/* ================= CG_RegisterWeapon ================= */ void CG_RegisterWeapon( int weaponNum ) { weaponInfo_t *weaponInfo; char path[ MAX_QPATH ]; vec3_t mins, maxs; int i; weaponInfo = &cg_weapons[ weaponNum ]; if( weaponNum == 0 ) return; if( weaponInfo->registered ) return; memset( weaponInfo, 0, sizeof( *weaponInfo ) ); weaponInfo->registered = qtrue; if( !BG_FindNameForWeapon( weaponNum ) ) CG_Error( "Couldn't find weapon %i", weaponNum ); Com_sprintf( path, MAX_QPATH, "models/weapons/%s/weapon.cfg", BG_FindNameForWeapon( weaponNum ) ); weaponInfo->humanName = BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( weaponNum ); if( !CG_ParseWeaponFile( path, weaponInfo ) ) Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: failed to parse %s\n", path ); // calc midpoint for rotation trap_R_ModelBounds( weaponInfo->weaponModel, mins, maxs ); for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) weaponInfo->weaponMidpoint[ i ] = mins[ i ] + 0.5 * ( maxs[ i ] - mins[ i ] ); //FIXME: for( i = WPM_NONE + 1; i < WPM_NUM_WEAPONMODES; i++ ) weaponInfo->wim[ i ].loopFireSound = qfalse; }
/* =============== CG_HumanText =============== */ static void CG_HumanText( char *text, playerState_t *ps ) { char *name; int ammo, clips; upgrade_t upgrade = UP_NONE; if( cg.weaponSelect <= 32 ) name = cg_weapons[ cg.weaponSelect ].humanName; else if( cg.weaponSelect > 32 ) { name = cg_upgrades[ cg.weaponSelect - 32 ].humanName; upgrade = cg.weaponSelect - 32; } BG_UnpackAmmoArray( ps->weapon, &ps->ammo, ps->powerups, &ammo, &clips ); if( !ammo && !clips && !BG_FindInfinteAmmoForWeapon( ps->weapon ) ) { //no ammo switch( ps->weapon ) { case WP_MACHINEGUN: case WP_CHAINGUN: case WP_SHOTGUN: case WP_LAUNCHER: case WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: Q_strcat( text, MAX_TUTORIAL_TEXT, va( "Find an Armoury and press %s for more ammo\n", CG_KeyNameForCommand( "buy ammo" ) ) ); break; case WP_LAS_GUN: case WP_MASS_DRIVER: Q_strcat( text, MAX_TUTORIAL_TEXT, va( "Find a Reactor or Repeater and press %s for more ammo\n", CG_KeyNameForCommand( "buy ammo" ) ) ); break; default: break; } } else { switch( ps->weapon ) { case WP_LAUNCHER: Q_strcat( text, MAX_TUTORIAL_TEXT, va( "Press %s to fire the %s\n", CG_KeyNameForCommand( "+attack" ), BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( ps->weapon ) ) ); Q_strcat( text, MAX_TUTORIAL_TEXT, va( "Press %s to fire incendiary grenade\n", CG_KeyNameForCommand( "+button5" ) ) ); break; case WP_PISTOL: case WP_MACHINEGUN: case WP_SHOTGUN: case WP_LAS_GUN: case WP_CHAINGUN: case WP_MASS_DRIVER: case WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: Q_strcat( text, MAX_TUTORIAL_TEXT, va( "Press %s to fire the %s\n", CG_KeyNameForCommand( "+attack" ), BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( ps->weapon ) ) ); Q_strcat( text, MAX_TUTORIAL_TEXT, va( "Hold %s to zoom\n", CG_KeyNameForCommand( "+button5" ) ) ); break; case WP_HBUILD: case WP_HBUILD2: CG_HumanCkitText( text, ps ); break; default: break; } } Q_strcat( text, MAX_TUTORIAL_TEXT, va( "Press %s and ", CG_KeyNameForCommand( "weapprev" ) ) ); Q_strcat( text, MAX_TUTORIAL_TEXT, va( "%s to select an upgrade\n", CG_KeyNameForCommand( "weapnext" ) ) ); if( upgrade == UP_NONE || ( upgrade > UP_NONE && BG_FindUsableForUpgrade( upgrade ) ) ) { Q_strcat( text, MAX_TUTORIAL_TEXT, va( "Press %s to use the %s\n", CG_KeyNameForCommand( "+button2" ), name ) ); } if( ps->stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] <= 35 && BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( UP_MEDKIT, ps->stats ) ) { Q_strcat( text, MAX_TUTORIAL_TEXT, va( "Press %s to use your %s\n", CG_KeyNameForCommand( "itemact medkit" ), BG_FindHumanNameForUpgrade( UP_MEDKIT ) ) ); } Q_strcat( text, MAX_TUTORIAL_TEXT, va( "Press %s to use a structure\n", CG_KeyNameForCommand( "+button7" ) ) ); }