Example #1
int AddExtensionMap(FlowSource_t *fs, extension_map_t *map) {
int next_slot = fs->extension_map_list.next_free;

	// is it a new map, we have not yet in the list
	if ( map->map_id == INIT_ID ) {
		if ( next_slot >= fs->extension_map_list.max_maps ) {
			// extend map list
			extension_map_t **p = realloc((void *)fs->extension_map_list.maps, 
				(fs->extension_map_list.max_maps + BLOCK_SIZE ) * sizeof(extension_map_t *));
			if ( !p ) {
				LogError("realloc() error in %s line %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno) );
				return 0;
			fs->extension_map_list.maps 	= p;
			fs->extension_map_list.max_maps += BLOCK_SIZE;
		fs->extension_map_list.maps[next_slot] = map;
		map->map_id = next_slot;

	AppendToBuffer(fs->nffile, (void *)map, map->size);

	return 1;

} // End of AddExtensionMap
Example #2
int FlushInfoExporter(FlowSource_t *fs, exporter_info_record_t *exporter) {

	exporter->sysid = AssignExporterID();
	AppendToBuffer(fs->nffile, (void *)exporter, exporter->header.size);

#ifdef DEVEL
		#define IP_STRING_LEN   40
		char ipstr[IP_STRING_LEN];
		printf("Flush Exporter: ");
		if ( exporter->sa_family == AF_INET ) {
			uint32_t _ip = htonl(exporter->ip.v4);
			inet_ntop(AF_INET, &_ip, ipstr, sizeof(ipstr));
			printf("SysID: %u, IP: %16s, version: %u, ID: %2u\n", exporter->sysid,
				ipstr, exporter->version, exporter->id);
		} else if ( exporter->sa_family == AF_INET6 ) {
			uint64_t _ip[2];
			_ip[0] = htonll(exporter->ip.v6[0]);
			_ip[1] = htonll(exporter->ip.v6[1]);
			inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &_ip, ipstr, sizeof(ipstr));
			printf("SysID: %u, IP: %40s, version: %u, ID: %2u\n", exporter->sysid,
				ipstr, exporter->version, exporter->id);
		} else {
			strncpy(ipstr, "<unknown>", IP_STRING_LEN);
			printf("**** Exporter IP version unknown ****\n");

	return 1;

} // End of FlushInfoExporter
Example #3
void ReadBuffer::Unset()
    // ::printf(" Unset()\n");


    readRange_ = nullptr;
    readRangeLength_ = 0;
Example #4
void FlushExporterStats(FlowSource_t *fs) {
generic_exporter_t *e = fs->exporter_data;
exporter_stats_record_t	*exporter_stats;
uint32_t i, size;

	// idle collector ..
	if ( !fs->exporter_count ) 

	size = sizeof(exporter_stats_record_t) + (fs->exporter_count -1) * sizeof(struct exporter_stat_s);
	exporter_stats = ( exporter_stats_record_t *)malloc(size);
	if ( !exporter_stats ) {
		LogError("malloc() error in %s line %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno) );
	exporter_stats->header.type = ExporterStatRecordType;
	exporter_stats->header.size = size;
	exporter_stats->stat_count	= fs->exporter_count;

#ifdef DEVEL
	printf("Flush Exporter Stats: %u exporters, size: %u\n", fs->exporter_count, size);
	i = 0;
	while ( e ) {
		// prevent memory corruption - just in case .. should not happen anyway
		// continue loop for error reporting after while
		if ( i >= fs->exporter_count ) {
			e = e->next;
		exporter_stats->stat[i].sysid 			 = e->info.sysid;
		exporter_stats->stat[i].sequence_failure = e->sequence_failure;
		exporter_stats->stat[i].packets 		 = e->packets;
		exporter_stats->stat[i].flows 			 = e->flows;
#ifdef DEVEL
		printf("Stat: SysID: %u, version: %u, ID: %2u, Packets: %llu, Flows: %llu, Sequence Failures: %u\n", e->info.sysid,
			e->info.version, e->info.id, e->packets, e->flows, e->sequence_failure);

		// reset counters
		e->sequence_failure = 0;
		e->packets 			= 0;
		e->flows 			= 0;

		e = e->next;
	AppendToBuffer(fs->nffile, (void *)exporter_stats, size);

	if ( i != fs->exporter_count ) {
		LogError("ERROR: exporter stats: Expected %u records, but found %u in %s line %d: %s\n", 
			fs->exporter_count, i, __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno) );
} // End of FlushExporterStats
Example #5
void FlushStdRecords(FlowSource_t *fs) {
generic_exporter_t *e = fs->exporter_data;
int i;

	while ( e ) {
		generic_sampler_t *sampler = e->sampler;
		AppendToBuffer(fs->nffile, (void *)&(e->info), e->info.header.size);
		while ( sampler ) {
			AppendToBuffer(fs->nffile, (void *)&(sampler->info), sampler->info.header.size);
			sampler = sampler->next;
		e = e->next;

    for ( i=0; i<fs->extension_map_list.next_free; i++ ) {
        extension_map_t *map = fs->extension_map_list.maps[i];
		AppendToBuffer(fs->nffile, (void *)map, map->size);

} // End of FlushStdRecords
Example #6
void nsScanner::AppendASCIItoBuffer(const char* aData, PRUint32 aLen,
                                    nsIRequest *aRequest)
  nsScannerString::Buffer* buf = nsScannerString::AllocBuffer(aLen);
  if (buf)
    LossyConvertEncoding<char, PRUnichar> converter(buf->DataStart());
    converter.write(aData, aLen);
    AppendToBuffer(buf, aRequest);
Example #7
int AddExtensionMap(FlowSource_t *fs, extension_map_t *map) {
int next_slot = fs->extension_map_list.next_free;

	dbg_printf("Add extension map\n");
	// is it a new map, we have not yet in the list
	if ( map->map_id == INIT_ID ) {
		if ( next_slot >= fs->extension_map_list.max_maps ) {
			// extend map list
			dbg_printf("List full - extend extension list to %d slots\n", fs->extension_map_list.max_maps + BLOCK_SIZE);
			extension_map_t **p = realloc((void *)fs->extension_map_list.maps, 
				(fs->extension_map_list.max_maps + BLOCK_SIZE ) * sizeof(extension_map_t *));
			if ( !p ) {
				LogError("realloc() error in %s line %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno) );
				return 0;
			fs->extension_map_list.maps 	= p;
			fs->extension_map_list.max_maps += BLOCK_SIZE;
		dbg_printf("Add map to slot %d\n", next_slot);
		fs->extension_map_list.maps[next_slot] = map;
		map->map_id = next_slot;

		if ( (next_slot + 1) == fs->extension_map_list.num_maps ) {
			// sequencially filled slots
			// next free is next slot
			dbg_printf("Next slot is sequential: %d\n", fs->extension_map_list.next_free);
		} else {
			// fill gap in list - search for next free
			int i;
			dbg_printf("Search next slot ... \n");
			for ( i = (next_slot + 1); i < fs->extension_map_list.max_maps; i++ ) {
				if ( fs->extension_map_list.maps[i] == NULL ) {
					// empty slot found
					dbg_printf("Empty slot found at %d\n", i);
			// assign next_free - if none found up to max, the list will get extended
			// in the next round
			dbg_printf("Set next free to %d\n", i);
			fs->extension_map_list.next_free = i;

	AppendToBuffer(fs->nffile, (void *)map, map->size);

	return 1;

} // End of AddExtensionMap
Example #8
static inline void GetLayouter(Layouter::LineCacheItem &line, const char *&str, FontState &state)
	if (line.buffer != NULL) free(line.buffer);

	typename T::CharType *buff_begin = MallocT<typename T::CharType>(DRAW_STRING_BUFFER);
	const typename T::CharType *buffer_last = buff_begin + DRAW_STRING_BUFFER;
	typename T::CharType *buff = buff_begin;
	FontMap &fontMapping = line.runs;
	Font *f = Layouter::GetFont(state.fontsize, state.cur_colour);

	line.buffer = buff_begin;

	 * Go through the whole string while adding Font instances to the font map
	 * whenever the font changes, and convert the wide characters into a format
	 * usable by ParagraphLayout.
	for (; buff < buffer_last;) {
		WChar c = Utf8Consume(const_cast<const char **>(&str));
		if (c == '\0' || c == '\n') {
		} else if (c >= SCC_BLUE && c <= SCC_BLACK) {
			state.SetColour((TextColour)(c - SCC_BLUE));
		} else if (c == SCC_PREVIOUS_COLOUR) { // Revert to the previous colour.
		} else if (c == SCC_TINYFONT) {
		} else if (c == SCC_BIGFONT) {
		} else {
			/* Filter out text direction characters that shouldn't be drawn, and
			 * will not be handled in the fallback non ICU case because they are
			 * mostly needed for RTL languages which need more ICU support. */
			if (!T::SUPPORTS_RTL && IsTextDirectionChar(c)) continue;
			buff += AppendToBuffer(buff, buffer_last, c);

		if (!fontMapping.Contains(buff - buff_begin)) {
			fontMapping.Insert(buff - buff_begin, f);
		f = Layouter::GetFont(state.fontsize, state.cur_colour);

	/* Better safe than sorry. */
	*buff = '\0';

	if (!fontMapping.Contains(buff - buff_begin)) {
		fontMapping.Insert(buff - buff_begin, f);
	line.layout = GetParagraphLayout(buff_begin, buff, fontMapping);
	line.state_after = state;
Example #9
 *  Use this constructor if you want i/o to be based on 
 *  a single string you hand in during construction.
 *  This short cut was added for Javascript.
 *  @update  gess 5/12/98
 *  @param   aMode represents the parser mode (nav, other)
 *  @return  
nsScanner::nsScanner(const nsAString& anHTMLString, const nsACString& aCharset,
                     PRInt32 aSource)
  : mParser(nsnull)

  mTotalRead = anHTMLString.Length();
  mSlidingBuffer = nsnull;
  mCountRemaining = 0;
  mFirstNonWhitespacePosition = -1;
  mMarkPosition = mCurrentPosition;
  mIncremental = PR_FALSE;
  mUnicodeDecoder = 0;
  mCharsetSource = kCharsetUninitialized;
  SetDocumentCharset(aCharset, aSource);
Example #10
int FlushInfoSampler(FlowSource_t *fs, sampler_info_record_t *sampler) {

	AppendToBuffer(fs->nffile, (void *)sampler, sampler->header.size);

#ifdef DEVEL
		printf("Flush Sampler: ");
		if ( sampler->id < 0 ) {
			printf("Exporter SysID: %u,	Generic Sampler: mode: %u, interval: %u\n",
				sampler->exporter_sysid, sampler->mode, sampler->interval);
		} else {
			printf("Exporter SysID: %u, Sampler: id: %i, mode: %u, interval: %u\n",
				sampler->exporter_sysid, sampler->id, sampler->mode, sampler->interval);

	return 1;

} // End of FlushInfoSampler
Example #11
 *  Use this constructor if you want i/o to be based on 
 *  a single string you hand in during construction.
 *  This short cut was added for Javascript.
 *  @update  gess 5/12/98
 *  @param   aMode represents the parser mode (nav, other)
 *  @return  
nsScanner::nsScanner(const nsAString& anHTMLString, const nsACString& aCharset,
                     PRInt32 aSource)
  : mParser(nsnull)

  mSlidingBuffer = nsnull;
  mCountRemaining = 0;
  mFirstNonWhitespacePosition = -1;
  if (AppendToBuffer(anHTMLString)) {
  } else {
    /* XXX see hack below, re: bug 182067 */
    memset(&mCurrentPosition, 0, sizeof(mCurrentPosition));
    mEndPosition = mCurrentPosition;
  mMarkPosition = mCurrentPosition;
  mIncremental = PR_FALSE;
  mUnicodeDecoder = 0;
  mCharsetSource = kCharsetUninitialized;
Example #12
stat_record_t process_data(char *wfile, int element_stat, int flow_stat, int sort_flows,
	printer_t print_header, printer_t print_record, time_t twin_start, time_t twin_end, 
	uint64_t limitflows, int tag, int compress, int do_xstat) {
common_record_t 	*flow_record;
master_record_t		*master_record;
nffile_t			*nffile_w, *nffile_r;
xstat_t				*xstat;
stat_record_t 		stat_record;
int 				done, write_file;

#ifdef COMPAT15
int	v1_map_done = 0;
	// time window of all matched flows
	memset((void *)&stat_record, 0, sizeof(stat_record_t));
	stat_record.first_seen = 0x7fffffff;
	stat_record.msec_first = 999;

	// Do the logic first

	// do not print flows when doing any stats are sorting
	if ( sort_flows || flow_stat || element_stat ) {
		print_record = NULL;

	// do not write flows to file, when doing any stats
	// -w may apply for flow_stats later
	write_file = !(sort_flows || flow_stat || element_stat) && wfile;
	nffile_r = NULL;
	nffile_w = NULL;
	xstat  	 = NULL;

	// Get the first file handle
	nffile_r = GetNextFile(NULL, twin_start, twin_end);
	if ( !nffile_r ) {
		LogError("GetNextFile() error in %s line %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno) );
		return stat_record;
	if ( nffile_r == EMPTY_LIST ) {
		LogError("Empty file list. No files to process\n");
		return stat_record;

	// preset time window of all processed flows to the stat record in first flow file
	t_first_flow = nffile_r->stat_record->first_seen;
	t_last_flow  = nffile_r->stat_record->last_seen;

	// store infos away for later use
	// although multiple files may be processed, it is assumed that all 
	// have the same settings
	is_anonymized = IP_ANONYMIZED(nffile_r);
	strncpy(Ident, nffile_r->file_header->ident, IDENTLEN);
	Ident[IDENTLEN-1] = '\0';

	// prepare output file if requested
	if ( write_file ) {
		nffile_w = OpenNewFile(wfile, NULL, compress, IP_ANONYMIZED(nffile_r), NULL );
		if ( !nffile_w ) {
			if ( nffile_r ) {
			return stat_record;
		if ( do_xstat ) {
			xstat = InitXStat(nffile_w);
			if ( !xstat ) {
				if ( nffile_r ) {
				return stat_record;

	// setup Filter Engine to point to master_record, as any record read from file
	// is expanded into this record
	// Engine->nfrecord = (uint64_t *)master_record;

	done = 0;
	while ( !done ) {
	int i, ret;

		// get next data block from file
		ret = ReadBlock(nffile_r);

		switch (ret) {
			case NF_CORRUPT:
			case NF_ERROR:
				if ( ret == NF_CORRUPT ) 
					LogError("Skip corrupt data file '%s'\n",GetCurrentFilename());
					LogError("Read error in file '%s': %s\n",GetCurrentFilename(), strerror(errno) );
				// fall through - get next file in chain
			case NF_EOF: {
				nffile_t *next = GetNextFile(nffile_r, twin_start, twin_end);
				if ( next == EMPTY_LIST ) {
					done = 1;
				} else if ( next == NULL ) {
					done = 1;
					LogError("Unexpected end of file list\n");
				} else {
					// Update global time span window
					if ( next->stat_record->first_seen < t_first_flow )
						t_first_flow = next->stat_record->first_seen;
					if ( next->stat_record->last_seen > t_last_flow ) 
						t_last_flow = next->stat_record->last_seen;
					// continue with next file

				} break; // not really needed
				// successfully read block
				total_bytes += ret;

#ifdef COMPAT15
		if ( nffile_r->block_header->id == DATA_BLOCK_TYPE_1 ) {
			common_record_v1_t *v1_record = (common_record_v1_t *)nffile_r->buff_ptr;
			// create an extension map for v1 blocks
			if ( v1_map_done == 0 ) {
				extension_map_t *map = malloc(sizeof(extension_map_t) + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t) );
				if ( ! map ) {
					LogError("malloc() allocation error in %s line %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno) );
				map->type 	= ExtensionMapType;
				map->size 	= sizeof(extension_map_t) + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t);
				if (( map->size & 0x3 ) != 0 ) {
					map->size += 4 - ( map->size & 0x3 );

				map->map_id = INIT_ID;

				map->ex_id[0]  = EX_IO_SNMP_2;
				map->ex_id[1]  = EX_AS_2;
				map->ex_id[2]  = 0;
				map->extension_size  = 0;
				map->extension_size += extension_descriptor[EX_IO_SNMP_2].size;
				map->extension_size += extension_descriptor[EX_AS_2].size;

				if ( Insert_Extension_Map(extension_map_list,map) && write_file ) {
					// flush new map
					AppendToBuffer(nffile_w, (void *)map, map->size);
				} // else map already known and flushed

				v1_map_done = 1;

			// convert the records to v2
			for ( i=0; i < nffile_r->block_header->NumRecords; i++ ) {
				common_record_t *v2_record = (common_record_t *)v1_record;
				Convert_v1_to_v2((void *)v1_record);
				// now we have a v2 record -> use size of v2_record->size
				v1_record = (common_record_v1_t *)((pointer_addr_t)v1_record + v2_record->size);
			nffile_r->block_header->id = DATA_BLOCK_TYPE_2;

		if ( nffile_r->block_header->id == Large_BLOCK_Type ) {
			// skip
			printf("Xstat block skipped ...\n");

		if ( nffile_r->block_header->id != DATA_BLOCK_TYPE_2 ) {
			if ( nffile_r->block_header->id == DATA_BLOCK_TYPE_1 ) {
				LogError("Can't process nfdump 1.5.x block type 1. Add --enable-compat15 to compile compatibility code. Skip block.\n");
			} else {
				LogError("Can't process block type %u. Skip block.\n", nffile_r->block_header->id);

		flow_record = nffile_r->buff_ptr;
		for ( i=0; i < nffile_r->block_header->NumRecords; i++ ) {

			switch ( flow_record->type ) {
				case CommonRecordV0Type:
				case CommonRecordType:  {
					int match;
					uint32_t map_id = flow_record->ext_map;
					generic_exporter_t *exp_info = exporter_list[flow_record->exporter_sysid];
					if ( map_id >= MAX_EXTENSION_MAPS ) {
						LogError("Corrupt data file. Extension map id %u too big.\n", flow_record->ext_map);
					if ( extension_map_list->slot[map_id] == NULL ) {
						LogError("Corrupt data file. Missing extension map %u. Skip record.\n", flow_record->ext_map);
						flow_record = (common_record_t *)((pointer_addr_t)flow_record + flow_record->size);	

					master_record = &(extension_map_list->slot[map_id]->master_record);
					Engine->nfrecord = (uint64_t *)master_record;
					ExpandRecord_v2( flow_record, extension_map_list->slot[map_id], 
						exp_info ? &(exp_info->info) : NULL, master_record);

					// Time based filter
					// if no time filter is given, the result is always true
					match  = twin_start && (master_record->first < twin_start || master_record->last > twin_end) ? 0 : 1;
					match &= limitflows ? stat_record.numflows < limitflows : 1;

					// filter netflow record with user supplied filter
					if ( match ) 
						match = (*Engine->FilterEngine)(Engine);
					if ( match == 0 ) { // record failed to pass all filters
						// increment pointer by number of bytes for netflow record
						flow_record = (common_record_t *)((pointer_addr_t)flow_record + flow_record->size);	
						// go to next record

					// Records passed filter -> continue record processing
					// Update statistics
					UpdateStat(&stat_record, master_record);

					// update number of flows matching a given map
					if ( flow_stat ) {
						AddFlow(flow_record, master_record, extension_map_list->slot[map_id]);
						if ( element_stat ) {
							AddStat(flow_record, master_record);
					} else if ( element_stat ) {
						AddStat(flow_record, master_record);
					} else if ( sort_flows ) {
						InsertFlow(flow_record, master_record, extension_map_list->slot[map_id]);
					} else {
						if ( write_file ) {
							AppendToBuffer(nffile_w, (void *)flow_record, flow_record->size);
							if ( xstat ) 
								UpdateXStat(xstat, master_record);
						} else if ( print_record ) {
							char *string;
							// if we need to print out this record
							print_record(master_record, &string, tag);
							if ( string ) {
								if ( limitflows ) {
									if ( (stat_record.numflows <= limitflows) )
										printf("%s\n", string);
								} else 
									printf("%s\n", string);
						} else { 
							// mutually exclusive conditions should prevent executing this code
							// this is buggy!
							printf("Bug! - this code should never get executed in file %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
					} // sort_flows - else
					} break; 
				case ExtensionMapType: {
					extension_map_t *map = (extension_map_t *)flow_record;
					if ( Insert_Extension_Map(extension_map_list, map) && write_file ) {
						// flush new map
						AppendToBuffer(nffile_w, (void *)map, map->size);
					} // else map already known and flushed
					} break;
				case ExporterRecordType:
				case SamplerRecordype:
						// Silently skip exporter records
				case ExporterInfoRecordType: {
					int ret = AddExporterInfo((exporter_info_record_t *)flow_record);
					if ( ret != 0 ) {
						if ( write_file && ret == 1 ) 
							AppendToBuffer(nffile_w, (void *)flow_record, flow_record->size);
					} else {
						LogError("Failed to add Exporter Record\n");
					} break;
				case ExporterStatRecordType:
					AddExporterStat((exporter_stats_record_t *)flow_record);
				case SamplerInfoRecordype: {
					int ret = AddSamplerInfo((sampler_info_record_t *)flow_record);
					if ( ret != 0 ) {
						if ( write_file && ret == 1 ) 
							AppendToBuffer(nffile_w, (void *)flow_record, flow_record->size);
					} else {
						LogError("Failed to add Sampler Record\n");
					} break;
				default: {
					LogError("Skip unknown record type %i\n", flow_record->type);

		// Advance pointer by number of bytes for netflow record
		flow_record = (common_record_t *)((pointer_addr_t)flow_record + flow_record->size);	

		} // for all records

		// check if we are done, due to -c option 
		if ( limitflows ) 
			done = stat_record.numflows >= limitflows;

	} // while


	// flush output file
	if ( write_file ) {
		// flush current buffer to disc
		if ( nffile_w->block_header->NumRecords ) {
			if ( WriteBlock(nffile_w) <= 0 ) {
				LogError("Failed to write output buffer to disk: '%s'" , strerror(errno));

		if ( xstat ) {
			if ( WriteExtraBlock(nffile_w, xstat->block_header ) <= 0 ) {
				LogError("Failed to write xstat buffer to disk: '%s'" , strerror(errno));

		/* Stat info */
		if ( write_file ) {
			/* Copy stat info and close file */
			memcpy((void *)nffile_w->stat_record, (void *)&stat_record, sizeof(stat_record_t));
			CloseUpdateFile(nffile_w, nffile_r->file_header->ident );
			nffile_w = DisposeFile(nffile_w);
		} // else stdout


	return stat_record;

} // End of process_data
Example #13
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
int i, c;
master_record_t		record;
nffile_t			*nffile;

	when = ISO2UNIX(strdup("200407111030"));
	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h")) != EOF) {
		switch(c) {
			case 'h':
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unsupported option: '%c'\n", c);

	extension_info.map = (extension_map_t *)malloc(sizeof(extension_map_t) + 32 * sizeof(uint16_t));
	if ( !extension_info.map ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "malloc() error in %s line %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror (errno));
	extension_info.map->type = ExtensionMapType;
	extension_info.map->map_id = 0;
	i = 0;
	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_IO_SNMP_2;
	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_AS_2;
	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_MULIPLE;
	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_NEXT_HOP_v4;
	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_NEXT_HOP_BGP_v4;
	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_VLAN;
	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_OUT_PKG_4;
	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_OUT_BYTES_4;
	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_AGGR_FLOWS_4;
 	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_MAC_1;
 	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_MAC_2;
 	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_MPLS;
 	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_ROUTER_IP_v4;
 	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_ROUTER_ID;
 	extension_info.map->ex_id[i++] = EX_BGPADJ;
	extension_info.map->ex_id[i] = 0;
	extension_info.map->size = sizeof(extension_map_t) + i * sizeof(uint16_t);

    // align 32bits
    if (( extension_info.map->size & 0x3 ) != 0 ) {
        extension_info.map->size += 4 - ( extension_info.map->size & 0x3 );

	extension_info.map->extension_size = 0;
	while (extension_info.map->ex_id[i]) {
		int id = extension_info.map->ex_id[i];
		extension_info.map->extension_size += extension_descriptor[id].size;
	memset((void *)&record, 0, sizeof(record));

	nffile = OpenNewFile("-", NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
	if ( !nffile ) {

	AppendToBuffer(nffile, (void *)extension_info.map, extension_info.map->size);
	record.map_ref = extension_info.map;
	record.type	= CommonRecordType;

	record.flags   		= 0;
	record.exporter_sysid = 1;
	record.tcp_flags   	= 1;
	record.tos 		   	= 2;
	record.fwd_status	= 0;
	record.srcport 	 	= 1024;
	record.dstport 	 	= 25;
	record.prot 	 	= IPPROTO_TCP;
	record.input 	 	= 12;
	record.output 	 	= 14;
	record.srcas 	 	= 775;
	record.dstas 	 	= 8404;
	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	SetNextIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "");
	SetBGPNextIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "");
	SetRouterIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "");
	record.engine_type	= 5;
	record.engine_id	= 6;
	record.dPkts 	 	= 202;
	record.dOctets 	 	= 303;
	record.dst_tos		= 128;
	record.dir			= 1;
	record.src_mask		= 16;
	record.dst_mask		= 24;
	record.src_vlan		= 82;
	record.dst_vlan		= 93;
	record.out_pkts		= 212;
	record.out_bytes	= 3234;
	record.aggr_flows	= 3;
	record.in_src_mac	= 0x0234567890aaLL;
	record.out_dst_mac	= 0xffeeddccbbaaLL;
	record.out_src_mac	= 0xaa3456789002LL;
	record.in_dst_mac	= 0xaaeeddccbbffLL;
	record.mpls_label[0] = 1010 << 4;
	record.mpls_label[1] = 2020 << 4;
	record.mpls_label[2] = 3030 << 4;
	record.mpls_label[3] = 4040 << 4;
	record.mpls_label[4] = 5050 << 4;
	record.mpls_label[5] = 6060 << 4;
	record.mpls_label[6] = 7070 << 4;
	record.mpls_label[7] = 8080 << 4;
	record.mpls_label[8] = 9090 << 4;
	record.mpls_label[9] = (100100 << 4) + 1;
	record.client_nw_delay_usec = 2;
	record.server_nw_delay_usec = 22;
	record.appl_latency_usec = 222;
	record.bgpNextAdjacentAS = 45804;
	record.bgpPrevAdjacentAS = 32775;

	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	record.dPkts 	 	= 101;
	record.dOctets 	 	= 102;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	record.srcport 	 = 2024;
	record.prot 	 = IPPROTO_UDP;
	record.tcp_flags = 1;
	record.tos 		 = 1;
	record.dPkts 	 = 1001;
	record.dOctets 	 = 1002;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	record.srcport 	 	= 3024;
	record.prot 	 	= 51;
	record.tcp_flags 	= 2;
	record.tos 		 	= 2;
	record.dPkts 	 	= 10001;
	record.dOctets 	 	= 10002;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	record.srcport 	 	= 4024;
	record.prot 	 	= IPPROTO_TCP;
	record.tcp_flags 	= 4;
	record.tos 		 	= 3;
	record.dPkts 	 	= 100001;
	record.dOctets 	 	= 100002;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	record.srcport 	 	= 5024;
	record.tcp_flags 	= 8;
	record.tos 		 	= 4;
	record.dPkts 	 	= 1000001;
	record.dOctets 	 	= 1000002;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	record.tcp_flags 	= 1;
	record.tos 		 	= 4;
	record.dPkts 	 	= 10000001;
	record.dOctets 	 	= 1001;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	record.srcport 	 	= 6024;
	record.tcp_flags 	= 16;
	record.tos 		 	= 5;
	record.dPkts 	 	= 500;
	record.dOctets 	 	= 10000001;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	record.srcport 		= 7024;
	record.tcp_flags 	= 32;
	record.tos 		 	= 255;
	record.dPkts 	 	= 5000;
	record.dOctets 	 	= 100000001;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	record.srcport 	 	= 8024;
	record.tcp_flags 	= 63;
	record.tos 		 	= 0;
	record.dOctets 	 	= 1000000001;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	record.srcport 	 	= 0;
	record.dstport 	 	= 8;
	record.prot 	 	= 1;
	record.tcp_flags 	= 0;
	record.tos 		 	= 0;
	record.dPkts 	 	= 50002;
	record.dOctets 	 	= 50000;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	record.srcport 	 = 10024;
	record.dstport 	 = 25000;
	record.prot 	 = IPPROTO_TCP;
	record.dPkts 	 = 500001;
	record.dOctets 	 = 500000;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET6, "fe80::2110:abcd:1234:0", "fe80::2110:abcd:1235:4321");
//	SetNextIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET6, "2003:234:aabb::211:24ff:fe80:d01e");
//	SetBGPNextIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET6, "2004:234:aabb::211:24ff:fe80:d01e");
	record.srcport 	 = 1024;
	record.dstport 	 = 25;
	record.tcp_flags = 27;
	record.dPkts 	 = 10;
	record.dOctets 	 = 15100;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv6 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET6, "2001:234:aabb::211:24ff:fe80:d01e", "2001:620::8:203:baff:fe52:38e5");
	record.srcport 	 = 10240;
	record.dstport 	 = 52345;
	record.dPkts 	 = 10100;
	record.dOctets 	 = 15000000;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv6 32bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	record.dPkts 	 = 10100000;
	record.dOctets 	 = 0x100000000LL;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv6 32bit packets 64bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	record.dPkts 	 = 0x100000000LL;
	record.dOctets 	 = 15000000;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv6 64bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	record.dOctets 	 = 0x200000000LL;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv6 64bit packets 64bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
//	SetNextIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "");
//	SetBGPNextIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "");
	record.srcport 	 = 10240;
	record.dstport 	 = 52345;
	record.dPkts 	 = 10100000;
	record.dOctets 	 = 0x100000000LL;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 32bit packets 64bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	record.dPkts 	 = 0x100000000LL;
	record.dOctets 	 = 15000000;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 64bit packets 32bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	SetIPaddress(&record,  PF_INET, "", "");
	record.dOctets 	 = 0x200000000LL;
	fprintf(stderr, "IPv4 64bit packets 64bit bytes\n");
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	extension_info.map->ex_id[0] = EX_IO_SNMP_4;

	extension_info.map->extension_size = 0;
	while (extension_info.map->ex_id[i]) {
		int id = extension_info.map->ex_id[i];
		extension_info.map->extension_size += extension_descriptor[id].size;

	memcpy(nffile->buff_ptr, (void *)extension_info.map, extension_info.map->size);
	nffile->buff_ptr += extension_info.map->size;
	nffile->block_header->size 		+= extension_info.map->size;

	fprintf(stderr, "4 bytes interfaces, 2 bytes AS numbers %d %d\n", record.fwd_status, nffile->block_header->NumRecords);
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	extension_info.map->ex_id[0] = EX_IO_SNMP_2;
	extension_info.map->ex_id[1] = EX_AS_4;

	extension_info.map->extension_size = 0;
	while (extension_info.map->ex_id[i]) {
		int id = extension_info.map->ex_id[i];
		extension_info.map->extension_size += extension_descriptor[id].size;

	memcpy(nffile->buff_ptr, (void *)extension_info.map, extension_info.map->size);
	nffile->buff_ptr += extension_info.map->size;
	nffile->block_header->size 		+= extension_info.map->size;

	fprintf(stderr, "2 bytes interfaces, 4 bytes AS numbers %d %d\n", record.fwd_status, nffile->block_header->NumRecords);
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	extension_info.map->ex_id[0] = EX_IO_SNMP_4;

	extension_info.map->extension_size = 0;
	while (extension_info.map->ex_id[i]) {
		int id = extension_info.map->ex_id[i];
		extension_info.map->extension_size += extension_descriptor[id].size;

	memcpy(nffile->buff_ptr, (void *)extension_info.map, extension_info.map->size);
	nffile->buff_ptr += extension_info.map->size;
	nffile->block_header->size 		+= extension_info.map->size;

	fprintf(stderr, "4 bytes interfaces, 4 bytes AS numbers %d %d\n", record.fwd_status, nffile->block_header->NumRecords);
	PackRecord(&record, nffile);

	if ( nffile->block_header->NumRecords ) {
		if ( WriteBlock(nffile) <= 0 ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write output buffer to disk: '%s'" , strerror(errno));

	return 0;
Example #14
 *  @update  gess 5/21/98
 *  @param   
 *  @return  
nsresult nsScanner::Append(const char* aBuffer, PRUint32 aLen,
                           nsIRequest *aRequest)
  nsresult res=NS_OK;
  PRUnichar *unichars, *start;
  if(mUnicodeDecoder) {
    PRInt32 unicharBufLen = 0;
    mUnicodeDecoder->GetMaxLength(aBuffer, aLen, &unicharBufLen);
    nsScannerString::Buffer* buffer = nsScannerString::AllocBuffer(unicharBufLen + 1);
    start = unichars = buffer->DataStart();

    PRInt32 totalChars = 0;
    PRInt32 unicharLength = unicharBufLen;
    do {
      PRInt32 srcLength = aLen;
      res = mUnicodeDecoder->Convert(aBuffer, &srcLength, unichars, &unicharLength);

      totalChars += unicharLength;
      // Continuation of failure case
      if(NS_FAILED(res)) {
        // if we failed, we consume one byte, replace it with U+FFFD
        // and try the conversion again.

        // This is only needed because some decoders don't follow the
        // nsIUnicodeDecoder contract: they return a failure when *aDestLength
        // is 0 rather than the correct NS_OK_UDEC_MOREOUTPUT.  See bug 244177
        if ((unichars + unicharLength) >= buffer->DataEnd()) {
          NS_ERROR("Unexpected end of destination buffer");

        unichars[unicharLength++] = (PRUnichar)0xFFFD;
        unichars = unichars + unicharLength;
        unicharLength = unicharBufLen - (++totalChars);


        if(((PRUint32) (srcLength + 1)) > aLen) {
          srcLength = aLen;
        else {

        aBuffer += srcLength;
        aLen -= srcLength;
    } while (NS_FAILED(res) && (aLen > 0));

    // Don't propagate return code of unicode decoder
    // since it doesn't reflect on our success or failure
    // - Ref. bug 87110
    res = NS_OK; 
    if (!AppendToBuffer(buffer, aRequest))
      mTotalRead += totalChars;
  else {
    AppendASCIItoBuffer(aBuffer, aLen, aRequest);

  return res;
Example #15
 * Append data to our underlying input buffer as
 * if it were read from an input stream.
 * @update  gess4/3/98
 * @return  error code 
nsresult nsScanner::Append(const nsAString& aBuffer) {
  if (!AppendToBuffer(aBuffer))
  mTotalRead += aBuffer.Length();
  return NS_OK;
Example #16
int flows2nfdump(struct ftio *ftio, char *wfile, int compress, extension_info_t *extension_info, int extended, uint32_t limitflows) {
// required flow tools variables
struct fttime 		ftt;
struct fts3rec_offsets fo;
struct ftver 		ftv;
char				*rec;
// nfdump variables
nffile_t			*nffile;
master_record_t	 record;
char				*s;
uint32_t			cnt;

	s = "flow-tools";
	nffile = OpenNewFile( wfile , NULL, compress, 0, s);
	if ( !nffile ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
		return 1;

	AppendToBuffer(nffile, (void *)extension_info->map, extension_info->map->size);
	ftio_get_ver(ftio, &ftv);
	fts3rec_compute_offsets(&fo, &ftv);

	memset((void *)&record, 0, sizeof(record));
	record.map_ref 		  = extension_info->map;
	record.type 		  = CommonRecordType;
	record.exporter_sysid = 0;

	// only v4 addresses
	ClearFlag(record.flags, FLAG_IPV6_ADDR);

	cnt = 0;
	while ((rec = ftio_read(ftio))) {
		uint32_t when, unix_secs, unix_nsecs, sysUpTime;
		int i, id;

		unix_secs  = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.unix_secs));
		unix_nsecs = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.unix_nsecs));
		sysUpTime  = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.sysUpTime));

		when	   = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.First));
		ftt = ftltime(sysUpTime, unix_secs, unix_nsecs, when);
		record.first 		= ftt.secs;
		record.msec_first 	= ftt.msecs;
		when	   = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.Last));
		ftt = ftltime(sysUpTime, unix_secs, unix_nsecs, when);
		record.last 		= ftt.secs;
		record.msec_last 	= ftt.msecs;
		record.v4.srcaddr 	= *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.srcaddr));
		record.v4.dstaddr 	= *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.dstaddr));
		record.srcport 		= *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.srcport));
		record.dstport 		= *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.dstport));

		record.prot 		= *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.prot));
		record.tcp_flags	= *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.tcp_flags));
		record.tos 			= *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.tos));

		record.dOctets 		= *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.dOctets));
		record.dPkts 		= *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.dPkts));

		i = 0;
		while ( (id = extension_info->map->ex_id[i]) != 0 ) {
			switch (id) {
				case EX_IO_SNMP_2:
					record.input 		= *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.input));
					record.output 		= *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.output));
				case EX_AS_2:
					record.srcas 		= *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.src_as));
					record.dstas 		= *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.dst_as));
				case EX_MULIPLE:
    				record.src_mask 	= *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.src_mask));
    				record.dst_mask 	= *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.dst_mask));
					record.dir			= 0;
					record.dst_tos  	= 0;
				case EX_ROUTER_IP_v4:
					record.ip_nexthop.v4 = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.peer_nexthop));
				case EX_NEXT_HOP_v4:
					record.ip_router.v4 = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.router_sc));
				case EX_ROUTER_ID:
					record.engine_type = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.engine_type));
					record.engine_id   = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.engine_id));
				// default: Other extensions can not be sent with v5

		PackRecord(&record, nffile);

		if ( extended ) {
			char *string;
			format_file_block_record(&record, &string, 0);
			fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", string);

		if ( cnt == limitflows )

	} /* while */

	// write the last records in buffer
	if ( nffile->block_header->NumRecords ) {
		if ( WriteBlock(nffile) <= 0 ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write output buffer: '%s'" , strerror(errno));

	free((void *)extension_info->map);
	free((void *)extension_info);

	return 0;

} // End of flows2nfdump
Example #17
  Adds a variable to the variable serialization instance

  @param[in] Handle - Handle for a variable serialization instance
  @param[in] VariableName - Refer to RuntimeServices GetVariable
  @param[in] VendorGuid - Refer to RuntimeServices GetVariable
  @param[in] Attributes - Refer to RuntimeServices GetVariable
  @param[in] DataSize - Refer to RuntimeServices GetVariable
  @param[in] Data - Refer to RuntimeServices GetVariable

  @retval      RETURN_SUCCESS - All variables were set successfully
  @retval      RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - There we not enough resources to
                 add the variable
  @retval      RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER - Handle was not a valid
                 variable serialization instance or
                 VariableName, VariableGuid or Data are NULL.

SerializeVariablesAddVariable (
  IN EFI_HANDLE                   Handle,
  IN CHAR16                       *VariableName,
  IN EFI_GUID                     *VendorGuid,
  IN UINT32                       Attributes,
  IN UINTN                        DataSize,
  IN VOID                         *Data
  SV_INSTANCE    *Instance;
  UINT32         SerializedNameSize;
  UINT32         SerializedDataSize;
  UINTN          SerializedSize;

  Instance = SV_FROM_HANDLE (Handle);

  if ((Instance->Signature != SV_SIGNATURE) ||
      (VariableName == NULL) || (VendorGuid == NULL) || (Data == NULL)) {

  SerializedNameSize = (UINT32) StrSize (VariableName);

  SerializedSize =
    sizeof (SerializedNameSize) +
    SerializedNameSize +
    sizeof (*VendorGuid) +
    sizeof (Attributes) +
    sizeof (SerializedDataSize) +

  Status = EnsureExtraBufferSpace (
  if (RETURN_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // Add name size (UINT32)
  AppendToBuffer (Instance, (VOID*) &SerializedNameSize, sizeof (SerializedNameSize));

  // Add variable unicode name string
  AppendToBuffer (Instance, (VOID*) VariableName, SerializedNameSize);

  // Add variable GUID
  AppendToBuffer (Instance, (VOID*) VendorGuid, sizeof (*VendorGuid));

  // Add variable attributes
  AppendToBuffer (Instance, (VOID*) &Attributes, sizeof (Attributes));

  // Add variable data size (UINT32)
  SerializedDataSize = (UINT32) DataSize;
  AppendToBuffer (Instance, (VOID*) &SerializedDataSize, sizeof (SerializedDataSize));

  // Add variable data
  AppendToBuffer (Instance, Data, DataSize);

Example #18
static void process_data(profile_channel_info_t *channels, unsigned int num_channels, time_t tslot, int do_xstat) {
common_record_t	*flow_record;
nffile_t		*nffile;
FilterEngine_data_t	*engine;
int 		i, j, done, ret ;
#ifdef COMPAT15
int	v1_map_done = 0;

	nffile = GetNextFile(NULL, 0, 0);
	if ( !nffile ) {
		LogError("GetNextFile() error in %s line %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno) );
	if ( nffile == EMPTY_LIST ) {
		LogError("Empty file list. No files to process\n");

	// store infos away for later use
	// although multiple files may be processed, it is assumed that all 
	// have the same settings
	is_anonymized = IP_ANONYMIZED(nffile);
	strncpy(Ident, nffile->file_header->ident, IDENTLEN);
	Ident[IDENTLEN-1] = '\0';

	done = 0;
	while ( !done ) {

		// get next data block from file
		ret = ReadBlock(nffile);

		switch (ret) {
			case NF_CORRUPT:
			case NF_ERROR:
				if ( ret == NF_CORRUPT ) 
					LogError("Skip corrupt data file '%s'\n",GetCurrentFilename());
					LogError("Read error in file '%s': %s\n",GetCurrentFilename(), strerror(errno) );
				// fall through - get next file in chain
			case NF_EOF: {
				nffile_t *next = GetNextFile(nffile, 0, 0);
				if ( next == EMPTY_LIST ) {
					done = 1;
				if ( next == NULL ) {
					done = 1;
					LogError("Unexpected end of file list\n");
				} break; // not really needed

#ifdef COMPAT15
		if ( nffile->block_header->id == DATA_BLOCK_TYPE_1 ) {
			common_record_v1_t *v1_record = (common_record_v1_t *)nffile->buff_ptr;
			// create an extension map for v1 blocks
			if ( v1_map_done == 0 ) {
				extension_map_t *map = malloc(sizeof(extension_map_t) + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t) );
				if ( ! map ) {
					LogError("malloc() allocation error in %s line %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno) );
				map->type 	= ExtensionMapType;
				map->size 	= sizeof(extension_map_t) + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t);
				if (( map->size & 0x3 ) != 0 ) {
					map->size += 4 - ( map->size & 0x3 );
				map->map_id = INIT_ID;
				map->ex_id[0]  = EX_IO_SNMP_2;
				map->ex_id[1]  = EX_AS_2;
				map->ex_id[2]  = 0;

				map->extension_size  = 0;
				map->extension_size += extension_descriptor[EX_IO_SNMP_2].size;
				map->extension_size += extension_descriptor[EX_AS_2].size;
				if ( Insert_Extension_Map(extension_map_list, map) ) {
					int j;
					for ( j=0; j < num_channels; j++ ) {
						if ( channels[j].nffile != NULL) {
							// flush new map
							AppendToBuffer(channels[j].nffile, (void *)map, map->size);
				} // else map already known and flushed
				v1_map_done = 1;

			// convert the records to v2
			for ( i=0; i < nffile->block_header->NumRecords; i++ ) {
				common_record_t *v2_record = (common_record_t *)v1_record;
				Convert_v1_to_v2((void *)v1_record);
				// now we have a v2 record -> use size of v2_record->size
				v1_record = (common_record_v1_t *)((pointer_addr_t)v1_record + v2_record->size);
			nffile->block_header->id = DATA_BLOCK_TYPE_2;

		if ( nffile->block_header->id == Large_BLOCK_Type ) {
			// skip

		if ( nffile->block_header->id != DATA_BLOCK_TYPE_2 ) {
			LogError("Can't process block type %u. Skip block.\n", nffile->block_header->id);

		flow_record = nffile->buff_ptr;
		for ( i=0; i < nffile->block_header->NumRecords; i++ ) {
			switch ( flow_record->type ) { 
					case CommonRecordType: {
					generic_exporter_t *exp_info = exporter_list[flow_record->exporter_sysid];
					uint32_t map_id = flow_record->ext_map;
					master_record_t	*master_record;

					if ( extension_map_list->slot[map_id] == NULL ) {
						LogError("Corrupt data file. Missing extension map %u. Skip record.\n", flow_record->ext_map);
						flow_record = (common_record_t *)((pointer_addr_t)flow_record + flow_record->size);	
					master_record = &(extension_map_list->slot[map_id]->master_record);
					ExpandRecord_v2( flow_record, extension_map_list->slot[flow_record->ext_map], 
						exp_info ? &(exp_info->info) : NULL, master_record);

					for ( j=0; j < num_channels; j++ ) {
						int match;
						// apply profile filter
						(channels[j].engine)->nfrecord 	= (uint64_t *)master_record;
						engine = channels[j].engine;
						match = (*engine->FilterEngine)(engine);
						// if profile filter failed -> next profile
						if ( !match )
						// filter was successful -> continue record processing
						// update statistics
						UpdateStat(&channels[j].stat_record, master_record);
						if ( channels[j].nffile ) 
							UpdateStat(channels[j].nffile->stat_record, master_record);
						if ( channels[j].xstat ) 
							UpdateXStat(channels[j].xstat, master_record);
						// do we need to write data to new file - shadow profiles do not have files.
						// check if we need to flush the output buffer
						if ( channels[j].nffile != NULL ) {
							// write record to output buffer
							AppendToBuffer(channels[j].nffile, (void *)flow_record, flow_record->size);
					} // End of for all channels
					} break;
				case ExtensionMapType: {
					extension_map_t *map = (extension_map_t *)flow_record;
					if ( Insert_Extension_Map(extension_map_list, map) ) {
						int j;
						for ( j=0; j < num_channels; j++ ) {
							if ( channels[j].nffile != NULL ) {
								// flush new map
								AppendToBuffer(channels[j].nffile, (void *)map, map->size);
					} // else map already known and flushed
					} break; 
				case ExporterInfoRecordType: {
					int ret = AddExporterInfo((exporter_info_record_t *)flow_record);
					if ( ret != 0 ) {
						int j;
						for ( j=0; j < num_channels; j++ ) {
							if ( channels[j].nffile != NULL && ret == 1) {
								// flush new exporter
								AppendToBuffer(channels[j].nffile, (void *)flow_record, flow_record->size);
					} else {
						LogError("Failed to add Exporter Record\n");
					} break;
				case SamplerInfoRecordype: {
					int ret = AddSamplerInfo((sampler_info_record_t *)flow_record);
					if ( ret != 0 ) {
						int j;
						for ( j=0; j < num_channels; j++ ) {
							if ( channels[j].nffile != NULL && ret == 1 ) {
								// flush new map
								AppendToBuffer(channels[j].nffile, (void *)flow_record, flow_record->size);
					} else {
						LogError("Failed to add Sampler Record\n");
					} break;
				case ExporterRecordType:
				case SamplerRecordype:
				case ExporterStatRecordType:
						// Silently skip exporter records
				default:  {
					LogError("Skip unknown record type %i\n", flow_record->type);
			// Advance pointer by number of bytes for netflow record
			flow_record = (common_record_t *)((pointer_addr_t)flow_record + flow_record->size);

		} // End of for all umRecords
	} // End of while !done

	// do we need to write data to new file - shadow profiles do not have files.
	for ( j=0; j < num_channels; j++ ) {
		if ( channels[j].nffile != NULL ) {
			// flush output buffer
			if ( channels[j].nffile->block_header->NumRecords ) {
				if ( WriteBlock(channels[j].nffile) <= 0 ) {
					LogError("Failed to write output buffer to disk: '%s'" , strerror(errno));

} // End of process_data
Example #19
Byte const *ReadBuffer::Read(int min, /*out */ int &length)
    // ::printf("ReadRange(%d)\n", min);
    // min must be > 0

    if (!buffer_.size() && readRange_ && readRangeLength_ >= min)
        // most common (fast) case: buffer is empty, readRange_ big enough.
        // ::printf(" from range\n");

        // buffer is empty, but readRange_ is set and is long enough.
        length = readRangeLength_;
        return readRange_;

    int bufferFullness = buffer_.size() - bufferPos_;

    // Try to avoid using the buffer:
    if (bufferFullness &&
        readRange_ &&
        bufferFullness + readRangeLength_ <= readRangeOrigLength_)
        // ::printf(" Avoid buffer\n");
        readRangeLength_ += bufferFullness;
        readRange_ -= bufferFullness;
        bufferPos_ = 0;
        bufferFullness = 0;

    if (bufferFullness >= min)
        // ::printf(" from buffer\n");
        // serve request from buffer.
        length = bufferFullness;
        return &buffer_[bufferPos_];
    else if (bufferFullness)
        // buffer is not empty, but has not enoug data.
        if (bufferFullness + readRangeLength_ < min)
            // not enough total data.
            // ::printf(" not enough total\n");
            return nullptr;
        int appSize = min - bufferFullness + 16;
        if (appSize > readRangeLength_)
            appSize = readRangeLength_;

        // ::printf(" from buffer (app)\n");

        // now buffer has at least min bytes of data
        length = buffer_.size() - bufferPos_;
        return &buffer_[bufferPos_];
    else if (readRange_ && readRangeLength_ >= min)
        // ::printf(" from range\n");

        // buffer is empty, but readRange_ is set and is long enough.
        length = readRangeLength_;
        return readRange_;
    // ::printf(" fail\n");
    return nullptr;
Example #20
static void ExportExtensionMaps( int aggregate, int bidir, nffile_t *nffile, extension_map_list_t *extension_map_list ) {
int map_id, opt_extensions, num_extensions, new_map_size, opt_align;
extension_map_t	*new_map;

	// no extension maps to export - nothing to do
	if ( extension_map_list->map_list == NULL )

	new_map = NULL;

	for ( map_id = 0; map_id <= extension_map_list->max_used; map_id++ ) {
		extension_map_t *SourceMap = extension_map_list->slot[map_id]->map;
		int i, has_aggr_flows, has_out_bytes, has_out_packets, has_nat;
		// skip maps, never referenced

#ifdef DEVEL
		printf("Process map id: %i\n", map_id);
		printf("Ref count: %i\n", extension_map_list->slot[map_id]->ref_count);

		if ( extension_map_list->slot[map_id]->ref_count == 0 ) {
#ifdef DEVEL
			printf("Ref count = 0 => Skip map\n");

		// parse Source map if it contains all required fields:
		// for aggregation EX_AGGR_FLOWS_4 or _8 is required
		// for bidir flows EX_OUT_PKG_4 or _8 and EX_OUT_BYTES_4 or_8 are required
		has_aggr_flows  = 0;
		has_out_bytes	= 0;
		has_out_packets	= 0;
		// parse map for older NEL nat extension
		has_nat			= 0;

		num_extensions = 0;
		i = 0;
		while ( SourceMap->ex_id[i] ) {
			switch (SourceMap->ex_id[i]) {
				case EX_AGGR_FLOWS_4:
				case EX_AGGR_FLOWS_8:
					has_aggr_flows  = 1;
				case EX_OUT_BYTES_4:
				case EX_OUT_BYTES_8:
					has_out_bytes	= 1;
				case EX_OUT_PKG_4:
				case EX_OUT_PKG_8:
					has_out_packets	= 1;
				case EX_NEL_GLOBAL_IP_v4:
					// Map old nat extension to common NSEL extension
					SourceMap->ex_id[i] = EX_NSEL_XLATE_IP_v4;
					has_nat	= 1;
				// default: nothing to do
#ifdef DEVEL
		printf("map: num_extensions: %i, has_aggr_flows: %i, has_out_bytes: %i, has_out_packets: %i, has_nat: %i\n", 
			num_extensions, has_aggr_flows, has_out_bytes, has_out_packets, has_nat);

		// count missing extensions
		opt_extensions = 0;
		if ( aggregate && !has_aggr_flows )

		if ( bidir && !has_out_bytes ) 

		if ( bidir && !has_out_packets ) 

		opt_extensions += has_nat;
		// calculate new map size
		new_map_size = sizeof(extension_map_t) + ( num_extensions + opt_extensions) * sizeof(uint16_t);

#ifdef DEVEL
		printf("opt_extensions: %i, new_map_size: %i\n", opt_extensions,new_map_size );
		if ( opt_extensions ) {
    		// align 32bits
    		if (( new_map_size & 0x3 ) != 0 ) {
        		new_map_size += 4 - ( new_map_size & 0x3 );
				opt_align = 1;
    		} else {
				opt_align = 0;
		} else {
			// no missing elements in extension map - we can used the original one
			// and we are done

#ifdef DEVEL
			printf("New map identical => use this map:\n");
			// Flush the map to disk
			AppendToBuffer(nffile, (void *)SourceMap, SourceMap->size);

#ifdef DEVEL
		printf("Create new map:\n");
		// new map is different - create the new map
		new_map = (extension_map_t *)malloc((ssize_t)new_map_size);
		if ( !new_map ) {
			LogError("malloc() error in %s line %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno) );

		// Panic check - should never happen, but we are going to copy memory
		if ( new_map_size < SourceMap->size ) {
			LogError("PANIC! new_map_size(%i) < SourceMap->size(%i) in %s line %d\n", 
				new_map_size, SourceMap->size,  __FILE__, __LINE__);
		// copy existing map
		memcpy((void *)new_map, (void *)SourceMap, SourceMap->size);
		new_map->size   = new_map_size;

		// add the missing extensions to the output map
		// skip to end of current map
		while ( new_map->ex_id[i] )

		if ( has_nat ) {
			new_map->ex_id[i++] 	 = EX_NSEL_XLATE_PORTS;
			new_map->extension_size += extension_descriptor[EX_NSEL_XLATE_PORTS].size;
		// add missing map elements
		if ( aggregate && !has_aggr_flows ) {
			new_map->ex_id[i++] 	 = EX_AGGR_FLOWS_4;
			new_map->extension_size += extension_descriptor[EX_AGGR_FLOWS_4].size;
		if ( bidir && !has_out_bytes )  {
			new_map->ex_id[i++] 	 = EX_OUT_BYTES_8;
			new_map->extension_size += extension_descriptor[EX_OUT_BYTES_8].size;
		if ( bidir && !has_out_packets )  {
			new_map->ex_id[i++] 	 = EX_OUT_PKG_8;
			new_map->extension_size += extension_descriptor[EX_OUT_PKG_8].size;
		// end of map tag
		new_map->ex_id[i++]    = 0;
		if ( opt_align )
			new_map->ex_id[i]  = 0;

#ifdef DEVEL

		extension_map_list->slot[map_id]->map = new_map; 

		// Flush the map to disk
		AppendToBuffer(nffile, (void *)new_map, new_map->size);


} // End of ExportExtensionMaps
Example #21
void CMapGenerator::GenerateSMF(CVirtualArchive* archive)
	CVirtualFile* fileSMF = archive->AddFile("maps/generated.smf");

	//FileBuffer b;

	SMFHeader smfHeader;
	MapTileHeader smfTile;
	MapFeatureHeader smfFeature;

	//--- Make SMFHeader ---
	strcpy(smfHeader.magic, "spring map file");
	smfHeader.version = 1;
	smfHeader.mapid = 0x524d4746 ^ (int)setup->mapSeed;

	//Set settings
	smfHeader.mapx = GetGridSize().x;
	smfHeader.mapy = GetGridSize().y;
	smfHeader.squareSize = 8;
	smfHeader.texelPerSquare = 8;
	smfHeader.tilesize = 32;
	smfHeader.minHeight = -100;
	smfHeader.maxHeight = 0x1000;

	const int numSmallTiles = 1; //2087; //32 * 32 * (mapSize.x  / 2) * (mapSize.y / 2);
	const char smtFileName[] = "generated.smt";

	//--- Extra headers ---
	ExtraHeader vegHeader;
	vegHeader.type = MEH_Vegetation;
	vegHeader.size = sizeof(int);

	smfHeader.numExtraHeaders =  1;

	//Make buffers for each map
	int heightmapDimensions = (smfHeader.mapx + 1) * (smfHeader.mapy + 1);
	int typemapDimensions = (smfHeader.mapx / 2) * (smfHeader.mapy / 2);
	int metalmapDimensions = (smfHeader.mapx / 2) * (smfHeader.mapy / 2);
	int tilemapDimensions =  (smfHeader.mapx * smfHeader.mapy) / 16;
	int vegmapDimensions = (smfHeader.mapx / 4) * (smfHeader.mapy / 4);

	int heightmapSize = heightmapDimensions * sizeof(short);
	int typemapSize = typemapDimensions * sizeof(unsigned char);
	int metalmapSize = metalmapDimensions * sizeof(unsigned char);
	int tilemapSize = tilemapDimensions * sizeof(int);
	int tilemapTotalSize = sizeof(MapTileHeader) + sizeof(numSmallTiles) + sizeof(smtFileName) + tilemapSize;
	int vegmapSize = vegmapDimensions * sizeof(unsigned char);

	short* heightmapPtr = new short[heightmapDimensions];
	unsigned char* typemapPtr = new unsigned char[typemapDimensions];
	unsigned char* metalmapPtr = new unsigned char[metalmapDimensions];
	int* tilemapPtr = new int[tilemapDimensions];
	unsigned char* vegmapPtr = new unsigned char[vegmapDimensions];

	//--- Set offsets, increment each member with the previous one ---
	int vegmapOffset = sizeof(smfHeader) + sizeof(vegHeader) + sizeof(int);
	smfHeader.heightmapPtr = vegmapOffset + vegmapSize;
	smfHeader.typeMapPtr = smfHeader.heightmapPtr + heightmapSize;
	smfHeader.tilesPtr = smfHeader.typeMapPtr + typemapSize;
	smfHeader.minimapPtr = 0; //smfHeader.tilesPtr + sizeof(MapTileHeader);
	smfHeader.metalmapPtr = smfHeader.tilesPtr + tilemapTotalSize;  //smfHeader.minimapPtr + minimapSize;
	smfHeader.featurePtr = smfHeader.metalmapPtr + metalmapSize;

	//--- Make MapTileHeader ---
	smfTile.numTileFiles = 1;
	smfTile.numTiles = numSmallTiles;

	//--- Make MapFeatureHeader ---
	smfFeature.numFeatures = 0;
	smfFeature.numFeatureType = 0;

	//--- Update Ptrs and write to buffer ---
	memset(vegmapPtr, 0, vegmapSize);

	float heightMin = smfHeader.minHeight;
	float heightMax = smfHeader.maxHeight;
	float heightMul = (float)0xFFFF / (smfHeader.maxHeight - smfHeader.minHeight);
	for(int x = 0; x < heightmapDimensions; x++)
		float h = heightMap[x];
		if(h < heightMin) h = heightMin;
		if(h > heightMax) h = heightMax;
		h -= heightMin;
		h *= heightMul;
		heightmapPtr[x] = (short)h;

	memset(typemapPtr, 0, typemapSize);

	/*for(u32 x = 0; x < smfHeader.mapx; x++)
		for(u32 y = 0; y < smfHeader.mapy; y++)
			u32 index =

	memset(tilemapPtr, 0, tilemapSize);

	memset(metalmapPtr, 0, metalmapSize);

	//--- Write to final buffer ---
	//std::vector<boost::uint8_t>& smb = fileSMF->buffer;
	AppendToBuffer(fileSMF, smfHeader);

	AppendToBuffer(fileSMF, vegHeader);
	AppendToBuffer(fileSMF, vegmapOffset);
	AppendToBuffer(fileSMF, vegmapPtr, vegmapSize);

	AppendToBuffer(fileSMF, heightmapPtr, heightmapSize);
	AppendToBuffer(fileSMF, typemapPtr, typemapSize);

	AppendToBuffer(fileSMF, smfTile);
	AppendToBuffer(fileSMF, numSmallTiles);
	AppendToBuffer(fileSMF, smtFileName, sizeof(smtFileName));
	AppendToBuffer(fileSMF, tilemapPtr, tilemapSize);

	AppendToBuffer(fileSMF, metalmapPtr, metalmapSize);
	AppendToBuffer(fileSMF, smfFeature);

	delete[] heightmapPtr;
	delete[] typemapPtr;
	delete[] metalmapPtr;
	delete[] tilemapPtr;
	delete[] vegmapPtr;
Example #22
extension_map_t * lnf_lookup_map(lnf_file_t *lnf_file, bit_array_t *ext ) {
extension_map_t *map; 
lnf_map_list_t *map_list;
int i = 0;
int is_set = 0;
int id = 0;
int map_id = 0;

	// find whether the template already exist 
	map_id = 0;

	map_list = lnf_file->lnf_map_list; 
	if (map_list == NULL) {
		// first map 
		map_list =  malloc(sizeof(lnf_map_list_t));
		if (map_list == NULL) {
			return NULL;
		lnf_file->lnf_map_list = map_list;
	} else {
		if (bit_array_cmp(&(map_list->bit_array), ext) == 0) {
			return map_list->map;
		while (map_list->next != NULL ) {
			if (bit_array_cmp(&(map_list->bit_array), ext) == 0) {
				return map_list->map;
			} else {
				map_list = map_list->next;
		map_list->next = malloc(sizeof(lnf_map_list_t));
		if (map_list->next == NULL) {
			return NULL;
		map_list = map_list->next;
	// allocate memory potentially for all extensions 
	map = malloc(sizeof(extension_map_t) + (lnf_file->max_num_extensions + 1) * sizeof(uint16_t));
	if (map == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	map_list->map = map;
	map_list->next = NULL;

	bit_array_init(&map_list->bit_array, lnf_file->max_num_extensions + 1);
	bit_array_copy(&map_list->bit_array, ext);

	map->type   = ExtensionMapType;
	map->map_id = map_id; 
	// set extension map according the bits set in ext structure 
	id = 0;
	i = 0;
	while ( (is_set = bit_array_get(ext, id)) != -1 ) {
//		fprintf(stderr, "i: %d, bit %d, val: %d\n", i, id, is_set);
		if (is_set) 
			map->ex_id[i++]  = id;
	map->ex_id[i++] = 0;

	// determine size and align 32bits
	map->size = sizeof(extension_map_t) + ( i - 1 ) * sizeof(uint16_t);
	if (( map->size & 0x3 ) != 0 ) {
		map->size += (4 - ( map->size & 0x3 ));

	map->extension_size = 0;
	while (map->ex_id[i]) {
		int id = map->ex_id[i];
		map->extension_size += extension_descriptor[id].size;

	//Insert_Extension_Map(&instance->extension_map_list, map); 
	Insert_Extension_Map(lnf_file->extension_map_list, map); 
	AppendToBuffer(lnf_file->nffile, (void *)map, map->size);

	return map;
Example #23
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void PerformScan
    char* bufferPtr,         ///< [OUT] On success or failure, a message is written to this buffer.
    size_t bufferSz,         ///< [IN] Size of the output buffer.
    const char* requesterPtr ///< [IN] If not NULL, then any response text is SMSed to this target.
    int bufferIdx = 0;

    le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t scanInformationList = NULL;
    fprintf(OutputFilePtr, "Scan was asked");
    scanInformationList = le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScan(LE_MRC_BITMASK_RAT_ALL);
    if (!scanInformationList)
        bufferIdx += AppendToBuffer(&bufferPtr[bufferIdx], (bufferSz - bufferIdx), "Could not perform scan\n");

    le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t cellRef;

    for (cellRef=le_mrc_GetFirstCellularNetworkScan(scanInformationList);
        char mcc[4], mnc[4];
        char name[100];
        le_mrc_Rat_t rat;

        bufferIdx = 0;

        rat = le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkRat(cellRef);

        bufferIdx += AppendToBuffer(&bufferPtr[bufferIdx], (bufferSz - bufferIdx), " %s ", PrintNetworkName(rat));

        if (le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkMccMnc(cellRef, mcc, sizeof(mcc), mnc, sizeof(mnc)) != LE_OK)
            bufferIdx += AppendToBuffer(&bufferPtr[bufferIdx], (bufferSz - bufferIdx), "Failed to get operator code.\n");
            bufferIdx += AppendToBuffer(&bufferPtr[bufferIdx], (bufferSz - bufferIdx), "%s-%s ", mcc, mnc);

        if (le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkName(cellRef, name, sizeof(name)) != LE_OK)
            bufferIdx += AppendToBuffer(&bufferPtr[bufferIdx], (bufferSz - bufferIdx), "Failed to get operator name.\n");
            bufferIdx += AppendToBuffer(&bufferPtr[bufferIdx], (bufferSz - bufferIdx), "%s", name);

        bufferIdx += AppendToBuffer(&bufferPtr[bufferIdx], (bufferSz - bufferIdx), " - %s ", PrintNetworkName(rat));

        bufferIdx += AppendToBuffer(&bufferPtr[bufferIdx], (bufferSz - bufferIdx), "%s,",
                             le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkInUse(cellRef)?"In use":"Unused");

        bufferIdx += AppendToBuffer(&bufferPtr[bufferIdx], (bufferSz - bufferIdx), "%s,",

        bufferIdx += AppendToBuffer(&bufferPtr[bufferIdx], (bufferSz - bufferIdx), "%s,",

        bufferIdx += AppendToBuffer(&bufferPtr[bufferIdx], (bufferSz - bufferIdx), "%s\n",

        // Check to see if any processing has occurred.  If so, check to see if the request came from a
        // local or remote requester.
        // If the requester was local, (requesterPtr == NULL) then simply log our response to the SMS log.
        // Otherwise, attempt to SMS the response string to the original caller.
        if (requesterPtr != NULL)
            SendMessage(requesterPtr, bufferPtr);
        else if (OutputFilePtr != NULL)
            fprintf(OutputFilePtr, "## %s ##\n", bufferPtr);


    bufferIdx += snprintf(&bufferPtr[0], bufferSz, "Scan was Performed");
Example #24
 * Append data to our underlying input buffer as
 * if it were read from an input stream.
 * @update  gess4/3/98
 * @return  error code 
nsresult nsScanner::Append(const nsAString& aBuffer) {
  mTotalRead += aBuffer.Length();
  return NS_OK;
Example #25
 * Append data to our underlying input buffer as
 * if it were read from an input stream.
 * @update  gess4/3/98
 * @return  error code 
nsresult nsScanner::Append(const nsAString& aBuffer) {
  if (!AppendToBuffer(aBuffer))
  return NS_OK;