inline void check_is_negative(const mpl::false_&) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::range_error("Attempt to assign a negative value to an unsigned type.")); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { //std::ofstream logFile( "Log.txt" ); //SET_LOUT( logFile ); //D_COMMAND( std::ofstream debugFile( "Debug.txt" ); ); //SET_DOUT( debugFile ); //XInitThreads(); ApplicationManager appManager; boost::filesystem::path executablePath(argv[0]); boost::filesystem::path dataDirName = GET_SETTINGS( "application.data_directory", std::string, (boost::filesystem::path(argv[0]).parent_path() / "data").string() ); //If we cannot locate data directory - try other posiible locations if (!boost::filesystem::exists(dataDirName) || !boost::filesystem::is_directory(dataDirName)) { std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> possibleDataDirs; possibleDataDirs.push_back(boost::filesystem::current_path() / "data"); possibleDataDirs.push_back(executablePath.parent_path() / "data"); possibleDataDirs.push_back(executablePath.parent_path().parent_path() / "data"); std::vector<boost::filesystem::path>::const_iterator it = possibleDataDirs.begin(); bool found = false; LOG( "Trying to locate 'data' directory:" ); while (!found && it != possibleDataDirs.end()) { LOG_CONT( "\tChecking: " << it->string() << " ... "); if (boost::filesystem::exists(*it) && boost::filesystem::is_directory(*it)) { dataDirName = *it; SET_SETTINGS( "application.data_directory", std::string, dataDirName.string() ); found = true; LOG( "SUCCESS" ); } else { LOG( "FAILED" ); } ++it; } if (!found) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( M4D::ErrorHandling::EDirNotFound() ); } } boost::filesystem::path dirName = GET_SETTINGS( "gui.icons_directory", std::string, ( dataDirName / "icons" ).string() ); appManager.setIconsDirectory(dirName); appManager.initialize( argc, argv ); try { //processCommandLine( argc, argv ); ViewerWindow viewer; appManager.setMainWindow( viewer ); createModules(); appManager.loadModules(); viewer.showMaximized(); return appManager.exec(); } catch ( std::exception &e ) { QMessageBox::critical ( NULL, "Exception", QString( e.what() ) ); } catch (...) { QMessageBox::critical ( NULL, "Exception", "Unknown error" ); } return 1; }
void instantiator::validate(const field_definition& fd) const { const auto sn(; if ( { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << empty_simple_name; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(instantiation_error(empty_simple_name)); } if (!is_instantiable(fd)) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << field_not_instantiable << sn; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(instantiation_error(field_not_instantiable + sn)); } if (! { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << qualified_name_not_empty << sn; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( instantiation_error(qualified_name_not_empty + sn)); } if (fd.definition_type() == field_definition_types::global_template) { if (!fd.ownership_hierarchy().facet_name().empty()) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << facet_name_not_empty << sn; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( instantiation_error(facet_name_not_empty + sn)); } if (!fd.ownership_hierarchy().formatter_name().empty()) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << formatter_name_not_empty << sn; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( instantiation_error(formatter_name_not_empty + sn)); } if (!fd.ownership_hierarchy().formatter_group_name().empty()) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << formatter_group_not_empty << sn; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( instantiation_error(formatter_group_not_empty + sn)); } } if (fd.definition_type() == field_definition_types::facet_template) { if (!fd.ownership_hierarchy().facet_name().empty()) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << facet_name_not_empty << sn; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( instantiation_error(facet_name_not_empty + sn)); } if (!fd.ownership_hierarchy().formatter_group_name().empty()) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << formatter_group_not_empty << sn; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( instantiation_error(formatter_group_not_empty + sn)); } if (!fd.ownership_hierarchy().formatter_name().empty()) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << formatter_name_not_empty << sn; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( instantiation_error(formatter_name_not_empty + sn)); } } if (fd.definition_type() == field_definition_types::formatter_template) { if (!fd.ownership_hierarchy().formatter_name().empty()) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << formatter_name_not_empty << sn; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( instantiation_error(formatter_name_not_empty + sn)); } } }
// TODO: prototype changed - will need rejigging. ExecutionResult MixClient::debugTransaction(Transaction const& _t, State const& _state, EnvInfo const& _envInfo, bool _call) { State execState = _state; execState.addBalance(_t.sender(), _t.gas() * _t.gasPrice()); //give it enough balance for gas estimation eth::ExecutionResult er; Executive execution(execState, _envInfo); execution.setResultRecipient(er); execution.initialize(_t); execution.execute(); std::vector<MachineState> machineStates; std::vector<unsigned> levels; std::vector<MachineCode> codes; std::map<bytes const*, unsigned> codeIndexes; std::vector<bytes> data; std::map<bytesConstRef const*, unsigned> dataIndexes; bytes const* lastCode = nullptr; bytesConstRef const* lastData = nullptr; unsigned codeIndex = 0; unsigned dataIndex = 0; auto onOp = [&](uint64_t steps, Instruction inst, bigint newMemSize, bigint gasCost, bigint gas, void* voidVM, void const* voidExt) { VM& vm = *static_cast<VM*>(voidVM); ExtVM const& ext = *static_cast<ExtVM const*>(voidExt); if (lastCode == nullptr || lastCode != &ext.code) { auto const& iter = codeIndexes.find(&ext.code); if (iter != codeIndexes.end()) codeIndex = iter->second; else { codeIndex = codes.size(); codes.push_back(MachineCode({ext.myAddress, ext.code})); codeIndexes[&ext.code] = codeIndex; } lastCode = &ext.code; } if (lastData == nullptr || lastData != & { auto const& iter = dataIndexes.find(&; if (iter != dataIndexes.end()) dataIndex = iter->second; else { dataIndex = data.size(); data.push_back(; dataIndexes[&] = dataIndex; } lastData = &; } if (levels.size() < ext.depth) levels.push_back(machineStates.size() - 1); else levels.resize(ext.depth); machineStates.push_back(MachineState{ steps, vm.curPC(), inst, newMemSize, static_cast<u256>(gas), vm.stack(), vm.memory(), gasCost, ext.state().storage(ext.myAddress), std::move(levels), codeIndex, dataIndex }); }; execution.go(onOp); execution.finalize(); switch (er.excepted) { case TransactionException::None: break; case TransactionException::NotEnoughCash: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("Insufficient balance for contract deployment")); case TransactionException::OutOfGasIntrinsic: case TransactionException::OutOfGasBase: case TransactionException::OutOfGas: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OutOfGas() << errinfo_comment("Not enough gas")); case TransactionException::BlockGasLimitReached: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OutOfGas() << errinfo_comment("Block gas limit reached")); case TransactionException::BadJumpDestination: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OutOfGas() << errinfo_comment("Solidity exception (bad jump)")); case TransactionException::OutOfStack: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("Out of stack")); case TransactionException::StackUnderflow: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("Stack underflow")); //these should not happen in mix case TransactionException::Unknown: case TransactionException::BadInstruction: case TransactionException::InvalidSignature: case TransactionException::InvalidNonce: case TransactionException::InvalidFormat: case TransactionException::BadRLP: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("Internal execution error")); } ExecutionResult d; d.inputParameters =; d.result = er; d.machineStates = machineStates; d.executionCode = std::move(codes); d.transactionData = std::move(data); d.address = _t.receiveAddress(); d.sender = _t.sender(); d.value = _t.value(); d.gasUsed = er.gasUsed + er.gasRefunded + c_callStipend; if (_t.isCreation()) d.contractAddress = right160(sha3(rlpList(_t.sender(), _t.nonce()))); if (!_call) d.transactionIndex = m_postMine.pending().size(); d.executonIndex = m_executions.size(); return d; }
void checkError() const override { if (getErrno()) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(SystemError(getErrno())); } }
vanilla::object::ptr vanilla::object::abs() { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(error::bad_unary_operation_error() << error::operation_name("+") << error::first_operand(shared_from_this())); }
void property::update(bitstream &stream) { #ifdef TEST_SKIPPING uint32_t cur = stream.position(); property::skip(stream, prop); uint32_t diff1 = stream.position() - cur; stream.seekBackward(diff1); // assert that seeking backwards worked and we have a clean state assert ( cur == stream.position() ); #endif // TEST_SKIPPING switch (prop->getType()) { // Read Integer case sendprop::T_Int: readInt(stream, this); break; // Read Float case sendprop::T_Float: set(readFloat(stream, this)); break; // Read 3D Vector case sendprop::T_Vector: { std::array<float, 3> vec; readVector(vec, stream, this); set(std::move(vec)); } break; // Read 2D case sendprop::T_VectorXY: { std::array<float, 2> vec; readVectorXY(vec, stream, this); set(std::move(vec)); } break; // Read String case sendprop::T_String: { char str[PROPERTY_MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1]; uint32_t length = readString(str, stream); set(std::string(str, length)); } break; // Read Array case sendprop::T_Array:{ std::vector<property> vec; readArray(vec, stream, prop); set(std::move(vec)); } break; // Read 64 bit Integer case sendprop::T_Int64: readInt64(stream, this); break; default: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( propertyInvalidType() << (EArgT<1, uint32_t>::info(prop->getType())) ); break; } #ifdef TEST_SKIPPING uint32_t diff2 = stream.position() - cur; if (diff2 != diff1) { std::cout << "Skip failed: " << diff1 << " (skip) " << diff2 << " (read) " << std::endl; std::cout << "Type ID: " << prop->getType() << std::endl; exit(0); } #endif // TEST_SKIPPING }
void FaceQueryFilter::wireDecode(const Block& block) { //all fields are optional if (block.type() != tlv::nfd::FaceQueryFilter) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("expecting FaceQueryFilter block")); } m_wire = block; m_wire.parse(); Block::element_const_iterator val = m_wire.elements_begin(); if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::FaceId) { m_faceId = readNonNegativeInteger(*val); m_hasFaceId = true; ++val; } else { m_hasFaceId = false; } if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::UriScheme) { m_uriScheme.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(val->value()), val->value_size()); m_hasUriScheme = true; ++val; } else { m_hasUriScheme = false; } if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::Uri) { m_remoteUri.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(val->value()), val->value_size()); m_hasRemoteUri = true; ++val; } else { m_hasRemoteUri = false; } if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::LocalUri) { m_localUri.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(val->value()), val->value_size()); m_hasLocalUri = true; ++val; } else { m_hasLocalUri = false; } if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::FaceScope) { m_faceScope = static_cast<FaceScope>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val)); m_hasFaceScope = true; ++val; } else { m_hasFaceScope = false; } if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::FacePersistency) { m_facePersistency = static_cast<FacePersistency>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val)); m_hasFacePersistency = true; ++val; } else { m_hasFacePersistency = false; } if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::LinkType) { m_linkType = static_cast<LinkType>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val)); m_hasLinkType = true; ++val; } else { m_hasLinkType = false; } }
long operator()() const { if (data_ == 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(E(6)); return data_; }
vector<EncodedAttributeInfo*> LoadSavedDataSources::loadCodedAttributesFromMultipleFiles( string dsName,int rowCount,bool limit ) { vector<EncodedAttributeInfo*> codedAtts; try { for (int j = 0 ; j < this->saved_file_names.size() ; j++) { this->_fileName = ConfigurationReader::ReadConfiguration(ConfigurationReader::configutation::SAVE_DATA_FOLDER) + this->_saved_folder + "\\" + this->saved_file_names[j]; TiXmlDocument *doc_1 = new TiXmlDocument(this->_fileName.c_str()); doc_1->LoadFile(); TiXmlHandle handler(doc_1); TiXmlElement *dsElement = handler.FirstChild("DataSources").ToElement(); dsElement = dsElement->FirstChildElement("DataSource"); if (strcmp(dsElement->Attribute("Name"),dsName.c_str()) == 0) { dsElement = dsElement->FirstChildElement("CodedAttribute"); int attID = dsElement->FirstAttribute()->IntValue(); int attType = atoi(dsElement->Attribute("Type")); string attName = dsElement->Attribute("Name"); int noVStreams = dsElement->LastAttribute()->IntValue(); EncodedAttributeInfo* attr; switch(attType){ case 0: { EncodedIntAttribute *intAtt = new EncodedIntAttribute(); intAtt->setAttID(attID); intAtt->setAttName(attName); intAtt->setNoOfVBitStreams(noVStreams,rowCount); intAtt->setAttType(getAttType(attType)); BitStreamInfo** bitStreams = new BitStreamInfo*[noVStreams]; TiXmlElement *vbs = dsElement->FirstChildElement("VBitStreams")->FirstChildElement("vbitstream"); for (int k = 0 ; k < noVStreams ; k++) { BitStreamInfo* bitStr = new VBitStream(); bitStr->setBitCount(rowCount); bitStr->setBitStreamAllocAttID(attID); bitStr->setBitStreamAllocAttName(attName); string bitStream; if (limit) { bitStream = vbs->GetText(); long offset = rowCount - this->_rowLimit; bitStream = bitStream.substr(offset,this->_rowLimit); } else bitStream = vbs->GetText(); dynamic_bitset<> temp(bitStream); bitStr->convert(temp); bitStreams[k] = bitStr; vbs = vbs->NextSiblingElement("vbitstream"); } vector<BitStreamInfo*> tempVB(bitStreams , bitStreams + noVStreams); intAtt->setVBitStreams(tempVB); attr = intAtt; codedAtts.push_back(attr); break; } case 1: { EncodedDoubleAttribute *doubleAtt = new EncodedDoubleAttribute(); doubleAtt->setAttID(attID); doubleAtt->setAttName(attName); doubleAtt->setNoOfVBitStreams(noVStreams,rowCount); doubleAtt->setAttType(getAttType(attType)); BitStreamInfo** bitStreams = new BitStreamInfo*[noVStreams]; TiXmlElement *vbs = dsElement->FirstChildElement("VBitStreams")->FirstChildElement("vbitstream"); for (int k = 0 ; k < noVStreams ; k++) { BitStreamInfo* bitStr = new VBitStream(); bitStr->setBitCount(rowCount); bitStr->setBitStreamAllocAttID(attID); bitStr->setBitStreamAllocAttName(attName); string bitStream; if (limit) { bitStream = vbs->GetText(); long offset = rowCount - this->_rowLimit; bitStream = bitStream.substr(offset,this->_rowLimit); } else bitStream = vbs->GetText(); dynamic_bitset<> temp(bitStream); bitStr->convert(temp); bitStreams[k] = bitStr; vbs = vbs->NextSiblingElement("vbitstream"); } vector<BitStreamInfo*> tempVB(bitStreams , bitStreams + noVStreams); doubleAtt->setVBitStreams(tempVB); attr = doubleAtt; codedAtts.push_back(attr); break; } case 3: { EncodedMultiCatAttribute *catAtt = new EncodedMultiCatAttribute(); catAtt->setAttID(attID); catAtt->setAttName(attName); catAtt->setAttType(getAttType(attType)); catAtt->setNoOfVBitStreams(noVStreams,rowCount); BitStreamInfo** bitStreams = new BitStreamInfo*[noVStreams]; TiXmlElement *vbs = dsElement->FirstChildElement("VBitStreams")->FirstChildElement("vbitstream"); for (int k = 0 ; k < noVStreams ; k++) { BitStreamInfo* bitStr = new VBitStream(); bitStr->setBitCount(rowCount); bitStr->setBitStreamAllocAttID(attID); bitStr->setBitStreamAllocAttName(attName); string bitStream; if (limit) { bitStream = vbs->GetText(); long offset = rowCount - this->_rowLimit; bitStream = bitStream.substr(offset,this->_rowLimit); } else bitStream = vbs->GetText(); dynamic_bitset<> temp(bitStream); bitStr->convert(temp); bitStreams[k] = bitStr; vbs = vbs->NextSiblingElement("vbitstream"); } vector<BitStreamInfo*> tempVB(bitStreams , bitStreams + noVStreams); catAtt->setVBitStreams(tempVB); attr = catAtt; codedAtts.push_back(attr); break; } } } delete doc_1; } } catch(...) { error_loading_encoded_data ex; string err = ExceptionReader::GetError(SM1017); err += "-> Try to load from a multiple attribute data files"; ex << error_message(err); ex << error_code(SM1017); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ex); } return codedAtts; }
inline void SqlTranslator::Visit(const VirtualExpression& expression) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ExpressionTranslationException( "Invalid expression.")); }
DataSources* LoadSavedDataSources::loadSavedEncodedDataFromMultipleFiles( bool limit /*= false*/ ) { DataSources *dss = new DataSources(); string metaDataFile = ConfigurationReader::ReadConfiguration(ConfigurationReader::configutation::SAVE_DATA_FOLDER) + this->_saved_folder + "\\" + this->_metaFile + ".xml"; if (chdir(ConfigurationReader::ReadConfiguration(ConfigurationReader::configutation::SAVE_DATA_FOLDER).c_str()) == -1) { error_folder_not_exist ex; string err = ExceptionReader::GetError(SM1015); err += "-> Saved data folder provided in config file is missing"; ex << error_message(err); ex << error_code(SM1015); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ex); } //string metaDataFile = ConfigurationReader::ReadConfiguration(ConfigurationReader::configutation::SAVE_DATA_FOLDER) + this->_saved_folder + "/" + this->_metaFile + ".xml"; //string encodedDataFile = "../Reports/" + this->_fileName + ".xml"; //this->_fileName=encodedDataFile; //string metaDataFile = "..\\Reports\\" + this->_metaFile + ".xml"; try { TiXmlDocument doc(metaDataFile.c_str()); bool loaded = doc.LoadFile(); TiXmlHandle handler( &doc ); if (loaded) { TiXmlElement *root = handler.FirstChild("DataSources").ToElement(); int dataSources = root->FirstAttribute()->IntValue(); for (int i = 0 ; i < dataSources ; i++) { TiXmlElement *dsElement = root->FirstChildElement("DataSource"); string dsName = dsElement->FirstAttribute()->Value(); dsElement = dsElement->FirstChildElement("noOfAttributes"); int noAtts = atoi(dsElement->GetText()); //position where attributes from multiple attribute files are loaded. dsElement = dsElement->NextSiblingElement("AttributeFiles"); TiXmlElement* saved_file_att_element = dsElement->FirstChildElement("att_file"); this->saved_file_names.resize(noAtts); int count_att = 0; while (saved_file_att_element) { this->saved_file_names[count_att++] = saved_file_att_element->GetText(); saved_file_att_element = saved_file_att_element->NextSiblingElement("att_file"); } dsElement = dsElement->NextSiblingElement("noOfRows"); int noRows = atoi(dsElement->GetText()); //Following two lines will load the existance bitmap from the saved file. //For older versions of saved data files, this won't be working. //So for old data file loading, just comment the following two lines. //And also make sure to comment the place where the existance_map is added to wrapdatasource object. //string existanceMap = dsElement->NextSiblingElement("existanceBitMap")->GetText(); //dynamic_bitset<> existance_map(existanceMap); vector<EncodedAttributeInfo*> codedAtts = loadCodedAttributesFromMultipleFiles(dsName,noRows,limit); if (limit) { if (this->_rowLimit > noRows) { this->_rowLimit = noRows; } noRows = this->_rowLimit; } dsElement = dsElement->NextSiblingElement("DataSourceType"); WrapDataSource::DATASOURCE sourceType = getDataSourceType(atoi(dsElement->GetText())); WrapDataSource *ds = new WrapDataSource(); ds->setDSName(dsName); ds->noOfAttributes(noAtts); ds->noOfRows(noRows); ds->setSourceType(sourceType); //comment this for loading old saved files. //ds->ExistanceDatabitMap(existance_map); dsElement = dsElement->NextSiblingElement("CodedAttributes"); TiXmlElement *attElement = dsElement->FirstChildElement("Attribute"); int counter = 0; while (attElement && (counter <= noAtts)) { int attType = attElement->LastAttribute()->IntValue(); int attID = attElement->FirstAttribute()->IntValue(); switch(attType) { case 0: { EncodedIntAttribute* intAtt = static_cast<EncodedIntAttribute*>(codedAtts[counter]); TiXmlElement *attEl = attElement->FirstChildElement("maxval"); intAtt->setMaxVal(atol(attEl->GetText())); attEl = attElement->FirstChildElement("minval"); intAtt->setMinVal(atol(attEl->GetText())); attEl = attElement->FirstChildElement("SignBitSet"); //attEl = attElement->FirstChildElement("SignMapVal"); // vector<bool> signMap; // if (atol(attEl->GetText()) == 0) // { // signMap.resize(noRows); // } // //Set sign Bit Map for negative vals. // else // { // signMap.resize(noRows); // } // intAtt->setSignBitMap(signMap); dynamic_bitset<> signSet((string)attEl->GetText()); intAtt->setSignBitSet(signSet); EncodedAttributeInfo* atts = intAtt; codedAtts[counter] = atts; break; } case 1: { EncodedDoubleAttribute* doubleAtt = static_cast<EncodedDoubleAttribute*>(codedAtts[counter]); TiXmlElement *attEl = attElement->FirstChildElement("maxval"); doubleAtt->setMaxVal(atol(attEl->GetText())); attEl = attElement->FirstChildElement("minval"); doubleAtt->setMinVal(atol(attEl->GetText())); attEl = attElement->FirstChildElement("SignBitSet"); //attEl = attElement->FirstChildElement("SignMapVal"); // vector<bool> signMap; // if (atol(attEl->GetText()) == 0) // { // signMap.resize(noRows); // } // //Set sign Bit Map for negative vals. // else // { // signMap.resize(noRows); // } // doubleAtt->SignBitMap(signMap); dynamic_bitset<> signSet((string)attEl->GetText()); doubleAtt->setSignBitSet(signSet); attEl = attElement->FirstChildElement("PrecisionVal"); doubleAtt->Precision(atol(attEl->GetText())); EncodedAttributeInfo* atts = doubleAtt; codedAtts[counter] = atts; break; } case 3: { EncodedMultiCatAttribute* catAtt = static_cast<EncodedMultiCatAttribute*>(codedAtts[counter]); TiXmlElement *uniqueElement = attElement->FirstChildElement("UniqueValues"); int noUniques = uniqueElement->LastAttribute()->IntValue(); vector<string> uniqueVals; uniqueVals.resize(noUniques); uniqueElement = uniqueElement->FirstChildElement("Val"); for (int k = 0 ; k < noUniques ; k++) { string val = uniqueElement->GetText(); uniqueVals[k] = val; uniqueElement = uniqueElement->NextSiblingElement("Val"); } catAtt->setUniqueValList(uniqueVals); EncodedAttributeInfo *atts = catAtt; codedAtts[counter] = atts; break; } } attElement = attElement->NextSiblingElement("Attribute"); counter++; } ds->CodedAtts(codedAtts); dss->insertDataSources(ds); } } } catch(...) { error_loading_encoded_data ex; string err = ExceptionReader::GetError(SM1017); err += "-> Try to load from a single attribute data file"; ex << error_message(err); ex << error_code(SM1017); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ex); } return dss; }
vector<EncodedAttributeInfo*> LoadSavedDataSources::loadCodedAttributes(string dsName,int rowCount,bool limit){ TiXmlDocument doc_1(this->_fileName.c_str()); doc_1.LoadFile(); TiXmlHandle handler(&doc_1); TiXmlElement *dsElement = handler.FirstChild("DataSources").ToElement(); dsElement = dsElement->FirstChildElement("DataSource"); vector<EncodedAttributeInfo*> codedAtts; try { while (dsElement) { if (strcmp(dsElement->Attribute("Name"),dsName.c_str()) == 0) { dsElement = dsElement->FirstChildElement("CodedAttributes")->FirstChildElement("Attribute"); while (dsElement) { int attID = dsElement->FirstAttribute()->IntValue(); int attType = atoi(dsElement->Attribute("Type")); string attName = dsElement->Attribute("Name"); int noVStreams = dsElement->LastAttribute()->IntValue(); EncodedAttributeInfo* attr; switch(attType){ case 0: { EncodedIntAttribute *intAtt = new EncodedIntAttribute(); intAtt->setAttID(attID); intAtt->setAttName(attName); intAtt->setNoOfVBitStreams(noVStreams,rowCount); intAtt->setAttType(getAttType(attType)); BitStreamInfo** bitStreams = new BitStreamInfo*[noVStreams]; TiXmlElement *vbs = dsElement->FirstChildElement("VBitStreams")->FirstChildElement("vbitstream"); for (int k = 0 ; k < noVStreams ; k++) { BitStreamInfo* bitStr = new VBitStream(); bitStr->setBitCount(rowCount); bitStr->setBitStreamAllocAttID(attID); bitStr->setBitStreamAllocAttName(attName); string bitStream; if (limit) { bitStream = vbs->GetText(); long offset = rowCount - this->_rowLimit; bitStream = bitStream.substr(offset,this->_rowLimit); } else bitStream = vbs->GetText(); dynamic_bitset<> temp(bitStream); bitStr->convert(temp); bitStreams[k] = bitStr; vbs = vbs->NextSiblingElement("vbitstream"); } vector<BitStreamInfo*> tempVB(bitStreams , bitStreams + noVStreams); intAtt->setVBitStreams(tempVB); attr = intAtt; codedAtts.push_back(attr); break; } case 1: { EncodedDoubleAttribute *doubleAtt = new EncodedDoubleAttribute(); doubleAtt->setAttID(attID); doubleAtt->setAttName(attName); doubleAtt->setNoOfVBitStreams(noVStreams,rowCount); doubleAtt->setAttType(getAttType(attType)); BitStreamInfo** bitStreams = new BitStreamInfo*[noVStreams]; TiXmlElement *vbs = dsElement->FirstChildElement("VBitStreams")->FirstChildElement("vbitstream"); for (int k = 0 ; k < noVStreams ; k++) { BitStreamInfo* bitStr = new VBitStream(); bitStr->setBitCount(rowCount); bitStr->setBitStreamAllocAttID(attID); bitStr->setBitStreamAllocAttName(attName); string bitStream; if (limit) { bitStream = vbs->GetText(); long offset = rowCount - this->_rowLimit; bitStream = bitStream.substr(offset,this->_rowLimit); } else bitStream = vbs->GetText(); dynamic_bitset<> temp(bitStream); bitStr->convert(temp); bitStreams[k] = bitStr; vbs = vbs->NextSiblingElement("vbitstream"); } vector<BitStreamInfo*> tempVB(bitStreams , bitStreams + noVStreams); doubleAtt->setVBitStreams(tempVB); attr = doubleAtt; codedAtts.push_back(attr); break; } case 3: { EncodedMultiCatAttribute *catAtt = new EncodedMultiCatAttribute(); catAtt->setAttID(attID); catAtt->setAttName(attName); catAtt->setAttType(getAttType(attType)); catAtt->setNoOfVBitStreams(noVStreams,rowCount); BitStreamInfo** bitStreams = new BitStreamInfo*[noVStreams]; TiXmlElement *vbs = dsElement->FirstChildElement("VBitStreams")->FirstChildElement("vbitstream"); for (int k = 0 ; k < noVStreams ; k++) { BitStreamInfo* bitStr = new VBitStream(); bitStr->setBitCount(rowCount); bitStr->setBitStreamAllocAttID(attID); bitStr->setBitStreamAllocAttName(attName); string bitStream; if (limit) { bitStream = vbs->GetText(); long offset = rowCount - this->_rowLimit; bitStream = bitStream.substr(offset,this->_rowLimit); } else bitStream = vbs->GetText(); dynamic_bitset<> temp(bitStream); bitStr->convert(temp); bitStreams[k] = bitStr; vbs = vbs->NextSiblingElement("vbitstream"); } vector<BitStreamInfo*> tempVB(bitStreams , bitStreams + noVStreams); catAtt->setVBitStreams(tempVB); attr = catAtt; codedAtts.push_back(attr); break; } } dsElement = dsElement->NextSiblingElement("Attribute"); } } else{ dsElement = dsElement->NextSiblingElement("DataSource"); continue; } } } catch(...) { error_loading_encoded_data ex; ex << error_message(ExceptionReader::GetError(SM1017)); ex << error_code(SM1017); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ex); } return codedAtts; }
implementation(const std::string& vertex_source_str, const std::string& fragment_source_str) : program_(0) { GLint success; const char* vertex_source = vertex_source_str.c_str(); auto vertex_shader = glCreateShaderObjectARB(GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB); GL(glShaderSourceARB(vertex_shader, 1, &vertex_source, NULL)); GL(glCompileShaderARB(vertex_shader)); GL(glGetObjectParameterivARB(vertex_shader, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &success)); if (success == GL_FALSE) { char info[2048]; GL(glGetInfoLogARB(vertex_shader, sizeof(info), 0, info)); GL(glDeleteObjectARB(vertex_shader)); std::stringstream str; str << "Failed to compile vertex shader:" << std::endl << info << std::endl; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(caspar_exception() << msg_info(str.str())); } const char* fragment_source = fragment_source_str.c_str(); auto fragmemt_shader = glCreateShaderObjectARB(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB); GL(glShaderSourceARB(fragmemt_shader, 1, &fragment_source, NULL)); GL(glCompileShaderARB(fragmemt_shader)); GL(glGetObjectParameterivARB(fragmemt_shader, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &success)); if (success == GL_FALSE) { char info[2048]; GL(glGetInfoLogARB(fragmemt_shader, sizeof(info), 0, info)); GL(glDeleteObjectARB(fragmemt_shader)); std::stringstream str; str << "Failed to compile fragment shader:" << std::endl << info << std::endl; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(caspar_exception() << msg_info(str.str())); } program_ = glCreateProgramObjectARB(); GL(glAttachObjectARB(program_, vertex_shader)); GL(glAttachObjectARB(program_, fragmemt_shader)); GL(glLinkProgramARB(program_)); GL(glDeleteObjectARB(vertex_shader)); GL(glDeleteObjectARB(fragmemt_shader)); GL(glGetObjectParameterivARB(program_, GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB, &success)); if (success == GL_FALSE) { char info[2048]; GL(glGetInfoLogARB(program_, sizeof(info), 0, info)); GL(glDeleteObjectARB(program_)); std::stringstream str; str << "Failed to link shader program:" << std::endl << info << std::endl; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(caspar_exception() << msg_info(str.str())); } GL(glUseProgramObjectARB(program_)); }
vanilla::object::ptr vanilla::object::to_bool() const { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(error::bad_cast_error() << error::first_operand(const_cast<object*>(this)->shared_from_this()) << error::cast_target_name("bool")); }
long operator()(long i, long j) const { if (j == 'z') BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(E(6)); return data_ + i + j; }
vanilla::object::ptr vanilla::object::call(context&, ptr*, unsigned) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(error::value_not_callable_error() << error::first_operand(shared_from_this())); }
void RibManager::onNrdCommandPrefixAddNextHopError(const Name& name, const std::string& msg) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Error in setting interest filter (" + name.toUri() + "): " + msg)); }
/** * Compute full data (averages,histograms buffer and selection buffer) * @param clipSrc source of the plugin * @param time current time * @param renderScale current renderScale */ void OverlayData::computeFullData( OFX::Clip* clipSrc, const OfxTime time, const OfxPointD& renderScale, const bool selectionOnly ) { _isComputing = true; resetHistogramData(); resetHistogramSelectionData(); if( ! clipSrc->isConnected() ) { _isComputing = false; return; } //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; //TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( "computeHistogramBufferData - fetchImage " << time ); boost::scoped_ptr<OFX::Image> src( clipSrc->fetchImage(time, clipSrc->getCanonicalRod(time)) ); //scoped pointer of current source clip //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; //TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( clipSrc->getPixelRod(time, renderScale) ); //TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( clipSrc->getCanonicalRod(time, renderScale) ); // Compatibility tests if( !src.get() ) // source isn't accessible { _isComputing = false; std::cout << "src is not accessible" << std::endl; return; } // TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( src->getBounds() ); // TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR( src->getRegionOfDefinition() ); if( src->getRowBytes() == 0 )//if source is wrong { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( exception::WrongRowBytes() ); } OfxRectI srcPixelRod = clipSrc->getPixelRod( time, renderScale ); //get current RoD if( (clipSrc->getPixelDepth() != OFX::eBitDepthFloat) || (!clipSrc->getPixelComponents()) ) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( exception::Unsupported() << exception::user() + "Can't compute histogram data with the actual input clip format." ); return; } // TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; // BOOST_ASSERT( srcPixelRod == src->getBounds() ); if( srcPixelRod != src->getBounds() ) { // the host does bad things ! // remove overlay... but do not crash. TUTTLE_COUT_WARNING( "Image RoD and image bounds are not the same (rod=" << srcPixelRod << " , bounds:" << src->getBounds() << ")." ); return; } // BOOST_ASSERT( srcPixelRod.x1 == src->getBounds().x1 ); // BOOST_ASSERT( srcPixelRod.y1 == src->getBounds().y1 ); // BOOST_ASSERT( srcPixelRod.x2 == src->getBounds().x2 ); // BOOST_ASSERT( srcPixelRod.y2 == src->getBounds().y2 ); // Compute if source is OK SView srcView = tuttle::plugin::getView<SView>( src.get(), srcPixelRod ); // get current view from source clip OfxPointI imgSize; imgSize.x = srcView.width(); imgSize.y = srcView.height(); // TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; if( isImageSizeModified( imgSize ) ) { //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; clearAll( imgSize ); } //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; //Compute histogram buffer this->computeHistogramBufferData( _data, srcView, time); //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; //Compute selection histogram buffer this->computeHistogramBufferData( _selectionData, srcView, time, true ); //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; //Compute averages this->computeAverages(); _isComputing = false; _currentTime = time; //TUTTLE_TCOUT_INFOS; }
std::shared_ptr<AVStream> add_video_stream(std::vector<option>& options) { if(output_format_.vcodec == CODEC_ID_NONE) return nullptr; auto st = av_new_stream(oc_.get(), 0); if (!st) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(caspar_exception() << msg_info("Could not allocate video-stream.") << boost::errinfo_api_function("av_new_stream")); auto encoder = avcodec_find_encoder(output_format_.vcodec); if (!encoder) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(caspar_exception() << msg_info("Codec not found.")); auto c = st->codec; avcodec_get_context_defaults3(c, encoder); c->codec_id = output_format_.vcodec; c->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; c->width = output_format_.width; c->height = output_format_.height; c->time_base.den = format_desc_.time_scale; c->time_base.num = format_desc_.duration; c->gop_size = 25; c->flags |= format_desc_.field_mode == core::field_mode::progressive ? 0 : (CODEC_FLAG_INTERLACED_ME | CODEC_FLAG_INTERLACED_DCT); if(c->pix_fmt == PIX_FMT_NONE) c->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P; if(c->codec_id == CODEC_ID_PRORES) { c->bit_rate = c->width < 1280 ? 63*1000000 : 220*1000000; c->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV422P10; } else if(c->codec_id == CODEC_ID_DNXHD) { if(c->width < 1280 || c->height < 720) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(caspar_exception() << msg_info("Unsupported video dimensions.")); c->bit_rate = 220*1000000; c->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV422P; } else if(c->codec_id == CODEC_ID_DVVIDEO) { c->width = c->height == 1280 ? 960 : c->width; if(format_desc_.format == core::video_format::ntsc) c->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV411P; else if(format_desc_.format == core::video_format::pal) c->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P; else // dv50 c->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV422P; if(format_desc_.duration == 1001) c->width = c->height == 1080 ? 1280 : c->width; else c->width = c->height == 1080 ? 1440 : c->width; } else if(c->codec_id == CODEC_ID_H264) { c->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P; if(options.empty()) { av_opt_set(c->priv_data, "preset", "ultrafast", 0); av_opt_set(c->priv_data, "tune", "fastdecode", 0); av_opt_set(c->priv_data, "crf", "5", 0); } } else if(c->codec_id == CODEC_ID_QTRLE) { c->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_ARGB; } c->max_b_frames = 0; // b-frames not supported. boost::range::remove_erase_if(options, [&](const option& o) { return ffmpeg::av_opt_set(c,, o.value.c_str(), AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN) > -1 || ffmpeg::av_opt_set(c->priv_data,, o.value.c_str(), AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN) > -1; }); if(output_format_.format->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) c->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; c->thread_count = boost::thread::hardware_concurrency(); if(avcodec_open(c, encoder) < 0) { c->thread_count = 1; THROW_ON_ERROR2(avcodec_open(c, encoder), "[ffmpeg_consumer]"); } return std::shared_ptr<AVStream>(st, [](AVStream* st) { LOG_ON_ERROR2(avcodec_close(st->codec), "[ffmpeg_consumer]"); av_freep(&st->codec); av_freep(&st); }); }
void is_valid_bitwise_op( const cpp_int_backend<MinBits1, MaxBits1, signed_magnitude, Checked1, Allocator1>& result, const mpl::int_<checked>&) { if(result.sign()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::range_error("Bitwise operations on negative values results in undefined behavior.")); }
/** * Helper function that will load the OpenCL source program, build and return a handle to that OpenCL kernel * @param context - the OpenCL context * @param device - the device to compile for * @param program - the program that is being built (in/out) * @param sourcePath - full path to the source file * @param options - build options, e.g. define flags("-D name=value") * @return an error code on failure, 0 on success */ cl_program CLState::compileOCLProgram(const char* sourcePath, const std::string& options) { cl_int errNum; size_t program_length; oclCheckError(sourcePath != NULL, shrTRUE); char *source = oclLoadProgSource(sourcePath, "", &program_length); if (!source) { shrLog("Error: Failed to load compute program %s!\n", sourcePath); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( runtime_error() << error_message( (std::string( "Error: Failed to load cl program source from ") + sourcePath).c_str())); } // create the simple increment OpenCL program cl_program program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, (const char **) &source, &program_length, &errNum); if (errNum != CL_SUCCESS) { shrLog("Error: Failed to create program\n"); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error() << cl_error_code(errNum)); } else { shrLog("clCreateProgramWithSource <%s> succeeded, program_length=%d\n", sourcePath, program_length); } free(source); // build the program cl_build_status build_status = CL_SUCCESS; errNum = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL, std::string( "-cl-fast-relaxed-math -cl-nv-verbose" + options).c_str(), NULL, NULL); if (errNum != CL_SUCCESS) { // write out standard error, Build Log and PTX, then return error shrLogEx(LOGBOTH | ERRORMSG, errNum, STDERROR); oclLogBuildInfo(program, oclGetFirstDev(context)); oclLogPtx(program, oclGetFirstDev(context), "build_error.ptx"); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error() << cl_error_code(errNum)); } else { shrLog("clBuildProgram <%s> succeeded\n", sourcePath); if (this->execDevices != NULL) { for (uint iDevice = 0; iDevice < this->execDeviceCount && build_status == CL_SUCCESS && errNum == CL_SUCCESS; iDevice++) { cl_device_id device = this->execDevices[iDevice]; errNum = clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_STATUS, sizeof(cl_build_status), &build_status, NULL); shrLog("clGetProgramBuildInfo returned: "); if (build_status == CL_SUCCESS) { shrLog("CL_SUCCESS\n"); } else { shrLog("CLErrorNumber = %d\n", errNum); } // print out the build log, note in the case where there is nothing shown, some OpenCL PTX->SASS caching has happened { char *build_log; size_t ret_val_size; errNum = clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &ret_val_size); if (errNum != CL_SUCCESS) { shrLog( "clGetProgramBuildInfo device %d, failed to get the log size at line %d\n", device, __LINE__); } build_log = (char *) malloc(ret_val_size + 1); errNum = clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, ret_val_size, build_log, NULL); if (errNum != CL_SUCCESS) { shrLog( "clGetProgramBuildInfo device %d, failed to get the build log at line %d\n", device, __LINE__); } // to be carefully, terminate with \0 // there's no information in the reference whether the string is 0 terminated or not build_log[ret_val_size] = '\0'; shrLog("%s\n", build_log); } } } } this->programs.push_back(program); return program; }
void tables_creator::visit(const sequence_field_instruction *inst, void *) { const template_instruction *ref_instruction = dynamic_cast<const template_instruction *>(inst->ref_instruction()); const template_instruction *element_instruction = dynamic_cast<const template_instruction *>(inst->element_instruction()); bool is_ordered = masks_.is_ordered(inst); if (ref_instruction == nullptr && element_instruction == nullptr) { traverse_subinstructions(inst); if (is_ordered) { create_current_ << " ordering INT,\n"; num_columns_++; } return; } if (this->primary_key_name_.empty()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( std::runtime_error("Current implementation only allows " "primary key field appears before any " "sequence field in a template.")); if (element_instruction) { tables_creator nested_builder(insert_statements_, masks_, true); nested_builder.visit(element_instruction, nullptr); create_prefix_ << nested_builder.create_statements(); if (strcmp(nested_builder.primary_key_name(), "rowid") == 0) create_prefix_ << "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX " << nested_builder.table_name() << "_index " << "ON " << nested_builder.table_name() << "(" << nested_builder.parameter_list() << ");\n\n"; if (ref_instruction) { create_postfix_ << "CREATE TABLE " << inst->name() << "(\n"; add_foreign_key(create_postfix_, this->table_name(), this->primary_key_name(), this->primary_key_type()); add_foreign_key(create_postfix_, nested_builder.table_name(), nested_builder.primary_key_name(), nested_builder.primary_key_type()); if (is_ordered) { create_postfix_ << "ordering INT,\n"; } create_postfix_.seekp(-2, std::ios_base::cur); create_postfix_ << ");\n\n"; if (insert_statements_.count(ref_instruction->id())) { std::stringstream err_msg; err_msg << "Conflicted sequence id= " << ref_instruction->id() << " for " << inst->name(); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error(err_msg.str())); } insert_statements &stmts = insert_statements_[ref_instruction->id()]; stmts.insert_item_stmt = construct_insert_statement(inst->name(), 2 + is_ordered); stmts.primary_key_index = this->primary_key_index_; } else { add_foreign_key(create_current_, nested_builder.table_name(), nested_builder.primary_key_name(), nested_builder.primary_key_type()); num_columns_++; if (is_ordered) { create_current_ << " ordering INT,\n"; num_columns_++; } } } else { tables_creator nested_builder(insert_statements_, masks_, this->table_name(), this->primary_key_name(), this->primary_key_type()); nested_builder.visit(ref_instruction, nullptr); create_postfix_ << nested_builder.create_statements(); } }
utree eval (utree const& subject) const { if (!predicate(subject)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(assertion_failed()); return utree(); }
void Interest::decode03() { // Interest ::= INTEREST-TYPE TLV-LENGTH // Name // CanBePrefix? // MustBeFresh? // ForwardingHint? // Nonce? // InterestLifetime? // HopLimit? // Parameters? bool hasName = false; m_selectors = Selectors().setMaxSuffixComponents(1); // CanBePrefix=0 m_nonce.reset(); m_interestLifetime = DEFAULT_INTEREST_LIFETIME; m_forwardingHint = DelegationList(); int lastEle = 0; // last recognized element index, in spec order for (const Block& ele : m_wire.elements()) { switch (ele.type()) { case tlv::Name: { if (lastEle >= 1) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Name element is out of order")); } hasName = true; m_name.wireDecode(ele); if (m_name.empty()) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Name has zero name components")); } lastEle = 1; break; } case tlv::CanBePrefix: { if (lastEle >= 2) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("CanBePrefix element is out of order")); } if (ele.value_size() != 0) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("CanBePrefix element has non-zero TLV-LENGTH")); } m_selectors.setMaxSuffixComponents(-1); lastEle = 2; break; } case tlv::MustBeFresh: { if (lastEle >= 3) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("MustBeFresh element is out of order")); } if (ele.value_size() != 0) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("MustBeFresh element has non-zero TLV-LENGTH")); } m_selectors.setMustBeFresh(true); lastEle = 3; break; } case tlv::ForwardingHint: { if (lastEle >= 4) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("ForwardingHint element is out of order")); } m_forwardingHint.wireDecode(ele); lastEle = 4; break; } case tlv::Nonce: { if (lastEle >= 5) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Nonce element is out of order")); } uint32_t nonce = 0; if (ele.value_size() != sizeof(nonce)) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Nonce element is malformed")); } std::memcpy(&nonce, ele.value(), sizeof(nonce)); m_nonce = nonce; lastEle = 5; break; } case tlv::InterestLifetime: { if (lastEle >= 6) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("InterestLifetime element is out of order")); } m_interestLifetime = time::milliseconds(readNonNegativeInteger(ele)); lastEle = 6; break; } case tlv::HopLimit: { if (lastEle >= 7) { break; // HopLimit is non-critical, ignore out-of-order appearance } if (ele.value_size() != 1) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("HopLimit element is malformed")); } // TLV-VALUE is ignored lastEle = 7; break; } case tlv::Parameters: { if (lastEle >= 8) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Parameters element is out of order")); } // TLV-VALUE is ignored lastEle = 8; break; } default: { if (tlv::isCriticalType(ele.type())) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("unrecognized element of critical type " + to_string(ele.type()))); } break; } } } if (!hasName) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Name element is missing")); } }
void check_is_configured() { if(pt.empty()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(invalid_operation() << msg_info("Enviroment properties has not been configured")); }
virtual void on_post(http_server_context& /*context*/, const std::smatch& /*match*/) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(http_exception(http_status_code::method_not_allowed)); }
void vanilla::object::sset(object::ptr const&, ptr) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(error::unsupported_operation_error() << error::first_operand(shared_from_this()) << error::operation_name("subscript assign")); }
void hyp2F1(T& result, const T& a, const T& b, const T& c, const T& x) { // Compute the series representation of hyperg_2f1 taken from // Abramowitz and Stegun 15.1.1. // There are no checks on input range or parameter boundaries. typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<boost::int32_t, T>::type si_type; typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<boost::uint32_t, T>::type ui_type; typedef typename T::exponent_type exp_type; typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<exp_type, T>::type canonical_exp_type; typedef typename mpl::front<typename T::float_types>::type fp_type; T x_pow_n_div_n_fact(x); T pochham_a (a); T pochham_b (b); T pochham_c (c); T ap (a); T bp (b); T cp (c); eval_multiply(result, pochham_a, pochham_b); eval_divide(result, pochham_c); eval_multiply(result, x_pow_n_div_n_fact); eval_add(result, ui_type(1)); T lim; eval_ldexp(lim, result, 1 - boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value); if(eval_get_sign(lim) < 0) lim.negate(); ui_type n; T term; static const unsigned series_limit = boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value < 100 ? 100 : boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value; // Series expansion of hyperg_2f1(a, b; c; x). for(n = 2; n < series_limit; ++n) { eval_multiply(x_pow_n_div_n_fact, x); eval_divide(x_pow_n_div_n_fact, n); eval_increment(ap); eval_multiply(pochham_a, ap); eval_increment(bp); eval_multiply(pochham_b, bp); eval_increment(cp); eval_multiply(pochham_c, cp); eval_multiply(term, pochham_a, pochham_b); eval_divide(term, pochham_c); eval_multiply(term, x_pow_n_div_n_fact); eval_add(result, term); if(eval_get_sign(term) < 0) term.negate(); if( >= 0) break; } if(n > series_limit) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("H2F1 failed to converge.")); }
inline void conversion_overflow(const mpl::int_<checked>&) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::overflow_error("Overflow in conversion to narrower type")); }