bool IsPatchData(const void * pvData, DWORD cbData, LPDWORD pdwPatchedFileSize)
    TPatchHeader * pPatchHeader = (TPatchHeader *)pvData;
    DWORD dwPatchType;

    if(cbData >= sizeof(TPatchHeader) + sizeof(BLIZZARD_BSDIFF40_FILE))
        dwPatchType = BSWAP_INT32_UNSIGNED(pPatchHeader->dwPatchType);
        if(dwPatchType == 0x30445342)
            // Give the caller the patch file size
            if(pdwPatchedFileSize != NULL)
                Decompress_RLE((LPBYTE)&DiffFile, sizeof(BLIZZARD_BSDIFF40_FILE), (LPBYTE)(pPatchHeader + 1), sizeof(BLIZZARD_BSDIFF40_FILE));
                DiffFile.NewFileSize = BSWAP_INT64_UNSIGNED(DiffFile.NewFileSize);
                *pdwPatchedFileSize = (DWORD)DiffFile.NewFileSize;
                return true;

    return false;
static int ApplyFilePatch_BSD0(
    TMPQPatcher * pPatcher,
    LPBYTE pbTarget,
    LPBYTE pbSource)
    LPBYTE pbPatchData = (LPBYTE)(pFullPatch + 1);
    LPBYTE pDataBlock;
    LPBYTE pExtraBlock;
    LPBYTE pbOldData = pbSource;
    LPBYTE pbNewData = pbTarget;
    DWORD dwCombineSize;
    DWORD dwNewOffset = 0;                          // Current position to patch
    DWORD dwOldOffset = 0;                          // Current source position
    DWORD dwNewSize;                                // Patched file size
    DWORD dwOldSize = pPatcher->cbFileData;         // File size before patch

    // Get pointer to the patch header
    // Format of BSDIFF header corresponds to original BSDIFF, which is:
    // 0000   8 bytes   signature "BSDIFF40"
    // 0008   8 bytes   size of the control block
    // 0010   8 bytes   size of the data block
    // 0018   8 bytes   new size of the patched file
    pBsdiff = (PBLIZZARD_BSDIFF40_FILE)pbPatchData;
    pbPatchData += sizeof(BLIZZARD_BSDIFF40_FILE);

    // Get pointer to the 32-bit BSDIFF control block
    // The control block follows immediately after the BSDIFF header
    // and consists of three 32-bit integers
    // 0000   4 bytes   Length to copy from the BSDIFF data block the new file
    // 0004   4 bytes   Length to copy from the BSDIFF extra block
    // 0008   4 bytes   Size to increment source file offset
    pCtrlBlock = (PBSDIFF_CTRL_BLOCK)pbPatchData;
    pbPatchData += (size_t)BSWAP_INT64_UNSIGNED(pBsdiff->CtrlBlockSize);

    // Get the pointer to the data block
    pDataBlock = (LPBYTE)pbPatchData;
    pbPatchData += (size_t)BSWAP_INT64_UNSIGNED(pBsdiff->DataBlockSize);

    // Get the pointer to the extra block
    pExtraBlock = (LPBYTE)pbPatchData;
    dwNewSize = (DWORD)BSWAP_INT64_UNSIGNED(pBsdiff->NewFileSize);

    // Now patch the file
    while(dwNewOffset < dwNewSize)
        DWORD dwAddDataLength = BSWAP_INT32_UNSIGNED(pCtrlBlock->dwAddDataLength);
        DWORD dwMovDataLength = BSWAP_INT32_UNSIGNED(pCtrlBlock->dwMovDataLength);
        DWORD dwOldMoveLength = BSWAP_INT32_UNSIGNED(pCtrlBlock->dwOldMoveLength);
        DWORD i;

        // Sanity check
        if((dwNewOffset + dwAddDataLength) > dwNewSize)
            return ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

        // Read the diff string to the target buffer
        memcpy(pbNewData + dwNewOffset, pDataBlock, dwAddDataLength);
        pDataBlock += dwAddDataLength;

        // Get the longest block that we can combine
        dwCombineSize = ((dwOldOffset + dwAddDataLength) >= dwOldSize) ? (dwOldSize - dwOldOffset) : dwAddDataLength;
        if((dwNewOffset + dwCombineSize) > dwNewSize || (dwNewOffset + dwCombineSize) < dwNewOffset)
            return ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

        // Now combine the patch data with the original file
        for(i = 0; i < dwCombineSize; i++)
            pbNewData[dwNewOffset + i] = pbNewData[dwNewOffset + i] + pbOldData[dwOldOffset + i];
        // Move the offsets 
        dwNewOffset += dwAddDataLength;
        dwOldOffset += dwAddDataLength;

        // Sanity check
        if((dwNewOffset + dwMovDataLength) > dwNewSize)
            return ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

        // Copy the data from the extra block in BSDIFF patch
        memcpy(pbNewData + dwNewOffset, pExtraBlock, dwMovDataLength);
        pExtraBlock += dwMovDataLength;
        dwNewOffset += dwMovDataLength;

        // Move the old offset
        if(dwOldMoveLength & 0x80000000)
            dwOldMoveLength = 0x80000000 - dwOldMoveLength;
        dwOldOffset += dwOldMoveLength;

    // The size after patch must match
    if(dwNewOffset != pFullPatch->dwSizeAfterPatch)
        return ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

    // Update the new data size
    pPatcher->cbFileData = dwNewOffset;
    return ERROR_SUCCESS;
static int ApplyMpqPatch_BSD0(
    TMPQFile * hf,
    TPatchHeader * pPatchHeader)
    LPDWORD pCtrlBlock;
    LPBYTE pbPatchData = (LPBYTE)pPatchHeader + sizeof(TPatchHeader);
    LPBYTE pDataBlock;
    LPBYTE pExtraBlock;
    LPBYTE pbNewData = NULL;
    LPBYTE pbOldData = (LPBYTE)hf->pbFileData;
    DWORD dwNewOffset = 0;                          // Current position to patch
    DWORD dwOldOffset = 0;                          // Current source position
    DWORD dwNewSize;                                // Patched file size
    DWORD dwOldSize = hf->cbFileData;               // File size before patch

    // Get pointer to the patch header
    // Format of BSDIFF header corresponds to original BSDIFF, which is:
    // 0000   8 bytes   signature "BSDIFF40"
    // 0008   8 bytes   size of the control block
    // 0010   8 bytes   size of the data block
    // 0018   8 bytes   new size of the patched file
    pBsdiff = (PBLIZZARD_BSDIFF40_FILE)pbPatchData;
    pbPatchData += sizeof(BLIZZARD_BSDIFF40_FILE);

    // Get pointer to the 32-bit BSDIFF control block
    // The control block follows immediately after the BSDIFF header
    // and consists of three 32-bit integers
    // 0000   4 bytes   Length to copy from the BSDIFF data block the new file
    // 0004   4 bytes   Length to copy from the BSDIFF extra block
    // 0008   4 bytes   Size to increment source file offset
    pCtrlBlock = (LPDWORD)pbPatchData;
    pbPatchData += (size_t)BSWAP_INT64_UNSIGNED(pBsdiff->CtrlBlockSize);

    // Get the pointer to the data block
    pDataBlock = (LPBYTE)pbPatchData;
    pbPatchData += (size_t)BSWAP_INT64_UNSIGNED(pBsdiff->DataBlockSize);

    // Get the pointer to the extra block
    pExtraBlock = (LPBYTE)pbPatchData;
    dwNewSize = (DWORD)BSWAP_INT64_UNSIGNED(pBsdiff->NewFileSize);

    // Allocate new buffer
    pbNewData = ALLOCMEM(BYTE, dwNewSize);
    if(pbNewData == NULL)

    // Now patch the file
    while(dwNewOffset < dwNewSize)
        DWORD dwAddDataLength = BSWAP_INT32_UNSIGNED(pCtrlBlock[0]);
        DWORD dwMovDataLength = BSWAP_INT32_UNSIGNED(pCtrlBlock[1]);
        DWORD dwOldMoveLength = BSWAP_INT32_UNSIGNED(pCtrlBlock[2]);
        DWORD i;

        // Sanity check
        if((dwNewOffset + dwAddDataLength) > dwNewSize)
            return ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

        // Read the diff string to the target buffer
        memcpy(pbNewData + dwNewOffset, pDataBlock, dwAddDataLength);
        pDataBlock += dwAddDataLength;

        // Now combine the patch data with the original file
        for(i = 0; i < dwAddDataLength; i++)
            if(dwOldOffset < dwOldSize)
                pbNewData[dwNewOffset] = pbNewData[dwNewOffset] + pbOldData[dwOldOffset];


        // Sanity check
        if((dwNewOffset + dwMovDataLength) > dwNewSize)
            return ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

        // Copy the data from the extra block in BSDIFF patch
        memcpy(pbNewData + dwNewOffset, pExtraBlock, dwMovDataLength);
        pExtraBlock += dwMovDataLength;
        dwNewOffset += dwMovDataLength;

        // Move the old offset
        if(dwOldMoveLength & 0x80000000)
            dwOldMoveLength = 0x80000000 - dwOldMoveLength;
        dwOldOffset += dwOldMoveLength;
        pCtrlBlock += 3;

    // Free the old file data

    // Put the new data to the fil structure
    hf->pbFileData = pbNewData;
    hf->cbFileData = dwNewSize;
    return ERROR_SUCCESS;
static int ApplyFilePatch_BSD0(
    TMPQPatcher * pPatcher,
    unsigned char * pbTarget,
    unsigned char * pbSource)
    unsigned char * pbPatchData = (unsigned char *)(pFullPatch + 1);
    unsigned char * pDataBlock;
    unsigned char * pExtraBlock;
    unsigned char * pbOldData = pbSource;
    unsigned char * pbNewData = pbTarget;
    uint32_t dwCombineSize;
    uint32_t dwNewOffset = 0;                          /* Current position to patch */
    uint32_t dwOldOffset = 0;                          /* Current source position */
    uint32_t dwNewSize;                                /* Patched file size */
    uint32_t dwOldSize = pPatcher->cbFileData;         /* File size before patch */

    /* Get pointer to the patch header */
    /* Format of BSDIFF header corresponds to original BSDIFF, which is: */
    /* 0000   8 bytes   signature "BSDIFF40" */
    /* 0008   8 bytes   size of the control block */
    /* 0010   8 bytes   size of the data block */
    /* 0018   8 bytes   new size of the patched file */
    pBsdiff = (PBLIZZARD_BSDIFF40_FILE)pbPatchData;
    pbPatchData += sizeof(BLIZZARD_BSDIFF40_FILE);

    /* Get pointer to the 32-bit BSDIFF control block */
    /* The control block follows immediately after the BSDIFF header */
    /* and consists of three 32-bit integers */
    /* 0000   4 bytes   Length to copy from the BSDIFF data block the new file */
    /* 0004   4 bytes   Length to copy from the BSDIFF extra block */
    /* 0008   4 bytes   Size to increment source file offset */
    pCtrlBlock = (PBSDIFF_CTRL_BLOCK)pbPatchData;
    pbPatchData += (size_t)BSWAP_INT64_UNSIGNED(pBsdiff->CtrlBlockSize);

    /* Get the pointer to the data block */
    pDataBlock = (unsigned char *)pbPatchData;
    pbPatchData += (size_t)BSWAP_INT64_UNSIGNED(pBsdiff->DataBlockSize);

    /* Get the pointer to the extra block */
    pExtraBlock = (unsigned char *)pbPatchData;
    dwNewSize = (uint32_t)BSWAP_INT64_UNSIGNED(pBsdiff->NewFileSize);

    /* Now patch the file */
    while(dwNewOffset < dwNewSize)
        uint32_t dwAddDataLength = BSWAP_INT32_UNSIGNED(pCtrlBlock->dwAddDataLength);
        uint32_t dwMovDataLength = BSWAP_INT32_UNSIGNED(pCtrlBlock->dwMovDataLength);
        uint32_t dwOldMoveLength = BSWAP_INT32_UNSIGNED(pCtrlBlock->dwOldMoveLength);
        uint32_t i;

        /* Sanity check */
        if((dwNewOffset + dwAddDataLength) > dwNewSize)
            return ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

        /* Read the diff string to the target buffer */
        memcpy(pbNewData + dwNewOffset, pDataBlock, dwAddDataLength);
        pDataBlock += dwAddDataLength;

        /* Get the longest block that we can combine */
        dwCombineSize = ((dwOldOffset + dwAddDataLength) >= dwOldSize) ? (dwOldSize - dwOldOffset) : dwAddDataLength;

        /* Now combine the patch data with the original file */
        for(i = 0; i < dwCombineSize; i++)
            pbNewData[dwNewOffset + i] = pbNewData[dwNewOffset + i] + pbOldData[dwOldOffset + i];
        /* Move the offsets */
        dwNewOffset += dwAddDataLength;
        dwOldOffset += dwAddDataLength;

        /* Sanity check */
        if((dwNewOffset + dwMovDataLength) > dwNewSize)
            return ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

        /* Copy the data from the extra block in BSDIFF patch */
        memcpy(pbNewData + dwNewOffset, pExtraBlock, dwMovDataLength);
        pExtraBlock += dwMovDataLength;
        dwNewOffset += dwMovDataLength;

        /* Move the old offset */
        if(dwOldMoveLength & 0x80000000)
            dwOldMoveLength = 0x80000000 - dwOldMoveLength;
        dwOldOffset += dwOldMoveLength;

    /* The size after patch must match */
    if(dwNewOffset != pFullPatch->dwSizeAfterPatch)
        return ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT;

    /* Update the new data size */
    pPatcher->cbFileData = dwNewOffset;
    return ERROR_SUCCESS;