Example #1
// Calculates the total probability flux leaving the domain at time t
// This is simply the negative of the time derivative of the survival prob.
// at time t [-dS(t')/dt' for t'=t].
GreensFunction1DRadAbs::flux_tot (Real t) const
    Real root_n;
    const Real D(this->getD());
    const Real v(this->getv());
    const Real vexpo(-v*v*t/4.0/D - v*r0/2.0/D);

    const Real D2 = D*D;
    const Real v2Dv2D = v*v/4.0/D2;
    double sum = 0, term = 0, prev_term = 0;
    int n=1;

	if ( n >= MAX_TERMS )
	    std::cerr << "Too many terms needed for GF1DRad::flux_tot. N: "
	              << n << std::endl;

	root_n = this->root_n(n);
	prev_term = term;
	term = (root_n * root_n + v2Dv2D) * Cn(root_n, t) * An(root_n) * Bn(root_n);
	sum += term;
    while (fabs(term/sum) > EPSILON*PDENS_TYPICAL ||
	fabs(prev_term/sum) > EPSILON*PDENS_TYPICAL ||
	n <= MIN_TERMS );

    return 2.0*D*exp(vexpo)*sum;
// Calculates the total probability flux leaving the domain at time t
const Real FirstPassageGreensFunction1DRad::flux_tot (const Real t) const
    Real An;
    double sum = 0, term = 0, prev_term = 0;
    const double D(this->getD());

    int n=1;

        if ( n >= MAX_TERMEN )
            std::cerr << "Too many terms needed for GF1DRad::flux_tot. N: "
                      << n << std::endl;

        An = this->a_n(n);
        prev_term = term;
        term = An * An * Cn(An, t) * this->An(An) * Bn(An);
        sum += term;
    while (fabs(term/sum) > EPSILON*PDENS_TYPICAL ||
            fabs(prev_term/sum) > EPSILON*PDENS_TYPICAL ||
            n <= MIN_TERMEN );

    return sum*2.0*D;
// Calculates the probability of finding the particle inside the domain at
// time t, the survival probability The domein is from -r to r (r0 is in
// between!!)
const Real FirstPassageGreensFunction1DRad::p_survival (const Real t) const
    const Real D(this->getD());

    THROW_UNLESS( std::invalid_argument, t >= 0.0 );

    if (t == 0 || D == 0)
        // if there was no time or no movement the particle was always
        // in the domain
        return 1.0;

    Real An;
    Real sum = 0, term = 0, term_prev = 0;
    int n = 1;

        An = this->a_n(n);
        term_prev = term;
        term = Cn(An, t) * this->An(An) * Bn(An);
        sum += term;
    // Is 1.0 a good measure for the scale of probability or will this
    // fail at some point?
    while ( fabs(term/sum) > EPSILON*1.0 ||
            fabs(term_prev/sum) > EPSILON*1.0 ||
            n <= MIN_TERMEN);

    return 2.0*sum;
Example #4
uint32_t PrimeMinerShare::GetDifficulty() const {
	MemoryStream ms;
	HashValue h = Hash(ms);
	if (h.data()[31] < 0x80)
	BigInteger origin = HashValueToBigInteger(h) * PrimeChainMultiplier;
	PrimeTester tester;				//!!!TODO move to some long-time scope
	return uint32_t(tester.ProbablePrimeChainTest(Bn(origin)).BestTypeLength().second * 0x1000000);
Example #5
/* последовательное применение полуочистителей Bn, Bn / 2, …, B2 сортирует произвольную
битоническую последовательность.Эту операцию называют битоническим слиянием и обозначают Mn */
void Mn(long *elements, int k, int direction,int myrank,int nrank,int shift) {
	MPI_Status status; 
	Bn(elements, k, direction);
	int child = myrank + shift;
	if (k>0 && child < nrank) {
		/* Запрашиваем первый свободный процесс */
		/* Поскольку здесь не реализован диспечер задач, то это будет следующий по номеру */
		shift <<= 1;
		/* Отдаём половину массива на обработку этому процессу  */
		MPI_Send(&k, 1, MPI_INT, child, DATA_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
		MPI_Send(&direction, 1, MPI_INT, child, DATA_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Send(&elements[1<<k], 1<<k, MPI_LONG, child, DATA_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
		MPI_Send(&shift, 1, MPI_INT, child, DATA_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 

		/* Сами продолжим обработку */

		/* Получим обработанные элементы обратно */
		MPI_Recv(&elements[1<<k], 1<<k, MPI_LONG, child, DATA_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
		shift >>= 1;
	} else if (k>0) {