Example #1
void CWorkerDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)

	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_THREAD_TEXT, c_num_thread_text);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_THREAD, c_num_thread);
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_THREAD, m_num_thread);
	DDV_MinMaxUInt(pDX, m_num_thread, 1, max_num_workers ());
	DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PRIORITY, m_priority);
	DDV_MinMaxUInt(pDX, m_priority, 1, 10);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_WORKGROUP, c_workgroup);

	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_THREADNUM_TEXT, c_threadnum_text);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO1, c_threadnum);

	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_WORK_TYPE_TEXT, c_work_pref_text);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO2, c_work_pref);

	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_AFFINITY_TEXT, c_affinity_text);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO3, c_affinity);

	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NUMCPUS_TEXT, c_numcpus_text);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NUMCPUS, c_numcpus);

	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_WARN1, c_warn1_text);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_WARN2, c_warn2_text);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_WARN3, c_warn3_text);

	c_num_thread_text.EnableWindow (max_num_workers () > 1);
	c_num_thread.EnableWindow (max_num_workers () > 1);
	c_workgroup.EnableWindow (USE_PRIMENET || NUM_CPUS * CPU_HYPERTHREADS > 1);
	c_threadnum_text.EnableWindow (m_num_thread > 1);
	c_threadnum.EnableWindow (m_num_thread > 1);
	c_work_pref_text.EnableWindow (USE_PRIMENET);
	c_work_pref.EnableWindow (USE_PRIMENET);
	c_affinity_text.EnableWindow (NUM_CPUS * CPU_HYPERTHREADS > 1);
	c_affinity.EnableWindow (NUM_CPUS * CPU_HYPERTHREADS > 1);
	c_numcpus_text.EnableWindow (m_num_thread < NUM_CPUS * CPU_HYPERTHREADS || !AreAllTheSame (m_numcpus) || m_numcpus[0] != 1);
	c_numcpus.EnableWindow (m_num_thread < NUM_CPUS * CPU_HYPERTHREADS || !AreAllTheSame (m_numcpus) || m_numcpus[0] != 1);
Example #2
void CWorkerDlg::OnEnKillfocusNumCpus()
	char	buf[80];
	unsigned int num_cpus;
	int	i;

	c_numcpus.GetWindowText (buf, sizeof (buf));
	if (buf[0] >= '0' && buf[0] <= '9') {
		num_cpus = atoi (buf);
		if (num_cpus < 1) num_cpus = 1;
		if (num_cpus > NUM_CPUS * CPU_HYPERTHREADS)
		sprintf (buf, "%d", num_cpus);
		c_numcpus.SetWindowText (buf);
		if (thread_num)
			m_numcpus[thread_num-1] = num_cpus;
			for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WORKER_THREADS; i++)
				m_numcpus[i] = num_cpus;
	c_numcpus_text.EnableWindow (m_num_thread < NUM_CPUS * CPU_HYPERTHREADS || !AreAllTheSame (m_numcpus) || m_numcpus[0] != 1);
	c_numcpus.EnableWindow (m_num_thread < NUM_CPUS * CPU_HYPERTHREADS || !AreAllTheSame (m_numcpus) || m_numcpus[0] != 1);
Example #3
void CWorkerDlg::OnCbnKillfocusWorkType()
	int	sel, i, work_pref;

	sel = c_work_pref.GetCurSel ();
	if (thread_num) {
		work_pref = map_sel_to_work_pref (sel);
		if (work_pref != -1) m_work_pref[thread_num-1] = work_pref;
	else if (AreAllTheSame (m_work_pref)) {
		work_pref = map_sel_to_work_pref (sel);
		if (work_pref != -1)
			for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WORKER_THREADS; i++)
				m_work_pref[i] = work_pref;
	} else if (sel) {
		work_pref = map_sel_to_work_pref (sel-1);
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WORKER_THREADS; i++)
			m_work_pref[i] = work_pref;
Example #4
void CWorkerDlg::OnCbnKillfocusAffinity()
	int	sel, i, affinity;

	sel = c_affinity.GetCurSel ();
	if (thread_num) {
		if (m_num_thread > 1)
			affinity = (sel == 0) ? 99 : (sel == 1) ? 100 : sel - 2;
			affinity = (sel >= 1) ? sel - 1 :
				   (m_affinity[0] == 100) ? 100 : 99;
		m_affinity[thread_num-1] = affinity;
	} else if (AreAllTheSame (m_affinity)) {
		affinity = (sel == 0) ? 99 : (sel == 1) ? 100 : sel - 2;
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WORKER_THREADS; i++)
			m_affinity[i] = affinity;
	} else if (sel) {
		affinity = (sel == 1) ? 99 : (sel == 2) ? 100 : sel - 3;
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WORKER_THREADS; i++)
			m_affinity[i] = affinity;
Example #5
void CWorkerDlg::InitComboBoxText (void)
	int	i, sel;
	char	buf[80];

// Populate the thread number combo box

	c_threadnum_text.EnableWindow (m_num_thread > 1);
	c_threadnum.EnableWindow (m_num_thread > 1);
	c_threadnum.ResetContent ();
	if (m_num_thread == 1) {
		thread_num = 1;
		c_threadnum.AddString ("Worker #1");
		c_threadnum.SetCurSel (0);
	} else {
		if (thread_num > (int) m_num_thread) thread_num = 0;
		c_threadnum.AddString ("All workers");
		for (i = 1; i <= (int) m_num_thread; i++) {
			sprintf (buf, "Worker #%d", i);
			c_threadnum.AddString (buf);
		c_threadnum.SetCurSel (thread_num);

// Populate the work type combo box

	c_work_pref.ResetContent ();
	if (thread_num)
		sel = map_work_pref_to_sel (m_work_pref[thread_num-1]);
	else if (AreAllTheSame (m_work_pref))
		sel = map_work_pref_to_sel (m_work_pref[0]);
	else {
		c_work_pref.AddString ("Mixed Settings");
		sel = 0;
	c_work_pref.AddString ("Whatever makes the most sense");
	c_work_pref.AddString ("World record sized numbers to test");
	c_work_pref.AddString ("First time tests");
	c_work_pref.AddString ("Double-check tests");
	c_work_pref.AddString ("Trial factoring");
	c_work_pref.AddString ("P-1 factoring");
	c_work_pref.AddString ("Trial factoring to low limits");
	c_work_pref.AddString ("ECM on small Mersenne numbers");
	c_work_pref.AddString ("ECM on Fermat numbers");
	c_work_pref.AddString ("100,000,000 digit numbers to test");
	if (sel == 10) c_work_pref.AddString ("Other");
	c_work_pref.SetCurSel (sel);

// Populate the affinity combo box.  If there is only one worker thread,
// then smart affinity assignment is the same as run on any cpu.

	c_affinity.ResetContent ();
	if (thread_num) {
		sel = m_affinity[thread_num-1];
		if (m_num_thread > 1)
			sel = (sel == 99) ? 0 : (sel == 100) ? 1 : sel + 2;
			sel = (sel == 99 || sel == 100) ? 0 : sel + 1;
	} else if (AreAllTheSame (m_affinity)) {
		sel = m_affinity[0];
		sel = (sel == 99) ? 0 : (sel == 100) ? 1 : sel + 2;
	} else {
		c_affinity.AddString ("Mixed Settings");
		sel = 0;
	c_affinity.AddString ("Run on any CPU");
	if (m_num_thread > 1) c_affinity.AddString ("Smart assignment");
	if (thread_num) {
		for (i = 1; i <= (int) (NUM_CPUS * CPU_HYPERTHREADS); i++) {
			sprintf (buf, "CPU #%d", i);
			c_affinity.AddString (buf);
	c_affinity.SetCurSel (sel);

// Populate the num cpus edit box.

	if (thread_num) {
		sprintf (buf, "%d", m_numcpus[thread_num-1]);
		c_numcpus.SetWindowText (buf);
	} else if (AreAllTheSame (m_numcpus)) {
		sprintf (buf, "%d", m_numcpus[0]);
		c_numcpus.SetWindowText (buf);
	} else {
		c_numcpus.SetWindowText ("Mixed");
	c_numcpus_text.EnableWindow (m_num_thread < NUM_CPUS * CPU_HYPERTHREADS || !AreAllTheSame (m_numcpus) || m_numcpus[0] != 1);
	c_numcpus.EnableWindow (m_num_thread < NUM_CPUS * CPU_HYPERTHREADS || !AreAllTheSame (m_numcpus) || m_numcpus[0] != 1);
Example #6
void test_worker_threads (void)
	unsigned long m_num_thread, m_priority;
	unsigned long m_work_pref[MAX_NUM_WORKER_THREADS];
	unsigned long m_affinity[MAX_NUM_WORKER_THREADS];
	unsigned long m_numcpus[MAX_NUM_WORKER_THREADS];
	int	i;

	m_num_thread = NUM_WORKER_THREADS;
	m_priority = PRIORITY;
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WORKER_THREADS; i++) {
		m_work_pref[i] = WORK_PREFERENCE[i];
		m_affinity[i] = CPU_AFFINITY[i];
		m_numcpus[i] = THREADS_PER_TEST[i];

again:	if (max_num_workers () > 1)
		askNum ("Number of workers to run", &m_num_thread, 1, max_num_workers ());

	outputLongLine ("\nPick a priority between 1 and 10 where 1 is the lowest priority and 10 is the highest.  It is strongly recommended that you use the default priority of 1.  Your throughput will probably not improve by using a higher priority.  The only time you should raise the priority is when another process, such as a screen saver, is stealing CPU cycles from this program.\n");
	askNum ("Priority", &m_priority, 1, 10);

		outputLongLine ("\nUse the following values to select a work type:\n  0 - Whatever makes the most sense\n  2 - Trial factoring\n 100 - First time primality tests\n  101 - Double-checking\n  102 - World record primality tests\n  4 - P-1 factoring\n  104 - 100 million digit primality tests\n  1 - Trial factoring to low limits\n  5 - ECM on small Mersenne numbers\n  6 - ECM on Fermat numbers\n");

	if (USE_PRIMENET || NUM_CPUS * user_configurable_hyperthreads () > 1) {
	    for (i = 0; i < m_num_thread; i++) {
		if (m_num_thread > 1)
			printf ("\nOptions for worker #%d\n\n", i+1);
			printf ("\n");

			askNum ("Type of work to get", &m_work_pref[i], 0, 150);
			if (m_numcpus[i] < min_cores_for_work_type (m_work_pref[i]))
				m_numcpus[i] = min_cores_for_work_type (m_work_pref[i]);

		if (NUM_CPUS * user_configurable_hyperthreads () > 1) {
			char question[200];
			unsigned long affinity;
			sprintf (question,
				 "CPU affinity (1-%d=specific CPU, 99=any CPU, 100=smart assignment)",
			affinity = m_affinity[i];
			if (affinity < 99) affinity++;
			askNum (question, &affinity, 1, 100);
			if (affinity < 99) affinity--;
			m_affinity[i] = affinity;

		if (NUM_CPUS * user_configurable_hyperthreads () > 1) {
			int min_cores, max_cores;
			min_cores = min_cores_for_work_type (m_work_pref[i]);
			max_cores = NUM_CPUS * user_configurable_hyperthreads () - m_num_thread + 1;
			if (max_cores < min_cores) max_cores = min_cores;
			askNum ("CPUs to use (multithreading)", &m_numcpus[i], min_cores, max_cores);
		} else
			m_numcpus[i] = 1;

/* Ask user if they are happy with their answers */

	if (askOkCancel ()) {
		int	restart = FALSE;
		int	new_options = FALSE;
		unsigned long i, total_num_threads;

/* If the user has allocated more threads than there are CPUs, raise a */
/* severe warning. */

		total_num_threads = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < m_num_thread; i++)
			total_num_threads += m_numcpus[i];
		if (total_num_threads > NUM_CPUS * user_configurable_hyperthreads ()) {
			outputLongLine (MSG_THREADS);
			if (askYesNo ('Y')) goto again;

/* If user is changing the number of worker threads, then make the */
/* necessary changes.  Restart worker threads so that we are running */
/* the correct number of worker threads. */

		if (m_num_thread != NUM_WORKER_THREADS) {
//bug= do something with orphaned work units?
//bug- tell server of the change?
			NUM_WORKER_THREADS = m_num_thread;
			IniWriteInt (LOCALINI_FILE, "WorkerThreads", NUM_WORKER_THREADS);
			restart = TRUE;

/* If user is changing the priority of worker threads, then change */
/* the INI file.  Restart worker threads so that they are running at */
/* the new priority. */

		if (PRIORITY != m_priority) {
			PRIORITY = m_priority;
			IniWriteInt (INI_FILE, "Priority", PRIORITY);
			new_options = TRUE;
			restart = TRUE;

/* If the user changes any of the work preferences record it in the INI file */
/* and tell the server */

		if (AreAllTheSame (m_work_pref, m_num_thread)) {
			if (! PTOIsGlobalOption (WORK_PREFERENCE) ||
			    WORK_PREFERENCE[0] != m_work_pref[0]) {
				PTOSetAll (INI_FILE, "WorkPreference", NULL,
					   WORK_PREFERENCE, m_work_pref[0]);
				new_options = TRUE;
		} else {
			for (i = 0; i < (int) NUM_WORKER_THREADS; i++) {
				if (WORK_PREFERENCE[i] == m_work_pref[i])
				PTOSetOne (INI_FILE, "WorkPreference", NULL,
				new_options = TRUE;

/* If the user changes any of the affinities record it in the INI file. */

		if (AreAllTheSame (m_affinity, m_num_thread)) {
			PTOSetAll (LOCALINI_FILE, "Affinity", NULL,
				   CPU_AFFINITY, m_affinity[0]);
		} else {
			for (i = 0; i < (int) NUM_WORKER_THREADS; i++) {
				PTOSetOne (LOCALINI_FILE, "Affinity", NULL,
					   CPU_AFFINITY, i, m_affinity[i]);

/* If the user changes any of the threads_per_test record it in the INI file */

		if (AreAllTheSame (m_numcpus, m_num_thread)) {
			PTOSetAll (LOCALINI_FILE, "ThreadsPerTest", NULL,
				   THREADS_PER_TEST, m_numcpus[0]);
		} else {
			for (i = 0; i < (int) NUM_WORKER_THREADS; i++) {
				PTOSetOne (LOCALINI_FILE, "ThreadsPerTest", NULL,
					   THREADS_PER_TEST, i, m_numcpus[i]);

/* Send new settings to the server */

		if (new_options) spoolMessage (PRIMENET_PROGRAM_OPTIONS, NULL);

/* Restart worker threads with new options */

		if (restart) stop_workers_for_restart ();
	} else