Example #1
public func Advance()
    // Letzten Vertex ermitteln
    var iLastVertex = GetVertexNum() - 1;
    // Einschlag im Boden
    if (GBackSemiSolid(GetVertex(iLastVertex, 0) - GetX(), GetVertex(iLastVertex, 1) - GetY()))
    // Schon über fünf Schritte fortgeschritten: Schaden an Objekten verursachen
    if (iLastVertex > 5)
        BlastObjects(GetVertex(iLastVertex, 0), GetVertex(iLastVertex, 1), 3);
    // Neuen Schritt durchführen
    if (Not(AddVertex(GetVertex(iLastVertex, 0) + Local(0) + Random(Local(1)),
                      GetVertex(iLastVertex, 1) + Local(2) + Random(Local(3)) )))
    // Anziehung an ein Zielobjekt prüfen
    var pTarget;
    iLastVertex = GetVertexNum() - 1;
    if (iLastVertex > 7)
        if (pTarget = FindObject( 0,
                                  GetVertex(iLastVertex, 0) - GetX() - 50,
                                  GetVertex(iLastVertex, 1) - GetY() - 50,
                                  OCF_AttractLightning() ))
Example #2
global func DoExplosion(int x, int y, int level, object inobj, int cause_plr, object layer, bool silent, int damage_level)
	// Zero-size explosion doesn't affect anything
	if (level <= 0) return;
	// If the object is contained, loop through all parent containers until the blast is contained or no container is found.
	// Blast the containers it passes through and the objects inside them.
	var container = inobj;
	var prev_container = nil;
	while (container)
		// Determine first whether the container has a parent and if it contains the blast.
		// This is needed because the container might be exploded 
		var contains_blast = container.ContainBlast;
		var parent_container = container->Contained();
		// Blast the current container, but not the previous container.
		BlastObjects(x + GetX(), y + GetY(), level, container, cause_plr, damage_level, layer, prev_container);
		// Break the blasting if this container contains the blast.
		if (contains_blast)
		// Move one container up if possible.
		prev_container = container;
		container = parent_container;
	// Explosion outside: Explosion effects.
	if (!container)
		// Blast objects outside if there was no final container containing the blast.
		BlastObjects(x + GetX(), y + GetY(), level, container, cause_plr, damage_level, layer, prev_container);
		// Incinerate oil.
		if (!IncinerateLandscape(x, y, cause_plr))
			if (!IncinerateLandscape(x, y - 10, cause_plr))
				if (!IncinerateLandscape(x - 5, y - 5, cause_plr))
					IncinerateLandscape(x + 5, y - 5, cause_plr);
		// Graphic effects.
		Call("ExplosionEffect", level, x, y, 0, silent, damage_level);
		// Landscape destruction. Happens after BlastObjects, so that recently blown-free materials are not affected
		BlastFree(x, y, level, cause_plr);

	return true;