Example #1
add_random_edge(Graph &g, std::set<Vertex> &lonely,
                std::set<Vertex> &connected,
                std::set<Vertex> &saturated,
                T &gen)
  // The condition for the first edge.
  if (lonely.size() >= 2 && connected.empty() && saturated.empty())
      // Select two lone vertexes, which will be the end nodes of the
      // first edge created.
      Vertex src = get_random_element(lonely, gen);
      // Move the src node from lonely before we pick the dst node.
      move(src, g, lonely, connected, saturated);
      Vertex dst = get_random_element(lonely, gen);
      move(dst, g, lonely, connected, saturated);
      bool status = add_edge(src, dst, g).second;
      return status;
  // The condition for lonely vertexes and a connected component.
  else if (!lonely.empty() && !connected.empty())
      // Add a new edge where one vertex belongs to the connected
      // component, while the other is a lone one.
      Vertex src = get_random_element(lonely, gen);
      Vertex dst = get_random_element(connected, gen);
      bool status = add_edge(src, dst, g).second;
      move(src, g, lonely, connected, saturated);
      move_if_needed(dst, g, connected, saturated);
      return status;
  // The condition for a connected component only.
  else if (lonely.empty() && connected.size() >= 2)
      // Now we have to create an edge where both vertexes of the edge
      // belong to the connected component.  We have to be carefull
      // not to create a parallel edge.
      Vertex src = get_random_element(connected, gen);
      // These are the vertexes that can be destination nodes.
      set<Vertex> sifted = connected;
      BGL_FORALL_OUTEDGES_T(src, e, g, Graph)
        sifted.erase(target(e, g));
      // Now pick from the sifted set.
      Vertex dst = get_random_element(sifted, gen);
      bool status = add_edge(src, dst, g).second;
      move_if_needed(src, g, connected, saturated);
      move_if_needed(dst, g, connected, saturated);
      return status;

  return false;
Example #2
      static void 
      run_impl(const DistributedGraph& g,
               typename graph_traits<DistributedGraph>::vertex_descriptor s,
               PredecessorMap predecessor, DistanceMap distance, 
               Lookahead lookahead, WeightMap weight, IndexMap index_map, 
               ColorMap color_map, Compare compare, Combine combine, 
               DistInf inf, DistZero zero, DijkstraVisitor vis)
        BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T(u, g, DistributedGraph)
          BGL_FORALL_OUTEDGES_T(u, e, g, DistributedGraph)
            local_put(color_map, target(e, g), white_color);

          ::run(g, s, predecessor, distance, lookahead, weight, index_map,
                color_map, compare, combine, inf, zero, vis);
		inline void
			Graph &g, 
			WeightMap w, 
			typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor v,
			typename harel_bfs_traits<Graph, WeightMap>::neighbor_similarity_map &ns,
			int cur_depth,
			int limit,
			typename property_traits<WeightMap>::value_type running_weight,
			bool use_threshold = false)
			if (cur_depth > limit) return; // hit our depth limit. we're done!
			// get this node's neighbors
			typedef typename property_traits<WeightMap>::value_type weight;
			typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator;
			typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor vertex;
			weight total = 0;
			BGL_FORALL_OUTEDGES_T(v,e,g,Graph) total += get(w, e);
			out_edge_iterator ei, eend;
			for(tie(ei, eend) = out_edges(v, g); ei != eend; ++ei) {
				// add to the map this edge's weight - if it exists already -- use addition
				vertex target = boost::target(*ei, g);
				weight new_running_weight = running_weight * (get(w, *ei) / total);
				// if new_running_weight is below a certain threshold, let's just ignore it
				if (use_threshold && new_running_weight < 0.001) continue;
				if (ns.count(target)) {
					ns[target] = ns[target] + new_running_weight;
				} else {
					ns[target] = new_running_weight;
				// and go ahead and start spidering it, too
				ns_spider(g, w, target, ns, cur_depth + 1, limit, new_running_weight, use_threshold);