Example #1
CDF (double x, double mu, double sigma)
  double t;
  x -= mu;
  x /= sigma;
  if (x < 0) return 1 - CDF (-x, 0, 1);
  t = 1 / (1 + b0 * x);
  return 1 - PDF_0 (x) * (b1 * t + b2 * t * t + b3 * t * t * t + b4 * t * t * t * t + b5 * t * t * t * t * t);
Example #2
vector<double> Rico::Pr(vector<double> x) const {
  int N = x.size();
  vector<double> p;
  vector<double> P = CDF(x);
  vector<double> Q = Util::diff(P);
  for(int i = 0; i < N-1; i++) p.push_back(Q[i]);
  p.push_back(1 - P[N-1]);
  return p;
Example #3
// generate samples from a distribution using inverse CDF sampling
// pdf input is expected to be an Nx2 matrix with col 1 = values and col 2 = probabilities of those values
// step size scales pdf to equal 1, set equal 
Matrix invCDFsample(const int& samples, const double& step,
					const Matrix& pdf)

	Matrix samp(samples,1);
	double tempSamp = 0.;
	int j = 0;

	// integrate to generate CDF
	Matrix CDF(pdf.rows(),1);
	CDF[0][0] = pdf[0][1]*step;
	for(int i=0;i<CDF.rows()-1;i++)
    //cout << "CDF[i] = " << CDF[i][0] << " pdf[i] = " << pdf[i][1] << endl;
    CDF[i+1][0] = CDF[i][0] + pdf[i+1][1];	
    //cout << "CDF[i+1] = " << CDF[i+1][0] << endl;

	// multiply by step size to scale integral correctly
	CDF = CDF*step;
	// choose sample from uniform generator according to CDF 
	for(int i=0;i<samples;i++)
		j = 0;
		tempSamp = rvStdUniform();
		while( CDF[j][0] < tempSamp )
		if( j == 0 )
			samp[i][0] = pdf[j][0];
			samp[i][0] = (pdf[j-1][0]+pdf[j][0])/2;	
	return samp;
Example #4
 * Computes the Lomb-Scargle periodogram of the matrix "data". "data" should contain at least three
 * columns: time, measurement and measurement error. The periodogram is calculated in "samples" intervals
 * between "Pmin" and "Pmax", spaced logarithmically. 
 * The function returns a matrix of "samples" rows and several columns, including period, power (z) and 
 * an estimation of the upper bound for the false alarm probability. The estimation is calculated using 
 * the method of Baluev, 2008 (Baluev08). The column PS_Z_LS contains the unnormalized LS periodogram 
 * (z = 1/2 * (Chi^2_0 - Chi^2_SC)), while the column PS_Z contains z_1 = 1/2 * N_H * z / Chi^2_0 (z_1 in Baluev08). 
 * The FAP upper bound is estimated as ~ tau(z_1). (Another estimate of the FAP can be calculated by 
 * estimating the indep. frequencies through your own algorithm, or using the ok_periodogram_boot routine.)
 * @param data Input data containing the data; each row containing (t_i, x_i, sigma_i)
 * @param samples Number of frequencies sampled
 * @param Pmin Minimum period sampled
 * @param Pmax Maximum period sampled
 * @param method Method to compute periodogram (ignored)
 * @param timecol Time column (e.g. 0) in the matrix data
 * @param valcol Value column (e.g. 1) in the matrix data
 * @param sigmacol Sigma column (e.g. 2) in the matrix data
 * @param p If not NULL, it is used to return additional info for the periodogram and reuse matrices to save space/speed. If you pass
 * a value different than NULL, you are responsible for deallocating the workspace and its fields. p->buf is an array of
 * gsl_matrix*, sized the same as the value of omp_get_max_threads().
 * @return A matrix containing: {PS_TIME, PS_Z, PS_FAP, PS_Z_LS} (period, power, FAP upper limit, unnormalized
 * LS power). You are responsible for deallocating it.
gsl_matrix* ok_periodogram_ls(const gsl_matrix* data, const unsigned int samples, const double Pmin, const double Pmax, const int method,
                              unsigned int timecol, unsigned int valcol, unsigned int sigcol, ok_periodogram_workspace* p) {

    gsl_matrix* ret = NULL;
    gsl_matrix* buf = NULL;
    gsl_vector* bufv = gsl_vector_alloc(data->size1);

    int ndata = data->size1;

    // If no pre-allocated buffers are passed through p, or p is null,
    // allocate those buffers.
    if (p != NULL) {
        if (p->per != NULL && MROWS(p->per) == samples && MCOLS(p->per) == PS_SIZE)
            ret = p->per;
        if (p->buf != NULL && MROWS(p->buf) == ndata && MCOLS(p->per) == 5)
            ret = p->buf;

    ret = (ret != NULL ? ret : gsl_matrix_alloc(samples, PS_SIZE));
    buf = (buf != NULL ? buf : gsl_matrix_alloc(ndata, 5));

    double fmin = 1. / Pmax;
    double fmax = 1. / Pmin;
    double df = (fmax - fmin) / (double) samples;

    gsl_matrix_get_col(bufv, data, timecol);
    double W = 2. * M_PI * gsl_stats_sd(bufv->data, 1, ndata) / Pmin;
    gsl_matrix_get_col(bufv, data, valcol);
    double avg = gsl_stats_mean(bufv->data, 1, ndata);
    double z1_max = 0.;
    double xa[ndata];

    // pre-calculate cdf, sdf
    for (int i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {
        double t = MGET(data, i, timecol) - MGET(data, 0, timecol);
        MSET(buf, i, BUF_CDF, cos(2 * M_PI * df * t));
        MSET(buf, i, BUF_SDF, sin(2 * M_PI * df * t));
        MSET(buf, i, BUF_C, cos(2 * M_PI * fmin * t));
        MSET(buf, i, BUF_S, sin(2 * M_PI * fmin * t));
        MSET(buf, i, BUF_SIG, 1. / (MGET(data, i, sigcol) * MGET(data, i, sigcol)));
        xa[i] = MGET(data, i, valcol) - avg;

    // Calculate periodogram by looping over all angular frequencies
    for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
        // Current frequency
        double f = fmin + df * i;

        double w = 2 * M_PI*f;

        // Calculate tau(w)
        double s_2wt = 0.;
        double c_2wt = 0.;

        for (int j = 0; j < ndata; j++) {
            double cos_wt = C(j);
            double sin_wt = S(j);
            c_2wt += (1. - 2. * sin_wt * sin_wt) * SIG(j);
            s_2wt += (2. * sin_wt * cos_wt) * SIG(j);

        double tau = atan2(s_2wt, c_2wt) / (2. * w);
        double numa = 0.;
        double numb = 0.;
        double dena = 0.;
        double denb = 0.;
        double numa_w = 0.;
        double numb_w = 0.;
        double dena_w = 0.;
        double denb_w = 0.;

        double coswtau = cos(w * tau);
        double sinwtau = sin(w * tau);
        double chi2_h = 0.;
        double chi2_h_w = 0;

        for (int j = 0; j < ndata; j++) {

            double sig = SIG(j);

            const double cos_wt = C(j);
            const double sin_wt = S(j);

            double cos_wdf = CDF(j);
            double sin_wdf = SDF(j);

            double c = cos_wt * coswtau + sin_wt * sinwtau;
            double s = sin_wt * coswtau - cos_wt * sinwtau;
            double x = xa[j];

            MSET(buf, j, BUF_C, cos_wt * cos_wdf - sin_wt * sin_wdf);
            MSET(buf, j, BUF_S, sin_wt * cos_wdf + cos_wt * sin_wdf);

            numa += x * c * sig;
            numb += x * s * sig;
            dena += c * c * sig;
            denb += s * s * sig;
            chi2_h += x * x * sig;

            numa_w += c;
            numb_w += s;
            dena_w += c*c;
            denb_w += s*s;

            chi2_h_w += 1;

        double z = 0.5 * (numa * numa / dena + numb * numb / denb);
        double z_1 = z * ndata / chi2_h;

        double w_1 = 0.5 * (numa_w * numa_w / dena_w + numb_w * numb_w / denb_w) * ndata / chi2_h_w;

        double fap_single = pow(1. - 2. * z_1 / (double) ndata, 0.5 * (double) (ndata - 3.));
        double tau_z = W * fap_single * sqrt(z_1);

        MSET(ret, samples - i - 1, PS_TIME, 1. / f);
        MSET(ret, samples - i - 1, PS_Z, z_1);
        MSET(ret, samples - i - 1, PS_Z_LS, z);
        MSET(ret, samples - i - 1, PS_FAP, MIN(fap_single + tau_z, 1.));
        MSET(ret, samples - i - 1, PS_TAU, tau);
        MSET(ret, samples - i - 1, PS_WIN, w_1);

        z1_max = MAX(z1_max, z_1);

    if (p != NULL && p->calc_z_fap) {
        gsl_root_fsolver * s = gsl_root_fsolver_alloc(gsl_root_fsolver_brent);
        double pars[3];
        pars[0] = ndata;
        pars[1] = W;
        pars[2] = 0.;

        gsl_function F;
        F.function = _baluev_tau;
        F.params = pars;

        double zz = z1_max;
        while (_baluev_tau(zz, pars) > 1e-3)
            zz *= 2;

        p->z_fap_3 = _find_z(s, &F, 1e-3, 0.1, zz);
        p->z_fap_2 = _find_z(s, &F, 1e-2, 0.1, p->z_fap_3);
        p->z_fap_1 = _find_z(s, &F, 1e-1, 0.1, p->z_fap_2);

        p->calc_z_fap = false;

    if (p == NULL) {
    } else {
        p->per = ret;
        p->buf = buf;
        p->zmax = z1_max;


    return ret;
Example #5
float V(float t) {
   float cdf = CDF(t);
  return (cdf == 0) ? 0 : PDF(t) / cdf;
Example #6
vector<double> Rico::CDF(vector<double> X) const {
  vector<double> P;
  for(int i = 0; i < X.size(); i++) P.push_back(CDF(X[i]));
  return P;