bool Polygon::Contains(const float3 &worldSpacePoint, float polygonThickness) const { // Implementation based on the description from if (p.size() < 3) return false; if (PlaneCCW().Distance(worldSpacePoint) > polygonThickness) return false; int numIntersections = 0; float3 basisU = BasisU(); float3 basisV = BasisV(); mathassert(basisU.IsNormalized()); mathassert(basisV.IsNormalized()); mathassert(basisU.IsPerpendicular(basisV)); mathassert(basisU.IsPerpendicular(PlaneCCW().normal)); mathassert(basisV.IsPerpendicular(PlaneCCW().normal)); float2 localSpacePoint = float2(Dot(worldSpacePoint, basisU), Dot(worldSpacePoint, basisV)); const float epsilon = 1e-4f; float2 p0 = float2(Dot(p[p.size()-1], basisU), Dot(p[p.size()-1], basisV)) - localSpacePoint; if (Abs(p0.y) < epsilon) p0.y = -epsilon; // Robustness check - if the ray (0,0) -> (+inf, 0) would pass through a vertex, move the vertex slightly. for(int i = 0; i < (int)p.size(); ++i) { float2 p1 = float2(Dot(p[i], basisU), Dot(p[i], basisV)) - localSpacePoint; if (Abs(p1.y) < epsilon) p0.y = -epsilon; // Robustness check - if the ray (0,0) -> (+inf, 0) would pass through a vertex, move the vertex slightly. if (p0.y * p1.y < 0.f) { if (p0.x > 1e-3f && p1.x > 1e-3f) ++numIntersections; else { // P = p0 + t*(p1-p0) == (x,0) // p0.x + t*(p1.x-p0.x) == x // p0.y + t*(p1.y-p0.y) == 0 // t == -p0.y / (p1.y - p0.y) // Test whether the lines (0,0) -> (+inf,0) and p0 -> p1 intersect at a positive X-coordinate. float2 d = p1 - p0; if (Abs(d.y) > 1e-5f) { float t = -p0.y / d.y; float x = p0.x + t * d.x; if (t >= 0.f && t <= 1.f && x > 1e-3f) ++numIntersections; } } } p0 = p1; } return numIntersections % 2 == 1; }
float3 Polygon::MapFrom2D(const float2 &point) const { assume(!p.empty()); #ifndef MATH_ENABLE_INSECURE_OPTIMIZATIONS if (p.empty()) return float3::nan; #endif return p[0] + point.x * BasisU() + point.y * BasisV(); }
float2 Polygon::MapTo2D(const float3 &point) const { assume(!p.empty()); #ifndef MATH_ENABLE_INSECURE_OPTIMIZATIONS if (p.empty()) return float2::nan; #endif float3 basisU = BasisU(); float3 basisV = BasisV(); float3 pt = point - p[0]; return float2(Dot(pt, basisU), Dot(pt, basisV)); }
bool Polygon::Intersects2D(const LineSegment &localSpaceLineSegment) const { if (p.size() < 3) return false; const vec basisU = BasisU(); const vec basisV = BasisV(); const vec origin = p[0]; LineSegment edge; edge.a = POINT_VEC(Dot(p.back(), basisU), Dot(p.back(), basisV), 0); // map to 2D for (int i = 0; i < (int)p.size(); ++i) { edge.b = POINT_VEC(Dot(p[i], basisU), Dot(p[i], basisV), 0); // map to 2D if (edge.Intersects(localSpaceLineSegment)) return true; edge.a = edge.b; } // The line segment did not intersect with any of the polygon edges, so either the whole line segment is inside // the polygon, or it is fully outside the polygon. Test one point of the line segment to determine which. return Contains(MapFrom2D(localSpaceLineSegment.a.xy())); }
float3 Polygon::BasisV() const { if (p.size() < 2) return float3::unitY; return Cross(PlaneCCW().normal, BasisU()).Normalized(); }
bool Polygon::Contains(const vec &worldSpacePoint, float polygonThicknessSq) const { // Implementation based on the description from if (p.size() < 3) return false; vec basisU = BasisU(); vec basisV = BasisV(); assert1(basisU.IsNormalized(), basisU); assert1(basisV.IsNormalized(), basisV); assert2(basisU.IsPerpendicular(basisV), basisU, basisV); assert3(basisU.IsPerpendicular(PlaneCCW().normal), basisU, PlaneCCW().normal, basisU.Dot(PlaneCCW().normal)); assert3(basisV.IsPerpendicular(PlaneCCW().normal), basisV, PlaneCCW().normal, basisV.Dot(PlaneCCW().normal)); vec normal = basisU.Cross(basisV); // float lenSq = normal.LengthSq(); ///\todo Could we treat basisU and basisV unnormalized here? float dot = normal.Dot(vec(p[0]) - worldSpacePoint); if (dot*dot > polygonThicknessSq) return false; int numIntersections = 0; const float epsilon = 1e-4f; // General strategy: transform all points on the polygon onto 2D face plane of the polygon, where the target query point is // centered to lie in the origin. // If the test ray (0,0) -> (+inf, 0) intersects exactly an odd number of polygon edge segments, then the query point must have been // inside the polygon. The test ray is chosen like that to avoid all extra per-edge computations. vec vt = vec(p.back()) - worldSpacePoint; float2 p0 = float2(Dot(vt, basisU), Dot(vt, basisV)); if (Abs(p0.y) < epsilon) p0.y = -epsilon; // Robustness check - if the ray (0,0) -> (+inf, 0) would pass through a vertex, move the vertex slightly. for(int i = 0; i < (int)p.size(); ++i) { vt = vec(p[i]) - worldSpacePoint; float2 p1 = float2(Dot(vt, basisU), Dot(vt, basisV)); if (Abs(p1.y) < epsilon) p1.y = -epsilon; // Robustness check - if the ray (0,0) -> (+inf, 0) would pass through a vertex, move the vertex slightly. if (p0.y * p1.y < 0.f) // If the line segment p0 -> p1 straddles the line x=0, it could intersect the ray (0,0) -> (+inf, 0) { if (Min(p0.x, p1.x) > 0.f) // If both x-coordinates are positive, then there certainly is an intersection with the ray. ++numIntersections; else if (Max(p0.x, p1.x) > 0.f) // If one of them is positive, there could be an intersection. (otherwise both are negative and they can't intersect ray) { // P = p0 + t*(p1-p0) == (x,0) // p0.x + t*(p1.x-p0.x) == x // p0.y + t*(p1.y-p0.y) == 0 // t == -p0.y / (p1.y - p0.y) // Test whether the lines (0,0) -> (+inf,0) and p0 -> p1 intersect at a positive X-coordinate? float2 d = p1 - p0; if (d.y != 0.f) { float t = -p0.y / d.y; // The line segment parameter, t \in [0,1] forms the line segment p0->p1. float x = p0.x + t * d.x; // The x-coordinate of intersection with the ray. if (t >= 0.f && t <= 1.f && x > 0.f) ++numIntersections; } } } p0 = p1; } return numIntersections % 2 == 1; }
float3 Circle::GetPoint(float angleRadians, float d) const { return pos + r * d * (Cos(angleRadians) * BasisU() + Sin(angleRadians) * BasisV()); }