Example #1
// Purpose: This think function simulates (moves/collides) the HeadcrabCanister while in
//          the world.
void CEnvHeadcrabCanister::HeadcrabCanisterWorldThink( void )
	// Get the current time.
	float flTime = gpGlobals->curtime;

	Vector vecStartPosition = GetAbsOrigin();

	// Update HeadcrabCanister position for swept collision test.
	Vector vecEndPosition;
	QAngle vecEndAngles;
	m_Shared.GetPositionAtTime( flTime, vecEndPosition, vecEndAngles );

	if ( !m_bIncomingSoundStarted && !HasSpawnFlags( SF_NO_IMPACT_SOUND ) )
		float flDistSq = ENV_HEADCRABCANISTER_INCOMING_SOUND_TIME * m_Shared.m_flFlightSpeed;
		flDistSq *= flDistSq;
		if ( vecEndPosition.DistToSqr(m_vecImpactPosition) <= flDistSq )
			// Figure out if we're close enough to play the incoming sound
			EmitSound( "HeadcrabCanister.IncomingSound" );
			m_bIncomingSoundStarted = true;

	TestForCollisionsAgainstEntities( vecEndPosition );
	if ( m_Shared.DidImpact( flTime ) )
		if ( !m_bHasDetonated )
			m_bHasDetonated = true;
		if ( !HasSpawnFlags( SF_REMOVE_ON_IMPACT ) )

	// Always move full movement.
	SetAbsOrigin( vecEndPosition );

	// Touch triggers along the way
	PhysicsTouchTriggers( &vecStartPosition );

	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.2f );
	SetAbsAngles( vecEndAngles );

	if ( !m_bHasDetonated )
		if ( vecEndPosition.DistToSqr( m_vecImpactPosition ) < BoundingRadius() * BoundingRadius() )
			m_bHasDetonated = true;
Example #2
// Updates the spatial partition
void CCollisionProperty::UpdatePartition( )
	if ( m_pOuter->IsEFlagSet( EFL_DIRTY_SPATIAL_PARTITION ) )
		m_pOuter->RemoveEFlags( EFL_DIRTY_SPATIAL_PARTITION );

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
		Assert( m_pOuter->entindex() != 0 );

		// Don't bother with deleted things
		if ( !m_pOuter->edict() )

		if ( GetPartitionHandle() == PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE )
		if ( GetPartitionHandle() == PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE )

		// We don't need to bother if it's not a trigger or solid
		if ( IsSolid() || IsSolidFlagSet( FSOLID_TRIGGER ) || m_pOuter->IsEFlagSet( EFL_USE_PARTITION_WHEN_NOT_SOLID ) )
			// Bloat a little bit...
			if ( BoundingRadius() != 0.0f )
				Vector vecSurroundMins, vecSurroundMaxs;
				WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &vecSurroundMins, &vecSurroundMaxs );
				vecSurroundMins -= Vector( 1, 1, 1 );
				vecSurroundMaxs += Vector( 1, 1, 1 );
				partition->ElementMoved( GetPartitionHandle(), vecSurroundMins,  vecSurroundMaxs );
				partition->ElementMoved( GetPartitionHandle(), GetCollisionOrigin(),  GetCollisionOrigin() );
/// Helper function for Fire() -- actually emit the "bullets" of flame or ice
void CASW_Sentry_Top_Flamer::FireProjectiles( int numShotsToFire, ///< number of pellets to fire this frame
											  const Vector &vecSrc, ///< origin for bullets
											  const Vector &vecAiming, ///< aim direction for bullets
											  const AngularImpulse &rotSpeed )
	CShotManipulator Manipulator( vecAiming );
	CASW_Marine * RESTRICT const pMarineDeployer = GetSentryBase()->m_hDeployer.Get();
	Assert( pMarineDeployer );

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < numShotsToFire ; i++ )
		// create a pellet at some random spread direction		
		Vector projectileVel = Manipulator.GetShotDirection(); // Manipulator.ApplySpread(GetBulletSpread());

		projectileVel *= GetProjectileVelocity();
		projectileVel *= (1.0 + (0.1 * random->RandomFloat(-1,1)));
		CASW_Flamer_Projectile *pFlames = CASW_Flamer_Projectile::Flamer_Projectile_Create( GetSentryDamage(), 
			vecSrc + (projectileVel.Normalized() * BoundingRadius()), QAngle(0,0,0),	projectileVel, rotSpeed, 
			this, pMarineDeployer, this );

		pFlames->SetHurtIgnited( true );