Example #1
/*  allegInitializations()

Initializes allegro and its associated packages (algif), as well as installing
hardware settings for mouse, keyboard, sound, timers, and the screen.
Autochecks for errors, and displays message and exits(1) on error.

void allegInitializations()
	int error = 0;
   error |= allegro_init ();
	algif_init ();

   	set_color_depth (16);
   	//set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 900,600,0,0);
   	set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_FULLSCREEN, 1024,768,0,0);
   	install_keyboard ();
   	error |= install_timer();
   	error |= install_int_ex(incrementTimer, BPS_TO_TIMER(60));
   	error |= install_int_ex(incrementUpdateCounter, BPS_TO_TIMER(4));
   	error |= install_int_ex(incrementAnimateCounter, BPS_TO_TIMER(8));
   	error |= install_int_ex(incrementEconomyCounter, BPM_TO_TIMER(60));
   	error |= install_int_ex(incrementFireCounter, BPS_TO_TIMER(12));
	if (error)
		set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 1024,768,0,0);
		allegro_message("Allegro Failed to Initialize!");

Example #2
void set_mod_speed (int speed)
    if (speed <= 0)
        speed = 1;
    else if (speed > 400)
        speed = 400;

    mi.speed_ratio = speed;

    if (is_mod_playing() == TRUE)
        //remove_int (mod_interrupt);
        install_int_ex (mod_interrupt, BPM_TO_TIMER (24 * mi.bpm * mi.speed_ratio / 100));
Example #3
void play_mod (JGMOD *j, int loop)
    int index;
    int temp;

    if (j == null)
        sprintf (jgmod_error, "Can't play a JGMOD pointer with null value");

    if (of != null)     // make sure only one mod being played.

    mi.flag = j->flag;
    for (index=0 ;index<MAX_ALLEG_VOICE; index++)
        ci[index].keyon = FALSE;
        ci[index].kick = FALSE;
        ci[index].instrument = 0;
        ci[index].note = 0;
        ci[index].sample = 0;
        ci[index].volume = 0;
        ci[index].period = 0;
        ci[index].transpose = 0;
        ci[index].temp_volume = 0;
        ci[index].temp_period = 0;
        ci[index].volfade = 32768;
        ci[index].instfade = 0;

        ci[index].pan_slide_common = 0;
        ci[index].pan_slide = 0;
        ci[index].pan_slide_left = 0;
        ci[index].pan_slide_right = 0;

        ci[index].pro_pitch_slide_on = FALSE;
        ci[index].pro_pitch_slide = 0;
        ci[index].pro_fine_pitch_slide = 0;
        ci[index].s3m_pitch_slide_on = FALSE;
        ci[index].s3m_pitch_slide = 0;
        ci[index].s3m_fine_pitch_slide = 0;
        ci[index].xm_pitch_slide_up_on = FALSE;
        ci[index].xm_pitch_slide_up = 0;
        ci[index].xm_pitch_slide_down_on = FALSE;
        ci[index].xm_pitch_slide_down = 0;
        ci[index].xm_fine_pitch_slide_up = 0;
        ci[index].xm_fine_pitch_slide_down = 0;

        ci[index].pro_volume_slide = 0;
        ci[index].s3m_volume_slide_on = FALSE;
        ci[index].s3m_fine_volume_slide = 0;
        ci[index].s3m_volume_slide = 0;
        ci[index].xm_volume_slide_on = FALSE;
        ci[index].xm_volume_slide = 0;
        ci[index].xm_fine_volume_slide_up = 0;
        ci[index].xm_fine_volume_slide_down = 0;

        ci[index].loop_on = FALSE;
        ci[index].loop_start = 0;
        ci[index].loop_times = 0;

        ci[index].tremolo_on = FALSE;
        ci[index].tremolo_waveform = 0;
        ci[index].tremolo_pointer = 0;
        ci[index].tremolo_speed = 0;
        ci[index].tremolo_depth = 0;
        ci[index].tremolo_shift = 6;

        ci[index].vibrato_on = FALSE;
        ci[index].vibrato_waveform = 0;
        ci[index].vibrato_pointer = 0;
        ci[index].vibrato_speed = 0;
        ci[index].vibrato_depth = 0;
        ci[index].vibrato_shift = 5;

        ci[index].slide2period_on = FALSE;
        ci[index].slide2period_spd = 0;
        ci[index].slide2period = 0;

        ci[index].arpeggio_on = TRUE;
        ci[index].arpeggio = 0;

        ci[index].tremor_on = 0;
        ci[index].tremor_count = 0;
        ci[index].tremor_set = 0;

        ci[index].delay_sample = 0;
        ci[index].cut_sample = 0;
        ci[index].glissando = FALSE;
        ci[index].retrig = 0;
        ci[index].s3m_retrig_on = FALSE;
        ci[index].s3m_retrig = 0;
        ci[index].s3m_retrig_slide = 0;

        ci[index].sample_offset_on = FALSE;
        ci[index].sample_offset = 0;

        ci[index].global_volume_slide_on = FALSE;
        ci[index].global_volume_slide = 0;

        ci[index].volenv.flg = 0;
        ci[index].volenv.pts = 0;
        ci[index].volenv.loopbeg = 0;
        ci[index].volenv.loopend = 0;
        ci[index].volenv.susbeg = 0;
        ci[index].volenv.susend = 0;
        ci[index].volenv.a = 0;
        ci[index].volenv.b = 0;
        ci[index].volenv.p = 0;
        ci[index].volenv.v = 64;

        ci[index].panenv.flg = 0;
        ci[index].panenv.pts = 0;
        ci[index].panenv.loopbeg = 0;
        ci[index].panenv.loopend = 0;
        ci[index].panenv.susbeg = 0;
        ci[index].panenv.susend = 0;
        ci[index].panenv.a = 0;
        ci[index].panenv.b = 0;
        ci[index].panenv.p = 0;
        ci[index].panenv.v = 32;

        for (temp=0; temp < 12; temp++)
            ci[index].volenv.env[temp] = 0;
            ci[index].volenv.pos[temp] = 0;

            ci[index].panenv.env[temp] = 0;
            ci[index].panenv.pos[temp] = 0;

        if (j->flag & XM_MODE)
            ci[index].c2spd = 0;
            ci[index].c2spd = 8363;

        if (index < mi.max_chn)
            ci[index].pan = *(j->panning + index);

    mi.no_chn = j->no_chn;
    mi.tick = -1;
    mi.pos = 0;
    mi.pat = *(j->pat_table);
    mi.trk = 0;

    mi.bpm = j->bpm;
    mi.tempo = j->tempo;
    mi.global_volume = j->global_volume;

    mi.new_pos = 0;
    mi.new_trk = 0;
    mi.pattern_delay = 0;
    mi.pause   = FALSE;
    mi.forbid  = FALSE;
    mi.is_playing = TRUE;

    if (loop == FALSE)
        mi.loop = FALSE;
        mi.loop = TRUE;

    of = j;

    //remove_int (mod_interrupt);
    install_int_ex (mod_interrupt, BPM_TO_TIMER (24 * j->bpm * mi.speed_ratio / 100));
}END_OF_FUNCTION (play_mod)