Rlist *RlistFromSplitRegex(const char *string, const char *regex, size_t max_entries, bool allow_blanks) { assert(string); if (!string) { return NULL; } const char *sp = string; size_t entry_count = 0; int start = 0; int end = 0; Rlist *result = NULL; Buffer *buffer = BufferNewWithCapacity(CF_MAXVARSIZE); pcre *rx = CompileRegex(regex); if (rx) { while ((entry_count < max_entries) && StringMatchWithPrecompiledRegex(rx, sp, &start, &end)) { if (end == 0) { break; } BufferClear(buffer); BufferAppend(buffer, sp, start); if (allow_blanks || BufferSize(buffer) > 0) { RlistAppendScalar(&result, BufferData(buffer)); entry_count++; } sp += end; } pcre_free(rx); } if (entry_count < max_entries) { BufferClear(buffer); size_t remaining = strlen(sp); BufferAppend(buffer, sp, remaining); if ((allow_blanks && sp != string) || BufferSize(buffer) > 0) { RlistAppendScalar(&result, BufferData(buffer)); } } BufferDestroy(buffer); return result; }
static int UpdateInput(equalizer* p) { PCMRelease(p->PCM); p->PCM = NULL; BufferClear(&p->Buffer); if (p->Codec.In.Format.Type == PACKET_AUDIO) { if (!p->Enabled || p->Codec.In.Format.Format.Audio.Channels>MAXPLANES) return ERR_INVALID_PARAM; PacketFormatPCM(&p->Codec.Out.Format,&p->Codec.In.Format,FIX_FRACBITS+1); p->Codec.Out.Format.Format.Audio.Bits = sizeof(fix_t)*8; p->Codec.Out.Format.Format.Audio.Flags = PCM_PLANES; #ifndef FIXED_POINT p->Codec.Out.Format.Format.Audio.Flags |= PCM_FLOAT; #endif p->PCM = PCMCreate(&p->Codec.Out.Format.Format.Audio,&p->Codec.In.Format.Format.Audio,0,0); if (!p->PCM) return ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; p->Scale = FIXC(1); UpdateParam(p); Flush(p); } return ERR_NONE; }
void BufferSet(Buffer *buffer, const char *bytes, unsigned int length) { assert(buffer); assert(bytes); BufferClear(buffer); BufferAppend(buffer, bytes, length); }
static int Flush(codecidct* p) { Discontinuity(p); p->FrameEnd = 0; p->Dropping = 0; BufferClear(&p->Buffer); if (p->Flush) p->Flush(p); return ERR_NONE; }
static void test_extract_scalar_prefix() { Buffer *b = BufferNew(); assert_int_equal(sizeof("hello ") - 1, ExtractScalarPrefix(b, "hello $(world) xy", sizeof("hello $(world) xy") -1)); assert_string_equal("hello ", BufferData(b)); BufferClear(b); assert_int_equal(sizeof("hello (world) xy") -1, ExtractScalarPrefix(b, "hello (world) xy", sizeof("hello (world) xy") -1)); assert_string_equal("hello (world) xy", BufferData(b)); BufferClear(b); assert_int_equal(sizeof("hello$)") -1, ExtractScalarPrefix(b, "hello$)$(world)xy", sizeof("hello$)$(world)xy") -1)); assert_string_equal("hello$)", BufferData(b)); BufferClear(b); assert_int_equal(0, ExtractScalarPrefix(b, "", 0)); assert_string_equal("", BufferData(b)); BufferDestroy(b); }
static PromiseResult ExpandPromiseAndDo(EvalContext *ctx, const Promise *pp, Rlist *lists, Rlist *containers, PromiseActuator *ActOnPromise, void *param) { const char *handle = PromiseGetHandle(pp); EvalContextStackPushPromiseFrame(ctx, pp, true); PromiseIterator *iter_ctx = NULL; size_t i = 0; PromiseResult result = PROMISE_RESULT_NOOP; Buffer *expbuf = BufferNew(); for (iter_ctx = PromiseIteratorNew(ctx, pp, lists, containers); PromiseIteratorHasMore(iter_ctx); i++, PromiseIteratorNext(iter_ctx)) { if (handle) { // This ordering is necessary to get automated canonification BufferClear(expbuf); ExpandScalar(ctx, NULL, "this", handle, expbuf); CanonifyNameInPlace(BufferGet(expbuf)); EvalContextVariablePutSpecial(ctx, SPECIAL_SCOPE_THIS, "handle", BufferData(expbuf), CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, "source=promise"); } else { EvalContextVariablePutSpecial(ctx, SPECIAL_SCOPE_THIS, "handle", PromiseID(pp), CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, "source=promise"); } const Promise *pexp = EvalContextStackPushPromiseIterationFrame(ctx, i, iter_ctx); if (!pexp) { // excluded result = PromiseResultUpdate(result, PROMISE_RESULT_SKIPPED); continue; } PromiseResult iteration_result = ActOnPromise(ctx, pexp, param); NotifyDependantPromises(ctx, pexp, iteration_result); result = PromiseResultUpdate(result, iteration_result); if (strcmp(pp->parent_promise_type->name, "vars") == 0 || strcmp(pp->parent_promise_type->name, "meta") == 0) { VerifyVarPromise(ctx, pexp, true); } EvalContextStackPopFrame(ctx); } BufferDestroy(expbuf); PromiseIteratorDestroy(iter_ctx); EvalContextStackPopFrame(ctx); return result; }
// Try and decode a frame from com state void CommunicationHandleFrame(CommunicationState *com) { int keep_decoding = 1; while(keep_decoding && !RingBufferIsEmpty(&com->uart_in_ringbuffer)) { BufferClear(&com->deframed_buffer); keep_decoding = afproto_ringbuffer_pop_frame(&com->uart_in_ringbuffer, &com->deframed_buffer); if(com->deframed_buffer.used > 0) CommandHandleRaw(com->deframed_buffer.data, com->deframed_buffer.used); } }
void ParserStream(parser* p, stream* Stream) { p->Stream = Stream; if (Stream) { if (!p->Buffer.Data) { BufferAlloc(&p->Buffer,4096,1); BufferStream(&p->Buffer,p->Stream); } } else BufferClear(&p->Buffer); }
static int UpdateInput(tiff* p) { p->ErrorShowed = 0; BufferClear(&p->Buffer); if (p->Codec.In.Format.Type == PACKET_VIDEO) { PacketFormatCopy(&p->Codec.Out.Format,&p->Codec.In.Format); p->Codec.Out.Format.Format.Video.Pixel.Flags = PF_RGB; p->Codec.Out.Format.Format.Video.Pixel.BitCount = 24; p->Codec.Out.Format.Format.Video.Pixel.BitMask[0] = 0xFF; p->Codec.Out.Format.Format.Video.Pixel.BitMask[1] = 0xFF00; p->Codec.Out.Format.Format.Video.Pixel.BitMask[2] = 0xFF0000; DefaultPitch(&p->Codec.Out.Format.Format.Video); } return ERR_NONE; }
static void test_extract_reference_(const char *scalar, bool expect_success, const char *outer, const char *inner) { Buffer *b = BufferNew(); size_t len = strlen(scalar); bool success = ExtractScalarReference(b, scalar, len, false); assert_true(success == expect_success); assert_string_equal(outer, BufferData(b)); BufferClear(b); success = ExtractScalarReference(b, scalar, len, true); assert_true(success == expect_success); assert_string_equal(inner, BufferData(b)); BufferDestroy(b); }
format_stream* Format_LoadSubTitle(format_base* p, stream* Input) { buffer m = {NULL}; BufferAlloc(&m,4096,1); BufferStream(&m,Input); //!SUBTITLE /* p->SubTitle = (format_stream*) CAlloc(sizeof(format_stream),1); if (p->SubTitle) { *int* Format = (int*)Format_StreamFormat(p->SubTitle,PACKET_SUBTITLE,sizeof(int)); if (Format) *Format = STRING_OEM; p->SubTitle->LastTime = -1; } */ BufferClear(&m); return NULL; }
static int UpdateInput(amrwb* p) { if (p->Decoder) { D_IF_exit(p->Decoder); p->Decoder = NULL; } BufferClear(&p->Buffer); if (p->Codec.In.Format.Type == PACKET_AUDIO) { p->Decoder = D_IF_init(); if (!p->Decoder) return ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; p->Codec.In.Format.Format.Audio.SampleRate = 16000; p->Codec.In.Format.Format.Audio.Channels = 1; PacketFormatPCM(&p->Codec.Out.Format,&p->Codec.In.Format,16); } return ERR_NONE; }
/** @brief parse elements in a list passed through use_module @param[in] str: is the string to parse @param[out] newlist: rlist of elements found @retval 0: successful > 0: failed */ static int LaunchParsingMachine(const char *str, Rlist **newlist) { const char *s = str; state current_state = ST_OPENED; int ret; Buffer *buf = BufferNewWithCapacity(CF_MAXVARSIZE); assert(newlist); while (current_state != ST_CLOSED && *s) { switch(current_state) { case ST_ERROR: Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Parsing error : Malformed string"); ret = 1; goto clean; case ST_OPENED: if (CLASS_BLANK(*s)) { current_state = ST_OPENED; } else if (CLASS_BRA1(*s)) { current_state = ST_IO; } else if (CLASS_ANY0(*s)) { current_state = ST_ERROR; } s++; break; case ST_IO: if (CLASS_BLANK(*s)) { current_state = ST_IO; } else if (CLASS_START1(*s)) { BufferClear(buf); current_state = ST_ELM1; } else if (CLASS_START2(*s)) { BufferClear(buf); current_state = ST_ELM2; } else if (CLASS_ANY1(*s)) { current_state = ST_ERROR; } s++; break; case ST_ELM1: if (CLASS_END1(*s)) { RlistAppendScalar(newlist, BufferData(buf)); BufferClear(buf); current_state = ST_END1; } else if (CLASS_ANY2(*s)) { BufferAppendChar(buf, *s); current_state = ST_ELM1; } s++; break; case ST_ELM2: if (CLASS_END2(*s)) { RlistAppendScalar(newlist, BufferData(buf)); BufferClear(buf); current_state = ST_END2; } else if (CLASS_ANY3(*s)) { BufferAppendChar(buf, *s); current_state = ST_ELM2; } s++; break; case ST_END1: if (CLASS_SEP(*s)) { current_state = ST_SEP; } else if (CLASS_BRA2(*s)) { current_state = ST_PRECLOSED; } else if (CLASS_BLANK(*s)) { current_state = ST_END1; } else if (CLASS_ANY4(*s)) { current_state = ST_ERROR; } s++; break; case ST_END2: if (CLASS_SEP(*s)) { current_state = ST_SEP; } else if (CLASS_BRA2(*s)) { current_state = ST_PRECLOSED; } else if (CLASS_BLANK(*s)) { current_state = ST_END2; } else if (CLASS_ANY5(*s)) { current_state = ST_ERROR; } s++; break; case ST_SEP: if (CLASS_BLANK(*s)) { current_state = ST_SEP; } else if (CLASS_START1(*s)) { current_state = ST_ELM1; } else if (CLASS_START2(*s)) { current_state = ST_ELM2; } else if (CLASS_ANY6(*s)) { current_state = ST_ERROR; } s++; break; case ST_PRECLOSED: if (CLASS_BLANK(*s)) { current_state = ST_PRECLOSED; } else if (CLASS_EOL(*s)) { current_state = ST_CLOSED; } else if (CLASS_ANY7(*s)) { current_state = ST_ERROR; } s++; break; default: Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Parsing logic error: unknown state"); ret = 2; goto clean; break; } } if (current_state != ST_CLOSED && current_state != ST_PRECLOSED ) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Parsing error : Malformed string (unexpected end of input)"); ret = 3; goto clean; } BufferDestroy(buf); return 0; clean: BufferDestroy(buf); RlistDestroy(*newlist); assert(ret != 0); return ret; }
bool ExpandScalar(const EvalContext *ctx, const char *ns, const char *scope, const char *string, Buffer *out) { assert(string); if (strlen(string) == 0) { return true; } bool fully_expanded = true; Buffer *current_item = BufferNew(); for (const char *sp = string; *sp != '\0'; sp++) { BufferClear(current_item); ExtractScalarPrefix(current_item, sp, strlen(sp)); BufferAppend(out, BufferData(current_item), BufferSize(current_item)); sp += BufferSize(current_item); if (*sp == '\0') { break; } BufferClear(current_item); char varstring = sp[1]; ExtractScalarReference(current_item, sp, strlen(sp), true); sp += BufferSize(current_item) + 2; if (IsCf3VarString(BufferData(current_item))) { Buffer *temp = BufferCopy(current_item); BufferClear(current_item); ExpandScalar(ctx, ns, scope, BufferData(temp), current_item); BufferDestroy(temp); } if (!IsExpandable(BufferData(current_item))) { DataType type = CF_DATA_TYPE_NONE; const void *value = NULL; { VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromNamespaceAndScope(BufferData(current_item), ns, scope, CF_NS, '.'); value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &type); VarRefDestroy(ref); } if (value) { switch (DataTypeToRvalType(type)) { case RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR: BufferAppendString(out, value); continue; case RVAL_TYPE_CONTAINER: if (JsonGetElementType((JsonElement*)value) == JSON_ELEMENT_TYPE_PRIMITIVE) { BufferAppendString(out, JsonPrimitiveGetAsString((JsonElement*)value)); continue; } break; default: break; } } } if (varstring == '{') { BufferAppendF(out, "${%s}", BufferData(current_item)); } else { BufferAppendF(out, "$(%s)", BufferData(current_item)); } } BufferDestroy(current_item); return fully_expanded; }
static int UpdateInput( ffmpeg_video* p ) { if (p->Context) avcodec_close(p->Context); av_free(p->Context); av_free(p->Picture); p->Context = NULL; p->Picture = NULL; BufferClear(&p->Buffer); if (p->Codec.In.Format.Type == PACKET_VIDEO) { AVCodec *Codec; const codecinfo *i; for (i=Info;i->Id;++i) if (i->Id == p->Codec.Node.Class) break; if (!i->Id) return ERR_INVALID_DATA; Codec = avcodec_find_decoder(i->CodecId); if (!Codec) return ERR_INVALID_DATA; p->Context = avcodec_alloc_context(); p->Picture = avcodec_alloc_frame(); if (!p->Context || !p->Picture) return ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if ((p->Codec.In.Format.Format.Video.Pixel.Flags & PF_FRAGMENTED) && (Codec->capabilities & CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED)) p->Context->flags|= CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED; UpdateSettings(p); p->Context->palctrl = NULL; p->Context->bit_rate = 0; p->Context->extradata = p->Codec.In.Format.Extra; p->Context->extradata_size = p->Codec.In.Format.ExtraLength; p->Context->width = p->Codec.In.Format.Format.Video.Width; p->Context->height = p->Codec.In.Format.Format.Video.Height; p->Context->bits_per_coded_sample = p->Codec.In.Format.Format.Video.Pixel.BitCount; if (p->Codec.In.Format.Format.Video.Pixel.Palette && p->Codec.In.Format.Format.Video.Pixel.BitCount<=8) { int i,n = 1 << p->Codec.In.Format.Format.Video.Pixel.BitCount; for (i=0;i<n;++i) p->Palette.palette[i] = INT32LE(p->Codec.In.Format.Format.Video.Pixel.Palette[i].v); p->Palette.palette_changed = 1; p->Context->palctrl = &p->Palette; } p->CodecId = i->CodecId; if (avcodec_open(p->Context,Codec)<0) { // avoid calling avcodec_close at next UpdateInput av_free(p->Context); p->Context = NULL; return ERR_INVALID_DATA; } if (!BuildOutputFormat(p)) return ERR_INVALID_DATA; p->SkipToKey = 1; p->DropToKey = 1; p->Dropping = 0; } return ERR_NONE; }
/** * Expand a #string into Buffer #out, returning the pointer to the string * itself, inside the Buffer #out. If #out is NULL then the buffer will be * created and destroyed internally. * * @retval NULL something went wrong */ char *ExpandScalar(const EvalContext *ctx, const char *ns, const char *scope, const char *string, Buffer *out) { bool out_belongs_to_us = false; if (out == NULL) { out = BufferNew(); out_belongs_to_us = true; } assert(string != NULL); assert(out != NULL); Buffer *current_item = BufferNew(); for (const char *sp = string; *sp != '\0'; sp++) { BufferClear(current_item); ExtractScalarPrefix(current_item, sp, strlen(sp)); BufferAppend(out, BufferData(current_item), BufferSize(current_item)); sp += BufferSize(current_item); if (*sp == '\0') { break; } BufferClear(current_item); char varstring = sp[1]; ExtractScalarReference(current_item, sp, strlen(sp), true); sp += BufferSize(current_item) + 2; if (IsCf3VarString(BufferData(current_item))) { Buffer *temp = BufferCopy(current_item); BufferClear(current_item); ExpandScalar(ctx, ns, scope, BufferData(temp), current_item); BufferDestroy(temp); } if (!IsExpandable(BufferData(current_item))) { VarRef *ref = VarRefParseFromNamespaceAndScope( BufferData(current_item), ns, scope, CF_NS, '.'); DataType value_type; const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &value_type); VarRefDestroy(ref); switch (DataTypeToRvalType(value_type)) { case RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR: assert(value != NULL); BufferAppendString(out, value); continue; break; case RVAL_TYPE_CONTAINER: { assert(value != NULL); const JsonElement *jvalue = value; /* instead of casts */ if (JsonGetElementType(jvalue) == JSON_ELEMENT_TYPE_PRIMITIVE) { BufferAppendString(out, JsonPrimitiveGetAsString(jvalue)); continue; } break; } default: /* TODO Log() */ break; } } if (varstring == '{') { BufferAppendF(out, "${%s}", BufferData(current_item)); } else { BufferAppendF(out, "$(%s)", BufferData(current_item)); } } BufferDestroy(current_item); LogDebug(LOG_MOD_EXPAND, "ExpandScalar( %s : %s . %s ) => %s", SAFENULL(ns), SAFENULL(scope), string, BufferData(out)); return out_belongs_to_us ? BufferClose(out) : BufferGet(out); }
void KDBuildJob::KDBuild(int maxleafsize, int extradepth, bool root) { kdbuffer_t l_kdb; kdbuffer_t r_kdb; int b = 0; if(BufferEmpty(kdbuffer[b])) { for(int i=0; i < njobs; i++) sem_post(&jobs[i]->sem); } // Make nodes while(! BufferEmpty(kdbuffer[b]) ) { kdbuffer_t *kdb = (kdbuffer_t*)kdbuffer[b]->buffer; int size = BufferNumElements(kdbuffer[b]); int i; BufferClear(aabb_buffer[1-b]); BufferClear(kdbuffer[1-b]); for(i=0; i < size; i++) { l_kdb.node = curnode++; r_kdb.node = curnode++; nodes[ kdb[i].node ].split = kdb[i].plane; nodes[ kdb[i].node ].axis = kdb[i].axis; nodes[ kdb[i].node ].left = l_kdb.node; nodes[ kdb[i].node ].right = r_kdb.node; KDBufferAllocate(&l_kdb, kdb[i].left_size, aabb_buffer[1-b]); if(curjob < njobs) KDBufferAllocate(&r_kdb, kdb[i].right_size, jobs[curjob]->aabb_buffer[0]); else KDBufferAllocate(&r_kdb, kdb[i].right_size, aabb_buffer[1-b]); KDPartition(&kdb[i], &l_kdb, &r_kdb); if(l_kdb.depth == maxdepth || l_kdb.size <= maxleafsize) { l_kdb.aabb = (aabb_t*)BufferCopyTo(leaf_aabb_buffer, l_kdb.aabb, l_kdb.count); BufferCopyTo(leafbuffer, &l_kdb, 1); } else BufferCopyTo(kdbuffer[1-b], &l_kdb, 1); if(r_kdb.depth == maxdepth || r_kdb.size <= maxleafsize) { if(curjob < njobs) { r_kdb.aabb = (aabb_t*)BufferCopyTo(jobs[curjob]->leaf_aabb_buffer, r_kdb.aabb, r_kdb.count); BufferCopyTo(jobs[curjob]->leafbuffer, &r_kdb, 1); } else { r_kdb.aabb = (aabb_t*)BufferCopyTo(leaf_aabb_buffer, r_kdb.aabb, r_kdb.count); BufferCopyTo(leafbuffer, &r_kdb, 1); } } else { if(curjob < njobs) BufferCopyTo(jobs[curjob]->kdbuffer[0], &r_kdb, 1); else BufferCopyTo(kdbuffer[1-b], &r_kdb, 1); } } if(curjob < njobs) { // Start other job sem_post(&jobs[curjob]->sem); curjob++; } b = 1 - b; } // Check if still remaining jobs and start them while(curjob < njobs) { // Start other job sem_post(&jobs[curjob]->sem); curjob++; } // Make leaves kdbuffer_t *kdb = (kdbuffer_t*)leafbuffer->buffer; int size = BufferNumElements(leafbuffer); //cout << "Make leaves " << size << endl; int i; for(i=0; i < size; i++) { MakeLeaf(&kdb[i]); } numleaves = size; curleaf = size; }
static void test_isipaddress(void) { /* * This test is just a summary of the other tests. * We just check that this interface works accordingly, most of the * functionality has already been tested. * -> ok * 1.2..3 -> not * 1.a.2.3 -> not * -> not * -> ok * 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 -> ok * 1:1:1:1:0:1:1:1 -> ok * a:b:c:d:e:f:0:1 -> ok * a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h -> not * ffff:ffff:fffff:0:0:0:0:1 -> not */ IPAddress *address = NULL; Buffer *bufferAddress = NULL; bufferAddress = BufferNew(); assert_true (bufferAddress != NULL); BufferSet(bufferAddress, "", strlen("")); assert_true(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, NULL)); assert_true(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, &address)); assert_true(address != NULL); assert_int_equal(IPAddressType(address), IP_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV4); BufferClear(bufferAddress); assert_int_equal(IPAddressDestroy(&address), 0); BufferSet(bufferAddress, "1.2..3", strlen("1.2..3")); assert_false(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, NULL)); assert_false(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, &address)); assert_true(address == NULL); BufferClear(bufferAddress); BufferSet(bufferAddress, "1.a.2.3", strlen("1.a.2.3")); assert_false(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, NULL)); assert_false(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, &address)); assert_true(address == NULL); BufferClear(bufferAddress); BufferSet(bufferAddress, "", strlen("")); assert_false(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, NULL)); assert_false(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, &address)); assert_true(address == NULL); BufferClear(bufferAddress); BufferSet(bufferAddress, "", strlen("")); assert_true(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, NULL)); assert_true(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, &address)); assert_true(address != NULL); assert_int_equal(IPAddressType(address), IP_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV4); BufferClear(bufferAddress); assert_int_equal(IPAddressDestroy(&address), 0); BufferSet(bufferAddress, "1:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", strlen("1:0:0:0:0:0:0:1")); assert_true(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, NULL)); assert_true(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, &address)); assert_true(address != NULL); assert_int_equal(IPAddressType(address), IP_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV6); BufferClear(bufferAddress); assert_int_equal(IPAddressDestroy(&address), 0); BufferSet(bufferAddress, "1:1:1:1:0:1:1:1", strlen("1:1:1:1:0:1:1:1")); assert_true(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, NULL)); assert_true(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, &address)); assert_true(address != NULL); assert_int_equal(IPAddressType(address), IP_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV6); BufferClear(bufferAddress); assert_int_equal(IPAddressDestroy(&address), 0); BufferSet(bufferAddress, "a:b:c:d:e:f:0:1", strlen("a:b:c:d:e:f:0:1")); assert_true(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, NULL)); assert_true(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, &address)); assert_true(address != NULL); assert_int_equal(IPAddressType(address), IP_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV6); BufferClear(bufferAddress); assert_int_equal(IPAddressDestroy(&address), 0); BufferSet(bufferAddress, "a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h", strlen("a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h")); assert_false(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, NULL)); assert_false(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, &address)); BufferClear(bufferAddress); BufferSet(bufferAddress, "ffff:ffff:fffff:0:0:0:0:1", strlen("ffff:ffff:fffff:0:0:0:0:1")); assert_false(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, NULL)); assert_false(IPAddressIsIPAddress(bufferAddress, &address)); BufferClear(bufferAddress); }
static void ExpandAndMapIteratorsFromScalar(EvalContext *ctx, const Bundle *bundle, char *string, size_t length, int level, Rlist **scalars, Rlist **lists, Rlist **containers, Rlist **full_expansion) { assert(string); if (!string) { return; } Buffer *value = BufferNew(); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { const char *sp = string + i; Rlist *tmp_list = NULL; BufferClear(value); if (ExtractScalarPrefix(value, sp, length - i)) { if (full_expansion) { RlistConcatInto(&tmp_list, *full_expansion, BufferData(value)); RlistDestroy(*full_expansion); *full_expansion = tmp_list; tmp_list = NULL; } sp += BufferSize(value); i += BufferSize(value); BufferClear(value); if (i >= length) { break; } } if (*sp == '$') { BufferClear(value); ExtractScalarReference(value, sp, length - i, true); if (BufferSize(value) > 0) { Rlist *inner_expansion = NULL; Rlist *exp = NULL; int success = 0; VarRef *ref = VarRefParse(BufferData(value)); int increment = BufferSize(value) - 1 + 3; // Handle any embedded variables char *substring = string + i + 2; ExpandAndMapIteratorsFromScalar(ctx, bundle, substring, BufferSize(value), level+1, scalars, lists, containers, &inner_expansion); for (exp = inner_expansion; exp != NULL; exp = exp->next) { // If a list is non-local, i.e. $(bundle.var), map it to local $(bundle#var) // NB without modifying variables as we map them, it's not // possible to handle remote lists referenced by a variable // scope. For example: // scope => "test."; var => "somelist"; $($(scope)$(var)) fails // varname => "test.somelist"; $($(varname)) also fails // TODO Unless the consumer handles it? const char *inner_ref_str = RlistScalarValue(exp); VarRef *inner_ref = VarRefParseFromBundle(inner_ref_str, bundle); // var is the expanded name of the variable in its native context // finalname will be the mapped name in the local context "this." DataType value_type = CF_DATA_TYPE_NONE; const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, inner_ref, &value_type); if (value) { char *mangled_inner_ref = xstrdup(inner_ref_str); MangleVarRefString(mangled_inner_ref, strlen(mangled_inner_ref)); success++; switch (DataTypeToRvalType(value_type)) { case RVAL_TYPE_LIST: if (level > 0) { RlistPrependScalarIdemp(lists, mangled_inner_ref); } else { RlistAppendScalarIdemp(lists, mangled_inner_ref); } if (full_expansion) { for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { // append each slist item to each of full_expansion RlistConcatInto(&tmp_list, *full_expansion, RlistScalarValue(rp)); } } break; case RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR: RlistAppendScalarIdemp(scalars, mangled_inner_ref); if (full_expansion) { // append the scalar value to each of full_expansion RlistConcatInto(&tmp_list, *full_expansion, value); } break; case RVAL_TYPE_CONTAINER: if (level > 0) { RlistPrependScalarIdemp(containers, mangled_inner_ref); } else { RlistAppendScalarIdemp(containers, mangled_inner_ref); } break; case RVAL_TYPE_FNCALL: case RVAL_TYPE_NOPROMISEE: break; } free(mangled_inner_ref); } VarRefDestroy(inner_ref); } RlistDestroy(inner_expansion); if (full_expansion) { RlistDestroy(*full_expansion); *full_expansion = tmp_list; tmp_list = NULL; } // No need to map this.* even though it's technically qualified if (success && IsQualifiedVariable(BufferData(value)) && strcmp(ref->scope, "this") != 0) { char *dotpos = strchr(substring, '.'); if (dotpos) { *dotpos = CF_MAPPEDLIST; // replace '.' with '#' } if (strchr(BufferData(value), ':')) { char *colonpos = strchr(substring, ':'); if (colonpos) { *colonpos = '*'; } } } VarRefDestroy(ref); sp += increment; i += increment; } } } BufferDestroy(value); }
int main(void) { byte bCount; long lTemp; System_Configuration(); dxl_set_power(OFF); //dxl_set_power(ON); Zigbee_SetState(ON); //gbDxlPwr = ON; //LED_SetState(LED_POWER, ON); // LED_RGB_SetState(LED_R|LED_G|LED_B); //LED_RGB_SetState(OFF); BufferClear(USART_DXL); BufferClear(USART_PC); BufferClear(USART_ZIGBEE); setBuzzerOff(); /* for(bCount =0; bCount < 50; bCount++ ) { setBuzzerData(bCount); setBuzzerPlayLength(10); PlayBuzzer(); //mDelay(3000); while(getBuzzerState()); mDelay(500); } */ /* //BKP_WriteBackupRegister((P_OPERATING_MODE+1)<<2, 0xffff); if(BKP_ReadBackupRegister((P_OPERATING_MODE+1)<<2) == 0xffff) //Initialize to Factory Default or reset mode restart { for(bCount=0; bCount < ROM_CONTROL_TABLE_LEN; bCount++) { //ROM_CAST(bCount) = gbpControlTable[bCount] = ROM_INITIAL_DATA[bCount]; gbpControlTable[bCount] = ROM_INITIAL_DATA[bCount]; BKP_WriteBackupRegister((bCount+1)<<2, WORD_CAST(gbpControlTable[bCount])); } gbLEDBlinkCounter = 32; } else { for(bCount=0; bCount < ROM_CONTROL_TABLE_LEN; bCount++) { //gbpControlTable[bCount] = (byte)(BKP_ReadBackupRegister((bCount+1)<<2)); !!!!! gbpControlTable[bCount] = ROM_INITIAL_DATA[bCount]; } gbLEDBlinkCounter = 8; } for (bCount = 0; bCount < 3; bCount++) { LED_SetState(LED_MANAGE|LED_EDIT|LED_PLAY, ON); mDelay(50); LED_SetState(LED_MANAGE|LED_EDIT|LED_PLAY, OFF); mDelay(50); } */ /* if( (EEPROM_Read(P_OPERATING_MODE) == 0xffff) || (EEPROM_Read(P_OPERATING_MODE) == 0xff) ) //Initialize to Factory Default or reset mode restart { EEPROM_Write( P_BAUD_RATE, ROM_INITIAL_DATA[P_BAUD_RATE] ); EEPROM_Write( P_OPERATING_MODE, 0); } else if(EEPROM_Read(P_OPERATING_MODE) == 0x11) //Digital Reset { EEPROM_Write( P_BAUD_RATE, ROM_INITIAL_DATA[P_BAUD_RATE] ); EEPROM_Write( P_OPERATING_MODE, 0); } */ for(bCount=0; bCount < ROM_CONTROL_TABLE_LEN; bCount++) { gbpControlTable[bCount] = ROM_INITIAL_DATA[bCount]; } //GB_BAUD_RATE = EEPROM_Read(P_BAUD_RATE); /* lTemp = 2000000; lTemp /= (GB_BAUD_RATE+1); USART_Configuration(USART_DXL,lTemp); USART_Configuration(USART_PC,lTemp); */ gbLEDBlinkCounter = 8; for (bCount = 0; bCount < 3; bCount++) { LED_SetState(LED_MANAGE|LED_EDIT|LED_PLAY, ON); mDelay(50); LED_SetState(LED_MANAGE|LED_EDIT|LED_PLAY, OFF); mDelay(50); } /* dxl_set_power(1); gbDxlPwr = 1; mDelay(100); GPIO_ResetBits(PORT_ENABLE_RXD, PIN_ENABLE_RXD); // RX Disable GPIO_SetBits(PORT_ENABLE_TXD, PIN_ENABLE_TXD); // TX Enable while(1) { GPIO_ResetBits(PORT_ENABLE_RXD, PIN_ENABLE_RXD); // RX Disable GPIO_SetBits(PORT_ENABLE_TXD, PIN_ENABLE_TXD); // TX Enable USART_SendData(USART1, 'a'); while( USART_GetFlagStatus(USART1, USART_FLAG_TC)==RESET ); GPIO_ResetBits(PORT_ENABLE_TXD, PIN_ENABLE_TXD); // TX Disable GPIO_SetBits(PORT_ENABLE_RXD, PIN_ENABLE_RXD); // RX Enable mDelay(100); } */ Process(); while(1); }
void MakeNodes() { uint put_tag[2]; put_tag[0] = mfc_tag_reserve(); put_tag[1] = mfc_tag_reserve(); ushort b = 0; kdbuffer_t l_kdb ALIGNED(16); kdbuffer_t r_kdb ALIGNED(16); kdnode_t node ALIGNED(16); kdbuffer_t kdb ALIGNED(16); DoubleBufInit(&aabb_db, 0, 0, sizeof(aabb_t), NUM_AABBS, aabbbuffer[0], aabbbuffer[1]); // printf("Empty? %i\n", BufferEmpty(&arg.kdbuffer[b])); while(! BufferEmpty(&arg.kdbuffer[b]) ) { kdbuffer_t *pkdb = (kdbuffer_t*)arg.kdbuffer[b].buffer; int size = BufferNumElements(&arg.kdbuffer[b]); int i; BufferClear(&arg.aabb_buffer[1-b]); BufferClear(&arg.kdbuffer[1-b]); // printf("size %i\n", size); for(i=0; i < size; i++) { l_kdb.node = arg.curnode++; r_kdb.node = arg.curnode++; memcpy_ls(&kdb, &pkdb[i], sizeof(kdbuffer_t)); node.split = kdb.plane; node.axis = kdb.axis; node.left = l_kdb.node; node.right = r_kdb.node; memcpy_ea(&arg.nodes[ kdb.node ], &node, sizeof(kdnode_t)); KDBufferAllocate(&l_kdb, kdb.left_size, &arg.aabb_buffer[1-b]); if(curjob < arg.njobs) KDBufferAllocate(&r_kdb, kdb.right_size, &arg.job_aabb_buffer[curjob]); else KDBufferAllocate(&r_kdb, kdb.right_size, &arg.aabb_buffer[1-b]); KDPartitionAll(&kdb, &l_kdb, &r_kdb); if(l_kdb.depth == arg.maxdepth || l_kdb.size <= arg.maxleafsize) { total_leaf_size += l_kdb.count; l_kdb.aabb = (aabb_t*)BufferCopyTo(&arg.leaf_aabb_buffer, l_kdb.aabb, l_kdb.count); BufferCopyToLS(&arg.leafbuffer, &l_kdb, 1); } else { BufferCopyToLS(&arg.kdbuffer[1-b], &l_kdb, 1); } if(r_kdb.depth == arg.maxdepth || r_kdb.size <= arg.maxleafsize) { total_leaf_size += r_kdb.count; if(curjob < arg.njobs) { r_kdb.aabb = (aabb_t*)BufferCopyTo(&arg.job_leaf_aabb_buffer[curjob], r_kdb.aabb, r_kdb.count); BufferCopyToLS(&arg.job_leafbuffer[curjob], &r_kdb, 1); spu_mfcdma32(&arg.job_leafbuffer[curjob], (uint)arg.pjob_leafbuffer[curjob], sizeof(buffer_t), jobtag, MFC_PUT_CMD); DmaWait(jobtag); } else { r_kdb.aabb = (aabb_t*)BufferCopyTo(&arg.leaf_aabb_buffer, r_kdb.aabb, r_kdb.count); BufferCopyToLS(&arg.leafbuffer, &r_kdb, 1); } } else { if(curjob < arg.njobs) { BufferCopyToLS(&arg.job_kdbuffer[curjob], &r_kdb, 1); spu_mfcdma32(&arg.job_kdbuffer[curjob], (uint)arg.pjob_kdbuffer[curjob], sizeof(buffer_t), jobtag, MFC_PUT_CMD); DmaWait(jobtag); } else BufferCopyToLS(&arg.kdbuffer[1-b], &r_kdb, 1); } /* if(curjob < njobs) KDBufferAllocate(&r_kdb, kdb[i].right_size, &jobs[curjob]->aabb_buffer[0]); else KDBufferAllocate(&r_kdb, kdb[i].right_size, &aabb_buffer[1-b]); KDPartition(&kdb[i], &l_kdb, &r_kdb); if(l_kdb.depth == maxdepth || l_kdb.size <= maxleafsize) { l_kdb.aabb = (aabb_t*)BufferCopyTo(&leaf_aabb_buffer, l_kdb.aabb, l_kdb.count); BufferCopyTo(&leafbuffer, &l_kdb, 1); } else BufferCopyTo(&kdbuffer[1-b], &l_kdb, 1); if(r_kdb.depth == maxdepth || r_kdb.size <= maxleafsize) { if(curjob < njobs) { r_kdb.aabb = (aabb_t*)BufferCopyTo(&jobs[curjob]->leaf_aabb_buffer, r_kdb.aabb, r_kdb.count); BufferCopyTo(&jobs[curjob]->leafbuffer, &r_kdb, 1); } else { r_kdb.aabb = (aabb_t*)BufferCopyTo(&leaf_aabb_buffer, r_kdb.aabb, r_kdb.count); BufferCopyTo(&leafbuffer, &r_kdb, 1); } } else { if(curjob < njobs) BufferCopyTo(&jobs[curjob]->kdbuffer[0], &r_kdb, 1); else BufferCopyTo(&kdbuffer[1-b], &r_kdb, 1); } */ if(curjob < arg.njobs) { // Start other job ppe_post_sema(arg.sema[curjob]); curjob++; } } b = 1 - b; } while( curjob < arg.njobs) { ppe_post_sema(arg.sema[curjob]); curjob++; } // Transfer back spu_mfcdma32(&arg.curnode, (unsigned int)arg.pcurnode, (unsigned int)sizeof(int), put_tag[0], MFC_PUT_CMD); spu_mfcdma32(&total_leaf_size, (unsigned int)arg.ptotal_leaf_size, (unsigned int)sizeof(int), put_tag[1], MFC_PUT_CMD); DmaWait(put_tag[0]); DmaWait(put_tag[1]); spu_mfcdma32(&arg.leafbuffer, (unsigned int)arg.pleafbuffer, (unsigned int)sizeof(buffer_t), put_tag[0], MFC_PUT_CMD); spu_mfcdma32(&arg.leaf_aabb_buffer, (unsigned int)arg.pleaf_aabb_buffer, (unsigned int)sizeof(buffer_t), put_tag[1], MFC_PUT_CMD); DmaWaitAll(); mfc_tag_release(put_tag[0]); mfc_tag_release(put_tag[1]); }
int LoadFileAsItemList(Item **liststart, const char *file, EditDefaults edits) { { struct stat statbuf; if (stat(file, &statbuf) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "The proposed file '%s' could not be loaded. (stat: %s)", file, GetErrorStr()); return false; } if (edits.maxfilesize != 0 && statbuf.st_size > edits.maxfilesize) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "File '%s' is bigger than the edit limit. max_file_size = %jd > %d bytes", file, (intmax_t) statbuf.st_size, edits.maxfilesize); return (false); } if (!S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "%s is not a plain file", file); return false; } } FILE *fp = safe_fopen(file, "rt"); if (!fp) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Couldn't read file '%s' for editing. (fopen: %s)", file, GetErrorStr()); return false; } Buffer *concat = BufferNew(); size_t line_size = CF_BUFSIZE; char *line = xmalloc(line_size); bool result = true; for (;;) { ssize_t num_read = CfReadLine(&line, &line_size, fp); if (num_read == -1) { if (!feof(fp)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unable to read contents of '%s'. (fread: %s)", file, GetErrorStr()); result = false; } break; } if (edits.joinlines && *(line + strlen(line) - 1) == '\\') { *(line + strlen(line) - 1) = '\0'; BufferAppend(concat, line, num_read); } else { BufferAppend(concat, line, num_read); if (!feof(fp) || (BufferSize(concat) > 0)) { AppendItem(liststart, BufferData(concat), NULL); } } BufferClear(concat); } free(line); BufferDestroy(concat); fclose(fp); return result; }