Example #1
/* MVFFBufferFill -- Fill the buffer
 * Fill it with the largest block we can find.
static Res MVFFBufferFill(Addr *baseReturn, Addr *limitReturn,
                          Pool pool, Buffer buffer, Size size,
                          Bool withReservoirPermit)
  Res res;
  MVFF mvff;
  Addr base, limit;
  Bool foundBlock;
  Seg seg = NULL;

  AVER(baseReturn != NULL);
  AVER(limitReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, PoolAlignment(pool)));
  AVERT(Bool, withReservoirPermit);

  /* Hoping the largest is big enough, delete it and return if small. */
  foundBlock = CBSFindLargest(&base, &limit, CBSOfMVFF(mvff),
  if (foundBlock && AddrOffset(base, limit) < size) {
    foundBlock = FALSE;
    res = CBSInsert(CBSOfMVFF(mvff), base, limit);
    AVER(res == ResOK);
  if (!foundBlock) {
    res = MVFFAddSeg(&seg, mvff, size, withReservoirPermit);
    if (res != ResOK)
      return res;
    foundBlock = CBSFindLargest(&base, &limit, CBSOfMVFF(mvff),
    AVER(foundBlock); /* We will find the new segment. */

  AVER(AddrOffset(base, limit) >= size);
  mvff->free -= AddrOffset(base, limit);

  *baseReturn = base;
  *limitReturn = limit;
  return ResOK;
Example #2
/* MVFFAddToFreeList -- Add given range to free list
 * Updates MVFF counters for additional free space.  Returns maximally
 * coalesced range containing given range.  Does not attempt to free
 * segments (see MVFFFreeSegs).
static Res MVFFAddToFreeList(Addr *baseIO, Addr *limitIO, MVFF mvff) {
  Res res;
  RangeStruct range, newRange;

  AVER(baseIO != NULL);
  AVER(limitIO != NULL);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  RangeInit(&range, *baseIO, *limitIO);

  res = CBSInsert(&newRange, CBSOfMVFF(mvff), &range);
  if (ResIsAllocFailure(res)) {
    /* CBS ran out of memory for splay nodes: add range to emergency
     * free list instead. */
    res = FreelistInsert(&newRange, FreelistOfMVFF(mvff), &range);

  if (res == ResOK) {
    mvff->free += RangeSize(&range);
    *baseIO = RangeBase(&newRange);
    *limitIO = RangeLimit(&newRange);

  return res;
Example #3
static void deallocate(FBMState state, Addr base, Addr limit)
  Res res;
  Index ib, il;
  Bool isAllocated;
  Addr outerBase = base, outerLimit = limit; /* interval containing [ib, il) */
  RangeStruct range, freeRange; /* interval returned by the manager */

  ib = indexOfAddr(state, base);
  il = indexOfAddr(state, limit);

  isAllocated = BTIsSetRange(state->allocTable, ib, il);


  if (isAllocated) {
    Size left, right, total;       /* Sizes of block and two fragments */

    /* Find the free blocks adjacent to the allocated block */
    if (ib > 0 && !BTGet(state->allocTable, ib - 1)) {
      outerBase =
        addrOfIndex(state, lastEdge(state->allocTable, ArraySize, ib - 1));
    } else {
      outerBase = base;

    if (il < ArraySize && !BTGet(state->allocTable, il)) {
      outerLimit =
        addrOfIndex(state, nextEdge(state->allocTable, ArraySize, il));
    } else {
      outerLimit = limit;

    left = AddrOffset(outerBase, base);
    right = AddrOffset(limit, outerLimit);
    total = AddrOffset(outerBase, outerLimit);

    /* TODO: check these values */

  RangeInit(&range, base, limit);
  switch (state->type) {
  case FBMTypeCBS:
    res = CBSInsert(&freeRange, state->the.cbs, &range);
  case FBMTypeFreelist:
    res = FreelistInsert(&freeRange, state->the.fl, &range);

  if (verbose) {
    printf("deallocate: [%p,%p) -- %s\n",
           (void *)base, (void *)limit, isAllocated ? "succeed" : "fail");

  if (!isAllocated) {
    die_expect((mps_res_t)res, MPS_RES_FAIL,
               "succeeded in inserting non-allocated block");
  } else { /* isAllocated */
    die_expect((mps_res_t)res, MPS_RES_OK,
               "failed to insert allocated block");

    BTResRange(state->allocTable, ib, il);
    Insist(RangeBase(&freeRange) == outerBase);
    Insist(RangeLimit(&freeRange) == outerLimit);