Example #1
 * @brief Function to distribute rewards to entities that killed this one.
 * @param self
void G_RewardAttackers( gentity_t *self )
	float     value, share, reward, enemyDamage, damageShare;
	int       playerNum, maxHealth;
	gentity_t *player;
	team_t    ownTeam, playerTeam;

	// Only reward killing players and buildables
	if ( self->client )
		ownTeam   = (team_t) self->client->pers.team;
		maxHealth = self->client->ps.stats[ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ];
		value     = BG_GetValueOfPlayer( &self->client->ps );
	else if ( self->s.eType == ET_BUILDABLE )
		ownTeam   = (team_t) self->buildableTeam;
		maxHealth = BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->health;
		value     = BG_IsMainStructure( &self->s )
		            : BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->buildPoints;

		// Give partial credits for buildables in construction
		if ( !self->spawned )
			value *= ( level.time - self->creationTime ) /
			         ( float )BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->buildTime;

	// Sum up damage dealt by enemies
	enemyDamage = 0.0f;

	for ( playerNum = 0; playerNum < level.maxclients; playerNum++ )
		player     = &g_entities[ playerNum ];
		playerTeam = (team_t) player->client->pers.team;

		// Player must be on the other team
		if ( playerTeam == ownTeam || playerTeam <= TEAM_NONE || playerTeam >= NUM_TEAMS )

		enemyDamage += self->credits[ playerNum ].value;

	if ( enemyDamage <= 0 )

	// Give individual rewards
	for ( playerNum = 0; playerNum < level.maxclients; playerNum++ )
		player      = &g_entities[ playerNum ];
		playerTeam  = (team_t) player->client->pers.team;
		damageShare = self->credits[ playerNum ].value;

		// Clear reward array
		self->credits[ playerNum ].value = 0.0f;

		// Player must be on the other team
		if ( playerTeam == ownTeam || playerTeam <= TEAM_NONE || playerTeam >= NUM_TEAMS )

		// Player must have dealt damage
		if ( damageShare <= 0.0f )

		share  = damageShare / ( float )maxHealth;
		reward = value * share;

		if ( self->s.eType == ET_BUILDABLE )
			// Add score
			G_AddMomentumToScore( player, reward );

			// Add momentum
			G_AddMomentumForDestroyingStep( self, player, reward );
			// Add score
			G_AddCreditsToScore( player, ( int )reward );

			// Add credits
			G_AddCreditToClient( player->client, ( short )reward, true );

			// Add momentum
			G_AddMomentumForKillingStep( self, player, share );

	// Complete momentum modification
bool BG_IsMainStructure( entityState_t *es )
	if ( es->eType != ET_BUILDABLE ) return false;

	return BG_IsMainStructure( (buildable_t)es->modelindex );