Example #1
bool decodeBoundingSphere3f(v8::Handle<v8::Value> toDecodeCenterVec, v8::Handle<v8::Value> toDecodeRadius, BoundingSphere3f& toDecodeTo, String& errMsg)
    bool isVec3 = Vec3ValValidate(toDecodeCenterVec);
    if (! isVec3)
        errMsg += "Error decoding bounding sphere.  Position argument passed in for center of sphere is not a vec3.";
        return false;

    Vector3f centerPos = Vec3ValExtractF(toDecodeCenterVec);

    bool isNumber  = NumericValidate(toDecodeRadius);
    if (! isNumber)
        errMsg += "Error decoding bounding sphere.  Radius argument passed in is not a number.  ";
        return false;

    double rad = NumericExtract(toDecodeRadius);

    toDecodeTo = BoundingSphere3f(centerPos, rad);
    return true;
Example #2
void ObjectFactory::generateRandomObjects(const BoundingBox3f& region, const Duration& duration, double forceRadius, int forceNumRandomObjects) {
    Time start(Time::null());
    Time end = start + duration;
    Vector3f region_extents = region.extents();

    uint32 nobjects              = GetOptionValue<uint32>(OBJECT_NUM_RANDOM);
    if (forceNumRandomObjects)
    if (nobjects == 0) return;
    bool simple                  =   GetOptionValue<bool>(OBJECT_SIMPLE);
    bool only_2d                 =       GetOptionValue<bool>(OBJECT_2D);
    std::string motion_path_type = GetOptionValue<String>(OBJECT_STATIC);
    float driftX                 = GetOptionValue<float>(OBJECT_DRIFT_X);
    float driftY                 = GetOptionValue<float>(OBJECT_DRIFT_Y);
    float driftZ                 = GetOptionValue<float>(OBJECT_DRIFT_Z);

    float percent_queriers       = GetOptionValue<float>(OBJECT_QUERY_FRAC);

    Vector3f driftVecDir(driftX,driftY,driftZ);

    for(uint32 i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) {
        UUID id = randomUUID();

        ObjectInputs* inputs = new ObjectInputs;

        Vector3f startpos = region.min() + Vector3f(randFloat()*region_extents.x, randFloat()*region_extents.y, (only_2d ? 0.5 : randFloat())*region_extents.z);

        double radval = forceRadius;
        if (!radval)
        float bounds_radius = (simple ? radval : (randFloat()*2*radval));
        //SILOG(oh,error,"Creating "<<id.toString()<<" radius "<<bounds_radius);
        inputs->localID = mLocalIDSource++;

        if (motion_path_type == "static")//static
            inputs->motion = new StaticMotionPath(start, startpos);
        else if (motion_path_type == "drift") //drift
          //   inputs->motion = new OSegTestMotionPath(start, end, startpos, 3, Duration::milliseconds((int64)1000), region, zfactor); // FIXME
          inputs->motion = new OSegTestMotionPath(start, end, startpos, 3, Duration::milliseconds((int64)1000), region, 0.5, driftVecDir); // FIXME
        else //random
            inputs->motion = new RandomMotionPath(start, end, startpos, 3, Duration::milliseconds((int64)1000), region, (only_2d ? 0.0 : 1.0)); // FIXME
        inputs->bounds = BoundingSphere3f( Vector3f(0, 0, 0), bounds_radius );
        inputs->registerQuery = (randFloat() <= percent_queriers);
        inputs->queryAngle = SolidAngle(SolidAngle::Max / 900.f); // FIXME how to set this? variability by objects?
        inputs->connectAt = Duration::seconds(0.f);

        inputs->startTimer = Network::IOTimer::create(mContext->ioService);

        mInputs[id] = inputs;
Example #3
JSPresenceStruct::JSPresenceStruct(EmersonScript* parent,PresStructRestoreParams& psrp,Vector3f center, HostedObject::PresenceToken presToken,JSContextStruct* jscont)
 : JSPositionListener(parent,NULL),

    mLocation    = *psrp.mTmv3f;
    mOrientation = *psrp.mTmq;
    mMesh        = *psrp.mMesh;
    mBounds      =  BoundingSphere3f( center  ,* psrp.mScale);

    mSuspendedVelocity = *psrp.mSuspendedVelocity;
    mSuspendedOrientationVelocity = *psrp.mSuspendedOrientationVelocity;

    if (psrp.mConnCallback != NULL)
        hasConnectedCallback = true;
        mOnConnectedCallback = v8::Persistent<v8::Function>::New(*psrp.mConnCallback);

    if (*psrp.mIsSuspended)

    if (*psrp.mIsCleared)

    mContID = *psrp.mContID;
    if (mContID != jscont->getContextID())
        mContext = jscont;

    if (psrp.mOnProxRemovedEventHandler != NULL)
        mOnProxRemovedEventHandler = v8::Persistent<v8::Function>::New(*psrp.mOnProxRemovedEventHandler);

    if (psrp.mOnProxAddedEventHandler != NULL)
        mOnProxAddedEventHandler = v8::Persistent<v8::Function>::New(*psrp.mOnProxAddedEventHandler);

    //if we were not connected before, then we will not request the space to go
    //through the rest of its connection procedure, which means that we should
    //save the sporef inside psrp
    if (! *psrp.mIsConnected )
        JSPositionListener::setListenTo( psrp.mSporef ,NULL);

void PintoManagerLocationServiceCache::addAggregate(ServerID sid) {
    Lock lck(mMutex);

    assert(mServers.find(sid) == mServers.end());

    SpaceServerData old_data = mServers[sid];

    // Dummy info, we'll get updates soon.
    mServers[sid].location = TimedMotionVector3f(Time::null(), MotionVector3f());
    mServers[sid].region = BoundingSphere3f();
    mServers[sid].maxSize = 0;
    mServers[sid].aggregate = true;
    mServers[sid].tracking = 0;
    mServers[sid].removable = false; // Removal only by removeAggregate
void CBRLocationServiceCache::processBoundsUpdated(const UUID& uuid, bool agg, const BoundingSphere3f& newval) {
    Lock lck(mMutex);

    ObjectDataMap::iterator it = mObjects.find(uuid);
    if (it == mObjects.end()) return;

    it->second.bounds = newval;

    BoundingSphere3f old_region = it->second.region;
    it->second.region = BoundingSphere3f(newval.center(), 0.f);
    float32 old_maxSize = it->second.maxSize;
    it->second.maxSize = newval.radius();

    if (!agg) {
        for(ListenerSet::iterator listen_it = mListeners.begin(); listen_it != mListeners.end(); listen_it++) {
            (*listen_it)->locationRegionUpdated(uuid, old_region, it->second.region);
            (*listen_it)->locationMaxSizeUpdated(uuid, old_maxSize, it->second.maxSize);
void CBRLocationServiceCache::objectAdded(const UUID& uuid, bool islocal, bool agg, const TimedMotionVector3f& loc, const TimedMotionQuaternion& orient, const BoundingSphere3f& bounds, const String& mesh, const String& phy, const String& zernike) {
    ObjectData data;
    data.location = loc;
    data.orientation = orient;
    data.bounds = bounds;
    data.region = BoundingSphere3f(bounds.center(), 0.f);
    data.maxSize = bounds.radius();
    data.mesh = mesh;
    data.physics = phy;
    data.zernike = zernike;
    data.isLocal = islocal;
    data.exists = true;
    data.tracking = 0;
    data.isAggregate = agg;

            &CBRLocationServiceCache::processObjectAdded, this,
            uuid, data
void CBRLocationServiceCache::processObjectAdded(const UUID& uuid, bool islocal, bool agg, const TimedMotionVector3f& loc, const TimedMotionQuaternion& orient, const BoundingSphere3f& bounds, const String& mesh, const String& phy) {
    Lock lck(mMutex);

    if (mObjects.find(uuid) != mObjects.end())

    ObjectData data;
    data.location = loc;
    data.orientation = orient;
    data.bounds = bounds;
    data.region = BoundingSphere3f(bounds.center(), 0.f);
    data.maxSize = bounds.radius();
    data.mesh = mesh;
    data.physics = phy;
    data.isLocal = islocal;
    data.exists = true;
    data.tracking = 0;
    data.isAggregate = agg;
    mObjects[uuid] = data;

    if (!agg)
        for(ListenerSet::iterator it = mListeners.begin(); it != mListeners.end(); it++)
            (*it)->locationConnected(uuid, islocal, loc, data.region, data.maxSize);
 /// Get the bounding sphere containing all objects
 BoundingSphere3f fullBounds() const {
     return BoundingSphere3f(centerOffset, fullRadius());
 /// Get the bounding sphere containing the centers of all objects
 BoundingSphere3f centerBounds() const {
     return BoundingSphere3f(centerOffset, centerBoundsRadius);
Example #10
void ObjectFactory::generateStaticTraceObjects(const BoundingBox3f& region, const Duration& duration) {
    Time start(Time::null());

    uint32 nobjects = GetOptionValue<uint32>(OBJECT_SL_NUM);
    if (nobjects == 0) return;
    String pack_filename = GetOptionValue<String>(OBJECT_SL_FILE);
    String pack_dir = GetOptionValue<String>(OBJECT_PACK_DIR);
    pack_filename = pack_dir + pack_filename;

    Vector3f sim_center = GetOptionValue<Vector3f>(OBJECT_SL_CENTER);

    // First, load in all the objects.
    FILE* pack_file = fopen(pack_filename.c_str(), "rb");
    if (pack_file == NULL) {
        SILOG(objectfactory,error,"Couldn't open object pack file, not generating any objects.");

    TraceObjectMap trace_objects;
    // parse each line: uuid x y z t rad
    SLEntry ent;
    char uuid[256];
    while( !feof(pack_file) && fscanf(pack_file, "%s %f %f %f %d %f", uuid, &ent.pos.x, &ent.pos.y, &ent.pos.z, &ent.t, &ent.rad) ) {
        ent.uuid = UUID(std::string(uuid), UUID::HumanReadable());
        //SILOG(oh,error,"Preating "<<ent.uuid.toString()<<" radius "<<ent.rad);
        TraceObjectMap::iterator obj_it = trace_objects.find(ent.uuid);
        if (obj_it == trace_objects.end()) {
            trace_objects[ent.uuid] = ObjectUpdateList();
            obj_it = trace_objects.find(ent.uuid);
        obj_it->second[ent.t] = ent;

    // Now get a version sorted by distance from
    typedef std::set<ObjectUpdateList, SortObjectUpdateListByDist> ObjectsByDistanceList;
    ObjectsByDistanceList objs_by_dist = ObjectsByDistanceList( SortObjectUpdateListByDist(sim_center) );
    for(TraceObjectMap::iterator obj_it = trace_objects.begin(); obj_it != trace_objects.end(); obj_it++)

    // Finally, for the number of objects requested, insert the data
    ObjectsByDistanceList::iterator obj_it = objs_by_dist.begin();
    for(uint32 i = 0; i < nobjects; i++, obj_it++) {
        ObjectInputs* inputs = new ObjectInputs;
        SLEntry first = (obj_it->begin())->second;

        inputs->localID = mLocalIDSource++;
        inputs->motion = new StaticMotionPath(Time::microseconds(first.t*1000), first.pos);
        inputs->bounds = BoundingSphere3f( Vector3f(0, 0, 0), first.rad );
        inputs->registerQuery = false;
        inputs->queryAngle = SolidAngle::Max;
        inputs->connectAt = Duration::seconds(0.f);

        inputs->startTimer = Network::IOTimer::create(mContext->ioService);

        mInputs[first.uuid] = inputs;
Example #11
/** Object packs are our own custom format for simple, fixed, object tests. The file format is
 *  a simple binary dump of each objects information:
 *    struct ObjectInformation {
 *        uint64 object_id;
 *        double x;
 *        double y;
 *        double z;
 *        double radius;
 *    };
 *  This gives the minimal information for a static object and allows you to seek directly to any
 *  object in the file, making it easy to split the file across multiple object hosts.
void ObjectFactory::generatePackObjects(const BoundingBox3f& region, const Duration& duration) {
    bool dump_pack = GetOptionValue<bool>(OBJECT_PACK_DUMP);
    if (dump_pack) return; // If we're dumping objects, don't load
                           // from a pack

    Time start(Time::null());

    uint32 nobjects = GetOptionValue<uint32>(OBJECT_PACK_NUM);
    if (nobjects == 0) return;
    String pack_filename = GetOptionValue<String>(OBJECT_PACK);

    String pack_dir = GetOptionValue<String>(OBJECT_PACK_DIR);
    pack_filename = pack_dir + pack_filename;

    FILE* pack_file = fopen(pack_filename.c_str(), "rb");
    if (pack_file == NULL) {
        SILOG(objectfactory,error,"Couldn't open object pack file, not generating any objects.");

    // First offset ourselves into the file
    uint32 pack_offset = GetOptionValue<uint32>(OBJECT_PACK_OFFSET);

    uint32 obj_pack_size =
        8 + // objid
        8 + // radius
        8 + // x
        8 + // y
        8 + // z
    int seek_success = fseek( pack_file, obj_pack_size * pack_offset, SEEK_SET );
    if (seek_success != 0) {
        SILOG(objectfactory,error,"Couldn't seek to appropriate offset in object pack file.");

    for(uint32 i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) {
        ObjectInputs* inputs = new ObjectInputs;

        uint64 pack_objid = 0;
        double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, rad = 0;
        fread( &pack_objid, sizeof(uint64), 1, pack_file );
        fread( &x, sizeof(double), 1, pack_file );
        fread( &y, sizeof(double), 1, pack_file );
        fread( &z, sizeof(double), 1, pack_file );
        fread( &rad, sizeof(double), 1, pack_file );

        UUID id = pack2UUID(pack_objid);

        Vector3f startpos((float)x, (float)y, (float)z);
        float bounds_radius = (float)rad;
        //SILOG(oh,error,"Preating "<<id.toString()<<" radius "<<bounds_radius);
        inputs->localID = mLocalIDSource++;
        inputs->motion = new StaticMotionPath(start, startpos);
        inputs->bounds = BoundingSphere3f( Vector3f(0, 0, 0), bounds_radius );
        inputs->registerQuery = false;
        inputs->queryAngle = SolidAngle::Max;
        inputs->connectAt = Duration::seconds(0.f);

        inputs->startTimer = Network::IOTimer::create(mContext->ioService);

        mInputs[id] = inputs;
