Example #1
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  TFC_LEDS_GetBit (component BitsIO)
**     Description :
**         This method returns the specified bit of the input value.
**           a) direction = Input  : reads the input value from pins
**                                   and returns the specified bit
**           b) direction = Output : returns the specified bit
**                                   of the last written value
**         Note: This component is set to work in Output direction only.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME       - DESCRIPTION
**         Bit        - Number of the bit to read (0 to 3)
**     Returns     :
**         ---        - Value of the specified bit (FALSE or TRUE)
**                      FALSE = "0" or "Low", TRUE = "1" or "High"
** ===================================================================
bool TFC_LEDS_GetBit(byte Bit)
  bool BitVal;

  (void)BitsIoLdd1_GetBit(BitsIoLdd1_DeviceData, Bit, &BitVal);
  return (BitVal);
Example #2
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  MotortreiberIN1_IN4_GetBit (component BitsIO)
**     Description :
**         This method returns the specified bit of the input value.
**           a) direction = Input  : reads the input value from pins
**                                   and returns the specified bit
**           b) direction = Output : returns the specified bit
**                                   of the last written value
**         Note: This component is set to work in Output direction only.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME       - DESCRIPTION
**         Bit        - Number of the bit to read (0 to 3)
**     Returns     :
**         ---        - Value of the specified bit (FALSE or TRUE)
**                      FALSE = "0" or "Low", TRUE = "1" or "High"
** ===================================================================
bool MotortreiberIN1_IN4_GetBit(byte Bit)
    bool BitVal;

    (void)BitsIoLdd1_GetBit(BitsIoLdd1_DeviceData, Bit, &BitVal);
    return (BitVal);
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  BateriaInput_GetBit (component BitsIO)
**     Description :
**         This method returns the specified bit of the input value.
**           a) direction = Input  : reads the input value from pins
**                                   and returns the specified bit
**           b) direction = Output : returns the specified bit
**                                   of the last written value
**         Note: This component is set to work in Output direction only.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME       - DESCRIPTION
**         Bit        - Number of the bit to read (0 to 3)
**     Returns     :
**         ---        - Value of the specified bit (FALSE or TRUE)
**                      FALSE = "0" or "Low", TRUE = "1" or "High"
** ===================================================================
bool BateriaInput_GetBit(byte Bit)
  bool BitVal;

  (void)BitsIoLdd1_GetBit(BitsIoLdd1_DeviceData, Bit, &BitVal);
  return (BitVal);