Example #1
static inline BYTE *readFormFromSocket( Socket_t *s, ULONG *length )
	BYTE *retData = NULL;
	char buffer[ MAX_SIZE ];
	int readSize;
	readSize = SocketRead( s, buffer, MAX_SIZE, 0 );
	DataForm *ldf = (DataForm *)buffer;
	// its our packet
	if( ldf->df_ID == ID_FCRE )
		// message is bigger then buffer
		// we must read it all
		if( ldf->df_Size > MAX_SIZE )
			unsigned int readedBytes = readSize;
			BufString *bs = BufStringNew();
			BufStringAddSize( bs, buffer, readSize );
			// reading bytes till end
			while( readedBytes <= ldf->df_Size )
				readSize = SocketRead( s, buffer, MAX_SIZE, 0 );
				BufStringAddSize( bs, buffer, readSize );
				readedBytes += readSize;
			FFree( bs );
			*length = bs->bs_Size;
			return (BYTE *)bs->bs_Buffer;
		// message fits buffer
			if( ( retData = FCalloc( readSize, sizeof(BYTE) ) ) != NULL )
				memcpy( retData, buffer, readSize );
				*length = readSize;
 				ERROR("Cannot allocate memory for message buffer\n");
	return retData;
Example #2
int FileWrite( struct File *f, char *buffer, int wsize )
	int result = -1;
	SpecialData *sd = (SpecialData *)f->f_SpecialData;
	if( sd )
		DEBUG("File write %s\n", buffer );
		result = BufStringAddSize( sd->fp->nf_Data, buffer, wsize );
		 sd->fp->nf_Offset += result;
	return wsize;
Example #3
void AppSessionThread( void *args )
	struct FThread *ft = (FThread *)args;
	AppSession *as =  (AppSession  *)ft->t_Data;
	struct timeval timeout;
	fd_set fds;
	while( ft->t_Quit != TRUE )
		FD_ZERO( &fds );
		FD_SET( as->as_WritePipe, &fds );
		timeout.tv_sec = 5000;
		timeout.tv_usec = 0;
		int err = select( as->as_WritePipe+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout );
		if( err  < 0 )
		else if(  err  ==  0  )
#define BUFFER_SIZE 2048
			char buffer[ BUFFER_SIZE ];
			BufString *bs  =  BufStringNew();

			int  size = -1;
			while(  size != 0 )//!feof( (FILE *) as->as_WritePipe ) )
				// Make a new buffer and read
				size = read( as->as_WritePipe, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE );
				//int  size = fread( buffer, sizeof(char), BUFFER_SIZE, (FILE *)as->as_WritePipe );
				BufStringAddSize( bs, buffer, size );
			BufStringDelete( bs );
	ft->t_Launched = FALSE;
Example #4
BufString *Dir( File *s, const char *path )
	char *comm = NULL;
	if( ( comm = calloc( strlen( path ) +512, sizeof(char) ) ) != NULL )
		strcpy( comm, s->f_Name );
		strcat( comm, ":" );
		if( path != NULL )
			strcat( comm, path ); 
		if( s != NULL )
			SpecialData *sd = (SpecialData *)s->f_SpecialData;
			char command[ 1024 ];	// maybe we should count that...
			sprintf( command, "php \"modules/system/module.php\" \"type=%s&module=files&args=false&command=directory&authkey=false&sessionid=%s&path=%s&subPath=\";",
				sd->type, s->f_SessionID, comm//path
			int answerLength;
			BufString *bs  = NULL;
			ListString *result = PHPCall( command, &answerLength );
			if( result != NULL )
				bs =BufStringNewSize( result->ls_Size );
				if( bs != NULL )
					BufStringAddSize( bs, result->ls_Data, result->ls_Size );
				ListStringDelete( result );
			// we should parse result to get information about success
			free( comm );
			return bs;
		free( comm );
	return NULL;
Example #5
BufString *Info( File *s, const char *path )
	DEBUG("[INRAM] Info!\n");
	BufString *bs = BufStringNew();

	BufStringAdd( bs, "ok<!--separate-->");
	// user is trying to get access to not his directory
	DEBUG("Check access for path '%s' in root path '%s'  name '%s'\n", path, s->f_Path, s->f_Name );
	int error = 0;
	SpecialData *srd = (SpecialData *) s->f_SpecialData;
	INRAMFile *dir =INRAMFileGetLastPath( srd->root, path, &error );
	if( dir != NULL )
		FillStat( bs, dir, s, path );
		DEBUG("[INRAM] file stat FAIL %s\n", path );
		SpecialData *locsd = (SpecialData *)s->f_SpecialData;
		SystemBase *l = (SystemBase *)locsd->sb;
		char buffer[ 256 ];
		int size = snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "{ \"response\": \"%s\", \"code\":\"%d\" }", l->sl_Dictionary->d_Msg[DICT_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_DO_NOT_EXIST] , DICT_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_DO_NOT_EXIST );
		BufStringAddSize( bs, buffer, size );
		//BufStringAdd( bs, "{ \"response\": \"File or directory do not exist\"}" );
	DEBUG("[INRAM] Info END\n");
	return bs;
Example #6
Image *ImageRead( struct ImageLibrary *im, File *rootDev, const char *path )
	Image *img = NULL;
	FHandler *fh = rootDev->f_FSys;
	File *rfp = (File *)fh->FileOpen( rootDev, path, "rb" );
	if( rfp != NULL )
		BufString *bs = BufStringNew( );
		char buffer[ 20048 ];
		int len = 0;

		while( ( len = fh->FileRead( rfp, buffer, 20048 ) ) > 0 )
			BufStringAddSize( bs, buffer, len );
		ExceptionInfo *ei=AcquireExceptionInfo();
        ImageInfo *ii=CloneImageInfo((ImageInfo *) NULL);
		img = BlobToImage( ii, bs->bs_Buffer, bs->bs_Size, ei );
		if( img == NULL )
			ERROR("Cannot convert file data to image\n");
		DestroyExceptionInfo( ei );
		DestroyImageInfo( ii );
		BufStringDelete( bs );
		fh->FileClose( rootDev, rfp );
		ERROR("Cannot open file: %s to read\n", path );
Example #7
BufString *Dir( File *s, const char *path )
	if( s != NULL )
		SpecialData *sd = (SpecialData *)s->f_SpecialData;
		char command[ 1024 ];	// maybe we should count that...
		sprintf( command, "php \"modules/system/module.php\" \"type=%s&module=files&args=false&command=directory&authkey=false&sessionid=%s&path=%s&subPath=\";",
			sd->type, s->f_SessionID, path
		int answerLength;
		ListString *result = PHPCall( command, &answerLength );
		BufString *bs =BufStringNewSize( result->ls_Size );
		BufStringAddSize( bs, result->ls_Data, result->ls_Size );
		ListStringDelete( result );
		// we should parse result to get information about success
		return bs;
	return NULL;
Example #8
BufString *AppSessionRemUserByNames( AppSession *as, UserSession *loggedSession, char *userlist )
	BufString *bs = BufStringNew();
	if( userlist == NULL )
		DEBUG("Userlist is empty!\n");
		BufStringAdd( bs, " {\"removed\": [ ] }" );
		return bs;
	BufStringAdd( bs, " {\"removed\": [" );
	unsigned int i = 0;
	unsigned int usersi  = 0;
	char *upositions[ 128 ];
	memset( upositions, 0, sizeof( upositions ) );

	if( as != NULL )
		// remove spaces and 'weird' chars from entry
		unsigned int i, j=0;
		DEBUG("[AppSession] user list: %s\n", userlist );
		if( userlist != NULL )
			unsigned int listsize = strlen( userlist );
			for( i=0 ; i < listsize ; i++ )
				if( userlist[ i ] == '[' || userlist[ i ] == ']' || userlist[ i ] == ' ' || userlist[ i ] == '"' )
					if( userlist[ i ] == ']' )
						userlist[ i ] = 0;
					userlist[ j ] = userlist[ i ];
			userlist[ j ] = 0;

			upositions[ 0 ] = userlist;
			usersi = 1;
			listsize = strlen( userlist );
			for( i = 1 ; i < listsize; i++ )
				if( userlist[ i ] == ',' )
					userlist[ i ] = 0;
					upositions[ usersi++ ] = &(userlist[ i+1 ]);
			//userlistadded = FCalloc( usersi * 512, sizeof(char) );
		DEBUG("[AppSession] as = NULL\n" );
	// find user sessions by username
	// and send message
	pthread_mutex_lock( &as->as_SessionsMut );
	UserSession *adminSession = NULL;
	char tmp[ 1024 ];
	int msgsndsize = 0;
	SASUList *asul = as->as_UserSessionList;
	SASUList **rementr = NULL;
	unsigned int rementrnum = 0;
	int returnEntry = 0;
	DEBUG("[AppSession] Number of entries in SAS %d\n", as->as_UserNumber );
	if( as->as_UserNumber > 0 )
		rementr = FCalloc( as->as_UserNumber+100, sizeof(SASUList *) );
		User *assidAdmin = NULL;
		while( asul != NULL )
			for( i = 0 ; i < usersi ; i++ )
				if( asul->usersession->us_User != NULL )
					DEBUG("[AppSession] Checking user '%s'\n", upositions[ i ] );
					if( strcmp( upositions[ i ], asul->usersession->us_User->u_Name ) == 0 )
						char locbuf[ 128 ];
						int size = 0;
						if( returnEntry == 0 )
							size = snprintf( locbuf, sizeof(locbuf), "%s", asul->usersession->us_User->u_Name );
							size = snprintf( locbuf, sizeof(locbuf), ",%s", asul->usersession->us_User->u_Name );
						BufStringAddSize( bs, locbuf, size );
						if( asul->usersession == as->as_UserSessionList->usersession )
							DEBUG("[AppSession] Admin will be removed\n");
							adminSession = asul->usersession;
						rementr[ rementrnum++ ] = asul;

			asul = (SASUList *) asul->node.mln_Succ;
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &as->as_SessionsMut );
	// we want to remove admin
	if( rementr != NULL )
		if( adminSession != NULL )
			asul = as->as_UserSessionList;
			while( asul != NULL )
				int len = sprintf( tmp, "{\"type\":\"msg\",\"data\": { \"type\":\"%s\", \"data\":{\"type\":\"%lu\", \"data\":{ \"identity\":{\"username\":\"%s\"},\"data\": {\"type\":\"sasid-close\",\"data\":\"%s\"}}}}}", asul->authid, as->as_SASID,  loggedSession->us_User->u_Name, asul->usersession->us_User->u_Name );
				msgsndsize += WebSocketSendMessageInt( asul->usersession, tmp, len );
				asul = (SASUList *) asul->node.mln_Succ;
			for( i=0 ; i < rementrnum ; i++ )
				DEBUG("[AppSession] authid %s sasid %lu userptr %p usersessptr %p usersessuser ptr %p\n", rementr[ i ]->authid, as->as_SASID,  loggedSession->us_User, rementr[ i ]->usersession, rementr[ i ]->usersession->us_User );
				int len = sprintf( tmp, "{\"type\":\"msg\",\"data\": { \"type\":\"%s\", \"data\":{\"type\":\"%lu\", \"data\":{ \"identity\":{\"username\":\"%s\"},\"data\": {\"type\":\"sasid-close\",\"data\":\"%s\"}}}}}", rementr[ i ]->authid, as->as_SASID,  loggedSession->us_User->u_Name, rementr[ i ]->usersession->us_User->u_Name );
				msgsndsize += WebSocketSendMessageInt( rementr[ i ]->usersession, tmp, len );
				AppSessionRemUsersession( as, rementr[ i ]->usersession );
		FFree( rementr );
	BufStringAdd( bs, "] }" );
	return bs;
Example #9
gdImagePtr ImageRead( struct ImageLibrary *im, File *rootDev, const char *path )
	gdImagePtr img = NULL;
	FHandler *fh = rootDev->f_FSys;
	File *rfp = (File *)fh->FileOpen( rootDev, path, "rb" );
	if( rfp != NULL )
		BufString *bs = BufStringNew( );
		char buffer[ 20048 ];
		int len = 0;

		while( ( len = fh->FileRead( rfp, buffer, 20048 ) ) > 0 )
			BufStringAddSize( bs, buffer, len );
		img = gdImageCreateFromJpegPtr( bs->bs_Size, (void *)bs->bs_Buffer ) ;
		if( img == NULL )
			if( img == NULL )
				img = gdImageCreateFromBmpPtr( bs->bs_Size, (void *)bs->bs_Buffer ) ;
				if( img == NULL )
					img = gdImageCreateFromGifPtr( bs->bs_Size, (void *)bs->bs_Buffer ) ;
					if( img == NULL )
						img = gdImageCreateFromPngPtr( bs->bs_Size, (void *)bs->bs_Buffer ) ;
						if( img == NULL )
							img = gdImageCreateFromTgaPtr( bs->bs_Size, (void *)bs->bs_Buffer ) ;
							if( img == NULL )
								img = gdImageCreateFromTiffPtr( bs->bs_Size, (void *)bs->bs_Buffer ) ;
								if( img == NULL )
									img = gdImageCreateFromWBMPPtr( bs->bs_Size, (void *)bs->bs_Buffer ) ;
									if( img == NULL )
										img = gdImageCreateFromWebpPtr( bs->bs_Size, (void *)bs->bs_Buffer ) ;
		if( img == NULL )
			ERROR("Graphics format not recognized\n");
		BufStringDelete( bs );
		fh->FileClose( rootDev, rfp );
		ERROR("Cannot open file: %s to read\n", path );
	return img;