Example #1
// CUserMessage.
CUserMessage::CUserMessage(IRecipientFilter& recipients, const char* message_name):
	m_message_name = message_name;
	m_index = ::GetMessageIndex(message_name);

	// Initialize buffer
	const google::protobuf::Message* message = g_Cstrike15UsermessageHelpers.GetPrototype(message_name);
	if (!message) {
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_NameError, "Invalid message name: '%s'.", message_name);

	m_buffer = message->New();
	if (m_index == -1) {
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_NameError, "Invalid message name: '%s'.", message_name);

	#if defined(ENGINE_LEFT4DEAD2) || defined(ENGINE_BLADE)
		m_buffer = engine->UserMessageBegin(&recipients, m_index, message_name);
		m_buffer = engine->UserMessageBegin(&recipients, m_index);
BoostDataTableProxyFn SendPropSharedExt::get_data_table_proxy_function(SendProp *pSendProp)
	if (pSendProp->IsExcludeProp())
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_TypeError, "%s is excluded.", pSendProp->GetName());

	if (pSendProp->GetType() != DPT_DataTable)
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_TypeError, "%s is not a DataTable.", pSendProp->GetName());

	return BoostDataTableProxyFn(pSendProp->GetDataTableProxyFn());
	static const char* GetString(INetworkStringTable& table, int index)
		if ((index < 0) || (index >= table.GetNumStrings()))
			BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_IndexError, "Index out of range.")

		return table.GetString(index);
Example #4
CPointer* CBinaryFile::FindSignatureRaw(object oSignature)
	unsigned char* sigstr = (unsigned char *) PyBytes_AsString(oSignature.ptr());
	if (!sigstr)
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_ValueError, "Failed to read the given signature.");

	int iLength = len(oSignature);

	unsigned char* base = (unsigned char *) m_ulAddr;
	unsigned char* end  = (unsigned char *) (base + m_ulSize - iLength);

	while(base < end)
		int i = 0;
		for(; i < iLength; i++)
			if (sigstr[i] == '\x2A')

			if (sigstr[i] != base[i])

		if (i == iLength)
			return new CPointer((unsigned long) base);
	return new CPointer();
object CListenerManager::__getitem__(unsigned int index)
	if (index >= (unsigned int) m_vecCallables.Count())
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_IndexError, "Index out of range.")

	return m_vecCallables[index];
CGameEventDescriptor& CGameEventDescriptorIter::__next__()
	if (current_index >= game_events->Count())
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_StopIteration, "No more descriptors.")
	return game_events->Element(current_index++);
Vector* SendPropVariantExt::get_vector(DVariant *pVariant)
	if (pVariant->m_Type != DPT_Vector)
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_TypeError, "Unable to cast to the specified type.");
	return new Vector(pVariant->m_Vector[0], pVariant->m_Vector[1], pVariant->m_Vector[2]);
// ============================================================================
// >> SendPropVariantExt
// ============================================================================
const char* SendPropVariantExt::get_string(DVariant *pVariant)
	if (pVariant->m_Type != DPT_String)
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_TypeError, "Unable to cast to the specified type.");
	return pVariant->m_pString;
// ============================================================================
// >> SendTableSharedExt
// ============================================================================
SendProp* SendTableSharedExt::__getitem__(SendTable *pSendTable, int iIndex)
	if (iIndex < 0 || iIndex > (pSendTable->m_nProps - 1))
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_IndexError, "Invalid index.");
	return pSendTable->GetProp(iIndex);
// Returns the user data of the given string.
int GetStringUserDataLength( INetworkStringTable *pTable, const char *string )
	int index = pTable->FindStringIndex(string);
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_ValueError, "Given string not found.")
	return GetStringIndexUserDataLength(pTable, index);
void SendPropVariantExt::set_int(DVariant* pVariant, int iValue)
	if (pVariant->m_Type != DPT_Int)
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_TypeError, "Unable to cast to the specified type.");

	pVariant->m_Int = iValue;
int SendPropVariantExt::get_int(DVariant* pVariant)
	if (pVariant->m_Type != DPT_Int)
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_TypeError, "Unable to cast to the specified type.");

	return pVariant->m_Int;
// Sets the user data of the given string.
void SetStringUserData( INetworkStringTable *pTable, const char *string, const char *user_data, int length )
	int string_index = pTable->FindStringIndex(string);
	if (string_index == INVALID_STRING_INDEX)
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_ValueError, "Given string not found.")
	SetStringIndexUserData(pTable, string_index, user_data, length);
object execute_server_command(tuple args, dict kwargs)
	std::string szCommand;
	ConCommand* pCommand;
	prepare_command(args, kwargs, &pCommand, &szCommand);

	CCommand c;
	if (!c.Tokenize(szCommand.c_str()))
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_ValueError, "Failed to tokenize '%s'.", szCommand.c_str())

	return object();
// Removes all instances of a callable from the CListenerManager vector.
void CListenerManager::UnregisterListener(PyObject* pCallable)
	// Get the object instance of the callable
	object oCallable = object(handle<>(borrowed(pCallable)));

	int index = FindCallback(oCallable); //m_vecCallables.Find(oCallable);

	if (index == -1) {
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_ValueError, "Callback not registered.")
	else {
// Commands to execute server commands
void prepare_command(tuple args, dict kwargs, ConCommand** pCommandOut, std::string* szCommandOut)
	if (kwargs)
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_TypeError, "Function does not accept keywords.")

	const char* command = extract<const char*>(args[0]);
	ConCommand* pCommand = cvar->FindCommand(command);
	if (!pCommand)
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_ValueError, "Unable to find command '%s'.", command);

	*pCommandOut = pCommand;

	*szCommandOut = "";
	for(int i=0; i < len(args); ++i)
		const char* temp = extract<const char*>(str(args[i]));
		*szCommandOut += temp;
		*szCommandOut += " ";
Example #17
CPointer* CBinaryFile::FindSignature(object oSignature)
	unsigned char* sigstr = (unsigned char *) PyBytes_AsString(oSignature.ptr());
	if (!sigstr)
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_ValueError, "Failed to read the given signature.");
	// Search for a cached signature
	PythonLog(4, "Searching for a cached signature...");
	for (std::list<Signature_t>::iterator iter=m_Signatures.begin(); iter != m_Signatures.end(); iter++)
		Signature_t sig = *iter;
		if (strcmp((const char *) sig.m_szSignature, (const char *) sigstr) == 0)
			PythonLog(4, "Found a cached signature!");
			return new CPointer(sig.m_ulAddr);
	PythonLog(4, "Could not find a cached signature. Searching in the binary...");

	// Search for a signature in the binary
	int iLength = len(oSignature);
	CPointer* pPtr = FindSignatureRaw(oSignature);

	// Found the signature?
	if (pPtr->IsValid())
		PythonLog(4, "Found a signature in the binary!");

		// Add the signature to the cache
		Signature_t sig_t = {new unsigned char[iLength+1], pPtr->m_ulAddr};
		strcpy((char*) sig_t.m_szSignature, (char*) sigstr);

		// Return the result
		return pPtr;

	delete pPtr;

	// Haven't found a match? Then seach for a hooked signature
	PythonLog(4, "Could not find the signature in the binary. Searching for a hooked signature...");

	// Check length of signature
	if (iLength <= 6)
		BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_ValueError, "Signature is too short to search for a hooked signature.");

	// Create the hooked signature
	oSignature = import("binascii").attr("unhexlify")("E92A2A2A2A") + oSignature.slice(5, _);

	// Try to find the hooked signature
	pPtr = FindSignatureRaw(oSignature);

	// Couldn't find it?
	if (!pPtr->IsValid())
		PythonLog(4, "Could not find a hooked signature.");
		delete pPtr;
	// Yay, we found a match! Now, check if the signature is unique
		PythonLog(4, "Found a hooked signature! Checking if it's unique...");

		// Add iLength, so we start searching after the match
		CPointer new_ptr = CPointer(pPtr->m_ulAddr + iLength);

		// Got another match after the first one?
		CPointer* pNext = new_ptr.SearchBytes(oSignature, (m_ulAddr + m_ulSize) - new_ptr.m_ulAddr);
		bool bIsValid = pNext->IsValid();
		delete pNext;

		if (bIsValid)
			BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_ValueError, "Found more than one hooked signatures. Please pass more bytes.");

		PythonLog(4, "Signature is unique!");

		// It's unique! So, add the original signature to the cache
		Signature_t sig_t = {new unsigned char[iLength+1], pPtr->m_ulAddr};
		strcpy((char*) sig_t.m_szSignature, (char*) sigstr);

		// Now, return the result
		return pPtr;

	BOOST_RAISE_EXCEPTION(PyExc_ValueError, "Could not find signature.");
	return new CPointer(); // To fix a warning. This will never get called.