Example #1
  void OpenSSL::pushFunc()
    int wantwrite;
    size_t wantread;
    int frombio;
    int tobio;

    while( ( wantwrite = BIO_ctrl_pending( m_nbio ) ) > 0 )
      if( wantwrite > m_bufsize )
        wantwrite = m_bufsize;

      if( !wantwrite )

      frombio = BIO_read( m_nbio, m_buf, wantwrite );

      if( m_handler )
        m_handler->handleEncryptedData( this, std::string( m_buf, frombio ) );

    while( ( wantread = BIO_ctrl_get_read_request( m_nbio ) ) > 0 )
      if( wantread > m_recvBuffer.length() )
        wantread = m_recvBuffer.length();

      if( !wantread )

      tobio = BIO_write( m_nbio, m_recvBuffer.c_str(), wantread );
      m_recvBuffer.erase( 0, tobio );
Example #2
    * The interface layer between network and BIO-pair. The BIO-pair buffers
    * the data to/from the TLS layer.
    void SSLManager::_flushNetworkBIO(SSLConnection* conn){
        char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
        int wantWrite;

        * Write the complete contents of the buffer. Leaving the buffer
        * unflushed could cause a deadlock. 
        while ((wantWrite = BIO_ctrl_pending(conn->networkBIO)) > 0) {
            if (wantWrite > BUFFER_SIZE) {
                wantWrite = BUFFER_SIZE;
            int fromBIO = BIO_read(conn->networkBIO, buffer, wantWrite);

            int writePos = 0;
            do {
                int numWrite = fromBIO - writePos;
                numWrite = send(conn->socket->rawFD(), buffer + writePos, numWrite, portSendFlags); 
                if (numWrite < 0) {
                    conn->socket->handleSendError(numWrite, "");
                writePos += numWrite;
            } while (writePos < fromBIO);

        int wantRead;
        while ((wantRead = BIO_ctrl_get_read_request(conn->networkBIO)) > 0)
            if (wantRead > BUFFER_SIZE) {
                wantRead = BUFFER_SIZE;

            int numRead = recv(conn->socket->rawFD(), buffer, wantRead, portRecvFlags);
            if (numRead <= 0) {
                conn->socket->handleRecvError(numRead, wantRead);

            int toBIO = BIO_write(conn->networkBIO, buffer, numRead);
            if (toBIO != numRead) {
                LOG(3) << "Failed to write network data to the SSL BIO layer";
                throw SocketException(SocketException::RECV_ERROR , conn->socket->remoteString());
Example #3
static int network_biopair_interop(ACL_SOCKET fd, int timeout, BIO *network_bio)
    const char *myname = "network_biopair_interop";
    int     want_write;
    int     num_write;
    int     write_pos;
    int     from_bio;
    int     want_read;
    int     num_read;
    int     to_bio;
    char    buffer[NETLAYER_BUFFERSIZE];

     * To avoid deadlock, write all pending data to the network before
     * attempting to read from the network.
    while ((want_write = (int) BIO_ctrl_pending(network_bio)) > 0) {
	if (want_write > (int) sizeof(buffer))
	    want_write = (int) sizeof(buffer);
	from_bio = BIO_read(network_bio, buffer, want_write);

	 * Write the complete buffer contents to the network.
	for (write_pos = 0; write_pos < from_bio; /* see below */ ) {
	    if (timeout > 0 && acl_write_wait(fd, timeout) < 0)
		return (-1);
	    num_write = acl_socket_write(fd, buffer + write_pos, from_bio - write_pos, 0, 0, 0);
	    if (num_write <= 0) {
		if ((num_write < 0) && (timeout > 0) && (errno == ACL_EAGAIN || errno == ACL_EINTR)) {
		    acl_msg_warn("%s: write() returns EAGAIN on a writable file descriptor!", myname);
		    acl_msg_warn("%s: pausing to avoid going into a tight select/write loop!", myname);
		} else {
		    acl_msg_warn("%s: error writing %d bytes to the network: %s",
			    myname, from_bio - write_pos, acl_last_serror());
		    return (-1);
	    } else {
		write_pos += num_write;

     * Read data from the network into the BIO pair.
    while ((want_read = (int) BIO_ctrl_get_read_request(network_bio)) > 0) {
	if (want_read > (int) sizeof(buffer))
	    want_read = (int) sizeof(buffer);
	if (timeout > 0 && acl_read_wait(fd, timeout) < 0)
	    return (-1);
	num_read = acl_socket_read(fd, buffer, want_read, 0, 0, 0);
	if (num_read == 0)
	    /* FIX 200412 Cannot return a zero read count. */
	    return (-1);
	if (num_read < 0) {
	    if ((num_read < 0) && (timeout > 0) && (errno == ACL_EAGAIN || errno == ACL_EINTR)) {
		acl_msg_warn("%s: read() returns EAGAIN on a readable file descriptor!", myname);
		acl_msg_warn("%s: pausing to avoid going into a tight select/write loop!", myname);
	    } else {
		acl_msg_warn("%s: error reading %d bytes from the network: %s",
			myname, want_read, acl_last_serror());
		return (-1);
	} else {
	    to_bio = BIO_write(network_bio, buffer, num_read);
	    if (to_bio != num_read)
		acl_msg_panic("%s: BIO_write error: to_bio != num_read", myname);
    return (0);
Example #4
int doit_biopair(SSL *s_ssl, SSL *c_ssl, long count,
	clock_t *s_time, clock_t *c_time)
	long cw_num = count, cr_num = count, sw_num = count, sr_num = count;
	BIO *s_ssl_bio = NULL, *c_ssl_bio = NULL;
	BIO *server = NULL, *server_io = NULL, *client = NULL, *client_io = NULL;
	int ret = 1;
	size_t bufsiz = 256; /* small buffer for testing */

	if (!BIO_new_bio_pair(&server, bufsiz, &server_io, bufsiz))
		goto err;
	if (!BIO_new_bio_pair(&client, bufsiz, &client_io, bufsiz))
		goto err;
	s_ssl_bio = BIO_new(BIO_f_ssl());
	if (!s_ssl_bio)
		goto err;

	c_ssl_bio = BIO_new(BIO_f_ssl());
	if (!c_ssl_bio)
		goto err;

	SSL_set_bio(c_ssl, client, client);
	(void)BIO_set_ssl(c_ssl_bio, c_ssl, BIO_NOCLOSE);

	SSL_set_bio(s_ssl, server, server);
	(void)BIO_set_ssl(s_ssl_bio, s_ssl, BIO_NOCLOSE);

		/* c_ssl_bio:          SSL filter BIO
		 * client:             pseudo-I/O for SSL library
		 * client_io:          client's SSL communication; usually to be
		 *                     relayed over some I/O facility, but in this
		 *                     test program, we're the server, too:
		 * server_io:          server's SSL communication
		 * server:             pseudo-I/O for SSL library
		 * s_ssl_bio:          SSL filter BIO
		 * The client and the server each employ a "BIO pair":
		 * client + client_io, server + server_io.
		 * BIO pairs are symmetric.  A BIO pair behaves similar
		 * to a non-blocking socketpair (but both endpoints must
		 * be handled by the same thread).
		 * [Here we could connect client and server to the ends
		 * of a single BIO pair, but then this code would be less
		 * suitable as an example for BIO pairs in general.]
		 * Useful functions for querying the state of BIO pair endpoints:
		 * BIO_ctrl_pending(bio)              number of bytes we can read now
		 * BIO_ctrl_get_read_request(bio)     number of bytes needed to fulfil
		 *                                      other side's read attempt
		 * BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee(bio)   number of bytes we can write now
		 * ..._read_request is never more than ..._write_guarantee;
		 * it depends on the application which one you should use.

		/* We have non-blocking behaviour throughout this test program, but
		 * can be sure that there is *some* progress in each iteration; so
		 * we don't have to worry about ..._SHOULD_READ or ..._SHOULD_WRITE
		 * -- we just try everything in each iteration

			/* CLIENT */
			MS_STATIC char cbuf[1024*8];
			int i, r;
			clock_t c_clock = clock();

			memset(cbuf, 0, sizeof(cbuf));

			if (debug)
				if (SSL_in_init(c_ssl))
					printf("client waiting in SSL_connect - %s\n",

			if (cw_num > 0)
				/* Write to server. */
				if (cw_num > (long)sizeof cbuf)
					i = sizeof cbuf;
					i = (int)cw_num;
				r = BIO_write(c_ssl_bio, cbuf, i);
				if (r < 0)
					if (!BIO_should_retry(c_ssl_bio))
						fprintf(stderr,"ERROR in CLIENT\n");
						goto err;
					/* BIO_should_retry(...) can just be ignored here.
					 * The library expects us to call BIO_write with
					 * the same arguments again, and that's what we will
					 * do in the next iteration. */
				else if (r == 0)
					fprintf(stderr,"SSL CLIENT STARTUP FAILED\n");
					goto err;
					if (debug)
						printf("client wrote %d\n", r);
					cw_num -= r;				

			if (cr_num > 0)
				/* Read from server. */

				r = BIO_read(c_ssl_bio, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf));
				if (r < 0)
					if (!BIO_should_retry(c_ssl_bio))
						fprintf(stderr,"ERROR in CLIENT\n");
						goto err;
					/* Again, "BIO_should_retry" can be ignored. */
				else if (r == 0)
					fprintf(stderr,"SSL CLIENT STARTUP FAILED\n");
					goto err;
					if (debug)
						printf("client read %d\n", r);
					cr_num -= r;

			/* c_time and s_time increments will typically be very small
			 * (depending on machine speed and clock tick intervals),
			 * but sampling over a large number of connections should
			 * result in fairly accurate figures.  We cannot guarantee
			 * a lot, however -- if each connection lasts for exactly
			 * one clock tick, it will be counted only for the client
			 * or only for the server or even not at all.
			*c_time += (clock() - c_clock);

			/* SERVER */
			MS_STATIC char sbuf[1024*8];
			int i, r;
			clock_t s_clock = clock();

			memset(sbuf, 0, sizeof(sbuf));

			if (debug)
				if (SSL_in_init(s_ssl))
					printf("server waiting in SSL_accept - %s\n",

			if (sw_num > 0)
				/* Write to client. */
				if (sw_num > (long)sizeof sbuf)
					i = sizeof sbuf;
					i = (int)sw_num;
				r = BIO_write(s_ssl_bio, sbuf, i);
				if (r < 0)
					if (!BIO_should_retry(s_ssl_bio))
						fprintf(stderr,"ERROR in SERVER\n");
						goto err;
					/* Ignore "BIO_should_retry". */
				else if (r == 0)
					fprintf(stderr,"SSL SERVER STARTUP FAILED\n");
					goto err;
					if (debug)
						printf("server wrote %d\n", r);
					sw_num -= r;				

			if (sr_num > 0)
				/* Read from client. */

				r = BIO_read(s_ssl_bio, sbuf, sizeof(sbuf));
				if (r < 0)
					if (!BIO_should_retry(s_ssl_bio))
						fprintf(stderr,"ERROR in SERVER\n");
						goto err;
					/* blah, blah */
				else if (r == 0)
					fprintf(stderr,"SSL SERVER STARTUP FAILED\n");
					goto err;
					if (debug)
						printf("server read %d\n", r);
					sr_num -= r;

			*s_time += (clock() - s_clock);

			size_t r1, r2;
			BIO *io1 = server_io, *io2 = client_io;
			/* we use the non-copying interface for io1
			 * and the standard BIO_write/BIO_read interface for io2
			static int prev_progress = 1;
			int progress = 0;
			/* io1 to io2 */
				size_t num;
				int r;

				r1 = BIO_ctrl_pending(io1);
				r2 = BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee(io2);

				num = r1;
				if (r2 < num)
					num = r2;
				if (num)
					char *dataptr;

					if (INT_MAX < num) /* yeah, right */
						num = INT_MAX;
					r = BIO_nread(io1, &dataptr, (int)num);
					assert(r > 0);
					assert(r <= (int)num);
					/* possibly r < num (non-contiguous data) */
					num = r;
					r = BIO_write(io2, dataptr, (int)num);
					if (r != (int)num) /* can't happen */
						fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: BIO_write could not write "
							"BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee() bytes");
						goto err;
					progress = 1;

					if (debug)
						printf((io1 == client_io) ?
							"C->S relaying: %d bytes\n" :
							"S->C relaying: %d bytes\n",
			while (r1 && r2);

			/* io2 to io1 */
				size_t num;
				int r;

				r1 = BIO_ctrl_pending(io2);
				r2 = BIO_ctrl_get_read_request(io1);
				/* here we could use ..._get_write_guarantee instead of
				 * ..._get_read_request, but by using the latter
				 * we test restartability of the SSL implementation
				 * more thoroughly */
				num = r1;
				if (r2 < num)
					num = r2;
				if (num)
					char *dataptr;
					if (INT_MAX < num)
						num = INT_MAX;

					if (num > 1)
						--num; /* test restartability even more thoroughly */
					r = BIO_nwrite0(io1, &dataptr);
					assert(r > 0);
					if (r < (int)num)
						num = r;
					r = BIO_read(io2, dataptr, (int)num);
					if (r != (int)num) /* can't happen */
						fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: BIO_read could not read "
							"BIO_ctrl_pending() bytes");
						goto err;
					progress = 1;
					r = BIO_nwrite(io1, &dataptr, (int)num);
					if (r != (int)num) /* can't happen */
						fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: BIO_nwrite() did not accept "
							"BIO_nwrite0() bytes");
						goto err;
					if (debug)
						printf((io2 == client_io) ?
							"C->S relaying: %d bytes\n" :
							"S->C relaying: %d bytes\n",
			} /* no loop, BIO_ctrl_get_read_request now returns 0 anyway */

			if (!progress && !prev_progress)
				if (cw_num > 0 || cr_num > 0 || sw_num > 0 || sr_num > 0)
					fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: got stuck\n");
					if (strcmp("SSLv2", SSL_get_version(c_ssl)) == 0)
						fprintf(stderr, "This can happen for SSL2 because "
							"CLIENT-FINISHED and SERVER-VERIFY are written \n"
							"concurrently ...");
						if (strncmp("2SCF", SSL_state_string(c_ssl), 4) == 0
							&& strncmp("2SSV", SSL_state_string(s_ssl), 4) == 0)
							fprintf(stderr, " ok.\n");
							goto end;
					fprintf(stderr, " ERROR.\n");
					goto err;
			prev_progress = progress;
	while (cw_num > 0 || cr_num > 0 || sw_num > 0 || sr_num > 0);

	if (verbose)
		print_details(c_ssl, "DONE via BIO pair: ");
	ret = 0;

	if (server)
	if (server_io)
	if (client)
	if (client_io)
	if (s_ssl_bio)
	if (c_ssl_bio)

	return ret;