Example #1
int FIND_OPENING(const char *EPD,char *From,char *To, char *From1,char *From2,char *To1,char *To2,int *Bookmvs)
                                                            /*input : BOOKFILE / EPD*/
                                                            /*output: FROM and TO as E2 and E4 and ERROR*/
{       int xl,px,x,y,rnd,bhk1,bhk2,xd,xe;
        int ch,by,v,kleur,boekfase;
        char db[100],eb[100];
        unsigned char zcd[200],zce[200],vb[100];
        char fentab[]   = "??PNBRQKpnbrqk??";
        char fenkleur[] = "wb??";

        From[0]=0; To[0]=0;
        db[0]=0; eb[0]=0; vb[0]=255;

		rnd = rand() % 9999;

        AZ=0;                                               /*number of found book moves*/

        boekfase=0;                                         /*search tournament book first*/
        if (_GB==NULL) boekfase=1;                          /*no tournament book selected -> search main book*/

/*      retrieve EPD*/
/*      ============*/
        for (x=1; x<=78; x++) if (_BORD[x] > 0) _BORD[x]=1;     /*empty board*/

        x=-1; y=0;
next:   x++; ch=EPD[x];
        if (ch=='/') goto next;
        if (ch >= '1' && ch <= '8') { v=ch-48; y=y+v; goto test; }
        for (v=2; v<=15; v++)
        if (fentab[v]==ch) { _BORD[BORDPOS[y]]=v; y++; break; }
        if (v>13) goto error;
test:   if (y < 64) goto next;

        x++; if (EPD[x] != ' ') goto error;

        x++; if (EPD[x]==fenkleur[0]) { kleur=0; goto done; }   /*white to move*/
             if (EPD[x]==fenkleur[1]) { kleur=1; goto done; }   /*black to move*/

error:  Error=3; return Error;                                  /*error in EPD string*/

done:   MAKE_HASHKEY(); bhk1=HK1; bhk2=HK2;                     /*make hashkey of retrieved EPD*/
again:  xl=0; px=-1;
boek10: px++;
boek12: if (boekfase){                                          /*read main book*/
	    if( _MNB[xl] ==255 &&  _MNB[xl+1]==255) goto boek90;
		{ if (_GB[xl]==255 && _GB[xl+1]==255) goto boek90;      /*read tournament book*/
		  if (_GB[xl+1]==255 && _GB[xl+2]==255) goto boek90;

		zce[px]=_GB[xl+1]; zcd[px]=_GB[xl];}
		if (zcd[px] < 128) goto boek10;                         /*collect moves till end of variation*/
/*      Search the filled stack for possible bookmove*/
/*      =============================================*/
        x=0; BOEK_BEGIN(); HK1=0x05035c45; HK2=0xf1b92b1f;      /*hashkey values start position*/
boek14: if (bhk1==HK1 && bhk2==HK2) goto boek16;                /*hashkeys match, bookmove found*/
        XD=BVELD[zcd[x] & 0x3f];
        XE=BVELD[zce[x] & 0x3f];
        BOEKIN();                                               /*update board and hashkeys*/
        x++; if (x > px) goto boek20;                           /*end of variantion, check for next*/
        goto boek14;

/*      Bookmove found, insert in table*/
/*      ===============================*/

boek16: if (zce[x]<64) goto boek20;                             /*Bad book move, no insert*/
        if ((x&1) != (kleur&1)) goto boek20;                    /*colours don't match, no insert*/
        xd=BVELD[zcd[x]&0x3f]; xe=BVELD[zce[x]&0x3f];           /*Bookmove found*/
        for (v=0; v<AZ; v++)                                    /*skip possible doubles*/
         { if (db[v]==xd && eb[v]==xe && vb[v]<64) vb[v]=zce[x];
           if (db[v]==xd && eb[v]==xe) goto boek20; }
        db[AZ]=xd; eb[AZ]=xe; vb[AZ]=zce[x];                    /*store move in internal format*/
        From1[AZ]=TA[xd]; From2[AZ]=TN[xd];                     /*store move in ascii format*/
        To1[AZ]=TA[xe]; To2[AZ]=TN[xe];
        AZ++;                                                   /*number of found book moves*/

/*      Spool back till bit-6 becomes zero*/
/*      ==================================*/

boek20: if (zcd[px] < 192) goto boek12;                         /*there is another one !*/
boek22: px--;
        if (px < 0) goto boek10;
        if (zcd[px] >= 64) goto boek22;
        goto boek12;

/*      End of File, decide move to play*/
/*      ================================*/

boek90: if (boekfase==0 && AZ==0) { boekfase=1; goto again; }   /*nothing found in tournament book*/
                                                                /*search now the main book*/
        if (AZ==0) goto einde;                                  /*no book move(s) found*/

boek92: rnd=rnd & 63; by=-1;
boek94: by++; if (by >= AZ) goto boek92;
        if (rnd > 0) goto boek94;

        x=db[by]; From[0]=TA[x]; From[1]=TN[x]; From[2]=0;
        x=eb[by]; To[0]=TA[x]; To[1]=TN[x]; To[2]=0;

	return Error;
void Book::FIND_OPENING()                                 // input : BOOKFILE / EPD
                                                    // output: FROM and TO as E2 and E4 and ERROR
{       int xl,px,xx,x,y,rnd,bhk1,bhk2,xd,xe;
        int ch,by,v,kleur,boekfase;
        char db[100],eb[100];
        unsigned char zcd[200],zce[200],vb[100];
        char fentab[]   = "??PNBRQKpnbrqk??";
        char fenkleur[] = "wb??";


        if ((FPB = fopen(BOOKFILE,"rb")) == NULL) { ERROR=2; return; }

        FROM[0]=0; TO[0]=0;
        db[0]=0; eb[0]=0; vb[0]=255;

        RND=clock();                                // initialize randomizer
        x=rand()%9999; rnd=RND+x;

        RND=rnd;                                    // debug info

        AZ=0;                                       // number of found book moves

        boekfase=1;                // no tournament book selected -> search main book

//      retrieve EPD
//      ============

        for (x=1; x<=78; x++) if (_BORD[x] > 0) _BORD[x]=1;     // empty board

        x=-1; y=0;
next:   x++; ch=EPD[x];
        if (ch=='/') goto next;
        if (ch >= '1' && ch <= '8') { v=ch-48; y=y+v; goto test; }
        for (v=2; v<=15; v++)
        if (fentab[v]==ch) { _BORD[(int)BORDPOS[y]]=v; y++; break; }
        if (v>13) goto error;
test:   if (y < 64) goto next;

        x++; if (EPD[x] != ' ') goto error;

        x++; if (EPD[x]==fenkleur[0]) { kleur=0; goto done; }   // white to move
             if (EPD[x]==fenkleur[1]) { kleur=1; goto done; }   // black to move

error:  ERROR=3; fclose(FPB); return;

done:   MAKE_HASHKEY(); bhk1=HK1; bhk2=HK2;                     // make hashkey of retrieved EPD

again:  xl=-2; px=-1;

boek10: px++;
boek12: if ((xx = fgetc(FPB)) == EOF) goto boek90;
           zcd[px]=xx; xl=xl+2;
           if ((xx = fgetc(FPB)) == EOF) goto boek90;
        if (zcd[px] < 128) goto boek10;                     // collect moves till end of varition

//      Search the filled stack for possible bookmove
//      =============================================

        x=0; BOEK_BEGIN(); HK1=0x05035c45; HK2=0xf1b92b1f;  // hashkey values start position
boek14: if (bhk1==HK1 && bhk2==HK2) goto boek16;            // hashkeys match, bookmove found
        XD=BVELD[zcd[x] & 0x3f];
        XE=BVELD[zce[x] & 0x3f];
        BOEKIN();                                           // update board and hashkeys
        x++; if (x > px) goto boek20;                       // end of variantion, check for next
        goto boek14;

//      Bookmove found, insert in table
//      ===============================

boek16: if (zce[x]<64) goto boek20;                         // Bad book move, no insert
        if ((x&1) != (kleur&1)) goto boek20;                // colours don't match, no insert
        xd=BVELD[zcd[x]&0x3f]; xe=BVELD[zce[x]&0x3f];       // Bookmove found
        for (v=0; v<AZ; v++)                                // skip possible doubles
         { if (db[v]==xd && eb[v]==xe && vb[v]<64) vb[v]=zce[x];
           if (db[v]==xd && eb[v]==xe) goto boek20; }

        db[AZ]=xd; eb[AZ]=xe; vb[AZ]=zce[x];                // store move in internal format
        FROM1[AZ]=TA[xd]; FROM2[AZ]=TN[xd];                 // store move in ascii format
        TO1[AZ]=TA[xe]; TO2[AZ]=TN[xe]; BOEKSTAT[AZ]=boekfase;
        AZ++;                                               // number of found book moves

//      Spool back till bit-6 becomes zero
//      ==================================

boek20: if (zcd[px] < 192) goto boek12;                         // there is another one !
boek22: px--;
        if (px < 0) goto boek10;
        if (zcd[px] >= 64) goto boek22;
        goto boek12;

//      End of File, decide move to play
//      ================================

boek90: if (boekfase==0 && AZ==0) { boekfase=1; goto again; }   // nothing found in tournament book
                                                                // search now the main book
        if (AZ==0) goto einde;                                  // no book move(s) found

boek92: rnd=rnd & 63; by=-1;
boek94: by++; if (by >= AZ) goto boek92;
        if (rnd > 0) goto boek94;

        x=db[by]; FROM[0]=TA[x]; FROM[1]=TN[x]; FROM[2]=0;
        x=eb[by]; TO[0]=TA[x]; TO[1]=TN[x]; TO[2]=0;

einde:  fclose(FPB);
