Example #1
static EdgeHash *get_tface_mesh_marked_edge_info(Mesh *me)
	EdgeHash *eh = BLI_edgehash_new();
	MPoly *mp;
	MLoop *ml;
	MLoop *ml_next;
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < me->totpoly; i++) {
		mp = &me->mpoly[i];

		if (!(mp->flag & ME_HIDE)) {
			unsigned int flags = eEdge_Visible;
			if (mp->flag & ME_FACE_SEL) flags |= eEdge_Select;

			ml = me->mloop + mp->loopstart;
			for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, ml++) {
				ml_next = ME_POLY_LOOP_NEXT(me->mloop, mp, j);
				get_marked_edge_info__orFlags(eh, ml->v, ml_next->v, flags);

	return eh;
Example #2
static void mesh_calc_edges(Mesh *mesh)
	CustomData edata;
	EdgeHashIterator *ehi;
	MFace *mf = mesh->mface;
	MEdge *med;
	EdgeHash *eh = BLI_edgehash_new();
	int i, *index, totedge, totface = mesh->totface;

	for (i = 0; i < totface; i++, mf++) {
		if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v1, mf->v2))
			BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v1, mf->v2, NULL);
		if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v2, mf->v3))
			BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v2, mf->v3, NULL);
		if (mf->v4) {
			if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v3, mf->v4))
				BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v3, mf->v4, NULL);
			if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v4, mf->v1))
				BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v4, mf->v1, NULL);
		} else {
			if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v3, mf->v1))
				BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v3, mf->v1, NULL);

	totedge = BLI_edgehash_size(eh);

	/* write new edges into a temporary CustomData */
	memset(&edata, 0, sizeof(edata));
	CustomData_add_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totedge);

	ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(eh);
	med = CustomData_get_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE);
	for(i = 0; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi);
	    BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi), ++i, ++med, ++index) {
		BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, (int*)&med->v1, (int*)&med->v2);


	/* free old CustomData and assign new one */
	CustomData_free(&mesh->edata, mesh->totedge);
	mesh->edata = edata;
	mesh->totedge = totedge;

	mesh->medge = CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->edata, CD_MEDGE);

	BLI_edgehash_free(eh, NULL);
Example #3
static void laplacian_system_construct_end(LaplacianSystem *sys)
	int (*face)[3];
	int a, totvert=sys->totvert, totface=sys->totface;

	laplacian_begin_solve(sys, 0);

	sys->varea= MEM_callocN(sizeof(float)*totvert, "LaplacianSystemVarea");

	sys->edgehash= BLI_edgehash_new();
	for(a=0, face=sys->faces; a<sys->totface; a++, face++) {
		laplacian_increase_edge_count(sys->edgehash, (*face)[0], (*face)[1]);
		laplacian_increase_edge_count(sys->edgehash, (*face)[1], (*face)[2]);
		laplacian_increase_edge_count(sys->edgehash, (*face)[2], (*face)[0]);

		for(a=0, face=sys->faces; a<sys->totface; a++, face++)
			laplacian_triangle_area(sys, (*face)[0], (*face)[1], (*face)[2]);
	for(a=0; a<totvert; a++) {
		if(sys->areaweights) {
			if(sys->varea[a] != 0.0f)
				sys->varea[a]= 0.5f/sys->varea[a];
			sys->varea[a]= 1.0f;

		/* for heat weighting */
			nlMatrixAdd(a, a, sys->heat.H[a]);

		sys->fweights= MEM_callocN(sizeof(float)*3*totface, "LaplacianFWeight");
	for(a=0, face=sys->faces; a<totface; a++, face++)
		laplacian_triangle_weights(sys, a, (*face)[0], (*face)[1], (*face)[2]);

	sys->faces= NULL;

	if(sys->varea) {
		sys->varea= NULL;

	BLI_edgehash_free(sys->edgehash, NULL);
	sys->edgehash= NULL;
static DerivedMesh *explodeMesh(ExplodeModifierData *emd,
                                ParticleSystemModifierData *psmd, Scene *scene, Object *ob,
                                DerivedMesh *to_explode)
	DerivedMesh *explode, *dm = to_explode;
	MFace *mf = NULL, *mface;
	/* ParticleSettings *part=psmd->psys->part; */ /* UNUSED */
	ParticleSimulationData sim = {NULL};
	ParticleData *pa = NULL, *pars = psmd->psys->particles;
	ParticleKey state, birth;
	EdgeHash *vertpahash;
	EdgeHashIterator *ehi;
	float *vertco = NULL, imat[4][4];
	float rot[4];
	float cfra;
	/* float timestep; */
	const int *facepa = emd->facepa;
	int totdup = 0, totvert = 0, totface = 0, totpart = 0, delface = 0;
	int i, v, u;
	unsigned int ed_v1, ed_v2, mindex = 0;
	MTFace *mtface = NULL, *mtf;

	totface = dm->getNumTessFaces(dm);
	totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	mface = dm->getTessFaceArray(dm);
	totpart = psmd->psys->totpart;

	sim.scene = scene;
	sim.ob = ob;
	sim.psys = psmd->psys;
	sim.psmd = psmd;

	/* timestep = psys_get_timestep(&sim); */

	cfra = BKE_scene_frame_get(scene);

	/* hash table for vertice <-> particle relations */
	vertpahash = BLI_edgehash_new(__func__);

	for (i = 0; i < totface; i++) {
		if (facepa[i] != totpart) {
			pa = pars + facepa[i];

			if ((pa->alive == PARS_UNBORN && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Unborn) == 0) ||
			    (pa->alive == PARS_ALIVE && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Alive) == 0) ||
			    (pa->alive == PARS_DEAD && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Dead) == 0))

		/* do mindex + totvert to ensure the vertex index to be the first
		 * with BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey */
		if (facepa[i] == totpart || cfra < (pars + facepa[i])->time)
			mindex = totvert + totpart;
			mindex = totvert + facepa[i];

		mf = &mface[i];

		/* set face vertices to exist in particle group */
		BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v1, mindex, NULL);
		BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v2, mindex, NULL);
		BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v3, mindex, NULL);
		if (mf->v4)
			BLI_edgehash_reinsert(vertpahash, mf->v4, mindex, NULL);

	/* make new vertice indexes & count total vertices after duplication */
	ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(vertpahash);
	for (; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) {
		BLI_edgehashIterator_setValue(ehi, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(totdup));

	/* the final duplicated vertices */
	explode = CDDM_from_template_ex(dm, totdup, 0, totface - delface, 0, 0, CD_MASK_DERIVEDMESH | CD_MASK_FACECORNERS);
	mtface = CustomData_get_layer_named(&explode->faceData, CD_MTFACE, emd->uvname);
	/*dupvert = CDDM_get_verts(explode);*/

	/* getting back to object space */
	invert_m4_m4(imat, ob->obmat);

	psmd->psys->lattice_deform_data = psys_create_lattice_deform_data(&sim);

	/* duplicate & displace vertices */
	ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(vertpahash);
	for (; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) {
		MVert source;
		MVert *dest;

		/* get particle + vertex from hash */
		BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, &ed_v1, &ed_v2);
		ed_v2 -= totvert;
		v = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehashIterator_getValue(ehi));

		dm->getVert(dm, ed_v1, &source);
		dest = CDDM_get_vert(explode, v);

		DM_copy_vert_data(dm, explode, ed_v1, v, 1);
		*dest = source;

		if (ed_v2 != totpart) {
			/* get particle */
			pa = pars + ed_v2;

			psys_get_birth_coords(&sim, pa, &birth, 0, 0);

			state.time = cfra;
			psys_get_particle_state(&sim, ed_v2, &state, 1);

			vertco = CDDM_get_vert(explode, v)->co;
			mul_m4_v3(ob->obmat, vertco);

			sub_v3_v3(vertco, birth.co);

			/* apply rotation, size & location */
			sub_qt_qtqt(rot, state.rot, birth.rot);
			mul_qt_v3(rot, vertco);

			if (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_PaSize)
				mul_v3_fl(vertco, pa->size);

			add_v3_v3(vertco, state.co);

			mul_m4_v3(imat, vertco);

	/*map new vertices to faces*/
	for (i = 0, u = 0; i < totface; i++) {
		MFace source;
		int orig_v4;

		if (facepa[i] != totpart) {
			pa = pars + facepa[i];

			if (pa->alive == PARS_UNBORN && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Unborn) == 0) continue;
			if (pa->alive == PARS_ALIVE && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Alive) == 0) continue;
			if (pa->alive == PARS_DEAD && (emd->flag & eExplodeFlag_Dead) == 0) continue;

		dm->getTessFace(dm, i, &source);
		mf = CDDM_get_tessface(explode, u);
		orig_v4 = source.v4;

		if (facepa[i] != totpart && cfra < pa->time)
			mindex = totvert + totpart;
			mindex = totvert + facepa[i];

		source.v1 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v1, mindex);
		source.v2 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v2, mindex);
		source.v3 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v3, mindex);
		if (source.v4)
			source.v4 = edgecut_get(vertpahash, source.v4, mindex);

		DM_copy_tessface_data(dm, explode, i, u, 1);

		*mf = source;

		/* override uv channel for particle age */
		if (mtface) {
			float age = (cfra - pa->time) / pa->lifetime;
			/* Clamp to this range to avoid flipping to the other side of the coordinates. */
			CLAMP(age, 0.001f, 0.999f);

			mtf = mtface + u;

			mtf->uv[0][0] = mtf->uv[1][0] = mtf->uv[2][0] = mtf->uv[3][0] = age;
			mtf->uv[0][1] = mtf->uv[1][1] = mtf->uv[2][1] = mtf->uv[3][1] = 0.5f;

		test_index_face(mf, &explode->faceData, u, (orig_v4 ? 4 : 3));

	/* cleanup */
	BLI_edgehash_free(vertpahash, NULL);

	/* finalization */
	explode->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS;

	if (psmd->psys->lattice_deform_data) {
		psmd->psys->lattice_deform_data = NULL;

	return explode;
static DerivedMesh *cutEdges(ExplodeModifierData *emd, DerivedMesh *dm)
	DerivedMesh *splitdm;
	MFace *mf = NULL, *df1 = NULL;
	MFace *mface = dm->getTessFaceArray(dm);
	MVert *dupve, *mv;
	EdgeHash *edgehash;
	EdgeHashIterator *ehi;
	int totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	int totface = dm->getNumTessFaces(dm);

	int *facesplit = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * totface, "explode_facesplit");
	int *vertpa = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * totvert, "explode_vertpa2");
	int *facepa = emd->facepa;
	int *fs, totesplit = 0, totfsplit = 0, curdupface = 0;
	int i, v1, v2, v3, v4, esplit,
	    v[4]  = {0, 0, 0, 0}, /* To quite gcc barking... */
	    uv[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; /* To quite gcc barking... */
	int numlayer;
	unsigned int ed_v1, ed_v2;

	edgehash = BLI_edgehash_new(__func__);

	/* recreate vertpa from facepa calculation */
	for (i = 0, mf = mface; i < totface; i++, mf++) {
		vertpa[mf->v1] = facepa[i];
		vertpa[mf->v2] = facepa[i];
		vertpa[mf->v3] = facepa[i];
		if (mf->v4)
			vertpa[mf->v4] = facepa[i];

	/* mark edges for splitting and how to split faces */
	for (i = 0, mf = mface, fs = facesplit; i < totface; i++, mf++, fs++) {
		v1 = vertpa[mf->v1];
		v2 = vertpa[mf->v2];
		v3 = vertpa[mf->v3];

		if (v1 != v2) {
			BLI_edgehash_reinsert(edgehash, mf->v1, mf->v2, NULL);
			(*fs) |= 1;

		if (v2 != v3) {
			BLI_edgehash_reinsert(edgehash, mf->v2, mf->v3, NULL);
			(*fs) |= 2;

		if (mf->v4) {
			v4 = vertpa[mf->v4];

			if (v3 != v4) {
				BLI_edgehash_reinsert(edgehash, mf->v3, mf->v4, NULL);
				(*fs) |= 4;

			if (v1 != v4) {
				BLI_edgehash_reinsert(edgehash, mf->v1, mf->v4, NULL);
				(*fs) |= 8;

			/* mark center vertex as a fake edge split */
			if (*fs == 15)
				BLI_edgehash_reinsert(edgehash, mf->v1, mf->v3, NULL);
		else {
			(*fs) |= 16; /* mark face as tri */

			if (v1 != v3) {
				BLI_edgehash_reinsert(edgehash, mf->v1, mf->v3, NULL);
				(*fs) |= 4;

	/* count splits & create indexes for new verts */
	ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(edgehash);
	totesplit = totvert;
	for (; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) {
		BLI_edgehashIterator_setValue(ehi, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(totesplit));

	/* count new faces due to splitting */
	for (i = 0, fs = facesplit; i < totface; i++, fs++)
		totfsplit += add_faces[*fs];
	splitdm = CDDM_from_template(dm, totesplit, 0, totface + totfsplit, 0, 0);
	numlayer = CustomData_number_of_layers(&splitdm->faceData, CD_MTFACE);

	/* copy new faces & verts (is it really this painful with custom data??) */
	for (i = 0; i < totvert; i++) {
		MVert source;
		MVert *dest;
		dm->getVert(dm, i, &source);
		dest = CDDM_get_vert(splitdm, i);

		DM_copy_vert_data(dm, splitdm, i, i, 1);
		*dest = source;

	/* override original facepa (original pointer is saved in caller function) */

	/* BMESH_TODO, (totfsplit * 2) over allocation is used since the quads are
	 * later interpreted as tri's, for this to work right I think we probably
	 * have to stop using tessface - campbell */

	facepa = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * (totface + (totfsplit * 2)), "explode_facepa");
	//memcpy(facepa, emd->facepa, totface*sizeof(int));
	emd->facepa = facepa;

	/* create new verts */
	ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(edgehash);
	for (; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) {
		BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, &ed_v1, &ed_v2);
		esplit = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehashIterator_getValue(ehi));
		mv = CDDM_get_vert(splitdm, ed_v2);
		dupve = CDDM_get_vert(splitdm, esplit);

		DM_copy_vert_data(splitdm, splitdm, ed_v2, esplit, 1);

		*dupve = *mv;

		mv = CDDM_get_vert(splitdm, ed_v1);

		mid_v3_v3v3(dupve->co, dupve->co, mv->co);

	/* create new faces */
	curdupface = 0; //=totface;
	for (i = 0, fs = facesplit; i < totface; i++, fs++) {
		mf = dm->getTessFaceData(dm, i, CD_MFACE);

		switch (*fs) {
			case 3:
			case 10:
			case 11:
			case 15:
				SET_VERTS(1, 2, 3, 4);
			case 5:
			case 6:
			case 7:
				SET_VERTS(2, 3, 4, 1);
			case 9:
			case 13:
				SET_VERTS(4, 1, 2, 3);
			case 12:
			case 14:
				SET_VERTS(3, 4, 1, 2);
			case 21:
			case 23:
				SET_VERTS(1, 2, 3, 4);
			case 19:
				SET_VERTS(2, 3, 1, 4);
			case 22:
				SET_VERTS(3, 1, 2, 4);

		switch (*fs) {
			case 3:
			case 6:
			case 9:
			case 12:
				remap_faces_3_6_9_12(dm, splitdm, mf, facepa, vertpa, i, edgehash, curdupface, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
				if (numlayer)
					remap_uvs_3_6_9_12(dm, splitdm, numlayer, i, curdupface, uv[0], uv[1], uv[2], uv[3]);
			case 5:
			case 10:
				remap_faces_5_10(dm, splitdm, mf, facepa, vertpa, i, edgehash, curdupface, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
				if (numlayer)
					remap_uvs_5_10(dm, splitdm, numlayer, i, curdupface, uv[0], uv[1], uv[2], uv[3]);
			case 15:
				remap_faces_15(dm, splitdm, mf, facepa, vertpa, i, edgehash, curdupface, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
				if (numlayer)
					remap_uvs_15(dm, splitdm, numlayer, i, curdupface, uv[0], uv[1], uv[2], uv[3]);
			case 7:
			case 11:
			case 13:
			case 14:
				remap_faces_7_11_13_14(dm, splitdm, mf, facepa, vertpa, i, edgehash, curdupface, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
				if (numlayer)
					remap_uvs_7_11_13_14(dm, splitdm, numlayer, i, curdupface, uv[0], uv[1], uv[2], uv[3]);
			case 19:
			case 21:
			case 22:
				remap_faces_19_21_22(dm, splitdm, mf, facepa, vertpa, i, edgehash, curdupface, v[0], v[1], v[2]);
				if (numlayer)
					remap_uvs_19_21_22(dm, splitdm, numlayer, i, curdupface, uv[0], uv[1], uv[2]);
			case 23:
				remap_faces_23(dm, splitdm, mf, facepa, vertpa, i, edgehash, curdupface, v[0], v[1], v[2]);
				if (numlayer)
					remap_uvs_23(dm, splitdm, numlayer, i, curdupface, uv[0], uv[1], uv[2]);
			case 0:
			case 16:
				df1 = get_dface(dm, splitdm, curdupface, i, mf);
				facepa[curdupface] = vertpa[mf->v1];

				if (df1->v4)
					df1->flag |= ME_FACE_SEL;
					df1->flag &= ~ME_FACE_SEL;

		curdupface += add_faces[*fs] + 1;

	for (i = 0; i < curdupface; i++) {
		mf = CDDM_get_tessface(splitdm, i);
		test_index_face(mf, &splitdm->faceData, i, ((mf->flag & ME_FACE_SEL) ? 4 : 3));

	BLI_edgehash_free(edgehash, NULL);

	CDDM_tessfaces_to_faces(splitdm); /*builds ngon faces from tess (mface) faces*/

	return splitdm;
Example #6
 * Calculate edges from polygons
 * \param mesh  The mesh to add edges into
 * \param update  When true create new edges co-exist
void BKE_mesh_calc_edges(Mesh *mesh, bool update, const bool select)
	CustomData edata;
	EdgeHashIterator *ehi;
	MPoly *mp;
	MEdge *med, *med_orig;
	EdgeHash *eh = BLI_edgehash_new();
	int i, totedge, totpoly = mesh->totpoly;
	int med_index;
	/* select for newly created meshes which are selected [#25595] */
	const short ed_flag = (ME_EDGEDRAW | ME_EDGERENDER) | (select ? SELECT : 0);

	if (mesh->totedge == 0)
		update = false;

	if (update) {
		/* assume existing edges are valid
		 * useful when adding more faces and generating edges from them */
		med = mesh->medge;
		for (i = 0; i < mesh->totedge; i++, med++)
			BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, med->v1, med->v2, med);

	/* mesh loops (bmesh only) */
	for (mp = mesh->mpoly, i = 0; i < totpoly; mp++, i++) {
		MLoop *l = &mesh->mloop[mp->loopstart];
		int j, l_prev = (l + (mp->totloop - 1))->v;
		for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, l++) {
			if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, l_prev, l->v)) {
				BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, l_prev, l->v, NULL);
			l_prev = l->v;

	totedge = BLI_edgehash_size(eh);

	/* write new edges into a temporary CustomData */
	CustomData_add_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totedge);

	med = CustomData_get_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE);
	for (ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(eh), i = 0;
	     BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi) == FALSE;
	     BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi), ++i, ++med)
		if (update && (med_orig = BLI_edgehashIterator_getValue(ehi))) {
			*med = *med_orig; /* copy from the original */
		else {
			BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, &med->v1, &med->v2);
			med->flag = ed_flag;

		/* store the new edge index in the hash value */
		BLI_edgehashIterator_setValue(ehi, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(i));

	if (mesh->totpoly) {
		/* second pass, iterate through all loops again and assign
		 * the newly created edges to them. */
		for (mp = mesh->mpoly, i = 0; i < mesh->totpoly; mp++, i++) {
			MLoop *l = &mesh->mloop[mp->loopstart];
			MLoop *l_prev = (l + (mp->totloop - 1));
			int j;
			for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, l++) {
				/* lookup hashed edge index */
				med_index = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(eh, l_prev->v, l->v));
				l_prev->e = med_index;
				l_prev = l;

	/* free old CustomData and assign new one */
	CustomData_free(&mesh->edata, mesh->totedge);
	mesh->edata = edata;
	mesh->totedge = totedge;

	mesh->medge = CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->edata, CD_MEDGE);

	BLI_edgehash_free(eh, NULL);
Example #7
int BKE_mesh_validate_arrays(Mesh *mesh,
                             MVert *mverts, unsigned int totvert,
                             MEdge *medges, unsigned int totedge,
                             MFace *mfaces, unsigned int totface,
                             MLoop *mloops, unsigned int totloop,
                             MPoly *mpolys, unsigned int totpoly,
                             MDeformVert *dverts, /* assume totvert length */
                             const bool do_verbose, const bool do_fixes)
#   define REMOVE_EDGE_TAG(_me) { _me->v2 = _me->v1; do_edge_free = true; } (void)0
#   define IS_REMOVED_EDGE(_me) (_me->v2 == _me->v1)

#   define REMOVE_LOOP_TAG(_ml) { _ml->e = INVALID_LOOP_EDGE_MARKER; do_polyloop_free = true; } (void)0
#   define REMOVE_POLY_TAG(_mp) { _mp->totloop *= -1; do_polyloop_free = true; } (void)0

	MVert *mv = mverts;
	MEdge *me;
	MLoop *ml;
	MPoly *mp;
	unsigned int i, j;
	int *v;

	bool do_edge_free = false;
	bool do_face_free = false;
	bool do_polyloop_free = false; /* This regroups loops and polys! */

	bool verts_fixed = false;
	bool vert_weights_fixed = false;
	bool msel_fixed = false;

	bool do_edge_recalc = false;

	EdgeHash *edge_hash = BLI_edgehash_new();

	BLI_assert(!(do_fixes && mesh == NULL));

	PRINT("%s: verts(%u), edges(%u), loops(%u), polygons(%u)\n",
	      __func__, totvert, totedge, totloop, totpoly);

	if (totedge == 0 && totpoly != 0) {
		PRINT("\tLogical error, %u polygons and 0 edges\n", totpoly);
		do_edge_recalc = do_fixes;

	for (i = 1; i < totvert; i++, mv++) {
		int fix_normal = TRUE;

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			if (!finite(mv->co[j])) {
				PRINT("\tVertex %u: has invalid coordinate\n", i);

				if (do_fixes) {

					verts_fixed = TRUE;

			if (mv->no[j] != 0)
				fix_normal = FALSE;

		if (fix_normal) {
			PRINT("\tVertex %u: has zero normal, assuming Z-up normal\n", i);
			if (do_fixes) {
				mv->no[2] = SHRT_MAX;
				verts_fixed = TRUE;

	for (i = 0, me = medges; i < totedge; i++, me++) {
		int remove = FALSE;
		if (me->v1 == me->v2) {
			PRINT("\tEdge %u: has matching verts, both %u\n", i, me->v1);
			remove = do_fixes;
		if (me->v1 >= totvert) {
			PRINT("\tEdge %u: v1 index out of range, %u\n", i, me->v1);
			remove = do_fixes;
		if (me->v2 >= totvert) {
			PRINT("\tEdge %u: v2 index out of range, %u\n", i, me->v2);
			remove = do_fixes;

		if (BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, me->v1, me->v2)) {
			PRINT("\tEdge %u: is a duplicate of %d\n", i,
			      GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash, me->v1, me->v2)));
			remove = do_fixes;

		if (remove == FALSE) {
			BLI_edgehash_insert(edge_hash, me->v1, me->v2, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(i));
		else {

	if (mfaces && !mpolys) {
#		define REMOVE_FACE_TAG(_mf) { _mf->v3 = 0; do_face_free = TRUE; } (void)0
#		define CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(a, b) \
					if (mf->a == mf->b) { \
						PRINT("    face %u: verts invalid, " STRINGIFY(a) "/" STRINGIFY(b) " both %u\n", i, mf->a); \
						remove = do_fixes; \
					} (void)0
#		define CHECK_FACE_EDGE(a, b) \
					if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->a, mf->b)) { \
						PRINT("    face %u: edge " STRINGIFY(a) "/" STRINGIFY(b) \
						      " (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->a, mf->b); \
						do_edge_recalc = TRUE; \
					} (void)0

		MFace *mf;
		MFace *mf_prev;

		SortFace *sort_faces = MEM_callocN(sizeof(SortFace) * totface, "search faces");
		SortFace *sf;
		SortFace *sf_prev;
		unsigned int totsortface = 0;

		PRINT("No Polys, only tesselated Faces\n");

		for (i = 0, mf = mfaces, sf = sort_faces; i < totface; i++, mf++) {
			int remove = FALSE;
			int fidx;
			unsigned int fv[4];

			fidx = mf->v4 ? 3 : 2;
			do {
				fv[fidx] = *(&(mf->v1) + fidx);
				if (fv[fidx] >= totvert) {
					PRINT("\tFace %u: 'v%d' index out of range, %u\n", i, fidx + 1, fv[fidx]);
					remove = do_fixes;
			} while (fidx--);

			if (remove == FALSE) {
				if (mf->v4) {


				else {


				if (remove == FALSE) {
					if (totedge) {
						if (mf->v4) {
							CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v1, v2);
							CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v2, v3);
							CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v3, v4);
							CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v4, v1);
						else {
							CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v1, v2);
							CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v2, v3);
							CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v3, v1);

					sf->index = i;

					if (mf->v4) {
						edge_store_from_mface_quad(sf->es, mf);

						qsort(sf->es, 4, sizeof(int64_t), int64_cmp);
					else {
						edge_store_from_mface_tri(sf->es, mf);
						qsort(sf->es, 3, sizeof(int64_t), int64_cmp);


			if (remove) {

		qsort(sort_faces, totsortface, sizeof(SortFace), search_face_cmp);

		sf = sort_faces;
		sf_prev = sf;

		for (i = 1; i < totsortface; i++, sf++) {
			int remove = FALSE;

			/* on a valid mesh, code below will never run */
			if (memcmp(sf->es, sf_prev->es, sizeof(sf_prev->es)) == 0) {
				mf = mfaces + sf->index;

				if (do_verbose) {
					mf_prev = mfaces + sf_prev->index;

					if (mf->v4) {
						PRINT("\tFace %u & %u: are duplicates (%u,%u,%u,%u) (%u,%u,%u,%u)\n",
						      sf->index, sf_prev->index, mf->v1, mf->v2, mf->v3, mf->v4,
						      mf_prev->v1, mf_prev->v2, mf_prev->v3, mf_prev->v4);
					else {
						PRINT("\tFace %u & %u: are duplicates (%u,%u,%u) (%u,%u,%u)\n",
						      sf->index, sf_prev->index, mf->v1, mf->v2, mf->v3,
						      mf_prev->v1, mf_prev->v2, mf_prev->v3);

				remove = do_fixes;
			else {
				sf_prev = sf;

			if (remove) {



	/* Checking loops and polys is a bit tricky, as they are quite intricated...
	 * Polys must have:
	 * - a valid loopstart value.
	 * - a valid totloop value (>= 3 and loopstart+totloop < me.totloop).
	 * Loops must have:
	 * - a valid v value.
	 * - a valid e value (corresponding to the edge it defines with the next loop in poly).
	 * Also, loops not used by polys can be discarded.
	 * And "intersecting" loops (i.e. loops used by more than one poly) are invalid,
	 * so be sure to leave at most one poly per loop!
		SortPoly *sort_polys = MEM_callocN(sizeof(SortPoly) * totpoly, "mesh validate's sort_polys");
		SortPoly *prev_sp, *sp = sort_polys;
		int prev_end;
		for (i = 0, mp = mpolys; i < totpoly; i++, mp++, sp++) {
			sp->index = i;

			if (mp->loopstart < 0 || mp->totloop < 3) {
				/* Invalid loop data. */
				PRINT("\tPoly %u is invalid (loopstart: %u, totloop: %u)\n", sp->index, mp->loopstart, mp->totloop);
				sp->invalid = TRUE;
			else if (mp->loopstart + mp->totloop > totloop) {
				/* Invalid loop data. */
				PRINT("\tPoly %u uses loops out of range (loopstart: %u, loopend: %u, max nbr of loops: %u)\n",
				      sp->index, mp->loopstart, mp->loopstart + mp->totloop - 1, totloop - 1);
				sp->invalid = TRUE;
			else {
				/* Poly itself is valid, for now. */
				int v1, v2; /* v1 is prev loop vert idx, v2 is current loop one. */
				sp->invalid = FALSE;
				sp->verts = v = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(int) * mp->totloop, "Vert idx of SortPoly");
				sp->numverts = mp->totloop;
				sp->loopstart = mp->loopstart;

				/* Test all poly's loops' vert idx. */
				for (j = 0, ml = &mloops[sp->loopstart]; j < mp->totloop; j++, ml++, v++) {
					if (ml->v >= totvert) {
						/* Invalid vert idx. */
						PRINT("\tLoop %u has invalid vert reference (%u)\n", sp->loopstart + j, ml->v);
						sp->invalid = TRUE;

					mverts[ml->v].flag |= ME_VERT_TMP_TAG;
					*v = ml->v;

				/* is the same vertex used more than once */
				if (!sp->invalid) {
					v = sp->verts;
					for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, v++) {
						if ((mverts[*v].flag & ME_VERT_TMP_TAG) == 0) {
							PRINT("\tPoly %u has duplicate vert reference at corner (%u)\n", i, j);
							sp->invalid = TRUE;
						mverts[*v].flag &= ~ME_VERT_TMP_TAG;

				if (sp->invalid)

				/* Test all poly's loops. */
				for (j = 0, ml = &mloops[sp->loopstart]; j < mp->totloop; j++, ml++) {
					v1 = ml->v;
					v2 = mloops[sp->loopstart + (j + 1) % mp->totloop].v;
					if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, v1, v2)) {
						/* Edge not existing. */
						PRINT("\tPoly %u needs missing edge (%u, %u)\n", sp->index, v1, v2);
						if (do_fixes)
							do_edge_recalc = TRUE;
							sp->invalid = TRUE;
					else if (ml->e >= totedge) {
						/* Invalid edge idx.
						 * We already know from previous text that a valid edge exists, use it (if allowed)! */
						if (do_fixes) {
							int prev_e = ml->e;
							ml->e = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash, v1, v2));
							PRINT("\tLoop %u has invalid edge reference (%u), fixed using edge %u\n",
							      sp->loopstart + j, prev_e, ml->e);
						else {
							PRINT("\tLoop %u has invalid edge reference (%u)\n", sp->loopstart + j, ml->e);
							sp->invalid = TRUE;
					else {
						me = &medges[ml->e];
						if (IS_REMOVED_EDGE(me) || !((me->v1 == v1 && me->v2 == v2) || (me->v1 == v2 && me->v2 == v1))) {
							/* The pointed edge is invalid (tagged as removed, or vert idx mismatch),
							 * and we already know from previous test that a valid one exists, use it (if allowed)! */
							if (do_fixes) {
								int prev_e = ml->e;
								ml->e = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash, v1, v2));
								PRINT("\tPoly %u has invalid edge reference (%u), fixed using edge %u\n",
								      sp->index, prev_e, ml->e);
							else {
								PRINT("\tPoly %u has invalid edge reference (%u)\n", sp->index, ml->e);
								sp->invalid = TRUE;

				/* Now check that that poly does not use a same vertex more than once! */
				if (!sp->invalid) {
					int *prev_v = v = sp->verts;
					j = sp->numverts;

					qsort(sp->verts, j, sizeof(int), int_cmp);

					for (j--, v++; j; j--, v++) {
						if (*v != *prev_v) {
							int dlt = v - prev_v;
							if (dlt > 1) {
								PRINT("\tPoly %u is invalid, it multi-uses vertex %u (%u times)\n",
								      sp->index, *prev_v, dlt);
								sp->invalid = TRUE;
							prev_v = v;
					if (v - prev_v > 1) { /* Don't forget final verts! */
						PRINT("\tPoly %u is invalid, it multi-uses vertex %u (%u times)\n",
						      sp->index, *prev_v, (int)(v - prev_v));
						sp->invalid = TRUE;

		/* Second check pass, testing polys using the same verts. */
		qsort(sort_polys, totpoly, sizeof(SortPoly), search_poly_cmp);
		sp = prev_sp = sort_polys;

		for (i = 1; i < totpoly; i++, sp++) {
			int p1_nv = sp->numverts, p2_nv = prev_sp->numverts;
			int *p1_v = sp->verts, *p2_v = prev_sp->verts;
			short p1_sub = TRUE, p2_sub = TRUE;
			if (sp->invalid)
			/* Test same polys. */
#if 0
			/* NOTE: This performs a sub-set test. */
			/* XXX This (and the sort of verts list) is better than systematic
			 *     search of all verts of one list into the other if lists have
			 *     a fair amount of elements.
			 *     Not sure however it's worth it in this case?
			 *     But as we also need sorted vert list to check verts multi-used
			 *     (in first pass of checks)... */
			/* XXX If we consider only "equal" polys (i.e. using exactly same set of verts)
			 *     as invalid, better to replace this by a simple memory cmp... */
			while ((p1_nv && p2_nv) && (p1_sub || p2_sub)) {
				if (*p1_v < *p2_v) {
					if (p1_sub)
						p1_sub = FALSE;
				else if (*p2_v < *p1_v) {
					if (p2_sub)
						p2_sub = FALSE;
				else {
					/* Equality, both next verts. */
			if (p1_nv && p1_sub)
				p1_sub = FALSE;
			else if (p2_nv && p2_sub)
				p2_sub = FALSE;

			if (p1_sub && p2_sub) {
				PRINT("\tPolys %u and %u use same vertices, considering poly %u as invalid.\n",
				      prev_sp->index, sp->index, sp->index);
				sp->invalid = TRUE;
			/* XXX In fact, these might be valid? :/ */
			else if (p1_sub) {
				PRINT("\t%u is a sub-poly of %u, considering it as invalid.\n", sp->index, prev_sp->index);
				sp->invalid = TRUE;
			else if (p2_sub) {
				PRINT("\t%u is a sub-poly of %u, considering it as invalid.\n", prev_sp->index, sp->index);
				prev_sp->invalid = TRUE;
				prev_sp = sp; /* sp is new reference poly. */
			if (0) {
				p1_sub += 0;
				p2_sub += 0;
			if ((p1_nv == p2_nv) && (memcmp(p1_v, p2_v, p1_nv * sizeof(*p1_v)) == 0)) {
				if (do_verbose) {
					PRINT("\tPolys %u and %u use same vertices (%u",
					      prev_sp->index, sp->index, *p1_v);
					for (j = 1; j < p1_nv; j++)
						PRINT(", %u", p1_v[j]);
					PRINT("), considering poly %u as invalid.\n", sp->index);
				sp->invalid = TRUE;
			else {
				prev_sp = sp;

		/* Third check pass, testing loops used by none or more than one poly. */
		qsort(sort_polys, totpoly, sizeof(SortPoly), search_polyloop_cmp);
		sp = sort_polys;
		prev_sp = NULL;
		prev_end = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < totpoly; i++, sp++) {
			/* Free this now, we don't need it anymore, and avoid us another loop! */
			if (sp->verts)

			/* Note above prev_sp: in following code, we make sure it is always valid poly (or NULL). */
			if (sp->invalid) {
				if (do_fixes) {
					 * As already invalid polys are at the end of the SortPoly list, the loops they
					 * were the only users have already been tagged as "to remove" during previous
					 * iterations, and we don't want to remove some loops that may be used by
					 * another valid poly! */
			/* Test loops users. */
			else {
				/* Unused loops. */
				if (prev_end < sp->loopstart) {
					for (j = prev_end, ml = &mloops[prev_end]; j < sp->loopstart; j++, ml++) {
						PRINT("\tLoop %u is unused.\n", j);
						if (do_fixes)
					prev_end = sp->loopstart + sp->numverts;
					prev_sp = sp;
				/* Multi-used loops. */
				else if (prev_end > sp->loopstart) {
					PRINT("\tPolys %u and %u share loops from %u to %u, considering poly %u as invalid.\n",
					      prev_sp->index, sp->index, sp->loopstart, prev_end, sp->index);
					if (do_fixes) {
						 * They might be used by some next, valid poly!
						 * Just not updating prev_end/prev_sp vars is enough to ensure the loops
						 * effectively no more needed will be marked as "to be removed"! */
				else {
					prev_end = sp->loopstart + sp->numverts;
					prev_sp = sp;
		/* We may have some remaining unused loops to get rid of! */
		if (prev_end < totloop) {
			for (j = prev_end, ml = &mloops[prev_end]; j < totloop; j++, ml++) {
				PRINT("\tLoop %u is unused.\n", j);
				if (do_fixes)


	BLI_edgehash_free(edge_hash, NULL);

	/* fix deform verts */
	if (dverts) {
		MDeformVert *dv;
		for (i = 0, dv = dverts; i < totvert; i++, dv++) {
			MDeformWeight *dw;

			for (j = 0, dw = dv->dw; j < dv->totweight; j++, dw++) {
				/* note, greater then max defgroups is accounted for in our code, but not < 0 */
				if (!finite(dw->weight)) {
					PRINT("\tVertex deform %u, group %d has weight: %f\n", i, dw->def_nr, dw->weight);
					if (do_fixes) {
						dw->weight = 0.0f;
						vert_weights_fixed = TRUE;
				else if (dw->weight < 0.0f || dw->weight > 1.0f) {
					PRINT("\tVertex deform %u, group %d has weight: %f\n", i, dw->def_nr, dw->weight);
					if (do_fixes) {
						CLAMP(dw->weight, 0.0f, 1.0f);
						vert_weights_fixed = TRUE;

				if (dw->def_nr < 0) {
					PRINT("\tVertex deform %u, has invalid group %d\n", i, dw->def_nr);
					if (do_fixes) {
						defvert_remove_group(dv, dw);
						if (dv->dw) {
							/* re-allocated, the new values compensate for stepping
							 * within the for loop and may not be valid */
							dw = dv->dw + j;

							vert_weights_fixed = TRUE;
						else { /* all freed */


	if (mesh) {
		if (do_face_free) {

		if (do_polyloop_free) {

		if (do_edge_free) {

		if (do_edge_recalc) {
			BKE_mesh_calc_edges(mesh, true, false);

	if (mesh && mesh->mselect) {
		MSelect *msel;
		int free_msel = FALSE;

		for (i = 0, msel = mesh->mselect; i < mesh->totselect; i++, msel++) {
			int tot_elem = 0;

			if (msel->index < 0) {
				PRINT("\tMesh select element %d type %d index is negative, "
				      "resetting selection stack.\n", i, msel->type);
				free_msel = TRUE;

			switch (msel->type) {
				case ME_VSEL:
					tot_elem = mesh->totvert;
				case ME_ESEL:
					tot_elem = mesh->totedge;
				case ME_FSEL:
					tot_elem = mesh->totface;

			if (msel->index > tot_elem) {
				PRINT("\tMesh select element %d type %d index %d is larger than data array size %d, "
				      "resetting selection stack.\n", i, msel->type, msel->index, tot_elem);

				free_msel = TRUE;

		if (free_msel) {
			mesh->mselect = NULL;
			mesh->totselect = 0;

	PRINT("%s: finished\n\n", __func__);

	return (verts_fixed || vert_weights_fixed || do_polyloop_free || do_edge_free || do_edge_recalc || msel_fixed);
Example #8
DerivedMesh *BME_bmesh_to_derivedmesh(BME_Mesh *bm, DerivedMesh *dm)
	MFace *mface, *mf;
	MEdge *medge, *me;
	MVert *mvert, *mv;
	int *origindex;
	int totface,totedge,totvert,i,bmeshok,len, numTex, numCol;

	BME_Vert *v1=NULL;
	BME_Edge *e=NULL, *oe=NULL;
	BME_Poly *f=NULL;
	DerivedMesh *result;
	EdgeHash *edge_hash = BLI_edgehash_new();

	totvert = BLI_countlist(&(bm->verts));
	totedge = 0;
	/*we cannot have double edges in a derived mesh!*/
	for(i=0, v1=bm->verts.first; v1; v1=v1->next, i++) v1->tflag1 = i;
	for(e=bm->edges.first; e; e=e->next){
		oe = BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash,e->v1->tflag1, e->v2->tflag1);
			e->tflag2 = 1;
			e->tflag2 = 0;
	/*count quads and tris*/
	totface = 0;
	bmeshok = 1;
		len = BME_cycle_length(f->loopbase);
		if(len == 3 || len == 4) totface++;
	/*convert back to mesh*/
	result = CDDM_from_template(dm,totvert,totedge,totface);
	CustomData_merge(&bm->vdata, &result->vertData, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, totvert);
	CustomData_merge(&bm->edata, &result->edgeData, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, totedge);
	CustomData_merge(&bm->pdata, &result->faceData, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, totface);
	CustomData_from_bmeshpoly(&result->faceData, &bm->pdata, &bm->ldata,totface);
	numTex = CustomData_number_of_layers(&bm->pdata, CD_MTEXPOLY);
	numCol = CustomData_number_of_layers(&bm->ldata, CD_MLOOPCOL);

	/*Make Verts*/
	mvert = CDDM_get_verts(result);
	origindex = result->getVertDataArray(result, CD_ORIGINDEX);
		mv->flag = (unsigned char)v1->flag;
		mv->bweight = (char)(255.0*v1->bweight);
		CustomData_from_bmesh_block(&bm->vdata, &result->vertData, &v1->data, i);
		origindex[i] = ORIGINDEX_NONE;
	medge = CDDM_get_edges(result);
	origindex = result->getEdgeDataArray(result, CD_ORIGINDEX);
			if(e->v1->tflag1 < e->v2->tflag1){
				me->v1 = e->v1->tflag1;
				me->v2 = e->v2->tflag1;
				me->v1 = e->v2->tflag1;
				me->v2 = e->v1->tflag1;
			me->crease = (char)(255.0*e->crease);
			me->bweight = (char)(255.0*e->bweight);
			me->flag = e->flag;
			CustomData_from_bmesh_block(&bm->edata, &result->edgeData, &e->data, i);
			origindex[i] = ORIGINDEX_NONE;
		mface = CDDM_get_faces(result);
		origindex = result->getFaceDataArray(result, CD_ORIGINDEX);
		/*make faces*/
			mf = &mface[i];
			len = BME_cycle_length(f->loopbase);
			if(len==3 || len==4){
				mf->v1 = f->loopbase->v->tflag1;
				mf->v2 = f->loopbase->next->v->tflag1;
				mf->v3 = f->loopbase->next->next->v->tflag1;
				if(len == 4){
					mf->v4 = f->loopbase->prev->v->tflag1;
				/* test and rotate indexes if necessary so that verts 3 and 4 aren't index 0 */
				if(mf->v3 == 0 || (len == 4 && mf->v4 == 0)){
					test_index_face(mf, NULL, i, len);
				mf->mat_nr = (unsigned char)f->mat_nr;
				mf->flag = (unsigned char)f->flag;
				CustomData_from_bmesh_block(&bm->pdata, &result->faceData, &f->data, i);
				BME_DMloops_to_corners(bm, &result->faceData, i, f,numCol,numTex);
				origindex[i] = ORIGINDEX_NONE;
	BLI_edgehash_free(edge_hash, NULL);
	return result;
Example #9
/* Adds the geometry found in dm to bm
BME_Mesh *BME_derivedmesh_to_bmesh(DerivedMesh *dm)
	BME_Mesh *bm;
	int allocsize[4] = {512,512,2048,512};
	MVert *mvert, *mv;
	MEdge *medge, *me;
	MFace *mface, *mf;
	int totface,totedge,totvert,i,len, numTex, numCol;
	BME_Vert *v1=NULL,*v2=NULL, **vert_array;
	BME_Edge *e=NULL;
	BME_Poly *f=NULL;
	EdgeHash *edge_hash = BLI_edgehash_new();

	bm = BME_make_mesh(allocsize);
	/*copy custom data layout*/
	CustomData_copy(&dm->vertData, &bm->vdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);
	CustomData_copy(&dm->edgeData, &bm->edata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);
	CustomData_copy(&dm->faceData, &bm->pdata, CD_MASK_BMESH, CD_CALLOC, 0);

	/*copy face corner data*/
	CustomData_to_bmeshpoly(&dm->faceData, &bm->pdata, &bm->ldata);
	/*initialize memory pools*/
	CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->vdata, allocsize[0]);
	CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->edata, allocsize[1]);
	CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->ldata, allocsize[2]);
	CustomData_bmesh_init_pool(&bm->pdata, allocsize[3]);
	/*needed later*/
	numTex = CustomData_number_of_layers(&bm->pdata, CD_MTEXPOLY);
	numCol = CustomData_number_of_layers(&bm->ldata, CD_MLOOPCOL);

	totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	totedge = dm->getNumEdges(dm);
	totface = dm->getNumFaces(dm);
	mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm);
	medge = dm->getEdgeArray(dm);
	mface = dm->getFaceArray(dm);

	vert_array = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*vert_array)*totvert,"BME_derivedmesh_to_bmesh BME_Vert* array");

	/*add verts*/
	for(i=0,mv = mvert; i < totvert;i++,mv++){
		v1 = BME_MV(bm,mv->co);
		vert_array[i] = v1;
		v1->flag = mv->flag;
		v1->bweight = mv->bweight/255.0f;
		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&dm->vertData, &bm->vdata, i, &v1->data);
	/*add edges*/
	for(i=0,me = medge; i < totedge;i++,me++){
		v1 = vert_array[me->v1];
		v2 = vert_array[me->v2];
		e = BME_ME(bm, v1, v2);
		e->crease = me->crease/255.0f;
		e->bweight = me->bweight/255.0f;
		e->flag = (unsigned char)me->flag;
		CustomData_to_bmesh_block(&dm->edgeData, &bm->edata, i, &e->data);
	/*add faces.*/
	for(i=0,mf = mface; i < totface;i++,mf++){
		BME_Edge *edar[4];
		if(mf->v4) len = 4;
		else len = 3;
		edar[0] = BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash,mf->v1,mf->v2);
		edar[1] = BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash,mf->v2,mf->v3);
		if(len == 4){
			edar[2] = BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash,mf->v3,mf->v4);
			edar[3] = BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash,mf->v4,mf->v1);
			edar[2] = BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash,mf->v3,mf->v1);
		/*find v1 and v2*/
		v1 = vert_array[mf->v1];
		v2 = vert_array[mf->v2];
		f = BME_MF(bm,v1,v2,edar,len);
		f->mat_nr = mf->mat_nr;
		f->flag = mf->flag;
		BME_DMcorners_to_loops(bm, &dm->faceData,i,f, numCol,numTex);
	BLI_edgehash_free(edge_hash, NULL);
	return bm;
Example #10
static int cloth_build_springs ( ClothModifierData *clmd, DerivedMesh *dm )
	Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject;
	ClothSpring *spring = NULL, *tspring = NULL, *tspring2 = NULL;
	unsigned int struct_springs = 0, shear_springs=0, bend_springs = 0;
	unsigned int i = 0;
	unsigned int numverts = (unsigned int)dm->getNumVerts ( dm );
	unsigned int numedges = (unsigned int)dm->getNumEdges ( dm );
	unsigned int numfaces = (unsigned int)dm->getNumFaces ( dm );
	MEdge *medge = dm->getEdgeArray ( dm );
	MFace *mface = dm->getFaceArray ( dm );
	int index2 = 0; // our second vertex index
	LinkNode **edgelist = NULL;
	EdgeHash *edgehash = NULL;
	LinkNode *search = NULL, *search2 = NULL;
	// error handling
	if ( numedges==0 )
		return 0;

	cloth->springs = NULL;

	edgelist = MEM_callocN ( sizeof ( LinkNode * ) * numverts, "cloth_edgelist_alloc" );
		return 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < numverts; i++ )
		edgelist[i] = NULL;

	if ( cloth->springs )
		MEM_freeN ( cloth->springs );

	// create spring network hash
	edgehash = BLI_edgehash_new();

	// structural springs
	for ( i = 0; i < numedges; i++ )
		spring = ( ClothSpring * ) MEM_callocN ( sizeof ( ClothSpring ), "cloth spring" );

		if ( spring )
			spring->ij = MIN2(medge[i].v1, medge[i].v2);
			spring->kl = MAX2(medge[i].v2, medge[i].v1);
			spring->restlen = len_v3v3(cloth->verts[spring->kl].xrest, cloth->verts[spring->ij].xrest);
			clmd->sim_parms->avg_spring_len += spring->restlen;
			cloth->verts[spring->ij].avg_spring_len += spring->restlen;
			cloth->verts[spring->kl].avg_spring_len += spring->restlen;
			spring->flags = 0;
			spring->stiffness = (cloth->verts[spring->kl].struct_stiff + cloth->verts[spring->ij].struct_stiff) / 2.0f;
			BLI_linklist_prepend ( &cloth->springs, spring );
			cloth_free_errorsprings(cloth, edgehash, edgelist);
			return 0;
	if(struct_springs > 0)
		clmd->sim_parms->avg_spring_len /= struct_springs;
	for(i = 0; i < numverts; i++)
		cloth->verts[i].avg_spring_len = cloth->verts[i].avg_spring_len * 0.49f / ((float)cloth->verts[i].spring_count);
	// shear springs
	for ( i = 0; i < numfaces; i++ )
		// triangle faces already have shear springs due to structural geometry
		if ( !mface[i].v4 )
		spring = ( ClothSpring *) MEM_callocN ( sizeof ( ClothSpring ), "cloth spring" );
			cloth_free_errorsprings(cloth, edgehash, edgelist);
			return 0;

		spring->ij = MIN2(mface[i].v1, mface[i].v3);
		spring->kl = MAX2(mface[i].v3, mface[i].v1);
		spring->restlen = len_v3v3(cloth->verts[spring->kl].xrest, cloth->verts[spring->ij].xrest);
		spring->type = CLOTH_SPRING_TYPE_SHEAR;
		spring->stiffness = (cloth->verts[spring->kl].shear_stiff + cloth->verts[spring->ij].shear_stiff) / 2.0f;

		BLI_linklist_append ( &edgelist[spring->ij], spring );
		BLI_linklist_append ( &edgelist[spring->kl], spring );

		BLI_linklist_prepend ( &cloth->springs, spring );

		// if ( mface[i].v4 ) --> Quad face
		spring = ( ClothSpring * ) MEM_callocN ( sizeof ( ClothSpring ), "cloth spring" );
			cloth_free_errorsprings(cloth, edgehash, edgelist);
			return 0;

		spring->ij = MIN2(mface[i].v2, mface[i].v4);
		spring->kl = MAX2(mface[i].v4, mface[i].v2);
		spring->restlen = len_v3v3(cloth->verts[spring->kl].xrest, cloth->verts[spring->ij].xrest);
		spring->type = CLOTH_SPRING_TYPE_SHEAR;
		spring->stiffness = (cloth->verts[spring->kl].shear_stiff + cloth->verts[spring->ij].shear_stiff) / 2.0;

		BLI_linklist_append ( &edgelist[spring->ij], spring );
		BLI_linklist_append ( &edgelist[spring->kl], spring );

		BLI_linklist_prepend ( &cloth->springs, spring );
	if(numfaces) {
		// bending springs
		search2 = cloth->springs;
		for ( i = struct_springs; i < struct_springs+shear_springs; i++ )
			if ( !search2 )

			tspring2 = search2->link;
			search = edgelist[tspring2->kl];
			while ( search )
				tspring = search->link;
				index2 = ( ( tspring->ij==tspring2->kl ) ? ( tspring->kl ) : ( tspring->ij ) );
				// check for existing spring
				// check also if startpoint is equal to endpoint
				if ( !BLI_edgehash_haskey ( edgehash, MIN2(tspring2->ij, index2), MAX2(tspring2->ij, index2) )
				&& ( index2!=tspring2->ij ) )
					spring = ( ClothSpring * ) MEM_callocN ( sizeof ( ClothSpring ), "cloth spring" );
						cloth_free_errorsprings(cloth, edgehash, edgelist);
						return 0;

					spring->ij = MIN2(tspring2->ij, index2);
					spring->kl = MAX2(tspring2->ij, index2);
					spring->restlen = len_v3v3(cloth->verts[spring->kl].xrest, cloth->verts[spring->ij].xrest);
					spring->type = CLOTH_SPRING_TYPE_BENDING;
					spring->stiffness = (cloth->verts[spring->kl].bend_stiff + cloth->verts[spring->ij].bend_stiff) / 2.0f;
					BLI_edgehash_insert ( edgehash, spring->ij, spring->kl, NULL );

					BLI_linklist_prepend ( &cloth->springs, spring );
				search = search->next;
			search2 = search2->next;
	else if(struct_springs > 2) {
		/* bending springs for hair strands */
		/* The current algorightm only goes through the edges in order of the mesh edges list	*/
		/* and makes springs between the outer vert of edges sharing a vertice. This works just */
		/* fine for hair, but not for user generated string meshes. This could/should be later	*/
		/* extended to work with non-ordered edges so that it can be used for general "rope		*/
		/* dynamics" without the need for the vertices or edges to be ordered through the length*/
		/* of the strands. -jahka */
		search = cloth->springs;
		search2 = search->next;
		while(search && search2)
			tspring = search->link;
			tspring2 = search2->link;

			if(tspring->ij == tspring2->kl) {
				spring = ( ClothSpring * ) MEM_callocN ( sizeof ( ClothSpring ), "cloth spring" );
					cloth_free_errorsprings(cloth, edgehash, edgelist);
					return 0;

				spring->ij = tspring2->ij;
				spring->kl = tspring->kl;
				spring->restlen = len_v3v3(cloth->verts[spring->kl].xrest, cloth->verts[spring->ij].xrest);
				spring->type = CLOTH_SPRING_TYPE_BENDING;
				spring->stiffness = (cloth->verts[spring->kl].bend_stiff + cloth->verts[spring->ij].bend_stiff) / 2.0f;

				BLI_linklist_prepend ( &cloth->springs, spring );
			search = search->next;
			search2 = search2->next;
	/* insert other near springs in edgehash AFTER bending springs are calculated (for selfcolls) */
	for ( i = 0; i < numedges; i++ ) // struct springs
		BLI_edgehash_insert ( edgehash, MIN2(medge[i].v1, medge[i].v2), MAX2(medge[i].v2, medge[i].v1), NULL );
	for ( i = 0; i < numfaces; i++ ) // edge springs
			BLI_edgehash_insert ( edgehash, MIN2(mface[i].v1, mface[i].v3), MAX2(mface[i].v3, mface[i].v1), NULL );
			BLI_edgehash_insert ( edgehash, MIN2(mface[i].v2, mface[i].v4), MAX2(mface[i].v2, mface[i].v4), NULL );
	cloth->numsprings = struct_springs + shear_springs + bend_springs;
	if ( edgelist )
		for ( i = 0; i < numverts; i++ )
			BLI_linklist_free ( edgelist[i],NULL );
		MEM_freeN ( edgelist );
	cloth->edgehash = edgehash;
		printf("avg_len: %f\n",clmd->sim_parms->avg_spring_len);

	return 1;

} /* cloth_build_springs */
Example #11
int seam_shortest_path(int source, int target)
	Heap *heap;
	EdgeHash *ehash;
	float *cost;
	MEdge *med;
	int a, *nedges, *edges, *prevedge, mednum = -1, nedgeswap = 0;
	TFace *tf;
	MFace *mf;
	Mesh* me = &gCloseMesh;

	/* mark hidden edges as done, so we don't use them */
	ehash = BLI_edgehash_new();

	for (a=0, mf=me->mface, tf=me->tface; a<me->totface; a++, tf++, mf++) 
		if (!(tf->flag & TF_HIDE)) 
			BLI_edgehash_insert(ehash, mf->v1, mf->v2, NULL);
			BLI_edgehash_insert(ehash, mf->v2, mf->v3, NULL);
			if (mf->v4) 
				BLI_edgehash_insert(ehash, mf->v3, mf->v4, NULL);
				BLI_edgehash_insert(ehash, mf->v4, mf->v1, NULL);
				BLI_edgehash_insert(ehash, mf->v3, mf->v1, NULL);

	for (a=0, med=me->medge; a<me->totedge; a++, med++)
		if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(ehash, med->v1, med->v2))
			med->flag |= ME_SEAM_DONE;

	BLI_edgehash_free(ehash, NULL);

	/* alloc */
	nedges = (int*)MEM_callocN(sizeof(*nedges)*me->totvert+1, "SeamPathNEdges");
	edges = (int*)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*edges)*me->totedge*2, "SeamPathEdges");
	prevedge = (int*)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*prevedge)*me->totedge, "SeamPathPrevious");
	cost = (float*)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*cost)*me->totedge, "SeamPathCost");

	/* count edges, compute adjacent edges offsets and fill adjacent edges */
	for (a=0, med=me->medge; a<me->totedge; a++, med++) 

	for (a=1; a<me->totvert; a++) 
		int newswap = nedges[a+1];
		nedges[a+1] = nedgeswap + nedges[a];
		nedgeswap = newswap;
	nedges[0] = nedges[1] = 0;

	for (a=0, med=me->medge; a<me->totedge; a++, med++) 
		edges[nedges[med->v1+1]++] = a;
		edges[nedges[med->v2+1]++] = a;

		cost[a] = 1e20f;
		prevedge[a] = -1;

	/* regular dijkstra shortest path, but over edges instead of vertices */
	heap = BLI_heap_new();
	BLI_heap_insert(heap, 0.0f, (void*)source);
	cost[source] = 0.0f;

	while (!BLI_heap_empty(heap)) 
		mednum = (int)BLI_heap_popmin(heap);
		med = me->medge + mednum;

		if (mednum == target)

		if (med->flag & ME_SEAM_DONE)

		med->flag |= ME_SEAM_DONE;

		seam_add_adjacent(me, heap, mednum, med->v1, nedges, edges, prevedge, cost, target);
		seam_add_adjacent(me, heap, mednum, med->v2, nedges, edges, prevedge, cost, target);
	BLI_heap_free(heap, NULL);

	for (a=0, med=me->medge; a<me->totedge; a++, med++)
		med->flag &= ~ME_SEAM_DONE;

	if (mednum != target) 
		return 0;

	/* follow path back to source and mark as seam */
	if (mednum == target) 
		short allseams = 1;

		mednum = target;
		do {
			med = me->medge + mednum;
			if (!(med->flag & ME_SEAM)) 
				allseams = 0;
			mednum = prevedge[mednum];
		} while (mednum != source);

		mednum = target;
		do {
			med = me->medge + mednum;
			if (allseams)
				med->flag &= ~ME_SEAM;
				med->flag |= ME_SEAM;
			mednum = prevedge[mednum];
		} while (mednum != -1);

	return 1;
Example #12
void BKE_mesh_calc_edges(Mesh *mesh, int update)
	CustomData edata;
	EdgeHashIterator *ehi;
	MFace *mf = mesh->mface;
	MEdge *med, *med_orig;
	EdgeHash *eh = BLI_edgehash_new();
	int i, totedge, totface = mesh->totface;

		update= 0;

	if(update) {
		/* assume existing edges are valid
		 * useful when adding more faces and generating edges from them */
		med= mesh->medge;
		for(i= 0; i<mesh->totedge; i++, med++)
			BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, med->v1, med->v2, med);

	for (i = 0; i < totface; i++, mf++) {
		if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v1, mf->v2))
			BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v1, mf->v2, NULL);
		if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v2, mf->v3))
			BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v2, mf->v3, NULL);

		if (mf->v4) {
			if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v3, mf->v4))
				BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v3, mf->v4, NULL);
			if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v4, mf->v1))
				BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v4, mf->v1, NULL);
		} else {
			if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, mf->v3, mf->v1))
				BLI_edgehash_insert(eh, mf->v3, mf->v1, NULL);

	totedge = BLI_edgehash_size(eh);

	/* write new edges into a temporary CustomData */
	memset(&edata, 0, sizeof(edata));
	CustomData_add_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE, CD_CALLOC, NULL, totedge);

	ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(eh);
	med = CustomData_get_layer(&edata, CD_MEDGE);
	for(i = 0; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi);
		BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi), ++i, ++med) {

		if(update && (med_orig=BLI_edgehashIterator_getValue(ehi))) {
			*med= *med_orig; /* copy from the original */
		} else {
			BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, (int*)&med->v1, (int*)&med->v2);
			med->flag = ME_EDGEDRAW|ME_EDGERENDER|SELECT; /* select for newly created meshes which are selected [#25595] */

	/* free old CustomData and assign new one */
	CustomData_free(&mesh->edata, mesh->totedge);
	mesh->edata = edata;
	mesh->totedge = totedge;

	mesh->medge = CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->edata, CD_MEDGE);

	BLI_edgehash_free(eh, NULL);
Example #13
int BKE_mesh_validate_arrays(Mesh *me, MVert *UNUSED(mverts), unsigned int totvert, MEdge *medges, unsigned int totedge, MFace *mfaces, unsigned int totface, const short do_verbose, const short do_fixes)
#	define PRINT if(do_verbose) printf
#	define REMOVE_EDGE_TAG(_med) { _med->v2= _med->v1; do_edge_free= 1; }
#	define REMOVE_FACE_TAG(_mf) { _mf->v3=0; do_face_free= 1; }

//	MVert *mv;
	MEdge *med;
	MFace *mf;
	MFace *mf_prev;
	unsigned int i;

	int do_face_free= FALSE;
	int do_edge_free= FALSE;

	int do_edge_recalc= FALSE;

	EdgeHash *edge_hash = BLI_edgehash_new();

	SortFace *sort_faces= MEM_callocN(sizeof(SortFace) * totface, "search faces");
	SortFace *sf;
	SortFace *sf_prev;
	unsigned int totsortface= 0;

	BLI_assert(!(do_fixes && me == NULL));

	PRINT("ED_mesh_validate: verts(%u), edges(%u), faces(%u)\n", totvert, totedge, totface);

	if(totedge == 0 && totface != 0) {
		PRINT("    locical error, %u faces and 0 edges\n", totface);
		do_edge_recalc= TRUE;

	for(i=0, med= medges; i<totedge; i++, med++) {
		int remove= FALSE;
		if(med->v1 == med->v2) {
			PRINT("    edge %u: has matching verts, both %u\n", i, med->v1);
			remove= do_fixes;
		if(med->v1 >= totvert) {
			PRINT("    edge %u: v1 index out of range, %u\n", i, med->v1);
			remove= do_fixes;
		if(med->v2 >= totvert) {
			PRINT("    edge %u: v2 index out of range, %u\n", i, med->v2);
			remove= do_fixes;

		if(BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, med->v1, med->v2)) {
			PRINT("    edge %u: is a duplicate of, %d\n", i, GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash, med->v1, med->v2)));
			remove= do_fixes;

		if(remove == FALSE){
			BLI_edgehash_insert(edge_hash, med->v1, med->v2, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(i));
		else {

	for(i=0, mf=mfaces, sf=sort_faces; i<totface; i++, mf++) {
		int remove= FALSE;
		int fidx;
		unsigned int fv[4];

		fidx = mf->v4 ? 3:2;
		do {
			fv[fidx]= *(&(mf->v1) + fidx);
			if(fv[fidx] >= totvert) {
				PRINT("    face %u: 'v%d' index out of range, %u\n", i, fidx + 1, fv[fidx]);
				remove= do_fixes;
		} while (fidx--);

		if(remove == FALSE) {
			if(mf->v4) {
				if(mf->v1 == mf->v2) { PRINT("    face %u: verts invalid, v1/v2 both %u\n", i, mf->v1); remove= do_fixes; }
				if(mf->v1 == mf->v3) { PRINT("    face %u: verts invalid, v1/v3 both %u\n", i, mf->v1); remove= do_fixes;  }
				if(mf->v1 == mf->v4) { PRINT("    face %u: verts invalid, v1/v4 both %u\n", i, mf->v1); remove= do_fixes;  }

				if(mf->v2 == mf->v3) { PRINT("    face %u: verts invalid, v2/v3 both %u\n", i, mf->v2); remove= do_fixes;  }
				if(mf->v2 == mf->v4) { PRINT("    face %u: verts invalid, v2/v4 both %u\n", i, mf->v2); remove= do_fixes;  }

				if(mf->v3 == mf->v4) { PRINT("    face %u: verts invalid, v3/v4 both %u\n", i, mf->v3); remove= do_fixes;  }
			else {
				if(mf->v1 == mf->v2) { PRINT("    faceT %u: verts invalid, v1/v2 both %u\n", i, mf->v1); remove= do_fixes; }
				if(mf->v1 == mf->v3) { PRINT("    faceT %u: verts invalid, v1/v3 both %u\n", i, mf->v1); remove= do_fixes; }

				if(mf->v2 == mf->v3) { PRINT("    faceT %u: verts invalid, v2/v3 both %u\n", i, mf->v2); remove= do_fixes; }

			if(remove == FALSE) {
				if(totedge) {
					if(mf->v4) {
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v1, mf->v2)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v1/v2 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v1, mf->v2); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v2, mf->v3)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v2/v3 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v2, mf->v3); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v3, mf->v4)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v3/v4 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v3, mf->v4); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v4, mf->v1)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v4/v1 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v4, mf->v1); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }
					else {
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v1, mf->v2)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v1/v2 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v1, mf->v2); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v2, mf->v3)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v2/v3 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v2, mf->v3); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v3, mf->v1)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v3/v1 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v3, mf->v1); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }

				sf->index = i;

				if(mf->v4) {
					edge_store_from_mface_quad(sf->es, mf);

					qsort(sf->es, 4, sizeof(int64_t), int64_cmp);
				else {
					edge_store_from_mface_tri(sf->es, mf);
					qsort(sf->es, 3, sizeof(int64_t), int64_cmp);

		if(remove) {

	qsort(sort_faces, totsortface, sizeof(SortFace), search_face_cmp);

	sf= sort_faces;
	sf_prev= sf;

	for(i=1; i<totsortface; i++, sf++) {
		int remove= FALSE;
		/* on a valid mesh, code below will never run */
		if(memcmp(sf->es, sf_prev->es, sizeof(sf_prev->es)) == 0) {
			mf= mfaces + sf->index;

			if(do_verbose) {
				mf_prev= mfaces + sf_prev->index;
				if(mf->v4) {
					PRINT("    face %u & %u: are duplicates (%u,%u,%u,%u) (%u,%u,%u,%u)\n", sf->index, sf_prev->index, mf->v1, mf->v2, mf->v3, mf->v4, mf_prev->v1, mf_prev->v2, mf_prev->v3, mf_prev->v4);
				else {
					PRINT("    face %u & %u: are duplicates (%u,%u,%u) (%u,%u,%u)\n", sf->index, sf_prev->index, mf->v1, mf->v2, mf->v3, mf_prev->v1, mf_prev->v2, mf_prev->v3);

			remove= do_fixes;
		else {
			sf_prev= sf;

		if(remove) {

	BLI_edgehash_free(edge_hash, NULL);

	PRINT("BKE_mesh_validate: finished\n\n");

#	 undef PRINT

	if(me) {
		if(do_face_free) {

		if (do_edge_free) {

		if(do_fixes && do_edge_recalc) {
			BKE_mesh_calc_edges(me, TRUE);

	return (do_face_free || do_edge_free || do_edge_recalc);
Example #14
static SmoothMesh *smoothmesh_from_derivedmesh(DerivedMesh *dm)
	SmoothMesh *mesh;
	EdgeHash *edges = BLI_edgehash_new();
	int i;
	int totvert, totedge, totface;

	totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	totedge = dm->getNumEdges(dm);
	totface = dm->getNumFaces(dm);

	mesh = smoothmesh_new(totvert, totedge, totface,
			totvert, totedge, totface);

	mesh->dm = dm;

	for(i = 0; i < totvert; i++) {
		SmoothVert *vert = &mesh->verts[i];

		vert->oldIndex = vert->newIndex = i;

	for(i = 0; i < totedge; i++) {
		SmoothEdge *edge = &mesh->edges[i];
		MEdge med;

		dm->getEdge(dm, i, &med);
		edge->verts[0] = &mesh->verts[med.v1];
		edge->verts[1] = &mesh->verts[med.v2];
		edge->oldIndex = edge->newIndex = i;
		edge->flag = med.flag;

		BLI_edgehash_insert(edges, med.v1, med.v2, edge);

	for(i = 0; i < totface; i++) {
		SmoothFace *face = &mesh->faces[i];
		MFace mf;
		MVert v1, v2, v3;
		int j;

		dm->getFace(dm, i, &mf);

		dm->getVert(dm, mf.v1, &v1);
		dm->getVert(dm, mf.v2, &v2);
		dm->getVert(dm, mf.v3, &v3);
		face->edges[0] = BLI_edgehash_lookup(edges, mf.v1, mf.v2);
		if(face->edges[0]->verts[1]->oldIndex == mf.v1) face->flip[0] = 1;
		face->edges[1] = BLI_edgehash_lookup(edges, mf.v2, mf.v3);
		if(face->edges[1]->verts[1]->oldIndex == mf.v2) face->flip[1] = 1;
		if(mf.v4) {
			MVert v4;
			dm->getVert(dm, mf.v4, &v4);
			face->edges[2] = BLI_edgehash_lookup(edges, mf.v3, mf.v4);
			if(face->edges[2]->verts[1]->oldIndex == mf.v3) face->flip[2] = 1;
			face->edges[3] = BLI_edgehash_lookup(edges, mf.v4, mf.v1);
			if(face->edges[3]->verts[1]->oldIndex == mf.v4) face->flip[3] = 1;
			normal_quad_v3( face->normal,v1.co, v2.co, v3.co, v4.co);
		} else {
			face->edges[2] = BLI_edgehash_lookup(edges, mf.v3, mf.v1);
			if(face->edges[2]->verts[1]->oldIndex == mf.v3) face->flip[2] = 1;
			face->edges[3] = NULL;
			normal_tri_v3( face->normal,v1.co, v2.co, v3.co);

		for(j = 0; j < SMOOTHFACE_MAX_EDGES && face->edges[j]; j++) {
			SmoothEdge *edge = face->edges[j];
			BLI_linklist_prepend(&edge->faces, face);
			BLI_linklist_prepend(&edge->verts[face->flip[j]]->faces, face);

		face->oldIndex = face->newIndex = i;

	BLI_edgehash_free(edges, NULL);

	return mesh;
Example #15
int BKE_mesh_validate_arrays( Mesh *me,
                              MVert *mverts, unsigned int totvert,
                              MEdge *medges, unsigned int totedge,
                              MFace *mfaces, unsigned int totface,
                              MDeformVert *dverts, /* assume totvert length */
                              const short do_verbose, const short do_fixes)
#	define REMOVE_EDGE_TAG(_med) { _med->v2= _med->v1; do_edge_free= 1; }
#	define REMOVE_FACE_TAG(_mf) { _mf->v3=0; do_face_free= 1; }

//	MVert *mv;
	MEdge *med;
	MFace *mf;
	MFace *mf_prev;
	MVert *mvert= mverts;
	unsigned int i;

	short do_face_free= FALSE;
	short do_edge_free= FALSE;

	short verts_fixed= FALSE;
	short vert_weights_fixed= FALSE;

	int do_edge_recalc= FALSE;

	EdgeHash *edge_hash = BLI_edgehash_new();

	SortFace *sort_faces= MEM_callocN(sizeof(SortFace) * totface, "search faces");
	SortFace *sf;
	SortFace *sf_prev;
	unsigned int totsortface= 0;

	BLI_assert(!(do_fixes && me == NULL));

	PRINT("%s: verts(%u), edges(%u), faces(%u)\n", __func__, totvert, totedge, totface);

	if(totedge == 0 && totface != 0) {
		PRINT("    locical error, %u faces and 0 edges\n", totface);
		do_edge_recalc= TRUE;

	for(i=1; i<totvert; i++, mvert++) {
		int j;
		int fix_normal= TRUE;

		for(j=0; j<3; j++) {
			if(!finite(mvert->co[j])) {
				PRINT("    vertex %u: has invalid coordinate\n", i);

				if (do_fixes) {

					verts_fixed= TRUE;

				fix_normal= FALSE;

		if(fix_normal) {
			PRINT("    vertex %u: has zero normal, assuming Z-up normal\n", i);
			if (do_fixes) {
				mvert->no[2]= SHRT_MAX;
				verts_fixed= TRUE;

	for(i=0, med= medges; i<totedge; i++, med++) {
		int remove= FALSE;
		if(med->v1 == med->v2) {
			PRINT("    edge %u: has matching verts, both %u\n", i, med->v1);
			remove= do_fixes;
		if(med->v1 >= totvert) {
			PRINT("    edge %u: v1 index out of range, %u\n", i, med->v1);
			remove= do_fixes;
		if(med->v2 >= totvert) {
			PRINT("    edge %u: v2 index out of range, %u\n", i, med->v2);
			remove= do_fixes;

		if(BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, med->v1, med->v2)) {
			PRINT("    edge %u: is a duplicate of, %d\n", i, GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash, med->v1, med->v2)));
			remove= do_fixes;

		if(remove == FALSE){
			BLI_edgehash_insert(edge_hash, med->v1, med->v2, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(i));
		else {

	for(i=0, mf=mfaces, sf=sort_faces; i<totface; i++, mf++) {
		int remove= FALSE;
		int fidx;
		unsigned int fv[4];

		fidx = mf->v4 ? 3:2;
		do {
			fv[fidx]= *(&(mf->v1) + fidx);
			if(fv[fidx] >= totvert) {
				PRINT("    face %u: 'v%d' index out of range, %u\n", i, fidx + 1, fv[fidx]);
				remove= do_fixes;
		} while (fidx--);

		if(remove == FALSE) {
			if(mf->v4) {
				if(mf->v1 == mf->v2) { PRINT("    face %u: verts invalid, v1/v2 both %u\n", i, mf->v1); remove= do_fixes; }
				if(mf->v1 == mf->v3) { PRINT("    face %u: verts invalid, v1/v3 both %u\n", i, mf->v1); remove= do_fixes;  }
				if(mf->v1 == mf->v4) { PRINT("    face %u: verts invalid, v1/v4 both %u\n", i, mf->v1); remove= do_fixes;  }

				if(mf->v2 == mf->v3) { PRINT("    face %u: verts invalid, v2/v3 both %u\n", i, mf->v2); remove= do_fixes;  }
				if(mf->v2 == mf->v4) { PRINT("    face %u: verts invalid, v2/v4 both %u\n", i, mf->v2); remove= do_fixes;  }

				if(mf->v3 == mf->v4) { PRINT("    face %u: verts invalid, v3/v4 both %u\n", i, mf->v3); remove= do_fixes;  }
			else {
				if(mf->v1 == mf->v2) { PRINT("    faceT %u: verts invalid, v1/v2 both %u\n", i, mf->v1); remove= do_fixes; }
				if(mf->v1 == mf->v3) { PRINT("    faceT %u: verts invalid, v1/v3 both %u\n", i, mf->v1); remove= do_fixes; }

				if(mf->v2 == mf->v3) { PRINT("    faceT %u: verts invalid, v2/v3 both %u\n", i, mf->v2); remove= do_fixes; }

			if(remove == FALSE) {
				if(totedge) {
					if(mf->v4) {
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v1, mf->v2)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v1/v2 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v1, mf->v2); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v2, mf->v3)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v2/v3 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v2, mf->v3); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v3, mf->v4)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v3/v4 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v3, mf->v4); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v4, mf->v1)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v4/v1 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v4, mf->v1); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }
					else {
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v1, mf->v2)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v1/v2 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v1, mf->v2); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v2, mf->v3)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v2/v3 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v2, mf->v3); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }
						if(!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->v3, mf->v1)) { PRINT("    face %u: edge v3/v1 (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->v3, mf->v1); do_edge_recalc= TRUE; }

				sf->index = i;

				if(mf->v4) {
					edge_store_from_mface_quad(sf->es, mf);

					qsort(sf->es, 4, sizeof(int64_t), int64_cmp);
				else {
					edge_store_from_mface_tri(sf->es, mf);
					qsort(sf->es, 3, sizeof(int64_t), int64_cmp);

		if(remove) {

	qsort(sort_faces, totsortface, sizeof(SortFace), search_face_cmp);

	sf= sort_faces;
	sf_prev= sf;

	for(i=1; i<totsortface; i++, sf++) {
		int remove= FALSE;
		/* on a valid mesh, code below will never run */
		if(memcmp(sf->es, sf_prev->es, sizeof(sf_prev->es)) == 0) {
			mf= mfaces + sf->index;

			if(do_verbose) {
				mf_prev= mfaces + sf_prev->index;
				if(mf->v4) {
					PRINT("    face %u & %u: are duplicates (%u,%u,%u,%u) (%u,%u,%u,%u)\n", sf->index, sf_prev->index, mf->v1, mf->v2, mf->v3, mf->v4, mf_prev->v1, mf_prev->v2, mf_prev->v3, mf_prev->v4);
				else {
					PRINT("    face %u & %u: are duplicates (%u,%u,%u) (%u,%u,%u)\n", sf->index, sf_prev->index, mf->v1, mf->v2, mf->v3, mf_prev->v1, mf_prev->v2, mf_prev->v3);

			remove= do_fixes;
		else {
			sf_prev= sf;

		if(remove) {

	BLI_edgehash_free(edge_hash, NULL);

	/* fix deform verts */
	if (dverts) {
		MDeformVert *dv;
		for(i=0, dv= dverts; i<totvert; i++, dv++) {
			MDeformWeight *dw;
			unsigned int j;

			for(j=0, dw= dv->dw; j < dv->totweight; j++, dw++) {
				/* note, greater then max defgroups is accounted for in our code, but not < 0 */
				if (!finite(dw->weight)) {
					PRINT("    vertex deform %u, group %d has weight: %f\n", i, dw->def_nr, dw->weight);
					if (do_fixes) {
						dw->weight= 0.0f;
						vert_weights_fixed= TRUE;
				else if (dw->weight < 0.0f || dw->weight > 1.0f) {
					PRINT("    vertex deform %u, group %d has weight: %f\n", i, dw->def_nr, dw->weight);
					if (do_fixes) {
						CLAMP(dw->weight, 0.0f, 1.0f);
						vert_weights_fixed= TRUE;

				if (dw->def_nr < 0) {
					PRINT("    vertex deform %u, has invalid group %d\n", i, dw->def_nr);
					if (do_fixes) {
						defvert_remove_group(dv, dw);
						if (dv->dw) {
							/* re-allocated, the new values compensate for stepping
							 * within the for loop and may not be valid */
							dw= dv->dw + j;

							vert_weights_fixed= TRUE;
						else { /* all freed */

	PRINT("BKE_mesh_validate: finished\n\n");


	if(me) {
		if(do_face_free) {

		if (do_edge_free) {

		if(do_fixes && do_edge_recalc) {
			BKE_mesh_calc_edges(me, TRUE);

	return (verts_fixed || vert_weights_fixed || do_face_free || do_edge_free || do_edge_recalc);