Example #1
static int CVBandPrecSetup(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, 
                           booleantype jok, booleantype *jcurPtr, 
                           realtype gamma, void *bp_data,
                           N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  long int ier;
  CVBandPrecData pdata;

  /* Assume matrix and pivots have already been allocated. */
  pdata = (CVBandPrecData) bp_data;

  if (jok) {
    /* If jok = TRUE, use saved copy of J. */
    *jcurPtr = FALSE;
    BandCopy(savedJ, savedP, mu, ml);
  } else {
    /* If jok = FALSE, call CVBandPDQJac for new J value. */
    *jcurPtr = TRUE;
    CVBandPDQJac(pdata, t, y, fy, tmp1, tmp2);
    BandCopy(savedJ, savedP, mu, ml);
  /* Scale and add I to get savedP = I - gamma*J. */
  BandScale(-gamma, savedP);
  /* Do LU factorization of matrix. */
  ier = BandFactor(savedP, pivots);
  /* Return 0 if the LU was complete; otherwise return 1. */
  if (ier > 0) return(1);
static int CVBBDPrecSetup(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, 
                          booleantype jok, booleantype *jcurPtr, 
                          realtype gamma, void *bbd_data, 
                          N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  long int ier;
  CVBBDPrecData pdata;

  pdata = (CVBBDPrecData) bbd_data;

  if (jok) {
    /* If jok = TRUE, use saved copy of J */
    *jcurPtr = FALSE;
    BandCopy(savedJ, savedP, mukeep, mlkeep);
  } else {
    /* Otherwise call CVBBDDQJac for new J value */
    *jcurPtr = TRUE;
    CVBBDDQJac(pdata, t, y, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);
    nge += 1 + MIN(mldq + mudq + 1, Nlocal);
    BandCopy(savedJ, savedP, mukeep, mlkeep);
  /* Scale and add I to get P = I - gamma*J */
  BandScale(-gamma, savedP);
  /* Do LU factorization of P in place */
  ier = BandFactor(savedP, pivots);
  /* Return 0 if the LU was complete; otherwise return 1 */
  if (ier > 0) return(1);
Example #3

 Together ARKBandPrecSetup and ARKBandPrecSolve use a banded
 difference quotient Jacobian to create a preconditioner.
 ARKBandPrecSetup calculates a new J, if necessary, then
 calculates P = I - gamma*J, and does an LU factorization of P.

 The parameters of ARKBandPrecSetup are as follows:

 t       is the current value of the independent variable.

 y       is the current value of the dependent variable vector,
         namely the predicted value of y(t).

 fy      is the vector f(t,y).

 jok     is an input flag indicating whether Jacobian-related
         data needs to be recomputed, as follows:
           jok == FALSE means recompute Jacobian-related data
                  from scratch.
           jok == TRUE means that Jacobian data from the
                  previous PrecSetup call will be reused
                  (with the current value of gamma).
         A ARKBandPrecSetup call with jok == TRUE should only
         occur after a call with jok == FALSE.

 *jcurPtr is a pointer to an output integer flag which is
          set by ARKBandPrecond as follows:
            *jcurPtr = TRUE if Jacobian data was recomputed.
            *jcurPtr = FALSE if Jacobian data was not recomputed,
                       but saved data was reused.

 gamma   is the scalar appearing in the Newton matrix.

 bp_data is a pointer to preconditoner data (set by ARKBandPrecInit)

 tmp1, tmp2, and tmp3 are pointers to memory allocated
           for vectors of length N for work space. This
           routine uses only tmp1 and tmp2.

 The value to be returned by the ARKBandPrecSetup function is
   0  if successful, or
   1  if the band factorization failed.
static int ARKBandPrecSetup(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, 
                           booleantype jok, booleantype *jcurPtr, 
                           realtype gamma, void *bp_data,
                           N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  ARKBandPrecData pdata;
  ARKodeMem ark_mem;
  int retval;
  long int ier;

  /* Assume matrix and lpivots have already been allocated. */
  pdata = (ARKBandPrecData) bp_data;

  ark_mem = (ARKodeMem) pdata->arkode_mem;

  if (jok) {

    /* If jok = TRUE, use saved copy of J. */
    *jcurPtr = FALSE;
    BandCopy(pdata->savedJ, pdata->savedP, pdata->mu, pdata->ml);

  } else {

    /* If jok = FALSE, call ARKBandPDQJac for new J value. */
    *jcurPtr = TRUE;

    retval = ARKBandPDQJac(pdata, t, y, fy, tmp1, tmp2);
    if (retval < 0) {
      arkProcessError(ark_mem, -1, "ARKBANDPRE", "ARKBandPrecSetup", MSGBP_RHSFUNC_FAILED);
    if (retval > 0) {

    BandCopy(pdata->savedJ, pdata->savedP, pdata->mu, pdata->ml);

  /* Scale and add I to get savedP = I - gamma*J. */
  BandScale(-gamma, pdata->savedP);
  /* Do LU factorization of matrix. */
  ier = BandGBTRF(pdata->savedP, pdata->lpivots);
  /* Return 0 if the LU was complete; otherwise return 1. */
  if (ier > 0) return(1);
static int CVBandPrecSetup(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy,
                           booleantype jok, booleantype *jcurPtr,
                           realtype gamma, void *bp_data,
                           N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
    long int ier;
    CVBandPrecData pdata;
    CVodeMem cv_mem;
    int retval;

    /* Assume matrix and pivots have already been allocated. */
    pdata = (CVBandPrecData) bp_data;

    cv_mem = (CVodeMem) pdata->cvode_mem;

    if (jok) {

        /* If jok = TRUE, use saved copy of J. */
        *jcurPtr = FALSE;
        BandCopy(savedJ, savedP, mu, ml);

    } else {

        /* If jok = FALSE, call CVBandPDQJac for new J value. */
        *jcurPtr = TRUE;

        retval = CVBandPDQJac(pdata, t, y, fy, tmp1, tmp2);
        if (retval < 0) {
        if (retval > 0) {

        BandCopy(savedJ, savedP, mu, ml);


    /* Scale and add I to get savedP = I - gamma*J. */
    BandScale(-gamma, savedP);

    /* Do LU factorization of matrix. */
    ier = BandFactor(savedP, pivots);

    /* Return 0 if the LU was complete; otherwise return 1. */
    if (ier > 0) return(1);
Example #5
static int CVBBDPrecSetup(realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, 
                          booleantype jok, booleantype *jcurPtr, 
                          realtype gamma, void *bbd_data, 
                          N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  int ier;
  CVBBDPrecData pdata;
  CVodeMem cv_mem;
  int retval;

  pdata = (CVBBDPrecData) bbd_data;

  cv_mem = (CVodeMem) pdata->cvode_mem;

  if (jok) {

    /* If jok = TRUE, use saved copy of J */
    *jcurPtr = FALSE;
    BandCopy(savedJ, savedP, mukeep, mlkeep);

  } else {

    /* Otherwise call CVBBDDQJac for new J value */
    *jcurPtr = TRUE;

    retval = CVBBDDQJac(pdata, t, y, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3);
    if (retval < 0) {
      CVProcessError(cv_mem, -1, "CVBBDPRE", "CVBBDPrecSetup", MSGBBD_FUNC_FAILED);
    if (retval > 0) {

    BandCopy(savedJ, savedP, mukeep, mlkeep);

  /* Scale and add I to get P = I - gamma*J */
  BandScale(-gamma, savedP);
  /* Do LU factorization of P in place */
  ier = BandGBTRF(savedP, pivots);
  /* Return 0 if the LU was complete; otherwise return 1 */
  if (ier > 0) return(1);
Example #6
static int CVBandSetup(CVodeMem cv_mem, int convfail, N_Vector ypred,
                       N_Vector fpred, booleantype *jcurPtr, N_Vector vtemp1,
                       N_Vector vtemp2, N_Vector vtemp3)
  booleantype jbad, jok;
  realtype dgamma;
  long int ier;
  CVBandMem cvband_mem;
  cvband_mem = (CVBandMem) lmem;

  /* Use nst, gamma/gammap, and convfail to set J eval. flag jok */

  dgamma = ABS((gamma/gammap) - ONE);
  jbad = (nst == 0) || (nst > nstlj + CVB_MSBJ) ||
         ((convfail == CV_FAIL_BAD_J) && (dgamma < CVB_DGMAX)) ||
         (convfail == CV_FAIL_OTHER);
  jok = !jbad;
  if (jok) {
    /* If jok = TRUE, use saved copy of J */
    *jcurPtr = FALSE;
    BandCopy(savedJ, M, mu, ml);
  } else {
    /* If jok = FALSE, call jac routine for new J value */
    nstlj = nst;
    *jcurPtr = TRUE;
    jac(n, mu, ml, M, tn, ypred, fpred, J_data, vtemp1, vtemp2, vtemp3);
    BandCopy(M, savedJ, mu, ml);
  /* Scale and add I to get M = I - gamma*J */
  BandScale(-gamma, M);

  /* Do LU factorization of M */
  ier = BandFactor(M, pivots);

  /* Return 0 if the LU was complete; otherwise return 1 */
  if (ier > 0) {
    last_flag = ier;
  last_flag = CVBAND_SUCCESS;
Example #7
int PVBBDPrecon(integer N, real t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy,
                boole jok, boole *jcurPtr, real gamma, N_Vector ewt,
                real h, real uround, long int *nfePtr, void *P_data,
                N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2, N_Vector vtemp3)
  integer Nlocal, ier;
  real rely, srur;
  PVBBDData pdata;

  pdata = (PVBBDData)P_data;

  Nlocal = N_VLOCLENGTH(y);

  if (jok) {
    /* If jok = TRUE, use saved copy of J */
    *jcurPtr = FALSE;
    BandCopy(savedJ, savedP, mukeep, mlkeep);
  } else {
    /* Otherwise call PVBBDDQJac for new J value */
    *jcurPtr = TRUE;
    /* Set relative increment for y via dqrely and uround */
    srur = RSqrt(uround);
    rely = (dqrely == ZERO) ? srur : dqrely;
    PVBBDDQJac(Nlocal, mudq, mldq, mukeep, mlkeep, rely, gloc, cfn, savedJ,
	       f_data, t, y, ewt, h, uround, vtemp1, vtemp2, vtemp3);
    nge += 1 + MIN(mldq + mudq + 1, Nlocal);
    BandCopy(savedJ, savedP, mukeep, mlkeep);
  /* Scale and add I to get P = I - gamma*J */
  BandScale(-gamma, savedP);
  /* Do LU factorization of P in place */
  ier = BandFactor(savedP, pivots);
  /* Return 0 if the LU was complete; otherwise return 1 */
  if (ier > 0) return(1);
Example #8
CAMLprim value c_bandmatrix_scale(value vc, value va)
    CAMLparam2(vc, va);
    BandScale(Double_val(vc), DLSMAT(va));
    CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
Example #9
static int cvBandSetup(CVodeMem cv_mem, int convfail, N_Vector ypred,
                       N_Vector fpred, booleantype *jcurPtr, N_Vector vtemp1,
                       N_Vector vtemp2, N_Vector vtemp3)
  CVDlsMem cvdls_mem;
  booleantype jbad, jok;
  realtype dgamma;
  int ier, retval;

  cvdls_mem = (CVDlsMem) lmem;

  /* Use nst, gamma/gammap, and convfail to set J eval. flag jok */

  dgamma = ABS((gamma/gammap) - ONE);
  jbad = (nst == 0) || (nst > nstlj + CVD_MSBJ) ||
         ((convfail == CV_FAIL_BAD_J) && (dgamma < CVD_DGMAX)) ||
         (convfail == CV_FAIL_OTHER);
  jok = !jbad;
  if (jok) {

    /* If jok = TRUE, use saved copy of J */
    *jcurPtr = FALSE;
    BandCopy(savedJ, M, mu, ml);

  } else {

    /* If jok = FALSE, call jac routine for new J value */
    nstlj = nst;
    *jcurPtr = TRUE;

    retval = jac(n, mu, ml, tn, ypred, fpred, M, J_data, vtemp1, vtemp2, vtemp3);
    if (retval < 0) {
      cvProcessError(cv_mem, CVDLS_JACFUNC_UNRECVR, "CVSBAND", "cvBandSetup", MSGD_JACFUNC_FAILED);
      last_flag = CVDLS_JACFUNC_UNRECVR;
    if (retval > 0) {
      last_flag = CVDLS_JACFUNC_RECVR;

    BandCopy(M, savedJ, mu, ml);

  /* Scale and add I to get M = I - gamma*J */
  BandScale(-gamma, M);

  /* Do LU factorization of M */
  ier = BandGBTRF(M, pivots);

  /* Return 0 if the LU was complete; otherwise return 1 */
  if (ier > 0) {
    last_flag = ier;
  last_flag = CVDLS_SUCCESS;