Example #1
void FEdModeLevel::SetLevel( ULevelStreaming* LevelStream )
	if( SelectedLevel != NULL && SelectedLevel != LevelStream )
		// Changed level need to apply PostEditMove to the actors we moved in the last level

	SelectedLevel = LevelStream;
	bIsDirty = false;
	if( SelectedLevel )
		LevelTransform = SelectedLevel->LevelTransform;		
		ULevel* Level = SelectedLevel->GetLoadedLevel();

		// Calculate the Level bounds box
		LevelBounds = FBox(0);

		if( Level )
			for( int32 ActorIndex=0; ActorIndex< Level->Actors.Num(); ActorIndex++ )
				AActor* Actor = Level->Actors[ActorIndex];

				// Don't include the builder brush or the world settings as they can artificially make the level bounds bigger
				if( Actor && FActorEditorUtils::IsABuilderBrush(Actor) == false && Level->GetWorldSettings() != Actor )
					LevelBounds += Actor->GetComponentsBoundingBox();
void FLevelUtils::ApplyLevelTransform( ULevel* Level, const FTransform& LevelTransform, bool bDoPostEditMove )
	bool bTransformActors =  !LevelTransform.Equals(FTransform::Identity);
	if (bTransformActors)
		if (!LevelTransform.GetRotation().IsIdentity())
			// If there is a rotation applied, then the relative precomputed bounds become invalid.
			Level->bTextureStreamingRotationChanged = true;

		// Iterate over all actors in the level and transform them
		for( int32 ActorIndex=0; ActorIndex<Level->Actors.Num(); ActorIndex++ )
			AActor* Actor = Level->Actors[ActorIndex];

			// Don't want to transform children they should stay relative to there parents.
			if( Actor && Actor->GetAttachParentActor() == NULL )
				// Has to modify root component directly as GetActorPosition is incorrect this early
				USceneComponent *RootComponent = Actor->GetRootComponent();
				if (RootComponent)
					RootComponent->SetRelativeLocationAndRotation( LevelTransform.TransformPosition(RootComponent->RelativeLocation), (FTransform(RootComponent->RelativeRotation) * LevelTransform).Rotator());

		if( bDoPostEditMove )
			ApplyPostEditMove( Level );						
#endif // WITH_EDITOR

Example #3
void FEdModeLevel::Exit()
	SelectedLevel = NULL;