Example #1
BOOL CSkinBase::GradientFillSlow(CDC* pDCDest, LPRECT lpRect, COLORREF crFrom, COLORREF crTo, BOOL bHorz)
	if (!pDCDest || !lpRect)
		return FALSE;

	int nWidth = lpRect->right - lpRect->left;
	int nHeight = lpRect->bottom - lpRect->top;

	if (bHorz)
		for (int nX = lpRect->left; nX < lpRect->right; nX++)
			pDCDest->FillSolidRect(nX, lpRect->top, 1, nHeight, BlendColors(crFrom, crTo, (lpRect->right - nX) / (float)nWidth));
		for (int nY = lpRect->top; nY < lpRect->bottom; nY++)
			pDCDest->FillSolidRect(lpRect->left, nY, nWidth, 1, BlendColors(crFrom, crTo, (lpRect->bottom - nY) / (float)nHeight));

	return TRUE;
void CVisualizerStatic::Draw()
	const char STR[] = "0CC-FamiTracker";		// // //
	const size_t COUNT = std::size(STR);
	static long long t = 0;

	const auto FixRGB = [] (int x) { return MakeRGB(GetB(x), GetG(x), GetR(x)); };

	const COLORREF Back[] = {
	const COLORREF Color = FixRGB(FTEnv.GetSettings()->Appearance.iColPatternText);
	const COLORREF Shadow = BlendColors(Color, 1, Back[0], 2);

	for (int y = m_iHeight - 1; y >= 0; --y)
		for (int x = m_iWidth - 1; x >= 0; --x) {
			int Dist = (abs(x - m_iWidth / 2) + abs(y - m_iHeight / 2) - t / 5) % 12;
			if (Dist < 0) Dist += 12;
			m_pBlitBuffer[y * m_iWidth + x] = Back[Dist / 4];

	for (size_t i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
		double Phase = .07 * t - .9 * i;
		double x = sin(Phase) * 2. + m_iWidth + 11. * i - .4 * t;
		double y = sin(Phase) * 7.;
		const double MAX = m_iWidth + 120.;
		if (x < 0) {
			x = fmod(x, MAX);
			if (x < -40.) x += MAX;
		DrawChar(STR[i], static_cast<int>(x) + 1, static_cast<int>(m_iHeight / 2. - 3.5 - y) + 1, Shadow);
		DrawChar(STR[i], static_cast<int>(x), static_cast<int>(m_iHeight / 2. - 3.5 - y), Color);

Example #3
void CMine::Illuminate (
	INT16 source_segnum, 
	INT16 source_sidenum, 
	UINT32 brightness, 
	double fLightScale, 
	bool bAll, bool 
CDSegment	*seg = Segments ();
CDSegment	*child_seg;
double		effect[4];
// find orthogonal angle of source segment
vms_vector A;

//fLightScale /= 100.0;
CalcOrthoVector (A,source_segnum,source_sidenum);
// remember to flip the sign since we want it to point inward
A.x = -A.x;
A.y = -A.y;
A.z = -A.z;

// calculate the center of the source segment
vms_vector source_center;
CalcCenter (source_center,source_segnum,source_sidenum);
if ((source_segnum == 911) && (source_sidenum == 3))
	A = A;
// mark those Segments () within N children of current cube

// set child numbers
//Segments ()[source_segnum].seg_number = m_lightRenderDepth;
int i;
for (i = SegCount (); i; i--, seg++)
	seg->seg_number = -1;
SetSegmentChildNum (NULL, source_segnum, m_lightRenderDepth);
CDColor *plc = LightColor (source_segnum, source_sidenum);
if (!plc->index) {
	plc->index = 255;
	plc->color.r =
	plc->color.g =
	plc->color.b = 1.0;
if (UseTexColors () && bCopyTexLights) {
	CDColor	*psc = LightColor (source_segnum, source_sidenum, false);
	*psc = *plc;
seg = Segments (source_segnum);
seg->seg_number = m_lightRenderDepth;
bool bWall = false; //FindWall (source_segnum, source_sidenum) != NULL;
// loop on child Segments ()
int child_segnum;
for (child_segnum=0, child_seg = Segments ();child_segnum<SegCount ();child_segnum++, child_seg++) {
	// skip if this is not viewable
	if (child_seg->seg_number < 0) 
	// skip if not marked
//	if (!(bAll || (child_seg->wall_bitmask & MARKED_MASK)))
//		continue;
	// setup source corner vertex for length calculation later
	vms_vector source_corner[4];
	int j;
	for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
		int vertnum = side_vert [source_sidenum][j];
		int h = seg->verts [vertnum];
		source_corner[j].x = Vertices (h)->x;
		source_corner[j].y = Vertices (h)->y;
		source_corner[j].z = Vertices (h)->z;
	// loop on child sides
	int child_sidenum;
	for (child_sidenum = 0; child_sidenum < 6; child_sidenum++) {
		// if side has a child..
		if (!(bAll || SideIsMarked (child_segnum, child_sidenum)))
		if (child_seg->children[child_sidenum] >= 0) {
			UINT16 nWall = child_seg->sides[child_sidenum].nWall;
			// .. but there is no wall ..
			if (nWall >= GameInfo ().walls.count)
				// .. or its not a door ..
			if (Walls (nWall)->type == WALL_OPEN)

//		CBRK (psc->index > 0);
		// if the child side is the same as the source side, then set light and continue
#ifdef _DEBUG
		CBRK (child_segnum == qqq1 && child_sidenum == qqq2);
		if (child_sidenum == source_sidenum && child_segnum == source_segnum) {
			uvl		*uvlP = child_seg->sides [child_sidenum].uvls;
			UINT32	vBr, lBr;

			theApp.SetModified (TRUE);
			int j;
			for (j = 0; j < 4; j++, uvlP++) {
				CDColor *pvc = VertexColors (child_seg->verts [side_vert [child_sidenum][j]]);
				vBr = (UINT16) uvlP->l;
				lBr = (UINT32) (brightness * fLightScale);
				BlendColors (plc, pvc, lBr, vBr);
				vBr += lBr;
				vBr = min (0x8000, vBr);
				uvlP->l = (UINT16) vBr;

		// calculate vector between center of source segment and center of child
//		CBRK (child_segnum == 1 && child_sidenum == 2);
		if (CalcSideLights (child_segnum, child_sidenum, source_center, source_corner, A, effect, fLightScale, bWall)) {
				UINT32	vBr, lBr;	//vertex brightness, light brightness
				uvl		*uvlP = child_seg->sides [child_sidenum].uvls;

			theApp.SetModified (TRUE);
			int j;
			for (j = 0; j < 4; j++, uvlP++) {
				CDColor *pvc = VertexColors (child_seg->verts [side_vert [child_sidenum][j]]);
				if (child_seg->verts [side_vert [child_sidenum][j]] == 2368)
					j = j;
				vBr = (UINT16) uvlP->l;
				lBr = (UINT16) (brightness * effect [j] / 32);
				BlendColors (plc, pvc, lBr, vBr);
				vBr += lBr;
				vBr = min (0x8000, vBr);
				uvlP->l = (UINT16) vBr;