Example #1
bool BG_InitWeaponStats(void)
	void		*GP2, *topGroup, *topSubs;

	GP2 = trap_GP_ParseFile("ext_data/sof2.wpn", true, false);
	if (!GP2)
		return false;

	topGroup = trap_GP_GetBaseParseGroup(GP2);
	topSubs = trap_GPG_GetSubGroups(topGroup);
		char name[256];
		trap_GPG_GetName(topSubs, name);
		if (strcmp(name, "weapon") == 0)
			trap_GPG_FindPairValue(topSubs, "name", "", name);
			for(int i=0;i<WP_NUM_WEAPONS;i++)
				if (strcmp(bg_weaponNames[i], name) == 0)
					BG_ParseWeaponStats((weapon_t)i, topSubs);
		topSubs = trap_GPG_GetNext(topSubs);


	return true;
static qboolean BG_ParseWeaponFile ( const char *weaponFilePath )
    cJSON *json = NULL;
    cJSON *jsonNode = NULL;
    char error[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
    const char *str = NULL;
    int weapon;
	int i;
    char weaponFileData[MAX_WEAPON_FILE_LENGTH];
    fileHandle_t f;
    int fileLen = strap_FS_FOpenFile (weaponFilePath, &f, FS_READ);
    weaponData_t weaponData;

	fmLoadCounter = 0;
    if ( !f || fileLen == -1 )
        Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "%s: failed to read the weapon file. File is unreadable or is empty.\n", weaponFilePath);
        return qfalse;
    if ( (fileLen + 1) >= MAX_WEAPON_FILE_LENGTH )
        trap_FS_FCloseFile (f);
        Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "%s: file too big (%d bytes, maximum is %d).\n", weaponFilePath, fileLen, MAX_WEAPON_FILE_LENGTH - 1);
        return qfalse;
    strap_FS_Read (&weaponFileData, fileLen, f);
    weaponFileData[fileLen] = '\0';
    strap_FS_FCloseFile (f);
    json = cJSON_ParsePooled (weaponFileData, error, sizeof (error));
    if ( json == NULL )
        Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "%s: %s\n", weaponFilePath, error);
        return qfalse;
    BG_InitializeWeaponData (&weaponData);
    ReadString (json, "classname", weaponData.classname, sizeof (weaponData.classname));
    jsonNode = cJSON_GetObjectItem (json, "type");
    str = cJSON_ToString (jsonNode);
    weapon = GetIDForString (WPTable, str);
    weaponData.weaponBaseIndex = weapon;
    jsonNode = cJSON_GetObjectItem (json, "variation");
    weapon = cJSON_ToNumber (jsonNode);
    weaponData.weaponModIndex = weapon;

    jsonNode = cJSON_GetObjectItem (json, "stats");
    BG_ParseWeaponStats (&weaponData, jsonNode);
	weaponData.numFiringModes = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < MAX_FIREMODES; i++)
		jsonNode = cJSON_GetObjectItem (json, va("firemode%i", i));
		if(jsonNode != NULL)
			BG_ParseWeaponFireMode (&weaponData.firemodes[i], jsonNode);
	// Old stuff for when we had primary/alt attacks --eez
    /*jsonNode = cJSON_GetObjectItem (json, "primaryattack");
    BG_ParseWeaponFireMode (&weaponData.firemodes[0], jsonNode);
    jsonNode = cJSON_GetObjectItem (json, "secondaryattack");
    if ( jsonNode != NULL )
        weaponData.hasSecondary = 1;
        BG_ParseWeaponFireMode (&weaponData.firemodes[1], jsonNode);
    jsonNode = cJSON_GetObjectItem (json, "playeranims");
    BG_ParseWeaponPlayerAnimations (&weaponData, jsonNode);
    jsonNode = cJSON_GetObjectItem (json, "name");
    str = cJSON_ToString (jsonNode);
    Q_strncpyz (weaponData.displayName, str, sizeof (weaponData.displayName));
#ifdef CGAME
    // TODO: Maybe we can turn this into a loop somehow? It's just turning into a stupidly long list.

    jsonNode = cJSON_GetObjectItem (json, "weaponanims");
    // TODO
    jsonNode = cJSON_GetObjectItem (json, "description");
    str = cJSON_ToString (jsonNode);
    Q_strncpyz (weaponData.visuals.description, str, sizeof (weaponData.visuals.description));
    jsonNode = cJSON_GetObjectItem (json, "visual");
    BG_ParseVisuals (&weaponData, jsonNode);

    /*if ( weaponData.zoomType != ZOOM_NONE )
        // If we have zoom mode, then copy over the data from the primary to the secondary
        // so it's as if we haven't changed fire modes at all! Ingenious! (And also temporary)
        weaponData.firemodes[1] = weaponData.firemodes[0];
    BG_AddWeaponData (&weaponData);
    cJSON_Delete (json);
    return qtrue;