int test_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    //[> Parameters <]

    //FIXME: use random sizes?
    const size_t n   = 100;
    const size_t m   = 50;
    const size_t n_s = 60;
    const size_t m_s = 30;

    //[> Setup test <]
    namespace mpi = boost::mpi;

    El::Initialize(argc, argv);

    mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
    mpi::communicator world;

    MPI_Comm mpi_world(world);
    El::Grid grid(mpi_world);

    const size_t rank = world.rank();

    skylark::base::context_t context (0);

    double count = 1.0;

    const size_t matrix_full = n * m;
    mpi_vector_t colsf(matrix_full);
    mpi_vector_t rowsf(matrix_full);
    mpi_vector_t valsf(matrix_full);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < matrix_full; ++i) {
        colsf.SetElement(i, i % m);
        rowsf.SetElement(i, i / m);
        valsf.SetElement(i, count);

    DistMatrixType A(n, m, rowsf, colsf, valsf);
    mpi_vector_t zero;

    count = 1.0;
    El::Matrix<double> local_A(n, m);
    for( size_t j = 0; j < local_A.Height(); j++ )
        for( size_t i = 0; i < local_A.Width(); i++ )
            local_A.Set(j, i, count++);

    El::DistMatrix<double, El::STAR, El::STAR> result(grid);

    // columnwise application
    DistMatrixType expected_A;
    DistMatrixType pi_sketch(n_s, n, zero, zero, zero);

    // rowwise application
    DistMatrixType expected_AR;
    DistMatrixType pi_sketch_r(m_s, m, zero, zero, zero);

    //[> Column wise application DistSparseMatrix -> DistMatrix[MC/MR] <]

    typedef El::DistMatrix<double> mcmr_target_t;

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, mcmr_target_t> Sparse(n, n_s, context);

    //[> 2. Create space for the sketched matrix <]
    mcmr_target_t sketch_A(n_s, m, grid);

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    Sparse.apply(A, sketch_A, skylark::sketch::columnwise_tag());

    //[> 4. Build structure to compare <]
    // easier to check if all processors own result
    result = sketch_A;

    compute_sketch_matrix(Sparse, A, pi_sketch);
    expected_A = Mult_AnXBn_Synch<PTDD, double, col_t>(
            pi_sketch, A, false, false);

    compare_result(rank, expected_A, result);

    //[> Column wise application DistSparseMatrix -> DistMatrix[VC/*] <]

    typedef El::DistMatrix<double, El::VC, El::STAR> vcs_target_t;

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, vcs_target_t> SparseVC(n, n_s, context);

    //[> 2. Create space for the sketched matrix <]
    vcs_target_t sketch_A_vcs(n_s, m, grid);

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    SparseVC.apply(A, sketch_A_vcs, skylark::sketch::columnwise_tag());

    //[> 4. Build structure to compare <]
    // easier to check if all processors own result
    result = sketch_A_vcs;

    compute_sketch_matrix(SparseVC, A, pi_sketch);
    expected_A = Mult_AnXBn_Synch<PTDD, double, col_t>(
            pi_sketch, A, false, false);

    compare_result(rank, expected_A, result);

    //[> Column wise application DistSparseMatrix -> DistMatrix[*/VR] <]

    typedef El::DistMatrix<double, El::STAR, El::VR> svr_target_t;

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, svr_target_t> SparseVR(n, n_s, context);

    //[> 2. Create space for the sketched matrix <]
    svr_target_t sketch_A_svr(n_s, m, grid);

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    SparseVR.apply(A, sketch_A_svr, skylark::sketch::columnwise_tag());

    //[> 4. Build structure to compare <]
    // easier to check if all processors own result
    result = sketch_A_svr;

    compute_sketch_matrix(SparseVR, A, pi_sketch);
    expected_A = Mult_AnXBn_Synch<PTDD, double, col_t>(
            pi_sketch, A, false, false);

    compare_result(rank, expected_A, result);

    //[> Column wise application DistSparseMatrix -> DistMatrix[*/*] <]

    typedef El::DistMatrix<double, El::STAR, El::STAR> st_target_t;

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, st_target_t> SparseST(n, n_s, context);

    //[> 2. Create space for the sketched matrix <]
    st_target_t sketch_A_st(n_s, m, grid);

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    SparseST.apply(A, sketch_A_st, skylark::sketch::columnwise_tag());

    //[> 4. Compare <]
    compute_sketch_matrix(SparseST, A, pi_sketch);
    expected_A = Mult_AnXBn_Synch<PTDD, double, col_t>(
            pi_sketch, A, false, false);

    compare_result(rank, expected_A, sketch_A_st);

    //[> Column wise application DistSparseMatrix -> LocalDenseMatrix <]

    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, El::Matrix<double>> LocalSparse(n, n_s, context);
    El::Matrix<double> local_sketch_A(n_s, m);
    LocalSparse.apply(A, local_sketch_A, skylark::sketch::columnwise_tag());

    El::Matrix<double> pi_sketch_l(n_s, n);
    El::Matrix<double> expected_A_l(n_s, m);

    if(rank == 0) {
        // PI generated by random number gen
        std::vector<size_t> row_idx = LocalSparse.getRowIdx();
        std::vector<double> row_val = LocalSparse.getRowValues();

        int sketch_size = row_val.size();
        typename LocalMatrixType::coords_t coords;

        for(int i = 0; i < sketch_size; ++i)
            pi_sketch_l.Set(row_idx[i], i, row_val[i]);

        El::Gemm(El::NORMAL, El::NORMAL, 1.0, pi_sketch_l, local_A,
                   0.0, expected_A_l);

        for(int col = 0; col < expected_A_l.Width(); col++) {
            for(int row = 0; row < expected_A_l.Height(); row++) {
                if(local_sketch_A.Get(row, col) !=
                        expected_A_l.Get(row, col))
                    BOOST_FAIL("Result of local colwise application not as expected");

    //[> Row wise application DistSparseMatrix -> DistMatrix[MC/MR] <]

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, mcmr_target_t> Sparse_r(m, m_s, context);

    //[> 2. Create space for the sketched matrix <]
    mcmr_target_t sketch_A_r(n, m_s, grid);

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    Sparse_r.apply(A, sketch_A_r, skylark::sketch::rowwise_tag());

    //[> 4. Build structure to compare <]
    // easier to check if all processors own result
    result = sketch_A_r;

    compute_sketch_matrix(Sparse_r, A, pi_sketch_r);
    expected_AR = Mult_AnXBn_Synch<PTDD, double, col_t>(
            A, pi_sketch_r, false, false);

    compare_result(rank, expected_AR, result);

    //[> Row wise application DistSparseMatrix -> DistMatrix[VC/*] <]

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, vcs_target_t> Sparse_r_vcs(m, m_s, context);

    //[> 2. Create space for the sketched matrix <]
    vcs_target_t sketch_A_r_vcs(n, m_s, grid);

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    Sparse_r_vcs.apply(A, sketch_A_r_vcs, skylark::sketch::rowwise_tag());

    //[> 4. Build structure to compare <]
    // easier to check if all processors own result
    result = sketch_A_r_vcs;

    compute_sketch_matrix(Sparse_r_vcs, A, pi_sketch_r);
    expected_AR = Mult_AnXBn_Synch<PTDD, double, col_t>(
            A, pi_sketch_r, false, false);

    compare_result(rank, expected_AR, result);

    //[> Row wise application DistSparseMatrix -> LocalDenseMatrix <]

    Dummy_t<DistMatrixType, El::Matrix<double>> LocalSparse_r(m, m_s, context);
    El::Matrix<double> local_sketch_A_r(n, m_s);
    LocalSparse_r.apply(A, local_sketch_A_r, skylark::sketch::rowwise_tag());

    El::Matrix<double> local_pi_sketch_r(m_s, m);
    El::Matrix<double> expected_A_r(n, m_s);

    if(rank == 0) {
        // PI generated by random number gen
        std::vector<size_t> row_idx = LocalSparse_r.getRowIdx();
        std::vector<double> row_val = LocalSparse_r.getRowValues();

        int sketch_size = row_val.size();
        typename LocalMatrixType::coords_t coords;

        for(int i = 0; i < sketch_size; ++i)
            local_pi_sketch_r.Set(row_idx[i], i, row_val[i]);

        El::Gemm(El::NORMAL, El::TRANSPOSE, 1.0, local_A, local_pi_sketch_r,
                   0.0, expected_A_r);

        for(int col = 0; col < expected_A_r.Width(); col++) {
            for(int row = 0; row < expected_A_r.Height(); row++) {
                if(local_sketch_A_r.Get(row, col) !=
                        expected_A_r.Get(row, col))
                    BOOST_FAIL("Result of local rowwise application not as expected");

    return 0;
void translate(boost::exception const& e) { 
	//TODO remove prefix ut_translate_boost_exception.cpp(7): 
	//TODO always FAIL but no ERROR REQUIRE etc - better to override what()
int test_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    //[> Parameters <]

    //FIXME: use random sizes?
    const size_t n   = 10;
    const size_t m   = 5;
    const size_t n_s = 6;
    const size_t m_s = 3;

    typedef skylark::base::sparse_matrix_t<double> Matrix_t;

    //[> Setup test <]

    namespace mpi = boost::mpi;
    mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
    mpi::communicator world;
    const size_t rank = world.rank();

    skylark::base::context_t context (0);

    double count = 1.0;

    const int matrix_full = n * m;
    std::vector<int> colsf(m + 1);
    std::vector<int> rowsf(matrix_full);
    std::vector<double> valsf(matrix_full);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < m + 1; ++i)
        colsf[i] = i * n;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < matrix_full; ++i) {
        rowsf[i] = i % n;
        valsf[i] = count;

    Matrix_t A;
    A.attach(&colsf[0], &rowsf[0], &valsf[0], matrix_full, n, m, false);

    count = 1;
    const int* indptr = A.indptr();
    const int* indices = A.indices();
    const double* values = A.locked_values();

    for(int col = 0; col < A.width(); col++) {
        for(int idx = indptr[col]; idx < indptr[col + 1]; idx++) {
            BOOST_REQUIRE( values[idx] == count );

    //[> Test COO to CSC <]
    typename Matrix_t::coords_t coords_mat;
    count = 1;
    for(int col = 0; col < A.width(); col++) {
        for(int row = 0; row < A.height(); row++) {
            typename Matrix_t::coord_tuple_t new_entry(row, col, count);

    Matrix_t A_coord;

    count = 1;
    indptr = A_coord.indptr();
    indices = A_coord.indices();
    values = A_coord.locked_values();

    for(int col = 0; col < A_coord.width(); col++) {
        for(int idx = indptr[col]; idx < indptr[col + 1]; idx++) {
            BOOST_REQUIRE( values[idx] == count );

    //[> Column wise application <]

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<Matrix_t, Matrix_t> Sparse(n, n_s, context);
    std::vector<size_t> row_idx = Sparse.getRowIdx();
    std::vector<double> row_val = Sparse.getRowValues();

    // PI generated by random number gen
    int sketch_size = row_val.size();
    typename Matrix_t::coords_t coords;
    for(int i = 0; i < sketch_size; ++i) {
        typename Matrix_t::coord_tuple_t new_entry(row_idx[i], i, row_val[i]);

    Matrix_t pi_sketch;

    //[> 2. Create sketched matrix <]
    Matrix_t sketch_A;

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    Sparse.apply(A, sketch_A, skylark::sketch::columnwise_tag());

    BOOST_CHECK(sketch_A.height() == n_s);
    BOOST_CHECK(sketch_A.width()  == m);

    //[> 4. Build structure to compare: PI * A ?= sketch_A <]
    typename Matrix_t::coords_t coords_new;
    indptr = pi_sketch.indptr();
    indices = pi_sketch.indices();
    values = pi_sketch.locked_values();

    // multiply with vector where an entry has the value:
    //   col_idx * n + row_idx + 1.
    // See creation of A.
    for(int col = 0; col < pi_sketch.width(); col++) {
        for(int idx = indptr[col]; idx < indptr[col + 1]; idx++) {
            for(int ccol = 0; ccol < m; ++ccol) {
                typename Matrix_t::coord_tuple_t new_entry(indices[idx], ccol,
                    values[idx] * (ccol * n + col + 1));

    Matrix_t expected_A;
    expected_A.set(coords_new, n_s, m);

    if (!static_cast<bool>(expected_A == sketch_A))
        BOOST_FAIL("Result of colwise application not as expected");

    //[> Row wise application <]

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix <]
    Dummy_t<Matrix_t, Matrix_t> Sparse_row(m, m_s, context);
    row_idx = Sparse_row.getRowIdx();
    row_val = Sparse_row.getRowValues();

    // PI generated by random number gen
    sketch_size = row_val.size();
    for(int i = 0; i < sketch_size; ++i) {
        typename Matrix_t::coord_tuple_t new_entry(i, row_idx[i], row_val[i]);

    Matrix_t pi_sketch_row;

    //[> 2. Create sketched matrix <]
    Matrix_t sketch_A_row;

    //[> 3. Apply the transform <]
    Sparse_row.apply(A, sketch_A_row, skylark::sketch::rowwise_tag());

    BOOST_CHECK(sketch_A_row.height() == n);
    BOOST_CHECK(sketch_A_row.width()  == m_s);

    //[> 4. Build structure to compare: A * PI ?= sketch_A <]
    indptr = pi_sketch_row.indptr();
    indices = pi_sketch_row.indices();
    values = pi_sketch_row.locked_values();

    // multiply with vector where an entry has the value:
    //   col_idx * n + row_idx + 1.
    // See creation of A.
    for(int col = 0; col < pi_sketch_row.width(); col++) {
        for(int idx = indptr[col]; idx < indptr[col + 1]; idx++) {
            for(int row = 0; row < n; ++row) {
                typename Matrix_t::coord_tuple_t new_entry(row, col,
                    values[idx] * (indices[idx] * n + row + 1));

    Matrix_t expected_A_row;
    expected_A_row.set(coords_new, n, m_s);

    if (!static_cast<bool>(expected_A_row == sketch_A_row))
        BOOST_FAIL("Result of rowwise application not as expected");

    return 0;
Example #4
int test_main( int, char* [] )
    sc::fifo_scheduler<> scheduler;
    Check( scheduler, scheduler.create_processor< FifoSchedulerTest >(), 0 );

      scheduler, scheduler.create_processor< FifoSchedulerTest >( 1 ), 1 );

      scheduler.create_processor< FifoSchedulerTest >(
        boost::cref( refArg1 ) ),
      6 );

      scheduler.create_processor< FifoSchedulerTest >( 1, 2 ),
      12 );

      scheduler.create_processor< FifoSchedulerTest >(
        boost::cref( refArg1 ), boost::cref( refArg2 ) ),
      65 );

      scheduler.create_processor< FifoSchedulerTest >( 1, 2, 3 ),
      123 );

      scheduler.create_processor< FifoSchedulerTest >(
        boost::cref( refArg1 ), boost::cref( refArg2 ),
        boost::cref( refArg3 ) ),
      654 );

      scheduler.create_processor< FifoSchedulerTest >( 1, 2, 3, 4 ),
      1234 );

      scheduler.create_processor< FifoSchedulerTest >(
        boost::cref( refArg1 ), boost::cref( refArg2 ),
        boost::cref( refArg3 ), boost::cref( refArg4 ) ),
      6543 );

      scheduler.create_processor< FifoSchedulerTest >( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ),
      12345 );

      scheduler.create_processor< FifoSchedulerTest >(
        boost::cref( refArg1 ), boost::cref( refArg2 ),
        boost::cref( refArg3 ), boost::cref( refArg4 ),
        boost::cref( refArg5 ) ),
      65432 );

      scheduler.create_processor< FifoSchedulerTest >( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ),
      123456 );

      scheduler.create_processor< FifoSchedulerTest >(
        boost::cref( refArg1 ), boost::cref( refArg2 ),
        boost::cref( refArg3 ), boost::cref( refArg4 ),
        boost::cref( refArg5 ), boost::cref( refArg6 ) ),
      654321 );

    RunScheduler( scheduler, 0UL );
    bool workItem1Processed = false;
      boost::bind( &SetToTrue, boost::ref( workItem1Processed ) ) );
    RunScheduler( scheduler, 1UL );
    BOOST_REQUIRE( workItem1Processed );

    RunScheduler( scheduler, 1UL );
    BOOST_REQUIRE( scheduler.terminated() );

    RunScheduler( scheduler, 0UL );
    bool workItem2Processed = false;
      boost::bind( &SetToTrue, boost::ref( workItem2Processed ) ) );
    // After being terminated, a call to operator() must not process any more
    // events
    RunScheduler( scheduler, 0UL );
    BOOST_REQUIRE( !workItem2Processed );
  catch ( const UnexpectedEventCount & )
    BOOST_FAIL( "Unexpected event count." );

  return 0;
Example #5
 std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& s, const template_streamable< T >& )
     BOOST_FAIL( "should not have been called" );
     return s;
  Json::Value request;
  Json::Value response;
  Json::Value params;
  std::string sessionId;
  std::string subscriptionId, subscriptionId2;
  std::string receivedId, responseId;

  request["jsonrpc"] = "2.0";
  request["id"] = getId();
  request["method"] = "subscribe";

  params["object"] = "manager_ServerManager";
  params["type"] = "ObjectCreated";

  request["params"] = params;

  response = sendRequest (request);

  BOOST_CHECK (response.isMember ("result") );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isObject() );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("sessionId") );
  sessionId = response["result"]["sessionId"].asString();
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("value") );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("value") );
  subscriptionId = response["result"]["value"].asString();
  BOOST_CHECK (!subscriptionId.empty() );

  params["sessionId"] = sessionId;
  request["params"] = params;
  request["id"] = getId();

  response = sendRequest (request);

  BOOST_CHECK (response.isMember ("result") );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isObject() );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("sessionId") );
  BOOST_CHECK (sessionId == response["result"]["sessionId"].asString() );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("value") );
  subscriptionId2 = response["result"]["value"].asString();
  BOOST_CHECK (!subscriptionId2.empty() );

  BOOST_CHECK (subscriptionId != subscriptionId2);

  std::thread listener ([this, &receivedId] () {
    try {
      Json::Value event = this->waifForEvent (std::chrono::seconds (2) );
      receivedId = get_id_from_event (event);
    } catch (kurento::KurentoException e) {
      BOOST_FAIL ("Expected event not received");

    try {
      this->waifForEvent (std::chrono::seconds (2) );
      BOOST_FAIL ("Unexpected event");
    } catch (kurento::KurentoException e) {

  request["jsonrpc"] = "2.0";
  request["id"] = getId();
  request["method"] = "create";

  params["type"] = "MediaPipeline";
  params["sessionId"] = sessionId;
  request["params"] = params;

  response = sendRequest (request);

  BOOST_CHECK (response.isMember ("result") );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isObject() );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("sessionId") );
  BOOST_CHECK (sessionId == response["result"]["sessionId"].asString() );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("value") );

  responseId = response["result"]["value"].asString();


  BOOST_CHECK (receivedId == responseId);

  // Unsubscribe first listener and wait for event

  request["jsonrpc"] = "2.0";
  request["id"] = getId();
  request["method"] = "unsubscribe";

  params["object"] = "manager_ServerManager";
  params["subscription"] = subscriptionId;
  params["sessionId"] = sessionId;

  request["params"] = params;

  response = sendRequest (request);

  BOOST_CHECK (response.isMember ("result") );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isObject() );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("sessionId") );
  BOOST_CHECK (sessionId == response["result"]["sessionId"].asString() );

  std::thread listener2 ([this, &receivedId] () {
    try {
      Json::Value event = this->waifForEvent (std::chrono::seconds (2) );
      receivedId = get_id_from_event (event);
    } catch (kurento::KurentoException e) {
      BOOST_FAIL ("Expected event not received");

    try {
      this->waifForEvent (std::chrono::seconds (2) );
      BOOST_FAIL ("Unexpected event");
    } catch (kurento::KurentoException e) {

  request["jsonrpc"] = "2.0";
  request["id"] = getId();
  request["method"] = "create";

  params["type"] = "MediaPipeline";
  params["sessionId"] = sessionId;
  request["params"] = params;

  response = sendRequest (request);

  BOOST_CHECK (response.isMember ("result") );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isObject() );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("sessionId") );
  BOOST_CHECK (sessionId == response["result"]["sessionId"].asString() );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("value") );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("value") );

  responseId = response["result"]["value"].asString();


  BOOST_CHECK (receivedId == responseId);

  request["jsonrpc"] = "2.0";
  request["id"] = getId();
  request["method"] = "unsubscribe";

  params["object"] = "manager_ServerManager";
  params["subscription"] = subscriptionId2;
  params["sessionId"] = sessionId;

  request["params"] = params;

  response = sendRequest (request);

  BOOST_CHECK (response.isMember ("result") );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isObject() );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("sessionId") );
  BOOST_CHECK (sessionId == response["result"]["sessionId"].asString() );

  std::thread listener3 ([this] () {
    try {
      Json::Value event = this->waifForEvent (std::chrono::seconds (2) );
      BOOST_ERROR ("Unexpected event: " + event.toStyledString() );
    } catch (kurento::KurentoException e) {

  request["jsonrpc"] = "2.0";
  request["id"] = getId();
  request["method"] = "create";

  params["type"] = "MediaPipeline";
  params["sessionId"] = sessionId;
  request["params"] = params;

  response = sendRequest (request);

  BOOST_CHECK (response.isMember ("result") );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isObject() );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("sessionId") );
  BOOST_CHECK (sessionId == response["result"]["sessionId"].asString() );
  BOOST_CHECK (response["result"].isMember ("value") );

  std::cout << response["result"]["value"].toStyledString() << std::endl;


  // Unsubscribe second listener and no event should be received
Example #7
 sc::result react( const EvFail & )
   BOOST_FAIL( "State machine is unexpectedly still running." );
   return discard_event();
Example #8
int test_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    //[> Parameters <]
    const size_t n   = 10;
    const size_t m   = 5;
    const size_t n_s = 6;
    const size_t m_s = 3;

    const int seed = static_cast<int>(rand() * 100);

    typedef FullyDistVec<size_t, double> mpi_vector_t;
    typedef SpDCCols<size_t, double> col_t;
    typedef SpParMat<size_t, double, col_t> DistMatrixType;

    namespace mpi = boost::mpi;
    mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
    mpi::communicator world;
    const size_t rank = world.rank();
    skylark::base::context_t context (seed);

    double count = 1.0;

    const size_t matrix_full = n * m;
    mpi_vector_t colsf(matrix_full);
    mpi_vector_t rowsf(matrix_full);
    mpi_vector_t valsf(matrix_full);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < matrix_full; ++i) {
        colsf.SetElement(i, i % m);
        rowsf.SetElement(i, i / m);
        valsf.SetElement(i, count);

    DistMatrixType A(n, m, rowsf, colsf, valsf);

    //[> Setup test <]

    //[> 1. Create the sketching matrix and dump JSON <]
    skylark::sketch::CWT_t<DistMatrixType, DistMatrixType>
    Sparse(n, n_s, context);

    // dump to property tree
    boost::property_tree::ptree pt = Sparse.get_data()->to_ptree();

    //[> 2. Dump the JSON string to file <]
    std::ofstream out("sketch.json");
    write_json(out, pt);

    //[> 3. Create a sketch from the JSON file. <]
    std::ifstream file;
    std::stringstream json;"sketch.json", std::ios::in);

    boost::property_tree::ptree json_tree;
    boost::property_tree::read_json(file, json_tree);

    skylark::sketch::CWT_t<DistMatrixType, DistMatrixType> tmp(json_tree);

    //[> 4. Both sketches should compute the same result. <]
    mpi_vector_t zero;
    DistMatrixType sketch_A(n_s, m, zero, zero, zero);
    DistMatrixType sketch_Atmp(n_s, m, zero, zero, zero);

    Sparse.apply(A, sketch_A, skylark::sketch::columnwise_tag());
    tmp.apply(A, sketch_Atmp, skylark::sketch::columnwise_tag());

    if (!static_cast<bool>(sketch_A == sketch_Atmp))
        BOOST_FAIL("Applied sketch did not result in same result");

    return 0;
Example #9
 static void
 unexpectedFailure(uint32_t status, const std::string& reason)
   BOOST_FAIL("No error expected, but got: [" << status << ": " << reason << "]");
Example #10
        void operator()( const CDirEntry & dirEntry ) {
            const static size_t kInvalidFileNumber = numeric_limits<size_t>::max();

            if( ! dirEntry.IsFile() ) {

            CFile file(dirEntry);

            // skip the README file
            if( file.GetName() == "README.txt" ) {

            // skip .svn files
            if( NStr::Find(file.GetPath(), ".svn") != NPOS )

            const string sFilePath = file.GetPath();
            cout << "Parsing file name: " << sFilePath << endl;

            // extract info from the file name
            const string sFileName = file.GetName();
            vector<CTempString> vecFileNamePieces;
            NStr::Tokenize( sFileName, ".", vecFileNamePieces );

            BOOST_REQUIRE( vecFileNamePieces.size() == 2 ||
                vecFileNamePieces.size() == 3 );

            CTempString tsTestName = vecFileNamePieces[0];
            BOOST_REQUIRE( ! tsTestName.empty() );
            CTempString tsFileType = vecFileNamePieces[1];
            size_t iFileNumber = kInvalidFileNumber;
            if( vecFileNamePieces.size() > 2 ) {
                iFileNumber = NStr::StringToUInt(vecFileNamePieces[2]);
            STestInfo & test_info_to_load =

            // figure out what type of file we have and set appropriately
            if( tsFileType == "agp" && iFileNumber == kInvalidFileNumber ) {
                // handle agp file
                // (and make sure we don't have duplicates)
                BOOST_REQUIRE( test_info_to_load.m_AGPFile.GetPath().empty() );
                test_info_to_load.m_AGPFile = file;
            } else if( tsFileType == "expected_seq_entry" && iFileNumber != kInvalidFileNumber )
                // handle expected seq-entry file
                // (Note that the files could come in in any order)

                vector<CFile> & vecExpectedSeqEntryFiles = 

                if( vecExpectedSeqEntryFiles.size() <= iFileNumber ) {
                    // expand the vector to include this file number
                    vecExpectedSeqEntryFiles.resize( 1 + iFileNumber );

                // make sure no duplicates
                BOOST_REQUIRE( vecExpectedSeqEntryFiles[iFileNumber].GetPath().empty() );
                vecExpectedSeqEntryFiles[iFileNumber] = file;
            } else if( tsFileType == "flags" && iFileNumber == kInvalidFileNumber ) {
                // handle flags file
                BOOST_REQUIRE( test_info_to_load.m_FlagFile.GetPath().empty() );
                test_info_to_load.m_FlagFile = file;
            } else {
                BOOST_FAIL("Unknown file type");
Example #11
CassError wait_and_return_error(CassFuture* future, cass_duration_t timeout) {
  if (!cass_future_wait_timed(future, timeout)) {
    BOOST_FAIL("Timed out waiting for result");
  return cass_future_error_code(future);
int test_main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    /** Initialize Elemental */
    El::Initialize (argc, argv);

    /** Initialize MPI  */
    boost::mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
    boost::mpi::communicator world;

    MPI_Comm mpi_world(world);
    El::Grid grid(mpi_world);

    /** Example parameters */
    int height      = 20;
    int width       = 10;
    int sketch_size = 5;

    dist_CIRC_CIRC_dense_matrix_t A_CIRC_CIRC(grid);
    input_matrix_t A(grid);
    El::Uniform(A_CIRC_CIRC, height, width);
    A = A_CIRC_CIRC;
    int size;

    /** Sketch transform rowwise (rw) */
    size = width;
    skylark::base::context_t context_rw(0);
    output_matrix_t sketched_A_rw(height, sketch_size, grid);
    sketch_transform_t sketch_transform_rw(size, sketch_size, context_rw);
    sketch_transform_rw.apply(A, sketched_A_rw,
    dist_CIRC_CIRC_dense_matrix_t sketched_A_rw_CIRC_CIRC = sketched_A_rw;

    if(world.rank() == 0) {
        dense_matrix_t sketched_A_rw_gathered =

        skylark::base::context_t context_rw_local(0);
        dense_matrix_t A_rw_local = A_CIRC_CIRC.Matrix();
        dense_matrix_t sketched_A_rw_local(height, sketch_size);
        sketch_transform_local_t sketch_transform_rw_local(size, sketch_size,
        sketch_transform_rw_local.apply(A_rw_local, sketched_A_rw_local,

        if (!test::util::equal(sketched_A_rw_gathered, sketched_A_rw_local))
            BOOST_FAIL("Rowwise sketching resuts are not equal");

    /** Sketch transform columnwise (cw) */
    size = height;
    skylark::base::context_t context_cw(0);
    output_matrix_t sketched_A_cw(sketch_size, width, grid);
    sketch_transform_t sketch_transform_cw(size, sketch_size, context_cw);
    sketch_transform_cw.apply(A, sketched_A_cw,
    dist_CIRC_CIRC_dense_matrix_t sketched_A_cw_CIRC_CIRC = sketched_A_cw;

    if(world.rank() == 0) {
        dense_matrix_t sketched_A_cw_gathered =

        skylark::base::context_t context_cw_local(0);
        dense_matrix_t A_cw_local = A_CIRC_CIRC.Matrix();
        dense_matrix_t sketched_A_cw_local(sketch_size, width);
        sketch_transform_local_t sketch_transform_cw_local(size, sketch_size,
        sketch_transform_cw_local.apply(A_cw_local, sketched_A_cw_local,

        if (!test::util::equal(sketched_A_cw_gathered, sketched_A_cw_local))
            BOOST_FAIL("Columnwise sketching resuts are not equal");

    return 0;