Example #1
static Defrule *ProcessRuleLHS(
  Environment *theEnv,
  struct lhsParseNode *theLHS,
  struct expr *actions,
  CLIPSLexeme *ruleName,
  bool *error)
   struct lhsParseNode *tempNode = NULL;
   Defrule *topDisjunct = NULL, *currentDisjunct, *lastDisjunct = NULL;
   struct expr *newActions, *packPtr;
   int logicalJoin;
   unsigned short localVarCnt;
   unsigned short complexity;
   struct joinNode *lastJoin;
   bool emptyLHS;

   /* Initially set the parsing error flag to false. */

   *error = false;

   /* The top level of the construct representing the LHS of a  */
   /* rule is assumed to be an OR.  If the implied OR is at the */
   /* top level of the pattern construct, then remove it.       */

   if (theLHS == NULL)
     { emptyLHS = true; }
      emptyLHS = false;
      if (theLHS->pnType == OR_CE_NODE) theLHS = theLHS->right;

   /* Loop through each disjunct of the rule. */

   localVarCnt = CountParsedBindNames(theEnv);

   while ((theLHS != NULL) || (emptyLHS == true))
      /* Analyze the LHS of this disjunct. */

      if (emptyLHS)
        { tempNode = NULL; }
         if (theLHS->pnType == AND_CE_NODE) tempNode = theLHS->right;
         else if (theLHS->pnType == PATTERN_CE_NODE) tempNode = theLHS;

      if (VariableAnalysis(theEnv,tempNode))
         *error = true;
         return NULL;

      /* Perform entity dependent post analysis. */

      if (PostPatternAnalysis(theEnv,tempNode))
         *error = true;
         return NULL;

      /* Print out developer information if it's being watched. */

      if (GetWatchItem(theEnv,"rule-analysis") == 1)
        { DumpRuleAnalysis(theEnv,tempNode); }

      /* Check to see if there are any RHS constraint errors. */

      if (CheckRHSForConstraintErrors(theEnv,actions,tempNode))
         *error = true;
         return NULL;
      /* Replace variable references in the RHS with the */
      /* appropriate variable retrieval functions.       */

      newActions = CopyExpression(theEnv,actions);
      if (ReplaceProcVars(theEnv,"RHS of defrule",newActions,NULL,NULL,
         *error = true;
         return NULL;

      /* Remove any test CEs from the LHS and attach their */
      /* expression to the closest preceeding non-negated  */
      /* join at the same not/and depth.                   */


      /* Check to see that logical CEs are used */
      /* appropriately in the LHS of the rule.  */

      if ((logicalJoin = LogicalAnalysis(theEnv,tempNode)) < 0)
         *error = true;
         return NULL;

      /* We're finished for this disjunct */
      /* if we're only checking syntax.   */

      if (ConstructData(theEnv)->CheckSyntaxMode)
         if (emptyLHS)
           { emptyLHS = false; }
           { theLHS = theLHS->bottom; }

      /* Install the disjunct's actions. */

      packPtr = PackExpression(theEnv,newActions);

      /* Create the pattern and join data structures for the new rule. */

      lastJoin = ConstructJoins(theEnv,logicalJoin,tempNode,1,NULL,true,true);

      /* Determine the rule's complexity for use with conflict resolution. */

      complexity = RuleComplexity(theEnv,tempNode);

      /* Create the defrule data structure for this disjunct */
      /* and put it in the list of disjuncts for this rule.  */

      currentDisjunct = CreateNewDisjunct(theEnv,ruleName,localVarCnt,packPtr,complexity,
                                          (unsigned) logicalJoin,lastJoin);

      /* Place the disjunct in the list of disjuncts for this rule. */
      /* If the disjunct is the first disjunct, then increment the  */
      /* reference counts for the dynamic salience (the expression  */
      /* for the dynamic salience is only stored with the first     */
      /* disjuncts and the other disjuncts refer back to the first  */
      /* disjunct for their dynamic salience value.                 */

      if (topDisjunct == NULL)
         topDisjunct = currentDisjunct;
      else lastDisjunct->disjunct = currentDisjunct;

      /* Move on to the next disjunct of the rule. */

      lastDisjunct = currentDisjunct;

      if (emptyLHS)
        { emptyLHS = false; }
        { theLHS = theLHS->bottom; }

Example #2
globle struct joinNode *ConstructJoins(
  void *theEnv,
  int logicalJoin,
  struct lhsParseNode *theLHS,
  int startDepth)
   struct joinNode *lastJoin = NULL;
   struct patternNodeHeader *lastPattern;
   unsigned firstJoin = TRUE;
   int tryToReuse = TRUE;
   struct joinNode *listOfJoins = NULL;
   struct joinNode *oldJoin;
   int joinNumber = 1;
   int isLogical, isExists;
   struct joinNode *lastRightJoin;
   int lastIteration = FALSE;
   int rhsType;
   struct expr *leftHash, *rightHash;
   void *rhsStruct;
   struct lhsParseNode *nextLHS;
   struct expr *networkTest, *secondaryNetworkTest, *secondaryExternalTest;
   int joinFromTheRight;
   struct joinLink *theLinks;
   intBool useLinks;

   /* Remove any test CEs from the LHS and attach their */
   /* expression to the closest preceeding non-negated  */
   /* join at the same not/and depth.                   */

   if (startDepth == 1)
     { AttachTestCEsToPatternCEs(theEnv,theLHS); }

   if (theLHS == NULL)
      lastJoin = FindShareableJoin(DefruleData(theEnv)->RightPrimeJoins,NULL,TRUE,NULL,TRUE,
      if (lastJoin == NULL)
        { lastJoin = CreateNewJoin(theEnv,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,NULL,NULL); }

   /* Process each pattern CE in the rule. At this point, */
   /* there should be no and/or/not/test CEs in the LHS.  */

   while (theLHS != NULL)
      /* Find the beginning of the next group of patterns. If */
      /* the current pattern is not the beginning of a "join  */
      /* from the right" group of patterns, then the next     */
      /* pattern is the next pattern. Otherwise skip over all */
      /* the patterns that belong to the group of subjoins.   */
      nextLHS = theLHS->bottom;
      secondaryExternalTest = NULL;

      if (theLHS->endNandDepth > startDepth)
         while ((nextLHS != NULL) &&
                (nextLHS->endNandDepth > startDepth))
           { nextLHS = nextLHS->bottom; }
         /* Variable nextLHS is now pointing to the end of the */
         /* not/and group beginning with variable theLHS. If   */ 
         /* the end depth of the group is less than the depth  */
         /* of the current enclosing not/and group, then this  */
         /* is the last iteration for the enclosing group.     */
         if (nextLHS != NULL)
            if (nextLHS->endNandDepth < startDepth)
              { lastIteration = TRUE; }
         if (nextLHS != NULL)
           { nextLHS = nextLHS->bottom; }
         if ((nextLHS != NULL) && (nextLHS->type == TEST_CE))
            secondaryExternalTest = nextLHS->networkTest;
            nextLHS = nextLHS->bottom; 

      /* Is this the last pattern to be added? */
      if (nextLHS == NULL)
        { lastIteration = TRUE; }
      else if (theLHS->endNandDepth < startDepth)
        { lastIteration = TRUE; } 
      else if ((nextLHS->type == TEST_CE) &&
               (theLHS->beginNandDepth > startDepth) &&
               (nextLHS->endNandDepth < startDepth))
        { lastIteration = TRUE; } 

      /* If the pattern is a join from the right, then */
      /* construct the subgroup of patterns and use    */
      /* that as the RHS of the join to be added.      */
      if (theLHS->beginNandDepth > startDepth)
         joinFromTheRight = TRUE;
         isExists = theLHS->existsNand;

         lastRightJoin = ConstructJoins(theEnv,logicalJoin,theLHS,startDepth+1);
         rhsStruct = lastRightJoin;
         rhsType = 0;
         lastPattern = NULL;
         networkTest = theLHS->externalNetworkTest; /* TBD */
         secondaryNetworkTest = secondaryExternalTest;
         leftHash = theLHS->externalLeftHash;
         rightHash = theLHS->externalRightHash;
      /* Otherwise, add the pattern to the appropriate pattern */
      /* network and use the pattern node containing the alpha */
      /* memory as the RHS of the join to be added.            */
      else if (theLHS->right == NULL)
         joinFromTheRight = FALSE;
         rhsType = 0;
         lastPattern = NULL;
         rhsStruct = NULL;
         lastRightJoin = NULL;
         isExists = theLHS->exists;
         networkTest = theLHS->networkTest;
         secondaryNetworkTest = theLHS->secondaryNetworkTest;
         leftHash = NULL;
         rightHash = NULL;
         joinFromTheRight = FALSE;
         rhsType = theLHS->patternType->positionInArray;
         lastPattern = (*theLHS->patternType->addPatternFunction)(theEnv,theLHS);
         rhsStruct = lastPattern;
         lastRightJoin = NULL;
         isExists = theLHS->exists;
         networkTest = theLHS->networkTest;
         secondaryNetworkTest = theLHS->secondaryNetworkTest;
         leftHash = theLHS->leftHash;
         rightHash = theLHS->rightHash;

      /* Determine if the join being added is a logical join. */

      if ((startDepth == 1) && (joinNumber == logicalJoin)) isLogical = TRUE;
      else isLogical = FALSE;

      /* Get the list of joins which could potentially */
      /* be reused in place of the join being added.   */

      useLinks = TRUE;
      if (firstJoin == TRUE)
         if (theLHS->right == NULL)
           { theLinks = DefruleData(theEnv)->RightPrimeJoins; }
         else if (lastPattern != NULL)
            listOfJoins = lastPattern->entryJoin;
            theLinks = NULL;
            useLinks = FALSE;
           { theLinks = lastRightJoin->nextLinks; }
        { theLinks = lastJoin->nextLinks; }

      /* Determine if the next join to be added can be shared. */

      if ((tryToReuse == TRUE) &&
          ((oldJoin = FindShareableJoin(theLinks,listOfJoins,useLinks,rhsStruct,firstJoin,
                                        leftHash,rightHash)) != NULL) )
         if ((EnvGetWatchItem(theEnv,(char*)"compilations") == TRUE) && GetPrintWhileLoading(theEnv))
           { EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WDIALOG,(char*)"=j"); }
         lastJoin = oldJoin;
         tryToReuse = FALSE;
         if (! joinFromTheRight)
            lastJoin = CreateNewJoin(theEnv,networkTest,secondaryNetworkTest,lastJoin,
                                     lastPattern,FALSE,(int) theLHS->negated, isExists,
            lastJoin->rhsType = rhsType;
            lastJoin = CreateNewJoin(theEnv,networkTest,secondaryNetworkTest,lastJoin,
                                     lastRightJoin,TRUE,(int) theLHS->negated, isExists,
            lastJoin->rhsType = rhsType;
      /* If we've reached the end of the subgroup,  */
      /* then return the last join of the subgroup. */
      if (lastIteration)
        { break; }
      /* Move on to the next join to be added. */

      theLHS = nextLHS;
      firstJoin = FALSE;

   /* Add the final join which stores the activations */
   /* of the rule. This join is never shared.         */
   if (startDepth == 1)
      lastJoin = CreateNewJoin(theEnv,NULL,NULL,lastJoin,NULL,

   /* If compilations are being watched, put a carriage */
   /* return after all of the =j's and +j's             */

   if ((startDepth == 1) &&
       (EnvGetWatchItem(theEnv,(char*)"compilations") == TRUE) && 
     { EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WDIALOG,(char*)"\n"); }

   /* Return the last join added. */

Example #3
static struct defrule *ProcessRuleLHS(
  void *theEnv,
  struct lhsParseNode *theLHS,
  struct expr *actions,
  SYMBOL_HN *ruleName,
  int *error)
   struct lhsParseNode *tempNode = NULL;
   struct defrule *topDisjunct = NULL, *currentDisjunct, *lastDisjunct = NULL;
   struct expr *newActions, *packPtr;
   int logicalJoin;
   int localVarCnt;
   int complexity;
   struct joinNode *lastJoin;
   intBool emptyLHS;

   /* Initially set the parsing error flag to FALSE. */

   *error = FALSE;

   /* The top level of the construct representing the LHS of a  */
   /* rule is assumed to be an OR.  If the implied OR is at the */
   /* top level of the pattern construct, then remove it.       */

   if (theLHS == NULL)
     { emptyLHS = TRUE; }
      emptyLHS = FALSE;
      if (theLHS->type == OR_CE) theLHS = theLHS->right;
   /* Loop through each disjunct of the rule. */

   localVarCnt = CountParsedBindNames(theEnv);
   while ((theLHS != NULL) || (emptyLHS == TRUE))
       unsigned int LHSRuleType; /* LHSRuleType is set to FUZZY_LHS or CRISP_LHS */
       unsigned int numFuzzySlots;
       int patternNum;

      /* Analyze the LHS of this disjunct. */

      if (emptyLHS)
        { tempNode = NULL; }
         if (theLHS->type == AND_CE) tempNode = theLHS->right;
         else if (theLHS->type == PATTERN_CE) tempNode = theLHS;

      if (VariableAnalysis(theEnv,tempNode))
         *error = TRUE;

      /* Perform entity dependent post analysis. */

      if (PostPatternAnalysis(theEnv,tempNode))
         *error = TRUE;
      /* calculate the number of fuzzy value slots in patterns with
         the rule disjunct and also determine LHS type of the
         rule -- if number of fuzzy slots in non-NOT patterns >0
         then FUZZY LHS [if pattern is (not (xxx (fuzzySlot ...) ...))
         then they don't count when considering the LHS type]
      if (emptyLHS)
        { tempNode = NULL; }
         if (theLHS->type == AND_CE) tempNode = theLHS->right;
         else if (theLHS->type == PATTERN_CE) tempNode = theLHS;

         int numFuzzySlotsInNonNotPatterns = 0;
         numFuzzySlots = FuzzySlotAnalysis(theEnv,tempNode, &numFuzzySlotsInNonNotPatterns);
         if (numFuzzySlotsInNonNotPatterns > 0)
           LHSRuleType = FUZZY_LHS;
           LHSRuleType = CRISP_LHS;


      /* Print out developer information if it's being watched. */

      if (EnvGetWatchItem(theEnv,"rule-analysis"))
        { DumpRuleAnalysis(theEnv,tempNode); }

      /* Check to see if there are any RHS constraint errors. */

      if (CheckRHSForConstraintErrors(theEnv,actions,tempNode))
         *error = TRUE;

      /* Replace variable references in the RHS with the */
      /* appropriate variable retrieval functions.       */

      newActions = CopyExpression(theEnv,actions);
      if (ReplaceProcVars(theEnv,"RHS of defrule",newActions,NULL,NULL,
                          ReplaceRHSVariable,(void *) tempNode))
         *error = TRUE;

      /* Remove any test CEs from the LHS and attach their */
      /* expression to the closest preceeding non-negated  */
      /* join at the same not/and depth.                   */

      /* Check to see that logical CEs are used */
      /* appropriately in the LHS of the rule.  */

      if ((logicalJoin = LogicalAnalysis(theEnv,tempNode)) < 0)
         *error = TRUE;

      /* We're finished for this disjunct */
      /* if we're only checking syntax.   */

      if (ConstructData(theEnv)->CheckSyntaxMode)
         if (emptyLHS)
           { emptyLHS = FALSE; }
           { theLHS = theLHS->bottom; }

      /* Install the disjunct's actions. */

      packPtr = PackExpression(theEnv,newActions);

      /* Create the pattern and join data structures for the new rule. */

      lastJoin = ConstructJoins(theEnv,logicalJoin,tempNode,1,NULL,TRUE,TRUE);

      /* Determine the rule's complexity for use with conflict resolution. */

      complexity = RuleComplexity(theEnv,tempNode);

      /* Create the defrule data structure for this disjunct */
      /* and put it in the list of disjuncts for this rule.  */

      /* if not a FUZZY LHS then no need to allocate space to store ptrs to
         fuzzy slots of the patterns on the LHS since there won't be any
         -- numFuzzySlots will be 0.

      currentDisjunct = CreateNewDisjunct(theEnv,ruleName,localVarCnt,packPtr,complexity,
      /* set the type of LHS of Rule disjunct and also
         save fuzzy slot locator info for any fuzzy patterns

      currentDisjunct->lhsRuleType = LHSRuleType;

      if (numFuzzySlots > 0)
         struct lhsParseNode *lhsPNPtr, *lhsSlotPtr;
         int i;

         /* get ptr to a pattern CE */
          if (theLHS->type == AND_CE) lhsPNPtr = theLHS->right;
          else if (theLHS->type == PATTERN_CE) lhsPNPtr = theLHS;
          else lhsPNPtr = NULL;

          patternNum = 0; /* indexed from 0 */
          i = 0;
          while (lhsPNPtr != NULL)
             if (lhsPNPtr->type == PATTERN_CE)
                 lhsSlotPtr = lhsPNPtr->right;
                 while (lhsSlotPtr != NULL)
                       /* If fuzzy template slot then save ptr to fuzzy value      */
                       /*                                                          */
                       /* NOTE: when the pattern was added to the pattern net, the */
                       /* pattern node for the template name was removed (see      */
                       /* PlaceFactPattern) and the pattern node of the FUZZY_VALUE*/
                       /* was changed a networkTest link in the SF_VARIABLE or     */
                       /* SF_WILDCARD node as an SCALL_PN_FUZZY_VALUE expression.  */
                       /* We need to search for that fuzzy value to put it in the  */
                       /* rule (pattern_fv_arrayPtr points to an array of          */
                       /* structures that holds the pattern number, slot number and*/
                       /* fuzzy value HN ptrs connected to the patterns of LHS).   */

                       if (lhsSlotPtr->type == SF_WILDCARD ||
                           lhsSlotPtr->type == SF_VARIABLE)
                           FUZZY_VALUE_HN *fv_ptr;
                           struct fzSlotLocator * fzSL_ptr;

                           fv_ptr = findFuzzyValueInNetworktest(lhsSlotPtr->networkTest);

                           if (fv_ptr != NULL)
                               fzSL_ptr = currentDisjunct->pattern_fv_arrayPtr + i;
                               fzSL_ptr->patternNum = patternNum;
                               fzSL_ptr->slotNum = (lhsSlotPtr->slotNumber)-1;
                               fzSL_ptr->fvhnPtr = fv_ptr;

                       /* Move on to the next slot in the pattern.            */
                       lhsSlotPtr = lhsSlotPtr->right;

             /* Move on to the next pattern in the LHS of the rule. */
             lhsPNPtr = lhsPNPtr->bottom;

           /* i should == numFuzzySlots OR something internal is screwed up --
               OR this algorithm has a problem.
           if (i != numFuzzySlots)
               EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WERROR,"Internal ERROR *** Fuzzy structures -- routine ProcessRuleLHS\n");
      currentDisjunct = CreateNewDisjunct(theEnv,ruleName,localVarCnt,packPtr,complexity,
                                          (unsigned) logicalJoin,lastJoin);

      /* Place the disjunct in the list of disjuncts for this rule. */
      /* If the disjunct is the first disjunct, then increment the  */
      /* reference counts for the dynamic salience (the expression  */
      /* for the dynamic salience is only stored with the first     */
      /* disjuncts and the other disjuncts refer back to the first  */
      /* disjunct for their dynamic salience value.                 */

      if (topDisjunct == NULL)
         topDisjunct = currentDisjunct;
      else lastDisjunct->disjunct = currentDisjunct;

      /* Move on to the next disjunct of the rule. */

      lastDisjunct = currentDisjunct;
      if (emptyLHS)
        { emptyLHS = FALSE; }
        { theLHS = theLHS->bottom; }
