Example #1
void cFurnaceEntity::UpdateProgressBars(bool a_ForceUpdate)
	// In order to preserve bandwidth, an update is sent only every 10th tick
	if (!a_ForceUpdate && (m_World->GetWorldAge() % 10 != 0))

	int CurFuel = (m_FuelBurnTime > 0) ? 200 - (200 * m_TimeBurned / m_FuelBurnTime) : 0;
	BroadcastProgress(PROGRESSBAR_FUEL, static_cast<short>(CurFuel));
	int CurCook = (m_NeedCookTime > 0) ? (200 * m_TimeCooked / m_NeedCookTime) : 0;
	BroadcastProgress(PROGRESSBAR_SMELTING_CONFIRM, 200);  // Post 1.8, Mojang requires a random packet with an ID of three and value of 200. Wat. Wat. Wat.
	BroadcastProgress(PROGRESSBAR_SMELTING, static_cast<short>(CurCook));
Example #2
void cFurnaceEntity::UsedBy(cPlayer * a_Player)
	if (GetWindow() == NULL)
		OpenWindow(new cFurnaceWindow(m_PosX, m_PosY, m_PosZ, this));
	cWindow * Window = GetWindow();
	if (Window != NULL)
		if (a_Player->GetWindow() != Window)
			BroadcastProgress(PROGRESSBAR_FUEL,     (short)m_LastProgressFuel);
			BroadcastProgress(PROGRESSBAR_SMELTING, (short)m_LastProgressCook);
Example #3
/// Broadcasts progressbar updates, if needed
void cFurnaceEntity::UpdateProgressBars(void)
	// In order to preserve bandwidth, an update is sent only every 10th tick
	// That's why the comparisons use the division by eight
	int CurFuel = (m_FuelBurnTime > 0) ? (200 - 200 * m_TimeBurned / m_FuelBurnTime) : 0;
	if ((CurFuel / 8) != (m_LastProgressFuel / 8))
		BroadcastProgress(PROGRESSBAR_FUEL, (short)CurFuel);
		m_LastProgressFuel = CurFuel;
	int CurCook = (m_NeedCookTime > 0) ? (200 * m_TimeCooked / m_NeedCookTime) : 0;
	if ((CurCook / 8) != (m_LastProgressCook / 8))
		BroadcastProgress(PROGRESSBAR_SMELTING, (short)CurCook);
		m_LastProgressCook = CurCook;