Example #1
struct DHTModuleRegistry* DHTModuleRegistry_new(struct Allocator* allocator)
    struct DHTModuleRegistry* reg =
        Allocator_calloc(allocator, sizeof(struct DHTModuleRegistry), 1);
    reg->allocator = allocator;
    reg->members = Allocator_calloc(allocator, sizeof(char*), 1);
    return reg;
Example #2
struct NetCore* NetCore_new(uint8_t* privateKey,
                            struct Allocator* allocator,
                            struct EventBase* base,
                            struct Random* rand,
                            struct Log* log)
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator);
    struct NetCore* nc = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct NetCore), 1);
    nc->alloc = alloc;
    nc->base = base;
    nc->rand = rand;
    nc->log = log;

    struct CryptoAuth* ca = nc->ca = CryptoAuth_new(alloc, privateKey, base, log, rand);
    struct EventEmitter* ee = nc->ee = EventEmitter_new(alloc, log, ca->publicKey);

    struct Address* myAddress = nc->myAddress = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct Address), 1);
    Bits_memcpy(myAddress->key, ca->publicKey, 32);
    myAddress->protocolVersion = Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL;
    myAddress->path = 1;

    // lower half

    struct SwitchCore* switchCore = nc->switchCore = SwitchCore_new(log, alloc, base);

    struct SwitchAdapter* switchAdapter = nc->switchAdapter = SwitchAdapter_new(alloc, log);
    Iface_plumb(&switchAdapter->switchIf, switchCore->routerIf);

    struct ControlHandler* controlHandler = nc->controlHandler =
        ControlHandler_new(alloc, log, ee, ca->publicKey);
    Iface_plumb(&controlHandler->coreIf, &switchAdapter->controlIf);

    struct SwitchPinger* sp = nc->sp = SwitchPinger_new(base, rand, log, myAddress, alloc);
    Iface_plumb(&controlHandler->switchPingerIf, &sp->controlHandlerIf);

    nc->ifController = InterfaceController_new(ca, switchCore, log, base, sp, rand, alloc, ee);

    // session manager

    struct SessionManager* sm = nc->sm = SessionManager_new(alloc, base, ca, rand, log, ee);
    Iface_plumb(&switchAdapter->sessionManagerIf, &sm->switchIf);

    // upper half

    struct UpperDistributor* upper = nc->upper = UpperDistributor_new(alloc, log, ee, myAddress);
    Iface_plumb(&sm->insideIf, &upper->sessionManagerIf);

    struct TUNAdapter* tunAdapt = nc->tunAdapt = TUNAdapter_new(alloc, log, myAddress->ip6.bytes);
    Iface_plumb(&tunAdapt->upperDistributorIf, &upper->tunAdapterIf);

    return nc;
Example #3
struct SupernodeHunter* SupernodeHunter_new(struct Allocator* allocator,
                                            struct Log* log,
                                            struct EventBase* base,
                                            struct AddrSet* peers,
                                            struct MsgCore* msgCore,
                                            struct Address* myAddress)
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator);
    struct SupernodeHunter_pvt* out =
        Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct SupernodeHunter_pvt), 1);
    out->authorizedSnodes = AddrSet_new(alloc);
    out->peers = peers;
    out->base = base;
    out->nodes = AddrSet_new(alloc);
    //out->timeSnodeCalled = Time_currentTimeMilliseconds(base);
    out->snodeCandidates = AddrSet_new(alloc);
    out->log = log;
    out->alloc = alloc;
    out->msgCore = msgCore;
    out->myAddress = myAddress;
    out->selfAddrStr = String_newBinary(myAddress->ip6.bytes, 16, alloc);
    Timeout_setInterval(pingCycle, out, CYCLE_MS, base, alloc);
    return &out->pub;
Example #4
struct GlobalConfig* GlobalConfig_new(struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct GlobalConfig_pvt* gcp = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct GlobalConfig_pvt), 1);
    gcp->alloc = alloc;
    return &gcp->pub;
Example #5
struct CryptoAuth_Session* CryptoAuth_newSession(struct CryptoAuth* ca,
                                                 struct Allocator* alloc,
                                                 const uint8_t herPublicKey[32],
                                                 const uint8_t herIp6[16],
                                                 const bool requireAuth,
                                                 char* displayName)
    struct CryptoAuth_pvt* context = Identity_check((struct CryptoAuth_pvt*) ca);
    struct CryptoAuth_Session_pvt* session =
        Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct CryptoAuth_Session_pvt), 1);
    session->context = context;
    session->requireAuth = requireAuth;
    session->pub.displayName = String_new(displayName, alloc);
    session->timeOfLastPacket = Time_currentTimeSeconds(context->eventBase);
    session->alloc = alloc;

    if (herPublicKey != NULL) {
        Bits_memcpyConst(session->pub.herPublicKey, herPublicKey, 32);
        uint8_t calculatedIp6[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(calculatedIp6, herPublicKey);
        Bits_memcpyConst(session->pub.herIp6, calculatedIp6, 16);
        if (herIp6 != NULL) {
            Assert_true(!Bits_memcmp(calculatedIp6, herIp6, 16));
    } else if (herIp6) {
        Bits_memcpyConst(session->pub.herIp6, herIp6, 16);

    return &session->pub;
Example #6
struct RandomSeed* RandomSeed_new(RandomSeed_Provider* providers,
                                  int providerCount,
                                  struct Log* logger,
                                  struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct RandomSeed** rsList = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct RandomSeed), providerCount);
    int i = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < providerCount; j++) {
        struct RandomSeed* rs = providers[j](alloc);
        if (rs) {
            rsList[i++] = rs;

    Assert_true(i > 0);

    struct RandomSeed_pvt* out = Allocator_malloc(alloc, sizeof(struct RandomSeed_pvt));

    out->rsList = rsList;
    out->rsCount = i;
    out->logger = logger;
    out->pub.get = get;
    out->pub.name = "RandomSeed conglomeration of random seed providers";

    return &out->pub;
Example #7
void Core_init(struct Allocator* alloc,
               struct Log* logger,
               struct EventBase* eventBase,
               uint8_t privateKey[32],
               struct Admin* admin,
               struct Random* rand,
               struct Except* eh,
               struct FakeNetwork* fakeNet,
               bool noSec)
    struct Security* sec = NULL;
    if (!noSec) {
        sec = Security_new(alloc, logger, eventBase);
    struct NetCore* nc = NetCore_new(privateKey, alloc, eventBase, rand, logger);

    struct IpTunnel* ipTunnel = IpTunnel_new(logger, eventBase, alloc, rand);
    Iface_plumb(&nc->tunAdapt->ipTunnelIf, &ipTunnel->tunInterface);
    Iface_plumb(&nc->upper->ipTunnelIf, &ipTunnel->nodeInterface);

    // The link between the Pathfinder and the core needs to be asynchronous.
    struct Pathfinder* pf = Pathfinder_register(alloc, logger, eventBase, rand, admin);
    struct ASynchronizer* pfAsync = ASynchronizer_new(alloc, eventBase, logger);
    Iface_plumb(&pfAsync->ifA, &pf->eventIf);
    EventEmitter_regPathfinderIface(nc->ee, &pfAsync->ifB);

    // ------------------- Register RPC functions ----------------------- //
    InterfaceController_admin_register(nc->ifController, admin, alloc);
    SwitchPinger_admin_register(nc->sp, admin, alloc);
    UDPInterface_admin_register(eventBase, alloc, logger, admin, nc->ifController, fakeNet);
    ETHInterface_admin_register(eventBase, alloc, logger, admin, nc->ifController);

    AuthorizedPasswords_init(admin, nc->ca, alloc);
    Admin_registerFunction("ping", adminPing, admin, false, NULL, admin);
    if (!noSec) {
        Security_admin_register(alloc, logger, sec, admin);
    IpTunnel_admin_register(ipTunnel, admin, alloc);
    SessionManager_admin_register(nc->sm, admin, alloc);
    Allocator_admin_register(alloc, admin);

    struct Context* ctx = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct Context), 1);
    ctx->alloc = alloc;
    ctx->admin = admin;
    ctx->logger = logger;
    ctx->base = eventBase;
    ctx->ipTunnel = ipTunnel;
    ctx->nc = nc;

    Admin_registerFunction("Core_exit", adminExit, ctx, true, NULL, admin);

    Admin_registerFunction("Core_pid", adminPid, admin, false, NULL, admin);

    Admin_registerFunction("Core_initTunnel", initTunnel, ctx, true,
        ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) {
            { .name = "desiredTunName", .required = 0, .type = "String" }
        }), admin);
Example #8
static void search(Dict* args, void* vctx, String* txid, struct Allocator* reqAlloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vctx);
    String* addrStr = Dict_getStringC(args, "ipv6");

    int maxRequests = -1;
    uint64_t* maxRequestsPtr = Dict_getIntC(args, "maxRequests");
    if (maxRequestsPtr) { maxRequests = *maxRequestsPtr; }

    uint8_t addr[16];
    if (AddrTools_parseIp(addr, (uint8_t*) addrStr->bytes)) {
        Dict* resp = Dict_new(reqAlloc);
        Dict_putStringCC(resp, "error", "ipv6 invalid", reqAlloc);
        Admin_sendMessage(resp, txid, ctx->admin);
    } else {
        struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(ctx->allocator);
        struct Search* s = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct Search), 1);
        s->promise = SearchRunner_search(addr, maxRequests, maxRequests, ctx->runner, alloc);
        s->ctx = ctx;
        s->txid = String_clone(txid, alloc);
        s->alloc = alloc;

        if (!s->promise) {
            Dict* resp = Dict_new(reqAlloc);
            Dict_putStringCC(resp, "error", "creating search", reqAlloc);
            Admin_sendMessage(resp, txid, ctx->admin);

        s->promise->userData = s;
        s->promise->callback = searchResponse;
Example #9
struct CryptoAuth* CryptoAuth_new(struct Allocator* allocator,
                                  const uint8_t* privateKey,
                                  struct EventBase* eventBase,
                                  struct Log* logger,
                                  struct Random* rand)
    struct CryptoAuth_pvt* ca = Allocator_calloc(allocator, sizeof(struct CryptoAuth_pvt), 1);
    ca->allocator = allocator;
    ca->eventBase = eventBase;
    ca->logger = logger;
    ca->pub.resetAfterInactivitySeconds = CryptoAuth_DEFAULT_RESET_AFTER_INACTIVITY_SECONDS;
    ca->rand = rand;

    if (privateKey != NULL) {
        Bits_memcpyConst(ca->privateKey, privateKey, 32);
    } else {
        Random_bytes(rand, ca->privateKey, 32);
    crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(ca->pub.publicKey, ca->privateKey);

    if (Defined(Log_KEYS)) {
        uint8_t publicKeyHex[65];
        printHexKey(publicKeyHex, ca->pub.publicKey);
        uint8_t privateKeyHex[65];
        printHexKey(privateKeyHex, ca->privateKey);
                  "Initialized CryptoAuth:\n    myPrivateKey=%s\n     myPublicKey=%s\n",

    return &ca->pub;
Example #10
 * Incoming message from someone we don't know, maybe someone responding to a beacon?
 * expects: [ struct LLAddress ][ content ]
static Iface_DEFUN handleUnexpectedIncoming(struct Message* msg,
                                            struct InterfaceController_Iface_pvt* ici)
    struct InterfaceController_pvt* ic = ici->ic;

    struct Sockaddr* lladdr = (struct Sockaddr*) msg->bytes;
    Message_shift(msg, -lladdr->addrLen, NULL);
    if (msg->length < CryptoHeader_SIZE) {
        return NULL;
    struct Allocator* epAlloc = Allocator_child(ici->alloc);
    lladdr = Sockaddr_clone(lladdr, epAlloc);

    Assert_true(!((uintptr_t)msg->bytes % 4) && "alignment fault");

    struct Peer* ep = Allocator_calloc(epAlloc, sizeof(struct Peer), 1);
    ep->alloc = epAlloc;
    ep->ici = ici;
    ep->lladdr = lladdr;
    ep->alloc = epAlloc;
    ep->peerLink = PeerLink_new(ic->eventBase, epAlloc);
    struct CryptoHeader* ch = (struct CryptoHeader*) msg->bytes;
    ep->caSession = CryptoAuth_newSession(ic->ca, epAlloc, ch->publicKey, true, "outer");
    if (CryptoAuth_decrypt(ep->caSession, msg)) {
        // If the first message is a dud, drop all state for this peer.
        // probably some random crap that wandered in the socket.
        return NULL;
    Assert_true(!Bits_isZero(ep->caSession->herPublicKey, 32));
    Assert_true(Map_EndpointsBySockaddr_indexForKey(&lladdr, &ici->peerMap) == -1);
    int index = Map_EndpointsBySockaddr_put(&lladdr, &ep, &ici->peerMap);
    Assert_true(index >= 0);
    ep->handle = ici->peerMap.handles[index];
    Allocator_onFree(epAlloc, closeInterface, ep);
    ep->state = InterfaceController_PeerState_UNAUTHENTICATED;
    ep->isIncomingConnection = true;
    ep->switchIf.send = sendFromSwitch;

    if (SwitchCore_addInterface(ic->switchCore, &ep->switchIf, epAlloc, &ep->addr.path)) {
        Log_debug(ic->logger, "handleUnexpectedIncoming() SwitchCore out of space");
        return NULL;

    // We want the node to immedietly be pinged but we don't want it to appear unresponsive because
    // the pinger will only ping every (PING_INTERVAL * 8) so we set timeOfLastMessage to
    // (now - pingAfterMilliseconds - 1) so it will be considered a "lazy node".
    ep->timeOfLastMessage =
        Time_currentTimeMilliseconds(ic->eventBase) - ic->pingAfterMilliseconds - 1;

    Bits_memcpy(ep->addr.key, ep->caSession->herPublicKey, 32);
    Bits_memcpy(ep->addr.ip6.bytes, ep->caSession->herIp6, 16);
    Log_info(ic->logger, "Added peer [%s] from incoming message",
        Address_toString(&ep->addr, msg->alloc)->bytes);

    return receivedPostCryptoAuth(msg, ep, ic);
Example #11
static struct Message* newMessage(struct Allocator* alloc, int messageSize)
    uint8_t* buff = Allocator_calloc(alloc, messageSize + 64, 1);
    return Allocator_clone(alloc, (&(struct Message) {
        .bytes = buff + 64,
        .length = messageSize,
        .padding = 64
Example #12
struct Security* Security_new(struct Allocator* alloc, struct Log* log, struct EventBase* base)
    struct Security_pvt* sec = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct Security_pvt), 1);
    sec->setupAlloc = Allocator_child(alloc);
    Timeout_setInterval(fail, sec, 20000, base, sec->setupAlloc);
    sec->log = log;
    return &sec->pub;
Example #13
struct AddrSet* AddrSet_new(struct Allocator* allocator)
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator);
    struct AddrSet_pvt* out = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct AddrSet_pvt), 1);
    out->alloc = alloc;
    out->addrList = ArrayList_OfAddrs_new(alloc);
    return &out->pub;
Example #14
struct RumorMill* RumorMill_new(struct Allocator* allocator,
                                struct Address* selfAddr,
                                int capacity,
                                struct Log* log,
                                const char* name)
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator);

    struct RumorMill_pvt* rm = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct RumorMill_pvt), 1);
    rm->pub.addresses = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct Address), capacity);
    rm->capacity = capacity;
    rm->selfAddr = Allocator_clone(alloc, selfAddr);
    rm->log = log;
    rm->pub.name = name;

    return &rm->pub;
Example #15
struct PeerLink* PeerLink_new(struct EventBase* base, struct Allocator* allocator)
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator);
    struct PeerLink_pvt* pl = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct PeerLink_pvt), 1);
    pl->base = base;
    pl->alloc = alloc;
    pl->queue = ArrayList_Messages_new(alloc);
    return &pl->pub;
Example #16
int main()
    struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<20);
    struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, NULL, NULL);

    // mock interface controller.
    struct Context ctx = {
        .ic = {
            .registerPeer = registerPeer,
            .getPeerState = getPeerState

    struct Interface externalIf = {
        .sendMessage = sendMessage,
        .allocator = alloc,
        .senderContext = &ctx

    /*struct MultiInterface* mif = */MultiInterface_new(KEY_SIZE, &externalIf, &ctx.ic);

    struct Entry* entries = Allocator_malloc(alloc, sizeof(struct Entry) * ENTRY_COUNT);
    Random_bytes(rand, (uint8_t*)entries, ENTRY_COUNT * sizeof(struct Entry));

    struct Interface** ifaces = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(char*), ENTRY_COUNT);

    // seed the list with some near collisions.
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        int rnd = (((uint32_t*)entries)[i] >> 1) % ENTRY_COUNT;
        ((uint32_t*) (&entries[rnd]))[0] = ((uint32_t*) (&entries[i]))[0];

    for (int i = 0; i < CYCLES; i++) {
        int rnd = ((uint32_t*)entries)[i] % ENTRY_COUNT;
        struct Entry* entry = &entries[rnd];
        struct Interface* iface = ifaces[rnd];

        struct Message* msg;
        Message_STACK(msg, 0, 128);

        Message_push(msg, "hello world", 12);
        Message_push(msg, entry, 16);

        externalIf.receiveMessage(msg, &externalIf);

        //printf("Received message for iface [%u] from [%p]\n", rnd, (void*)ctx.receivedOn);
        if (iface) {
            Assert_always(ctx.receivedOn == iface);
        } else {
            ifaces[rnd] = ctx.receivedOn;

Example #17
struct TUNAdapter* TUNAdapter_new(struct Allocator* allocator, struct Log* log, uint8_t myIp6[16])
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator);
    struct TUNAdapter_pvt* out = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct TUNAdapter_pvt), 1);
    out->pub.tunIf.send = incomingFromTunIf;
    out->pub.ipTunnelIf.send = incomingFromIpTunnelIf;
    out->pub.upperDistributorIf.send = incomingFromUpperDistributorIf;
    out->log = log;
    Bits_memcpy(out->myIp6, myIp6, 16);
    return &out->pub;
Example #18
int SupernodeHunter_listSnodes(struct SupernodeHunter* snh,
                               struct Address*** outP,
                               struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct SupernodeHunter_pvt* snp = Identity_check((struct SupernodeHunter_pvt*) snh);
    struct Address** out = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(char*), snp->authorizedSnodes->length);
    for (int i = 0; i < snp->authorizedSnodes->length; i++) {
        out[i] = AddrSet_get(snp->authorizedSnodes, i);
    *outP = out;
    return snp->authorizedSnodes->length;
Example #19
struct TAPWrapper* TAPWrapper_new(struct Iface* external,
                                  struct Log* log,
                                  struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct TAPWrapper_pvt* out = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct TAPWrapper_pvt), 1);
    out->log = log;
    out->external.send = receiveMessage;
    out->pub.internal.send = sendMessage;
    Iface_plumb(external, &out->external);
    return &out->pub;
Example #20
struct EventBase* EventBase_new(struct Allocator* allocator)
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator);
    struct EventBase_pvt* base = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct EventBase_pvt), 1);
    base->loop = uv_loop_new();
    base->alloc = alloc;

    Allocator_onFree(alloc, onFree, base);
    return &base->pub;
Example #21
char* Process_getPath(struct Allocator* alloc)
    char buff[MAXPATHLEN];

    if (NULL == realpath(__progname,buff)) {
        return NULL;

    uint32_t length = strlen(buff);
    char* output = Allocator_calloc(alloc, length + 1, 1);
    Bits_memcpy(output, buff, length);
    return output;
Example #22
/** Check if nodes A and C can communicate via B without A knowing that C exists. */
void Benchmark_runAll()
    struct Allocator* alloc = MallocAllocator_new(1<<22);
    struct Context* ctx = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct Context), 1);
    ctx->alloc = alloc;
    ctx->base = EventBase_new(alloc);
    struct Log* log = ctx->log = FileWriterLog_new(stdout, alloc);
    ctx->rand = Random_new(alloc, log, NULL);

Example #23
struct EventEmitter* EventEmitter_new(struct Allocator* allocator,
                                      struct Log* log,
                                      uint8_t* publicKey)
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator);
    struct EventEmitter_pvt* ee = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct EventEmitter_pvt), 1);
    ee->log = log;
    ee->alloc = alloc;
    ee->trickIf.send = incomingFromCore;
    ee->pathfinders = ArrayList_Pathfinders_new(ee->alloc);
    Bits_memcpy(ee->publicKey, publicKey, 32);
    return &ee->pub;
Example #24
int CryptoAuth_addUser_ipv6(String* password,
                            String* login,
                            uint8_t ipv6[16],
                            struct CryptoAuth* cryptoAuth)
    struct CryptoAuth_pvt* ca = Identity_check((struct CryptoAuth_pvt*) cryptoAuth);

    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(ca->allocator);
    struct CryptoAuth_User* user = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct CryptoAuth_User), 1);
    user->alloc = alloc;

    if (!login) {
        int i = 0;
        for (struct CryptoAuth_User* u = ca->users; u; u = u->next) { i++; }
        user->login = login = String_printf(alloc, "Anon #%d", i);
    } else {
        user->login = String_clone(login, alloc);

    union CryptoHeader_Challenge ac;
    // Users specified with a login field might want to use authType 1 still.
    hashPassword(user->secret, &ac, login, password, 2);
    Bits_memcpyConst(user->userNameHash, ac.bytes, CryptoHeader_Challenge_KEYSIZE);
    hashPassword(user->secret, &ac, NULL, password, 1);
    Bits_memcpyConst(user->passwordHash, ac.bytes, CryptoHeader_Challenge_KEYSIZE);

    for (struct CryptoAuth_User* u = ca->users; u; u = u->next) {
        if (Bits_memcmp(user->secret, u->secret, 32)) {
        } else if (!login) {
        } else if (String_equals(login, u->login)) {
            return CryptoAuth_addUser_DUPLICATE;

    if (ipv6) {
        Bits_memcpyConst(user->restrictedToip6, ipv6, 16);

    // Add the user to the *end* of the list
    for (struct CryptoAuth_User** up = &ca->users; ; up = &(*up)->next) {
        if (!*up) {
            *up = user;

    return 0;
Example #25
void AddrSet_add(struct AddrSet* as, struct Address* addr)
    struct AddrSet_pvt* ap = Identity_check((struct AddrSet_pvt*) as);
    int idx = indexOf(ap, addr);
    if (idx != -1) { return; }
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(ap->alloc);
    struct Elem* el = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct Elem), 1);
    el->alloc = alloc;
    Bits_memcpy(&el->addr, addr, sizeof(struct Address));
    ArrayList_OfAddrs_add(ap->addrList, el);
    ap->pub.length = ap->addrList->length;
Example #26
int InterfaceController_getPeerStats(struct InterfaceController* ifController,
                                     struct Allocator* alloc,
                                     struct InterfaceController_PeerStats** statsOut)
    struct InterfaceController_pvt* ic =
        Identity_check((struct InterfaceController_pvt*) ifController);

    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < ic->icis->length; i++) {
        struct InterfaceController_Iface_pvt* ici = ArrayList_OfIfaces_get(ic->icis, i);
        count += ici->peerMap.count;

    struct InterfaceController_PeerStats* stats =
        Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct InterfaceController_PeerStats), count);

    int xcount = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < ic->icis->length; j++) {
        struct InterfaceController_Iface_pvt* ici = ArrayList_OfIfaces_get(ic->icis, j);
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)ici->peerMap.count; i++) {
            struct Peer* peer = Identity_check((struct Peer*) ici->peerMap.values[i]);
            struct InterfaceController_PeerStats* s = &stats[xcount];
            Bits_memcpy(&s->addr, &peer->addr, sizeof(struct Address));
            s->bytesOut = peer->bytesOut;
            s->bytesIn = peer->bytesIn;
            s->timeOfLastMessage = peer->timeOfLastMessage;
            s->state = peer->state;
            s->isIncomingConnection = peer->isIncomingConnection;
            if (peer->caSession->displayName) {
                s->user = String_clone(peer->caSession->displayName, alloc);
            struct ReplayProtector* rp = &peer->caSession->replayProtector;
            s->duplicates = rp->duplicates;
            s->lostPackets = rp->lostPackets;
            s->receivedOutOfRange = rp->receivedOutOfRange;

            struct PeerLink_Kbps kbps;
            PeerLink_kbps(peer->peerLink, &kbps);
            s->sendKbps = kbps.sendKbps;
            s->recvKbps = kbps.recvKbps;

    Assert_true(xcount == count);

    *statsOut = stats;
    return count;
Example #27
 * Register a new RouterModule.
 * @param registry the DHT module registry for signal handling.
 * @param allocator a means to allocate memory.
 * @param myAddress the address for this DHT node.
 * @return the RouterModule.
struct RouterModule* RouterModule_register(struct DHTModuleRegistry* registry,
        struct Allocator* allocator,
        const uint8_t myAddress[Address_KEY_SIZE],
        struct EventBase* eventBase,
        struct Log* logger,
        struct Random* rand)
    struct RouterModule* const out = Allocator_calloc(allocator, sizeof(struct RouterModule), 1);

    struct DHTModule* dm = Allocator_clone(allocator, (&(struct DHTModule) {
        .name = "RouterModule",
         .context = out,
          .handleIncoming = handleIncoming,
           .handleOutgoing = handleOutgoing
Example #28
struct MsgCore_Handler* MsgCore_onQuery(struct MsgCore* core,
                                        char* queryType,
                                        struct Allocator* allocator)
    struct MsgCore_pvt* mcp = Identity_check((struct MsgCore_pvt*) core);
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator);
    struct QueryHandler* qh = Allocator_calloc(alloc, sizeof(struct QueryHandler), 1);
    qh->queryType = String_new(queryType, alloc);
    qh->alloc = alloc;
    qh->mcp = mcp;
    ArrayList_OfQueryHandlers_add(mcp->qh, qh);
    Allocator_onFree(alloc, qhOnFree, qh);
    return &qh->pub;
Example #29
static void onConnectionParent(struct Pipe* p, int status)
    struct Context* c = Identity_check((struct Context*) p->userData);

    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(c->alloc);
    uint8_t* bytes = Allocator_calloc(alloc, CString_strlen(MESSAGE) + 1, 1);
    Bits_memcpy(bytes, MESSAGE, CString_strlen(MESSAGE));
    struct Message* m = Allocator_clone(alloc, (&(struct Message) {
        .length = CString_strlen(MESSAGE),
        .padding = 0,
        .capacity = CString_strlen(MESSAGE),
        .alloc = alloc,
        .bytes = bytes
Example #30
void TestFramework_linkNodes(struct TestFramework* client,
                             struct TestFramework* server,
                             bool beacon)
    // ifaceA is the client, ifaceB is the server
    struct TestFramework_Link* link =
        Allocator_calloc(client->alloc, sizeof(struct TestFramework_Link), 1);
    link->clientIf.send = sendClient;
    link->serverIf.send = sendServer;
    link->client = client;
    link->server = server;

    struct InterfaceController_Iface* clientIci = InterfaceController_newIface(
        client->nc->ifController, String_CONST("client"), client->alloc);
    link->clientIfNum = clientIci->ifNum;
    Iface_plumb(&link->clientIf, &clientIci->addrIf);

    struct InterfaceController_Iface* serverIci = InterfaceController_newIface(
        server->nc->ifController, String_CONST("server"), server->alloc);
    link->serverIfNum = serverIci->ifNum;
    Iface_plumb(&link->serverIf, &serverIci->addrIf);

    if (beacon) {
        int ret = InterfaceController_beaconState(client->nc->ifController,

        ret = InterfaceController_beaconState(server->nc->ifController,
    } else {
        // Except that it has an authorizedPassword added.
        CryptoAuth_addUser(String_CONST("abcdefg123"), String_CONST("TEST"), server->nc->ca);

        // Client has pubKey and passwd for the server.