Example #1
 *		ResetCatalogCaches
 * Reset all caches when a shared cache inval event forces it
	CatCache   *cache;

	CACHE1_elog(DEBUG2, "ResetCatalogCaches called");

	for (cache = CacheHdr->ch_caches; cache; cache = cache->cc_next)

	CACHE1_elog(DEBUG2, "end of ResetCatalogCaches call");
 *		CatalogCacheFlushCatalog
 *	Flush all catcache entries that came from the specified system catalog.
 *	This is needed after VACUUM FULL/CLUSTER on the catalog, since the
 *	tuples very likely now have different TIDs than before.  (At one point
 *	we also tried to force re-execution of CatalogCacheInitializeCache for
 *	the cache(s) on that catalog.  This is a bad idea since it leads to all
 *	kinds of trouble if a cache flush occurs while loading cache entries.
 *	We now avoid the need to do it by copying cc_tupdesc out of the relcache,
 *	rather than relying on the relcache to keep a tupdesc for us.  Of course
 *	this assumes the tupdesc of a cachable system table will not change...)
CatalogCacheFlushCatalog(Oid catId)
	CatCache   *cache;

	CACHE2_elog(DEBUG2, "CatalogCacheFlushCatalog called for %u", catId);

	for (cache = CacheHdr->ch_caches; cache; cache = cache->cc_next)
		/* We can ignore uninitialized caches, since they must be empty */
		if (cache->cc_tupdesc == NULL)

		/* Does this cache store tuples of the target catalog? */
		if (cache->cc_tupdesc->attrs[0]->attrelid == catId)
			/* Yes, so flush all its contents */

			/* Tell inval.c to call syscache callbacks for this cache */
			CallSyscacheCallbacks(cache->id, NULL);

	CACHE1_elog(DEBUG2, "end of CatalogCacheFlushCatalog call");
Example #3
 *	PrepareToInvalidateCacheTuple()
 *	This is part of a rather subtle chain of events, so pay attention:
 *	When a tuple is inserted or deleted, it cannot be flushed from the
 *	catcaches immediately, for reasons explained at the top of cache/inval.c.
 *	Instead we have to add entry(s) for the tuple to a list of pending tuple
 *	invalidations that will be done at the end of the command or transaction.
 *	The lists of tuples that need to be flushed are kept by inval.c.  This
 *	routine is a helper routine for inval.c.  Given a tuple belonging to
 *	the specified relation, find all catcaches it could be in, compute the
 *	correct hash value for each such catcache, and call the specified function
 *	to record the cache id, hash value, and tuple ItemPointer in inval.c's
 *	lists.	CatalogCacheIdInvalidate will be called later, if appropriate,
 *	using the recorded information.
 *	Note that it is irrelevant whether the given tuple is actually loaded
 *	into the catcache at the moment.  Even if it's not there now, it might
 *	be by the end of the command, or there might be a matching negative entry
 *	to flush --- or other backends' caches might have such entries --- so
 *	we have to make list entries to flush it later.
 *	Also note that it's not an error if there are no catcaches for the
 *	specified relation.  inval.c doesn't know exactly which rels have
 *	catcaches --- it will call this routine for any tuple that's in a
 *	system relation.
PrepareToInvalidateCacheTuple(Relation relation,
							  HeapTuple tuple,
						void (*function) (int, uint32, ItemPointer, Oid))
	CatCache   *ccp;
	Oid			reloid;

	CACHE1_elog(DEBUG2, "PrepareToInvalidateCacheTuple: called");

	 * sanity checks
	Assert(CacheHdr != NULL);

	reloid = RelationGetRelid(relation);

	/* ----------------
	 *	for each cache
	 *	   if the cache contains tuples from the specified relation
	 *		   compute the tuple's hash value in this cache,
	 *		   and call the passed function to register the information.
	 * ----------------

	for (ccp = CacheHdr->ch_caches; ccp; ccp = ccp->cc_next)
		/* Just in case cache hasn't finished initialization yet... */
		if (ccp->cc_tupdesc == NULL)

		if (ccp->cc_reloid != reloid)

		(*function) (ccp->id,
					 CatalogCacheComputeTupleHashValue(ccp, tuple),
					 ccp->cc_relisshared ? (Oid) 0 : MyDatabaseId);
Example #4
 *		CatalogCacheFlushCatalog
 *	Flush all catcache entries that came from the specified system catalog.
 *	This is needed after VACUUM FULL/CLUSTER on the catalog, since the
 *	tuples very likely now have different TIDs than before.  (At one point
 *	we also tried to force re-execution of CatalogCacheInitializeCache for
 *	the cache(s) on that catalog.  This is a bad idea since it leads to all
 *	kinds of trouble if a cache flush occurs while loading cache entries.
 *	We now avoid the need to do it by copying cc_tupdesc out of the relcache,
 *	rather than relying on the relcache to keep a tupdesc for us.  Of course
 *	this assumes the tupdesc of a cachable system table will not change...)
CatalogCacheFlushCatalog(Oid catId)
	CatCache   *cache;

	CACHE2_elog(DEBUG2, "CatalogCacheFlushCatalog called for %u", catId);

	for (cache = CacheHdr->ch_caches; cache; cache = cache->cc_next)
		/* Does this cache store tuples of the target catalog? */
		if (cache->cc_reloid == catId)
			/* Yes, so flush all its contents */

			/* Tell inval.c to call syscache callbacks for this cache */
			CallSyscacheCallbacks(cache->id, 0);

	CACHE1_elog(DEBUG2, "end of CatalogCacheFlushCatalog call");
Example #5
 *	CatalogCacheIdInvalidate
 *	Invalidate entries in the specified cache, given a hash value.
 *	We delete cache entries that match the hash value, whether positive
 *	or negative.  We don't care whether the invalidation is the result
 *	of a tuple insertion or a deletion.
 *	We used to try to match positive cache entries by TID, but that is
 *	unsafe after a VACUUM FULL on a system catalog: an inval event could
 *	be queued before VACUUM FULL, and then processed afterwards, when the
 *	target tuple that has to be invalidated has a different TID than it
 *	did when the event was created.  So now we just compare hash values and
 *	accept the small risk of unnecessary invalidations due to false matches.
 *	This routine is only quasi-public: it should only be used by inval.c.
CatalogCacheIdInvalidate(int cacheId, uint32 hashValue)
	CatCache   *ccp;

	CACHE1_elog(DEBUG2, "CatalogCacheIdInvalidate: called");

	 * inspect caches to find the proper cache
	for (ccp = CacheHdr->ch_caches; ccp; ccp = ccp->cc_next)
		Index		hashIndex;
		Dlelem	   *elt,

		if (cacheId != ccp->id)

		 * We don't bother to check whether the cache has finished
		 * initialization yet; if not, there will be no entries in it so no
		 * problem.

		 * Invalidate *all* CatCLists in this cache; it's too hard to tell
		 * which searches might still be correct, so just zap 'em all.
		for (elt = DLGetHead(&ccp->cc_lists); elt; elt = nextelt)
			CatCList   *cl = (CatCList *) DLE_VAL(elt);

			nextelt = DLGetSucc(elt);

			if (cl->refcount > 0)
				cl->dead = true;
				CatCacheRemoveCList(ccp, cl);

		 * inspect the proper hash bucket for tuple matches
		hashIndex = HASH_INDEX(hashValue, ccp->cc_nbuckets);

		for (elt = DLGetHead(&ccp->cc_bucket[hashIndex]); elt; elt = nextelt)
			CatCTup    *ct = (CatCTup *) DLE_VAL(elt);

			nextelt = DLGetSucc(elt);

			if (hashValue == ct->hash_value)
				if (ct->refcount > 0 ||
					(ct->c_list && ct->c_list->refcount > 0))
					ct->dead = true;
					/* list, if any, was marked dead above */
					Assert(ct->c_list == NULL || ct->c_list->dead);
					CatCacheRemoveCTup(ccp, ct);
				CACHE1_elog(DEBUG2, "CatalogCacheIdInvalidate: invalidated");
				/* could be multiple matches, so keep looking! */
		break;					/* need only search this one cache */
Example #6
 *	CatalogCacheIdInvalidate
 *	Invalidate entries in the specified cache, given a hash value and
 *	item pointer.  Positive entries are deleted if they match the item
 *	pointer.  Negative entries must be deleted if they match the hash
 *	value (since we do not have the exact key of the tuple that's being
 *	inserted).	But this should only rarely result in loss of a cache
 *	entry that could have been kept.
 *	Note that it's not very relevant whether the tuple identified by
 *	the item pointer is being inserted or deleted.	We don't expect to
 *	find matching positive entries in the one case, and we don't expect
 *	to find matching negative entries in the other; but we will do the
 *	right things in any case.
 *	This routine is only quasi-public: it should only be used by inval.c.
CatalogCacheIdInvalidate(int cacheId,
						 uint32 hashValue,
						 ItemPointer pointer)
	CatCache   *ccp;

	 * sanity checks
	/* Add some debug info for MPP-5739 */
	if (!ItemPointerIsValid(pointer))
		elog(LOG, "CatalogCacheIdInvalidate: cacheId %d, hash %u IP %p", cacheId, hashValue, pointer);
		if (pointer != NULL)
			elog(LOG, "CatalogCacheIdInvalidate: bogus item (?): (blkid.hi %d blkid.lo %d posid %d)",
				 pointer->ip_blkid.bi_hi, pointer->ip_blkid.bi_lo, pointer->ip_posid);
	CACHE1_elog(DEBUG2, "CatalogCacheIdInvalidate: called");

	 * inspect caches to find the proper cache
	for (ccp = CacheHdr->ch_caches; ccp; ccp = ccp->cc_next)
		Index		hashIndex;
		Dlelem	   *elt,

		if (cacheId != ccp->id)

		 * We don't bother to check whether the cache has finished
		 * initialization yet; if not, there will be no entries in it so no
		 * problem.

		 * Invalidate *all* CatCLists in this cache; it's too hard to tell
		 * which searches might still be correct, so just zap 'em all.
		for (elt = DLGetHead(&ccp->cc_lists); elt; elt = nextelt)
			CatCList   *cl = (CatCList *) DLE_VAL(elt);

			nextelt = DLGetSucc(elt);

			if (cl->refcount > 0)
				cl->dead = true;
				CatCacheRemoveCList(ccp, cl);

		 * inspect the proper hash bucket for tuple matches
		hashIndex = HASH_INDEX(hashValue, ccp->cc_nbuckets);

		for (elt = DLGetHead(&ccp->cc_bucket[hashIndex]); elt; elt = nextelt)
			CatCTup    *ct = (CatCTup *) DLE_VAL(elt);

			nextelt = DLGetSucc(elt);

			if (hashValue != ct->hash_value)
				continue;		/* ignore non-matching hash values */

			if (ct->negative ||
				ItemPointerEquals(pointer, &ct->tuple.t_self))
				if (ct->refcount > 0 ||
					(ct->c_list && ct->c_list->refcount > 0))
					ct->dead = true;
					/* list, if any, was marked dead above */
					Assert(ct->c_list == NULL || ct->c_list->dead);
					CatCacheRemoveCTup(ccp, ct);
				CACHE1_elog(DEBUG2, "CatalogCacheIdInvalidate: invalidated");
				/* could be multiple matches, so keep looking! */
		break;					/* need only search this one cache */
Example #7
 *		CatalogCacheFlushRelation
 *	This is called by RelationFlushRelation() to clear out cached information
 *	about a relation being dropped.  (This could be a DROP TABLE command,
 *	or a temp table being dropped at end of transaction, or a table created
 *	during the current transaction that is being dropped because of abort.)
 *	Remove all cache entries relevant to the specified relation OID.
 *	A special case occurs when relId is itself one of the cacheable system
 *	tables --- although those'll never be dropped, they can get flushed from
 *	the relcache (VACUUM causes this, for example).  In that case we need
 *	to flush all cache entries that came from that table.  (At one point we
 *	also tried to force re-execution of CatalogCacheInitializeCache for
 *	the cache(s) on that table.  This is a bad idea since it leads to all
 *	kinds of trouble if a cache flush occurs while loading cache entries.
 *	We now avoid the need to do it by copying cc_tupdesc out of the relcache,
 *	rather than relying on the relcache to keep a tupdesc for us.  Of course
 *	this assumes the tupdesc of a cachable system table will not change...)
CatalogCacheFlushRelation(Oid relId)
	CatCache   *cache;

	CACHE2_elog(DEBUG2, "CatalogCacheFlushRelation called for %u", relId);

	for (cache = CacheHdr->ch_caches; cache; cache = cache->cc_next)
		int			i;

		/* We can ignore uninitialized caches, since they must be empty */
		if (cache->cc_tupdesc == NULL)

		/* Does this cache store tuples of the target relation itself? */
		if (cache->cc_tupdesc->attrs[0]->attrelid == relId)
			/* Yes, so flush all its contents */

		/* Does this cache store tuples associated with relations at all? */
		if (cache->cc_reloidattr == 0)
			continue;			/* nope, leave it alone */

		/* Yes, scan the tuples and remove those related to relId */
		for (i = 0; i < cache->cc_nbuckets; i++)
			Dlelem	   *elt,

			for (elt = DLGetHead(&cache->cc_bucket[i]); elt; elt = nextelt)
				CatCTup    *ct = (CatCTup *) DLE_VAL(elt);
				Oid			tupRelid;

				nextelt = DLGetSucc(elt);

				 * Negative entries are never considered related to a rel,
				 * even if the rel is part of their lookup key.
				if (ct->negative)

				if (cache->cc_reloidattr == ObjectIdAttributeNumber)
					tupRelid = HeapTupleGetOid(&ct->tuple);
					bool		isNull;

					tupRelid =

				if (tupRelid == relId)
					if (ct->refcount > 0)
						ct->dead = true;
						CatCacheRemoveCTup(cache, ct);

	CACHE1_elog(DEBUG2, "end of CatalogCacheFlushRelation call");