Example #1
 // Save this (preloaded) marker to disk.
 int JpegMarker::Save(FILE *pFile) {
   const int location = ftell(pFile);
   if (pFile == NULL)
     throw("Null File in JpegMarker::Save.");
   unsigned short markerswapped = byteswap2(marker_);
   int rv = fwrite(&markerswapped, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, pFile);
   if (rv != 1) return 0;
   unsigned short slice_or_length = length_;
   if (marker_ == Jpeg::jpeg_sos)
     slice_or_length = slice_;
   ByteSwapInPlace(&slice_or_length, 1);
   rv = fwrite(&slice_or_length, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, pFile);
   if (rv != 1) return 0;
   if (marker_ == Jpeg::jpeg_sos) {
     // Add the EOI
     unsigned char eoi0 = 0xff;
     unsigned char eoi1 = 0xd9;
     fwrite(&eoi0, sizeof(eoi0), 1, pFile);
     fwrite(&eoi1, sizeof(eoi1), 1, pFile);
   } else {
     rv = fwrite(&data_[0], sizeof(char), data_.size(), pFile);
     if (rv != data_.size()) return 0;
   if (debug > 0)
     printf("Saved marker %04x length %u at %d\n", marker_, length_, location);
   return 1;
Example #2
TiffIfd::TiffIfd(FILE *pFile, unsigned int ifdoffset,
		     bool loadall, unsigned int subfileoffset,
		     bool byte_swapping) :
  data_(NULL), subfileoffset_(subfileoffset), byte_swapping_(byte_swapping) {

  if (pFile == NULL)
  int iRV= fseek(pFile, ifdoffset, SEEK_SET);
  if (iRV != 0) {
    printf("Failed seek");
  short nr;
  iRV = fread(&nr, sizeof(short), 1, pFile);
  if (iRV != 1) return;
  if (byte_swapping) ByteSwapInPlace(&nr, 1);
  printf("IFDSize: %d \n", nr);
  for(int tagindex=0 ; tagindex < nr; ++tagindex) {
    int pos = ftell(pFile);
    //    printf("File pointer %d\n", pos);
    TiffTag *tag = new TiffTag(pFile, byte_swapping_);
  printf("\n DIDIFD\n");
  iRV = fread(&nextifdoffset_, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, pFile);
  if (iRV != 1) {
    throw("Couldn't read nextifdoffset");
  if (byte_swapping) ByteSwapInPlace(&nextifdoffset_, 1);

  // This disrupts the file pointer.
  LoadImageData(pFile, loadall);
  printf("Loaded Image data\n");
  if (loadall)
  printf("Listing tags\n");