Example #1
Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> VCLtoVecSEXP(SEXP A)
    Rcpp::XPtr<viennacl::vector<T> > pA(A);
    int M = pA->size();
    std::cout << M << std::endl;
    Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Am(M);
    std::cout << Am << std::endl;
    viennacl::copy(*pA, Am); 
    return Am;
Example #2
    AttachmentPrivate1(const Mesh &mesh, const Skeleton &skeleton, const vector<Vector3> &match, const VisibilityTester *tester,
		double initialHeatWeight)
        int i, j;
        int nv = mesh.vertices.size();
        //compute edges
        vector<vector<int> > edges(nv);

        for(i = 0; i < nv; ++i) {
            int cur, start;
            cur = start = mesh.vertices[i].edge;
            do {
                cur = mesh.edges[mesh.edges[cur].prev].twin;
            } while(cur != start);
        int bones = skeleton.fGraph().verts.size() - 1;

        for(i = 0; i < nv; ++i) // initialize the weights vectors so they are big enough
            weights[i][bones - 1] = 0.;

        vector<vector<double> > boneDists(nv);
        vector<vector<bool> > boneVis(nv);
        for(i = 0; i < nv; ++i) {
            boneDists[i].resize(bones, -1);
            Vector3 cPos = mesh.vertices[i].pos;
            vector<Vector3> normals;
            for(j = 0; j < (int)edges[i].size(); ++j) {
                int nj = (j + 1) % edges[i].size();
                Vector3 v1 = mesh.vertices[edges[i][j]].pos - cPos;
                Vector3 v2 = mesh.vertices[edges[i][nj]].pos - cPos;
                normals.push_back((v1 % v2).normalize());
            double minDist = 1e37;
            for(j = 1; j <= bones; ++j) {
                const Vector3 &v1 = match[j], &v2 = match[skeleton.fPrev()[j]];
                boneDists[i][j - 1] = sqrt(distsqToSeg(cPos, v1, v2));
                minDist = min(boneDists[i][j - 1], minDist);
            for(j = 1; j <= bones; ++j) {
                //the reason we don't just pick the closest bone is so that if two are
                //equally close, both are factored in.
                if(boneDists[i][j - 1] > minDist * 1.0001)

                const Vector3 &v1 = match[j], &v2 = match[skeleton.fPrev()[j]];
                Vector3 p = projToSeg(cPos, v1, v2);
                boneVis[i][j - 1] = tester->canSee(cPos, p) && vectorInCone(cPos - p, normals);

        //We have -Lw+Hw=HI, same as (H-L)w=HI, with (H-L)=DA (with D=diag(1./area))
        //so w = A^-1 (HI/D)

        vector<vector<pair<int, double> > > A(nv);
        vector<double> D(nv, 0.), H(nv, 0.);
        vector<int> closest(nv, -1);
        for(i = 0; i < nv; ++i) {
            //get areas
            for(j = 0; j < (int)edges[i].size(); ++j) {
                int nj = (j + 1) % edges[i].size();
                D[i] += ((mesh.vertices[edges[i][j]].pos - mesh.vertices[i].pos) %
                         (mesh.vertices[edges[i][nj]].pos - mesh.vertices[i].pos)).length();
            D[i] = 1. / (1e-10 + D[i]);

            //get bones
            double minDist = 1e37;
            for(j = 0; j < bones; ++j) {
                if(boneDists[i][j] < minDist && boneVis[i][j]) {
                    closest[i] = j;
                    minDist = boneDists[i][j];
            for(j = 0; j < bones; ++j)
                if(boneVis[i][j] && boneDists[i][j] <= minDist * 1.00001)
                    H[i] += initialHeatWeight / SQR(1e-8 + boneDists[i][closest[i]]);

            //get laplacian
            double sum = 0.;
            for(j = 0; j < (int)edges[i].size(); ++j) {
                int nj = (j + 1) % edges[i].size();
                int pj = (j + edges[i].size() - 1) % edges[i].size();

                Vector3 v1 = mesh.vertices[i].pos - mesh.vertices[edges[i][pj]].pos;
                Vector3 v2 = mesh.vertices[edges[i][j]].pos - mesh.vertices[edges[i][pj]].pos;
                Vector3 v3 = mesh.vertices[i].pos - mesh.vertices[edges[i][nj]].pos;
                Vector3 v4 = mesh.vertices[edges[i][j]].pos - mesh.vertices[edges[i][nj]].pos;
                double cot1 = (v1 * v2) / (1e-6 + (v1 % v2).length());
                double cot2 = (v3 * v4) / (1e-6 + (v3 % v4).length());
                sum += (cot1 + cot2);

                if(edges[i][j] > i) //check for triangular here because sum should be computed regardless
                A[i].push_back(make_pair(edges[i][j], -cot1 - cot2));

            A[i].push_back(make_pair(i, sum + H[i] / D[i]));

            sort(A[i].begin(), A[i].end());

        SPDMatrix Am(A);
        LLTMatrix *Ainv = Am.factor();
        if(Ainv == NULL)

        for(j = 0; j < bones; ++j) {
            vector<double> rhs(nv, 0.);
            for(i = 0; i < nv; ++i) {
                if(boneVis[i][j] && boneDists[i][j] <= boneDists[i][closest[i]] * 1.00001)
                    rhs[i] = H[i] / D[i];

            for(i = 0; i < nv; ++i) {
                if(rhs[i] > 1.)
                    rhs[i] = 1.; //clip just in case
                if(rhs[i] > 1e-8)
                    nzweights[i].push_back(make_pair(j, rhs[i]));

        for(i = 0; i < nv; ++i) {
            double sum = 0.;
            for(j = 0; j < (int)nzweights[i].size(); ++j)
                sum += nzweights[i][j].second;

            for(j = 0; j < (int)nzweights[i].size(); ++j) {
                nzweights[i][j].second /= sum;
                weights[i][nzweights[i][j].first] = nzweights[i][j].second;

        delete Ainv;