPalette = FALSE;
        uint32_t *pal = (uint32_t *)av_packet_new_side_data(&avpkt, AV_PKT_DATA_PALETTE, AVPALETTE_SIZE);
        int pal_size = FFMIN((1 << m_pAVCtx->bits_per_coded_sample) << 2, m_pAVCtx->extradata_size);
        uint8_t *pal_src = m_pAVCtx->extradata + m_pAVCtx->extradata_size - pal_size;

        for (int i = 0; i < pal_size/4; i++)
          pal[i] = 0xFF<<24 | AV_RL32(pal_src+4*i);
    } else {
      avpkt.data = NULL;
      avpkt.size = 0;

    // Parse the data if a parser is present
    // This is mandatory for MPEG-1/2
    if (m_pParser) {
      BYTE *pOut = NULL;
      int pOut_size = 0;

      used_bytes = av_parser_parse2(m_pParser, m_pAVCtx, &pOut, &pOut_size, avpkt.data, avpkt.size, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, 0);

      if (used_bytes == 0 && pOut_size == 0 && !bFlush) {
        DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 50, L"::Decode() - could not process buffer, starving?"));

      // Update start time cache
      // If more data was read then output, update the cache (incomplete frame)
      // If output is bigger, a frame was completed, update the actual rtStart with the cached value, and then overwrite the cache
      if (used_bytes > pOut_size) {
        if (rtStartIn != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
          m_rtStartCache = rtStartIn;
      } else if (used_bytes == pOut_size || ((used_bytes + 9) == pOut_size)) {
        // Why +9 above?
        // Well, apparently there are some broken MKV muxers that like to mux the MPEG-2 PICTURE_START_CODE block (which is 9 bytes) in the package with the previous frame
        // This would cause the frame timestamps to be delayed by one frame exactly, and cause timestamp reordering to go wrong.
        // So instead of failing on those samples, lets just assume that 9 bytes are that case exactly.
        m_rtStartCache = rtStartIn = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
      } else if (pOut_size > used_bytes) {
        rtStart = m_rtStartCache;
        m_rtStartCache = rtStartIn;
        // The value was used once, don't use it for multiple frames, that ends up in weird timings
        rtStartIn = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;

       bParserFrame = (pOut_size > 0);

      if (pOut_size > 0 || bFlush) {

        if (pOut && pOut_size > 0) {
          if (pOut_size > m_nFFBufferSize2) {
            m_nFFBufferSize2	= pOut_size;
            m_pFFBuffer2 = (BYTE *)av_realloc_f(m_pFFBuffer2, m_nFFBufferSize2 + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE, 1);
            if (!m_pFFBuffer2) {
              m_nFFBufferSize2 = 0;
              return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
          memcpy(m_pFFBuffer2, pOut, pOut_size);
          memset(m_pFFBuffer2+pOut_size, 0, FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);

          avpkt.data = m_pFFBuffer2;
          avpkt.size = pOut_size;
          avpkt.pts = rtStart;
          avpkt.duration = 0;

          const uint8_t *eosmarker = CheckForEndOfSequence(m_nCodecId, avpkt.data, avpkt.size, &m_MpegParserState);
          if (eosmarker) {
            bEndOfSequence = TRUE;
        } else {
          avpkt.data = NULL;
          avpkt.size = 0;

        int ret2 = avcodec_decode_video2 (m_pAVCtx, m_pFrame, &got_picture, &avpkt);
        if (ret2 < 0) {
          DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 50, L"::Decode() - decoding failed despite successfull parsing"));
          got_picture = 0;
      } else {
        got_picture = 0;
    } else {
      used_bytes = avcodec_decode_video2 (m_pAVCtx, m_pFrame, &got_picture, &avpkt);

    if (FAILED(PostDecode())) {
      return E_FAIL;

    // Decoding of this frame failed ... oh well!
    if (used_bytes < 0) {
      return S_OK;

    // When Frame Threading, we won't know how much data has been consumed, so it by default eats everything.
    // In addition, if no data got consumed, and no picture was extracted, the frame probably isn't all that useufl.
    // The MJPEB decoder is somewhat buggy and doesn't let us know how much data was consumed really...
    if ((!m_pParser && (m_pAVCtx->active_thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME || (!got_picture && used_bytes == 0))) || m_bNoBufferConsumption || bFlush) {
      buflen = 0;
    } else {
      buflen -= used_bytes;
      pDataBuffer += used_bytes;

    // Judge frame usability
    // This determines if a frame is artifact free and can be delivered
    // For H264 this does some wicked magic hidden away in the H264RandomAccess class
    // MPEG-2 and VC-1 just wait for a keyframe..
    if (m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_H264 && (bParserFrame || !m_pParser || got_picture)) {
      m_h264RandomAccess.judgeFrameUsability(m_pFrame, &got_picture);
    } else if (m_bResumeAtKeyFrame) {
      if (m_bWaitingForKeyFrame && got_picture) {
        if (m_pFrame->key_frame) {
          DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 50, L"::Decode() - Found Key-Frame, resuming decoding at %I64d", m_pFrame->pkt_pts));
          m_bWaitingForKeyFrame = FALSE;
        } else {
          got_picture = 0;

    // Handle B-frame delay for frame threading codecs
    if ((m_pAVCtx->active_thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME) && m_bBFrameDelay) {
      m_tcBFrameDelay[m_nBFramePos] = m_tcThreadBuffer[m_CurrentThread];
      m_nBFramePos = !m_nBFramePos;

    if (!got_picture || !m_pFrame->data[0]) {
      if (!avpkt.size)
        bFlush = FALSE; // End flushing, no more frames

    // Determine the proper timestamps for the frame, based on different possible flags.
    if (m_bFFReordering) {
      rtStart = m_pFrame->pkt_pts;
      if (m_pFrame->pkt_duration)
        rtStop = m_pFrame->pkt_pts + m_pFrame->pkt_duration;
        rtStop = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
    } else if (m_bBFrameDelay && m_pAVCtx->has_b_frames) {
      rtStart = m_tcBFrameDelay[m_nBFramePos].rtStart;
      rtStop  = m_tcBFrameDelay[m_nBFramePos].rtStop;
    } else if (m_pAVCtx->active_thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME) {
      unsigned index = m_CurrentThread;
      rtStart = m_tcThreadBuffer[index].rtStart;
      rtStop  = m_tcThreadBuffer[index].rtStop;

    if (m_bRVDropBFrameTimings && m_pFrame->pict_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B) {
      rtStart = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;

    if (m_bCalculateStopTime)
      rtStop = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;

    // All required values collected, deliver the frame
    LAVFrame *pOutFrame = NULL;

    AVRational display_aspect_ratio;
    int64_t num = (int64_t)m_pFrame->sample_aspect_ratio.num * m_pFrame->width;
    int64_t den = (int64_t)m_pFrame->sample_aspect_ratio.den * m_pFrame->height;
    av_reduce(&display_aspect_ratio.num, &display_aspect_ratio.den, num, den, 1 << 30);

    pOutFrame->width        = m_pFrame->width;
    pOutFrame->height       = m_pFrame->height;
    pOutFrame->aspect_ratio = display_aspect_ratio;
    pOutFrame->repeat       = m_pFrame->repeat_pict;
    pOutFrame->key_frame    = m_pFrame->key_frame;
    pOutFrame->frame_type   = av_get_picture_type_char(m_pFrame->pict_type);
    pOutFrame->ext_format   = GetDXVA2ExtendedFlags(m_pAVCtx, m_pFrame);

    if (m_pFrame->interlaced_frame || (!m_pAVCtx->progressive_sequence && (m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_H264 || m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO)))
      m_iInterlaced = 1;
    else if (m_pAVCtx->progressive_sequence)
      m_iInterlaced = 0;

    pOutFrame->interlaced   = (m_pFrame->interlaced_frame || (m_iInterlaced == 1 && m_pSettings->GetDeinterlacingMode() == DeintMode_Aggressive) || m_pSettings->GetDeinterlacingMode() == DeintMode_Force) && !(m_pSettings->GetDeinterlacingMode() == DeintMode_Disable);

    LAVDeintFieldOrder fo   = m_pSettings->GetDeintFieldOrder();
    pOutFrame->tff          = (fo == DeintFieldOrder_Auto) ? m_pFrame->top_field_first : (fo == DeintFieldOrder_TopFieldFirst);

    pOutFrame->rtStart      = rtStart;
    pOutFrame->rtStop       = rtStop;

    PixelFormatMapping map  = getPixFmtMapping((AVPixelFormat)m_pFrame->format);
    pOutFrame->format       = map.lavpixfmt;
    pOutFrame->bpp          = map.bpp;

    if (m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO || m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO)
      pOutFrame->avgFrameDuration = GetFrameDuration();

    if (map.conversion) {
      ConvertPixFmt(m_pFrame, pOutFrame);
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        pOutFrame->data[i]   = m_pFrame->data[i];
        pOutFrame->stride[i] = m_pFrame->linesize[i];

      pOutFrame->priv_data = av_frame_alloc();
      av_frame_ref((AVFrame *)pOutFrame->priv_data, m_pFrame);
      pOutFrame->destruct  = lav_avframe_free;

    if (bEndOfSequence)
      pOutFrame->flags |= LAV_FRAME_FLAG_END_OF_SEQUENCE;

    if (pOutFrame->format == LAVPixFmt_DXVA2) {
      pOutFrame->data[0] = m_pFrame->data[4];
    } else {

    if (bEndOfSequence) {
      bEndOfSequence = FALSE;
      if (pOutFrame->format == LAVPixFmt_DXVA2) {
      } else {

    if (bFlush) {
      m_CurrentThread = (m_CurrentThread + 1) % m_pAVCtx->thread_count;

  return S_OK;
Example #10
STDMETHODIMP CDecAvcodec::Decode(const BYTE *buffer, int buflen, REFERENCE_TIME rtStartIn, REFERENCE_TIME rtStopIn, BOOL bSyncPoint, BOOL bDiscontinuity)
  CheckPointer(m_pAVCtx, E_UNEXPECTED);

  int     got_picture = 0;
  int     used_bytes  = 0;
  BOOL    bFlush = (buffer == nullptr);
  BOOL    bEndOfSequence = FALSE;

  AVPacket avpkt;

  if (m_pAVCtx->active_thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME) {
    if (!m_bFFReordering) {
      m_tcThreadBuffer[m_CurrentThread].rtStart = rtStartIn;
      m_tcThreadBuffer[m_CurrentThread].rtStop  = rtStopIn;

    m_CurrentThread = (m_CurrentThread + 1) % m_pAVCtx->thread_count;
  } else if (m_bBFrameDelay) {
    m_tcBFrameDelay[m_nBFramePos].rtStart = rtStartIn;
    m_tcBFrameDelay[m_nBFramePos].rtStop = rtStopIn;
    m_nBFramePos = !m_nBFramePos;

  uint8_t *pDataBuffer = nullptr;
  if (!bFlush && buflen > 0) {
    if (!m_bInputPadded && (!(m_pAVCtx->active_thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME) || m_pParser)) {
      // Copy bitstream into temporary buffer to ensure overread protection
      // Verify buffer size
      if (buflen > m_nFFBufferSize) {
        m_nFFBufferSize	= buflen;
        m_pFFBuffer = (BYTE *)av_realloc_f(m_pFFBuffer, m_nFFBufferSize + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE, 1);
        if (!m_pFFBuffer) {
          m_nFFBufferSize = 0;
          return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
      memcpy(m_pFFBuffer, buffer, buflen);
      memset(m_pFFBuffer+buflen, 0, FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
      pDataBuffer = m_pFFBuffer;
    } else {
      pDataBuffer = (uint8_t *)buffer;

    if (m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_VP8 && m_bWaitingForKeyFrame) {
      if (!(pDataBuffer[0] & 1)) {
        DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 10, L"::Decode(): Found VP8 key-frame, resuming decoding"));
        m_bWaitingForKeyFrame = FALSE;
      } else {
        return S_OK;

  while (buflen > 0 || bFlush) {
    REFERENCE_TIME rtStart = rtStartIn, rtStop = rtStopIn;

    if (!bFlush) {
      avpkt.data = pDataBuffer;
      avpkt.size = buflen;
      avpkt.pts = rtStartIn;
      if (rtStartIn != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && rtStopIn != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
        avpkt.duration = (int)(rtStopIn - rtStartIn);
        avpkt.duration = 0;
      avpkt.flags = AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;

      if (m_bHasPalette) {
        m_bHasPalette = FALSE;
        uint32_t *pal = (uint32_t *)av_packet_new_side_data(&avpkt, AV_PKT_DATA_PALETTE, AVPALETTE_SIZE);
        int pal_size = FFMIN((1 << m_pAVCtx->bits_per_coded_sample) << 2, m_pAVCtx->extradata_size);
        uint8_t *pal_src = m_pAVCtx->extradata + m_pAVCtx->extradata_size - pal_size;

        for (int i = 0; i < pal_size/4; i++)
          pal[i] = 0xFF<<24 | AV_RL32(pal_src+4*i);
    } else {
      avpkt.data = nullptr;
      avpkt.size = 0;

    // Parse the data if a parser is present
    // This is mandatory for MPEG-1/2
    if (m_pParser) {
      BYTE *pOut = nullptr;
      int pOut_size = 0;

      used_bytes = av_parser_parse2(m_pParser, m_pAVCtx, &pOut, &pOut_size, avpkt.data, avpkt.size, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, 0);

      if (used_bytes == 0 && pOut_size == 0 && !bFlush) {
        DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 50, L"::Decode() - could not process buffer, starving?"));
      } else if (used_bytes > 0) {
        buflen -= used_bytes;
        pDataBuffer += used_bytes;

      // Update start time cache
      // If more data was read then output, update the cache (incomplete frame)
      // If output is bigger, a frame was completed, update the actual rtStart with the cached value, and then overwrite the cache
      if (used_bytes > pOut_size) {
        if (rtStartIn != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
          m_rtStartCache = rtStartIn;
      } else if (used_bytes == pOut_size || ((used_bytes + 9) == pOut_size)) {
        // Why +9 above?
        // Well, apparently there are some broken MKV muxers that like to mux the MPEG-2 PICTURE_START_CODE block (which is 9 bytes) in the package with the previous frame
        // This would cause the frame timestamps to be delayed by one frame exactly, and cause timestamp reordering to go wrong.
        // So instead of failing on those samples, lets just assume that 9 bytes are that case exactly.
        m_rtStartCache = rtStartIn = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
      } else if (pOut_size > used_bytes) {
        rtStart = m_rtStartCache;
        m_rtStartCache = rtStartIn;
        // The value was used once, don't use it for multiple frames, that ends up in weird timings
        rtStartIn = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;

      if (pOut_size > 0 || bFlush) {

        if (pOut && pOut_size > 0) {
          if (pOut_size > m_nFFBufferSize2) {
            m_nFFBufferSize2	= pOut_size;
            m_pFFBuffer2 = (BYTE *)av_realloc_f(m_pFFBuffer2, m_nFFBufferSize2 + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE, 1);
            if (!m_pFFBuffer2) {
              m_nFFBufferSize2 = 0;
              return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
          memcpy(m_pFFBuffer2, pOut, pOut_size);
          memset(m_pFFBuffer2+pOut_size, 0, FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);

          avpkt.data = m_pFFBuffer2;
          avpkt.size = pOut_size;
          avpkt.pts = rtStart;
          avpkt.duration = 0;

          const uint8_t *eosmarker = CheckForEndOfSequence(m_nCodecId, avpkt.data, avpkt.size, &m_MpegParserState);
          if (eosmarker) {
            bEndOfSequence = TRUE;
        } else {
          avpkt.data = nullptr;
          avpkt.size = 0;

        int ret2 = avcodec_decode_video2 (m_pAVCtx, m_pFrame, &got_picture, &avpkt);
        if (ret2 < 0) {
          DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 50, L"::Decode() - decoding failed despite successfull parsing"));
          got_picture = 0;
      } else {
        got_picture = 0;
    } else {
      used_bytes = avcodec_decode_video2 (m_pAVCtx, m_pFrame, &got_picture, &avpkt);
      buflen = 0;

    if (FAILED(PostDecode())) {
      return E_FAIL;

    // Decoding of this frame failed ... oh well!
    if (used_bytes < 0) {
      return S_OK;

    // Judge frame usability
    // This determines if a frame is artifact free and can be delivered.
    if (m_bResumeAtKeyFrame) {
      if (m_bWaitingForKeyFrame && got_picture) {
        if (m_pFrame->key_frame) {
          DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 50, L"::Decode() - Found Key-Frame, resuming decoding at %I64d", m_pFrame->pkt_pts));
          m_bWaitingForKeyFrame = FALSE;
        } else {
          got_picture = 0;

    // Handle B-frame delay for frame threading codecs
    if ((m_pAVCtx->active_thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME) && m_bBFrameDelay) {
      m_tcBFrameDelay[m_nBFramePos] = m_tcThreadBuffer[m_CurrentThread];
      m_nBFramePos = !m_nBFramePos;

    if (!got_picture || !m_pFrame->data[0]) {
      if (!avpkt.size)
        bFlush = FALSE; // End flushing, no more frames

    // Determine the proper timestamps for the frame, based on different possible flags.
    if (m_bFFReordering) {
      rtStart = m_pFrame->pkt_pts;
      if (m_pFrame->pkt_duration)
        rtStop = m_pFrame->pkt_pts + m_pFrame->pkt_duration;
        rtStop = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
    } else if (m_bBFrameDelay && m_pAVCtx->has_b_frames) {
      rtStart = m_tcBFrameDelay[m_nBFramePos].rtStart;
      rtStop  = m_tcBFrameDelay[m_nBFramePos].rtStop;
    } else if (m_pAVCtx->active_thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME) {
      unsigned index = m_CurrentThread;
      rtStart = m_tcThreadBuffer[index].rtStart;
      rtStop  = m_tcThreadBuffer[index].rtStop;

    if (m_bRVDropBFrameTimings && m_pFrame->pict_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B) {
      rtStart = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;

    if (m_bCalculateStopTime)
      rtStop = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;

    // All required values collected, deliver the frame
    LAVFrame *pOutFrame = nullptr;

    AVRational display_aspect_ratio;
    int64_t num = (int64_t)m_pFrame->sample_aspect_ratio.num * m_pFrame->width;
    int64_t den = (int64_t)m_pFrame->sample_aspect_ratio.den * m_pFrame->height;
    av_reduce(&display_aspect_ratio.num, &display_aspect_ratio.den, num, den, INT_MAX);

    pOutFrame->width        = m_pFrame->width;
    pOutFrame->height       = m_pFrame->height;
    pOutFrame->aspect_ratio = display_aspect_ratio;
    pOutFrame->repeat       = m_pFrame->repeat_pict;
    pOutFrame->key_frame    = m_pFrame->key_frame;
    pOutFrame->frame_type   = av_get_picture_type_char(m_pFrame->pict_type);
    pOutFrame->ext_format   = GetDXVA2ExtendedFlags(m_pAVCtx, m_pFrame);

    if (m_pFrame->interlaced_frame || (!m_pAVCtx->progressive_sequence && (m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_H264 || m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO)))
      m_iInterlaced = 1;
    else if (m_pAVCtx->progressive_sequence)
      m_iInterlaced = 0;

    if ((m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_H264 || m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO) && m_pFrame->repeat_pict)
      m_nSoftTelecine = 2;
    else if (m_nSoftTelecine > 0)

    // Don't apply aggressive deinterlacing to content that looks soft-telecined, as it would destroy the content
    bool bAggressiveFlag    = (m_iInterlaced == 1 && m_pSettings->GetDeinterlacingMode() == DeintMode_Aggressive) && !m_nSoftTelecine;

    pOutFrame->interlaced   = (m_pFrame->interlaced_frame || bAggressiveFlag || m_pSettings->GetDeinterlacingMode() == DeintMode_Force) && !(m_pSettings->GetDeinterlacingMode() == DeintMode_Disable);

    LAVDeintFieldOrder fo   = m_pSettings->GetDeintFieldOrder();
    pOutFrame->tff          = (fo == DeintFieldOrder_Auto) ? m_pFrame->top_field_first : (fo == DeintFieldOrder_TopFieldFirst);

    pOutFrame->rtStart      = rtStart;
    pOutFrame->rtStop       = rtStop;

    PixelFormatMapping map  = getPixFmtMapping((AVPixelFormat)m_pFrame->format);
    pOutFrame->format       = map.lavpixfmt;
    pOutFrame->bpp          = map.bpp;

    if (m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO || m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO)
      pOutFrame->avgFrameDuration = GetFrameDuration();

    AVFrameSideData * sdHDR = av_frame_get_side_data(m_pFrame, AV_FRAME_DATA_HDR_MASTERING_INFO);
    if (sdHDR) {
      if (sdHDR->size == 24) {
        MediaSideDataHDR * hdr = (MediaSideDataHDR *)AddLAVFrameSideData(pOutFrame, IID_MediaSideDataHDR, sizeof(MediaSideDataHDR));
        if (hdr) {
          CByteParser hdrParser(sdHDR->data, sdHDR->size);
          for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            hdr->display_primaries_x[i] = hdrParser.BitRead(16) * 0.00002;
            hdr->display_primaries_y[i] = hdrParser.BitRead(16) * 0.00002;
          hdr->white_point_x = hdrParser.BitRead(16) * 0.00002;
          hdr->white_point_y = hdrParser.BitRead(16) * 0.00002;
          hdr->max_display_mastering_luminance = hdrParser.BitRead(32) * 0.0001;
          hdr->min_display_mastering_luminance = hdrParser.BitRead(32) * 0.0001;
      else {
        DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 10, L"::Decode(): Found HDR data of an unexpected size (%d)", sdHDR->size));

    if (map.conversion) {
      ConvertPixFmt(m_pFrame, pOutFrame);
    } else {
      AVFrame *pFrameRef = av_frame_alloc();
      av_frame_ref(pFrameRef, m_pFrame);

      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        pOutFrame->data[i]   = pFrameRef->data[i];
        pOutFrame->stride[i] = pFrameRef->linesize[i];

      pOutFrame->priv_data = pFrameRef;
      pOutFrame->destruct = lav_avframe_free;

      // Check alignment on rawvideo, which can be off depending on the source file
      if (m_nCodecId == AV_CODEC_ID_RAWVIDEO) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
          if ((intptr_t)pOutFrame->data[i] % 16u || pOutFrame->stride[i] % 16u) {
            // copy the frame, its not aligned properly and would crash later

    if (bEndOfSequence)
      pOutFrame->flags |= LAV_FRAME_FLAG_END_OF_SEQUENCE;

    if (pOutFrame->format == LAVPixFmt_DXVA2) {
      pOutFrame->data[0] = m_pFrame->data[4];
    } else {

    if (bEndOfSequence) {
      bEndOfSequence = FALSE;
      if (pOutFrame->format == LAVPixFmt_DXVA2) {
      } else {

    if (bFlush) {
      m_CurrentThread = (m_CurrentThread + 1) % m_pAVCtx->thread_count;

  return S_OK;
Example #11
void CGameClient::SetupPackInfo( CFrameSnapshot *pSnapshot )
	// Compute Vis for each client
	m_PackInfo.m_nPVSSize = (GetCollisionBSPData()->numclusters + 7) / 8;
	serverGameClients->ClientSetupVisibility( (edict_t *)m_pViewEntity,
		m_PackInfo.m_pClientEnt, m_PackInfo.m_PVS, m_PackInfo.m_nPVSSize );

	// This is the frame we are creating, i.e., the next
	// frame after the last one that the client acknowledged

	m_pCurrentFrame = AllocateFrame();
	m_pCurrentFrame->Init( pSnapshot );

	m_PackInfo.m_pTransmitEdict = &m_pCurrentFrame->transmit_entity;

	// if this client is the HLTV client, add the nocheck PVS bit array
	// normal clients don't need that extra array
#ifndef _XBOX
	if ( IsHLTV() )
		// the hltv client doesn't has a ClientFrame list
		m_pCurrentFrame->transmit_always = new CBitVec<MAX_EDICTS>;
		m_PackInfo.m_pTransmitAlways = m_pCurrentFrame->transmit_always;
		m_PackInfo.m_pTransmitAlways = NULL;

	// Add frame to ClientFrame list 

	int nMaxFrames = MAX_CLIENT_FRAMES;

	if ( sv_maxreplay.GetFloat() > 0 )
		// if the server has replay features enabled, allow a way bigger frame buffer
		nMaxFrames = max ( nMaxFrames, sv_maxreplay.GetFloat() / m_Server->GetTickInterval() );
	if ( nMaxFrames < AddClientFrame( m_pCurrentFrame ) )
		// If the client has more than 64 frames, the server will start to eat too much memory.
	// Since area to area visibility is determined by each player's PVS, copy
	//  the area network lookups into the ClientPackInfo_t
	m_PackInfo.m_AreasNetworked = 0;
	int areaCount = g_AreasNetworked.Count();
	for ( int j = 0; j < areaCount; j++ )
		m_PackInfo.m_Areas[m_PackInfo.m_AreasNetworked] = g_AreasNetworked[ j ];

		// Msg("CGameClient::SetupPackInfo: too much areas (%i)", areaCount );
		Assert( m_PackInfo.m_AreasNetworked < MAX_WORLD_AREAS );
	CM_SetupAreaFloodNums( m_PackInfo.m_AreaFloodNums, &m_PackInfo.m_nMapAreas );