Example #1
** Function        bta_hl_co_get_mdep_config
** Description     This function is called to get the supported feature
**                 configuration for the specified mdep index and it also assigns
**                 the MDEP ID for the specified mdep index
** Parameters      app_id - HDP application ID
**                 mdep_idx - the mdep index
**                 mdep_id  - the assigned MDEP ID for the specified medp_idx
**                 p_mdl_cfg (output) - pointer to the MDEP configuration
** Returns         Bloolean - TRUE success
BOOLEAN bta_hl_co_get_mdep_config(UINT8  app_id,
                                  UINT8 mdep_idx,
                                  tBTA_HL_MDEP_ID mdep_id,
                                  tBTA_HL_MDEP_CFG *p_mdep_cfg)
    UINT8       idx  ;
    UINT8       app_idx;
    BOOLEAN     success = FALSE;

    BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG4("%s app_id=%d mdep_idx=%d mdep_id=%d",
                      __FUNCTION__, app_id,mdep_idx,mdep_id );

    if (btif_hl_find_app_idx(app_id, &app_idx))
        idx = mdep_idx -1;
        p_btif_hl_cb->acb[app_idx].sup_feature.mdep[idx].mdep_id = mdep_id;

        success = TRUE;

    BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG4("%s success=%d mdep_idx=%d mdep_id=%d",
                      __FUNCTION__, success, mdep_idx, mdep_id );

    return success;
Example #2
** Function         bta_hl_co_get_tx_data
** Description     Get the data to be sent
** Parameters      app_id - HDP application ID
**                 mdl_handle - MDL handle
**                 buf_size - the size of the buffer
**                 p_buf - the buffer pointer
**                 evt - the evt to be passed back to the HL in the
**                       bta_hl_ci_get_tx_data call-in function
** Returns        Void
void bta_hl_co_get_tx_data (UINT8 app_id, tBTA_HL_MDL_HANDLE mdl_handle,
                            UINT16 buf_size, UINT8 *p_buf,  UINT16 evt)
    UINT8 app_idx, mcl_idx, mdl_idx;
    btif_hl_mdl_cb_t *p_dcb;

    BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG4("%s app_id=%d mdl_handle=0x%x buf_size=%d",
                      __FUNCTION__, app_id, mdl_handle, buf_size);

    if (btif_hl_find_mdl_idx_using_handle(mdl_handle, &app_idx, &mcl_idx, &mdl_idx))
        p_dcb = BTIF_HL_GET_MDL_CB_PTR(app_idx, mcl_idx, mdl_idx);

        if (p_dcb->tx_size <= buf_size )
            memcpy(p_buf, p_dcb->p_tx_pkt, p_dcb->tx_size);
            btif_hl_free_buf((void **) &p_dcb->p_tx_pkt);
            p_dcb->tx_size = 0;
            status = BTA_HL_STATUS_OK;

    bta_hl_ci_get_tx_data(mdl_handle,  status, evt);

Example #3
** Function        bta_hl_co_get_echo_config
** Description     This function is called to get the echo test
**                 maximum APDU size configurations
** Parameters      app_id - HDP application ID
**                 p_echo_cfg (output) - pointer to the Echo test maximum APDU size
**                                       configuration
** Returns         Bloolean - TRUE success
BOOLEAN bta_hl_co_get_echo_config(UINT8  app_id,
                                  tBTA_HL_ECHO_CFG *p_echo_cfg)
    UINT8               app_idx;
    BOOLEAN             success = FALSE;
    btif_hl_app_cb_t    *p_acb;
    tBTA_HL_SUP_FEATURE *p_sup;

    BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG2("%s app_id=%d",__FUNCTION__, app_id );

    if (btif_hl_find_app_idx(app_id, &app_idx))
        p_acb = BTIF_HL_GET_APP_CB_PTR(app_idx);
        p_sup = &p_acb->sup_feature;
        p_echo_cfg->max_rx_apdu_size = p_sup->echo_cfg.max_rx_apdu_size;
        p_echo_cfg->max_tx_apdu_size = p_sup->echo_cfg.max_tx_apdu_size;
        success = TRUE;

    BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG4("%s success=%d max tx_size=%d rx_size=%d",
                      __FUNCTION__, success, p_echo_cfg->max_tx_apdu_size,
                      p_echo_cfg->max_rx_apdu_size );

    return success;
// rfc_slot_t* accept_rs = create_srv_accept_rfc_slot(srv_rs, p_open->rem_bda,p_opne->handle,  p_open->new_listen_handle);
static inline rfc_slot_t* create_srv_accept_rfc_slot(rfc_slot_t* srv_rs, const bt_bdaddr_t* addr,
                                        int open_handle, int new_listen_handle)
    rfc_slot_t *accept_rs = alloc_rfc_slot(addr, srv_rs->service_name, srv_rs->service_uuid, srv_rs->scn, 0, FALSE);
    accept_rs->f.server = FALSE;
    accept_rs->f.connected = TRUE;
    accept_rs->security = srv_rs->security;
    accept_rs->mtu = srv_rs->mtu;
    accept_rs->role = srv_rs->role;
    accept_rs->rfc_handle = open_handle;
    accept_rs->rfc_port_handle = BTA_JvRfcommGetPortHdl(open_handle);
     //now update listen rfc_handle of server slot
    srv_rs->rfc_handle = new_listen_handle;
    srv_rs->rfc_port_handle = BTA_JvRfcommGetPortHdl(new_listen_handle);
    BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG4("create_srv_accept__rfc_slot(open_handle: 0x%x, new_listen_handle:"
            "0x%x) accept_rs->rfc_handle:0x%x, srv_rs_listen->rfc_handle:0x%x"
      ,open_handle, new_listen_handle, accept_rs->rfc_port_handle, srv_rs->rfc_port_handle);
    asrt(accept_rs->rfc_port_handle != srv_rs->rfc_port_handle);
  //now swap the slot id
    uint32_t new_listen_id = accept_rs->id;
    accept_rs->id = srv_rs->id;
    srv_rs->id = new_listen_id;
    return accept_rs;
Example #5
** Function        bta_hl_co_put_rx_data
** Description     Put the received data
** Parameters      app_id - HDP application ID
**                 mdl_handle - MDL handle
**                 data_size - the size of the data
**                 p_data - the data pointer
**                 evt - the evt to be passed back to the HL in the
**                       bta_hl_ci_put_rx_data call-in function
** Returns        Void
void bta_hl_co_put_rx_data (UINT8 app_id, tBTA_HL_MDL_HANDLE mdl_handle,
                            UINT16 data_size, UINT8 *p_data, UINT16 evt)
    UINT8 app_idx, mcl_idx, mdl_idx;
    btif_hl_mdl_cb_t *p_dcb;
    int            r;
    BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG4("%s app_id=%d mdl_handle=0x%x data_size=%d",
                      __FUNCTION__,app_id, mdl_handle, data_size);

    if (btif_hl_find_mdl_idx_using_handle(mdl_handle, &app_idx, &mcl_idx, &mdl_idx))
        p_dcb = BTIF_HL_GET_MDL_CB_PTR(app_idx, mcl_idx, mdl_idx);

        if ((p_dcb->p_rx_pkt = (UINT8 *)btif_hl_get_buf(data_size)) != NULL)
            memcpy(p_dcb->p_rx_pkt, p_data, data_size);
            if (p_dcb->p_scb)
                BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG4("app_idx=%d mcl_idx=0x%x mdl_idx=0x%x data_size=%d",
                                  app_idx, mcl_idx, mdl_idx, data_size);
                r = send(p_dcb->p_scb->socket_id[1], p_dcb->p_rx_pkt, data_size, 0);

                if (r == data_size)
                    BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("socket send success data_size=%d",  data_size);
                    status = BTA_HL_STATUS_OK;
                    BTIF_TRACE_ERROR2("socket send failed r=%d data_size=%d",r, data_size);

            btif_hl_free_buf((void **) &p_dcb->p_rx_pkt);

    bta_hl_ci_put_rx_data(mdl_handle,  status, evt);
Example #6
**   Local uinput helper functions
int send_event (int fd, uint16_t type, uint16_t code, int32_t value)
    struct uinput_event event;
    BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG4("%s type:%u code:%u value:%d", __FUNCTION__,
        type, code, value);
    memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event));
    event.type  = type;
    event.code  = code;
    event.value = value;

    return write(fd, &event, sizeof(event));
Example #7
void send_key (int fd, uint16_t key, int pressed)
    BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG4("%s fd:%d key:%u pressed:%d", __FUNCTION__,
        fd, key, pressed);

    if (fd < 0)

    BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("AVRCP: Send key %d (%d) fd=%d", key, pressed, fd);
    send_event(fd, EV_KEY, key, pressed);
    send_event(fd, EV_SYN, SYN_REPORT, 0);
Example #8
/* Generic reject response */
static void send_reject_response (UINT8 rc_handle, UINT8 label, UINT8 pdu, UINT8 status)
    UINT8 ctype = AVRC_RSP_REJ;
    tAVRC_RESPONSE avrc_rsp;
    BT_HDR *p_msg = NULL;
    memset (&avrc_rsp, 0, sizeof(tAVRC_RESPONSE));

    avrc_rsp.rsp.opcode = opcode_from_pdu(pdu);
    avrc_rsp.rsp.pdu    = pdu;
    avrc_rsp.rsp.status = status;

    if (AVRC_STS_NO_ERROR == (status = AVRC_BldResponse(rc_handle, &avrc_rsp, &p_msg)) )
        BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG4("%s:Sending error notification to handle:%d. pdu:%s,status:0x%02x",
            __FUNCTION__, rc_handle, dump_rc_pdu(pdu), status);
        BTA_AvMetaRsp(rc_handle, label, ctype, p_msg);
Example #9
 *  Function       send_metamsg_rsp
 *  - Argument:
 *                  rc_handle     RC handle corresponding to the connected RC
 *                  label            Label of the RC response
 *                  code            Response type
 *                  pmetamsg_resp    Vendor response
 *  - Description: Remote control metamsg response handler (AVRCP 1.3)
static void send_metamsg_rsp (UINT8 rc_handle, UINT8 label, tBTA_AV_CODE code,
    tAVRC_RESPONSE *pmetamsg_resp)
    UINT8 ctype;
    tAVRC_STS status;

    if (!pmetamsg_resp)
        BTIF_TRACE_WARNING1("%s: Invalid response received from application", __FUNCTION__);

    BTIF_TRACE_EVENT5("+%s: rc_handle: %d, label: %d, code: 0x%02x, pdu: %s", __FUNCTION__,
        rc_handle, label, code, dump_rc_pdu(pmetamsg_resp->rsp.pdu));

    if (pmetamsg_resp->rsp.status != AVRC_STS_NO_ERROR)
        ctype = AVRC_RSP_REJ;
        if ( code < AVRC_RSP_NOT_IMPL)
            if (code == AVRC_CMD_NOTIF)
               ctype = AVRC_RSP_INTERIM;
            else if (code == AVRC_CMD_STATUS)
               ctype = AVRC_RSP_IMPL_STBL;
               ctype = AVRC_RSP_ACCEPT;
            ctype = code;
    /* if response is for register_notification, make sure the rc has
    actually registered for this */
    if((pmetamsg_resp->rsp.pdu == AVRC_PDU_REGISTER_NOTIFICATION) && (code == AVRC_RSP_CHANGED))
        BOOLEAN bSent = FALSE;
        UINT8   event_id = pmetamsg_resp->reg_notif.event_id;
        BOOLEAN bNotify = (btif_rc_cb.rc_connected) && (btif_rc_cb.rc_notif[event_id-1].bNotify);

        /* de-register this notification for a CHANGED response */
        btif_rc_cb.rc_notif[event_id-1].bNotify = FALSE;
        BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG4("%s rc_handle: %d. event_id: 0x%02d bNotify:%u", __FUNCTION__,
             btif_rc_cb.rc_handle, event_id, bNotify);
        if (bNotify)
            BT_HDR *p_msg = NULL;
            tAVRC_STS status;

            if (AVRC_STS_NO_ERROR == (status = AVRC_BldResponse(btif_rc_cb.rc_handle,
                pmetamsg_resp, &p_msg)) )
                BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s Sending notification to rc_handle: %d. event_id: 0x%02d",
                     __FUNCTION__, btif_rc_cb.rc_handle, event_id);
                bSent = TRUE;
                BTA_AvMetaRsp(btif_rc_cb.rc_handle, btif_rc_cb.rc_notif[event_id-1].label,
                    ctype, p_msg);
                BTIF_TRACE_WARNING2("%s failed to build metamsg response. status: 0x%02x",
                    __FUNCTION__, status);


        if (!bSent)
            BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG2("%s: Notification not sent, as there are no RC connections or the \
                CT has not subscribed for event_id: %s", __FUNCTION__, dump_rc_notification_event_id(event_id));